Detailed horoscope for August of the year of Pisces

Pisces horoscope for August 2016. In August 2016, Pisces need to think about sleep!!! The fact is that in August 2016, many Pisces, going out in the morning, will think only about one thing: “no matter how I slip, otherwise I’ll fucking lie down and immediately fall asleep”! So Pisces in August 2016, plan ahead for yourself fasting days, in which you can, if you don’t get enough sleep, then at least “recharge” your battery. In addition, as we have already warned, in general, in the second half of 2016, the main problem for Pisces will be your natural pessimism. And in August 2016, against the background of your fatigue, pessimism can win. Usually, when Pisces hear friends say that the world is beautiful, they immediately look into their eyes to see whether their pupils are constricted or dilated. But, in August 2016, you yourself need to say more often that the world is beautiful, and then it will become truly beautiful for you. So even if your natural habit of “grumbling” suddenly overwhelms you, correct yourself immediately, as in the situation: “Oh God, why is the world so cruel, why beautiful creatures of this world can sting so painfully?! What are you talking about? Oh, I burned myself with pancakes!!!”

As the horoscope for August 2016 for Pisces shows, next month you will once again be able to see that it is stupid to dream about what you can buy with money. And all because in August 2016 you will be closer than ever to fulfilling not only your plans. But also secret hopes. As the horoscope shows, next month you will easily be able to master not only circumstances, but also everything that comes to your hand. And since Pisces, thanks to their natural intuition, know better than others and feel that when Life is going stripes... you need to stop at the white stripe. Then in August 2016 you will try to stretch out happy moments. But even despite this, sometimes in August Pisces will still feel lonely (although this is almost a normal state for you). Moreover, as often happens, Pisces can be deeply lonely even in the thick of a crowd or in big company on the beach. Therefore, peace of mind for you will be the strongest positive emotion in August 2016. But, this, of course, does not mean that in the last month of summer Pisces need to give up communication and withdraw into themselves. Of course, a computer is a warm iron friend that purrs quietly and contentedly, and does not require food or affection. And people so often disappoint. Well, to hell with these disappointments. Just don't expect more from people than they are. As the horoscope shows, disappointment in people and their actions will be almost the only factor that can ruin your mood in the last month of Summer. But people have disappointed before and will continue to disappoint - so why fill your brain with disappointments and spoil your Summer? So it’s better to focus on yourself and your plans, and place less expectations on others.

Horoscope for August 2016 Pisces favorable days- 3, 8, 9, 12, 14, 23, 24 and 27.

Horoscope for August 2016 Piscesunfavorable days- what are unfavorable days? The most good comparison- mousetrap. Very often, unfavorable days are like an exam with a mousetrap when we need to take correct solution so as not to fall into the traps set. If you evaluate them this way, then many unfavorable days will be even more interesting for you than favorable ones. But, even in the worst situation, when you still get caught, don’t forget - if the mousetrap slams shut, then you need to at least finish the cheese!

Horoscope for August 2016 Pisces career, work and business. In August 2016, the horoscope promises Pisces not only the support of people with a high position in society or superiors, but also colleagues and partners. So, you can safely realize your most bold ideas, and new projects. The main condition for this is the correct calculation of the budget and finances. Feel free to move towards victories and respond to any reasonable business proposals. In August 2016, even non-business proposals (for example, to drink beer after work) may later turn out to be business proposals. Sometimes don’t forget to properly use someone else’s arrogance and lack of complexes. And if an impudent person is simply a persistent person, unencumbered by a complex of decency, then for you in August 2016 it is also a tool for manipulation.

The horoscope also advises Pisces to pay more attention to their diary at work, and to organizing and planning their work. Moreover, many Pisces themselves will be surprised at how easy it is for you. Just don’t plan for the whole office and your colleagues, your colleagues won’t understand you, and your boss won’t appreciate you. It would also be a good idea to install one of the varieties of “farms” on your work computer. In which workers plow: collect fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and build huts. And give everyone the last name of their colleagues. Your mood will immediately lift!

In the second half of August, Pisces need to be very careful with documents to avoid mistakes. Even if this happens, do not forget the main rule of a good employee. A good employee always admits his mistake. But she will make sure that someone else answers for her.

Horoscope for August 2016 Pisces Finance. The main problem of August 2016 for Pisces is growing expenses. And there's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, use your natural frugality and do not forget the formula for any success - everything good comes at a price. Nobody needs all the bad things for nothing. Although it is likely that some Pisces businessmen will simply invest part of their finances in expanding own business, according to the horoscope, the time is right, all that remains is to find the finances, or take it from the nightstand.

Love horoscope August 2016 Pisces. Horoscope for August 2016 Pisces Love. In August, Pisces, and especially Pisces men, may experience changes “on the love and family fronts.” Moreover, regardless of whether Pisces are lonely or not. In many ways, jealousy will play a key role. Both yours and your partner’s jealousy. Of course, relationships are mutually beneficial. Almost always there is a loved one at hand to take out your feelings on. Bad mood. But in August 2016, it is better for Pisces not to use this technique in relationships. And as we already said, don't demand people to be perfect. It is only the conscience that has remorse. People practically never have them.

The horoscope does not promise promising acquaintances for single Pisces. But there are as many new ones as you want. As they say, we all hung around a little, sometime and with someone... but nothing more. Although it is possible that something or someone will remain in memory. And the memory of relationships is like dandruff... Either the gray and wise dust of experience, or sawdust from sawed-down horns...

At the end, the horoscope for August once again reminds Pisces about sleep. And although a person is considered the only creature that goes to sleep when he doesn’t want to, and gets up if he doesn’t get enough sleep, try to go to bed, even when you don’t feel like it at all!

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Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign in August 2016 must give free rein to their ideas. Bold decisions will give a positive result - a promotion at work is possible. This month there will be an opportunity to make large purchases; if Pisces were aimed at purchasing large equipment, it’s time to find suitable options. In relationships with loved ones, everything will work out just fine for Pisces. Surrounded by love, representatives of this zodiac sign will want to prepare a surprise for the family. Inconvenience can only be created by your own body - in August you will need the help of a specialist. It is worth considering undergoing a full examination. You need to find time to relax in the whirlpool of events - this is the only way to stay afloat.

In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus in Virgo foretells professional success for representatives of the Zodiac sign Pisces. There will be many interesting ideas, which cannot be left for later - it is better to immediately attract the attention of management to them and implement them. This month's projects will bring not only success, but also an influx of funds. If Pisces has their own business, August is a time of prosperity for them. All ideas should be taken into account without hesitation - the projects of all subsequent months will not seem so brilliant. At the same time, you need to pay attention to your competitors - at work, beware of your closest and most good-natured colleagues. Against the background of envy, slander may appear in the direction of Pisces; your grandiose ideas may be unceremoniously stolen.

The second ten days of August 2016 will pass under the auspices of Neptune, and Pisces need to prepare for the appearance of something new in life interesting person. Subtle humor and sophistication will attract fans, and representatives of the zodiac sign can start a romance even with best friend. The stars foretell a meeting with soul mate– relationships will be based on complete understanding of each other and sensuality. If a partner begins to move away after a short conversation, there is no need to hold him back by force. For family Pisces, a period of romance and adoration for a partner will begin - pleasant surprises, coffee in bed, unexpected trips for 1-2 days will delight the other half. Pisces will be passive in relation to family matters - they need to be pushed into action

In the third ten days of August 2016, Mars in Sagittarius portends a deterioration in well-being for Pisces. Possible headaches, depression, low blood pressure. As a preventive measure, you can add seafood or delicacies to your diet - this will not only diversify your food, but also nourish your body with vitamins. In pursuit of well-being, one should not forget about relaxation: a relaxing movie and calm music will be enough. A visit to a sauna or spa would be a good idea, but you can also enjoy it at home by plunging into a warm bath with sea ​​salt and aromatic oils.

What does August 2016 have in store for the Pisces man?

It is somewhat surprising that representatives of the Pisces sign will have to spend the best summer days of August 2016 working for glory, while also waging a truly revolutionary struggle. The stars predict a victorious completion of all your affairs, which is what you have been striving for for a long time!

Love horoscope for Pisces

According to the horoscope, August of this year is perfect for Pisces to fall in love, create marriages, conceive and give birth to children, and spend vacations. Undoubtedly, ideal option would be to spend the whole year in this way, although the stars can give you this wonderful period only at the end of summer. Minor troubles are always lurking for us somewhere, and Pisces is no exception in this sense. However, you should tune in to the positive, expecting better events from life.

For example, you should make a general diagnosis of the body if you feel pain in some place. Get tested and you will know what exactly is bothering you. This way you will begin timely treatment of the disease that has arisen and will be able to overcome it.

Love horoscope for August 2016: Pisces Man - if your plans include marriage, then August will be a great month for this, and especially its last ten days. True, an individual consultation with an astrologer will also not hurt you when choosing a favorable period of time for concluding a strong marriage.

The stars predict events for you in August 2016 that will focus on the relationship between you and your partner in business and personal life. Over the course of a month, the Pisces man will encounter situations in which he will be sobered from illusions or tested for loyalty to his partner.

Work and business

  • Circumstances may not change in August better side for representatives of the sign.
  • Life becomes more complicated, and the demands placed on you become more stringent. There is no need to hastily do important things and schedule important events. Many
  • Pisces will have to be torn between work and home, being late everywhere and not meeting deadlines.
  • Successful activation of competitors will begin to be observed. Colleagues will behave unceremoniously towards your interests.
  • You will be overloaded with work that will not bring you pleasure. The abilities of the creative representatives of the sign will not be appreciated. You will be little appreciated and much criticized. The obligations assigned to you will need to be fulfilled.
Published: 2016-07-12, Modified: 2018-09-24,

Horoscope for August 2016 Pisces indicates that unforeseen circumstances will arise in your life, due to which you will reconsider your ideas and goals. It is advisable not to abandon the idea and goal, but to find new ways to implement them and new partners. Suddenly they will make you some interesting offers. The horoscope for August 2016 Pisces indicates that it will be difficult for you to choose the one that will lead you to success. If you try to use all of them, you will not be able to concentrate your efforts on all of them in order to show good results. Therefore, you better stop at one sentence. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should be guided not only by your desires, but also by the desires of your loved ones. Because without their support, the idea on which you place your hopes will turn out to be unviable, and the goal unattainable. To implement your idea and achieve your goal, you need to learn not to break away from the team and family. And you need to choose ideas not only according to your abilities, but also according to the abilities of those people with whom these ideas will be implemented.

Marriage horoscope

Pay attention intimate life, otherwise your love and feelings may fade, which will negatively affect your personal happiness. It is advisable to take a close look at your companion or companion, and, if necessary, carefully change your relationship with your loved one. If you do not experience real feelings, then you need to abandon such a relationship. If in family relationships you perform a function that is not typical for you, then you need to change your behavior.

Health horoscope

Any dissatisfaction of feelings will increase the sensitivity of the nervous system, which can create mental tension. As a result, immunity may decrease. You can easily catch a cold and get sick, or be poisoned by food that is not fresh enough. Therefore, eat only fresh food, do not lie in a damp and cold place, pay attention to your intimate life.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign in August 2016 must give free rein to their ideas. Bold decisions will give a positive result - a promotion at work is possible. This month there will be an opportunity to make large purchases; if Pisces were aimed at purchasing large equipment, it’s time to find suitable options. In relationships with loved ones, everything will work out just fine for Pisces. Surrounded by love, representatives of this zodiac sign will want to prepare a surprise for the family. Inconvenience can only be created by your own body - in August you will need the help of a specialist. It is worth considering undergoing a full examination. You need to find time to relax in the whirlpool of events - this is the only way to stay afloat.

In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus in Virgo foretells professional success for representatives of the Zodiac sign Pisces. Many interesting ideas will appear that cannot be left for later - it is better to immediately attract the attention of management to them and bring them to life. This month's projects will bring not only success, but also an influx of funds. If Pisces has their own business, August is a time of prosperity for them. All ideas should be taken into account without hesitation - the projects of all subsequent months will not seem so brilliant. At the same time, you need to pay attention to your competitors - at work, beware of your closest and most good-natured colleagues. Against the background of envy, slander may appear in the direction of Pisces; your grandiose ideas may be unceremoniously stolen.

The second ten days of August 2016 will pass under the auspices of Neptune, and Pisces need to prepare for the appearance of a new interesting person in their life. Subtle humor and sophistication will attract fans, and representatives of the zodiac sign can start an affair even with their best friend. The stars foretell a meeting with a soul mate - the relationship will be based on complete understanding of each other and sensuality. If a partner begins to move away after a short conversation, there is no need to hold him back by force. For family Pisces, a period of romance and adoration for a partner will begin - pleasant surprises, coffee in bed, unexpected trips for 1-2 days will delight the other half. Pisces will show passivity in relation to family matters - they need to be pushed into action.

In the third ten days of August 2016, Mars in Sagittarius portends a deterioration in well-being for Pisces. Possible headaches, depression, low blood pressure. As a preventive measure, you can add seafood or delicacies to your diet - this will not only diversify your food, but also nourish your body with vitamins. In pursuit of well-being, one should not forget about relaxation: a relaxing movie and calm music will be enough. A visit to a sauna or spa would be a good idea, but you can also enjoy yourself at home by soaking in a warm bath with sea salt and aromatic oils.
