The simplest methods of decorative putty on drywall. Puttying drywall: step-by-step instructions. Puttying screws and corners

Drywall is a modern technological material for cladding premises. With its help you can get perfect level base for painting or wallpapering. The final decorative finishing is preceded by puttying the entire surface of the sheets. Many people have a general idea of ​​how to putty drywall. But there are nuances that are worth paying attention to.

Drywall, or dry plaster, is a sheet consisting of 3 layers: a gypsum core and two cardboard shells. At first glance, it seems that it is enough to putty the seams and screws, and then the wallpaper can be glued directly to the paper.

But it is not so. Glue and paints cause the cardboard layer, which is not resistant to moisture, to swell, become deformed and can ruin the appearance of the finish. If the wallpaper is thin and light, the dark background will show through. In addition, when it comes time to change the old wallpaper, it may come off along with the cardboard. Puttying drywall is not completely allowed only during installation facing tiles or panels. Therefore there is clear recommendations technologists - need to be puttied.

Do I need to prime drywall before puttying?

Primer is a special quick-drying solution that improves adhesion between materials, reduces putty consumption, and prevents dehydration of adhesives and paints. In addition, it additionally protects the sheet from damaging factors - humidity and the aggressive effects of adhesive components.

If the drywall is not primed before puttying, the leveling mixture will not adhere well and will weakly adhere to paper base, and the structure will be loose and fragile. It may quickly peel off along with the wallpaper or paint, which will lead to the need for expensive repairs.

Manufacturers produce special acrylic-based primers for drywall. They are environmentally friendly, giving gypsum board water resistance, resistance to mold and fungi, fire resistance, without reducing vapor permeability.

Before puttingtying drywall, you need to select a primer based on operating conditions:

  • For wet areas preference is given to moisture-resistant compounds that form a water-repellent film on the surface of drywall.
  • Products are intended for heavy wallpaper, decorative plaster and facing tiles. deep penetration. They additionally strengthen the base and increase its load-bearing capacity.
  • For painting or light wallpaper, you can choose a primer with average adhesion and penetration depth.

Universal primers have been developed for all types of subsequent finishing. The technology involves processing not only the base for putty, but also all layers - starting and finishing.

Priming is carried out with a roller or brush. For maximum effect The composition must be applied in 2 layers. The room must have a positive temperature. To quickly remove evaporation products from the air, it is necessary to organize good ventilation.

Putty for drywall – what to choose?

How to putty drywall largely depends on the composition and purpose of the putty. On sale you can find mixtures made on a cement, gypsum or polymer base. Cement and gypsum are produced in bags in the form of finely ground powder. When preparing, they are diluted with water in the required proportions. Polymer putties are ready-to-use pastes, packaged in buckets.

The advantages of cement putties are strength and resistance to water. Most often they are used in wet areas for working with moisture-resistant plasterboard. Gypsum putties are flexible, economical in consumption and easy to sand. Their area of ​​application is only dry rooms.

Compositions based on polymer binders - acrylic or latex - are universal. They are not afraid of water, apply well, and can be sanded without any problems. Putties differ in the size of the filler grains. Mixtures intended for leveling out gross errors are called starting, and for final fine processing - finishing. The thickness of the applied layers varies from 0.2 to 5 mm.

Modern high-quality putties for drywall are environmentally friendly, resistant to shrinkage and cracking, and durable. Leading manufacturers are Knauf, Weber-Vetonit, Sheetrock, Ceresit and others.

Preparation for finishing

Before puttingtying drywall for wallpaper or painting, the surface of the sheets is carefully prepared:

Required Tools

To work you will need:

  • roller and brush with medium-length bristles for applying primer;
  • container and mixer for preparing the solution (if a dry mixture is used);
  • 2 spatulas - small (8-10 cm) for seams, large (40-50 cm);
  • rule for controlling unevenness;
  • sanding block, hand block or electric machine with dust extraction.

After sanding, it is necessary to remove dust from the surface using a brush or household vacuum cleaner. This operation should not be neglected, since small particles deposited on the wall impair the adhesion of materials and make it difficult to apply putty. In addition, dust penetrates into all crevices and is dangerous to inhale.

What is the difference between preparation for wallpaper and painting?

Although the plasterboard sheets are quite smooth, if the putty is of poor quality, joints, screw installation points, and incorrectly placed corners are visible. Even thick wallpaper cannot hide such defects, and when painted they become even more noticeable.

Putty for different types of finishing differs in requirements for surface quality:

In Europe they use their own line to indicate surface quality Q1-Q4. The lowest category Q1 is used when laying panels, tiles and other piecework facing materials. Q2 is suitable for textured surfaces, Q3 for matte paints, thick wallpaper. Maximum smoothness is characterized by Q4 surfaces, which are prepared for materials with a fine structure, semi-matte and glossy coatings.

Work order

Each master has his own secrets on how to putty drywall under wallpaper. However, the work is carried out according to the technology in several stages:

  1. All joints and defects are carefully leveled.
  2. External and internal corners are formed.
  3. The puttyed areas are sanded.
  4. The entire surface is dusted and primed.
  5. Putty is applied.
  6. Sanding and priming are carried out for subsequent finishing.

You can control the quality of the base using the directional light of a lamp or flashlight. If defects are noticeable, you need to apply subsequent layers until the desired result is achieved.

Sealing seams, holes and defects

All recesses on the wall surface must be tightly filled with putty. Professional craftsmen recommend using the Knauf-Fugen mixture for this. It is flexible, easy to use, and fills joints well.

The putty is rubbed into the defects with little force until a roll of material is formed on the surface. It is recommended to treat self-tapping screws with Knauf-Fugen 2 times to avoid shrinkage.

To strengthen the seams, reinforcing paper tape or sickle tape is used. They protect the putty from cracking and destruction.

Sealing of seams is carried out in the following ways:

  • Pre-wet the paper tape in water for better adhesion to the surface and to prevent the formation of bubbles. Fill the seam with putty and glue the tape, pressing it lightly with a narrow spatula. The tape must be completely immersed in the solution.
  • Apply finishing putty to the seam. Glue the soaked tape with PVA glue to the joint. After drying, putty the entire surface.
  • When using serpyanka, the seam is also first filled with putty. Remove excess mortar from the middle with a narrow spatula, then smooth the tape with your hand exactly in the center of the joint, pressing slightly. Cover with putty using a wide spatula.

There should be no voids left in the seams and holes, and no bubbles under the tape or sickle tape. Grinding begins after the solution has dried (10-12 hours).

Video - how to putty drywall seams

Puttying drywall corners

The technology for processing external and internal corners differs. For external corners, special perforated profiles made of galvanized steel or plastic are used. They allow you to strengthen the joint of two sheets and give the corner the correct geometry.

The area is first covered with fresh putty. The profile is applied to the corner and pressed slightly. A portion of putty is applied on top and smoothed down so that the corner is completely hidden under it. You can pre-fix the profile with self-tapping screws.

Paper tape is used to reinforce internal corners. The joint must be coated well with putty. Place the tape over the solution and press firmly. Using a narrow spatula, carefully level it, then cover it with a small amount of putty.

Video - puttying drywall corners

Finishing putty on plasterboard walls for painting

The base for painting should be almost perfect. The task of finishing putty is to smooth out even the slightest defects.

Before you putty the drywall for painting, the entire surface must be covered with a starting mixture, dried and sanded. Clean the walls from dust and prime them. After drying, start working:

  1. Mix the finishing putty composition thoroughly. If it is prepared from a dry mixture, you need to achieve a uniform and smooth consistency, reminiscent of sour cream.
  2. Apply the mixture with a trowel onto a long spatula and spread it over the wall.
  3. Then rub in a circular motion over the surface as much as possible. thin layer.
  4. Sequentially putty each area, extending onto the adjacent one, so as not to leave rough marks from the spatula. Movements must be done with even pressure.

To speed up work and improve its quality in corners, it is recommended to use a special corner spatula. It copes well even with hard-to-reach places.

The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 10%. Drying time - 8 hours. After complete drying, begin sanding. This is a labor-intensive process, but the final result will depend on the quality of the work done.

For final finishing, remove dust and apply primer. If necessary, repeat the putty-grind-primer cycle several times until the desired surface quality is achieved.


Puttying drywall is a labor-intensive, but certainly very important process. If neglected, rapid deterioration is possible. decorative finishing and the very foundation. Knowing how to putty drywall before painting or wallpapering, you can avoid many mistakes, and the quality of your repair will be at its best.

A plasterboard surface (wall or ceiling) is flat plane with a minimum number of defects that must be eliminated in order to complete the finishing process. In principle, these are not defects, but flaws in the installation process - sheet joints, plane differences due to tightening the material with self-tapping screws, fastening points. All this can be eliminated in one way - by applying putty. Craftsmen have no problem with how to putty drywall. But beginners need to understand this process.

Types of putties

First of all, you need to figure out what solutions are best to putty drywall with your own hands. Everything will depend on where the putty solution will be used. For example, to seal joints, a leveling mixture is needed. This is, so to speak, material for rough work. This mixture is coarsely dispersed with large-sized granules of the constituent material.

The drywall itself is processed finishing putty. This is a fine mixture that is applied in a thin layer. It gives the surface smoothness. A little modification by sanding, and the surface can be painted or wallpaper can be glued to it.

Currently, manufacturers offer so-called universal putties. They can be used to putty both drywall and joints between sheets.

All of the above-described types for puttying drywall can be produced either dry or ready-made. The second option is more expensive. The first one will have to be pre-prepared by mixing with water. The proportions are usually indicated on the packaging.

GKL puttying technology

The puttying process must be divided into two stages:

  1. sealing joints of plasterboard sheets;
  2. leveling the plasterboard plane.

Puttying drywall joints

Even at the stage of installation of gypsum boards, it is necessary to ensure that the joints of the material are expanded using a plane. That is, with this tool a chamfer of 45º is removed from the edges of the sheet. If this has not been done, then you can expand it with a sharp knife directly along the installed structure.

Next, the seam is treated with a primer with preliminary dust removal of the chamfers. Not all masters use a primer at this stage. Note that this liquid will strengthen the exposed gypsum layer, and besides, it will be much easier to putty plasterboard sheets. Be sure to wait for the primer to dry thoroughly.

Now, using a spatula, putty mortar is applied to the joints. It is necessary to completely fill to the brim not only the groove, but also the part of the sheet of drywall that is adjacent to the joint on both sides. It is in these areas that the fastening points with self-tapping screws are located. Please note that the solution itself is a quick-drying material, so it is recommended to mix it directly before puttingtying the gypsum board. The volume of the mixture is prepared so that it is enough for half an hour of your work.

So, puttying of the drywall, or, more precisely, its joints, continues. While the putty mixture applied to the seam between the gypsum board sheets has not dried, it is necessary to lay the reinforcing paper tape. It is laid so that its middle exactly coincides with the middle of the joint. Then you need to wait for the putty to dry. This may take 12-24 hours.

The next step is to apply the finishing layer to the seam on the reinforcing tape; it must be completely covered with mortar. Again we wait for everything to dry.

Leveling the plasterboard plane

Now let’s come close to considering the topic of how to properly putty drywall, or rather the sheets themselves. Just like with seams, you need to start with a primer. It is applied to the surface of the sheet with a roller. The main thing here is to apply the liquid evenly over the entire surface, leaving no untreated areas.

After drying, we putty the plasterboard walls using finishing mixture. Usually the difference in the bonded sheet is small enough that a thin layer of material will hide it without special labor. If this defect could not be eliminated in one pass, then the drywall will have to be puttyed again. But first, the entire surface is primed again, and after drying, it is puttied.

This is usually how the gypsum board surface is treated if finishing– this is painting or wallpapering. Therefore, you will have to bring the surface smoothness to the maximum degree. To do this, it must be sanded using fine-grained sandpaper. This process is dusty, so it is recommended to wear a respirator and safety glasses.

And the final touch is applying another layer of primer. After it has dried, the plasterboard structure can be painted or wallpaper can be glued to it. As you can see, the technology for puttingtying drywall is not very complicated.

Sealing corners

There is another place in plasterboard construction, which must be processed and leveled. These are the corners. For example, the outer corner of the wall and window slope. What do they do in this case?

This whole process can be carried out when puttingtying the drywall as a whole is carried out. That is, there is no need to deal with the angle as a separate element. Recommendation: putty the perforated mounting bracket It’s better to use a small spatula, but leveling should be done with a large (wide) one.

Having finished the walls and ceiling inside the apartment with sheets of plasterboard, no owner will stop arranging the rooms. Bare walls are just begging to be decorated. The drywall sheets themselves are smooth and even, but, unfortunately, they are not monolithic, but have certain dimensions. After installation, the wall looks uneven. The resulting joints, places where drywall is attached to the frame - screw heads - need putty. Before the final finishing of the walls, the drywall is puttyed with your own hands - the work is not difficult, but quite painstaking. First of all, you need to choose a suitable putty.

Choosing putty for drywall

In shops building materials sufficient selection of dry building mixtures. There are so many of them that you can’t immediately figure out which putty to putty on drywall. Some materials are intended for finishing ceilings and walls, while others are intended for finishing cracks and chips. Still others are used solely for decorative purposes.

It is more profitable to take dry mixtures because they last a long time. Both in warehouses and stores, and after purchase. The quality of dry putties is not affected by temperature storage conditions. Whereas ready-made putties are subject to all sorts of changes, far from better side. In addition, dry mixtures can be used in doses: grease in some places, level out in others, and leave most of it for emergency work.

Depending on the materials, putties are:

  1. Cement;
  2. Plaster;
  3. Polymer.

All three materials are suitable for puttying drywall, but not in every room. If you need to putty the kitchen or bathroom, it is better to use cement putty, since gypsum cannot withstand changes in humidity: when it dries, the gypsum putty will crack.

Polymer putties are universal and flexible. They are better suited for puttying drywall. In addition, their consumption is much less.

The various characteristics of putties, which determine their price and scope of application, are not decisive for working with drywall at home. Qualities such as frost resistance or fire resistance are not that important.

The best option would be to purchase a universal dry mixture.


To prepare the drywall for further actions, the wall is primed. The primer is applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the drywall. Water-soluble mixtures are used as primers, which impregnate upper layer dry plaster without penetrating inside. This forms a moisture-resistant film that will prevent the absorption of wallpaper glue or paint.

Important: When priming drywall, do not use alkyd primers because they can cause deformation of the cardboard layer. Peeled paper forms bubbles that crack and hang in rags. There is no need to talk about any strength of fastening of clean finishing materials under such conditions.

The primer is diluted in a basin, then applied with a roller along the entire wall: from top to bottom. The thickness of the soil layer should not be less than 0.03 mm.

Preparing drywall for putty

Before puttying, the plasterboard wall is leveled so that the surface becomes perfectly flat. It makes no sense to putty a wall with protruding screw heads. It is necessary to tighten them all until failure. However, you should not use excessive force to avoid drowning the bolt heads. Then you will get holes. If, during the installation process, the screws are screwed in so that their heads are recessed deep into the layer of drywall, the screws are unscrewed and new, longer ones are screwed in their place.

At the joints of plasterboard sheets there should be no separation of the outer sheet from the gypsum filling. If the paper peels off, you need to carefully tear it off with your hands and cut it with a knife to the very spine. Then smooth out the resulting wrinkle with sandpaper. Otherwise, the putty may peel off along with the fallen paper. After the putty dries, cracks will appear in place of the bubbles that formed.

Plasterboard putty for painting

The preparation of drywall is carried out according to a similar scheme as for wallpapering. It is important that the wall is perfectly flat, without dents or protrusions.

cutting corners without edge

The seams between the drywall profiles are carefully leveled with putty, and the surface is primed. The paint is absorbed into the cardboard in the same way as wallpaper glue. If this impregnation reaches the inner layer, the outer one - cardboard - will be deformed. Will crack or swell with bubbles.

Joints of drywall sheets that do not have a factory edge must be cut independently at an angle of 45 0. Only under such conditions will reliable reinforcement of the seam be obtained.

Putty technology

When the primer has dried, it's time to move on to the putty. A simple putty technology is produced in several stages.

gluing serpyanka

The first step is to glue the fiberglass mesh - serpyanka - onto all joints and corners. The joint tape has a self-adhesive surface, so this process does not take for a long time. It is important to stick the serpyanka so that there is half a tape on both sides of the seam or corner. That is, the seam ended up exactly in the middle of the serpyanka.

The putty is diluted in small quantities because it dries quickly. Adding water to a dried mixture changes all its qualities. Having calculated the approximate volume of disposable putty, you need to dilute exactly that amount, and not a gram more. Half an hour of work. After this, the putty will no longer be suitable for use.

Sealing drywall joints

To seal seams with sheets of drywall, you need two spatulas: medium and wide. 12-15 cm and 30-35 cm, respectively. It is much more difficult to work with a trowel and a grater, and the work is not as neat as we would like. What works well for concrete does not work with drywall without a hitch.

To properly putty plasterboard joints, it is necessary to apply a reinforcing layer evenly throughout the entire seam. It’s easier, of course, to first pick up a small amount of putty with a narrow spatula and apply it to the seam. Then use a wide spatula to stretch the putty as far as possible. Once you get the hang of it, you can immediately scoop it up with a large spatula and spread it over the entire seam. If you can carefully fill the joint, the reinforcement process proceeds as needed.

An important condition for primary putty is the correct reinforcement of the joints, as a result of which no unevenness or roughness should form. Otherwise, after drying, it is very difficult to sand off heavy streaks. Sandpaper and a rasp will not help. More serious abrasive tools can destroy not only dried putty, but also a sheet of drywall.

Putty screws

Puttying of screws is done using a cross-shaped method. The putty is applied lengthwise and crosswise, this way the grooves of the screw heads are better filled and their heads are completely hidden.

Putty corners

Puttying the corners is a little more difficult, because it is not a flat vertical surface, but sheets of drywall converging at right angles. It is not immediately possible to draw both sides of the angle evenly. In this regard, corner sealing is carried out in two stages.

  • First, one side of the corner is puttied according to the usual rules.
  • After half the seam has dried, the other side of the corner is puttied.

So, after waiting for some time, we get an even, neat seam. A few drops of patience in the process of puttying corners can save a lot of nerves and energy that could have been spent on remodeling.

Basic putty technique

The actual puttying begins after the rough finishing of the seams has dried and the corners have been sealed.

often aluminum profiles for drywall corners are supplied with reinforcing mesh

Smooth outer corners: window and door slopes– secured with aluminum construction angle. It is attached to putty or a construction stapler, which is much more convenient and neat. Without unnecessary splashes and construction debris underfoot. The corner is cut to specified dimensions and attached around the perimeter of window and door openings.

Having strengthened metal corners, using a small spatula, press the putty into the corrugated holes of the profile so that all the holes are filled. This achieves rigidity and hardness of the outer corner, which subsequently guarantees its resistance to mechanical stress. Then the surface of the solution is leveled with a wide spatula. To do this, you need to run a spatula along the edge of the corner and the surface of the drywall sheet.

If you have to putty arched passages, a special plastic corner is used. It is somewhat thicker than aluminum, so after the corner is secured with a stapler, it is necessary to putty it in two stages. You should not try to apply as much putty as possible, otherwise you will end up with an uneven surface. It is recommended to apply the first layer, filling all the holes, wait for drying time, and then apply a layer of putty again, leveling the junction of the corner with the surface of the drywall. With this approach, the putty layer turns out to be almost perfectly smooth.

Finishing drywall putty

The final stage of preparing plasterboard walls allows you to achieve perfect evenness of surfaces for subsequent finishing.

All irregularities and roughness must be smoothed out with sandpaper. When working, you must use a respirator. The surface of the wall is also treated with sandpaper - “zero”. After cleaning, the contact of the finishing putty with the wall, which was previously treated with a primer, improves.

For finishing, fiberglass or the same putty that was used at the starting stage is suitable. The spatula is used wide. The finishing putty should be diluted to the consistency of sour cream. This will allow the putty to be applied evenly over the entire surface of the drywall. It is necessary to apply a layer of finishing putty as thinly and evenly as possible.

Putty consumption per square meter of drywall

The consumption of putty depends on the nature of the surface being treated. If there are many defects, then more putty is used. Taking into account the preliminary priming of the wall, the putty consumption per square meter of drywall is calculated one to one, plus one hundred grams. Easy to remember: 1.1 x 1 m2. This formula is suitable for dry cement-based putties.

  • When using gypsum putty it is even simpler: one to one when putting on walls and ceilings.
  • Glue-based putty is consumed even less - half a kilogram per square meter is enough.

To calculate the approximate amount of putty, you need to know the surface area of ​​all the walls in the room. It's easy: each sheet of drywall has certain dimensions, they are indicated on the label. All numbers are summed up and the total area for finishing putty is obtained.

For the starting putty, the same amount of material is taken, with a small margin. However, in any calculations it is important to follow the technology. The mixture should be diluted in such an amount that it is enough to work for half an hour or less. If you hesitate or are distracted from work, then it is recommended to dispose of the dried putty. It's not worth using. It is not advisable to redo work that has already been done. Either the surface of the wall will not be smooth, as expected, or in the long term the finishing materials will begin to fall off the drywall due to the lack of a strong adhesion.

The matter does not end with the finishing putty. After the wall has dried, it is necessary to prime it again.

Only after completing all the stages of preparing drywall for finishing, you can be sure that it will be securely fastened. In addition, finished plasterboard sheets can be easily cleaned from the previous wallpaper. Nothing falls off or cracks. Having removed the old canvas, you can paste new wallpaper. In this case, there is no need to re-putty the plasterboard walls.

Video instructions for puttying drywall

To hide unevenness on the walls, there is a proven method - covering with plasterboard. Delving into the details, you can understand that after installation, drywall putty is necessary. Puttying drywall is done by hand, step-by-step instruction will be mentioned below. It must be done with the help of a team of craftsmen. In fact, the work will not cause difficulties or much work. But if you are new to this industry, don't experiment.

Apply a thin layer of putty to the surface of the drywall, but avoid gaps. It is also necessary to plaster the joints, attaching drywall (gypsum board) to the frame, and various seams. Because of these small shortcomings, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of plaster before the finishing coat.

Acrylic bark beetle is used as a silicone dye for interior decoration on old and new concrete surfaces, types of mineral plasters, contains a water-based acrylic polymer.

Before you start main job, you need to choose the right material. Today, construction market contains a selection of mixtures:

  1. To eliminate cracks.
  2. For decorative finishes.
  3. For finishing walls and coverings.
  4. For puttying joints and fastening points.

Ready-made mixtures are twice as expensive as dry mixtures. Therefore, it is more profitable to buy the second option, especially if there is a large number of works to be done. It has good qualities and characteristics: it lasts for a long time open form, responds well to temperature changes and humidity. There are three main types of putty base:

  • Gypsum;
  • Cement;
  • Polymer.

For processing plasterboard boards, putty on any base is perfect.

Name of putty Specifications
Cement A good material option, it has moisture-resistant qualities and responds well to temperature changes. Will cope with any cracks, chips or other nuances. Compatible with dyes. Due to these qualities, cement putty is often used for kitchens and bathrooms. Can be used for painting throughout the apartment. Doesn't have high prices.
Polymer It is a universal putty. It has such qualities as plasticity and low costs. The advantages of this material include excellent operating properties. You can do the work yourself. It is quick-drying and can be painted. Doesn't crack.
Plaster Has one minus. Susceptible to humid environments. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat rooms such as the bathroom and balcony with this material. It is not advisable to paint.

Sequence of work

Before applying the putty, you need to prepare the walls, namely treat them with a primer. It will take some time for them to dry completely and then you can start working on the putty material. All work consists of an order of simple steps:

  1. It is necessary to stick a special tape (serpyanka), which is made of fiberglass, onto the joints and corners. On one side of the tape there is a sticky surface, due to which it can be glued. You will spend a minimal amount of time on this work. The tape must be fastened so that there is an equal amount of tape on one and the other side of the joint.
  2. Ceresit or oil putty tends to dry quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to knead a small amount of material. If ready mix dried out in the container, do not add water to it, this will change everything necessary qualities, may crack. The mixture needs to be kneaded for an average of 30 minutes. Based on this time, you can calculate how much mixture you need to make at one time. The packaging indicates the proportions in which the mixture should be diluted; you can independently calculate how much you need per 1 m2. The average packaging volume is 25 kg. Acrylic paints can be added to the mixture.

After applying and drying the first layer, you need to start the main putty, from the corners and external slopes. To begin with, the outer corners are strengthened with profiles. By using construction stapler make fasteners. The profile is cut and attached to wooden openings (windows, doors). To complete the perimeter, putty is applied to the uneven parts of the profile. The result is a strong corner.

After attaching the profiles, plaster is applied to the entire perimeter. A wide spatula will help with this. The movements must be downwards, nothing else. After the main layer, we level the adjacent strips, if necessary. We are waiting for the material to harden, and we can begin the finishing processes.

Plasterboard putty under non-woven wallpaper should go easily, you need to perfectly level the surfaces. The sequence of all points will help to cope with any difficulties. All walls are sanded with fine sandpaper. For the safety of your health, it is better to use safety glasses, a respirator, and a mask.

After completing the steps, the surface is treated with zero-grade sandpaper. Finally, coat with primer. For finishing work, it is not necessary to buy a special mixture; you can make the starting mixture a liquid consistency. The work is done with a wide spatula, in a thin, uniform layer. We wait for it to dry, then cover it with primer again. At this stage the processes are completed. Plasterboard putty for painting the wall is considered complete.

Some people prefer to whitewash the ceiling. Professionals often hear whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto drywall without putty? Absolutely not. Why? This will give poor quality results, since the walls are uneven.

Plasterboard putty (video)

Preparatory work

In order to level the walls, you need to use drywall jointing (GKL). The preparation is as follows. Alignment of joints, cracks, and grouting of self-tapping screw heads are done. The screws are tightened to the maximum, but taking precautions so that holes do not form. The sheets that you will lay must be uniform, without detachments of the top ball. If this incident occurs, remove the sagging piece yourself and clean it with sandpaper.


Primer of drywall before plastering the walls is important in the entire process. Performed before putting drywall. Primer for drywall under putty is applied to a dry surface. Based on this, before applying primer it is necessary to remove all contamination. You can start cooking soil mixture. This will provide an additional waterproof film. Each package contains instructions in what proportions to make the solution with water. The mixed mixture is applied with a roller. Some experts use a brush with artificial bristles.

The primer is divided into two types:

  • For dry rooms;
  • For wet areas.

For example, if you are priming a bathroom or kitchen, it is better to buy a wet primer. And if the bedroom or living room is dry. To prevent the formation of fungus or mold, you should purchase material with an antibacterial effect. One coat of primer is applied to drywall, but for wet rooms an exception can be made - apply two coats.

Advice: You should absolutely not use a primer that contains alkyd substances. Capable of deforming the surface, the top layer of paper will sag and will be unsuitable for further use.

Workers adhere to certain standards. The thickness of the applied material does not exceed 0.004mm. Unfortunately, it is impossible to measure this thickness at home. Therefore, if it is necessary to apply a second layer, then this should be done at intervals of 25 minutes.

Wall reinforcement

After attaching the drywall, you need to join it. Making seams or joints invisible is hard sanding work. Here you cannot do without reinforcement, which is divided into tape or putty.

If we consider the tape option, it is recommended to purchase a serpyanka. The maximum width reaches 23 cm. Thanks to the mesh structure, which is easily glued, excess putty can be removed at any time. It lays on the seams in a thin layer, which is considered convenient to work with.

Characteristics of serpyanka:

  1. Serves for a long time.
  2. Inexpensive price.
  3. Able to prevent the formation of cracks.
  4. Has vibration tolerance.
  5. Durable.
  6. Quick gluing.

There is another option - paper tape. It is thinner in thickness than the previous version. Many people prefer it for sealing seams. For greater effect, the tape should have through holes - perforation. This will ensure the elimination of excess air and putty. Made from various materials.

Pros of perforated paper:

  • Low cost;
  • Can be purchased at any hardware store;
  • Serpyanka is inferior in thickness;
  • Good wall mounting properties;
  • If we consider reinforcing walls with putty, then we should give preference to KNAUF-Rotband (GVL). This type of putty is specially designed for filling joints and has been popular for many years;
  • Peels off;
  • Sold by the metre.

Processing joints between sheets

As mentioned above, putty does an excellent job of sealing joints. In order to hide the seam between two sheets of drywall, a secondary material is needed: a medium and wide spatula. The sizes are 14cm and 33cm on average. You still need a small grater and a trowel. Working with them will be more difficult. These tools are good for working on wood or aerated concrete; the surface is smooth. But the coating may show sloppy areas with scratches.

Tip: To ensure a neat job, you need to apply the same layer of material throughout the seam.

First, it is better to take the putty with a narrow spatula and apply it to the surface. And only then putty evenly using a wide tool. At the end of the work, you can paint or glue wallpaper.

The rule for a quality result is well-sealed seams, without nicks. In case of the opposite effect, when everything dries, it will be difficult to sand off the streaks with paper. If you use more abrasive tools, you will probably harm the drywall rather than the putty. The key to the result is that putty for drywall joints must be done according to the rules.

To putty the screws, the material is laid in a cross-shaped manner. This will completely hide the screw head. If this is not done, the painting or pasting of vinyl wallpaper will not be even. The work is performed with latex gloves to avoid unnecessary contamination while working with the spray gun.

Currently the problem uneven walls one of the most common major renovation. This can be solved using a popular material – drywall. If you want the finishing on gypsum bases to look more aesthetically pleasing, they need to be subjected to additional processing. To do this, high-quality puttying of the floors should be performed.

Why is this necessary?

Drywall is a very popular material because it is very easy to work with and is inexpensive. With the help of gypsum sheets you can even out even the most “ugly” uneven surfaces. However, even after their installation, you should not immediately begin finishing.

It is advisable to treat gypsum sheets with putty. Many home craftsmen wonder why they need to produce additional work, because drywall already has a perfectly flat and smooth surface. Of course, carrying out such work is not always necessary, but most often it is simply impossible to do without puttying.

Putty is necessary in order to carefully seal various parts that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the finish. Such elements include sloppy joints between sheets of drywall, corners and noticeable screw heads. In addition, puttying is simply irreplaceable if you plan to paint drywall bases.

Gypsum sheets only seem to be perfectly smooth. During installation and transportation, such building materials acquire new surface differences. At first glance, such defects may not be noticed at all, but after painting they will become noticeable.

To avoid such a problem, the gypsum bases must be covered with putty, then uneven areas will be invisible.

Plaster puttying is also necessary if you are going to decorate it with wallpaper. This is necessary so that after some time you can easily remove the old sheets without causing damage to the drywall, because without an intermediate layer, such a finish, when torn off, can pull the base material with it. After this, you will have to completely change not only the wallpaper, but also the entire cladding, and this will take you much more time, effort and money.

Currently, in stores you can come across low-quality plasterboards that initially have uneven surfaces. As mentioned above, it is not always possible to notice such defects, and you can only discover defects during the repair work. In such cases, putty is also indispensable.


There are several types of putties. Each of them is designed for certain conditions. Let's take a closer look at these finishing materials.


Cement-based compositions are the most popular. They can be found in almost any building and finishing materials store. Such mixtures boast excellent strength characteristics and moisture resistance. Thanks to these characteristics, they can be used in the design of rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

However, it is worth noting that to prepare gypsum walls for painting under normal conditions cement compositions not used that often. This is explained by the fact that such solutions shrink significantly over time and also have a longer period of complete hardening.


The second most popular are gypsum-based putties. Such mixtures have increased adhesion to plasterboard sheets. In addition, they are distinguished by their versatility of use, fairly fast setting and ease of processing.

Of course, gypsum putties also have their disadvantages. The main one is the fear of dampness and moisture. That is why Such mixtures are not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity levels.


Polymer-based compositions are very popular because they have virtually no disadvantages. They combine all the best from other types of putties. True, such mixtures are not cheap, but their service life and other performance characteristics well worth the price.

How to choose putty?

Before you begin selecting a putty composition, you need to decide on the immediate type of room in which you plan to carry out the finishing work. This fact directly determines what kind of putty fits better in total and how long it will last in the conditions provided.

Finishing putty before gluing any type of wallpaper can be done using a special composition, but recently many consumers have opted for universal solutions, since the range of their applications is much wider. Such products can be safely used for both the base and finishing layers.

It must be taken into account that for different rooms fit different types putties.

In the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as a rule, it remains high level humidity. For such situations, a special GVL is often used, which is not afraid of dampness and moisture. In addition, in these rooms, tiles are most often laid on the floors, so putty should be chosen as wear-resistant, moisture-resistant and durable as possible. Polymer and concrete compositions fit this description.

In the living room, cozy bedroom or a children's room, conditions are considered more gentle, since these rooms are dry. In such situations, it is perfectly acceptable to use a simple gypsum putty.

In dry spaces, where more is always stored heat, it is recommended to use high-quality polymers or gypsum mixtures. From concrete options It is better to refuse, since in such circumstances they can shrink noticeably.

The most common and in demand today are inexpensive concrete and gypsum mixtures. Of course, they have their drawbacks, but they also have many advantages.

The best option is acrylic putty. Such mixtures can be purchased in large packages. Such products are relatively inexpensive and will last for several uses. In addition, if the mixture is universal, then it can be safely used in finishing a wide variety of rooms.

Tools and materials

Puttying drywall is not the most difficult process that almost anyone can handle House master. However, before proceeding directly to the finishing work, you need to stock up on all necessary tools and materials. You will need:

  • a clean container in which you will mix the putty solution;
  • the putty itself (note that its consistency should be creamy);
  • a special construction mixer (you can use an inexpensive drill attachment instead);
  • narrow and wide spatulas;

  • rubber spatula;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • emery;
  • a special tool for grinding (it can be either electric or manual).

All listed devices and materials must have high quality. Only if you follow this parameter, the result of the finishing work will not disappoint you one bit.

Surface preparation

You should not start puttingtying a plasterboard base without proper preparation. This stage is one of the most important in such work, so it is not recommended to neglect it. Let's consider all the stages of preparing the CGL basis:

  • First, the walls must be cleaned of any dirt, dust and grease. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to achieve high-quality adhesion of materials. In addition, you will need to get rid of the previous finishing materials if they remain on the floors.
  • If wallpaper or paint was previously applied to the walls, they can be removed using sandpaper.

  • Be sure to check the strength of the screws. If they protrude far beyond the walls and cling to the spatula, then they need to be screwed in more tightly so that the working base is more neat and easier to finish.
  • After this, the cleaned surface of the base should be finished with a special primer. It is necessary for both wall decoration and ceiling decoration. Its layer will provide better adhesion of finishing materials. In addition, the putty will adhere to the ground much better and more reliably.
  • Next, you need to wait until the primer layer is completely dry. As a rule, this takes about a day. Only after this is it permissible to begin directly puttingtying the plasterboard base.

Application technology

When you have prepared the base surface for subsequent finishing, you can proceed to applying the starting layer of putty. You will need to carefully sand the backing seams and gaps. As a rule, starting putty compositions have a coarse-grained structure. Such coatings are ideal for preliminary leveling.

Starting puttying must be done not from the very bottom, but from the middle of the seam to be finished up and down. Thanks to this simple technique, you will be able to avoid unsightly overlaps when laying putty.

After this, to give additional strength, it is worth installing a special reinforcing tape. Similar elements are sold in almost any building materials store. Installation of such an addition will ensure reliable connection of all joints and seams, as well as long term finishing services.

You simply cannot do without reinforcing tape if you plan to decorate plasterboard bases with wallpaper or paint them with a paint and varnish mixture. It must be carefully placed at the joint with the already applied starting layer of putty and smoothed out thoroughly. Try to avoid the appearance of any irregularities and protruding elements when installing the tape.

After all the steps have been completed, you should wait until the putty has completely dried and hardened. As a rule, it takes 24 hours for such materials to dry. Of course, a lot depends on the level of humidity in the room. If it is higher than normal, then the putty mixture may take longer to dry.

When you putty drywall with your own hands, after it has completely dried you will need to carefully sand the surface. Do not forget that before applying the finishing layer, all seams and other elements must be as smooth as possible. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that no parts extend beyond the boundaries of the base.

After drying, putty-coated seams must be grouted using a special wet grout. Using this method, you will be able to achieve a perfectly smooth and neat base. After this, you need to let the grout dry completely. Next, the seams must be re-treated with primer (buy special primer mixtures for drywall).

Only after this can you proceed to applying the finishing layer of putty.

Most often, the finishing putty has a fine-grained structure and a plain white color. Before applying this solution, you must ensure that the plasterboard bases are completely level and free of any defects.

Experts strongly recommend finishing drywall putty in a room with closed windows. Make sure there are no drafts in the room. If you neglect these recommendations, the putty layer on gypsum bases may develop unsightly cracks. It will no longer be possible to get rid of them - you will have to redo the work.

According to experienced finishers, finishing putty is not necessary if you plan to decorate plasterboard surfaces with wallpaper or paint them. For such purposes, it is quite possible to carry out only initial processing of the bases.

If you follow these simple step-by-step instructions, then puttying plasterboard walls won't take long . The main thing is to treat absolutely all stages of work responsibly, without neglecting any of them.

With the help of plasterboard, not only the walls in the home are leveled, but also the ceilings. Moreover, beautiful multi-level boxes are often made from such materials, which look impressive on ceilings, especially if you complement them with lamps that match the style.

The technology for finishing plasterboard ceilings is not much different from wall options. However, some differences can also be observed. Because the edges plasterboard sheets cut to half the thickness at an angle of 45 degrees and move away from the ceilings a couple of centimeters, then the remaining gap must be filled with putty mixture. As the solution dries, it will swell and expand the gap, firmly fixing the gypsum board sheet.

Thanks to this technique, it will be possible to avoid problems associated with the appearance of cracks and chips in the corner areas of drywall.

Joints should always be filled with putty and then leveled using a short rule. To make the ceiling longitudinal seams more accurate and reliable, it is recommended to glue them with reinforcing mesh. Next, the gaps need to be filled with putty and carefully leveled. Do not forget about puttying all the holes that remain from the fasteners. When the putty on the ceiling is completely dry, it is necessary to properly prime all the seams special composition, intended specifically for gypsum boards.

When the primer layer has dried, it is necessary to glue the longitudinal and transverse joints between the plates using a special bandage tape. It needs to be glued to a special aqueous PVA solution. If you do everything according to the instructions, the surface of the ceiling will be as smooth and even as possible.

It must be taken into account that the technique of puttying plasterboard on the ceiling requires gluing all corners and seams with a special bandage tape. It must be glued to joints that were previously treated with a special aqueous PVA solution. In addition, these elements must be carefully aligned using a regular spatula. All remaining air must be removed from the joints. As for excess adhesive mass, they can be easily removed with a regular damp sponge.

When the bandage tape is dry, it can be covered with a finishing layer of putty. Its thickness should be about 1 millimeter. After this, you need to wait until the applied layer is completely dry. Then the joints must be covered again with a putty mixture in order to better level the ceiling.

When all layers of putty are dry, the ceiling can be finished decorative materials. For example, paper (and not only) wallpaper or popular plaster. However, for other finishing coatings it is necessary to apply another one - finishing layer. It should be thin.

The final layer of putty is applied using a wide spatula. As a rule, the width of such tools is about 45 cm. The first layer must be applied as carefully and evenly as possible. Try to avoid changes in thickness. As for the second finishing layer, it is necessary to eliminate minor finishing defects. Thanks to it, the ceiling looks more aesthetically pleasing and neat.

When the finishing layer is completely dry, the ceiling must be sanded.

Corner finishing

Special attention should be paid to finishing the corners of plasterboard structures. To make the external elements more durable and reliable, there are special corners. Perforated parts for drywall are made of plastic or metal.

For complex arched bases they are most often used plastic corners, since they bend and bend quite easily.

To simple ones external corners, as a rule, metal corners are attached. Of course, you can also use plastic options. IN in this case the choice is not so important.

First you need to make sure the corners are of proper quality. Aluminum parts are often subject to deformation during transportation. A damaged corner cannot be completely straightened and fixed on a straight surface. It is better to put such elements aside.

Slice required quantity corners. Then you need to apply putty to the corners of the bases. Its layer should be 2-3 cm with a small tubercle. There is no need to level anything at this stage. Place the perforated corners on the plasterboard bases with putty. Press them down so that the putty layer comes out through the holes.

Now you need to smooth out the protruding coatings so that they cover the corners themselves. Next, you need to wait until the finished areas are completely dry. The second layer of putty should be applied after a couple of hours.

If you are registering two-level ceiling made of plasterboard, then you cannot do without special arched corners. However, there is another way to install such parts along rounded edges - using a stapler.

It is necessary to properly finish not only the external, but also the internal corners of plasterboard structures.

First, they need to be glued with sickle tape. It cannot be bent at right angles to embrace both sides of the corner at the same time. Because of this, over time, unsightly “wrinkles” will appear in this area. Each side needs to be glued individual elements Serpyanka.

If you're finishing plasterboard ceiling, then the most difficult thing in this work is sealing the cracks along the perimeter of the ceiling, when the gap between the plasterboard sheet and the ceiling is approximately 2 cm. Installers often make such mistakes, but you will have to correct such mistakes.

To begin with, the remaining cracks must be filled with putty without using a serpyanka. Recommended to apply putty mixture on the edge of the plasterboard sheet, so it will hold much more securely. When all the materials have set, you should cut off the excess parts using a knife. After this, it is necessary to attach the serpyanka and re-putty the internal corners.

If you are determined to finish the plasterboard bases yourself with putty, then you should rely on a series useful tips, proposed by experts:

  • The first thing that professionals advise to consider is the need to purchase putty mixtures from famous manufacturers. The most popular today are companies such as Knauf, Vetonit, Sheetrok. Their products boast excellent quality, and working with them is not at all difficult.
  • Pay attention to the consistency of the putty. The composition should be liquid, reminiscent of sour cream.
  • If you do not want to prepare the putty mixture yourself, then you should purchase a ready-made option. Such compositions can be used for finishing immediately after purchase. However, it is worth considering that such a product cannot be stored for a long time - this is how it differs from dry mixtures.

  • It is very important to properly fill the screws on the bases. It is recommended to do this crosswise - this way the putty better fills the heads of the fasteners.
  • Watch the location of the screws. It will be better if they are buried in drywall. However, there are cases when they are twisted too deeply. Then they should be unscrewed, and new screws should be installed next to them, and then all the holes should be filled with putty.
  • Do not underestimate the importance of primer in such finishing works. It must be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​plasterboard sheets. Experts recommend using special water-soluble compounds - they are absorbed into the top layer of the base, but do not penetrate into its interior.
  • Experts do not recommend using it in such finishing works. fiberglass mesh. Currently, there are many alternatives to such parts that are of higher quality and more reliable.

  • For reinforcing corners, a special spatula with fine teeth is best suited.
  • It is very important to choose the right corners for a plasterboard structure. If you are decorating an arch, then metal parts are absolutely not suitable for you. Choose more plastic pieces, for example, plastic corners.
  • Do not forget to properly prime the corners of drywall structures.
  • When finishing the ceiling, it is recommended to sand with the light on. Then you will be able to immediately notice any defects and errors on the ceiling structure.

  • Pay attention to the quality of plasterboard bases. There should be no sheet separation at the joints. Such flaws lead to excessive accumulation of air in damaged areas, which will then negatively affect the decorative finish.
  • Be sure to clean the seams between the plasterboards of any dirt and dust. The fasteners must also be clean. Otherwise, the putty will not adhere firmly enough to such a base. Over time, she may fall away from him altogether.