A job that involves traveling around the world. Here are some travel related professions

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Almost everyone dreams of traveling and visiting every corner of the earth. But what's stopping us? That's right - money. You can’t just quit your boring job, pack your suitcase and go conquer the world. Or is it possible?

website will tell you about 11 reliable ways that will help you fully provide for yourself while traveling.

1. English teacher

Teachers in English are in great demand, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, in order to teach English at school, it is not necessary to have a teaching degree or be a native speaker of the language.

But some serious schools may require you to show a certificate of passing the international TESOL, TEFL or CELTA. But the salary will be appropriate: for example, about a year in Japan and a year in the United Arab Emirates.

2. Working on a cruise ship

Working on a private yacht or cruise ship - good way see different countries and visit exotic places. At the same time, on the ship you will be provided with free accommodation, food, insurance and a hotel in case of a stop in another country. And on many large liners there are separate shops, Internet cafes, GYM's and recreation areas with billiards.

There are many types of work: chef, flight attendant, tour manager, photographer, engineer and many other vacancies. For some professions, it is not even necessary to know an additional language.

To get on the liner, you need to conclude a contract with one of the companies and prepare Required documents. As a rule, all documents are paid for by the employee himself, and the contract is concluded for at least 6 months.

3. Blogger

How much can you earn: in different ways, depending on the number of subscribers, topic and type of blog.

Where can you find a job: popular platforms Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or your own separate blog site.

4. Work in a hostel

Many hostels and small hotels are ready to hire foreigners for various jobs: cleaning the area, preparing rooms, settling guests or meeting visitors at the airport. At the same time, in addition to salaries, employees are provided with free housing, and sometimes 3 meals a day and insurance.

Of course, this is not a dream job, and the salary in such hostels is small, but you are guaranteed new acquaintances and the opportunity to touch the culture of a particular country and visit many interesting places.

5. Flight attendant

Working on board an airplane allows you to visit many countries, make new acquaintances, and at the same time gives you a discount of up to 90% on air tickets, hotels and rentals for yourself and your family. The plus is a very good salary, which averages from $45,000 to $100,000 per year.

Sounds great. But there are also difficulties here. This type of work usually takes about 80 hours per month. In addition, to get a position, you will have to go through a fairly tough selection process.

6. Buying things in different countries

To recoup the costs of travel, you can first agree with a small store (or with an individual) that you will bring an item from another country. In this case, the store will receive a rare product, and you will receive a good bonus for delivery.

Some people buy things that are known for their quality and place of origin: Italian leather, Turkish ceramics, Chinese tea, etc. Then they simply sell this product through an advertisement or negotiate with sellers.

How much can you earn: depends on the type and quantity of goods.

Where can you find a job: negotiate with a store, a person, or sell through ad sites.

7. International courier

Many large online stores, in order to deliver goods in a matter of days, entrust delivery to tourists who are just returning home from a trip or, conversely, flying on vacation.

  • A tourist planning to fly home must leave information about himself and his flight on a special delivery website or on the store’s website, and store employees will select the desired package (usually gadgets or clothes). Upon arrival, the tourist is greeted by a service employee, the money for the goods and the delivery bonus are returned to their PayPal account or card.

If you travel by car, you can work as a car courier. If there free place in the car, you can grab the cargo and transfer it to a neighboring city, thereby recouping some costs.

8. Bartender

Many clubs and restaurants hire staff all over the world. Therefore, by acquiring bartending skills, you get an excellent opportunity to visit new countries, exotic places, expensive parties and make many new friends. In addition, as a rule, staff are provided with free housing, food and all sorts of bonuses.

Of course, with such work it is important to know at least basic English or be able to accept orders in the language of the country where you are going to work.

How much can you earn: from $500 to $2,000 per month.

Where can you find a job: on domestic or international job sites using the query “bartending”.

9. Remote work

If you have a laptop, the Internet and certain skills, then you can earn money from anywhere. Many companies prefer to work with employees remotely. Designers, programmers, managers, writers and SMM specialists are in particular demand. For some specialties, free distance learning is even provided.

You can also agree on your current work that you will perform your duties remotely. But in this case, as a rule, in order to be met halfway, you must really be good specialist and an irreplaceable employee.

10. Au Pair work

Au Pair (French for “on equal terms”) is an international cultural exchange program that allows you to live with a host family, learn a new language, and get to know the culture and country as a whole.

The peculiarity is that the participant comes and lives with the host family as a family member, like an older brother or sister. Moreover, all expenses for the program, as well as food and wages for the visitor, are provided by the family itself.

The one who arrived is required to fulfill various jobs around the house: picking up children from school, helping with housework, going to the store and performing various simple errands.

11. Travel on interest

One of the most radical ways for those who decide to leave is to sell everything they have acquired through back-breaking labor and give the money to the bank. There are tens of thousands of people who did exactly this - they sold their apartments, cars and went to live in another country.

For example, if you sell an apartment in Moscow and put the money in a bank, then you can live quite comfortably in Bali or even in Turkey on the interest from the deposit. But even here you should be careful and put your money in several reliable banks at once.

How much can you earn: depends on the interest on the deposit and the amount in the account. It is worth calculating in advance a comfortable amount for living in any country.

Where can you find a job: you don't have to work.

Traveling nowadays is not difficult - transport problems no longer exist. But this pleasure costs a lot of money. It turns out that you can travel around the world at the expense of your employer if you choose the right profession. Let's consider the real possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

A hundred years ago, the main obstacle for travelers was time, because they had to travel by trains and horse-drawn teams. Now all you need to travel is money and desire.

Everyone, or almost everyone, wants to see the world. You can watch the “unlucky” wanderings of Dmitry Krylov without getting up from the couch, but we understand that this is reminiscent of a cake “at a close glance.” And every morning we go to work in the office or not in the office - a place that is familiar and not associated with happiness. Sometimes I manage to go abroad on vacation, sometimes even twice a year. But beach holiday It gets boring quickly, and traveling to really interesting places requires a lot of money.

This is how dreams break into reality. But there are lucky people who travel around the world and get paid for it. Everyone can name a dozen professions associated with constant movement around the world: pilot, flight attendant, truck driver, seafarer, employees of embassies and consulates, trade missions, etc. Office workers, by the way, also have a chance to go on business trips abroad . Let's consider the most realistic possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

It is quite possible that in a couple of months you would give up endless moving from place to place, but you can only be convinced of your own attachment to home by changing your usual lifestyle.

Profession: traveler

AU pair

This option will do people of any age and gender - working in the house, caring for children or the elderly, maintaining a garden, etc. There are volunteer programs in many countries, you just need to choose the one where you want to live and apply. Your host family will provide you with a roof over your head, food and pocket money.

Agritourism (WWOOFer – Willing Workers on Organic Farms)

“Voluntary Workers on Organic Farms” is a new direction that has already been appreciated. There are organic farms in at least 50 countries. You come to a farmer and work for him 4-6 hours a day, for which you will be provided with housing and food. And no one owes anyone anything anymore - such a natural exchange without money.

To become a participant in the program, a farmer provides evidence of the environmental friendliness of his farm and pays an annual fee. Volunteers also pay a fee to the organization (up to $60) in the country where they plan to work. After joining the organization, the volunteer is sent a catalog of farms participating in the program; all that remains is to select the appropriate one and contact the farmer. You can pick coffee in Brazil, grapes in France, olives in Italy or peaches in Australia.


There are animators at many resorts, beaches, and hotels. If you are artistic, have a good sense of humor and natural cheerfulness, and also know a foreign language, try your luck.

Member of an archaeological or geological expedition

Not only scientists participate in excavations and geological developments; simple work Unqualified employees will also do. Join an expedition and you will visit a historical place, touch antiquities and interact with meaningful people. Few people decide to stay in the profession, but during their student years, many young people choose this way of traveling.


At first glance, the work of an expert accountant has nothing to do with travel. It is unlikely that auditors often go on business trips abroad, but they are guaranteed a long stay within the country. Traveling to different cities for inspections, specialists in this profession spend weeks and months in one place.


A profession that many people dream of, but the number of places in diplomatic missions is very limited. It must be admitted that it is easier for diplomats to get to know the country than for housekeepers or builders.

Pilots and flight attendants

The work is dangerous, difficult and highly paid. Often, when flying into a country, pilots and flight attendants see nothing but the airport building and hotel room.

Sales manager in a foreign company

There are more and more vacancies every day, but you need to know a foreign language. Frequent business trips and trips to seminars, trainings, etc. are expected.


You don't have to be a captain or navigator to get on a sea liner or yacht. The team includes a cook, a doctor, a maid, an animator, a waitress, a sailor, etc.


Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is highly valued, and it is easier to find work for a polyglot in any country.

Reporter, journalist, photographer

Not all journalists can go on business trips abroad, but sports commentators or political journalists from reputable publications often travel abroad. Still, reporters working in hot spots are at serious risk, and this should not be forgotten. Photographers can make money by selling their work to various publications, but to do this you need to be the best of the best.


An interesting job, in demand in countries where Russian tourists traditionally go.

Event manager

Specialists in organizing corporate events are in demand by corporations and agencies. An event manager must be able to organize a premium vacation, choose entertainment, get discounts in hotels, and buy inexpensive air tickets. The organizer personally goes to the site and monitors the progress of the event.

Employee of a large travel agency

Developed countries are opening their representative offices and tourism offices all over the world. If you manage to get a job in such a company, you are guaranteed trips to seminars and conferences.

Travel agency testing department specialist

Large travel companies always have divisions that monitor the quality of the tourism product. The employees’ task is to travel around the world and experience the company’s offers for themselves: hotel rooms, quality of food, excursion services, etc. The level of services will not always correspond to what is stated, but long business trips to other countries are guaranteed.

Press Secretary

Press secretaries of the heads of large companies travel a lot because their duties include accompanying the boss on all business trips. The job is easy you can’t name it, but if you are ready to live on a volcano, constantly finding ways to dodge uncomfortable questions and finding arguments to defend the company, go for it!

I need more professions

Didn't find something you liked on the previous list? No problem, catch more:

  1. Tour guide
  2. Guide
  3. Tourism manager
  4. Tour product testing specialist
  5. Conductor on a long-distance train
  6. Flight engineer
  7. Trucker
  8. Sea captain
  9. Cruise ship staff
  10. Videographer
  11. Presenter
  12. Artist
  13. Photographer
  14. Designer (clothing, landscape, interior, graphics)
  15. Art critic
  16. Top Model
  17. Musical performer (singer/singer)
  18. Dancer
  19. Producer/agent/manager of music artist/dancer
  20. Showman (woman)
  21. DJ
  22. Organizer of events abroad (for example, weddings)
  23. Clown (international circus)
  24. Juggler (international circus)
  25. Gymnast (international circus)
  26. Naturalist/Traveler (remember Animal Kingdom, Untraveling Notes, etc.)
  27. Ufologist
  28. Biologist
  29. Culturologist
  30. Foreign language teacher
  31. PR manager in a large company
  32. Creator of commercials
  33. Bayer
  34. Blogger
  35. Internet trainer
  36. Internet producer
  37. Psychologist / Psychotherapist
  38. Internet marketer
  39. Copywriter
  40. Information businessman (woman)
  41. Information Business Assistant
  42. Administrator of groups in social networks
  43. Traffic Manager
  44. Internet advertising specialist
  45. Programmer
  46. Webmaster
  47. Video editing specialist
  48. Director
  49. Writer/screenwriter
  50. Actor/Actress
  51. Operator
  52. Film crew member
  53. Stuntman
  54. Make-up artist
  55. Dresser
  56. MP
  57. Leader of the country (president/king/prime minister)
  58. Volunteer

If you dream of traveling, but your busy schedule does not allow you to realize your desire, it is not at all necessary to quit your job. Today there are many interesting specialties that help you combine both work and pleasure.

Professions related to travel are varied and multifaceted. They are perfect for both women and men, they allow you to visit different parts of our planet, receive considerable financial profit and moral satisfaction.

What are they like? best professions involving travel and traveling?

Flight attendant

A flight attendant is one of the most romantic professions, which is directly related to traveling around the world. It is ideal for girls and young people who lead an active lifestyle and do not like to sit in one place. And although working as a flight attendant is not easy, this profession has a pleasant bonus - you travel to a variety of cities and countries quickly and comfortably, while making a successful career for yourself.


The work of a journalist, which also involves travel, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It requires serious preparation and training. There are three main specializations in journalism:

And although each specialization has its own characteristics, both photojournalists and print journalists travel around the world. They report in the most different points of our planet. And their texts, photographs and videos are not always related to tourism topics. These could be reviews of world events, articles about animals, military conflicts or sports achievements.


A guide, or guide, as it is now customary to say in the field of tourism, is a person who shows and tells people about the sights of a city, be it a resort, a capital or a metropolis.

Fifty years ago, this role was performed by enthusiastic volunteers, but today this specialty is deservedly considered one of the most popular, interesting and highly paid. It allows you to communicate a lot with people, travel to different countries and cities, and explore the world famous monuments architecture, visit the best museums, galleries and exhibitions. But, despite a number of advantages, working as a guide does not always mean comfortable working and living conditions, a stable schedule and good earnings, which very often depend on the season (in autumn and winter the flow of tourists decreases).

Cruise ship worker

Being a cruise ship worker is every traveler's dream. This is one of the best, which allows you to travel (or rather swim!) around the world, enjoying the sea breeze and the beauty of the ocean. And although this specialty is associated with some risks, it has several obvious advantages.

  • Firstly, on a cruise ship there is work for people with different educational backgrounds - cooks, bartenders, actors, waiters.
  • Secondly, every cruise ship employee receives a nice bonus - free accommodation and meals.
  • Third, the trip usually includes stops at the most scenic places on land that you can explore during your weekend.


If you are fluent in languages, you can always try yourself as a translator. For example, the popular English language has long been considered an international language, so you can work in many countries, communicate with representatives of different nationalities and study their culture.

Translator is one of the most prestigious, sought after and... It is widely used in such areas as:

  • tourism;
  • diplomacy;
  • policy;
  • journalism;
  • management.

However, on the other hand, it requires special education, knowledge and experience, high communication skills and the ability to negotiate.

Air pilot

Another profession that allows you to combine traveling around the world and the opportunity to earn good money is working on board an airplane as an airline pilot. Of course, this specialty will help you visit the most interesting places and see different cities and countries, but it requires long-term preparation and training. In addition, every pilot must have a healthy heart and lungs, a good vestibular apparatus and normal blood pressure, because during the flight he is responsible for all passengers on board the aircraft.


If you have been interested in history since childhood, love reading books and watching films about adventures, then archeology may be your calling. The profession involves constant expeditions to the most mysterious places on our planet. It allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of ancient civilizations, study their way of life, customs and beliefs from the preserved remains of their life.

Of course, not everyone can work on excavations, since this profession requires special skills and academic education, however, according to experienced archaeologists, just touching ancient relics will allow each person to fall in love with the mysterious and mysterious world of ancient history.

Event manager

An event manager is a specialist who professionally organizes business and entertainment events (business meetings, weddings, anniversaries, etc.). His responsibilities include planning, preparing and hosting parties. And it doesn’t matter what kind of event it is - an exotic wedding in Bali or a business meeting in the best restaurant in London.

Working as an Event Manager is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because this profession is only suitable for active, cheerful and relaxed people who love and can solve non-standard problems.

International aid worker

Another profession that requires regular travel is working for one of the international humanitarian organizations. True, the journey to in this case- more of a necessity than entertainment.

Of all the listed professions that involve travel, this is one of the most difficult and responsible. And although people of different specialties (doctors, teachers, psychologists, engineers) can work in this field, not every person is able to become a member of a humanitarian mission.

The work involves risky trips not to the most picturesque places, but, on the contrary, to cities destroyed by the elements, plagued by epidemics and famine. It is very difficult and difficult. However, in this case, all the risks are justified by the noble goal - to help people with food products, medicines, kind words and perhaps make the world a little kinder.

All the travel-related professions described are good in their own way. They will allow you to see the whole world, become a better person, or bring you good earnings. However, when choosing a particular specialty, it is very important to be guided not only by financial motives, but also to listen to your own heart. It will always tell you which profession will become your true calling. Whether it will be related to travel or not is not so important if you are doing what you love!

Every person, even in childhood, dreams of future profession, and if his dream comes true, one can call such a person lucky, because most people never managed to bring their childhood ideas to life and do what they love. As statistics from numerous sociological surveys show, the happiest in their profession are those who connect their everyday lives with travel, while nothing prevents them from enjoying their own fulfillment and earning money. However, this kind of work, according to experts, requires hardening and good health from a person.

And yet, you should not not believe in your own strengths, but choose what you like, especially young and inexperienced students who, perhaps, have been great adventurers since childhood.

Professions that allow you to travel

There are many professions that can offer a chance to connect business with pleasure, including not only to the younger generation, but also to those who could not get what they wanted and did not see the world with their own eyes due to everyday and routine work, because it is never too late to change situation, you just need to make a choice.

One of the most exciting ways to develop your career is tourism sector. You can master the profession of a tour guide (guide) and conduct excursions on native language in many overseas countries. This profession is very in demand, since Russian tourists are almost everywhere. There are many options for implementation: a guide in museums or parks, a guide on bus tours, an employee of a national representative office in the field of tourism and other vacancies.

Today, almost every state has regional tourism offices and national representative offices around the world, where there is a constant need for PR and popularization staff, specialists from the travel agency’s product testing department, and event managers for organizing all kinds of corporate events and team building.

Volunteer movement

There are many vacancies for this type of activity. To travel, it’s easy to find a job by contacting special international humanitarian organizational firms and try yourself as a specialist in an international humanitarian organization or work abroad in your existing specialty: doctor, teacher, agronomist, engineer, etc.

For a person who has been in love with books about dangerous excavations and research since childhood, there is a direct way to get started archeology. As representatives of this profession assure, once you find at least a few shards of ancient dishes, the thirst for historical research will never go away.

However, in order to get a vacancy in this field, it is necessary to obtain a higher academic education, which will allow you to build a career in the future and be not just a searcher of medieval objects, but also manage excavations. In addition, you need to have good health, good physical fitness and endurance, since this work is not easy and takes place in different climatic conditions.

Travelers can also develop into the profession of geologist, ufologist or biologist, and the work itself will lead to interesting and exciting events, thanks to which you can learn new and unknown things and touch the secrets of life of the whole world.


The most in-demand profession in almost all countries of the world is teaching.. If you have knowledge and have received a diploma as a teacher of English, German or Russian, you have a chance to work in your specialty. At the same time, qualified workers will receive significantly higher pay; therefore, there is an opportunity not only to be a traveler, but also to earn good money, especially in English-speaking countries, where English has long accepted the status international language.

But for people who are fluent in the languages ​​of other countries, you can easily become a translator and find a job by contacting various international private companies and organizations (this vacancy is most in demand in cultural studies).

Tourism PR and public relations specialists can easily find work, especially in the travel industry. The only drawback The thing about traveling is that you don’t have the opportunity to choose where to go, since you will often have to travel to exactly the countries to which the customer will send. The work includes meeting with partners, accompanying journalists on study tours and constantly reporting on the work done to superiors. Almost the same applies to the position of press secretary; representatives of large companies constantly sit on suitcases and accompany their superiors on business trips.

In terms of travel, video operators and creators of commercials receive greatest pleasure, since they not only travel, but also film the most mysterious moments in corners of the whole world, receiving their charge of happiness not only from this, but also from a high salary, since professions are highly valued in the labor market.

Correspondents and journalists are one of the most popular professions in the international media sphere, so finding a job for an active traveler in this direction will not be at all difficult; it is enough to have knowledge in the field of journalism, experience and a product that they can present to the customer (editorial office, publishing house, video channel etc.), and not necessarily a tourist theme. Journalists can cover all the events that happen in the world, create articles and reviews on completely different topics. A journalist’s product is, as a rule, texts and video materials.

Entertainment industry

As you know, show business is famous for such creative professions as:

Therefore, there is a huge opportunity to earn money with your talent or popularity and travel. A person who knows how to sing, dance or entertain audiences will never be left without work abroad. All countries of the world are open to him, you just need to believe in yourself and work continuously, boldly go into the world of colorful life and make people happy. Of course, a lot depends on the popularity and promotion of talent to the masses, but this will come if you work and bring your ideas to life.


Work related to international transport requires extensive experience and good health, since professions, for example, pilots, pilots, flight attendants, sailors, flight engineers, sea captains, truck drivers and conductors on long-distance trains are considered the most responsible and in this case education and rights are not enough. Therefore, those who like to travel and at the same time engage in this kind of professions should think about future life in advance: go to university, quickly develop a career and take care of your own health.

For example, a pilot will have to constantly undergo all kinds of medical examinations and have a healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, normal blood pressure and vestibular apparatus without any disorders, because any problem with the pilot’s health is always a risk for those for whom he is responsible during the flight , and therefore the opportunity to part with your profession.

At the same time, pilots are in great demand and there is an opportunity to establish themselves in this field without a university education. There are various flying clubs that conduct pilot training courses. After completing them, a certificate is issued confirming that the amateur pilot has learned flying skills and can fly, but with this document you will not get a job, so it is advisable to take additional second-level courses and get another important document, in which it will be written that you are a commercial pilot, which will provide an opportunity to get a vacancy in private airlines for short-haul flights.

As for ground transport, in this case the situation is much simpler. It is enough to have a license of the required category, a medical certificate, knowledge, and work experience regarding international travel. Having all this, there is a huge opportunity to go on various trips and travel around the world, earning good money.

Fine art and design

These activities include:

Today there are many organizations that deal with precisely these areas. Having talent, you can create and develop while traveling, presenting your work at various exhibitions and similar events. The only difficulty may be not owning foreign language, so it's best to go training courses; this will help, for example, in organizing presentations and will allow you to feel the whole atmosphere of achieving your goals, and this means experience and obtaining the desired results, which is important for creative people.

Remote professions

One of the ways to work for yourself and not depend on anyone today is distant work, which is in great demand on the Internet. These are bloggers, Internet trainers (sometimes called Internet producers), psychologists, Internet marketers, copywriters, info businessmen, group administrators in social networks, Internet advertising specialists, programmers, webmasters, web editing specialists and others.

There is nothing easier for people whose needs have faded into the background due to what many people think are the wrong circumstances in life, to try themselves in these professions. And in the future this will definitely bear fruit in the opportunity to earn good money and feel like a real traveler not only in the virtual world, but also in real life.

10 most in-demand professions for travelers

This list of listed professions, thanks to which you can not infringe on the need for travel and explore all corners of the vast planet, is based on information collected by specialists and statistical conclusions. If you are a born traveler, don't waste your life not wanting to work in an office or factory. Be bold, the world is waiting for creative and brave people, learn new things, develop, and perhaps you will be the one who will bring something new and exciting for those who still know nothing about travel!

What professions are related to travel is not an idle question. Jobs that require travel are of interest to many, and hundreds of people dream of traveling around the world to pursue their professional career. At the same time, they want to visit not the neighboring region, but so that the seas and foreign countries are under the wing of the plane.

If you are curious about the place captured in the photograph, then let me tell you that our plane is flying over the Mediterranean Sea, heading to. And part of the land belongs to France, where Marseille is quite clearly visible.

Of course, there are professions that require long-distance travel. And it would be nice for easy-going, inquisitive young people and girls to choose a specialty after finishing school that would at least open up chances for travel in the future.

However, there is a paradox here. You can become an attache and, with a diplomatic specialization, settle somewhere in the office of the state archives, instead of working abroad, and even with a ban on traveling anywhere. Is it possible to become a bartender in regular college, work in bars and restaurants in your city, learn a foreign language and get a job in European country. Everything is relative in this matter.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider places of work that involve various possibilities include travel and abroad in your activities. It could be:

  • Work involving long-distance travel;
  • Professions related to tourism and travel;
  • Employment in another country in a sought-after specialty.

Although there are always exceptions. For example, my very informative and fascinating foreign business trip took place when I was working as a manager in a company not related to travel. Where this business trip took place, see. Therefore, single business trips can happen in various fields activities. But now we will try to compile a list of professions where regular travel is most likely possible.

Work directly related to travel

1. "Heavenly" professions: pilot, flight attendant/steward

Interesting professions that provide the fastest transportation of passengers are not available to everyone, since they have strict requirements for health and physical training specialists. In addition, they require high level basic knowledge and practical skills. But a clear advantage is the real opportunity to visit many cities and countries in the process of work.

2. Specialties of railway communications: locomotive driver, conductor

These professions in the railway industry are designed to deliver passengers over long distances, therefore, both drivers and conductors have access to the terminal cities. The crew of a long-distance train always has a day off, or even several, before setting off on the return journey. It's time to devote a few hours to exploring the local attractions. By the way, trains from Moscow run regularly to central Europe.


The profession of an archaeologist is aimed at a person who is ready to travel far away to spend months excavating supposed artifacts. No doubt, these are specific trips. And they take place not in a comfortable environment within city blocks, but in field conditions. But the activity of an archaeologist without trips to historical places is unthinkable.

4.International journalist

Those with creative and literary abilities with a strong desire to travel should try their hand at journalism. Not every journalist has business trips to attractive places. But our correspondents work in almost all countries of the world. What if you set your sights right away and gradually win for yourself a place in the sun? Maybe your highest professionalism will be able to bypass the intricacy of connections, and you will be sent to permanent job to another country…

5.Exhibition agency manager

Exhibitions have already firmly entered the modern industry. Events are held, both local and international. And in foreign events, the country is most often represented not by individual companies, but by relevant agencies that equip special stands and prepare various presentations of many enterprises. Professional managers are very necessary in this matter.

Work in the travel industry

1.Tourism manager

A travel manager develops tourist routes and carries out travel organization work. He selects countries and cities, selects hotels, and draws up excursion programs. And in order to create interesting and popular routes, a travel agency employee needs to visit the relevant country himself and take a closer look at the place. Therefore, promotional tours are provided in this area - a business trip of a manager to study and analyze the conditions of the proposed route.

The main work then will be to sell the formed tourism product to clients, but why is a promotional tour not a trip?

2.Specialist organizer of tourist trips

Or tourism manager No. 2)) Within one large travel company various managerial positions are clearly divided, but purely theoretically there is no strict division, as well as a specific name for the specialty. What is certain is the staff who meet the group at the place of arrival, organize transfers to hotels, and provide assistance in organizing vacations. Their responsibilities are direct support of tourist groups. What is attractive from a professional point of view is that these employees are on a long business trip to a resort location or a popular city. And under such conditions, the tourism manager will definitely have time for personal travel around the country.

3.Tour guide/guide

In the era of independent travel and audio guides, the profession of a tour guide is in less and less demand. However, today it still exists. Large national museums definitely have guides. And you can’t get into many foreign objects without them. For example, in Czech, an excursion with a visit to chapels is only possible accompanied by a guide. However, others are in no hurry to introduce audio text, preferring live communication.

Our list now consists of ten real professions in which there is a high probability of not just travel, but even travel to other countries. And this is while the specialist is engaged in his direct duties and receives a salary. You just have to try hard with a foreign language. If you want to go abroad, please learn and maintain spoken English (less often another foreign language).

Employment abroad

There is another opportunity to link your professional activity with travel - go abroad, get a job there that matches your skills and desires, and then work on weekdays and travel on weekends.

How to work in a foreign country? Employment depends on many factors. From your ambitions and from your willingness to engage in activities that are far from your ideal. From the desire to learn a lot and from the tireless overcoming of various challenges.

Our IT specialists are quite competitive. Experienced professionals who speak a foreign language are considering vacancies in different countries, undergo an interview and often receive the desired offer.

Quite a few of our erudite compatriots are trying to get a job as a tour guide to serve Russian-speaking tourists. But this is not an easy idea to implement. I won’t speak for all countries, but I can shed light on how the situation is in this matter in the Czech Republic. Czechs do not trust anyone they meet to talk about their country. To get a job in a decent agency, you need to complete special paid courses in Prague and pass an exam. The result successful completion will be the acquisition of a tour guide license, which opens the way to normal employment. There are also small private offices offering excursions to tourists, which are easier to get to. But you shouldn’t count on stability and reliability with them.

There are more chances to get a job abroad in the service sector. The hotel business or cruise ship companies often advertise vacancies for maids, waiters, cooks, animators, etc. You will have to work a lot in such specialties, but there will be time to get acquainted with foreign country, and for relaxation.

IN last years People are increasingly talking about travel bloggers. Some even think that this is perfect option: travel, blog and talk about your trips, make money from it and go again to the country of your dreams... Eh, guys, don’t believe these fairy tales. If you want to make money using websites, then don’t start a travel blog, but opt ​​for a different topic. Create a travel blog if you wish (even for beginners), but be prepared that this project will remain for your soul.

So, what conclusions arise? There are jobs related to travel. Maybe not so much big choice, but there are chances to combine your professional activities with travel. Foreign trips will also require knowledge of English. Go ahead and yours too best job will appear on your life horizon.

Your euro guide Tatyana
