Regression. Regression - what is it in simple words

Regression- a protective mechanism of the psyche, a process during which a person returns to a previous or less mature stage of development of feelings and behavior.

History of the term

Sigmund Freud introduced the concept regression V "Interpretation of Dreams" (Die Traumdeutung, 1900) to explain the essence of a dream: the dreamer's thoughts come mainly in the form of sensory images that haunt the subject almost like a hallucination. To explain this phenomenon, it is necessary to approach it from the point of view of the topic, so that the mental apparatus looks like an oriented sequence of systems. In the conscious state, excitations pass through all systems, moving forward (that is, from perception to movement), while during sleep thoughts are not able to discharge in movement and are directed back to the perceptual system. Thus, for Freud the concept of regression was, first of all, topical.

The temporary meaning of regression, at first implicit, began to intensify in Freud's concept simultaneously with the identification of new moments in the psychosexual development of the individual.

IN "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality" (Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, 1905) there is no term “regression”, but here we already see indications of the possibility of libido returning to bypass paths of satisfaction and to older objects. In fact, the development of the concept of time regression required (in 1910 - 1912) clarification of the sequence of stages of children's psychosexual development. IN "tendency to neurosis obsessive states» (Die Disposition zur Zwangsneurose, 1913), for example, Freud contrasts those cases when “... the sexual organization, subject to obsessive-compulsive neurosis, having once arisen, persists to the end” with those cases when it “is first replaced by an organization of more high level, and then goes regressively downward from this stage.”

Thus, judging by the fragment appended to “The Interpretation of Dreams” in 1914, Freud had to make internal distinctions in the concept of regression: “We distinguish between three types of regression: a) topical, due to the functioning of the mental apparatus; b) temporary, in which the previous methods of mental organization become capable again”; c) formal, which replaces usual ways expressions and figurative representations into primitive ones. These three forms of regression are fundamentally united, since earlier in time it turns out to be simultaneously simpler in form, located in the mental topic near perception."

Topical regression is especially pronounced in dreams, where it is carried out to the end. However, it can also be found in pathological processes, where it does not extend as widely (hallucinations), or in normal processes, where it does not travel as far (memory).

Freud used the concept of formal regression less frequently, although it covers many phenomena in which there is a return from secondary to primary processes (a transition from the identity of thought to functioning in accordance with the principle of identity of perception).

Within the framework of time regression, Freud distinguishes several lines: regression regarding the object, regression regarding the libidinal stage, and regression regarding the evolution of the ego.

These distinctions involve more than just concerns about classification rigor. The fact is that in some normal or pathological structures Various types regressions do not coincide with each other; Freud noted, for example, that “...for hysteria there is systematically observed regression of libido to the original sexual objects of the incestuous type, although regression to previous stages of sexual organization does not occur.”

Freud insisted that the past of the child - the individual, and therefore of all humanity - remains forever in a person: “The original states can always arise again. The original psyche in the proper sense cannot be destroyed." Freud repeats this idea of ​​returning to the past regarding the most different areas: psychopathology, dreams, cultural history, biology, etc. The restoration of the past in the present is also indicated by the concept of obsessive repetition. To express this thought, Freud uses not only the term Regression, but also related terms: Rückbildung, Rückwendung, Rückgreifen, etc.

The concept of regression is related to the concept of fixation.

Primitive mechanisms

An example of regression is primitive mechanisms - defenses that arise in a person in childhood and manifest themselves throughout life. These include perceptual mechanisms: denial, splitting (splitting of an object), projective identification, partial perception, motor activity, and the like.


Denial of reality (or conflict) is manifested in the fact that a person does not perceive individual real situations, their parts, objects, conflicts, and the like. In psychoanalysis, denial is seen as special shape resistance. On this occasion, Freud wrote that there are patients who behave “somewhat strangely.” The deeper the analysis goes, the more difficult it is for them to recognize the memories that arise.

In general, the described mechanism psychological protection includes distortions of information (its form or content), which can traumatize the individual at the beginning of perception.

In this regard, Freud described the operation of three aspects of this mechanism:

  1. denial is a way of realizing the repressed
  2. denial eliminates only individual consequences of the repression process
  3. through denial the psyche is freed from the restrictions associated with repression

Freud argued that denial is the earliest ontologically and primitive defense mechanism, considered to be as ancient as the sensation of pain. The ability to deny the unpleasant aspects of reality is a kind of temporary application to the fulfillment of desires and the preservation of affective balance, in which conflict is not allowed inside the personality, one’s Self.


Freud used the term “splitting” to designate a peculiar phenomenon when two paradoxical mental attitudes toward external reality coexist within the personal Self: the first takes reality into account, the second ignores it.

Freud believed that splitting is not only a defense of the ego, but also a way of coexistence of two defense mechanisms, one of which serves as a defense against reality, and the other as a defense against trains. The pathological version of splitting, according to Freud, is the prohibition of the individual to compromise and maintain both attitudes at the same time.

Splitting as a protective mechanism of the personality from anxiety and negative experiences contributes to the formation of another protective mechanism - projective identification (according to the terminology of M. Klein, 1946).

Projective identification

A defense mechanism studied by Melanie Klein. She believed that splitting into a “good self” and a “bad self,” starting from the age of an infant, is an attempt to protect one’s good parts from the bad ones, to free oneself from the unbearable qualities of one’s own self, to turn them into one’s “persecutors.” In adults, the mechanism of projective identification causes fears of persecution, death, various phobias, paranoia, and the like. IN Everyday life this can manifest itself in an exam situation in the form of fear of the teacher, hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, rejection of the views and positions of other people, etc.

Partial perception (Partial perception)

A defense mechanism, which is characterized by the fact that the subject is inclined to perceive only what he likes, is beneficial, valuable or meaningful for him. Other information is not recorded by the individual, thereby forming unique limited ideas about the world around him and about himself, which are based mainly on the “necessary” material, “cutting out” everything else from his perception.

This mechanism is formed in early childhood, but “works” in adults as well. It is quite common in professional activity, and in everyday life.

Physical activity

It is the reduction of anxiety caused by the forbidden train by allowing it to be expressed directly or indirectly without developing feelings of guilt.

Physical activity is part of the regression cluster and develops in early childhood to curb feelings of self-doubt and fear of failure associated with taking initiative. Motor activity includes involuntary, irrelevant actions to relieve tension.

Both programmers and doctors of various fields know what regression is, and psychologists are especially well versed in this concept. However, mathematicians and esotericists can also tell you what is meant by this term. The most amazing thing is the fact that representatives of each of the listed areas see their own meaning in the word! Indeed, regression is a multifaceted and complex concept. Let's try to understand some of its aspects.

General understanding

The easiest way to understand what regression is is to turn to the psychological side of the issue. The term is usually used to designate a protective mechanism that allows one to escape for some time from the real difficulties that are troubling the individual to a more simple questions. That is, in fact, regression is a simplification of the problems being solved. Regression in relation to the development of a species will mean simplification over generations, degradation.

But in mathematics, programming and other exact sciences the term is used in the same meaning, but in relation to the area under study. If progression implies development and increase, then regression is the exact opposite of this term.

When and why?

Psychologists believe that regression is distinctive feature any human person faced with a new, complex, incomprehensible task. Reaction to a new environment, mental or physical state may cause this effect. You can learn what regression is by your own example if a person gets very tired or gets sick.

Theory and practice

In behavior, regression is a transition to a previous stage. Particular attention was paid to this phenomenon in the works of Freud, the most famous Austrian psychoanalyst of the last century. He developed an ontogenetic theory, within the framework of which he examines what regression is.

In accordance with psychotherapy, the term should denote the return of the individual to a time when he felt satisfied with the situation. Currently, psychoanalysts prefer to understand regression as an ineffective defense mechanism that is activated when an uncomfortable situation arises. The greatest practical benefit would come from finding a way out of the situation, but in reality, many people only strive to simplify a complex problem, thereby driving themselves into an even more hopeless dead end.

Where is this observed?

Psychotherapists who are forced to work with individuals suffering from neurotic disorders or infantilism know best what regression is. Regression is one of the forms that helps a person cope with emotional overstrain. Experts note that it is quite different from alternative ways combating the problem. Substitution and generalization help maintain the structure of activity, but the phenomenon under consideration changes needs and motivation. All this leads to degradation of personality qualities. The process proceeds very quickly, especially in the absence of outside help.

At the same time, there are cases where the phenomenon has brought benefits to individuals. Thus, within the framework of the cognitive theoretical approach, it is customary to talk about the importance of regression as a technique for accessing simplified schemes that help to understand oneself, the problem, and ways to solve it. Starting from simple understanding, one can achieve personal progress over time.

Controversies and general approach

As mentioned above, the meaning of the word “regression” has been defined by psychologists and psychotherapists since the last century. Modern methodologists, however, note that only a few experimental studies were organized, so there is no real confirmation of theoretical calculations to this day, and the mechanisms through which personal regression is realized have not been studied at all. We have yet to become familiar with the manifestations of this phenomenon and formulate how significant it is. The positions held by leading psychoanalysts of our time largely contradict each other.

We can say for sure that all types of regression involve a return to the past, to childhood, to previously learned behavior patterns. That is, in fact, a person from the current stage of development returns to the one he has already passed through previously. In psychology, this phenomenon is spoken of as a decrease in the organizational level. In fact, primitivization is observed.

Regression in oncology

This term is extremely important both for doctors working with cancer patients and for people themselves who are faced with malignant neoplasms. Most often, the possibility of regression is discussed if the tumor has developed on the eyelid or near this area human body. Medicine knows several cases when malignancy was established and confirmed, however, after some time the patient recovered independently - regression. The meaning of the word in medicine is really important, as it gives hope to many patients.

This phenomenon in relation to cancer is observed if the tumor is not touched or disturbed. Only slowly developing tumors have the ability to heal on their own. The process proceeds as follows: first there is a slow growth, then it stops and begins reverse process. This usually happens unexpectedly and unpredictably. What it is in simple words? Regression is a situation when the tumor resolves without the slightest trace. There will not be even a hint of a malignant process either on the skin or nearby. In the official literature there are references to several similar cases observed by qualified doctors.

Official position

You can find out what it is - regression in simple words - by referring to the works of Sachs and Lish. It was they who examined the phenomenon in particular detail in relation to cancer patients. As we found out during experimental research, a healthy body has the capabilities and resources to activate the reverse growth of a neoplasm. This is typical not only for early stages. In Lisch's medical practice, there was a case where a relapse, provoked by weak excision, stopped developing, and then independently developed back.

As can be seen from published works, the regression method when applied to cancer patients can work completely unpredictably. If some part of the tumor is not removed during surgery, the transformed cells may die spontaneously. This was observed both in patients in whom cancer manifested itself in a visible area, and at the stage of only the appearance of the cancer complex in tissue structures.

How it works?

Many researchers, drawing attention to this unique phenomenon, proposed to explain it from the point of view of the teachings of Pavlov, who considered the importance of the brain, in particular, the cortex of this organ as a center that regulates the entire living organism. As follows from the information currently known, this may be a regression factor due to the possibility of using neural mechanisms to provide protection to various parts of the body. The brain also has a compensatory function.

As seen in oncology, important parameters regressions have yet to be discovered in order to find the mechanisms that activate the natural protective process. It is already known that the influence nervous system provokes necrosis of diseased tissues, the appearance of ulcers and scars. Alternative option- encapsulation of cells that potentially no longer have the ability to grow. In this state they die over time. How this mechanism can be stimulated is still unknown.

Lots of meanings!

But not only in psychology, regression is also considered in esoteric teachings. This is typical primarily for those devoted to immersion in past lives. As experts in this field say, the term is usually understood as transvisualization.

To some extent, this phenomenon is similar to lucid dreaming, but at the same time it has specific differences. A person, moving into such a state, completely retains control of his own consciousness, but can get out of it without much effort. Immersion for this state is typically relatively weak. On the one hand, there are no sensations or details inherent in a classic full-fledged sleep, but at the same time a person gets a general idea. You can compare this to peeping through a crack. Many people believe that the degree of perception is determined by the quantity and quality of training.

You can go through regression either on your own, alone, or in a group of interested people gathered in one place and for one purpose. In large cities, such events are regularly organized for those interested. Special sounds are used. The division into levels is accepted, each of which is matched to specific situation at the discretion of the most responsible and experienced group member or coach.

What it is?

Trying to explain the essence of regression, some compare it with an information flow in which it becomes possible to include one’s consciousness. At the same time, it is unclear where this flow originates. Some believe that it is from the imagination, others are convinced of it in connection with past lives. Some are prepared to defend the view that all information comes from parallel worlds, while others are convinced that it’s just a matter of memory.

One theory says that our world is just a simulation. This approach makes the idea of ​​reincarnation more likely to be correct, and also provides a good explanation of the structure of the universe. In fact, intelligent entities can seem to wander between worlds, and regression helps to engage in this process, realize it, and become an element of the information flow within which all movements occur.

Regression and parenting

This phenomenon is familiar not only to doctors, famous scientists, esotericists and people striving for spiritual practices, enlightenment and knowledge of the world. The most simple parents Those actively raising young children also often experience regression. This term is usually used to describe the behavior of a child when a child who has already learned something suddenly seems to go back a step. For example, a child who recently knew how to use the potty on his own suddenly pees in his pants.

Psychologists explain this as follows: there are no developmental abnormalities, the child is quite capable of using the toilet the way his parents teach him. The fact is that when a child learns something new, he is at the same time afraid of his independence. In an effort to return to the warmth and safety of parental care, he tries to reject new knowledge and skill. Over time, if the parents behave correctly, the child realizes that there is nothing scary or dangerous in using new skills, and puts them into practice. Therefore, parents faced with such a problem should be as attentive as possible to their child, support him and prove their love and care.

Summing up

It’s not for nothing that philologists are proud of the richness of the Russian language. Indeed, one can come across such unique terms, the meaning of which is extremely rich and varied. The considered example of regression is a good proof of the postulate about the diversity and meaningfulness of the Russian language. The word itself came to us from Latin, but was applied to different areas of life and in modern times is widely used by specialists in various fields and ordinary people. The meaning of “reverse movement” has been preserved, while at the same time the scope of application has expanded.

Thanks for the answer. Yes, I visited a private psychotherapist, I didn’t immediately recognize that I was depressed, but when I started having suicidal thoughts immediately contacted a specialist. It all started in November. But you know, I can’t say that he gave me any help. I came to him with depression and suicidal thoughts, and he, instead of helping me cope with these conditions from which I suffered, immediately took on my personality, childhood traumas, that is, he loaded me even more more problems, which I had no idea about, which made me feel even worse, after the first session, at least, well, I was aware of something, of course, that was changing inside me, but the depression remained, and he seemed to ignore this fact, no drug treatment neither was it, and he always focused on something else, and not on what I was experiencing at the moment, it embarrassed me, but I continued the therapy. I myself, of course, did not sit idly by, and tried to get out of this myself, read literature, watched videos, learned a lot and began to use it. After 3-4 weeks, changes began to occur, I began to feel great, some kind of euphoria was even constant, although remembering this state now, it does not seem so wonderful to me. This lasted for about a week and then constant anxiety began, I could not relax, neither sit nor lie, then some fears began to appear, and intrusive thoughts, I began to be afraid that I might have schizophrenia, I couldn’t do anything, I just constantly checked myself for symptoms, read about it, screwed myself up, one night I had a panic attack, I thought everything was like schiza, dereal/deperce , everything was, then I began to dissuade myself that I didn’t have any kind of madness, and in general it worked out, I calmed down, I told the therapist all about it, he told me to read one book, gave me some techniques on how to cope, well, there was benefits, after all this I began to recover again, did yoga for anxiety, did not go on the Internet too much, avoided triggers, concentrated on my health, everything was fine, sometimes we found some other anxiety attacks, but it was possible to quickly eliminate them. Then I had a breakdown due to a quarrel, and I lost my temper again, apathy set in, I didn’t leave the house for several days, I didn’t care about myself, then it got worse, really, I got tired of it, I started again, took up nutrition, sports, everything was restored again, and during all this time, I can’t say that the doctor helped me in any way, I did everything myself. Then I again had a breakdown at my mother, I had a very strong attack of rage, they took me out, I always tried to control myself, be calm, meditate, but the atmosphere in the family is unhealthy and therefore breakdowns constantly happen, I am always on edge, because there is no support, no worries, even though everyone knows what I'm going through. And after all this, everything became very bad, I have a very long-term neurosis against the backdrop of these quarrels, and in general because of the whole family. I'm 18 years old, by the way. New Year I met her in a terrible state, feeling only anger, resentment, hatred, aggression towards the whole family, although I made peace with my mother, but still I felt it. Then I began to have suicidal thoughts again, sometimes I felt better, I could even experience sincerely good emotions, but still problems always hung over me and began to put pressure on me in the evening. I started to feel better when I was alone, outside the house, with someone, when I worked part-time, but in the evening my condition always deteriorated. I could no longer pay for the therapist, but he offered me free meetings on Skype, I agreed, it all seemed useless to me, everything he said. From the beginning of the year, everything only began to get worse every day and I became unable to cope with everything that was bothering me and something completely strange began, I thought that I was starting to recover and feel better, although in fact it was extremely difficult for me I even looked after my health, but I forced myself to exercise, eat, and meditate. But I had serious problems with sleep, I began to sleep for a very long time, positive thinking was fading away, and nevertheless, I was sure that I was getting better, I began to feel strange, I felt kind of like before myself, when everything was fine, but I had severe anxiety in the morning, every day, thoughts sometimes suicidal people appeared, and I didn’t understand why, I began to feel loneliness and hopelessness, I once told my mother that I was getting better, she again reacted with detachment and not caring, and I was offended after that, and I began to feel this too. Then my friends left and I was left completely alone. When I spent time with them, I felt great and forgot about everything. And on top of everything else, feelings of abandonment and abandonment appeared. I began to be consumed by resentment, anger, hatred, loneliness and those same thoughts completely took over me and I found myself in a dead end, there was nowhere to wait for help and this feeling of regression was very painful, I found myself in some kind of trap, these are no longer just feelings and emotions, but something more, my consciousness became very narrowed and it was excruciatingly painful, the next day I was shaking with anxiety, I could not eat, I was suffocating, my heart ached, my body seemed to tremble with every breath and I found myself on the verge of suicide, because I only thought that no one needed me at all, I was nowhere in life, I had nothing, and that I could no longer even receive any help and this state was so painful that I wanted just die and I understood that no one would care if I died, but in fact I didn’t want to die, I just didn’t see a way out, I couldn’t cope anymore, I ran out of strength and it was so painful and it all felt like a strong clouding conscious. I don’t know how I got through it, I got through it, it was always a few days ago. I behaved very inappropriately, I was again thinking about schizo, because of this I also wanted to commit suicide, I told my mother in this state, she didn’t understand anything, she started yelling at me, lecturing me, which made my anxiety even worse , although I already thought it couldn’t be worse, and what she said made me do it even more, I just sat in horror, grabbed my head, complete hopelessness, then walked feverishly, I was shaking, trying to explain something else to my mother that this was serious, that I didn’t know what to do, I thought I would either kill myself or end up in a mental hospital, she was nervous, screaming, and I just felt panic and horror, I gave her how to prevent suicide to read, she read and only after that I calmed down and realized that it was serious and then I calmed down too. It was not just nervous, but some kind of mental breakdown, if such a thing exists, of course. Then I was in a strange state, when I calmed down, I couldn’t understand what had just happened, how I got to this point. That night I went to bed with my mother, I was devastated, but I did not feel any relief. IN next days after this attack, or whatever you call it, I was again in an abnormal state, my consciousness was also narrowed, although not as during this attack, I felt as if I was in some other reality, another dimension, with one foot in the other world, actions mine were automatic, there was nothing in my head, I didn’t think about anything, I reacted to something from the outside very detachedly, but my criticality remained, I understood that I had to do something about it, I can’t do this, a very painful feeling, I I called my therapist and told him all about it, he didn’t seem to care at all, he didn’t even take it seriously, and what’s more, when I called him, she didn’t even recognize me, although I told him who I was, he asked me again later, it was a shock , I got angry, and thought this was what they had brought me to, and now I was coping with it myself. Mom began to treat me more attentively, but I didn’t feel anything from her at all, all the same, no concern, no care, no love, everything was as if it were automatic, I didn’t feel that it was bothering her, but I was already in I’m in some other reality, it was also that she broke down and started yelling at me again and I just didn’t know how to react. In short, just yesterday we discovered that this is called psychogenia, like a protracted neurosis or a depressive episode, and I felt calm because it’s easier to know what’s wrong with you, and I calmed down when I realized that it can be treated if you don’t delay it . That’s it, now I’m better, I feel more or less HERE, and I react to at least something, but looking back at what happened to me in those days, I feel strange, as if I was really not myself, and that’s all somehow blurry, but even then I understood that something was wrong with me, and I wanted help, and time somehow stretched out greatly, as if it had been going on for years. It's probably better to go to a psychiatrist, right? Do you think this can’t be done without medications?

Or anxiety, when a person unconsciously resorts to earlier, less mature and less adequate patterns of behavior that seem to him to guarantee protection and safety.


This defense is based on the objective fact that people usually tend to protect a small child to a greater extent than an adult. While retaining memories of the feeling of security that most of us had in childhood, we sometimes unconsciously use a seemingly paradoxical way of protecting ourselves from troubles - we begin to display childish, non-adaptive character traits and behavior patterns. Often this actually leads to the fact that those around them begin to protect the “defenseless child,” but not always: regression can work even when there is simply no one nearby.

Demonstration of sickness, inferiority, etc. also relates to regression, since it contains the same message: “I am sick, I am not able to take care of myself, protect me.” As a consequence, for some people who abuse regression, it can actually lead to chronic diseases and chronic failure, develop into hypochondria and be accompanied by somatization. When regression becomes the cornerstone of personality, a life strategy for overcoming problems, such a personality is called infantile personality.

Types of normal childhood regression

The following types of normal regression manifested in children are distinguished:

see also

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  • McWilliams, Nancy.= Psychoanalytic diagnosis: Understanding personality structure in the clinical process. - Moscow: Class, 1998. - 480 p. - ISBN 5-86375-098-7.


Excerpt characterizing Regression (psychology)

“That would be good,” she said. – I didn’t want anything and don’t want anything.
She threw her dog off her lap and straightened the folds of her dress.
“That’s gratitude, that’s gratitude to the people who sacrificed everything for him,” she said. - Wonderful! Very good! I don't need anything, prince.
“Yes, but you are not alone, you have sisters,” answered Prince Vasily.
But the princess did not listen to him.
“Yes, I knew this for a long time, but I forgot that except baseness, deception, envy, intrigue, except ingratitude, the blackest ingratitude, I could expect nothing in this house...
– Do you know or don’t know where this will is? - asked Prince Vasily with an even greater twitching of his cheeks than before.
– Yes, I was stupid, I still believed in people and loved them and sacrificed myself. And only those who are vile and nasty succeed. I know whose intrigue it is.
The princess wanted to get up, but the prince held her hand. The princess had the appearance of a person who had suddenly become disillusioned with the entire human race; she looked angrily at her interlocutor.
“There is still time, my friend.” You remember, Katisha, that all this happened by accident, in a moment of anger, illness, and then forgotten. Our duty, my dear, is to correct his mistake, to make his last moments easier by preventing him from committing this injustice, not letting him die in the thoughts that he made those people unhappy...
“Those people who sacrificed everything for him,” the princess picked up, trying to get up again, but the prince did not let her in, “which he never knew how to appreciate.” No, mon cousin,” she added with a sigh, “I will remember that in this world one cannot expect a reward, that in this world there is neither honor nor justice.” In this world you have to be cunning and evil.
- Well, voyons, [listen,] calm down; I know your beautiful heart.
- No, I have an evil heart.
“I know your heart,” the prince repeated, “I value your friendship and would like you to have the same opinion of me.” Calm down and parlons raison, [let's talk properly] while there is time - maybe a day, maybe an hour; tell me everything you know about the will, and, most importantly, where it is: you must know. We will now take it and show it to the count. He probably already forgot about it and wants to destroy it. You understand that my only desire is to sacredly fulfill his will; I just came here then. I'm only here to help him and you.
– Now I understand everything. I know whose intrigue it is. “I know,” said the princess.
- That’s not the point, my soul.
- This is your protegee, [favorite,] your dear princess Drubetskaya, Anna Mikhailovna, whom I would not want to have as a maid, this vile, disgusting woman.
– Ne perdons point de temps. [Let's not waste time.]
- Ax, don't talk! Last winter she infiltrated here and said such nasty things, such nasty things to the Count about all of us, especially Sophie - I cannot repeat it - that the Count became ill and did not want to see us for two weeks. At this time, I know that he wrote this vile, vile paper; but I thought that this paper meant nothing.
– Nous y voila, [That’s the point.] why didn’t you tell me anything before?
– In the mosaic briefcase that he keeps under his pillow. “Now I know,” said the princess without answering. “Yes, if there is a sin behind me, a great sin, then it is hatred of this scoundrel,” the princess almost shouted, completely changed. - And why is she rubbing herself in here? But I will tell her everything, everything. The time will come!

While such conversations took place in the reception room and in the princess's rooms, the carriage with Pierre (who was sent for) and with Anna Mikhailovna (who found it necessary to go with him) drove into the courtyard of Count Bezukhy. When the wheels of the carriage sounded softly on the straw spread under the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, turning to her companion with comforting words, was convinced that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke him up. Having woken up, Pierre followed Anna Mikhailovna out of the carriage and then only thought about the meeting with his dying father that awaited him. He noticed that they drove up not to the front entrance, but to the back entrance. While he was getting off the step, two people in bourgeois clothes hurriedly ran away from the entrance into the shadow of the wall. Pausing, Pierre saw several more similar people in the shadows of the house on both sides. But neither Anna Mikhailovna, nor the footman, nor the coachman, who could not help but see these people, paid no attention to them. Therefore, this is so necessary, Pierre decided to himself and followed Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna walked with hasty steps up the dimly lit narrow stone staircase, calling to Pierre, who was lagging behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and even less why he had to go up the back stairs, but , judging by the confidence and haste of Anna Mikhailovna, he decided to himself that this was necessary. Halfway up the stairs, they were almost knocked down by some people with buckets, who, clattering with their boots, ran towards them. These people pressed against the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna through, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.

Sometimes, when life throws another dirty trick on us, and problems surround us on all sides, we want to be back in childhood. It’s calm, warm, cozy there, and mom and dad will protect you from any troubles. Subconscious desire to return to a comfortable and safe world childhood activates, called “regression” - going back. This psychological defense, described by S. Freud, often becomes the last straw that a person grabs.

For the first time, S. Freud spoke about psychological defenses. He came to the conclusion that forbidden desires, unpleasant memories and desires, driven by a person to the level of the unconscious, continue to affect him from there.

They are a source of vague anxiety, phobias, painful experiences and, sometimes, mental illness. To rid the brain of this destructive effect, defense mechanisms are activated in the mind. They manifest themselves as peculiarities of behavior and thinking, often strange, inappropriate to the situation, or compulsively repeated. For example, a person shifts the blame for his action onto another so as not to feel guilty, or seeks a rational justification for his unseemly act. Or uses childish forms of behavior, as in regression.

While protecting the psyche from excessively negative experiences, defense mechanisms at the same time distort reality, create an illusion, and prevent you from seeing the problem and finding ways to solve it.

Z. Freud described the first 8 types of defense, the list of which has now increased significantly. But they are all divided into 2 types or levels:

  1. High-level psychological defense mechanisms transform the energy of unsatisfied desires and negative experiences into some other type of activity, for example, into a struggle for power.
  2. Defenses of a lower, primitive level simply distort reality, lead a person away from solving problems, and drive conflicts deep into the unconscious. Illusion normal existence temporary, and the action of these mechanisms can lead to serious mental problems and behavioral abnormalities.

Regression is the lowest type of psychological defense. Moreover, it is considered the most primitive form.

How does the regression mechanism work?

Human behavior is a reaction to external stimuli: events, people, situations, problems. The ways of reacting can be different - reasonable, rational, adult or childish and primitive. As a person develops, he masters more and more reasonable, logical, productive ways reaction, and the type of his behavior also changes. But we are sometimes able to return back to more primitive and seemingly forgotten ways of responding. This is regression.

Manifestations of regression

Despite its primitiveness, this is a fairly common type of psychological defense, especially in situations where “adult” behavior is ineffective and does not bring relief. Thus, a sick adult can be capricious like a child in order to get attention and care. And if he gets what he wants, then his reaction can become habitual and stable. And now, in any difficult, unpleasant situation, he looks for signs of illness in himself and hopes for the leniency of others. No, he is not consciously feigning, he really feels sick. More precisely, his brain sends appropriate signals to the body, protecting the psyche from. I think everyone knows how often children who do not want to go to kindergarten or school get sick.

In a situation of fatigue, increased tension, constant, many people want to crawl under a warm blanket, eat something tasty, “hug” and whine. That is, to return to childish behavior, which allows them to temporarily feel weak and not obligated to anyone. Returning to childhood is illusory, but it seems to protect us from problems adult life. Unfortunately, this protection is also illusory.

  • Regression often manifests itself in a situation when a person wants to achieve something from people close to him. Then he begins to behave like a child turning to adults: he begs, is capricious, promises good behavior, ingratiates himself or is demonstratively offended. Even the timbre of his voice changes, becoming “childish”, whining, whining, capricious.
  • Forms of regressive behavior include passion for religious cults, a penchant for mysticism, etc. It is then that a person looks for the causes of his problems in God’s punishment or family curse. This is a purely childish desire to shift the blame onto another, especially since this “other” cannot justify himself.
  • Regression also includes many forms of addictive (dependent) behavior. For example, gambling addiction or computer addiction- this is a person’s attempt to escape from the real world, to hide from it, like a child under a blanket hiding from his fears.
  • Smoking and drug addiction are also regression, although it would seem that they are completely unchildish forms of behavior. But they are akin to how a child sucks his thumb, picks his nose or bites his nails. This is a non-productive activity that removes nervous tension, and besides, it is also destructive for the whole organism.

Z. Freud connected psychological defense mechanisms with problems in the sexual sphere, as one of the most significant for a person. Regression in this regard manifests itself in the most primitive forms of sexuality: narcissism, sadomasochism, bisexuality, etc.

Who is prone to regression?

Children whose psyche is still unstable and whose childhood is very close are more prone to regression. Children react to a lack of attention and the need to do what they don’t want to do not only with whims and tears, but also with frequent illnesses, excessive consumption of sweets and a return to very primitive forms of behavior, for example, as if they forget to ask to go to the potty or do not want to dress themselves. This often happens when another child appears in the family, causing jealousy in the elder and a desire to remind his parents about himself more often.

In adults, the constant use of regression indicates their personal weakness and. Most often, the following categories of people resort to this type of psychological defense:

  • weak-willed and emotionally unstable individuals;
  • , with low ;
  • easily suggestible, subject to social influence of stronger individuals and the media;
  • poorly adaptable to social environment those who do not have developed communication skills;
  • people with increased level prone to panic, hysteria, etc.

But regression can also manifest itself in strong, self-confident people if other, less primitive means of psychological defense have proven ineffective. When the struggle with difficult life circumstances has taken all your strength, and the goal is as far away as before, then a difficult mental state sets in, threatening to develop into. In this situation strong man temporarily “hides” into childhood. He can cry, complain, show resentment, “eat up” his problems, and create scandals.

But for a strong personality, regression is a temporary manifestation of weakness necessary to relieve emotional stress. Now the emotions spill out, and the person returns to adult forms of behavior.

Types of Regression

Although regression is considered the most primitive form of psychological defense, it, as already noted, occurs in all people. But it doesn’t always pass without a trace. The influence of regression on the human psyche and his everyday behavior depends on its type.

In total, there are 3 types of this psychological defense:

  • Short-term. The most common, common reaction. Manifestation of weakness associated with emotional or physical overload. Short-term regression relieves nervous tension, helps overcome the consequences of stress, failures, and life conflicts and passes with virtually no complications.
  • Partial. This type of regression is longer lasting and causes deformation of a person’s behavior, and sometimes the development of mental disorders. But partial regression concerns only one form of its manifestation. For example, a person who often uses his illness to put pressure on loved ones and receive “bonuses” from them in the form of additional attention may become. Hypochondria is expressed in the fact that the individual constantly looks for (and finds, but how could it be otherwise) signs of various diseases. This phenomenon is already considered a mental disorder.
  • Complete regression. It is rare and is usually associated with dementia - senile dementia. Then they say about an elderly person that he has fallen into childhood. But complete regression also occurs in relatively young people in difficult situations. When the consciousness is unable to accept the tragedy that has happened, it seems to escape into childhood, closing itself off from the terrible things it encountered in adulthood. Complete regression is already difficult mental illness, requiring serious treatment and psychiatric care.

Regression is a natural reaction of our psyche, a kind of fuse against excessive overload. And the mechanism of its action is at the subconscious level; a person does not control it, even if he is aware of the reasons for his behavior. Therefore, there is no point in reproaching someone for displaying “childish” behavior. But if we're talking about not about short-term regression, then it is worth consulting with a psychologist, and in advanced cases, with a psychiatrist.
