Popularity of the veterinary profession. Did you call Aibolit? Or who is the veterinarian

The profession of a veterinarian is a profession that is chosen not based on prestige, career experience and high income in the future, but it is a profession that is chosen to one’s liking. A person must consciously choose this type of activity, and he simply must love animals madly. Love for animals and the desire to help them free of charge is the main quality of a veterinarian, which is the leading one when choosing this profession.

It is worth emphasizing right away that a person who decides to devote his life to rescuing and treating animals must have a number of qualities:

- the most important thing, as already mentioned above, is love for animals, without the presence of this love you should not choose this profession;

- have patience, since animals cannot, like humans, explain what hurts them, talk about the symptoms of the disease and guess what kind of disease they have;

- lack of fear, all animals get sick, regardless of their size appearance;

- have composure and fortitude, since you will have to work with various animals, diseases, injuries, which are very unpleasant and can cause disgust.

Students who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian as their companion in life should be prepared that they will have to study almost as much as doctors, they will not have any concessions or a shortened course of study. Typically, the duration educational process is five years, accompanied by compulsory practical training. Very great importance in the learning process, anatomical and pharmaceutical areas are given in order to know who can be treated and with what. Because for different types Animals require different drug treatments and different diagnostic methods.

The advantages of working as a veterinarian include:

1) If a person has chosen the profession of a veterinarian, it means that he loves animals very much and is ready to spend a lot of time with them. Therefore this happy man who enjoys his work because he has made a conscious choice.

2) Now it has become quite fashionable and relevant to keep pets at home. If previously the presence of animals was considered mandatory only in rural areas, now almost every second city resident keeps a pet at home, and they are not always everyone’s favorite cats, dogs, parrots and fish. Wealthier people with financial resources began to give preference to more exotic pets, these could be ferrets, rabbits and even larger wild animals. That is why the work of a veterinarian is now very, very in demand. We have many private pet clinics and hotels that meet high European standards, where we will be happy to welcome good specialist in this area. Therefore, we can definitely say that this profession is in great demand.

3) The profession of a veterinarian is well paid today. Even beginning specialists and students who have just graduated from educational institutions and who have absolutely no work experience are hired. Private clinics are ready to sponsor young specialists who are capable of becoming brilliant animal doctors in the near future.

4) Quite comfortable working conditions. Modern veterinary clinics are equipped with the latest technology, they have everything necessary equipment, medications.

5) Acceptable work schedule. As a rule, veterinary stores and clinics are open on weekdays. Of course, there are times when you have to work overtime, but this is the profession of a doctor and it doesn’t matter whether he treats people or animals. Typically all overtime hours worked are well paid.

6) Lack of competition in this area. Every year, several times fewer veterinarians graduate than doctors. Not everyone is able to devote their entire life to saving animals. Therefore it appears quite big choice for a future job without fear that it will be difficult to pass the competitive selection.

(profession veterinarian photo)

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Disadvantages of being a veterinarian:

1) Almost complete absence career growth. You will be lucky if the specialist gets a job in a large veterinary institution, where he can grow from a novice doctor to the head doctor of the department. As a rule, working as a veterinarian does not initially imply career advancement.

2) You have to work with completely different animals; today it could be cats and dogs, and tomorrow it could be lizards and parrots. You need to know the specifics of treating each type of animal, what can and cannot be used to treat them. Have excellent anatomical knowledge.

3) You have to constantly develop yourself, since you need to be aware of absolutely all new medicines, which help some animals and are contraindicated for others. Therefore, it is necessary to study the composition, side effects, dosage and method of administration. Be careful, since a number of drugs periodically become prohibited, and newer and more effective drugs are released to replace them.

4) Animals cannot explain what hurts them. But owners are not always particularly observant and cannot clearly list the symptoms of their pet’s illness. On the contrary, most often with their observations, they can provide unreliable information that initially directs the doctor in the other direction. That is why, when choosing a treatment method, a veterinarian should rely only on personal knowledge and practical skills in order to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe a further course of treatment, or send for the necessary tests.

5) Unfortunately, not all animals can be saved. Some of them die. This always makes the owners very upset. Therefore, cold endurance and nerves of steel are a mandatory factor in the veterinarian profession. For particularly anxious, sensitive people, this profession can negatively affect their overall emotional well-being.

The essence of the veterinarian profession is that it is suitable only for people who sincerely love animals, whose goal is not to get rich and gain financial independence, but to provide assistance and save absolutely everyone, both domestic and wild animals.

In addition, it requires fortitude, composure, lack of disgust and simply a desire to work. Of course, veterinarians do not take the Hippocratic oath, but this should not affect the quality of their work. Only a person possessing the above qualities is capable of becoming truly good professional in this area.

Want to learn even more about being a veterinarian? Profession veterinarian video:

At first glance, the answer to the question “what does a veterinarian do?” obvious: he heals animals. However, the areas of activity of such specialists differ quite greatly. It’s one thing to work in a specialized clinic or pharmacy, another thing is to fight diseases that are common to both animals and humans.

This is an entire veterinary service that carries out sanitary control not only of livestock products, but also of the condition of various mechanisms and units used in the “service” of the animals themselves, as well as equipment used in various retail outlets.

So the veterinarian’s profession is not limited to the actual treatment of our little brothers - such workers are also involved in preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases in people.

Places of work

The position of a veterinarian is provided for in many organizations related to working with animals and livestock products:

  • veterinary clinics and pharmacies;
  • farms and state farms;
  • circuses and zoos;
  • shops, markets and other institutions.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the service in state supervisory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc.).

History of the profession

It is quite difficult to determine exactly when a person began to treat animals - perhaps almost immediately when he began to domesticate and benefit from them. The first written evidence of such an activity has been preserved from Ancient Egypt - it is more than 3000 years old.

IN Ancient Rus' there were also special healers for horses, as mentioned in birch bark documents. The first veterinarians with higher education began to be trained in Russia in 1808, when a special veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy.

Responsibilities of a veterinarian

Here's what a veterinarian's primary responsibilities might look like:

  • treatment of animals in a clinic or at home;
  • collection and transportation of materials for analysis;
  • preventive measures (vaccination, sterilization, castration, haircut, teeth cleaning, microchipping, etc.);
  • reception, demonstration and assistance in choosing goods;
  • filling out documentation.

Requirements for a veterinarian

The standard requirements for a veterinarian look like this:

  • higher specialized education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • knowledge of veterinary drugs and vaccines, as well as therapeutic diets manufacturers of specialized feeds;
  • computer skills.

Veterinarian resume sample

How to become a veterinarian

You can become a veterinarian by graduating from a specialized educational institution. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two points.

Firstly, as a rule, veterinarians are trained to work with farm, “useful” animals. But in order to treat domestic animals, you often have to complete some additional courses.

Secondly, in last years There is an active diversification of specializations: among veterinarians there are not only “general specialists”, but also surgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, etc. And it is advisable to choose this or another veterinary specialty at the very beginning of your training.

And, of course, in addition to love, animals must also have a certain inclination towards biology, chemistry and related disciplines.

Veterinarian salary

How much a veterinarian receives depends significantly on the region, on the profile of the institution, and on whether it is public or private. In the capital, of course, the income of specialists is higher. A veterinarian's salary ranges from 25,000 to 150,000 rubles per month.

Average wage veterinarian is approximately 33,000 rubles per month.

Animal rescuers - who are they? It must be - it's not simple people. After all, only kind and brave doctors can treat animals! And also dexterous and smart. They have to examine different representatives of the fauna. What if you need to give an injection to a bear or an elephant?

Amazing profession

You've probably heard of a doctor for cats, dogs, lions, cows and even lizards? These are the bravest and wisest healers! How else? Imagine what a sensitive heart such a person must have and a sharp mind to understand animals, and different ones at that! This profession is veterinarian. We will now look at a brief description of the profession.

To listen to a monkey's heartbeat, you need to distract it. To calm the rabbit, to hold the snake, and to lure the turtle out of its shell. There are also more complex procedures, such as surgery. Not all animals calmly react to a person who squeezes them, examines them and, when necessary, hurts them. Animals are delicate and complex creatures, their trust must be earned. This is why veterinarians undergo long, serious training at special universities, then gain experience, and after all this they become real superheroes for pets.

The origins of the veterinarian specialty

The description of the profession can begin with the distant past, when man began to domesticate wild animals. At that time he did not yet know the basics of veterinary medicine, but he helped his pets on an intuitive level. There was not enough knowledge, and the animals most often could not be saved. The medical profession of a veterinarian appeared hundreds of years after the domestication of wild animals.

The first doctors for animals were called healers, and today they are veterinarians. Description of the profession and training in its skills at the level educational system discovered already in the Middle Ages. Then the first veterinary schools appeared. Most often they were formed on the basis of existing medical institutions. In Russia, Peter I gave impetus to the development of this science. It was he who brought talented veterinary specialists from abroad.

How did it happen?

But let's return to the first animal healers. They treated with herbs, heat and cold. Our ancestors believed in the forces of nature and worshiped them. When, for example, a cow was sick, the healer gave her a potion of herbs, and then presented gifts to the deities in which he believed. Each nation had its own patron of animals. Moreover, even an individual animal had its own intercessor image. They asked Vlasiy for the health of the cows, Anastasia the Righteous - for the sheep, and thanked Veles for the good offspring.

A person who healed animals had good physical training. This is what he is - an ancient veterinarian. The description of the profession tells us that he was a strong and resilient person, because he often had to subdue animals, laying them on the ground to provide first aid.

Horse thieves or farriers also knew how to heal. There was an opinion that no one taught these people; they relied on intuition, hereditary knowledge and believed in higher powers. People around them often called them sorcerers because they could not explain the skill. Some horse thieves led a sedentary lifestyle, while others wandered around the world. Nomadic healers were always greeted with honor, left to spend the night and never driven away.

A very necessary profession

The first livestock doctors played a very important role in the villages. And today in rural areas a good veterinarian is worth his weight in gold. The description of a profession always emphasizes that the well-being and prosperity of families often depends on this specialty. How could it be otherwise! After all, cows, sheep, goats are nurses. They are a source of dairy and meat products. On top of that, some domestic animals, such as sheep, also get wool! After processing, it is used to make clothes, blankets, rugs and for other household needs.

Chickens lay eggs, and horses help with housework. Doctors were always respected and tried not to offend.

Of course, the intuitive did not bring the desired result. Veterinarians needed quality education. After the first veterinary schools and universities appeared, the science of treating animals began to develop.

What is the difference between a doctor for animals and people?

In special educational institutions departments began to be formed, the first scientific research was carried out. Now all manipulations with animals were carried out scientifically. Veterinarians studied the structure of the body, the location of organs, and conducted experiments.

To become such doctors, it is not enough to love animals. You need to study a lot for a person to become a veterinarian.

Job descriptions for children are, as a rule, general and not in-depth in the intricacies of the work. In short, we can say that he is a generalist doctor. If human doctors are divided into specialists: pediatrician, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, infectious diseases specialist, surgeon, traumatologist, and so on, then a veterinarian is a specialist in almost all areas regarding animal health. He will treat your paw, examine your ears and eyes, attend the birth, and perform the necessary operation. And in order to be able to do all this, you need to study for a long time and very diligently, and then also apply the acquired knowledge in practice! Only then can a person say with confidence: “My profession is a veterinarian.”

Description for children of 2nd grade of secondary school

Any specialty has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Veterinarians are no exception. It is very difficult to treat patients who are silent and sometimes bite the doctor. Dogs growl, cats scratch, birds may peck. The veterinarian must, despite this, always remain kind and not show his fear. After all, animals feel everything! If they sense fear in the doctor’s veins, they will begin to manipulate it, and the veterinarian will no longer be able to provide medical assistance.

A veterinarian also has no right to all sorts of sentimentality! In a sense he must remain cool - we're talking about about the life of a living being! What can I say - these are people with strong nerves, quick thinking and, as mentioned above, quite well developed physically.

Pros and cons of the profession

Positive points are:

  • gratitude from owners and animals;
  • decent wages;
  • high demand for veterinary services.

But with all this there is a risk:

  • get injured by a zealous animal;
  • get infected infectious disease;
  • find yourself in a stressful situation;
  • work on an irregular schedule, since help may be needed late at night, early in the morning, and late in the evening.

This is what the veterinarian profession is like! The description for 2nd grade children and photos of these doctors at work cannot fully show all the difficulties of such an activity. But we can say with confidence that, despite these difficult moments, such a specialty has been and will be one of the most ethical and noble in the whole world! What a doctor's heart experiences when looking into the eyes of grateful people and animals is the best reward there can be.

Veterinarians-border guards

Imagine a doctor who meets animals at This is not a joke! really work at the border and are in full service.

Such a person ensures that sick animals do not cross borders and infect others. The point is that in different countries outbreaks occur periodically viral diseases among the animals. And if a sick individual travels around the world, it can provoke the emergence of diseases. And this is harmful to the health of absolutely everyone.

When tourists transport products of animal origin (food, clothing, souvenirs), they are also carefully checked to prevent the spread of harmful viruses and bacteria.

Expert and veterinarian: description of the profession for children of primary school age

Veterinarians are responsible for the health of not only animals, but also people. Veterinary experts diagnose the health of representatives of the animal world. Such doctors work a lot in laboratories and research centers. When a pet feels unwell, the owners immediately take it to the clinic. There, the leading specialist examines him and prescribes the necessary laboratory tests, in other words, tests. Then the animal’s life falls into the hands of an experienced specialist in a diagnostic laboratory. Main function which - to find objective reason diseases.

When entering a higher educational institution, a graduate must thoroughly know the natural sciences, as well as remember large amounts of information. For five years the student studies biology, animal physiology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals. Performs complex laboratory and practical work. Consequently, in order to learn how to heal, you need to be a hardworking and very inquisitive person. Just like that, without possessing special knowledge or at least its basics, you cannot even touch a defenseless creature.

The above outlines who a veterinarian is. The description of the profession tells us that in some ways these are generalists. But it is still difficult for one doctor to specialize in all types of animals. Therefore, modern doctors are inclined to the need for narrow specialization. After all, a cat and a snake get sick in different ways, and the physiology of a parrot and a cow has nothing in common. Therefore, modern educational institutions provide faculties for training in various areas in the field of veterinary medicine. Today there are even veterinarians who specialize only in ultrasound diagnostics.

Also, for a long time there have been special laboratories for conducting analyzes and examinations with complex and rather expensive equipment. Experts are studying biomaterials, blood, and looking, just as for people, for new painless ways to help our little brothers.

Probably, each of us has many acquaintances (adults and children) who are not indifferent to the suffering of our little brothers. Children have a special love for animals. And adults are happy to tell them that there is such a profession as a veterinarian. That in addition to “urban” animals, doctors are also expected in the countryside, because proper care of animals is very important in agriculture and livestock farming, since the success of this entire industry directly depends on it.

And if this interest in living creatures is genuine and is not limited to caring only for pets, then the child will most likely choose the profession of a veterinarian after graduating from school.

Let's try to imagine short description This type of activity, we will consider all the existing pros and cons of this difficult craft, where patience and stress resistance, compassion and love for living beings are important.

Who is it?

A veterinarian is a doctor who specializes in treating domestic and farm animals. This is a highly sought after profession. At the same time, there are not so many truly qualified specialists today.

Since ancient times, people have tried to uncover the main causes of diseases that caused livestock to die out or become sick, they learned to diagnose diseases, described and classified them, and appropriate treatment methods were developed for many animal diseases. At the moment, there is an entire science - veterinary medicine, which deals with the recognition and study of various diseases to which animals (domestic, wild, exotic, agricultural) are susceptible, and compiles a detailed description of them.
A veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, conducts medical and cosmetic procedures, consults in veterinary clinics or works on visits to livestock farms.

This is predominantly mental work, where the correct conclusions of the doctor are most important. But no one excludes that sometimes the veterinarian will need to work with his hands.
The profession of a veterinarian is not the easiest to master. You need to graduate from a medical school, have a good memory and great attentiveness. In addition, the profession of a veterinarian requires great resistance to stress.

Let's look at all the pros and cons of this profession. This will be especially true for children who are just starting to think about what they will do in life.

Advantages of working with animals

Let's look at all the available advantages of working as a doctor for our little brothers.

  1. A good specialist will always be in demand on the labor market. Currently, medicine is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified veterinarians. Of course, the advantages of this profession for many begin with this fact.
  2. If you have altruistic needs, then you can fully realize them in the work of a veterinarian. These are quite important advantages of this activity.
  3. You will always have a job (even in a crisis) if you are a professional. Of course, for those who want to be confident in the future, this fact can be counted as a significant advantage.
  4. In this job you will be able to fully realize your mental potential. For talented and capable people, this fact can be considered a plus.

Disadvantages of this choice

Below are all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

  1. To master the profession of a veterinarian, you will need to study long and hard, get higher education at medical school. For those who are not used to waiting a long time and studying a lot, the disadvantages of this work begin precisely from this point.
  2. The work requires great stress resistance and composure. For people with weak psyches, these are significant disadvantages. Sometimes you will have to see the suffering of unfortunate animals, and sometimes you will have to observe deaths. It's always very difficult psychologically.
  3. Absence as such. Of course, those who need it can write this down as a disadvantage. The maximum you can achieve is to become a high-profile specialist and receive decent money for it. Or you can open your own clinic.
  4. The work of a doctor is not easy, you will have to make responsible decisions. This feature may be perceived as a disadvantage by those who are not used to taking responsibility.

As you can see, the pros and cons in this profession are a very relative concept. For capable and hardworking people, minuses are pluses, but for narrow-minded and irresponsible people, all the pluses will look like minuses. In any case, you should think ten times before deciding to become a veterinarian. After all, the fate of many creatures will depend on your actions.

Who will you work with?

As a rule, Dr. Aibolit treats mainly pets and farm animals for our little brothers. Sometimes - and wild animals from the zoo or dolphinarium. Sometimes you even have to work with animals that are on the verge of extinction or animals suffering from poachers.

Birds, among other things, very easily transfer diseases between relatives.

From medical practice

A veterinarian’s working day is not always calm: examinations, vaccinations, recommendations. There are also emergency cases when you have to save an animal from certain death. Here are a few situations that any animal therapist may encounter:

  1. Fracture of a cat's spine. This problem is quite common. As a rule, this occurs after the animal falls from a great height. This is a very dangerous situation, and if measures are not taken in time, you can get several more injuries and complications. Therefore, you should not hesitate with surgical intervention in such a case.
  2. Polycystic kidney disease in a cat. Unfortunately, kidney problems are quite common among our beloved felines. You can feed them higher quality food as a preventive measure, but don’t hesitate if you suddenly notice symptoms in your pet. of this disease, otherwise you will have to undergo surgery in especially severe cases.
  3. Lumbosacral stenosis in four-legged canine friends. This disease is caused by an initially incorrect structure of the spine, or more precisely, by the fact that some vertebrae have not fused together correctly. The most common dog breeds that suffer from this problem are Jack Russell Terriers and Scotch Terriers. Stenosis can cause your pet great discomfort when moving, so it is better not to delay in providing qualified assistance. You will most likely need surgery.

Summing up, I would like to once again note the fact that the work of a veterinarian is an extremely responsible matter, requiring those who want to do it a lot of willpower, patience, intelligence, and, most importantly, sincere love for animals. Only these skills will allow you to achieve heights in such a difficult craft. We wish you to find your calling and hope that today you were able to obtain all the necessary information on the issue that interested you. Perhaps the description of this particular profession interested you most.

Hello, dear readers! The “Projects” section continues to introduce different professions. We already know about it. And next up is a story for children about Aibolit, a doctor for animals. In this material we will collect everything that would help to correctly explain to a child who a veterinarian is and what he does.

Lesson plan:

What can a veterinarian do?

Like a children's doctor, a veterinarian sees patients who cannot clearly say what hurts them. He has special patients - with tails and fangs, they are capricious and even bite during the examination. They don't really like to be touched, probed, or have all sorts of procedures done to them. Can you guess what kind of patients this doctor has? Yes, a veterinarian treats animals.

The job of a veterinarian is to diagnose our little brothers, provide them with assistance and prescribe the correct treatment for them. All this is done in order to return the pets healthy to their happy owners.

An experienced veterinarian knows how to treat all kinds of animals - from a hamster to a hippopotamus, from bees to fish, so he must know a lot and study a lot.

On a note! To become a certified veterinarian in America, you need to study for six years. Higher Russian veterinary education lasts a year less. But to become a veterinary assistant, you can simply graduate from technical school.

Is everyone capable of treating animals?

Every veterinarian is a “living encyclopedia” with a lot of information.

  1. Firstly, he needs a medical education in veterinary medicine and a good knowledge of animal anatomy, as well as biological chemistry.
  2. Secondly, he must know Latin “excellently”, which is what pharmacology “speaks”, and be aware of all modern medicinal innovations.
  3. Thirdly, he needs to master the skills of carrying out various procedures, from simple vaccinations to difficult operations, from the ability to deliver a baby to the ability to euthanize an animal suffering from an incurable disease.

The veterinary profession is associated not only with professional qualities. Such a doctor must have restraint and patience, since it is sometimes quite difficult to cope with intractable patients. The veterinarian must be brave and decisive, not faint at the sight of blood, and take urgent measures in time. But the main trait of any veterinarian is kindness and boundless love for animals.

It would seem if you have everything necessary qualities, you love animals and are ready to rush to their aid; rather, after school, rush to educational institution, where there is a specialty in veterinary medicine. But there is one catch: if you are allergic to “animals,” you will most likely have to give up your dream. And if your health is fine, you are welcome to work.

Where do Aibolit work?

A veterinarian can get a job in a veterinary clinic, private or public. But this is not the only place where this profession is in demand. Veterinarians treat animals in zoos and circuses. They can be seen in poultry farms and animal nurseries.

Veterinarians check the quality of products produced by domestic animals on farms and meat and dairy plants, at food markets and in research laboratories of institutes.

Veterinary specialists are needed in the public service in agricultural supervision and at disease control stations, in the police and customs service, where dogs, horses, and birds work. Veterinarians include surgeons, ophthalmologists, surgeons and orthopedists.

Who is a veterinarian?

Is the doctor a loser?

Or maybe he read

Not that kind of problem book?

No, friends, he is “Aibolit”,

Treats younger brothers

Whether it's a mouse or a crocodile

It will help and heal!

The most famous veterinarian

Naturally, the most famous veterinarian is Dr. Aibolit. But he is a fictional character. What about real people? Is there a world-famous animal doctor among them?

I hasten to please. Eat! The name of the most famous veterinarian is James Herriot.

He was born in England in 1916 into an ordinary family. His dad worked as a conductor of a small orchestra.

When James grew up and graduated from high school, he went to veterinary college. And then he got a job in his specialty, treating animals. He lived like everyone else, married a girl named Joan. They had children - a boy and a girl.

But how did he become famous? And this happened when the doctor was already 50 years old. He started writing books, it was his long-time dream. At first, James tried to write stories on a football theme, but it turned out poorly. And then he decided to write about what he knows best. About veterinary medicine and animals.

His most famous books:

  • "If Only They Could Talk"
  • “About all creatures - great and small” (there was even a film based on this book)
  • "Cat Stories"
  • "Dog Stories"
  • "Everything is alive"

Today, a museum is opened in the writer’s house, which is visited by fans of his talent.

Are you ready to devote your life to veterinary medicine? I'd be glad to hear your opinion.

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Goodbye everyone!
