Proto-Slavic language. Slavic Dictionary of Etymology - T - initial letter “firmly”

Proto-Slavic language

Over the long period of its existence (presumably 2000 years), the Proto-Slavic language underwent various changes. This circumstance, as well as the unequal understanding by different linguists of the processes occurring in languages, was the reason for the differences in attempts to reconstruct the Proto-Slavic language. Some authors have sought to distinguish different periods (for example, three periods) in the development of the Proto-Slavic language, but this has not received universal support.

In the 5th and 6th centuries, as a consequence of the Germanic and Hunnic-Antic migration period, the migration of Slavic tribes began. These movements marked the beginning of the division of the Proto-Slavic language. The Bulgarians formed their first state in 681, and at the end of the 9th century the Bulgarian dialect spoken in Thessalonica was first recorded, marking the beginning of literature in Old Church Slavonic. Old Church Slavonic cannot be considered Proto-Slavic proper, given the fact that it was written down at least two centuries after the collapse of the Proto-Slavic language, but it is still close enough to it that Old Church Slavonic was probably understandable to native speakers at that time other Slavic dialects and vice versa.


It is very difficult to separate the Proto-Slavic language from the late Proto-Indo-European, since the first is an organic continuation of the second. Therefore, the history of the Proto-Slavic language is often presented not in the form of a two-member scheme: Proto-Indo-European - Proto-Slavic, but in the form of a three-member scheme: Proto-Indo-European - Proto-Slavic (Proto-Balto-Slavic) - Proto-Slavic. This scheme was followed by N. S. Trubetskoy, G. A. Khaburgaev, O. N. Trubachev and others.

Proto-Slavic is a dialect of Proto-Indo-European, which, after the collapse of the latter (V-IV thousand years BC), gradually began to develop its own, original features that distinguished it from related languages. According to V.N. Toporov, Proto-Slavic is simply another name for the Proto-Balto-Slavic language.

The Proto-Slavic dialect became the Proto-Slavic language when enough changes had accumulated at all linguistic levels so that the speech of the ancestors of the present-day Slavs became incomprehensible to the Balts. According to various dates, this happened from 1500 to 500 BC. e. To date the end of the Proto-Slavic period, Academician O. N. Trubachev put forward the argument of iron. At the same time, V.N. Toporov believes that the Proto-Slavic language developed from one of the peripheral Baltic dialects, and the Balto-Slavic dialect continuum persisted for quite a long time after the formal separation of languages, as evidenced by the large number of innovations coinciding in the Baltic and Slavic languages, arose at a fairly late period. This theory, to some extent, is supported by the glottochronological interpretation of V.V. Kromer, according to which it turns out that the Balto-Slavic branch is divided not into two, but into three groups, located approximately at an equal distance from each other: eastern -Baltic (which gave modern Lithuanian and Latvian languages), Western Baltic (Prussian, Yatvingian, Galindian, Curonian) and Slavic. According to Novotná & Blažek, Proto-Slavic split with Proto-Baltic no later than 1400 BC. e., the date obtained by S. A. Starostin is close to this figure.

Proto-Slavic broke up (c. 130-600 AD - according to glottochronology) into a number of idioms that were in complex relationships with each other. They gave rise to modern Slavic languages.

History of phonetics

Late Proto-Indo-European phoneme system (traditional reconstruction)


Labial Dental Middle language Guttural Laryngals
palatovelar velar labiovelar
Nasals m n
Occlusive p t k
voiced b d ǵ g
voiced aspirates ǵʰ gʷʰ
Fricatives s h₁, h₂, h₃
Smooth r, l
Semivowels w j


front row middle row back row
long brief long brief long brief
upper monophthongs ī i ū u
average monophthongs ē e ō o
diphthongs ēi, ēu ei, eu ōi, ōu oi, ou
lower monophthongs ā a
diphthongs āi, āu ai, au

Proto-Slavic phonetic changes


The consonant system of the Proto-Slavic language in the period before palatalization and iotation looked like this:


front row middle row back row
long brief long brief
upper monophthongs ī i ū u
average monophthongs ē e o
diphthongs ēi, ēu ĕi, ĕu oi, ou
lower monophthongs ā
diphthongs āi, āu

Moreover, from a phonological point of view, diphthongs were biphonemic combinations.

  • Delabialization of ŏ>ŭ in a final closed syllable. Wed. a similar but independent process in Latin.
  • Accommodation jo>je.
  • Elimination of final d and t.
  • First transitional palatalization of velars. k, g, x > č", dž", š" before front vowels.
  • Accommodation ē > ā after č", dž", š", j.
  • Interaction of whistlers with j": sj">š", zj">ž". The reflexes of this interaction merged with the reflexes of the first palatalization.
  • Interaction of sonorants with j": lj">l", rj">r", nj">n". This phonetic process replenished the consonant system of the Proto-Slavic language with three new phonemes.
  • Interaction of labials with j": bj">bl", pj">pl", mj">ml", vj">vl".
  • ū>y, ŭ>ъ, ī>i, ĭ>ь.
  • Accommodation jъ>jь, jy>ji.
  • ē>ě ([æ] in some dialects and [ê] in others). Complete loss of vowel length as a differential feature.
  • Nasal formation. However, at the end of the word after the reduced n, it was simply lost.
  • Dropping of final s.
  • Monophthongization of diphthongs: oi > ě, i; ei > i; ou > u.

The consonant system of the early common Slavic language

Common Slavic phonetic changes

The Common Slavic period lasted from the 6th to the 9th centuries AD. e. Changes of the common Slavic era:

  • Second transitional softening of velars. It dates back to the 6th-7th centuries AD. Unlike the first palatalization, it produced whistling reflexes. The Old Novgorod dialect was not affected. k, g, x+ě 2, i 2 >c", dz", s" (in southern and eastern dialects)/š" (in western dialects).
  • Palatalization of back-languages ​​in the groups kvi, kvě, gvi, gvě, xvi, xvě in the southern and eastern dialects v.s. preservation of unsoftened consonants in the Western and Novgorod-Pskov dialects.
  • Third transitional softening of velars. It is dated by different authors both before the second palatalization, and after, or simultaneously with it.

It is described by the formula ь, i, ę, r" + k, g, x + a, o. Subsequently, the results were obscured by the influence of analogy. Among the exceptions to the specified formula are the words polsevati, vs, sits, konts, otts, etc.

  • Development of groups kt", gt" > c" in western dialects, č" in eastern, š"t" in southern.
  • Simplification of tl, dl groups in southern and eastern dialects v.s. the preservation of these groups in Western v.s. conversion to kl, gl in the Pskov dialect.
  • Metathesis in the initial groups or, ol, ar, al. After this, the trend towards increasing sonority received its logical conclusion.

Phonetic changes that already occurred in individual Slavic languages


Proto-Slavic accentuation as a whole continues the ancient Proto-Indo-European state, characterized by two types of mobile musical stress - acute and circumflex, however, it is reconstructed with significant difficulties caused by the fact that stress was not placed in Old Slavic monuments, and all modern languages ​​have greatly changed the ancient system. The reconstructed Proto-Slavic accentuation is genetically identical to the Proto-Baltic one, which serves as an argument in favor of the existence of a Baltoslavic community correlated with the time of existence of the “Laryngals”.

Particularly valuable are the data from the Serbo-Croatian language, which has four types of stress: short falling (kratkosilazni aktsenat) Krava, long descending (arugosilazni accent) hail, short ascending (kratkoulazni accent) stats, long ascending (arctic accent) river. However, Serbo-Croatian has experienced a systematic shift of stress one syllable closer to the beginning of the word, so the ancient stress location cannot be determined from it.

East Slavic languages, like Bulgarian, retained the mobility of stress, but replaced the musical stress with a force one.

Czech, having fixed the stress on the first syllable, retained only traces of the ancient state: the acuteness was reflected in it as the length of the vowel.



Proto-Slavic retained 6 Indo-European cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative) and the vocative form, losing only the positive case, which merged with the genitive (and gave its ending to the genitive case of stems on -*ŏ-, in other stems already in Proto-Indo-European genitive and deflective did not differ).

In Proto-Slavic there were the following types of declension (depending on the thematic element): -*ā-, -*ŏ-, -*ĭ-, -*ŭ-, -*ū-, and consonant. In addition, the types in -*ā- and -*ŏ- were divided into hard and soft subtypes (-*jā- and -*jŏ-). The consonant declension type also included several subtypes. The Indo-European type in -*ī- was lost and merged with the type in -*ā-, leaving a trace in the form of nominative case words like slaves. The heteroclitic declension was also completely lost

Below are examples of the Proto-Slavic declension in the form in which it was shortly before the collapse of the Proto-Slavic language (without taking into account the data of the Old Novgorod dialect, in which there was no second palatalization). The words *vьlkъ “wolf”, *kon’ь “horse”, *synъ “son”, *gostь “guest”, *kamy “stone”, *lěto “summer, year”, *pol’e “field” are given. *jьmę “name”, *telę “calf”, *slovo “word”, *žena “woman, wife”, *duša “soul”, *kostь ​​“bone”, *svekry “mother-in-law”, *mati “mother”.

Genus male average female
Declension type -o- -jo- -u- -i- -en- -o- -jo- -en- -ent- -es- -ā- -jā- -i- -ū- -r-
I. unit vьlkъ horse synъ guest kamy lěto pol'e jьmę telę slovo žena duša bone svekry mati
R. units vьlka kona synu gosti kamene lěta pol'a jьmene telęte lovese Zeny dušě/dušę bones svekrъve mate
D. units vьlku kon'u synovi gosti kameni lětu pol'u jьmeni telęti slovesi ženě duši bones svekrъvi materi
V. units vьlkъ horse synъ guest stone lěto pol'e jьmę telę slovo ženǫ dušǫ bone svekrъvь mother
TV units vьlkomь kon'emе synъмь guest stone lětom pol'em jмьмьмь telętмь love ženojǫ dušejǫ kostьjǫ svekrъvьjǫ materjǫ
M. units vьlcě kon'i synu gosti kamene lětě pol'i jьmene telęte lovese ženě duši bones svekrъve mate
Sound units vьlče kon'u synu gosti ženo soul bones mati
I., P. door vьlka kona syny gosti kameni lětě pol'i jьmeně telętě slovesě ženě duši bones
R., M. doors vьlku kon'u synovu gostju kamenu lětu pol'u jьmenu telętu slovesu zenu dušu kostju
D., TV. dv. vьlkoma kon'ema synъma gostьma kamenьma lětoma pol'ema jьmenьma telętьma slovesma ženama dušama kostьma
I. pl. vьlci kon'i synove gostеje kamene lěta pol'a jьmena telęta slovesa Zeny duš-ě bones svekrъvi materi
R. pl. vьlkъ horse synovъ gostьjь kamenъ lětъ pol'ь jьmenъ telętъ words zenъ dušь bone svekrъvъ mater
D. pl. vьlkomъ kon'emъ synъmъ guest kamenьmъ lětomъ pol'emъ jьмьмъ telętьmъ slovesьmъ ženamъ dušamъ kostьmъ svekrъvamъ mother
V. pl. vьlky kon"ě/kon"ę syny gosti kameni lěta pol'a jьmena telęta slovesa Zeny dušě/dušę bones svekrъvi materi
TV pl. vьlky kon'i synъmi guest kamenьmi lěty pol'i jьmeny telęty sweety zenami dušami kostьmi svekrъvami matermi
M. pl. vьlcěxъ kon'ixъ synъxъ gostьxъ kamenьxъ lětěxъ pol'ixъ jьmenьxъ telętьxъ slovesьxъ ženaxъ dušaxъ kostьxъ svekrъvaxъ motherxъ


Personal and reflexive pronouns

1 person unit 2nd person unit Returnable 1st person plural 2nd person plural
AND. azъ ty my vy
R. men you sebe nasъ vasъ
D. mьně mi tobe ti sobě si namъ vamъ
IN. men me you tę sebe sę ny nasъ vy vas
TV mъnojǫ tobojǫ sobojǫ nami vami
M. mьně tobě sobě nasъ vasъ

Possessive pronouns

The possessive pronouns in Proto-Slavic included the following: mojь, tvojь, svojь, našь, vašь.

Case Masculine Neuter gender Feminine
units pl. dv. units pl. dv. units pl. dv.
AND. mojь moji moja moje moja mojě moja mojě/moję mojě
R. mojego mojixъ moju mojego mojixъ moju mojejě/mojeję mojixъ moju
D. mojemu mojimъ mojema mojemu mojimъ mojema mojeji mojimъ mojama
IN. mojь mojě/moję moja moje moja mojě mojǫ mojě/moję mojě
TV mojimь mojimi mojema mojimь mojimi mojema mojejǫ mojimi mojama
M. mojemь mojixъ moju mojemь mojixъ moju mojeji mojixъ moju


The verb in the Proto-Slavic language was characterized by the categories of number (singular, dual, plural), person (first, second, third), tense (present, aorist, imperfect, perfect, futurum II), mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive).

The verb had two stems: the infinitive and the present tense.

As is known, for the Proto-Indo-European language there are two series of verbal endings, which are traditionally called primary and secondary. The Proto-Slavic language retained the ancient distinction: primary endings were used in the present tense, and secondary endings in historical ones.

Below are examples of the Proto-Slavic conjugation in the form in which it was shortly before the collapse of the Proto-Slavic language. The words *nesti “to carry”, *dvignǫti “to move”, *znati “to know”, *xvaliti “to praise”, *dati “to give”, *věděti ​​“to know”, *jěsti “to eat”, *byti “to be” are given.

Present tense

Class (according to Leskin) I -o-||-e- II -no-||-ne- III -jo-||-je- IV -i- V (athematic)
1.unit nesǫ dvignǫ znajǫ xval"ǫ lady věmь jěmь jesmь
2.units neseši dvigneši znaješi xvališi dasi věsi jěsi jesi
3.units nesetъ/nesetь dvignetъ/dvignetь znajetъ/znajetь xvalitъ/xvalitь dastъ/dastь věstъ/věstь jěstъ/jěstь jestъ/jest
1.door nesevě dvigneve znajevě xvalivě davě věvě jěvě jesvě
2.door neseta dvigneta znajeta xvalita dasta věsta jěsta jesta
3.door nesete dvignete know xvalite daste věste jěste jeste nesemъ dvignemъ znajemъ xvalimъ damъ věmъ jěmъ jesmъ nesete dvignete know xvalite daste věste jěste jeste nesǫtъ/nesǫtь dvignǫtъ/dvignǫtь znajǫtъ/znajǫtь xvalętъ/xvalętь dadętъ/dadętь vědętъ/vědętь jědętъ/jědętь sǫtъ/sǫtь


The aorist denoted an action as a fact that took place in the past and had already been completed at the time of speech. The aorist was formed from the stem of the infinitive. There were three ways of forming the aorist: simple, sigmatic athematic and sigmatic thematic. The simple aorist was formed by directly adding secondary personal endings to the base of the infinitive. The sigmatic athematic aorist was formed by adding the suffix -s- to the stem. Personal endings were already added to the suffix. The sigmatic thematic was formed in almost the same way, with the difference that the suffix -s- was not attached directly to the stem, but to the thematic vowel following the stem. The sigmatic thematic aorist is actually a Proto-Slavic innovation, while the simple and sigmatic athematic aorist were inherited by the Proto-Slavic language from Proto-Indo-European.

Class (according to Leskin) I II III IV V
1.unit nesъ dvigъ znaxъ xvalixъ byxъ
2.units nese dviže zna xvali by
3.units nese dviže zna xvali by
1.door nesově dvigově znaxově xvalixově byxově
2.door neseta dvižeta znasta xvalista bysta
3.door nesete dvižete znaste xvaliste byste nesomъ dvigomъ znaxomъ xvalixomъ byxomъ nesete dvižete znaste xvaliste byste nesǫ dvigǫ know xvališę byšę


The imperfect denoted a continuous or repeated action in the past. The forms of this tense were formed from the stem of the infinitive using the suffix -ěax- (after soft consonants -aax-, after vowels -ah-), a connecting vowel and personal endings.

Class (according to Leskin) I II III IV V
1.unit nesěaxъ dvigněaxъ znaaxъ xval'aaxъ běaxъ
2.units nesěase dvigněase know xval'aase běase
3.units nesěase dvigněase know xval'aase běase
1.door nesěaxově dvigněaxově znaaxově xval'aaxově běaxově
2.door nesěašeta dvigněašeta znaašeta xval'aašeta běašeta
3.door nesěasete dvigněasete know xval'aašete běašete nesěaxomъ dvigněaxomъ znaaxomъ xval'aaxomъ běaxomъ nesěasete dvigněasete know xval'aašete běašete nesěaxǫ dvigněaxǫ znaaxǫ xval'aaxǫ běaxǫ


The perfect denoted an action in the past, the result of which exists at the time of speech. It was formed analytically: using the l-participle and conjugated forms of the verb *byti in the present tense. Thanks to the participles in their composition, the perfect forms distinguished grammatical gender.

masculine feminine neuter gender
1.unit neslъ jesmь nesla jesmь neslo jesmь
2.units neslъ jesi nesla jesi neslo jesi
3.units neslъ jestъ/jestь nesla jestъ/jestь neslo jestъ/jestь
1.door nesla jeswě neslě jeswě neslě jeswě
2.door nesla jesta neslě jesta neslě jesta
3.door nesla jeste neslě jeste neslě jeste nesli jesmъ nesly jesmъ nesla jesmъ nesli jeste nesly jeste nesla jeste nesli sǫtъ/sǫtь nesly sǫtъ/sǫtь nesla sǫtъ/sǫtь


The plusquaperfect denoted an action in the past that preceded another action in the past, or an event that happened a very long time ago. It was formed analytically, similar to the perfect, with the difference that the forms of the verb *byti were not in the present tense, but in the imperfect.


Proto-Indo-European had a sigmatic future tense, inherited by some groups Indo-European languages(formed using the suffix -s- in ancient Greek, -sya- in Sanskrit and -si- in Lithuanian), however, this method of forming the future tense is unknown to Proto-Slavic. In modern Slavic languages, the future tense is formed analytically (Rus. I will do, Polish będę robił, Czech budu dělat), using perfective verbs (Russian. I'll do it, Polish zrobię, Czech udělám) and synthetically (Ukrainian robitimu, although this form was formed from an early analytical version). In this regard, science faces a logical question: did there exist a form of synthetic future tense in Proto-Slavic? According to I.V. Yagich, it existed, but in the later stages of the existence of Proto-Slavic it was supplanted by the described new formations. As evidence, Yagich cites the Old Slavonic participial form byshѧshteѥ/byshѫshteѥ, formed, according to his assumption, from the unattested form of the verb *byti - *byšǫ, corresponding to lit. búsiu.

Imperative mood

Unlike, for example, the ancient Greek language, in Proto-Slavic the imperative mood did not distinguish between categories of time. The imperative paradigm was defective.

Class (according to Leskin) I -o-||-e- II -no-||-ne- III -jo-||-je- IV -i- V (athematic)
2. and 3. units nesi dvigni znaji xvali dadji vědjь jědjь bǫdi
1.door nesěvě dwigněvě know xvalivě dadivě vědivě jědivě bǫděvě
2.dv nesěta dvigněta znajita xvalita dadita vědita jědita bǫděta nesěmъ dvigněmъ znajimъ xvalimъ dadim vědimъ jědimъ bǫděmъ nesěte dvigněte know xvalite dadite vědite jědite bǫděte

Subjunctive mood

masculine feminine neuter gender
1.unit neslъ bimь nesla bismь neslo bismь
2.units neslъ bi nesla bi neslo bi
3.units neslъ bi nesla bi neslo bi
1.door nesla bivě neslě bivě neslě bivě
2.door nesla bista neslě bista neslě bista
3.door nesla biste neslě biste neslě biste nesli bimъ nesly bimъ nesla bimъ nesli biste nesly biste nesla biste nesli bǫ nesly bǫ nesla bǫ


The infinitive was formed using the suffix -ti, which provoked various phonetic changes if the stem ended in a consonant: ved-ti > vesti “to lead”, met-ti > mesti “revenge”, tep-ti > teti “to beat”.


  • active present participle.
  • present passive participle
formed with the suffix -m-, inflected like an adjective. reko-m-ъ, reko-m-a, reko-m-o.
  • active past participle I
is formed using the suffix -ъš- after consonants, -vъš- after vowels. ending -ъ, -vъ in I. unit. m.r., -ъši, -vъši I. unit. zh.r.: nes-ъ, světi-vъ, rěk-ъ, nes-ъši, světi-vъši, rěk-ъši
  • active past participle II
formed with the suffix -l-, inflected like an adjective. by-l-ъ, nes-l-o, dvignǫ-l-a, pisa-l-ъ, xvali-l-o, mog-l-a, plet-l-ъ
  • passive past participle
formed using the suffixes -t-, -n-, -en-, declined like an adjective. bi-t-ъ, klę-t-o, vi-t-a, pozna-n-ъ, vid-en-o, ved-en-a, plet-en-ъ.


In Proto-Slavic, Wackernagel's law continued to operate in full.


Most of the Proto-Slavic vocabulary is original, Indo-European. However, long-term proximity to non-Slavic peoples, of course, left its mark on the vocabulary of the Proto-Slavic language. Most of the Proto-Slavic borrowings are of Germanic origin. There are also many Latin and Turkic borrowings.

In fact, the dictionary of the Proto-Slavic language is the multi-volume “Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages”, which began publication in 1974. In Poland there is a similar project - “Słownik Prasłowiański”.

Proto-Slavic heritage in modern Slavic languages

A significant part of the vocabulary of modern Slavic languages ​​is made up of the Proto-Slavic heritage. According to the calculations of the Polish linguist T. Lehr-Splawiński, about a quarter of the vocabulary of an educated Pole is of Proto-Slavic origin.

Chinese language
Czech Polish Russian Ukrainian-
*golvà chapter hlava hlava głowa head head galava chapter chapter chapter chapter
*nȏsъ nose nos nos nos nose nis nose nȏs nȏs nose nose
*rǫkà river ruka ruka ręka hand hand hand roka ruka ryka cancer
*sьrdьce heart srdce srdce heart heart heart sir srcȇ sȑce sartse srce
*màti mother matka matka matka mother mother matsi mati mȁti T-shirt T-shirt
*otьcь father otec otec ojciec father father oycha óče That's it father father
*dъkti dashti dcera dcera corka daughter daughter dacha hčȋ kćȋ daughter Yerka
*mě̀sęcь month mesiac měsic miesiąc month month month mȇsec mjȅsec month month
*bě́lъ white biely big biały white white white bél bȉjeo banged white
*pę̑t five päť pět pięć five five five pȇt pȇt pet pet
*sỳpati sprinkle sypať sypat sypać sprinkle sipati sprinkle sipati sȉpati sipvam vulture

see also


  • Bernstein S. B. Comparative grammar of Slavic languages: Textbook - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, Nauka Publishing House, 2005. - 352 p. ISBN 5-211-06130-6, 5-02-033904-0
  • Birnbaum Henrik Proto-Slavic language: Achievements and problems in its reconstruction: Trans. from English - M.: Progress, 1986. - 512 p. BBK 81 g B 64
  • Bondaletov V.D., Samsonov N. G., Samsonova L. N. Old Slavonic language. - M., 2008.
  • Zaliznyak A. A. Ancient Novgorod dialect. - M., 1995 (2nd edition, revised taking into account the material from finds of 1995-2003 - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Culture, 2004. - 872 pp. - (Studia philologica) (pdf, 12.5Mb).).
  • Krasukhin K. G. Introduction to Indo-European linguistics. - M.: Academia, 2004. - 318 p. SBN 5-7695-0900-7
  • Kuznetsov P. S. Essays on the morphology of the Proto-Slavic language. Series “Linguistic Heritage of the 20th Century”. Edition 3 - M.: Editorial URSS, 2006. - 152 p. ISBN 5-484-00328-8
  • Martynov V.V. Language in space and time. On the problem of glottogenesis of the Slavs. Ed. 2 - M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. - 112 p. ISBN 5-354-00679-1
  • Maslova V. A. The origins of Proto-Slavic phonology: Textbook. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2004. - 480 p. ISBN 5-89826-201-6
  • Meie A. Introduction to the comparative study of Indo-European languages: Trans. from fr. - M.-L. : State Socio-Economic Publishing House, 1938. - 510 p.
  • Meie A. Common Slavic language: Transl. from fr. - M.: Publishing house foreign literature, 1951.
  • Porzhezinsky V.K. Comparative grammar of Slavic languages. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2005. - 120 p. ISBN 5-354-01022-5
  • Porzhezinsky V.K. Comparative grammar of Slavic languages. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2010. - 136 p.
- 2568 T - the initial letter "firmly" - a defined and approved structure located in the spheres of the Worlds of Navi and Reveal (approved from above, indication). Consists of the base "|" - the relationship between the earthly and the heavenly is covered by the celestial line “-” and limited by edges, i.e. certain conditioning.

TAI – peak, limit, end, for example: China, Altai.

TAIGA – completion of the journey. Now what is called taiga, our Ancestors called urman.

TAKEM, Ta-Kemi (Takemi, Takema) – 1) “ta” is who the Cimmerians called, that’s what the Greeks called the Antes. 2) black earth, scorched earth, i.e. country of blacks.

TAILAN - tai + lan - uninhabited land, i.e. land located beyond the end of habitation. The modern term is Thailand - the end of the earth.

SECRET – secret+na. Those. what is at the top, i.e. the unknown until you reach the top, the limit.

TANYA is the “sacred” book of the Chabadites. According to this book, their god created the world exclusively for the Jews. The souls of Jews, of whom there are actually only 600 thousand (!), are particles of their god. Therefore, the Jews explain that there are two types of souls: divine (theirs) and animal (ours). Only Jews have a divine soul. Which, over the course of many years from their arrival (5744 thousand years), reincarnates from body to body, which Kabbalist Laitman confirmed on one of the teleconferences that this is the secret of their success. The Jews also possess the animal soul of the first category, which is the invisible life force contained in the blood and sustains the life of the body. This soul comes from a certain spiritual source called “qlipat noga” (shining impurity), associated with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All kosher (allowed for food) animals, as well as plants, receive life force from it.
But there is another animal soul, of a lower order, which is supposedly possessed exclusively by non-Jews, who are from a certain immaterial entity called “sitra achara” (the other side). Rabbi Shneur-Zalman was convinced that non-Jews are deprived of the Divine soul, and therefore deprived of spiritual life! If you listen to them, then the actions of a Jew are always dictated by good motives, and the actions of a goy - by evil ones! This is exactly what Chabad rabbis teach in synagogues. “There are no bad Jews. All Jews are good,” said the librarian of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Baruch Levin, commenting on the story about the role of Jews in the October 1917 coup. In his opinion, the Bolshevik Jews were guided by the good intentions of their Jewish soul. Those. millions of dead, 2 world wars, all cataclysms and communism are regarded by Jews as right choice.
But the above-described state of the world, according to the Tanya (Hasidic Talmud), will not last forever. “Sitra achara” is an abomination to their god, which he hates” (p. 127), i.e. their god hates the peoples of the world, as well as all the animals supported by the clips. In the future, when Mashiach (Messiah) comes, all the klips are destroyed before their god, as if they never existed (chapter 19, p. 117). The historical process after the arrival of Moshiach, whom Chabadniks see as certainly a Chabadnik and a descendant of King David through Shneur-Zalman, according to “Tanya” looks as follows. God destroys the three clips, and accordingly, all the unclean animals and peoples of the world that feed on them are destroyed. Then the Qlipat Noga, which is the source of life for Jews and pure animals, is transformed, and the lost Jews return to Orthodox Judaism. The earth, oddly enough, is not considered impurity by Shneur-Zalman, and, therefore, retains its existence, or is transformed into an etheric body. The hydrosphere and atmosphere, supported, according to the logic of “Tanya”, by clips, must also be destroyed. Millions of Jewish souls-sparks unite into the original 600 thousand. Thus, 600 thousand Jewish souls hovering over the desert (or ethereal) Earth - this is the apotheosis of history according to “Tanya”! Why not Armageddon? That is why our nature, all life on planet Earth, is being destroyed at such a rapid pace. Instead of building wind, hydro, geothermal and solar, etc. They clog up power plants by burning millions of tons of oil, coal and gas.

TARA – 1) arable land among the Aryans and the patroness of farmers Tara. Even now it is found among the peoples of Siberia, as well as “taranchi” - plowman, landowner. 2) The Slavic-Aryan name of the Polar Star (the one that radiates Ra the Radiance of the Istina of the Almighty in our branch of the Galaxy), in contrast to Yaril, which emits the Radiance in our Solar System, named after the Goddess Tara. 3) Goddess Tara - Guardian of forests and Sacred Trees of the Great Race - Oak, Birch and Ash. Daughter of Perun.

TARTARUS – hell, the underworld, immeasurable depth.

TARTARIA - see Tarkhtaria.

TARKH is the patron saint of the lands of the Caucasus, the Urals, Altai, Siberia and the Far East. Son of Perun.

TARKHTARIA are the territories where our Ancestors lived: from the Urals to Pacific Ocean and from the Cold Ocean to Central India. Tarkhtaria - the land of which is patronized by the Gods - the son and daughter of Perun, brother and sister, Tarkh, nicknamed Dazhdbog (Giving God), and his Younger sister Tara. Our Ancestors told foreigners: ""...we are the children of Tarkh and Tara..."". Later, Tarkhtaria became Tartaria, and the biblical people, who had difficulty pronouncing the letter “r”, called it Tataria.

TAR – storage of a certain (approved) form (T+Ar), container.

TATARA - tataRa - father Light, tataariy - Tata Aryans (fathers, ancestors, elder Aryans).

TATARIA - the country from which the thief Aryans (enemies of the Aryans) came, i.e. Tatar is the enemy of the Aryan. See also Tarkhtaria.

TATARS - this is what Kaganovich Lazer Moiseevich called the Kyrgyz-Kaisaks in 1935.

TATU (Tatya) – father.

TAT – uninvited guest, enemy, secret kidnapper, thief.

TATYANA is Yan’s enemy, we had Tana. There is a river Tana in Northern Norway (in honor of the goddess Tana).

STRONG - prison, dungeon, fortified place, fortress.

FIRM - the visible sky with the luminaries shining on it, foundation, support, stronghold.

CREATION is the creative process of the Gods.

CREATION – creation is correct. For example, to put it simply, he will write the word “creator – creator” through the image of “var” (cook) - a combination of the original force, and not through “vor” (steal) - a form of destruction, separation of what is collected together. Those. one can understand that there is an image spelled out as the CREATOR, and an image of the CREATOR. What this means is already clear to you. Therefore, based on this understanding, the word “creativity” has a completely different image than is now assumed. Less blissful. Currently, this process, devoid of figurative content, is understood only as the correct spelling of words. But, as we see in the example just given, this “literacy” changes over time and leads to a distorted perception of the original image.

NAMESAME – having one name, eponymous, identical, namesake.

TEKU - running. Run away, run away - run away.

TELEGONY is the decisive influence on the offspring of a woman by her first man in her life. It is he, and not the future father of the child, who lays the gene pool - the basis of a woman’s offspring, regardless of when and from whom she gives birth to children. He, having broken his virginity, becomes, as it were, the father of all her future children, creating their psychoenergetic, leptonic matrices during orgasm through the radiation of his seed. This happens even if the woman does not become pregnant. Find out more on the Internet, look for Goryaev’s works. And also the RITA Laws.

FLOW – procession, service, fast walking.

TERRA - the tower of Ra, this is how Midgard-earth, our planet, was sometimes called. Hence – territory (terra tora) and other words.

TERRIKON – earth + cone, an artificially poured mountain of a conical shape.

BOWSTING - a rope stretched across the ends of a bow.

TETRAGRAMATON is a four-letter book, as the Greeks call Jehovah. What it means: Azm is the highest, which exists.

TECHNOCRACY – (Greek τέχνη, “skill” + Greek κράτος “power”) a social structure under demonic control. It forces people to substitute the development of their internal abilities with the use of technical “prostheses” and directs the activities of society towards the destruction of nature and self-destruction.

TINA - dirt, impurity.

TYRON – warrior, shooter. A shooting range is a place for shooting ranges.

TIRENS – from “tyrants”, as the Greeks called the Rasens, from whom they were always defeated.

CORRUPTION – T- Body, L – Deprived, E- Nature, N- Ours. And Nature is natural and completeness, and life, etc. And CORRUPTION is that which is devoid of Nature.

TMA, DARKNESS – 1) ten thousand; 2) many; 3) ten thousand Lands developing in a technocratic way.

COMRADE - trade partner (Product-look) - looking for goods. Women addressed each other not: “Comrade, woman” but: “Commodity”.

SUBTLE BODIES – etheric, astral, mental, buddhic and devaconic bodies.

TOTYR is a dandy who loves to dress up for everyone to see, i.e. as if to show off in front of other people.

HERB – (with emphasis on the first syllable) plant poison.

TROARA is a land in the constellation Rada (Orion), destroyed by dark forces during the Great Assa. Santia 9, sloka 4: “Now Troara is deserted, without life, the circle of many gates is torn into pieces, the mountains have collapsed into many needles, and the ashes of the fires lie seven fathoms deep. I saw the same sad, despondent image in Argon, on Ruta Earth, which used to shine in Makosh the Light. The gates of the world between worlds are melted stone. The needles of heaven are roadside dust. Shloka 5: Everywhere are the ruins of great sanctuaries, and the cities are destroyed by the strong flame that rose from Rutta to the sky. There is no more life in the Earth without the sun. There are no plants, no birds, no animals. The wind only carries ashes under Arin and fills up the intermountain gorge. It’s sad and quiet in that world of ruins, where life once lived everywhere. Shloka 6: The fascist destroyer evaporated the rivers and seas. And the sky was filled with black clouds; a ray of light could not pass through the impenetrable stench. And life will never return to that world. This happened to many Lands, where enemies from the Dark World visited... They were attracted by the riches and mineral resources that those beautiful Lands had... Having gained confidence in the inhabitants through flattery, they set people against each other... So in those Worlds wars were born..."

TRAYAN – God the guardian of the Righteous Path of the Interworld, the manager of the paths in Time and Space of the World of Revealing.

TREBA – bloodless sacrifice, offering.

TREBISHCHE is a sacred cult place of glory, intended for worship - the glorification of the Progenitor through the fulfillment of the Law of Sacrifice.

FRIZNA - (three knowledge about the afterlife) commemoration of the dead among the Slavs, accompanied by sports competitions.

TRIPOLYA is the name of a village near Kiev, where an ancient culture was discovered, which was called Tripolye.

TRIPOLIAN CULTURE is an ancient culture discovered in 1897 by an archaeologist from Kyiv V. Khvoiko. The name comes from the village of Trypillya near Kyiv, where the first remains were found ancient culture. After the first finds that amazed Khvoiko, he wrote to the imperial archaeological commission about the amazing clay products created by a previously unknown civilization. Many scientists say that the history of mankind began in Sumer, but when it began there, in the discovered Trypillian settlement everything was already abandoned and overgrown with grass, and this, according to official history, was 1500 years before the construction of Stone Hedge, 1200 years before the emergence of Sumerian writing, for 2800 years before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, 3250 years before the Fall of Troy, 5300 years before the construction of the Chinese Wall, 5450 years before the rise of the Roman Empire. The Dniester reservoir hides a huge layer of Trypillian culture. The question arises whether this reservoir was created on purpose. But the water couldn't erase all traces,

Here is the Trypillian wheel.
Here are the Trypillian Yin and Yang a thousand years before the rise of the Chinese Empire.
This is how the Trypillian settlements were smoothed out. The first settlement discovered had about 15 thousand inhabitants.
Places where Trypillian settlements were discovered.

TRIS-LIGHT, Trisolar is the greeting name of the sun among the Slavs, illuminating the three worlds: Rule, Reveal, Navi.

LABOR is the activity of a free person who is the owner of the fruits of his labor.

PANTIES - formerly TruSika (rub...) - an item of women's toilet.

PANTIES - formerly TruQi (rub Qi) - an item of men's toilet.

TOUGA - despondency, sadness, care, languor, heartache (hence - to grieve, to live sadly).

THULE – fire.

YOU - t+s - that which is created, connected and defined, and therefore known and understandable - this is an appeal to someone who is known, close and pleasant, in contrast to “you”.

TYN is a fence around the house.

PICK, (steal) - hide, hide.

TY – you.

TYATYA (tattoo) – father.



2 UDC 800/801 BBK E-90 The publication was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGNF) project The dictionary was prepared in the Department of Etymology and Onomastics of the Russian Language Institute. V.V. Vinogradov RAS. Materials for the dictionary were collected by a team consisting of: O.N. Trubachev, director (pre-Slavic vocabulary of Belarusian, Polish, Kashubian-Slovinian, Upper Sorbian, Lower Sorbian, Polabian languages), Zh.Zh. Warbot (proto-Slavic vocabulary of the Czech and Slovak languages), V.A. Merkulova (from 1961 to 1993 - the proto-Slavic vocabulary of Russian, Ukrainian, and from 1972 to 1993 and Belarusian languages), L.V. Kurkina (proto-Slavic vocabulary of the Slovenian language, since 1971 - also of the Bulgarian and Macedonian languages), I.P. Petleva (pre-Slavic vocabulary of the Serbo-Croatian language), L. A. Gindin (from 1961 to 1970 - pre-Slavic vocabulary of Old Church Slavonic, Bulgarian and Macedonian languages), G.F. Odintsov (from 1971 to 1989 - proto-Slavic vocabulary of Old Church Slavonic, Bulgarian and Polish), E.S. Pavlova (from 1989 to 1993 - Proto-Slavic vocabulary of Old Church Slavonic and Polish), T.V. Goryacheva (since 1978 - the Proto-Slavic vocabulary of the Kashubian-Slovinian language, since 1996 - also the Proto-Slavic vocabulary of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages), A.A. Kalashnikov (since 1993 - Proto-Slavic vocabulary of Polish, Upper Sorbian, Lower Sorbian and Polabian languages), T.V. Nevskaya (from 1994 to 1995 - Proto-Slavic vocabulary of the Russian and Belarusian languages). All named employees collected materials on etymology Slavic words. The Yugoslav Slavist V. Mikhailovich (gg.) collected significant materials on Serbo-Croatian vocabulary for the dictionary. The Bulgarian dialect material was also replenished by the Bulgarian intern O. Mladenova (gg.). The author's work on the text of issue 26 was carried out by: L.V. Kurkina (*novoukb(jb)-*pogag); J.J. Warbot (*nozevbjb-*nbzti); HE. Trubachev (*o-*obdenqti)\ A.A. Kalashnikov (*obdeti-*obgarbtibjb)\ I.P. Petleva (*obgatal*obgatb-*obgorditi). Reviewers Academician V.N. TOPOROV, Doctor of Philology A.F. ZHURAVLEV Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages: Proto-Slavic lexical fund. Vol. 26 (*novoukb(jb)-*obgorditi) / Institute of Russian. language them. V.V. Vinogradova. - M: Science, p. ISBN The next issue of the Dictionary is built on the same principles as the previous ones: it exhaustively uses all available historical, dialect dictionary materials, published and archival, as well as materials from some domestic and foreign card files, takes into account, if possible, all available etymological literature, and provides detailed word-formation analysis of each etymologized word. For specialists in etymology, lexicology, ethnographers, historians. TP-99-P-114 ISBN Nauka Publishing House, 1999

3 sources (Additions) Bulgarian language Romanski Art. Bulgarian orders with gratsko letter from Macedonia // MPr.S, IV, 4. Macedonian language Selishchev AM. Dialects of the Skopje region // MPr. C, VII, 1. Khodzhev Iv. Belezhki v varhu poems by Konstantin Miladinov // MPr.S, XI, 3^. Serbo-Croatian language Dragin G. UlaJK. - Dragin G. Ratarska i povratarska terminolopf Shabashke // SDZb. Massacre and gra^a. Beograd, XXXVII. ЪapiNSt. Microtoponyms in Hataru of some villages in Opštine Niš // Prilozi prouchavan” in je3hka. Novi Sad, KaSiC - Kaš V. Hrvatsko-talijanski rjecnik (1599) z konverzacejskim prirucnikom (1595). Prema rukopisi RKP 194 priredio Vladimir Horvat. Zagreb, G. Neweklowsky. Der kroatische Dialekt von Stinatz. WOrterbuch. - Neweklowsky G. Der kroatische Dialekt von Stinatz. Worterbuch // Wiener slawistischer Almanach Slovenian language Alasia da Sommaripa (Furlan) - Alafia da Sommaripa Vocabolario italiano e sclauo Obrnjeni slovar. Delovni izvod izdelala M. Furlan. InStitut za Slovenski jezik., Ljubljana. Blaznik - Blaznik P. Slovenska Stajerska in Jugoslovanski del KoroSke do leta: N-2 / HistoriCna topografija Slovenije. Slovenska Akademija znanosti in umetnosti. Maribor, R. Cossutta. Poljedelska in vinogradniska terminologija. - Cossutta R. Poljedelska in vinogradniska terminologija v govorih Slovenske Istre. Doktorska disertacija. Univerza v Ljubljani. Filozofska fakulteta. Ljubljana, D. MI. R. in J. Dolenc. Tolmin. - Rafaela in JaneZ Dolenc. Slovar narecnih besed iz vasi Tolminke Ravne / Zb. Dolini Tolminke in ZadlaSCe. Tolmin, J. Dolenc. Tolminski lokalizmi pri Preglju - Dolenc J. Tolminski lokalizmi pri Preglju / Pregljev zbomik. Predavanja z znanstvenega simpozija, ki je potekal ob stoletnici pisateljevega rojstva zbral in uredil Jo2a Mahni6. Slovenska Matica v Ljubljani, Hipolit - Dictionarium trilingue Latino-germanico-slavonicum, in posteriori parte Germanico-slavonico-latinum iz let Rokopis hrani NUK. Ljubljana /

4 Sources 4 Obrnjeni popolni izpis latinsko-nemsko-slovenskega dela in nemsko-slovenskolatinskega dela. Izpisal je J. Stabej // Kartoteka Sekcije za zgodovino slovenskega jezika InStituta za slovenski jezik Frana RamovSa. Znanstveno-raziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Horvat S. Mikrotoponimi na vrheh in v dolini Rabe / Jezikoslovni zapiski. Ljubljana, Jagodit - Makarovid M. Zibelka na Slovenskem / Slovenski etnograf. Ljubljana, XII. Janezit 3 - I. Deutjch-Slovenifches Hand-Worterbuch von A. JaneziS. Dritte, vollftanding umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage bearbeitet von A. Bartel. Klagenfurt, II. A. JaneziCev slovensko-nemski slovar. Tretji natis. Predelal in pomnozil F. Hubad. V Celovici, Kastelec -Vorenc - Kastelec - Vorenc. Novum Dictionarium Latino-Carniplicum (1710). Rokopis hrani Seminario archivescovile v Gorici. M. Kos. Gradivo za historicno topografijo Slovenije - Kos M. Gradivo za historicno topografijo Slovenije (za Kranjsko do leta 1500). Ljubljana, : A-M; II: N-2; III: Spremna beseda. Uporabljene kratice. Seznam tujih oblik krajevnih imen. B. Krapez. OtliSki govor - Krapei B. OtliSki govor. Diploma tax. Ljubljana, Merku P. Prispevek k mikrotoponomastike trzaske okolice / SR. Ljubljana, 1992, 1. Murko - Murko A.G. lovenjko-nemjhki in Nem hko- lovenjki Rdzhni Bejednik. I. lovenjko-nemfhki del. II. Deutsch-Slovenischer Teil. Gradec, NareSno gradivo - Naretno gradivo. InStitut za Slovenski jezik Fr. RamovSa. ZRC. Ljubljana. Petrova-Slodnjak. PrleSko. - Petrova-Slodnjak M. Rokopisno gradivo za slovar prleskega dialekta obcine JurSinci (pri Ptuju - Slovinskih goricah, med Muro in Dravo). Salzburg, Pohlin - Tu malu besedische treh jesikov. Das ist: das kleine Worterbuch in dreyen Sprachen. Quod est: parvum dictionarium trilingue, quod conscripsit R.P. Marcus a S. Antonio Paduano Augustianus. Discalceatus inter Academicos Operojiis Labacenfes dictus: Novus Faksimile der ersten Ausgabe. Miinchen, J. Rigler. Juznonotranjski govori - Rigler J. Juznonotranjski govori. Akcent in glasoslovje govorov med Sneznikom in Slavnikom. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. Razred za filoloske in literarne vede. Ljubljana, Dela 13. SaSei J. Iz belokranjskega besednega zaklada / Dom in svet. Ljubljana, XXVIII. Tuma. Alpinska terminologija - Tita H. Alpinska terminologija. Rokopis. InStitut za Slovenski jezik. Ljubljana. Z. Zorko. Dialektizmi - Zorko Z. Dialektizmi v Prezihovi zbirki Samorastniki / JiS. Ljubjlana, 1993/94. XXXIX, 2-3. Z. Zorko. Vzhodne haloske govori - Zorko Z. Vrhodne haloske govori / Nemzetkozi szlavisztikai napok IV. Szombathely, Slovak language Histor. sloven. - Historicky slovnik slovenskebo jazyka // Ved. red. M. Majt n. Bratislava, I III. Russian language Sl. of the Middle Urals (manuscript additional) - Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Middle Urals (Additions) / Ed. A.K. Matveeva. Manuscript. Ural State University. Ekaterinburg.

5 5 Literature Middle Ob Dictionary. Add. II - Middle Ob Dictionary (Supplement) / Ed. V.V. Palagina. Tomsk, Part II. Talitsky Dictionary - Bogdanov V.N. Talitsky Dictionary / Dialectal vocabulary of the Russian old-timer population of the Talitsky village council of the Ust-Kansky district of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region: Textbook. Barnaul, N.A. Tsomakion. Histor. cross according to Sib. dial II Tsomakion N.A. Historical anthology on Siberian dialectology. Krasnoyarsk, Part II. Vol. 1. Ukrainian language O.M. Svtushok. Atlas bud. vocabulary Polyus. PiBHe, Svtushok OM. Atlas of daily vocabulary of the defensive Polyus. PiBHe, A.T. Sizko. Slovn, d1al. vocabulary gov1rki p. Kishenok, Kobel, Polt district. region Dnshropetr., Sizko A.T. Dictionary of dialectal*1 vocabulary roeipkh of the village of Kishenok (Kobelyatsky district of Poltava region) / Methodical1 introductions before learning the course "Ukrashskaya d1alektolopya m. Dnshropetrovsk, Belarusian language Blr.-Russian 2 - Belarusian-Russian dictionary / Ed. second, revised and expanded. Minsk, I-IL LITERATURE (Supplements) J. Baudoin de Courtenay I - J. Baudoin de Courtenay. Szkice JQzykoznawcze I. Warszawa, Dom in svet. Ljubljana, Ilyinsky G.A. About some archaisms and new formations of the Proto-Slavic language. Prague, Jezikoslovni zapiski - Jezikoslovni zapiski. Zbornik InStituta za Slovenski jezik F. RamovSa. Ljubljana Lietuviu. kalbotyros klausimai.vilnius. Lietuviu kataliku. Mokslo Akademijos Suvazmvimo darbai. Vilnius. Maziulis PKE2 - Maiiulis V. Prusii kalbos etimologijos zodynas. J.I-. Vilnius, Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft. Wien. Moldovan A.M. Vocabulary of Old Russian translation in a regional aspect. M, Nahtigalov zbornik - Slovansko jezikoslovje. Nahtigalov zbornik ob stoletnici rojstva. Ljubljana, Reczek J. Polszczyzna i inne JQzyki w perspektywie pordwnawczej. Wroclaw etc, Slavic philology. 1, M, Slavic philology. IV International Congress of Slavists. 1. M, Questions of geography. Collections of the Moscow branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR. M.,

6 Languages ​​and dialects 6 LANGUAGES AND DIALECTS (Additions) linen k. - Belsky interfluve. - Mezhdurechensky Wels K. - Velsky Meshcher. - Meshchersky Verkhotur. - Verkhotursky Lower Volga region. - Lower Volga Vesyegon. - Vesyegonsky Petrozavod. - Petrozavodsk cadn. - Kadnikovsky Pinezh. - Pinega Kologriv. - Kologriv st.-Slovenian. - Old Slovenian Logoisk. - Logoisky yaran. - Yaransky

7 N *pouoikj(]ь): Czech. novouk m.r. "newcomer" (Kott II, 187), Old Polish. nowouk m.r. the same, nowouki wojenne “recruits, young soldiers” (Sl.polszcz. XVI w., XVIII, 541), Polish. old, nowouk "newcomer" (Warsz. Ill, 419), other - Russian. new-minded, adj. “recently began to study” (J. Serg. R. Epiphus XVI in the city, etc.), Novouki m.r. “one who has recently begun to study” (Rog. let., 124) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries, 11,). Addition *POUЪ (see) and *IK (see). *novofem": Polish. old, nowozeni, -ego “newlywed, newlywed” (Warsz. Ill, 420), Slovin. na^oien "i, -ego m.r. the same, "a man at the age when they get married" (Sychta III, 188), Old Russian novozhen "recently married, newlywed" (UYarTserk sp Ser. , 399), Russian dial. novozhen m.r. "young husband (in the first year after marriage)" (Perm.), "a person who entered into a second marriage" (Yarosl., Moek., Voron.), "at Old Believers - a person who joined one of the schismatic sects" (architect) (Dal 3 II, 1427; Filin 21, 257). - Here is also a noun with a base on -I in others - Russian novozhen "who recently joined marriage, newlywed" (UYarTserk sp., 96 - SDRYA V, 420); derivatives with suf. -ja: Serbo-Croatian novoieria m.p. "newlywed" (RJA VIII, 254: only in: Proroci 65 a), art. - Polish nowozenia plural "newlywed, newlywed" (Si. stpol. V, 297), "young man, groom, recently married", plural "young married couple" (St. polszcz. XVI w. , XVIII, 543), Polish old, nowozenia "newlywed", "groom, rival, red tape" (Warsz. Ill, 420), dial. nowozenia "groom" ( Ill, 337), Slovin. muuoleria "young man, groom" (Lorentz. Pomor. I, 571), other Russian. novozhenya m.r. “one who got married (at the moment in time under consideration), young (according to the time of marriage), spouse” (Princely charters, XII century - SlRYA XI-XVII centuries 11, 399), Russian. dial newlywed m.b. “a person who has entered into a second marriage” (Volog., Perm.) (Filin 21, 257), “young, newlywed during the entire first year” (Dal 3 I), “newlywed, newlywed,” “a woman leading a dissolute way of life" (Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary 6, 149); adjectives with suf. -пъ: other Russian. newlyweds "relating to marriage, marriage" (Zhal. gr. Tol. m. approx.), newlyweds ^br^sb (1st century gr., Transl. Rybol g.) (Sreznevsky I, 458), devoured (newwives), adj. “relating to newlyweds, to a wedding” (as part of the names of wedding fees in favor of the supreme power): pozhenaya marten “the usual name for a wedding fee in charters of the 15th century. "(ASVR III, gg.),

8 *novoienbcb 8 povozhenny v*kntsy "wedding duty" (Spiritual and dog. gr., 306, ca.), povozhenny ubrus "duty on a marriage concluded within one domain, one administrative unit" (AAE I, g . etc.) etc., meaning noun driven m.r. and driven s.r. the same as the raised ubrus (as a monetary duty) (Arch. Page I, 279, 1546, etc.) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries 11, 399), Russian. dial excited, -aya u ~oe "recently married" (Volkhov, Polotsk, Smol., Novg., Seversk. Gorodok - Filin 21, 257). Addition *novb (see) and base *zeniti se. (cm.). *novozenbcb: Polish. nowozeniec “newlywed, newlywed”, “young man, groom, recently married”, “young married couple” (Warsz. Ill, 420) Slovin. nauoz"ieric m.r. "young man, groom" (Sychta III, 188), Old Russian Novozhepets m.r. "newlywed" (Melusina, 99. XVII-XVni centuries ~ 1667 - SlRYa XI -XVII centuries 11, 399), Russian dialect novozhenets m.p. "a person who has a bride" (moek.), *in wedding rites - groom" (moek.), "a recently married person" (moek.) , “young husband (in the first year after marriage)” (Filin 21, 257; Dal 3 P, 1427), “newlywed, newlywed” (Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary 6, 149), Ukrainian. Novozhepets m. "newlywed" (Grinchenko II, 569), pl. “newlyweds” (Slovn. Ukrainian movie V, 435). Derivative with suf. -ъсъ from *novozem> (see). *novozii-b(jb): Old Russian. Novozhil m.r. “new settler, recent settler” (Book of arrivals and expenses. Cor. village - Arch. On) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries 11, 399), Novozhil: Petrushka Novozhil, peasants. Vologda district Ak. Legal 371 (Tupikov 336), Russian. dial new resident, aya, oh "recently settled somewhere." (arch.?) (Filin 21, 257), new settlers “recent, new settlers” (Dal 3 I, 1428), novozhil m.r. "migrant" (Vyat., Nov., Smol.), povozhily pl. "newlyweds" (Tver), novozhylo s.r. “newly built settlement, settlement” (architect) (Filin 21, 257), novozhil m.r. “new settler” (Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary 6, 149; Living Speech of the Kola Pomors 96). - Here are the derivatives with -ovb in Old Russian. Novozhilova Yakov Novozhilov Kholmogorets Add. III, 427 and others (Tupikov 724), with suf. -ъсъ in Russian. dial novozhilets m.r. “migrant” (peck, Owl 21, 257). Addition adj. *novb (see) and par. on -/ from ch. *ziti (see) - *zifa(jb) (see). *novoiinb: Russian. dial novozhir m.r. “migrant; new tenant” (arch., Belomor.), “a young husband who settled in his wife’s house” (arch.) (Filin 21, 257), novozhiry “new settlers” (arch., Dal 3 I, 1428). Addition adj. *POU (see) and *Ig (see). *POUЪ OGS1Ъ/*P(SH^OGS1Ъ: other. -Russian Novgorod (Tvorogov 92), prod. Novgorodians (Ibid.), Novgorodian m.r. (V.P. Yanin, A.A. Zaliznyak. Novgorod letters on birch bark (From excavations). M., 1993, 334), Russian. Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, st.-ukr. prod. Novgorodok, a city in the Vilna Voivodeship, Novgorod, a city in the Chernigov-Seversk land Novgorod Seversky (b.m.n., 1481 GPM) (Dictionary of Old Ukrainian language XIV-XV art. 2, 54);

9 9 POUJ(b) Czech. Novohrad m.r., toponym (Kott II, 187: u Podebrad), slvts. Novohrad, old Central Slovak county (Kj1a1 386: Banska Bystrica, Slovenske Pravno v Tur. 2.), other Russian. produce, Novgorod, adj. 4 relating to Novgorod, characteristic of Novgorod" (SlRY XI-XVII centuries 11,394). Addition of the adjective *novb (see) and *gordb (see). A definite form of the adjective *novb(jb) as part of the Serbo-Croatian top. Novigrad. See Skok. Etim rjecn. II, 526; Vasmer Sh, 73, 77. *nov-b(jb): old-slav, new, -ы, adjective v and Mat)apcKoj 145), Slovenian. nov.nou "novus" (Stabej 108), ndv, adj. "new" (Plet. I, 717), dial. poi, nqwa, poi (Tominec 141), Old Czech. new, adj. “new, recently appeared, previously non-existent, not previously used”, “existing recently; (about a living organism) young; (about a wound) fresh; (about a field) new, recently processed”, “(about organic substances) fresh , preserving the original properties”, “(about words) alive, vividly perceived”, “new, modern, current”, “new, different from the existing”, “hitherto unknown, unprecedented, unprecedented, extraordinary; new, unusual”, nove cf .R. “something new”, “new, virgin soil”, “new harvest” (StCSl 7, 980), novy “new mass” (Nov k. Slov. Hus. 82), novy, adj.: v nove “again, again” (NejstarSi Ceske legendy 284), Czech. nov, adj. “new”, “other, other”, “new, recent, young, fresh”, “new, modern” (PSJC; Jungmann II, 735), dial. novi, adj. "new" (Malina. Mistf. 69), nov: nov mesic (BartoS. Slov. 238), slvts.

10 *novb(jb) 10 novy, adj. “new, recently emerged”, “different, different, different”, * new, renewed”, “fresh, young, recent”, as part of toponymic names (SSJ II,), dial. novf, -d, -ia * new ", Novi gok "New Year" (Orlovsk^. Gemer. 205), V.-Luzh. nowy "new" (Pfuhl 437), n.-luz. nowy “new, fresh” (Muka St. I, 1019), lab. niive "new" (Polariski-Sehnert 104: *novbjb), niwe: niive, adj. "new" (R. Olesch. Thesaurus linguae dravaenopolabicae I,), Old Polish. nowy “newly appeared”, “whole, undamaged”, “grown, fresh, young” (SI. stpol. V,), “new, just appeared”, “different, different, unprecedented”, “recently made, acquired” , “next, subsequent, new”, “recently discovered, hitherto unknown”, “young, fresh, new” (SI. polszcz. XVI w., XVIII,), Polish. nowy “new, just made, fresh”, “just appeared”, “different, different” (Warsz. Ill, 420), dial. nowy “new” ( Ill, 337), “just appeared, fresh” (Brzez. Zlot, II, 380), “one who took the place of its predecessor” (N. Gtfrnowicz. Dialekt malborski II, 1, 280), novy “new”, “clean, beautiful”, “festive”, novo Khatsira “room, light in which they sleep and receive guests” (Bajc, Kramsk 108), Nowy as part of hydras, and top.: Nowy Breii, Nowy Potok, Nowa Wie, etc. (Hydronimia Wisly. Cz. I, 76, 284, 134, 137, 225, 591, 322; Zd. Stieber. Toponomastyka Lemkowszczyzny 35), Slovin. novi, adj. “recently acquired, unused, fresh”, “new, next, regular” (Sychta III,), nevi, adj. "new" (Lorentz. Slovinz. Wb. I, 707), novi, adj. “new, not old, not yet in use” (Lorentz Pomor. I, 564), novy, adj. "new" (Ramutt 120), Old Russian. new, adj. “new, not former, first created” (SbTr KhP/KhSh, 16, etc.), “different, one more” (LL 1377,127 (1176), etc.), “similar to the previous one, repeating it (in the new variant)" (Parem 1271, 257 vol., etc.), as part of geographical, personal names (SDRYA V,), new, adj. “one that has come (comes, will come) to replace the old one or has arisen recently (arises, will arise for the first time)” (Io. XIII Ostr, Ev., g., etc.), “one that has not yet been used; not used (about clothing)" (A. Est. II, etc.), "without signs of disrepair, renewed" (Cyr. Tur., ~ XII century), meaning. noun new s.r. “that which did not exist before” (Sub. Mat. III, 18, 1663), meaning. noun new, new m.r. a) “the appearance of a new month in the sky, a new moon” (Zeph. Bible I, adj., LXX, XVI century), b) "first half lunar month"(Khan. Jarl. XVI century ^ XTV century, etc.), new moon "new moon (understood as the time of the appearance of the first sickle in the sky new moon)" (Biblical Genn), new non-daya "the first Sunday after Easter" (Izb. St., 39 vol.), etc. (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries I, 413), "newly arranged, newly created "(Mt. XXVII. 60. Ost., Ev.; Pand. Ant. XI century l. 7, etc.), "recent" (Gr. Naz. XI century. 68), "next" (Efr. Krm. Trul. 66), “beginning”; novo* lto “new year, new year” (Ostr. ev.l. 89), new mаs&ts “new moon” (Pais, sb.) (Sreznevsky II, 460), new, adjective (Tvorogov 92),

12 *nov-b(jb) 12 (KaY 386), standard Polish. now 4 first phase of the moon, new moon" (Si. stpol. V, 300), now m.r. astr. "the first phase of the moon, when only the crescent of the moon is visible from the ground, with its convex side facing to the right; new moon”, “one of the phases when the moon is between the earth and the sun and faces the earth with its unlit side”, “a Jewish holiday that falls at the beginning of the month” (Sf. polszcz. XVIw., XVIII, 525), Polish now aster , "the phase when the moon rises and sets with the sun and is invisible", "a narrow crescent of the moon appearing on the western side of the sky" (Warsz. Ill, 422), dial. now m.p. "the first phase of the moon" (N. Gdmowicz. Dialekt malborski P, 1, 280), “the crescent of the moon, facing the convex side to the right” (Brzez. Zlot. P, 381), word nov m.r. “the first phase of the moon, new moon” (Sychta VII: Supplement 185 ), now m.r. (Lorentz. Pomor. I, 567), Ukrainian those, gen. ndvu m.r. "new moon" (Grinchenko II, 565), blr. dial. know m.r. " young month" (Sloan. paunochn.-set. Belarus1 3, 235); *nova: Serbo-Croatian dial. nova zh.r. "grape variety" (J. Mi)"atovip. The adjective is learned from the vocabulary of Srp dialects 164), Slvts. dial nova the same (Gregor. Slowak. von Pilisszabtd 249); Russian dial new plural “updates (about fabrics)” (Urals, Perm., Filin 21, 259). *novo: Bulgarian dial novo s.r. “new” (Shklifov BD VIII, 275), Novoto, the name of a field, a mountainside with a meadow, bushes (G. Hristov. Local names in Madansko 260), other Russian. novo s.r. “a newly cleared place” (ASVRII, gg.), “new, next year” (Rep. Kor.s-Arch.On g.) (SlRYA XI-XVII centuries 11, 396), Novo, (Tvorogov 92), Russian. dial novo s.r. "next year" (arch.), "New Year (as a holiday)" (arch.), folk. (meaning?): According to the new thing, the faceted chamber stands, As if a cloud had come over it and was insured, Inside it was a prison and a prisoner (olon.) (Owl 21, 256). Praslav. *novb(jb) related. other ind. nava-, Avest. nava- “new”, Greek. ve(f)oc, lat. novus, osc. Nuvlanuis (<*Nuvela = лат. Nola), ст.-лит. navas, др.-прусск. neuwenen (<*nawanjeri), nauns "новый" по аналогии с jauns "юный", топ. Nawnithen, Nowunseden, личное имя Nawne, Nawnyn (Trautmann. Pers.n. 68), хетт, neua- "новый", neuahh- "обновлять", тохар. А пи, В nuwe "новый". Старая и.-е. основа на -о *neuos расширена суф. - ja в др.-инд. ndvya-, греч. ион. veioc, галльск. Nevio-, Novio-dunum, др.- ирл. пйё, кимр. newydd, др.-брет. nouuid, neuued, брет. neuez, гот. niujis, др.-исл. пуг, др.-в.-нем., англос. niuwi, англос. nlwe, neowe, лит. naujas "новый". И.-е. основа в сочетании с расширителем -го- в греч. ve(rapoc, арм. nor "новый" (*поиего-), лат. nover-ca "мачеха". Переход в корне е >o by assimilation before heterosyllabic and (Agitaa. Urslav. Gramm. 68). I.-e. *peio- is connected by alternation with *py- (slav. *pъ, *pupyo). See Rokota I, 770; Vaillant. Gramm. sotraje I, 381. From the literature, see: Vasmer III, 78; Convert 609; Mladenov EPR 358; Abaev I, ; Rokotu I, 769; Miklosich 217; Bruckner 366; Machek 2 402; Fraenkel 487^88; Trautmann BSW 194; Skok. Etim. rjecn. II, ; Bezlaj. Etim. slovar sloven, jezika II, 228; Gluhak 441; Karaliunas LKK 10; Maziulis PKEzt 1; T.B. Gamkrelidze, Vyach. Be. Ivanov. Indo-European

13 13 novb language and Indo-Europeans II, 783, 858; Vyach. Sun. Ivanov. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian language systems. M., 1965, 117; J. Wilson - Language v. 43, 4, 1967, 875; J J. Mikkola - JF XVI, 1904, 95; R.A. Fowkes - Language v. 32, 4, 1956, 731; H. Kronasser-Die Sprache V, 1959, 61; Z. Zinkevicms - Baltistica XXI (1), 1985, 77; F. Bezlaj - Baltistica II. Priedas, 1977; R. Lanszweert. Die Rekonstruktion des baltischen Grundwortschatzes. Frank/Main, 1984, 96; E.H. Sturtevant. The Indo-Hittite laryngeals 39, 36; W.K. Schmalstieg. A question without a clear answer - Lietuviu. kataliki* Mokslo Akademijos Suvaziavimo darbai VIII, 1974, 185; Brugmann. Grundriss 2 I, 15, 39, 80, 83; Buga II, 502; A. Vaillant. Gramm. comparee I, 110; II, 381. *poukka/*poukkj/*poukko: maked. dial (northern) novka “new month” (K. Peev. Dialect vocabulary for Macedonian - MJ XXI, 1970, 130), Serbo-Croatian. Novka female name, female name (only in Vuk), Novko female birth name, male name (RJA VIII, 251), Old Polish. Nowek, Nowko (Sfown. stpol. nazw osobowych IV, 78), Russian. dial new product “cleared of forest, bushes and a scorched place for arable land” (Bryan.), “arable land plowed for the first time* (Bryan.), “tavern” (resin) (Filin 21, 255). Derivatives with suf. -ъка, - ъкъ, -ъкo from *POУЪ (see). *POУь: tslav. nov, adjective KCUVOC, novus, “new” (Sad.), Old Russian nov zh.r. “sth. new" (AYUB II, g.), "bread of the new harvest; fruits of the new harvest" (Krym.d. I, g., etc.) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries. 11,413), "new moon" (Num. XXIX. 6. according to the book of the XIV century) (Sreznevsky II, 461) , Russian new zh.r. “not yet plowed land, virgin soil”, “bread of the new harvest” (region) (Ushakov II, 588), dial. “cleared of forest; bushes and a burnt place for arable land" (architectural, Vyat., Krasnoyarsk, Kaluga, Sverdl.), "meadow; meadow surrounded by arable land; not a very good meadow" (Tul., arch.), "clearing among the bushes" (arch.), "new harvest" (Penza, Peking, Kyrgyz SSR, Nov., arch., Ryaz., St. Petersburg, Donsk., Novosibirsk), “rye, oats, peas, etc., threshed immediately after harvest; new seeds" (Novg., Tver., Yarosl.), "in pre-revolutionary times - collecting grain from the new harvest in the fall for the benefit of the church" (Yarosl.), "grain of the new harvest, which during threshing is distributed to the blind, the burnt, soldiers, etc. .p." (Tver.), "young spring leaves" (Irkut.), month on new (in novi) "new moon" (Dal), new "smth. (some kind of object) new, reappearing somewhere." (Ryaz.), "starting a household after getting married" (pek.) (Dal 3 I, 1426; Filin 21, ; Card index of the Pskov Regional Dictionary; Dictionary of Krasnoyarsk region 2 226; Deulinsky Dictionary 346; Experience 129), “bread of the new harvest” (Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Mordovian ASSR: M-N, 125; Dictionary of Russian dialects of Kuzbass 133; Dictionary of Russian old-timer dialects of the Middle part of the river basin. Obi (Addition I, 28), “first fruits, mushrooms”, “weekend, holiday clothes” (Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary 6, 149). - Here is a derivative with suf. -bje in Russian dial new s.r. “smth. new, newly appeared, done” (Donsk.), “new arable land on virgin lands” (arch.) (Filin 21, 261), “news” (Eliasov 244), “a field sown for the first time” (Simina 78), collected. “new”, “new things” (Dictionary of Russian Don dialects II, 187).

14 *PUSS 14 Noun with a base on -/- from adj. *POU (see). One of the ancient agricultural terms. *POWS: cslav. novtsn m.r. pl. pecunia (Mikl. LP), Serbo-Croatian novae m.r. "young bees, young swarm" (J. Grupkovid), ndvac m.r. "money, metal" (RJA VIII,), dial. “a means of payment accepted in the state” (M. Peid - G. BaClija. Refcnik bafckih Bunjevaca 196), Slovenian. novec m.r. “coin, money” (Plet. I, 717: from Croatian), elvts. dial novec “newly fallen snow” (Kj1a1 386), “first fallen snow” (Orlovsky, Gemer. 205), Polish. nowiec “the Serbs have money” (Warsz. Ill, 415), Slovin. old, ndvc m.r. “newcomer, new in some environment” (Sychta Ш, 223), Old Russian. Novets m.r. “new moon, young month” (Pskov, years., P, 250) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries 11,), Russian. dial newer, and newer m.r. “young month, new moon” (arch., St. Petersburg, Novg., Pek, Perm.), Novets “new man in the village” (arch.) (Dal 3 II, 1427; Filin 21, 253; Card file of the Pskov Regional Dictionary; Novgorod Dictionary 6, 62). Suffixal variant on -ьсе in Old Russian. Novtsd sr.r. “a newly cleared area from under the forest, clearing” (Arch. Page I, g. - SlRYa XI-XVII centuries 11,413). This also includes derivatives - adjectives in -evbl-ovb\ Russian. dial novtsdvy, -aya, -oe and novtsdvy, -aya, -be in combinations: novtsdvay water “strong sea ebbs and flows on the new moon” (arch.), novtseva water the same (arch.), novtsdvay oblivion “movement of fish in a reservoir during the new moon" (Belomor.), Novcheva Zh. the same as Novtsovaya water (arch., north.) (Dal 3 II, 1427; Filin 21, 259), blr. prod. NautsevY, Nautsenya, fam. (B1ryla 294). Derivatives with suf. -s from *POUЪ (see), substantivization of the latter. Relatively late glory. *novbcb became the designation of the monetary unit (cf. Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian). See Skok. Etim. rjecn. And, 525; Bezlaj. Etim. slovar sloven, jez. II, 228; Gluhak 442. *novbsk-b(jb): Serbo-Horvian. Novskd zh.r., village in Slavonia (RJA VIII, 254), art. - Polish. Nowski (Slown. stpol. nazw osobowych IV, 82). - Here are derivatives with suf. -ina: tslav. newshtnnd zh.r. novitas (Mikl. LP), Serbo-Croatian novstina f.b. “news, something new”, “miracle, surprise”, “strength, violence” (RJA VIII, 254: Danichic from the 15th century, Šulek). Derivative with suf. -yak from *POU (see). Secondary adjectivation. *noza: Old Czech. poga zh.r. "knife (for woodworking)", noza osnie "cutter" (StCSl 7, 992), Czech. noza f.b. “knife” (Kott I, 188; Z p. mest. 1452; Modi, ms.). - Here is the derivative of - ъта in Russian. dial nozma f.r. “a hole, a hole in the ground” (Donsk., Dal 3 II, 1436). A verbal noun with vocalism of a regular type, correlative with ch. *nbzti (see). *nozdraki": Old Polish Nozdrak (Slown. stpol. nazw osobowych IV, 82), other Russian. Nozdryak Gridya, serf, 1455, Murom (Veselovsky. Onomastics 222), Russian. dial nozdryak m.r. “who has large nostrils”, “who has many large nostrils” (Dal 3 I, 1436). Derivative with suf. -ak from *nozdr "a (see).

15 15 nozdri *nozdratt”(jb): Old Russian. nostril, adj. “having large nostrils” (VMC, Sent. 1-13, 371. XVI century - SLR XI-XVII centuries. 11, 420), Russian. dial nostril “capricious, hot-tempered” (Novg. Dictionary 6, 65), Ukrainian. spongy, -a, -e “spongy, porous” (Grinchenko II, 570), blr. dial nazdraty *with large nostrils" (Blr.-Russian 478), dial. nozdraty, adjective the same (TypaycKi sloushk 3, 212). Derivation with suf. -ag from the singular form of slav. *nozrdi (see. ). ), nozdrevaty, adjective "nozdrevaty" (Book Yam. Novg.,) (SLR 11th-17th centuries 11, 420), Nozdrevaty: Prince Vasily Ivanovich Nozdrevaty - Zvenigorod okolnichy, 1519, etc. (Veselovsky. Onomastics 222), Nozdrovaty: Prince Vasily Nozdrovaty, voivode of the Moscow city of Letop. VIII, 241, etc. (Tupikov 337), Russian nozdrovaty, -aya, -oe “speckled with small holes, unsmooth, porous” (Ushakov I, 591 ), dial. spongy, -aya, -oe "spongy" (raven, Ryaz.) (Filin 21, 273) with Ukrainian shzdryuvatiy, -a, -e "porous" (Slov. Ukrainian movie V, 422) , blr. nazdrebty "nozdrevaty" (Blr.-Russian 478). Derived from suf. -ag from the adjective on -evh, preserved in Russian Nozdrev, fam. *nozdri: Old Slav. nostrils f.r. pi. tant. f>ic, nares, “nostrils” (SJS 21, 440: Supr.), Bulgarian. (Gerov) nbzdrkh zh.r. "nostril", ndzdra zh.r. the same (armored personnel carrier), dial. ndz the same (Kapantsi 334), maked. nostril f.r. the same (I-S), dial. nofra, ndfri plural the same (Matecki 76), Serbo-Croatian. nostril f.r. the same (Vuk), nozdra f.r. the same as a geographer, name, noldra zh.r. = nozdra (only in Stulli), Nozdra, male name (in the Dalmatian Latin monument of the 11th century), Nozdra, Nozdre plural. only in examples:...brdo Nozdre u Crnoj Gori, Nozdri z.r. plural, the name of the mountain, which is now called Nozdre (only by Danicic from the 13th century) (RJA VIII, 254,256), Slovenian. nozdra l.r., nozdre plural. "nostrils" (Plet. 1.718), Czech. nozdra w.r. "nostril" (PSJC) nozdra w.r. the same, nozdry “nostrils” (Kott II, 189), dial. nozgh the same (Sver k. Karlov. 126), slvts. nozdra "nostril", usually plural. nozdry (SSJ I, 397), dial. nozgra w.r. “nostril” (Orlovsk^. Gemer. 205), nozgre, nozgry “nostrils” (Kalal 386), v.-luzh. nozdra cp.p. “nostril” (Trofimovich; Schuster-Sewc. Histor.-etym. Wb. 14, 1023: borrowed from Slavs, languages), art. - Polish. nozdrze, nozdrza "nostril" (SI. stpol. V, 299), nozdrza zh.r., nozdrze cp.p., nozdro cp.p. the same (Si. polszcz. XVIw., XVIII,), Polish. nozdrze the same (Warsz. Ill, 421), dial. nozdrze the same ( Ill, 338), nozdra zh.r. and nozdrze pi. tant. the same (H. G<5rnowicz. Dialekt malborski II, 1, 280), motzdralnoizdla plur. tant. "ноздри" (Brzez. Ztot. II, 380), nozdrze". noi%e "ноздри коня" (W. Herniczek-Morozowa. Terminologia polskiego pasterstwa gtfrskiego II, 137, 123), словин. nozdfd ж.р., обычно во мн.ч. nozdfej "ноздри", nozdro cp.p., обычно во мн.ч. nozdra, nozdre, cp.p. обычно во мн.ч. nozdra то же (Sychta III, 224), nozdra ж.р. "ноздри" (Sychta VII: Suplement 184), nozdra ж.р. "ноздря", nodfa то же, nozdra то же, nozdru*

16 *nozdri 16 the same, nodrti the same, nozdfe s.r. the same (Lorentz. Pomor. I, 562, 563, 565), rmedfa zh.r. the same (Lorentz Slovinz. Wb. I, 707), nozdra zh.r. the same (Ramult 121), other Russian. nostril "nostril" (KE XII, 276a and others - SDRYA V, 428), nostril and nostril f.r. “nostril” (Izb.St., 170, etc.), pl. “nose” (Izb.St., 17 volumes, etc.) (SlRYa XI-XVII centuries 11,420), nostrils “nans” (Const. Prog. St. Evangel. - Sreznevsky II, 464), Nostril: Vaska Nozdrya, peasant Scribe. I, 632; Nozdrya Neledinsky, landowner, boyar son Scribe. III, 691 (Tupikov 337), Russian. nostril f.r. “one of the paired external openings of the nose” (Ushakov II, 591), dial. nostril and nostril m.r. and f.r. "nostril" (Moek., Vlad., Kaluzh., Ryaz., Arch.), nozgrya zh.r. the same (Ishmael), nozrya zh.r. “a through hole in a tree where a rope is threaded to make it easier to get in” (kost.), nostril “about a nondescript person or not worthy of attention and respect” (vlad.), “about a capricious person or animal” (kost., Kaluga) , “about a fastidious, picky person, an animal” (bonfire), “a hole in the ground” (sverdl.), nozrya zh.r. "pothole in the floor" (According to the lower and middle flow of the Ural River), nostril zh.r. “one of the small holes, bubbles formed in the dough during fermentation and baking” (arch.), nostrils plural. “round holes on both sides of the bow of the vessel for the anchor rope or drainage of water from the deck, hawse” (Volzh.) (Filin 21, 272; Sl. Sredni Urals I, 210; Deulinsky Dictionary 347), nostril zh.r. “burnout in wine furnaces, kilns, etc.” (Dal 3 II, 1436), plural. “a hole along the walls in the bottom (ceiling) of a barn for the passage of warm air upward” (Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary 6, 150), p “ozdr”i “nostrils” (Slown. starowiercow 180), Ukrainian. wow w.r. “nostril” (Grinchenko II, Slovn. Ukrainian movie V, 422), dial. shzgr(< шздр1 (П.Ю. Гриценко. Ареальне вар1ювання лексики 63, 64), ст.-блр. ноздря:...въ ноздряхъ свиньи... (Скарына 1, 398), блр. нбздра "ноздря" (Блр.-русск. 527), диал. то же (Тураусю слоушк 3, 212), наздра ж.р. то же (Байкоу-Некраш. 180), нбзры "поры в глине" (Народная словатворчасць 294), ноздры мн. "ноздри", "поры в пищевых продуктах" (Слоун. пауночн.-заход. Беларуа 3, 233). С переходом в основы на -й: сербохорв. ноздрва ж.р. "ноздря" (Вук), noldrva ж.р. то же (RJA VIII, 256: только у Стулли), словен. ndzdrva ж.р. то же, nozdfv ж.р. то же, мн. nozdrvi "ноздри" (Plet. I, 718). Праслав. *nozdri относится к числу слов, трудно поддающихся этимологизации. В славистике наметились следующие подходы к пониманию исходной морфологической структуры слова. Бругман толкует слав, слово как производное с суф. -dhro, вторичным формантом, вытеснившим более древний суф. -г- (К. Brugmann. Gmndriss 2 II, 1,381; Idem - IF XVIII,). Предполагают, что слав, форма *nozdri развилась из *nos-ri со вставным d и экспрессивным озвончением -zdr- < -str- < -s-. См. А.А. Шахматов - ИОРЯС 17, 1, 282; A. Meillet. Etudes I, 129; A. Bajec. Besedotvorje slovenskega jezika. I. Ljubljana, 1950,22; Stawski. Zarys. - Slownik plaslowiariski 2, 19; Chr. Stang. Lexikalische Sonderiibereinstimmungen zwischen Slavischen, Baltischen und Germanischen 39^0; Skok. Etim. rjefcn. II, 525.

17 17 *nozdri Vasmer's dictionary reflects the old hypothesis about the ancient addition *nos-dbra > *nozdbf a (< *nos-+*derq), которая опирается на форму укр. шздря (Фасмер III, 81, а также A. Vaillant. Gramm. comparee IV, 644, 75; Shevelov. A Prehistory of Slavic 147: слав. *nozdri < *nos-+*dir-, родств. укр. дира "дыра"). Но эта этимология не учитывает позднего характера изменения о >i in Ukrainian wow. Ukr. the form with / could be the result of a generalization of the form gen.p. plural (F. Liewehr - ZfSl I, 1956, 17), or, more likely, the transition o > i took place in a newly closed syllable (O.N. Trubachev - Etymology M., 1972, 14). Traditionally slav. *nozdri is similar to lit. nasrdi "mouth", dial. nastrai the same, Art. Lit. nasras "mouth", Middle German. noster "nostril" (< *nustr~i), нем. Niister то же, англ. nostrils "ноздри". В этот ряд соответствий включают и др.-прусск. noseproly "ноздри", в котором Эндзелин видит сложение с *рга- или *рго- "через" и суф. -/- (Эндзелин - ZfslPh 18, 124). Согласно другой точке зрения др.-прусск. форма noseproly (Эльбингский словарь 86) со вставнымр развилась из *nost-proly фонетически . Последняя интерпретируется как уменьш. ед.ч. от *na:strai "ноздри" (В. Смочиньский. - Балто-славянские исследования М., 1989, 27). Махек склонен видеть в балт., слав, и герм, именах сложение *nos(o)- srines, вторая часть сложения родственна греч. pivec < *srln-es, след этой старой основы в элементе /-, входящем в состав имени (Machek 2 402). Основываясь по существу на том же сближении, на сравнении слав, слова с отдаленной и.-е. формой - греч. р/с, род.п. ptvoc "нос", О.Н. Трубачев разрабатывает новую этимологию, которая трактует сравниваемые имена как архаичные образования, несущие в своей структуре особенности глубокой дограмматической индоевропейской древности, исключающей возможность строгого разграничения между морфологическим и словообразовательно-лексическим процессами. Для этимологически трудного греч. слова восстанавливают элементы более древней парадигмы склонения - им.п. р/с (с выпадением -л- перед свистящим), род.п. fbivoc, продолжающей более древнее *srlns/*sr~inos, т.е. дофлективное сложение названия носа и расширения редуцированного варианта и.-е. *ser- "течь" (Boisacq 4 842; Hofmann 299). В форме *nos-srl (< *ser- "течь; жидкость, слизь"), исходной для слав., лит., нем. названий ноздрей, пасти, представлены те же корневые морфемы, только в иной последовательности, ср. греч. *srl-nos. Словообразовательный формант -1 в исходе и.-е. *nos~srl вторично приобретает функцию регулярной грамматической флексии в слав., в герм, закрепляется как имя ж.р. на -7, в лит. утрачивает долгий гласный в исходе, перестроившись как форма мн.ч. регулярного вида (О.Н. Трубачев. Заметки по этимологии и сравнительной грамматике - Этимология М.,). И.-е. *nos-sri с древней долготой в исходе и исконным значением множественности (A. Meillet Etudes I,) отражается в слав, как форма мн.ч. Вторичной по отношению к ней явилась форма ед.ч. (ср. русск. ноздря, польск. nozdrza и др.)- Строго по правилам здесь ожидалась бы форма с основой

18 *nozdrica/*nozdrika 18 on Wed. Russian door: doors (A. Vaillant. Gramm. comparee II, 1, 312). Based on the etymology of O.N. Trubachev and polemicizing with her, E. Hamp offers his own version. Restored for glory, and balt. original form *nostri (> Slav. nos-d(b)r-i > nozdbri)< и.-е. *nehas-s + srвозводится к древней синтагме генитив + сущ-ное, т.е. балт. и слав. nasrdi = nozdri - первонач. род.п. от *nos- + древнее имя *sr-, близкое греч. />1c, f>tv6c (< и.-е. *sri-hon ~ *sri-hn). См. Е. Натр - Baltistica X (1), 1974, Из литературы еще см.: Miklosich 217 (:< *nos-t-rb); Pokorny I, 755; Bruckner 567; Bruckner - Slavia 13, 279; Trautmann BSW 193; Fraenkel 486; F. Bezlaj. Etim. slovar sloven, jez. II, ; Преобр. I, 613; А. Будилович. Первобытные славяне ч. 1, 1878, 209, ч. 1, в. 2, 1879, 374; Я. Эндзелин. Слав.-балт. этюды. - Selected works, vol. 2, 1974, 235 et seq.; HE. Trubachev. Lit. nasrdi "mouth": etymology and grammar. - Baltistica I. Priedas. 1972, ; G. Iljinskij [Rec. on the article:] E. Zupitza. Zur Herkunft ces slavischen -z-. - KZ XXXVII, ; G. Bonfante - Studi Baltici I, 1931, 85; J. Otrebski. Studja indoeuropeistyczne 1939, 100,113, 185; Arumaa. Urslav. Gramm. 1.78; E. Havlova [Rec. on Sat. Etymology 1970] - SPFFU z. XHP, p. 21, 1973, ; H.D. Pohl. Die Nominalkomposition im Alt- und Gemeinslavischen. Klagenfurt, 1977, 39 (:< *nos + dbr-)\ R. Landswert. Die Rekonstruktion des baltischen Grundwortschatzes. Frank/Main, ; Trautmann Apr. Sprd. t. 2, 386; A. Vaillant. Gramm. comparee I, 67; II, 168, 288, 311; Младенов ЕПР 359 (:к *nosb)\ Brugmann. Grundriss 2 I, 83, 361 (хвязывает с *noziti). *nozdrica/*nozdrika: болг. нбздрица ж.р., ум. от ндздрп (Геров III, 279), слвц. диал. nozdrica ж.р. "край, область" (Buffa. DM Liika 183), польск. DoNozgric, гидр. (Hydronimia Wisty 116). Соотносительный вариант с суф. -ika в макед. диал. ноздрика ж.р. "ноздря" (И-С; Д. Маленко. Зборови од Охрид - MJ, II, 6, 1951, 144). Производное с суф. Аса, -ika от *nozdri (см.). *nozdrina: польск. nozdrzyna "отверстие в стене подвала для стока воды" (Warsz. Ill, 421), русск. диал. ноздрйна ж.р. "каждая пустота в ноздреватом теле, ячейка, дырочка, скважинка, ямочка" (Даль 3 II, 1436), произвол, ноздрйнка ж.р. "одно из небольших частых отверстий, пора" (Словарь говоров Соликамского р-на Пермской области 368), nazdr"iny мн.ч. "ноздри" (Srown. starowiercdw 180), укр. диал. нхздрина, нрдздрини мн.ч. "не покрытая шерстью передняя часть головы коня" (М.В. Никончук. Матер1али до лексичного атласу украшськси мови (Правобережне Полнея) 185). Производное с суф. -ша, соотносительное со слав. *nozdri (см.). *nozdrirrb(jb): ст.-русск. Иоздринъ: Ивашко Ноздринъ, своеземец Писц. III, 48; Осипъ Семеновъ с. Ноздринъ, московск. гость А.Э. II, 46 (Тупиков 725), производ. с суф. -ja Ноздрыня. Филонъ Гаврушковичь, Иванъ Карповичь Ноздрыни Плотнищие, пинские земляне Арх. Сб. VI, 230 (Тупиков 337), блр. Наздрын, фам. (Bipbiла 296).

19 19 *noievb(jb) Adjective formed with the help of suf. -тъ from *nozdri (see). *nozdrbm>: tslav. nostril, adj. tsikttfshi, narium (Mikl. LP), other - Russian, Russian-tslav. nostril (nostril), adj. “relating to the nostrils, nose” (Six-day Io. ex. 2, 240 v. XV century, etc. (SlRYA XI-XVII centuries. 11, 420; Sreznevsky II, 465). Adj. with suf. -ъпъ from * nozdri (see). *noziti: Russian dial. name and nazyt "to run through, pierce (about the wind)" (Kaluzh., vol.) (Filin 19, 283), nbzit and nozyt carried "to string" (volog. , Filin 21, 273; Dal 3 II, 1436; Experience 129), “splinter” (Card index of the Dictionary of Belozersky dialects), nozdrit “to hate” (Syllabus of the Middle Urals II, 210). Russian dialects retain a trace of the old verb in -iti simple prefixless form. The causative *noziti is connected by alternating root vocalism with the verb *-nbznqti. See Golab. The grammar of Slavic Caus. 11. *by агъ: Bulgarian fire m.p. "cutler, one who makes knives" (BTR), dial. the same (M. Mladenov BD III, 120; Vakarelski. Ethnography 437), region nbzher m.r. "plow knife" (BTR; Ilchev BD I, 196), Macedonian noiar m.r. same (Kon.), Serbo-Croatian ndldr mr "who makes or sells knives" (Mikalya, Bella, Belostenac, Jambresic, Stulli and Vuk), nolari "two matchmakers who walk next to the standard bearer and carry knives" (Montenegro) (RJA VIII, 256), noiar m.r. "faber cultrarius" and "cultriparus" (Mazuranid 1,759), dial. ndldr m.r. "one who makes and sells sharp knives" (M. Peic- G. Ba lija. ReCnik backih Bunjevaca 196), old Czech nolief m.r. and nolief m.r. “knife maker” (StCSl 7, 944), art. . nolier, nolef, noluf m.b.: My fojt Gal i bozenici: Michael Prchala, Benedatus Nozer t.; Benedictus cultellifaber ( 350), sl. noldr m.b. "knife maker" (Kott I, 189: na Slov.), “one who makes and sells knives” (Ripka. DolnotrenC. 145), V.-Luz. nolef “cutler” (Pfuhl 437), nozer “cutler, knifemaker” ( Trofimovich 157). Derivative with suff. -ag< -ёгъ от *по!ь (см.). *no evb(jb): сербохорв. nolev, прилаг. от not (только в: Osvetn. 1, 62, ненадежно, RJA VIII, 256), словен nolev, прилаг. "ножевой" (Plet. I, 719), ст.- чеш. nolovy, nolevy, прилаг. "относящийся к ножу; сделанный при помощи ножа; подобный ножу" (StCSl 7,), noiovy "ножевой" (Novuk. Slov. Hus. 82), чеш. noiovy, прилаг. "ножевой" (Jungmann И, 739), слвц. noiovy, прилаг. к по! (SSJ И,), в.-луж. nolowy "ножовый, ножевой" (Трофимович 157), н.-луж. nolowy "ножовый" (Muka St. I, 1019), ст.- польск. nozowy, прилаг. "относящийся к ножу" (St.polszcz. XVI w., XVIII, 561), польск. nozowy, прилаг. от noz (Warsz. Ill, 422), словин. nolev"i, nolov"i, прилаг. от nol (Lorentz. Pomor. I, 565), др.-русск. ножевый (ножовой) прилаг. "относящийся к ножу, ножам" (Назиратель 396, XVI в.; Тов. цен. росп. 70, 1687 г., СлРЯ XI-XVII вв. И, 418), русск. ножевой, -ая, -де и ножовый-, -ая, -ое, спец., обл., прилаг. к нож (Ушаков И, 590), см. также Даль 3 II, 1435), укр. ножовйй, прилаг. от шж, "сделанный ножом; имеющий форму ножа" (Словн. укр. мови V, 440), блр. нажавы




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