Decoding the word omg. What does OMG mean in VK

The abbreviation OMG is often used online. In this regard, many users have a question, what is OMG? In fact, this abbreviation can hide many meanings. It can mean both surprise and the name of the site, as well as a multiplayer computer game. Let's consider different meanings in our article.

OMG online

  • This abbreviation is usually used as an abbreviation for "Oh, My God". This is how users express their surprise, bewilderment or irritation. This abbreviation was first used at the beginning of the two thousandth. After it, other abbreviations also began to appear, designed to simplify the language of communication between Internet users. They are often used as a replacement for emoticons. These expressions are convenient when a user, registering on a new resource, discovers unfamiliar and incomprehensible emoticons, while such abbreviations are now clear to everyone.
  • This abbreviation can also mean the Yahoo! website. This site is dedicated to news and rumors about celebrities around the world.
  • This abbreviation is commonly used to denote online multiplayer games. These are the games that most gamers around the world now play.

Other uses of the abbreviation

  • May also refer to a file extension.
  • The music group from Santa Fe also has the same name. Its full name is Old Man Gloom.
  • Finally, there is a working group called the Object Management Group. Focused on the development and promotion of object-oriented technologies. Simply put, this company produces technology used in the IT industry. In addition, this company includes such groups as Hewlet packard, Sun microsystems, and Canon. For some time, Microsoft was a participant in this consortium.

You can find out more about what OMG means in the article

Many users are trying to understand what OMG means on VKontakte. This abbreviation is often used in various discussions. Girls use it especially often. In fact, OMG is a decoding of the first letters of “Oh My God” (Oh May Gat), translated into Russian. It means shock and surprise.

How does OMG stand for on VKontakte?

In addition to the exclamation “Oh, my God!”, users put other meanings into this phrase. So, some contact lovers understand OMG as:

  • What???;
  • Wow!;
  • What are you talking about?!;
  • Amazing!;
  • Really?!.

In this way, people express their degree of surprise or bewilderment. This word, along with other concepts, is a meme that is used everywhere.

It is used to convey information as quickly as possible. That is why it is popular on social media. networks and forums. OMG is also common among young people. It has become a part of teenage slang quite firmly.

OMG on social media networks

In addition to correspondence, this concept is used in group names and descriptions of various files. It seems to emphasize the unusualness of the object. It means that you definitely haven’t seen anything like this.

Many game developers also use OMG on VKontakte. This makes it possible to attract users who try the game to experience the promised shock.

Thus, such slang has become not only funny or informational, but also an advertising attribute. This is a definite record for a word of this kind.

How is OMG used?

This expression is used when a person does not understand and is trying to figure it out. For example: “OMG, how can this even be done?”

It also conveys banal surprise or admiration. If you liked the video clip, you can write: “Omg, what a joke!!”

The context of the word is not specified. Everything depends on the style of commentary. Therefore, it is difficult to say unequivocally about the meaning.

Some users mistakenly consider this combination of letters to be a symbol of reflection, like “omg... I’ll think about it now.” But that's not true. After all, the appearance of such a word is deceptive.

What does OMG mean on VKontakte? The usual surprise. Therefore, you should not fall into a stupor when you see it. Just look at the context of the message and you will understand everything.

And an interesting video:

The expression “understand at a glance” has recently become increasingly widespread. Either human laziness or constant busyness leads to the fact that in messages on social networks many people not only do not complete words, but use either their abbreviation or non-standard abbreviations, mainly consisting of consonant letters.

Some similar acronyms have acquired the status independent parts speeches and are firmly entrenched even in colloquial slang.

What does LOL mean?

For example, “lol,” an English word meaning uncontrollable laughter, came to us around 2003 with mobile emoticons. For many, instead of bright yellow balls, in response to a humorous phrase, three large letters LOL were knocked out, which subsequently began to be included in a certain context of expressions.


OMG – oh, my God! An exclamatory phrase, but already an American one, which has a literal translation as “Oh, my God!” You can also find the Russian abbreviation “omb”, but it is used very rarely due to the awkward pronunciation of the last letter “b”. OMG also expresses extreme surprise or outrage.

66 (bb)

Instead of goodbye, you can see a double “b” in SMS communication. The person who sent such an Internet meme simply says “bye bye” or “bye-bye” in English. It was the first two letters of the foreign expression that replaced the standard “goodbye.”

What does KK mean?

KK – of course, of course! The abbreviation for double "k" is just that. a shining example to reduce correspondence time. There is even one cute legend about this. Allegedly, in an online conversation with one client, a lawyer, rushing to confirm his consent to further cooperation, responded to a question asked on social media. network, I silently agreed twice, but when I looked at the screen, instead of two words, there were two letters “k”, and under them a bunch of question marks from a surprised and incomprehensible lady.


The phrase “maybe”, especially on Vkontakte, during correspondence, was also noticeably reduced to the first two letters “mb”, as well as the phrase “personal messages” - to “ls”.

PM is more common in public records, especially in groups where the administration sometimes asks you to send wishes, complaints, objections, etc. to PM.

What does SPS, SP Vkontakte mean?

Thank you on Vkontakte is also brief, in the form of “thank you” or “sp”. It turns out that when typing the entire word “thank you”, according to the rules, both hands are used, but with the short version - only two fingers.

An emoticon in the form of “xz”, which is often used as an impudent smile, generally means an impartial and even offensive expression “who knows”. The person who sent such an acronym is clearly in a hostile mood and instead of answering “I don’t know” or “I don’t know”, he puts such a symbol.

But the expression “bro”, contrary to the opinion of many, is very positive and positive. Literally it means “brother”, “buddy”, “buddy” and comes from English abbreviation bro - brother.

There are a great variety of similar Internet memes, from quite peaceful to obscene and evil. The most interesting thing is that not all of them were invented thanks to human wit. Resourcefulness and quick wits play a big role here, because even a minor spelling error can give a word a completely different meaning and application.

Very often when communicating in in social networks You may stumble upon some phrases and not understand their meaning. Often a variety of strange words appear in youth slang. They may have foreign origin or be modified expressions of the Russian language. The expression “omg”, which appears from time to time in comments on the Internet, is often misinterpreted. In this article we will tell you what this expression means, how it appeared and in what situations young people usually use it. Although people of the older generation who actively use social networks to communicate also often use it in their speech.

What is "omg"?

OMG is, first of all, a set of letters that is incomprehensible to a person encountering it for the first time. Moreover, it is almost impossible to guess what it is without clues. OMG is an abbreviation that came to us from in English. There it sounds “Oh My God”. This expression is translated into Russian as “Oh, my God” or “Oh, my God.” This phrase can often be found on forums or even in online games. Its use is widespread nowadays, and both adults and children use this interjection to express emotions. In principle, there is nothing wrong with the expression. It has nothing to do with swearing and does not offend anyone. It can be called, rather, neutral.

What is "omg" on VKontakte?

This expression on social networks is often used in the names of groups or in user correspondence. Usually people try to emphasize the severity of their emotions with this combination. For example, on the VKontakte network you can find a video called “Omg”. Usually, such videos show something amazing or incomprehensible, something that can greatly surprise a person. Sometimes this combination of letters is also called music tracks. Usually these are very fast and sharp melodies that can not only surprise a person, but also drive him into a stupor. The question of what “omg” is on VKontakte can be answered as follows: this expression human emotions. Sometimes even games on social networks can be called this expression. This may indicate that the application is amazing in some way, which means that by installing it the user will receive a lot of positive emotions.

When is the expression "omg" used?

If this expression is used in virtual communication, most likely, it means surprise. For example, you can often come across the phrase: “Omg, how does he do that?” This means that the person is very surprised by what he sees and does not have enough words to express his emotions. But if we translated the interjection “omg” literally, the phrase in Russian would sound like this: “Oh God, how does he do that?”

Basically, that's all that can be said about this word. But you need to know its meaning so that when you meet it again, you need to understand the whole context. Now the question of what “OMG” is will not remain unanswered for you. And if you come across this expression, then its meaning will absolutely be understood by you.

Popular word "omg" - what does it mean? How do online buzzwords appear and where do they come from?

The Internet has its own fashion. Everyone who uses the Internet regularly, at least once a day, knows about this. Only, unlike real life, where fashion extends to style, appearance, some things, shoes or clothes, on the Internet, fashion manifests itself in communication and in trends that are popular at one time or another.

What is online fashion?

So, if we talk about fashion trends, then this could be some event that has become popular among Internet users. For example, an upcoming holiday, some international competition, the release of a film or book. You can notice that this event is in fashion by how it is reviewed in the community, on various platforms where communication takes place in public form. Such platforms include blogs, VKontakte groups, forums, communities on other social networks, and chats in games. The form in which this or that trend can be presented also varies - an event can be ridiculed and presented completely seriously; it can be characterized in a positive or negative way, and so on. In addition to events, a word, phrase or even a style of communication can become fashionable. For example, at one time the expression “omg” was popular. What this means is known to many Internet users who use the network at least a couple of times a day.

Lol and omg - what does this mean?

Many popular expressions came to us from English-speaking users. This is not surprising, since their prevalence is due to the demand for the English language itself. This means that not only Americans can use the word "lol", but also Chinese, Europeans and other peoples around the world. This expression, by the way, means laughing out loud. It is used in cases where a person wants to emphasize how funny he is (literally the phrase means: “I laugh very loudly”). Another word - "omg" - has also become quite popular. It expresses surprise and means oh my God, and is translated - “My God!”

Where do online buzzwords come from?

It is not known exactly who exactly comes up with different popular words. In general, we can only say, for example, that the birthplace of the word “omg” is Dota (the most popular online game), since it was from its chats that it began to be used in everyday life. In particular, it was her players who most often wrote the phrase “omg stats”, showing surprise at the statistics of themselves or their colleagues. Most likely, this is where this word came from. Now, for example, Omg Dota is the name of one of the expansions in the game, which is somewhat different from its basic version.

There are also versions of how phrases like “lol”, “wtf”, “idk” appear. Everyone knows what they mean, but when exactly they were used for the first time is unclear, since this is folklore, folk art.

How to be “on topic”?

Since there are quite a lot of similar fashionable phrases, words and abbreviations, the question arises of how to be “in the know” in order to know them all and not ask every time: “Omg - what does this mean?” There is only one answer - communicate online.
You can, of course, constantly ask questions to your friends, who often sit in different online chat rooms, and find out the most current information in this way. However, you may not always be able to understand the true meaning of new words. If you are really interested in this, we recommend that you yourself participate in “online life”, which, by the way, has already absorbed many people from reality around us. If you really give part of your personal time to the Internet, then questions like “omg - what does this mean?” will be irrelevant to you.

Diversity of Internet Trends

Recently, you can notice that a single set of Internet trends has begun to fragment, splitting into different directions in communication. For example, VKontakte communities can use their own terms, while Dota players actually speak their own slang.
A kind of specialization occurs, during which a person has his own sphere of communication on the network. This, in turn, shows how virtual life is expanding and developing in parallel with real life.


OMG- abbreviation:

  • Oh My God!(oh my God!) - a commonly used abbreviation-anglicism in text communication.
  • Oh My God- Chinese eSports organization.
  • omg! ( English) - Yahoo!'s website dedicated to celebrity news and rumors.
  • Object Management Group(Object Management Group) is a working group (consortium) engaged in the development and promotion of object-oriented technologies and standards, mainly CORBA technology.
  • OMG or OMPG(English) Online multiplayer game) is an online multiplayer game.
  • Oh My Girl- South Korean pop group.
  • Olympiad of Misguided Geeks ( English) (Confused Geek Olympics) is a regular competition on the satirical blog The Daily WTF.
  • OMG- file name extension for OpenMG format ( English).
  • Old Man Gloom ( English) - a musical group from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • Old Mutual Group ( English) - international insurance company.
  • OM Group ( English) - a chemical company in Cleveland (Ohio), stock symbol on the New York Stock Exchange - NYSE:OMG.
  • OMG (song)- Usher's song.

What does omg mean?

It appears everywhere, but how is it deciphered?


OMG or OMG is an abbreviation, it stands for differently. But on the Internet the most common option is “Oh My God!”, which translates as “Oh my God!” In this way, people often express their emotions in connection with various events or incidents that have one or another emotional coloring on them.

OMG is an abbreviation for the Internet, used in communication between two or more people. Literal translation - oh my god! But this sounds strange and the meaning is often different. For example: sadness, misfortune, hmmm... Words of disappointment and sarcasm. The meaning of a word is easier to understand in conversation when you understand what it is about.


Of course, the most popular interpretation on the Internet is Oh my god)) - Oh my god).

But there are many other decryptions, for example

OMG, or alternatively OMPG (Online multiplayer game) - translated as Online multiplayer game.

Object Management Group, translated as Object Management Group.

OMG is OMG - an abbreviation of the words: “oh my god,” which means “oh my god!” (oh my God).

In addition to “omg”, it is possible to write “omege” or “omygy”.

The abbreviation "OMG" is used to express fear, shock, regret or surprise. Yes, it is used for many things.)

It might look like this:


In general, the abbreviation can be deciphered in different ways. It probably has several meanings. However, I first heard it from a friend. In response to my response on Skype, she wrote OMG. That's when I asked what this meant. It turned out - an abbreviation of English Oh my god - Oh my God!


Translated from English Oh My God! - Oh my God!, and they write it in abbreviation “omg”. Russian analogues of the expression are widespread - “Oh God”, “Oh my God” and the like. This symbolizes a high degree of surprise, indignation, disappointment or joy on the part of the interlocutor.

OMG is a compound word, namely an abbreviation formed from the combination English words"Oh my god" (omg), which literally translates as "Oh my god." At the beginning of the first words omg they say OMG, meaning “Oh my God.”


If you mean Internet slang and abbreviations in the field of computers or the blogosphere, then OMG is Oh my god, which literally means “Oh, God!” Usually this abbreviation is used when you are scared or shocked by something.

Tanya the sun

The English (American) abbreviation OMG came into force colloquial speech young people (and I am no exception). It literally translates as “Oh my God” and expresses surprise, surprise, amazement, shock at something.


Do not forget that words may have other meanings that differ from those used in Internet chats. For example, OMG - Object-Management Group - Working group for the development of object programming standards.


OMG - this letter combination is often found in game chats, Skype, etc. in one word, found in virtual communication. Means the following: OMG - Oh my God! - incredible surprise, shock, fear, etc.

What is OMG?? your version of decryption??

* Oh My God (English) (English Oh, my God!) - a commonly used abbreviation-anglicism for test communication. See also the article “Computer slang”.
* "omg! (English) » - Yahoo! website dedicated to celebrity news and rumors.
* Object Management Group (English Object Management Group) is a working group (consortium) engaged in the development and promotion of object-oriented technologies and standards, mainly the CORBA language.
* Online multiplayer game.
* "Oh My Goddess!" - English title of Kosuke Fujishima's seinen manga “My Goddess!” .
* Olympiad of Misguided Geeks (English) (English Olympics of Confused Geeks) - a regular competition on the satirical blog “The Daily WTF (English)”.
* File name extension for the OpenMG format (English).
* “Old Man Gloom (English)” is a musical group originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
* Old Mutual Group (English) - international insurance company.
* OM Group is a Cleveland, Ohio-based chemical company known by its NYSE:OMG stock symbol.
* Operation Market Garden - code name of the Dutch military operation allies, held from September 17 to September 25, 1944 on the territory of Holland and Germany during the Second World War.
* Outlaw motorcycle gangs is an American term for gangs engaged in illegal activities under the guise of motorcycle clubs.

But who knows what the words IMHO, RTFM, OMG and WTF mean? :) the more details, the more interesting.


IMHO - imho
Only the lazy do not know the decoding of this tetragrammaton: in my humble opinion, i.e. “in my humble (sic!) opinion.” But our Slavic “IMHO” is much more neutral, without any shade of vagueness or shyness. In Russian, this is an introductory word that simply means “in my opinion,” “I believe,” “I believe.”
But the glorious path of this word does not end there. “IMHO” has already become a noun, which usually means “personal opinion”, “idea, view, belief” or “assumption”.
A little less often you can come across another meaning of “IMHO”: a computer acronym. That is, “IMHO” is a synonym for the very definition of “acronym, abbreviation”, a generic word for all abbreviations of this type. What is "BTW"? Answer: by the way - “by the way”, i.e. an acronym. Abbreviation. Another imho from many imho.
The stress is on the second syllable, the noun “imho” is neuter and is freely inflected (“without imho”, “according to imho”). There is also plural- “imhi”. Included difficult words this component is almost not observed: lovers of experiments have not yet thought of calling a referendum or a voting poll an “imhomer” or an “imhomometer”. But there is already “imhoism”. A new philosophical movement, no less. In online disputes, the adjectives “imhoshny” and “imhovy” are flashing - “subjective”, “personal”, “based on own experience". It should be noted that these epithets are not without self-confidence and aplomb (note how far we have come from the initially modest English I.M.H.O.). And the “imkhoshnik” will probably be a person with his own mind, a debater who is difficult to convince. And finally, computer pirates, working in their gloomy lairs to hack the next mega-portal or super-toy, automatically purr under their breath: “Imho-ho and a bottle of rum...”. “Imho-ho” is an interjection.
Along with the correct literary version “imho”, the colloquial “imha” (noun) is used. Less common is the unchangeable form “imhu” (introductory word), clearly reduced from the expression “according to my humble imhu.”
“IMHO” cannot be recognized solely as an attribute writing. I've heard people use it in conversation (again, as an introductory word). Moreover, before our eyes, a certain sworn fidoshnik “infected” with this “IMHO” an interlocutor who did not have access not only to web networks, but also to a personal computer at all.
RTFW is an acronym that stands for “Read The Fucking Web.”
Used as an ironic avoidance of a question, the answer to which can be obtained by reading well-known documentation. The implication is that the questioner must already have some qualifications and know the answer to the question being asked (or the information is readily available and the question indicates that the questioner has not even tried to get an answer). The meaning of using RTFM is literally this: “After all, read this damn manual and stop asking stupid questions.”
There is also a light version of this abbreviation, which is not so crude and is often used as the name of an organization’s internal website containing information useful for employees - Read The FAQ & Manuals
The letter can be completely eliminated, and the acronym will take the form RTM, i.e. Read The Manual. They say this if they know that the questioner has sufficient qualifications (or an insufficient sense of humor), thereby softening the degree of smile at him, a kind of manifestation of respect.
OMG is an abbreviation of three words: “Oh My God!” In Russian transcription - “omg” or “omege” (“omygy” and other consonant ones). Fright or surprise. Shock. Often used in the "zOMG!!1" variant. When written in this way, the author’s enormous shock and subsequent carelessness in typing are expressed.

RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual - Read This Damn Instruction
WTF - What The Fuck - What the Hell
OMG - Oh My God - Oh My God - Oh My God
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion - In My Humble Opinion

What is OMG


OMG - abbreviation:

Oh My God! (Russian: Oh, my God!) - a commonly used abbreviation-anglicism for text communication.
omg! (English) - Yahoo!'s website dedicated to news and rumors about celebrities.
Object Management Group (“Object Management Group”) is a working group (consortium) engaged in the development and promotion of object-oriented technologies and standards, mainly CORBA technology.
OMG, or OMPG (Online multiplayer game) - Online multiplayer game.

Olympiad of Misguided Geeks is a regular competition on the satirical blog The Daily WTF.
Filename extension for the OpenMG format (English).
Old Man Gloom (English) is a musical group from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Old Mutual Group (English) is an international insurance company.
OM Group is a Cleveland, Ohio-based chemical company known by its New York Stock Exchange symbol "NYSE:OMG."
OMG (song) - Usher song

Today we will talk about fashionable computer abbreviations(and not only). We have two wonderful videos on this topic. Let's get started!

asap= as soon as possible. This abbreviation is often used for letters and short notes at work (called memo) and is translated "As soon as possible". For example, “Call me back asap!” means “Call me back as soon as possible!”

What is IOU?

iou= “I owe you.” This word can be used within business relations and translated "I owe you"(usually about money). In legal English, the abbreviation IOU refers to a signed document certifying the existence of debt obligations.

Principles for reading some abbreviations

Our savvy reader could already guess on his own that some abbreviations in English you can simply spell it out or numbers, and get a meaningful phrase. First, let's look at the most common symbols:

  • u = you (you);
  • r = are (there is);
  • c = see (see);
  • y = why (why);
  • 8 = ate (ate);
  • 2 = two/to/too (2/to/too);
  • 4 = for (for).

New abbreviations are appearing at great speed, but once you understand the basic logic and mechanism of formation, you will be able to decipher them yourself! The main thing is to know how the letters are read. Examples: ICQ = I seek you (I am looking for you), icu = I see you (I see you), i4cu = I foresee you (I foresee you), sk8 = skate (skate). A little more complicated: y u no...? = why you no (why don’t you)...? = why don't you...?

Yes, that's right, there is an ERROR: don’t... Such

Unfortunately, not all abbreviations are so easy to decipher. Those abbreviations where each letter corresponds to a word are called initial abbreviations. For example, LST = Large Solar Telescope, UNSC = UNSC = United Nations Security Council = United Nations Security Council. Even more unfortunately, they can have many meanings... For example, UNSC can also stand for United Nations Space Command.


lol= laugh out loud = I laugh out loud= LOL. This is probably the most popular abbreviation on the Internet, so everyone should know it!

What does BRB mean?

brb= be right back. If during conversations on ICQ or Skype you need to go to the toilet, you can write brb to your interlocutor, which means "I'll be there soon". This abbreviation will also be useful for gamers to know.

OMG what does this mean

omg= oh my god = Oh my God! This abbreviation is especially popular among young girls. According to some English speakers, the word God can offend the feelings of another person, so it is better to say oh my goodness/gosh. However, the translation into Russian will not change.

WTF translation

wtf- one of the many informal (read obscene) abbreviations. It expresses an extreme degree of misunderstanding and stands for what the fuck = what the f...?/what the fuck? Naturally, this phrase may sound offensive and unpleasant. try to use it only in the company of friends. Otherwise mom will find out and make an attack.

Other abbreviations

  • plz = please = please;
  • l8r = later = later;
  • ?4u = question for you = question for you;
  • jk = just kidding = just kidding;
  • asl = age, sex, location = age, gender, location (used when dating online);
  • ttyl = talk to you later = let's talk later;
  • cya = see you = see you;
  • np = no problem = no problem;
  • idk = I don’t know = I don’t know;
  • tmi = too much information = too much information;
  • k = okay = okay/good.

For examples of the use of these abbreviations and the subtleties of their use, watch the video! Want even more speeds? 😉 Watch the lesson.
