Rules for playing backgammon for beginners (short and long). Long backgammon. Classic rules

Setting up a board for playing backgammon, checkers and dice

Long backgammon, according to the rules of the game, is played on a board consisting of 24 points (holes). The board is conventionally divided into two equal parts by a special board (bar), with six holes for checkers on each short side.

Fig 1. Initial arrangement of checkers in the board game backgammon

According to the rules of the game of backgammon, each player has 15 checkers of the same color. Initially, all black checkers are placed in hole No. 1 (see Fig. 1), and white checkers are placed in hole 13. Holes 1 and 13 are called respectively - Black's head and White's head. The goal of playing long backgammon is to bring all the checkers into your home before your opponent and remove them from the board before the second player does. Home for blacks are points numbered 19 to 24 (see Fig. 1), for whites home are holes numbered 7 to 12.

Start of the game of backgammon

The game of backgammon begins with sequential throwing of dice. Cubes or dice are thrown in such a way that they both fall in one half of the game board and lie firmly on the edge. If the dice scatter across both halves of the board, if at least one of them falls off the board, or at least one of them stands askew, leaning against the board or checker, then the throw is repeated.

The right of the first move in long backgammon is played as follows: players throw one dice each, the player who throws large quantity points, and will go first. In case of equality of points, a repeat attempt is made. If after the end of the first game a second game is played, then the player who won the first game starts it.

At the beginning of the game, advantageous positions are captured. From the head, in one move, you can remove only one checker(except for the first move 3:3, 4:4 and 6:6). To capture profitable positions that secure future moves, it is better to use every move. If the combinations 3:3, 4:4 and 6:6 appear during the first move, you need to remove two checkers from your head, because You won't be able to make the whole move alone - your opponent's head will get in the way.

The purpose of the game of backgammon

In the game of long backgammon, the player must go through a full circle with all the checkers (counterclockwise), enter the house with them and throw them away before the opponent does. The home for each player is the last quarter of the playing field, starting from a square 18 squares from the head.

Movement of checkers in the board game long backgammon

In the board game long backgammon, the player rolls two dice at the same time. After the throw, the player moves any of his checkers by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of one of the dice, and then any one checker - by a number of cells equal to the rolled number of the other die. That is, if one die rolls “three” and the other rolls “five,” then, accordingly, you can move one of your checkers three squares and the other five squares. In this case, you can move one checker eight cells. Which move to make first, whether the number drawn is higher or lower, does not matter. In this case, you can only take one checker from your head.

The first throw in the board game of backgammon provides players with an exception to the above rule. If one checker, which is the only one that can be removed from the head, does not pass, then you can remove the second one. There are only three such throws for a player: six-six, four-four, three-three. In this situation, in the board game long backgammon, it is not possible to play a full move with one checker, since the enemy’s checkers standing on the head interfere. If one of these combinations appears, the player can remove two checkers from his head.

In the board game long backgammon, you cannot move two checkers by the number of squares indicated by one die, and then by the number of squares indicated by another die. That is, if the roll is five or four, you cannot go first with one checker for two, then with the other for three (that is, win back a five with two checkers) and then play a four in the same way. If both dice show the same number of points (double, jackpot), then the number of points is doubled, i.e. The player plays as if he had rolled 4 dice and can make 4 moves per the number of spaces rolled on one die.

In the board game long backgammon, you can place an arbitrary number of checkers on one field. You cannot place a checker on a square occupied by an enemy checker. If a checker lands on an occupied square, it is said to be “not moving.” If the enemy's checkers occupy six squares in front of a checker, then it is locked. In the board game long backgammon, it is not prohibited to build blocks of 6 checkers, but you cannot lock all fifteen of your opponent’s checkers. There is a variant of the rules: You have the right to build a fence of six checkers only if at least one enemy checker has entered the house.

Fig. 2. In long backgammon, a “running” move is not considered an error, because it is done during the player's turn and does not interfere with his opponent

In the board game long backgammon, if the player cannot make a single move for the number of points that he rolled on the dice (the checkers “do not go”), then the player’s dropped points disappear, and the checkers do not move at all. If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he has no right to shorten it, even if it is in his interests. That is, if it is more profitable for a player to make a “three”, but the roll is “six” and there is an opportunity to go “six”, then he should go “six”. In long backgammon, if a stone falls out that allows the player to make only one move, and either of the two, then the player must choose the larger one. Smaller points are lost. Note: the term “stone” in backgammon can refer to a die, as well as a combination of points rolled on two dice. For example, the “four-three” stone.

Throwing out checkers in the board game long backgammon

Fig 3. Black got 4:2. They throw two checkers

In the board game long backgammon, the term throwing checkers means making moves so that the checker ends up outside the board. Conventionally, advice on throwing checkers can be divided into 3 parts: capturing positions in the fourth quarter, correctly inserting checkers into the throwing zone and actually throwing checkers. A player can start throwing away checkers only when all his checkers have reached the house. In the process of removing checkers from the house, the player has the right to use the points that fell on the dice at his own discretion: he can play the checker in the house or throw it away. Checkers can only be thrown from the fields corresponding to the points rolled on the dice. For example, if the roll is 6:3, the player can remove one checker from the 6th field and one checker from the 3rd field from the board. In the board game, long backgammon in the process of removing checkers from own home It is allowed to remove checkers from the fields of the lowest rank if there are no checkers in the fields of the highest rank. For example, if the dice roll is 6:5, and there are no checkers on fields 6 and 5, then the player can take two checkers out of the house from the next in order, the fourth field, if there are no checkers there, then from the third, if there are no checkers there either - from the second, etc.

Results in the board game long backgammon

There is no draw in the game of backgammon. If one player throws away all his checkers, the second is considered a loser, even if the next throw may also throw away all his checkers. The backgammon game ends.

Building and hacking "fences"

A “fence” is the checkers of one of the players lined up in a row. If you managed to build a fence of 6 or more chips, then this is already a solid fence because it is impossible to jump over it.

Lack of moves

At any point in the game, we have access to a different number of moves for each of the 6 numbers of the die. There are times when, with a 6:6 double, we have access to, say, only two moves and not four (for example, during the first move), and a loss of moves occurs. Effective use“deficit moves” of one's own and one's opponent is one of the most difficult in long backgammon and is a sign of the highest skill.

Thousands of people on our planet are addicted to backgammon, which in English-speaking countries is called backgammon. This ancient oriental game occupies the top places in the ratings of tabletop entertainment. Beginners think that victory or defeat depends on the roll of special dice - pay. You get a lot of points - you win, a few - you lose. Not everyone who has played at least once in their life knows: there are secrets to playing backgammon, and if you master them, you will wear the winner’s laurels without taking them off.

Backgammon tactics

Surely everyone knows the basics of backgammon, but if not, then here key points. Each participant places 15 checkers on his part of the board (in the house). The main task is to make a circle around the playing field and remove chips from the field faster than the enemy. The number of holes to which the checker is moved is determined by throwing the charge.

A thorough knowledge of the rules can hardly be called cunning. This is rather an immutable truth. Therefore, if you still have gaps in knowledge, fill the lack of knowledge immediately. This can be done on our website, where the rules are written in an accessible and in clear language. After all, without knowledge of the theory you will not achieve mastery.

Secrets of playing backgammon

In a nutshell, secrets known species Backgammon is as follows: think carefully about each move, otherwise it is unlikely to be successful. The development of events depends on the initial movements of the chips, whether in long or short backgammon. Although the outcome of the fight also depends on whether the dice roll is successful, it is tactically correct to calculate the movements and predict the behavior of the opponent.

The tactics of playing backgammon are as follows: we move one checker from our own head, take the second one from another hole and, thus, slowly move towards the opponent’s head. Some experienced players advise choosing one of the possible strategies:

  • try to move forward by any means;
  • hold the defense until the last.

There is no mystery here, everything is explained logically: if games with more points appear more often, move forward. If with a little one, defend yourself. When playing backgammon, tactics will differ depending on the situation; you cannot predict all combinations in advance; there are no win-win games.

Logically speaking, when two opponents of the same skill level sit at the board, they have the same chance of winning. Then, to win, follow these tactics for playing long backgammon: don’t let your opponent score points and don’t lose points yourself. To prevent your opponent from gaining points, create positions in which he will not be able to move and will be forced to miss moves. At the same time, carefully place checkers in the house and think through combinations in advance so as not to lose points.

Tactics for playing long backgammon

The main secret of correct tactics is to anticipate the situation, and not just see what is happening on the playing field in front of your eyes. In other words, calculate possible consequences movements. Adherents of backgammon with a mathematical mindset made some calculations and found out that in order to get to the desired hole, try to stand 5-6 holes before it. Most often the total is the same number of points. This little trick will help even a beginner win.

What other secrets of playing long backgammon are known? Close holes for your opponent that he can get into, because we already know that usually the bets give 5-6 points when throwing. Use this tactic against your opponent.

The secrets of backgammon also include building a fence. A fence is called a battle participant's chips placed in three to six cells in a row. By lining up the fence correctly, create a winning combination. The point is that your opponent will have a shortage of moves, but you will have the opportunity to make a good, well-thought-out move. If you don’t scare your opponent with a fence of 3 chips, then when there are 4, 5 or 6 chips in a row, this is almost a winning combination.

Long backgammon tactics for playing with a computer

When playing long backgammon with a robot, the tactics remain the same. We defend or attack depending on the situation on the field and how lucky your day is today. Online backgammon also requires the player to logical thinking and at least the simplest ones mathematical abilities. To win, play hundreds of games. It’s like in sports - the more you train, the closer you are to victory.

Use the secrets of backgammon while playing with a robot or a person in the LuckForFree Free Club. Also, everyone will find on our website most popular games: card games, chess, checkers, dominoes, roulette, etc.

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A backgammon board is similar to a chess board, only the action takes place with inside, and not from the outside, as in chess. The course is divided into 24 holes, 12 on each side of the course. 30 checkers are used, 15 pieces each different color each of the two players has two zara. Zars are ordinary dice (cubes).

Placement of chips, start and goal

Backgammon is long. Each player places all his checkers in the first hole of the upper right corner of the board. Its right side is called the white yard, the left side is called the black yard. The first to go is the one whose score will show more points when thrown. The winner starts the second game. The goal of the game is to move all your checkers counterclockwise to the last quarter of the board, the “home” (if you count the first one for your checkers as the one where they stand) and then discard them. To make a move, both dice are rolled. If at least one of them falls on the edge of the board or flies off the board, the throw is repeated. The number of points rolled determines the number of holes into which one or two chips can be moved (which ones are decided by the player himself).

Movement of checkers in backgammon

On the first move, one checker is moved to the number of holes that the beads will show. You can take only one chip at a time from the “head” (the hole in which they are placed at the beginning). An exception is made if the same number appears on the dice (“jackpot”, four moves are allowed), then two chips can be removed. For example, if you roll a two, you have the following options:

Remove one chip from the “head” and use it to play two holes four times;

Take off two, and go with both two times;

Remove two, one - one move by two divisions, the second three moves by two divisions.

When all the checkers are on the field, at the “jackpots” they move four times, with which chips and how, you decide for yourself. It is forbidden to place a checker in the hole where someone else’s already stands; you can place it on your own “head”. If, for example, on the first move you hit the “jackpot” of sixes, the only option is to remove two checkers and move them to the seventh hole, the next move falls on the “head” of other people’s chips.

The player needs not only to move his chips to the last field as quickly as possible, but also to interfere with the opponent’s movement, occupying as many holes as possible. Then the enemy will lose moves and he will have fewer options movement. If after a throw there is nowhere to move due to the fact that all possible divisions for a move are occupied by other people's checkers, the game is skipped. You cannot refuse a move, even if it is not profitable.

Throwing out chips, end of game

You can start throwing away checkers only when they are all in the “house”. They are discarded according to the number of points rolled: 6 and 4 are rolled, checkers from the sixth and fourth from the end of the field or hole are removed. If there are no chips in the slots whose number was dropped, a move is made on this number (1 and 2 fell when everyone is standing on the sixth hole - a move is made on 1 and 2 spaces; 6 and 5 when everyone is already on the first field - two are simply thrown ).

There are no draws, the winner is the one who discards all the checkers first. Your throw!

Backgammon is a very ancient and exciting game. One of the main and most common options is backgammon. They are recognized by the international community as a sports discipline, and official tournaments have been held for several years.

Not many people can boast of not so much a good backgammon game, but simply the ability to play, knowledge of certain rules. These are the basic conditions, having mastered which, you can play long backgammon quite competently and subsequently achieve a decent level.

The goal of playing this type of backgammon is to go through a full circle with all the checkers (counterclockwise), go into the house (the last quarter of the board to move) and throw them away before the opponent.

It is designed for two players. The tournament takes place on a special board, which is divided into left and right parts, where there are 15 checkers, each player having a different color. The right to the first move is determined by throwing out one zara (dice), the one with the most starts first. If the number of points is equal, then the bets are thrown again.

In the game "long backgammon", the rules allow you to invalidate an opponent's throw by saying the word "kestum" during the throw. When throwing, it is necessary that both zara fall and lie stably on one side in one half of the board. If this does not happen, then the throw is repeated. The number of points rolled determines how many “pips” the player can move the checkers. It is not allowed to move two checkers per number per die. If the same number of points (double, gauche, pash, jackpot) are dropped on both sets, they are doubled.

You are allowed to bet on one field unlimited amount checkers, but cannot be placed on the opponent’s square. You can block the passage of an enemy checker by lining up six of your checkers in a row. It is forbidden to block all 15 checkers of another player - at least one of someone else's checkers must go into the house.

If the player does not have a single move option, then the points thrown at the start disappear and the move goes to the opponent. If a situation arises where one move can be made, the player must choose the larger one.

The initial position of the checkers when playing backgammon is called the “head”, so the initial move is called “take from the head”, and it is allowed to remove only one checker per move (the exception is the first move, where 3:3, 4:4 and 6 coincide: 6). If these combinations appear on the first move, only two checkers are allowed to be removed. When the second player has more options If the coin falls out, with each option you can remove two checkers from your head. In addition to the opponent’s head, he will be hampered by those checkers that he had already removed before: if the opponent threw 2:1, 6:2 or 5:5 in the first throw, then the second player removes the second checker also with throws of 5: 5, 6:2 and 4:4.

There are many strategic and tactical methods of the game, but the main thing remains the capture of more advantageous positions, ideally driving the enemy into a position in which he has no moves for some time - “Mars”.

At the final stage, the checkers are thrown off the board. This can only be done if they all came to the house. You can use the dropped points to move checkers inside the house or throw them away from the fields corresponding to the points at dawn. If they are absent on the senior fields, the player can throw out checkers from the junior fields.

Not in backgammon ideal option course, you often have to choose the best one from several available options.

In the game of backgammon, the rules do not allow there to be a draw. The player who throws the last checkers out of the house is considered the winner.

Having appeared in the East, backgammon became an international game. The existing rules, backgammon received due to the large increase in the number of fans of this wonderful game, multilingual, including Ukrainian - “rules of backgammon”, translation of principles, tactics and strategy.

Learning the rules of backgammon

October 31, 2012

Backgammon is a game played by 2 people. For it you need to have a special board divided into two parts, checkers and cubes (dice). The goal of the game is to move checkers around the board.

To do this, dice are thrown, on which points fall out, and, depending on the points dropped, checkers are moved across the playing field.

People have been playing backgammon for about 5,000 years. This game came to us from the East a long time ago, and at different times the popularity of this type of leisure activity has constantly changed, experiencing ups and downs.

In the Middle Ages, backgammon was very popular and was called backgammon.

The rules of playing backgammon (long) remained virtually unchanged, but the rules of playing short backgammon were established by Edmond Hoyle in 1743. Today they are very popular among Russians and residents of the CIS countries; they also love this game in Iran, Syria, Turkey and Israel. Various tournaments and competitions are regularly held between fans of this game.

The rules of backgammon are determined by the following items:

rectangular board with 24 points, 12 on each side.

The point is a triangle with the base on the side;

6 points in a row located in one of the corners of the board are called a house;

the board is divided in half by a vertical line called a bar;

each player owns 15 checkers of the same color;

In the game, one pair of dice (dice) is used.

Rules for playing backgammon (long and short):

each player takes turns;

the checkers move in a circle, and each player has their own direction of movement;

First, the right to move first is played out by throwing dice. The one with the highest number starts. If the score is equal, the dice are rerolled;

Each turn begins with a roll of the dice on one free side of the bar. If the dice fall outside the bar or onto a checker, or are placed unevenly, you must roll again;

one checker can make from one to four moves;

if the points rolled on the dice do not allow you to make a move to your checker or an empty cell, the move is lost;

if it is impossible to use the number of points of both dice, it is necessary to use more points of one die;

When all the checkers are in the “house”, then with the next moves they are removed from the “house”.

The rules of the game of backgammon are determined by the initial location of the checkers on the board. The one who takes the checkers out of the “house” first becomes the winner. The “draw” option in backgammon is completely excluded. The winner is always determined in the final.

For winning, the winner can receive up to 4 points.

The rules of playing long backgammon mainly consist of the above points. In addition, you cannot place your checker on another player's checker; you can move any number of checkers; Points on the dice do not add up; If there are no valid moves on the dice, then the move is skipped, since it is not allowed to build an impassable screen.

In addition, the rules of playing long backgammon are that players must move the checkers in one direction, one after another, counterclockwise. The game takes place at a previously determined bet, which is given for the points won.

The situation when a player does not have time to remove his checkers, while the second player has already done so, is called “mars”. In this case, the bet is doubled.

The rules of playing short backgammon have the following differences:

checkers move towards each other;

in short backgammon you can knock out the checkers of another player;

the position from which the game begins is more complex;

The player’s “house” is occupied by 6 and 1 positions and the player’s “yard” is 12 and 7, and his opponent’s is 19 and 24, 13 and 18.

The rules of the game of short backgammon are also that the checkers are arranged in this way: the player has 2 checkers in point 24, 5 in point 13, 3 in point 8 and 5 checkers in point number 6. The opponent’s checkers are arranged in the opposite direction . Perhaps you will also enjoy this exciting entertainment, especially since the rules of playing backgammon are simple.

Backgammon six-one- a type of backgammon game that does not require special skills or strategic thinking from players. Makes it possible to expand the age range from 3 to 90 years.

Rules of the game

The player who wins the draw gets 1 move and rolls two dice. When the numbers 6 or 1 appear on the die, the player has the right to throw the chip into the “house”. When any other numbers appear on the dice, the player moves the chip to the corresponding number. If the chip has already been removed from the “hat”, then when the numbers 6 or 1 are rolled out, the player cannot throw the chip into the “house”. The game ends as soon as all of one player's pieces go to the "house".

Starting position

Two players place 15 backgammon - each on their own part of the board along the left side.

First move draw

Players roll one die (zara). The right to make the first move goes to the one who has the most points. If the numbers match, they roll again.

Move all your chips to the last position opposite as quickly as possible.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Six-one” is in other dictionaries:

SIX- number five with one, seven without one, half a dozen. There are three cows, they will calve, there will be six. They lost the bast shoes, searched around the yards: there were six, they found seven. Spit, blow, whistle, say: 6 yu 6, 36 (drunk test). The dead man washes himself for six weeks, six... ... Dictionary Dahl

Six dead Bulgarians- Genres industrial, noise, power electronic, experimental, dark ambient, IDM, neofolk Years 1995 ... Wikipedia

Six Lost Hours (film)- Six lost hours Six heures à perdre Genre dramatic comedy ... Wikipedia

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Six (film- Six (film, 2004) Six Six: The Mark Unleashed Genre ... Wikipedia

Six lost hours- Six heures à perdre ... Wikipedia

Six (2004 film)- Six Six: The Mark Unleashed Genre ... Wikipedia

Six legs, two heads and one tail.- (topper). See MAN... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

one- one/one/one/one numbers, used. max. often Morphology: how much? one house, one hand, one word, (no) how many? one house/word, one hand, how many? one house/word, one hand, (I see) how much? one house, one hand, one word, (I see) ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Six Secret Teachings- Jiang Ziya, portrait from a 1607 encyclopedia. Six secret teachings (Chinese tr. 六韜, exercise 六韬, pinyin ... Wikipedia

Backgammon situation


Be happy!

Quote (Cobal @ 11/24/2012)

The rule goes like this: During the game, there is one restriction: a player cannot occupy 6 fields in a row, that is, block the enemy’s path, until he brings at least one chip into his house.
You cannot create a row of 6 or more of your own checkers in a row if at least one of the enemy’s checkers is not behind the barrier
“If the enemy’s checkers occupy six squares in front of a checker, then it is locked. It is not forbidden to build blocks of 6 checkers, but you cannot lock all fifteen of your opponent’s checkers.

Quote (Cobal @ 11/24/2012)
Not this way. It is impossible to close 6 neither from below nor from above, because The opponent does not have a single piece in his house.
The rule goes like this: During the game, there is one restriction: a player cannot occupy 6 fields in a row, that is, block the enemy’s path, until he brings at least one chip into his house. From below it is DEFINITELY possible - if before he closed the 6th field in a row, one of the opponent’s chips went further.

You cannot create a row of 6 or more of your own checkers in a row, if at least one of the enemy's checkers is not behind the fence
It is not possible to go from above YET, because none of the opponent’s pieces have entered their home.

Om Mani Padme Hum

Quote (Cobal @ 11/25/2012)
In general, this is the first time I’ve heard about dividing the field into top and bottom.
I won’t argue, because... It seems that this rule is interpreted differently in different places, but as a person who has played hundreds of games of long backgammon, I can say one thing for sure: if you cover 6 fields in a row before your opponent gets at least one chip into the house, then “premature end of the game” will happen much more often. So I advise you to play by the rules that I stated above
In general, there is a thread where opinions are also divided
top and bottom - this is how I put it in relation to the top and bottom of the screen, so that it would be clearer in this topic.
Regarding the rules, I voiced those by which I learned to play on the street.
I don’t know what exactly the rules are at international championships.
covering 6 opponent’s fields in a row (before the opponent places at least one chip in the house) - as is done in the lower part of the figure - has the most immediate meaning - namely, to put the opponent “MARS” - that is, a situation in which one of the players has already finished playing - and the other has not yet withdrawn any of his chips.

if you wait until your opponent brings at least one of his chips into his house, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to place “MARS” on his opponent - but when the opponent in any part of the game moves his chip far away in such a way that a hole of more than 6 chips is formed which can be closed - in this case, the situation with “Mars” becomes more likely.
At the same time, when playing backgammon for money, “MARS” is paid DOUBLE, so this overlap of 6 fields has the most immediate meaning in relation to this game.

There is also the concept of “COKE” - but this is even less common - but when they play for money, they sometimes stipulate this point.


Quote (Snowman @ 11/25/2012)
if you wait until your opponent brings at least one of his chips into his house, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to place “MARS” on his opponent - but when the opponent in any part of the game moves his chip far away in such a way that a hole of more than 6 chips is formed which can be closed - in this case, the situation with “Mars” becomes more likely. So the point is that Mars is a rather rare outcome and is the result of either a blunder by the opponent or an extremely unfortunate loss of the dice. That is, apparently, you can play in different ways (the main thing is to discuss this in advance). I just heard about such rules for the first time in this thread.

P.S. About 15 years ago, my father in Turkey, drunk, played all night with a Turk - the rules were “a player cannot occupy 6 fields in a row, that is, block the enemy’s path, until he brings at least one chip into his house ."
P.P.S. There's an old but great PC game Long backgammon 2.0, play by the same rules.


Read Chebotarev’s book - this situation is described there, just like other controversial issues.
There are a lot of stupid “rules” in yard interpretations various games, the same hold'em in many viper games at the dawn of its appearance in Russia was also played according to completely insane rules, there was no concept of an illegal raise, for example: a player could go all-in whenever he wanted, even if it was all-in for a shorty after his own raise turned out to be only a couple of BBs more.

Mars in backgammon, this is not a rather rare outcome, but it happens very often if one of the opponents does not understand the game well, and the second skillfully uses it.
And if people who understand play, then this is a very good incentive to save their own and other people’s time: your opponent announced to you just now and you see that in such a game situation you can not only lose, but it’s also possible with Mars. So decide whether to give up and lose 1 jackpot or settle for 4 with a completely unfavorable outcome.

Backgammon 6 1 game rules

  • Rules online games
  • Features of the game of long and crazy backgammon

    Backgammon, the rules for which vary depending on the type of game, allows you to have fun and usefully. You can familiarize yourself with the features of the game of short backgammon on another page of our website.

    Long backgammon - learning to play

    In general, the rules are no different from short backgammon, but there are certain differences. We will tell you about them in more detail.

    Each player receives fifteen chips, which are placed in one row of fifteen chips, each player is called a “head”. According to the rules of the game, no more than one checker can be removed from each row in one move. But there is an exception - if two identical values ​​appear on the dice, then the player receives the privilege and can remove two chips per turn. They move sequentially, one after another, always in the opposite direction from the clockwise movement.

    Please also pay attention to the following feature - if there is already an opponent’s checker on the space, it is forbidden to “cut” it. The number of checkers located on one space is not limited.

    It is forbidden to create screens if there are no opponent’s checkers on the subsequent spaces behind the screen.

    But when playing long backgammon, the rules of which you are now reading, you get the right to remove a checker from the field if it is located on the space that corresponds to the number of points rolled on the dice. Of course, there are situations when there will be no such checkers, and therefore you need to move the chips from higher divisions to lower ones. It is not necessary to remove checkers from the spaces at every move - the rules allow their movement in the house.

    Crazy Backgammon - game features

    If you are interested in crazy backgammon, the rules of the game are practically no different from those mentioned above. But there are also certain features due to which the game received the name mad (mad) - we're talking about about the use of duplicates.

    In particular, when a double is rolled, the player makes four moves with chips at once, depending on how many numbers are rolled. In the future, the player moves the chips in doubles, up to sixes.

    Let's give a simple and understandable example. If two fours appear on the dice, then you first need to make four moves of four spaces, and after that the fun begins. It is thanks to this that backgammon began to be called crazy: the player makes additional moves - four moves of five spaces, as well as four moves of six spaces.

    But that's not all. There are often cases when, due to the location of the chips, it is impossible to make a move after a double is rolled - in this case, this privilege is transferred to the opponent. And he already makes moves to the end of the combination from the value at which his opponent stopped. Having completed his turn, the player has the right to his legal throwing of the dice. The last difference is the following - it is prohibited to remove chips from spaces that do NOT correspond to the values ​​​​thrown on the dice. It is also prohibited to move chips directly in the house itself.

  • Head – this term refers to one-fourth of the board on which the player’s checkers are located at the very beginning of the game.
  • House - this is the designation of that quarter of the board where the player must bring the checkers in order to then remove them from the game.
  • Bar - this is the designation of the bar between the two sheets of the playing board, on which knocked out checkers are collected.
  • Throw away - make certain moves so that the checkers end up outside the playing board.
  • Blot is the name of a point that is occupied by only one checker.
  • Anchor - this term refers to a point occupied by two or more checkers.
  • Tas - this word denotes a match, most often applied to a game of up to 3 points scored.
  • Dove – means doubling bets when playing for money (bet). Before each move, players have the opportunity to offer to double their bets by saying the coveted “Dave”. The opponent can accept “Dave”, or he can refuse and lose the game and one point. The player who accepted “Dave” receives Beaver, which will be discussed below, and from that moment he has the exclusive right to double bets.
  • Basho is the name for counter doubling of bets within one game. "Base" can also be accepted or rejected. If the “baso” player accepts, then the “beaver” goes to him and the game continues. If the opponent does not accept the “baso”, he is considered a defeat.
  • Beaver is a term that refers to doubling down when using "Dave" or "Base".
  • Kestum is a signal word that must be used to stop or cancel a throw. You must have time to pronounce this word before the dice stop moving.
  • Double, pash, gauche or jackpot - all these terms refer to the same number of dots rolled on the dice.
  • Correcting is a warning word that must be spoken if the player is only going to correct the position of the checker, but not make a move.
  • Oin - a game of backgammon that ended with a score of 0-1.
  • Mars - the rules state that if the losing opponent removed at least one checker, then he lost with the number of points that were at stake. But if he failed to throw away a single checker, then he receives a loss with a “mars” and loses twice as many points as he could with a normal loss.
  • Cox is a term that denotes the following state of affairs: the losing opponent not only failed to throw away a single checker, but also left one or more on the opponent’s “bar” or “house”. In this case, he loses by “coke” and loses three times the usual number of points.
  • The Jacobi rule is a rule that serves to speed up the game, as it is designed to eliminate situations in which “Dave” would not be announced.
  • Crawford's rule - according to this rule, if in a cycle of games one of the opponents is one point short of victory, then in the next game he will not have access to a beaver.
  • Zary – this is the term used for dice and dice.
  • Bet – the amount of chips when playing backgammon for money.

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Rules of online games Features of the game of long and crazy backgammon Backgammon, the rules for which vary depending on the type of game, allow you to have fun and usefully. With game features.

Long backgammon Playing field The board for backgammon has 24 cells, they are marked with sharp triangles. Each player has fifteen chips, which are placed on the right side of the board in one.

board game

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Backgammon - board game for two players on a special board divided into two halves.

The meaning of the game

By throwing the dice and moving the checkers in accordance with the points dropped, move the checkers a full circle around the board, enter your house with them and throw them over the board before your opponent does.

Backgammon board

The playing field (board) has rectangular shape. There are 24 points on the board - 12 on each of the two opposite sides. The point is usually a narrow, elongated isosceles triangle, the base of which lies on the side, and the height can reach half the height of the board. The points are numbered from 1 to 24. The numbering is different for each player. For convenience, points can be colored in two colors - even in one, odd in the other.

Six points in a row in one corner of the board are called the player's house. The location of the house depends on the rules.

On the sides of the board, areas can be allocated for placing checkers behind the board. If the board design does not provide for them, players place checkers on the table at the side of the board (next to the house).

The board is divided in the middle by a vertical strip called a bar. In those variants of backgammon where you can hit your opponent's checkers, the knocked down checkers are placed on the bar.

Each player has a set of checkers - 15 pieces of the same color (in some versions of the game fewer checkers are used).

There is at least one pair of dice (zar). A set may contain two pairs of dice - each player has his own, as well as special cups for mixing the dice. In the betting game, the so-called “doubling cube” can also be used, an additional cube for the convenience of accounting for increased bets - the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 are printed on its faces.

Rules of the game

There are many varieties of backgammon, differing in the rules of moves, bets, starting position and other details. However, there are three main varieties of the game - long, six-one and short backgammon. The following rules are common to all options:

  • Players take turns.
  • The direction of movement of checkers differs in different options games. But in any case, the checkers move in a circle and for each player the direction of their movement is fixed.
  • The right to make the first move is played out by throwing dice - each player throws one die, the one with the most points goes first. In case of the same number of points, the throw is repeated. - Before each move, the player throws two dice (called dice). The dropped points determine the possible moves. The dice are thrown onto the board, they must land on free place boards on one side of the bar. If at least one of the dice flew off the board, the dice ended up in different halves of the board, the dice hit a checker or stood unevenly (leaned against a checker or the edge of the board), the throw is considered invalid and must be repeated.
  • In one move, from one to four movements of the checker are made. In each of them, the player can move any of his checkers by the number of points that fell on one of the dice. For example, if 2 and 4 points are rolled, during this move the player can move one (any) of the checkers by 2 points, the other by 4 points, or move one checker first by 2, then by 4 points (or, conversely, first to 4 then to 2). If both dice roll the same number of points (a double), then the rolled points are doubled and the player gets the opportunity to make 4 moves. Each movement of the checker must be done for the full number of points rolled on the dice (if 4 points are rolled, then you cannot move the checker 1, 2 or 3 points - you can only move the full 4).
  • In the “mad gulbar” version of the game, when a double is rolled out, the player makes all moves from the dropped double to the double of six (for example, when a “four-four” double is rolled out, the player moves one checker by 4 points, then another by 4 points, then another by 5 , another one at 5, one at 6 points and another at 6 points). If a player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unplayed moves.
  • In each version of the rules there are some prohibited movements of checkers. The player cannot select moves that require such movements. If there are no allowed movements for the dropped combination of points, the player misses his turn. But if there is an opportunity to make at least one move, the player cannot refuse it, even if this move is unprofitable for him.
  • If it is impossible to use the points of one of the dice, they are lost. If there are two possible moves, one of which uses the points of only one dice, and the other - both, then the player must make a move that uses the points of both dice. If only one of two checkers can be moved (that is, the move of one checker excludes the possibility of moving the other), the player must make a move for a larger number of points. In case of a double, the player must use the maximum possible number of points.
  • When all the player's checkers, while moving along the board, fall into their home, the player can begin to place them behind the board with the next moves. A checker can be placed on the board when the number of the point on which it stands is equal to the number of points rolled on one of the dice (that is, a checker standing on the outermost point can be placed if a one is rolled up, on the second from the edge - if a two is rolled out ). If all the checkers in the house are closer to the edge of the board than the number of points rolled, then the checker from the point with the highest number can be placed on the board.
  • The initial placement of the checkers is determined by the rules. - There are no draws in backgammon. The first one to put all his checkers overboard wins.
  • The winner receives from one to three points for winning. The rules for awarding points for winnings in different variants of backgammon may differ.