Biology project on the theme of autumn. Educational project on the topic: "Plant life in autumn." Entertainment “The Adventure of the Fly Agaric”

Biology lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Autumn changes in the life of plants, leaf fall.” teacher Khryashcheva T. A.

Topic: “Autumn changes in plant life, leaf fall”

The purpose of the lesson : expansion and deepening of students’ knowledge about the processes occurring in plants with the onset of autumn; about leaf fall as an adaptation of plants to unfavorable conditions.

Lesson objectives:

  • Expanding knowledge about leaf fall as a process of excretion in plants.
  • Development of communication skills and ability to work in a group.
  • Fostering love for the natural environment.
  • Practicing skills in composing Japanese cinquain verse.

Equipment: reproductions of autumn paintings, student work, paper leaves.

TCO: herbariums of leaves, reproductions of autumn, paper, textbooks, video film “Plant Life”, presentation on the topic “Leaf Fall”, multimedia projector.

Lesson objectives:

  • expanding knowledge about leaf fall;
  • systematizing creative activity, creating conditions for its manifestation
  • development of communication skills;
  • formation of reflexive qualities (self-analysis, self-correction);
  • developing the ability to highlight the main idea, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and compare;
  • developing group work skills.

During the classes

Teacher's opening speech.

Today we are holding an unusual lesson. Let's remember what nature looks like

during a period beloved by many.

(Music plays. On the screen are stills from the film “Entering Autumn”

Who can tell me what time of year the film was shot?

What time of year is it now? This theme is often heard in songs and prose poems

How do poets describe this time of year?

Students read poetry:

A. S. Pushkin

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Alexey Pleshcheev

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch...
Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window
Looks at the village
A gray spot.
Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth!....

Glorious Autumn

Nikolay Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Air tired strength invigorates;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

The last leaf on a bare branch
Hanged with a bronze earring
And waits for the harsh winter
He will be torn off and thrown down
Stubborn leaf, and above you
There is a harsh law in the world:
What has bloomed in the spring,
It will bloom more than once.
(M. Kovalevsky)

Teacher: With these words the poets sing of autumn: rowan flames, flaming aspen trees, bronze earrings, yellow carvings. Already at the end of August, the leaves begin to bloom, in September it increases, and by the end of September it reaches its maximum - the beginning of autumn turns into golden autumn.(cslides on the theme of autumn).

What associations do you have with the word autumn (leaf fall, rain, clouds)?

Did you know that trees have different colors in autumn?

Display of herbariums for display

Each tree species has its own autumn coloring of leaves: light yellow - maples, hornbeams and birches; brownish-yellow - oaks; crimson red - cherry, rowan, barberry; purple - bird cherry; purple - privet, euonymus; orange - aspen; dull brown-green - alder.

By September 30, the full autumn coloring of leaves of Norway maple, bird cherry, linden, and aspen is observed. After 5-10 days, birches, mountain ash, and pedunculate oak take on autumn color. After another day or two it is completely colored yellow needles of Siberian larch, then after about 2 weeks - European larch. Herbaceous plants also acquire red, purple and yellow tones and shades - a bright farewell outfit is visible everywhere. Green pines, spruces, firs, and junipers stand out brightly against the crimson background of deciduous plants.

In October, the birch leaves fall, and the small-leaved linden and Norway maple shed their last leaves. 3-7 days after the end of leaf fall in warty birch, this phenomenon occurs in mountain ash and the end of needle fall in Siberian larch. Somewhat later, the European larch sheds its needles.

What do you think: what phenomenon are we talking about now? (leaf fall)

II. The darkness of our lesson: leaf fall.

1. There are a number of signs associated with leaf fall. Let's name them.

If birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top in the fall, then next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late. (slides)

Aspen leaves lie on the ground face up - the winter will be cold, with the wrong side up - warm.

The leaf falls before its time - for a long winter.

Until the leaves fall from the cherry trees, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

Let's write down on the board your associations associated with autumn and leaf fall: cold, wind, sadness, Pushkin, yellow, etc. Let's systematize collected material, let's create a diagram - a cluster:

2. Why do leaves change color? Independent work with text.

Working with paragraph text. Read the text and find the answer to the questions

Student: As the air temperature drops and the daylight hours decrease, chlorophyll begins to break down. At the same time, other pigments appear (yellow and orange color) - xanthophyll and carotene. Anthocyanin accumulates in the cell sap of some plants, which is a sign of the cessation of substances entering the leaf and its death. This pigment changes its color depending on the reaction of the cell sap: an acidic environment determines red and crimson colors, neutral - violet, alkaline - blue. In this case, all shades of transitions are possible.

Teacher: Why are the leaves falling?

A special separating layer (cork) is formed between the leaf and the stem. The cells of this layer easily lose contact with each other and the leaf comes offTeacher: Let's name and write down the processes that accompany leaf fall.Students:


- The leaf changes color.

- The leaf falls.


- The sheet comes off.

- Chlorophyll is destroyed in the leaves.

- The leaf turns brown.

III . Fixing the material

1. Teacher: Place the elements in this list in order of the processes. Let's check - Chlorophyll is destroyed in the leaves.

- The leaf changes color.

- The leaf accumulates unnecessary substances.

- A cork layer forms between the leaf and stem.

- The leaf turns brown.

- The sheet comes off.

- The leaf falls.

2. Working with the material.

Teacher: We talked about what we already know. Have we found out everything? Let's move on to the phrase: “I want to know...”. We work with the textbook (“Biology: bacteria, fungi, plants”, 6th grade, V, S, Kuchmenko 2014.). Read the text of the paragraph

Conversation based on the given signs.

Teacher: Answer the question - what is the importance of leaf fall for plants?

Student: Leaf fall allows the plant to save water, the plant uses the leaves as a container to remove unnecessary substances, and branches are prevented from breaking off in winter under the weight of snow.

Teacher: The conclusion of this stage will be an introduction to your projects.When defending your work, you can ask questions.

IV . Project protection.

Creative task

Teacher: Now let’s make a syncwine on the proposed carved leaves, which we will attach to the tree on the board depicted on the Whatman paper. Rules for compiling syncwine. (the teacher gives it to everyone)

OnfirstOne word is written on a line - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine - leaf fall.

OnsecondIn a line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

OnthirdThree verbs are written on the line, describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.

Onfourthline contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which one expresses one’s attitude to the topic. It could be popular expression, quotation or composed phrase in context with the topic.

Lasta line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of a topic and allows you to express a personal attitude towards it.

Leaf fall

Beautiful, protective.
Breaks away, spins, falls,
The plant is preparing for winter.
Sheet( slide)

Completing of the work: compiling a syncwine and writing it on paper cut in the shape of maple leaves. (slide)

Students read out the completed syncwines and attach the leaves to the drawing of a tree on the board.While the work is being done, the music of Chopin “Autumn” is played.

Final word teachers: Today we drew attention to the autumn natural phenomenon - leaf fall. We examined its physiological basis and determined its biological significance

Outstanding artists and composers dedicated their works to the theme of leaf fall and autumn, poets, I bring to your attention paintings by famous artists, the main theme is autumn. (slide presentation)

Watching a video film and paintings about autumn (presentation slides)

V. Lesson summary: The teacher thanks the children for the lesson and preparation, assessing the students’ work, assigning homework, and grading.

Abdrakhmanova Rosa
Ecological mini-project “Golden Autumn”

Ecological mini-project

« Autumn is golden»



Huge role in environmental education of preschoolers plays practical, research activities in natural conditions, which in turn promotes the development of curiosity. One of the definitions of curiosity in "Dictionary of Social Sciences" sounds like “active interest in the world around us, in phenomena, in people”, and the task of teachers is to develop this "active interest".

Ecological education will be more effective if you study nature not only from pictures and photographs, but also through the emotional perception of trees, grass, sunsets, sunrises, through the child’s direct contact with nature.

In any city or town there are natural objects that are interesting to observe. objects: trees, grass, insects, birds. It is better to study them during the design process research activities- this is one of the promising and effective methods teaching and raising children preschool age. Based on a personality-oriented approach to training and education, it develops cognitive interest, curiosity in various areas of knowledge, develops cooperation skills, practical skills, in this case in area environmental education. In our work with children of senior preschool age, we used the method of project activity in order to develop their interest in studying nature, since this age is characterized by more sustained attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities.

Practical significance: This project can be used in working with children 5-7 years old in classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, familiarization with fiction, visual arts. The structure and content of the project reflects its educational focus.

Innovation focus: It is more effective to study nature through the emotional perception of trees, grass, sunsets, sunrises - through the child’s direct contact with nature.

Extent of distribution: The project was presented at the municipal methodological exhibition "Steps into the natural world" (3rd place)

Developer: Abdrakhmanova R.I., teacher of 1st qualification category MBDOU "Vladimirovsky kindergarten"

Type mini-project: cognitive and creative.

Character mini-project: short term.

Dates: September-November.

Participants mini-project: children senior group, teacher.

Target mini-project: developing interest in studying nature in autumn period time.

Tasks mini-project:


Strengthen the ability to establish connections between signs in nature and the ability to defend one’s point of view and draw conclusions. To develop children's interest in exploring nature in autumn period of time through different kinds activities:


Reading fiction;






Drawing attention to surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the environment natural world, the variety of its colors and shapes;

Cultivating the desire and ability to preserve the world nature;

Fostering a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment.


Development of skills to observe living objects and inanimate phenomena;

Development of the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes;

Protecting and promoting children's health, developing skills healthy image life.

Main areas of work with children:

Joint activities of adults and children;

Organized forms of training in the process of GCD;

Observations, walks, conversations, holidays;

Artistic activity.

Methodological tools:

Notes of classes, excursions, conversations, walks, holidays;

A selection of children's literature in educational areas;

Methodological literature.

Implementation stages mini project.

Preparatory stage

1 Accumulation of information base on the study problem: the study of cognitive and methodological literature; magazine articles « Preschool education» , "Child in kindergarten» . September

2 Preparation of literature for children about autumn.


3 Preparation of equipment for stand design « Golden autumn » (pictures depicting plants, animals, natural phenomena that can be observed in the kindergarten area).


Main stage

1 Conducting classes on topic:

GCD "Early autumn» , "Nature and Man";

GCD "Gifts autumn» (fruits vegetables, “Leaf fall, leaf fall - yellow leaves are flying”;

"The Cranes Are Flying Away", "How animals prepare for winter" (see Appendix No. 1);

Trip to autumn forest»


2 Didactic games and exercises with natural materials: “One, two, three, run to the bush!”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, "Children on a Branch", "Find the same one",

"We - autumn leaves» , "It flies - it doesn't fly", “Find what I’ll describe” September - November

3 Observation during walks:

Behind living and inanimate nature in autumn;

Behind the changes autumn weather;

September - November

4 Organization of an exhibition of creative works children:

« Golden autumn»

"Gifts autumn» (see Appendix No. 2) September October

5 Reading fiction topic:

Proverbs, sayings, riddles about autumn.

Reading and memorizing poems about autumn: Y. Tuvim "Vegetables", A. Pushkin "The sky is already it was breathing in autumn...» , A.K. Tolstoy « Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling..." .

Reading to children: I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Leaf Faller" September - November

6 Excursion to autumn Park(see Appendix No. 3) October

7 Collecting plant seeds and their leaves for crafts October

8 Listening: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

Learning songs about autumn. October November

The final stage

1 Entertainment: holiday autumn"Turnip"(see Appendix No. 4) November

Expected result:

Forming the Foundations environmental preschoolers' cultures through practical activities with living objects, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material;

Children’s awareness of the knowledge that plants and animals are living organisms;

Formation of knowledge about the significance of living and inanimate nature in human life;

Showing positive and negative influence person on the surrounding world.


Zhuravleva V. N. Project activities older preschoolers - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. – 202 p.

Nishcheva N.V. Project method in organizing cognitive and research activities in kindergarten - Publishing House LLC "Childhood - Press", 2013. – 304 p.

Pavlova L. Yu. Collection didactic games on introducing children 4 to 7 years old to the world around them - Mozaika Publishing House - Moscow, 2012

Educational project

on the topic of:

"Plant Life in Autumn"

Project manager: Gulnaz Ildarovna Kalieva, teacher at Krasnoyarsk Secondary School No. 1

Plant life in autumn

Leaf fall is a unique phenomenon

Autumn in literature and painting

Exhibition of children's creative works

Project results

Project characteristics: short-term, interdisciplinary, with creative works children

Project goals:

- study the signs of autumn;

-give the concept of the natural phenomenon “leaf fall”;

-get acquainted with works of art about autumn;

-to arrange a children's drawing exhibition on the theme: “Lady Autumn”;

  • Hold a competition of riddles about autumn.

Brief summary of the project: the project expands children's knowledge about autumn, instills a love for native nature, teaches you to admire the artistic word and colors of autumn.

Fundamental question: Why do we love autumn?

Study questions:

-What is interesting about plant life in autumn?

  • Why is leaf fall a unique natural phenomenon?
  • Why is autumn the favorite season of poets and artists?
  • What feelings can children's drawings express?
  • What interesting autumn facts have we come across in nature?
  • What flowers decorate autumn beds?
  • Why do we love autumn?

  • Plants are preparing for winter.
  • In autumn, plant buds finally form.
  • Many plants accumulate reserves of nutrients.
  • Perennial herbs accumulate reserves in rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs.
  • The main sign of autumn in our area is leaf fall.
  • A lush carpet of fallen leaves is important for forest plants and animals.
  • Fallen leaves form a litter that covers the soil and protects it from freezing.

Plant life in autumn

Most woody plants The transition to a dormant state is expressed by autumn leaf fall, which is preceded by autumn leaf color. Birch leaves turn light yellow; rowan - crimson red; aspen - orange; alder - a cloudy brown-green hue. Autumn change spreads to shrubs, grasses and conifer tree larch. Leaf fall is called a unique phenomenon of autumn.

Riddles about autumn

In the morning we go to the yard -

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

I didn't drown myself

And they fly, fly, fly... (Oh...)

And he didn’t stir up the water.


Yellow leaves are flying,

Came without paints and without a brush

They fall, they spin,

And under your feet just like that

And repainted all the leaves.

How they lay a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?

It's just... (L...)

Guess what!

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

(Ivan B...)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold, in their canopies the sound of the wind and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy darkness, and the rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, and the distant threats of gray winter.

Autumn is a “sad time...”, the favorite time of year for poets, philosophers, romantics and melancholics. Poems about autumn will “swirl” with words-winds, “drizzle” with stanzas-rains, “are dazzling” with epithets-leaves... Feel the breath of autumn in autumn poems for children and adults.

Poems by poets about autumn

Leaf fall, leaf fall, The whole team rushed into the garden, Shurochka came running.

Autumn looked into the garden - The birds flew away. Yellow snowstorms rustle outside the window in the morning. The first ice underfoot is crumbling and breaking. The sparrow in the garden will sigh, But he’s embarrassed to sing.

The leaves (can you hear?) rustle: Shurochka, Shurochka...

A shower of lacy leaves rustles about her alone: ​​Shurochka, Shurochka...

(Agniya B...)

Bright colors of autumn (Competition “My Autumn Garden”)

Our creativity Exhibition “Lady Autumn”

Project results

Autumn is the brightest time of the year and, despite the approaching cold weather, garden plots often decorated not only with an abundance of colors from fallen leaves, but also flowers. They often bloom until frost. It depends on the climate. Leaf fall is a unique natural phenomenon. We love autumn for the abundance of vegetables, bright colors and poetic lines.

in biology on the topic “Autumn phenomena in nature.”

Performed by Evelina Chukhmanova, a student of class 5A.

Purpose of the work: to observe changes in living and inanimate nature in the fall and draw a conclusion.

Equipment: notebooks, pen, camera for taking pictures of plants.

Project plan: 1. Changes in inanimate nature in autumn.

2. Changes in plants.

3. Changes in animals.

    Changes in inanimate nature in autumn.

In autumn, the length of daylight hours becomes shorter and the air temperature drops. The sun began to shine less and there was more precipitation. Frosts occur in the mornings, evenings and at night.

Riddle: Large, fractionally frequent,

He watered the whole earth. (Rain).

Signs: If the north wind means cold, the south wind means warmth.

Red sunset - towards the wind.

Thunder in September foreshadows a warm and long autumn.

    Changes in plants.

First, the fruits of the plants ripen, then the foliage changes color, underground part The plants dry out and leaves begin to fall. Its cause is the cambium layer, which prevents the passage of nutrients to the leaf blade, vital processes slow down, then stop...leaf fall begins - golden autumn!

The earliest trees to lose their leaves are linden, birch and elm. In some trees, for example, linden and poplar, the leaves of the large lower branches fall off first, the middle gradually becomes exposed, and the top of the tree flies last. But in elm, hazel, and ash, leaf fall begins from the upper branches. The foliage gradually melts, revealing the dark trunk of the tree.

Only the spruce and pine stand green, with their dark silhouettes enhancing the brightness and sonority of the autumn colors. Their leaves - needles - are not afraid of frost. Each needle, like a fur coat, was covered with a waxy coating.

Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;

They only show off in the distance, there at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees...

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few berries - dry.

If leaf fall passes soon, we should expect a warm winter.

Aspen leaves lie on the ground “face up” - towards the cold winter.

    Changes in animals.

In autumn, all animals actively prepare for winter. Fill winter pantries with grain, seeds, roots, and nuts. They grow thick, fluffy fur, deposit a lot of fat under their skin, and change color. Some animals hibernate, such as bears and hedgehogs, because there is very little food in winter. Some animals begin to gather in flocks and herds. Birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes, gather in flocks and fly away. Some birds come to us. The fish sink closer to the bottom, become inactive, and store fat. Frogs, snakes, and lizards spend the winter near the pond. Insects lay eggs.

Packed up and flew

Ducks for a long journey.

Under the roots of an old spruce

A bear is making a den.

Wolves prowl in the dark night

For prey in the forests.

Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse

A fox sneaks in.

The nutcracker hides for the winter

The old moss nuts cleverly.

Wood grouse pinch the needles.

They came to us for the winter

Northerners are bullfinches.

Large ant heaps in the fall - for a harsh winter.

It will be a severe winter if the birds take flight together.

The abundance of autumn shadows in the forest - in clear weather.

While working on the project, we systematized our knowledge on the topic: “Autumn phenomena in nature.” We learned that living and inanimate nature changes, regresses, and falls asleep in the fall. During the excursion we realized the beauty of autumn nature. During the project, we worked with information: we looked for riddles, signs and poems about autumn. We prepared a report, presentation and speech on the topic of the project.

Project "Autumn"

Educational areas of the program

Types of children's activities.


Conversations about autumn. (Annex 1)

D\i “Moms and Babies”, “When It Happens”,

Comparison tasks. (Appendix 2)

Description of nature in September - October - November.

Cycle of observations “Studying the life of nature in autumn.” (Appendix 3)

Compilation of the album "Seasons".

FEMP exercises “Count the leaves”, p\i “Rain clouds.


Creative storytelling for children on the topic “We walked on the site.”

Examination of plot paintings.

Compiling descriptive stories using diagrams: “Vegetables and fruits.” “Seasons”, “Which tree does the leaf come from”.

Games “Find the mistake”, “Choose the word”, “Name it affectionately”, “Say it correctly”.

Set of exercises: “Trees”

Conversation on questions about the season - autumn

Reading fiction

Proverbs, riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes.

Reading and memorizing poems about autumn.

Reading the poem “Vegetables” by Y. Tuvim.

Reading the fairy tale “Autumn is on the Doorstep” by N. Sladkov,

“How birds and animals prepare for winter” G. Snigerev.

Artistic creativity

Application “Apples have ripened in the garden”, “Birds on a branch”, “Let’s treat the bunny with a carrot”;

Construction from natural materials “Mushroom”;

Drawing “Gloomy Autumn”, “Golden Autumn”, “Who Lives in the Autumn Forest”,

Application “Gifts of Autumn”

Drawing “Golden Autumn”

Creating a collage of autumn leaves.

Drawing of a spider and rowan branches.


Plot-role-playing game “Gregetable shop”.

Games - dramatizations based on the works "Turnip".

Game “What autumn brought us.”

D\i “Wonderful bag”,

“What grows in the garden?”

"Vegetables and fruits".

P\i "Find a tree"

“Fly, leaf, to my box.”


“Gifts of Autumn” - collecting natural materials while walking.


Listening to: I. P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”

Learning songs about autumn

Entertainment “The Adventure of the Fly Agaric”

Psychological sketches “Dance of autumn leaves”, “Dragonfly froze”, “First hare”.

Physical Culture



Thematic morning exercises “Morning in the autumn forest”, “In the autumn meadow”

Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Rolling a ball between objects.

Jumping over short cords (6-8 pieces).

Game task “Jump over the stream.”

Game task “Run across the bridge.”

Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop

Health: teach to cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing and contact an adult if you are sick.

Safety: teach to follow safety rules while walking in the autumn forest, park...

Viewing and reading literature “How to behave in the forest, in the park”

Annex 1

Conversations. Getting to know the signs of autumn.

October 1-2 weeks

  1. Reading a poem

September October November

With rain and falling leaves,

And the birds fly away

And the children need to go to school

  1. Getting to know the signs of early autumn.

Adult: What time of year is it now? What about a month? (September). September is the first autumn month. It's early autumn now. It is hot outside? The sun is shining? The wind blows? What color are the leaves on the trees? Is the grass dry or still green? Are the flowers blooming? How are people dressed?

In early autumn it gets a little colder, but still warm. The sun shines brightly. It rarely rains. The leaves begin to change color. Flowers are still blooming in gardens and parks. Vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fields and gardens. Mushrooms are collected in the forest. Migratory birds gather in flocks and prepare to fly south.

October 2-3 week

  1. Reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn.” (Learn)

Why are you visiting early?

Has autumn come to us?

The heart still asks

Light and warmth.

2. Signs of "Golden Autumn".

Children look at a picture depicting an autumn landscape and answer the questions: - What time of year is shown in the picture? What autumn month? Why do you think so

Is the weather warm or cold? Why do you think so? What clothes do people wear? Where do you find it!

People? What are they doing? What color are the leaves in October? Does it often rain in October? What sky? How does the sun shine? Are there many fruits and vegetables in October? Why are there so many leaves on the ground?

What is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall? What do birds do in October?

October 3-4 weeks

  1. Reading a poem (Learn)

Boring picture!

Endless clouds

the rain is pouring down,

Puddles by the porch.

  1. Description of late autumn

Adult: It gets cold in late autumn. The sun shines rarely and is warm. The sky is gray and gloomy. Cold drizzling rains often occur. The trees are shedding their last leaves. The grass has dried up, the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter. People put on warm clothes.

Appendix 2

Comparison tasks

  1. Repetition of the poem.

September October November

With rain and falling leaves.

And the birds fly away

And the children need to go to school.

2. INpolls:

What is the name of the first autumn month? - And second?

And the third month of autumn. What is it called?

Is it warm or cold outside?

Does the sun shine often?

Does it rain often?

Are the rains warm or cold?

Is the grass growing or drying up?

What happens to the leaves on the trees?

What kind of clothes do people wear?

3. Complete the sentences:

It was warm in the summer, but now... (Cold).

In September the leaves begin to fall, but now... (fell).

In September the birds began to fly away, and now... (everyone flew away).

In September the sun was a little warm, but now... (not warm).

In September it rained rarely, but now... (often).

4. Compare autumn with summer. Say it the other way around:

In summer the sun is bright, and in autumn... In summer the sky is bright, and... In summer, the days are long, and... In summer, the trees are green, and... In summer, people dress lightly, and... In summer, collective farmers grow crops, and... .

5 Find errors:

In autumn, children wear light clothes.

In autumn, the buds swell and the leaves bloom.

In autumn the sun is very hot.

In autumn there are frosts and snow.

In autumn, birds fly from warm regions.

6. Description of late autumn.

Adult: It gets cold in late autumn. The sun rarely shines and does not warm. The sky is gray and gloomy. Cold drizzling rains often occur. The trees are shedding their last leaves. The grass has dried up, the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter. People put on warm clothes

Children use the model to describe autumn.

7. Memorizing a poem.

Boring picture!

Endless clouds

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch.

Appendix 3

A series of observations “Studying the life of nature in autumn.”

"The wind blew"
. Clarifying children's ideas about autumn based on the essential signs of autumn: cold wind.
. Forming children's interest in independent observation of inanimate natural phenomena.
. Activating children's vocabulary: wind.
Equipment: pictures depicting autumn, or objects of wildlife (autumn park, autumn forest)

Progress of observation.
- Compare two pictures:
What is the difference?
-Why are the branches of the tree tilted?
- How to determine the presence of wind? (Children watch the movement of plumes and pinwheels).
The wind blows, flutters the flag, rustles the plumes, turns the turntable.
-Does the wind blow high in the sky? (children watch the rapid movement of clouds)
-What makes the clouds rush?
- What's the weather like? Is it windy?

The wind blew
A strong wind slammed the door
The wind is loud, the wind is strong,
He tears leaves from the trees,
He carries dust into the garden.
The tree is knocking on the window
Anything can happen.
S. Egorov
-Is the autumn wind similar to the summer wind: kind, gentle, warm?
What is the autumn wind like?

Windy, windy
The whole earth has been ventilated!
I. Tokmakova

Autumn has come - the leaves have turned yellow"
. Forming children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature: changing the color of leaves as autumn has arrived.
. Development of attention.
. Activation of vocabulary: leaves are yellow, red, green.
Equipment: picture of trees, or wildlife objects (trees, bushes...)

Progress of observation.
Children watch the maple tree.
- Let's admire our tree. It is alive, growing, breathing, eating.
An adult retells to the children an excerpt from the story “The Last Leaf” by P. Molchanov.
... And suddenly the maple felt that it became cool. He shivered. The leaves rustled. And in the evening he felt colder. The wind rolled in waves from all sides. The tree could not sleep. And in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, it felt that it was burning.
A hedgehog ran past. He stopped and was surprised:
- Wonderful! And who repainted the tree yellow?...
She flew past the magpie and began chattering;
- Where does such a bright tree come from?
And it’s true! All the leaves turned bright yellow overnight. They rustle in the wind and whisper.
And then the young maple realized:
It's autumn.

Admire the autumn yellow leaves. They flash among the green foliage.

Guess the riddle:
Gold coins hang on a branch.
(autumn leaves)

In autumn it gets cold. People dress in warm clothes, animals grow warm undercoat, and leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow from the cold.
Let's look at the birch tree; rowan, poplar. (Children compare the color of the leaves different trees and shrubs).

"Fog from the water"
. Introducing children to an autumn phenomenon: fog.
. Forming children's interest in independent observation.
. Activating children's vocabulary: autumn, cold, fog.
Equipment: toy raven, basin with hot, warm water.

Progress of observation.
The teacher invites the children to admire the fog:
- It's fog.
- What is he like?
- Touch the fog with your hand, wave your hands in front of you, you can’t dispel it, you can’t catch it with your hands. Look at the houses, at the trees. Tell us what you see and what you don't see.

The branches have darkened
Fog from the water
The wind drives the clouds
From cold countries.
V. Stepanov

A wise bird, a raven, sits on the branches of a birch tree. Let's go to him and he will tell us about the fog.
Children go to the birch tree. The bird asks the children to talk about the weather: whether it is warm or cold, whether there is wind, what time of year it is.
The Raven's Tale of the Fog:
Autumn. The sun shines little and it's cold. At night the grass and leaves froze. The air is cold. And in the river, streams, swamps, ravines there is water, it is warmer than the air. Steam rising from the water is fog. It is heavy, spreads along the ground, crawls. The fog is white and thick. Morning has come, look, everything is white.
- Guys, you can tell by the fog what day it will be - cloudy or clear.
If the fog rises to the sky in the morning, it will be cloudy.
If the fog presses to the ground, wait for the sun.
Raven: Today it will be clear.
(Children watch the fog dissolve).

Autumn in white mists
The garden buries in the morning.
No paths, no clearings -
We can't see anything.
In vain, somewhere from the roof
The rooster crows:
Autumn doesn’t seem to hear
And the fog seems deaf!
Barks in vain in the booth
Angry Brawler
And autumn doesn’t blow its whistle,
And fog, just like there is fog!
But only the sun is sharp, bright
The first to fire a beam -
Autumn to the river, old willows
Comes up sideways.
And the white fog lifts -
Canvas by canvas:
The garden is washed, fresh, whole
We see outside the window again!
E. Gorodetsky

Experiment: Raven told us that fog rises from the water on a cold day. Let's make the fog ourselves. (The pelvis is exposed with hot water. Children watch steam rising from the water.)
- What did we get? Fog! It swirls, rises above the water and spreads out, spreading to the sides.

“Where is the sun?”
. Formation of children's ideas about autumn changes in inanimate nature (the sun does not shine brightly, is dim, does not warm much, is cold).
. Development of attention and speech.
. Activation of children's vocabulary: sun, cold.
Equipment: toy - hare.

Progress of observation.
A hare comes to visit the children; he hasn’t walked with them for a long time, so he asks them to tell them what has changed.
Adult: I will tell you, and you guys show the bunny the autumn changes.

Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.
Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
It's just turning green
Winter in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling.
A. Pleshcheev

What is the weather like in autumn: cold or warm?
- When is it warm?
- Look at the sky? Is there sun?
- Stretch out your palms: are you warm?
The sun does not shine, it is not bright.
Let's look at the shadow of the birch - it is pale, gray, fuzzy lines, blurry outlines. This is because the sun is far away, not bright, and shines little.
- Let’s find out if the sun is warm?
Rubber balls, wet with water, are taken out for walks. If the sun is hot, it will dry the balls with its rays. (After a certain period of time, children note that the sun has not heated the surface of the balls, they are wet).
Look around, there are puddles on the paths, the ground is wet, there is a lot of dirt. This autumn sun does not warm or dry out the paths and soil.
