Planning pregnancy after antibiotics: how long does it take to get pregnant, how does the drug affect men and women? Pregnancy after withdrawal ok Is it possible to get pregnant after taking it

Today, many couples take a responsible approach to planning a child. After all, it depends only on the future parents whether the baby will be healthy. The human body is negatively affected by various factors. Some of them can be minimized. You also need to pay special attention to the medications taken by future parents. In order for the baby to be born healthy, you need to know how long it takes to get pregnant after taking antibiotics.

Effect of drugs

In order to determine complications from the use of antibacterial agents by men and women, it is necessary to identify their effect on the body. Specialists prescribe antibiotics for infectious diseases in order to destroy the infection in any part of the body.

Antibiotics are necessary for humans, because without them people would die from various infections. But how to plan a pregnancy after taking antibiotics? There is no need to plan to conceive immediately after treatment. The medicine destroys the infection, but along with it, the good bacteria of the person. As a result of the use of medications, dysbiosis appears and the acid-base balance of the stomach changes. The immune system may also be weakened, and during such a pregnancy a woman may become easily ill.

When the immune system is weakened, other diseases may become active, such as candidiasis, which can harm the child. Therefore, future parents need to be completely cured, and then restore their health and improve their immunity.

Medical experts advise treating any infectious disease before conception, since it is undesirable to undergo therapy during pregnancy. How long after antibiotic treatment can you get pregnant? Experts believe that you need to wait about three months. This period is due to the fact that the drugs affect the body as a whole (and therefore have an effect on the human genital organs), and pregnancy should be planned only after all cells have been renewed.

Effect of drugs on a child

Is it possible or not to take antibiotics during conception? The negative effect of drugs is caused by their pharmacological action, which destroys infections and microorganisms. But the fact is that the antibiotic kills not only bacteria, but also the beneficial microflora of the body. If pregnancy does occur, the child may experience abnormalities during development, such as, for example, deafness, defects in organs, etc. Therefore, experts insist on planning a child only after the antibacterial drug has been eliminated from the body.

Types of medications

How long before you can get pregnant after taking antibiotics? Recovery after using these drugs depends on the group of drugs:

  • Penicillin medications are the safest for humans and have the least effect on fetal development.
  • Cephalosporin drugs affect fetal development. They have a strong effect on the first months of pregnancy. Sometimes this type of medicine is prescribed to pregnant women, but after the first trimester.
  • Macrolide medications are also considered the safest.
  • Other types of antibiotics are not safe. Therefore, their use in planning is strictly prohibited.

Planning pregnancy and antibiotics are incompatible. If a married couple wants a child, then it is necessary to discuss this with a doctor and choose medications that are safest for the development of the fetus (that is, those from which you can quickly recover).


You cannot take medications on your own without the supervision of a doctor. Thoughtless use of drugs can lead to serious consequences. This can be especially dangerous for girls and women who want to have children in the future.

Pregnancy and illness

The need to use antibiotics can only be determined by a specialist. There is a rule that all couples who want to have children must follow. Antibiotics can only be used if tests have revealed infections. If the disease is not infectious, then the drug will only cause harm to the body. Often, during a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, women start taking antibiotics, but the source of the disease in this case is a virus, not an infection. An antibiotic cannot help against a virus. Also, you should not use an antibiotic to reduce body temperature (there are other safer remedies), or for cough or pain.

How long after taking antibiotics can you get pregnant? If a woman had a disease that was associated with an infection, then doctors insist on protection for three months. But if pregnancy occurs immediately after stopping the use of medications, then substances in the woman’s blood can cause rejection of the embryo, and a miscarriage will occur. It can also happen if a man used the drugs, since the effect of antibiotics causes significant changes in sperm.

Changes in the balance of microflora can lead to the appearance of dysbiosis and fungal infections. In order to prevent complications, special prebiotics must be used during treatment. You need to include fermented milk products in your daily diet and avoid flour products.

Dysbacteriosis appears due to changes in the acid-base balance. The beneficial microflora that is located on the mucous membranes (protects the body from infections) was destroyed by antibiotics. Because of this, other diseases may appear after antibiotic treatment. Changes in vaginal acidity lead to the appearance of thrush. And this disease can become the basis for the development of inflammation of the genitourinary system. This disease in women is also dangerous for men, as it can lead to ureaplasmosis, which is difficult to treat.

My husband took antibiotics

If my husband took medications, will this affect the development of the fetus (the possibility of fertilization)? How long before you can get pregnant after taking antibiotics? Scientific research carried out in various countries has proven that antibiotics lead to poor performance of the reproductive system. Therefore, their use should be under the supervision of specialists. There are many types of antibiotics, so each drug affects the human body differently. For example, the use of the drug "Doxycycline" leads to the fact that a man may become infertile, but only for the period of use of the drug. Also, this medicine has a bad effect on the DNA chain. Under no circumstances should you plan to have a baby while using these medications. Also, after taking it, you need to restore your health, and this takes time. And only after the health of the body is restored, a man can think about conceiving a healthy baby.

When can you get pregnant after taking antibiotics? There are antibacterial medications that are the safest for health. And after two weeks of using these medications, you can already think about the baby. These include Amoxicillin, which is part of the group of harmless penicillins. But some doctors are sure that it is still necessary to wait for cellular renewal (three months) and not take risks, since the health of the unborn child depends on it.

Consequences due to the use of drugs by men

The process of cell renewal occurs within ninety days. The consequence of the use of drugs can be not only fertility in a man, but also pathology during a woman’s pregnancy. Pathology includes:

  • deviations in the development of the unborn baby;
  • delay during development;
  • miscarriage;
  • fetal death;
  • frozen pregnancy.

After using drugs by either spouse, the couple must use protection. In order to choose the type of contraception, you need to consult a specialist.

Planning pregnancy after taking antibiotics

There are several reasons that affect the possibility of conception. If a woman has taken a course of antibacterial medications, then you need to be aware of possible problems from specific medications. When a woman takes medications, there is a difficulty, which is due to the fact that a certain number of eggs are laid at birth, and their number is limited. Medicines can affect the structure of eggs that are preparing for ovulation.

When can a woman become pregnant after taking antibiotics? Experts insist that a man and a woman give up planning a baby for at least three months. If the medicine has a strong negative effect on the body, then the period may increase to six months. The negative effect of the medication is that when it is used, the egg becomes defective. Also, the substances contained in the drug affect the structure of the endometrium, which will be needed in the future for the fertilized egg.

Depending on the type of medicine, the period of time for a man can be reduced to fourteen days. But usually, for safety reasons, experts strongly recommend that the couple wait about three months so that the defective sperm does not fertilize the egg.

Health recovery

After using antibacterial substances, you need to take a number of measures to restore your health:

  • The couple needs to be tested for microflora.
  • To improve balance, you need to change your diet and include foods such as fermented baked milk, kefir, and cottage cheese.
  • Refuse flour and sweets.
  • Take antioxidants as recommended by your doctor. These include multivitamins and ascorbic acid.
  • Also, to improve your well-being, you need to eat nuts, fruits, berries, and add dill and parsley to your food.
  • It is useful to drink herbal infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. It is useful for a woman to drink tea with mint, lemon, and fruit drinks. Adding sugar is not recommended.

Illness after taking medications

How long before you can get pregnant after taking antibiotics? If complications occur after using antibacterial drugs, then they must be treated before conception. The doctor chooses drugs depending on the complexity of the new disease and the toxicity of the drug itself. Usually they prescribe Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, etc. When using them, you must follow the instructions and not self-medicate. Today, pharmacology is at a high level, and there are many medications that help restore the microflora. Most often, probiotics are used for this. The most famous are “Bifidumbacterin” and “Lactobacterin”. These drugs are used when there is a slight imbalance in the microflora. In more complex situations, products such as Linex, Enterol, and Acipol are used.

There are drugs that, in addition to treating dysbiosis, kill the fungus. These include “Bifidumbacterin-Forte”, “Acidophilus”.

Healthy lifestyle

In order to restore health after taking antibacterial agents, it is necessary to use additional medications, as well as traditional medicine. In addition, it is important for parents to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Planning pregnancy after antibiotics is possible only if the couple recovers completely. Therefore, men and women need to give up bad habits, engage in physical exercise, but not exceed the load.


Currently, there are many factors that can affect pregnancy and the health of the baby. Some factors cannot be influenced by future parents. But it is quite possible to reduce the risk of pathology and bear a healthy baby. To do this, you need to take care of your health.

There are many diseases that can only be cured with antibacterial drugs. You cannot refuse to take them if your health requires it. Planning pregnancy after antibiotics is possible after each spouse has fully recovered. In order to recover and recover after treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and in no case should you use drugs at your own discretion. There are medications that can affect the structure of DNA.

The instructions for such drugs usually state that conception can occur in the next cycle after discontinuation of oral contraceptives. However, you need to understand that this does not always happen.

Much depends on the woman’s age, the characteristics of her body, the specific drug and its dosage.

Factors affecting the chance of conception

The essence of using oral contraceptives is to take synthetic analogues of female sex hormones - progesterone and estrogens. As a result, ovarian function is suppressed and the ovulation process ceases.

Normally, after stopping the pills, there is a fairly rapid restoration of reproductive function with the possibility of becoming pregnant after taking contraceptive medications.

However, it is important to understand that the body tends to get used to the intake of bioactive substances from the outside. When stopping the pills, it may take him a certain period of time to fully restore fertility.

Important factors that influence the speed of restoration of the ability to conceive are:

  • Woman's age. At 25 years old, the process of normalizing the menstrual cycle may take 2 or 3 months, after 30 - about a year, at 35 and older - several years. This is why doctors recommend that women not delay pregnancy.
  • Duration of taking pills. If contraception has been used for several months, normal ovulation may occur in the next cycle. But when a woman has been continuously taking contraceptives for years, it will take her much longer to normalize her reproductive function.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Different women have different hormone levels, some may have gynecological diseases, etc. One woman may need 1-2 months to stabilize her menstrual cycle, while another may need several years. Everything is individual, even if the age and duration of taking the drugs do not differ.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to stop taking oral contraceptives as early as possible, taking into account the fact that the body will need several months to recover.

Rebound effect (withdrawal syndrome)

Rebound effect is a term that is used in gynecology to characterize a compensatory increase in ovarian productivity after discontinuation of a course of contraceptive drugs. To combat some forms of infertility, doctors may specifically use oral contraceptives.

At first glance this may seem absurd. After all, a woman’s reproductive function already suffers, but here she is oppressed even more. However, it has been established that with a short course of taking oral contraceptives (2-3 months) followed by their cancellation, a compensatory increase in ovarian activity is observed. They work better, which helps normalize the menstrual cycle with stabilization of the ovulation process.

This is the essence of the rebound effect.. In most cases, it significantly increases the chance of getting pregnant after taking birth control pills. However, you need to remember that this effect does not always work.

If infertility persists and ovulation does not occur, the woman may need other treatment. Usually, in case of endocrine infertility, ovulation stimulation is prescribed with hormonal drugs or pregnancy is achieved using assisted reproductive technologies.

Increasing the chance of successful conception

If a woman takes oral contraceptives on an ongoing basis, but has a desire to become pregnant in the near future, then she should remember several nuances that will increase her chances of conceiving:

  • After stopping contraceptives, you should not try to get pregnant right away. It is better to wait 1-2 months for the menstrual cycle to normalize. The uterine mucosa and the ovaries themselves need some time to restore their function.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. If alcohol and nicotine are consumed while taking contraceptives, this significantly reduces the chance of successfully conceiving a child in the future.
  • Go through all the necessary examinations with a doctor. After stopping contraceptives, you need to assess the state of reproductive health, assess the chances of conceiving and bearing a child. To do this, the woman’s hormonal background is examined, tests are taken for infections, and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

To increase the chances of success, it is advisable to carry out full pregnancy planning. Consulting with a doctor and following all his recommendations will allow you to achieve your desired goal as quickly as possible.

Pregnancy after other contraceptive methods

In addition to the variety of birth control pills, there are other types of contraceptives.

The most popular remain:

  • Contraception using barrier means (condom, vaginal diaphragm, uterine cap).
  • Use of an intrauterine device (IUD).
  • Natural contraception (lactational amenorrhea, interrupted coitus, calendar method).
  • Chemical contraceptives (spermicides).

Most women can become pregnant after using birth control.

It is worth noting that pregnancy almost always occurs without problems after refusing to use these methods of contraception. An exception is the incorrect placement or removal of the intrauterine device (which is rare). In this case, a local inflammatory process may occur, which until it is eliminated will interfere with the normal process of conception and implantation of the embryo.

If, six months after stopping contraception, pregnancy does not occur, then you should contact a gynecologist at the AltraVita clinic to find out the cause of reproductive dysfunction.

- I've been taking birth control pills for a year now. Should I take a break?
-Are you planning a pregnancy?
- No, I definitely don’t plan for another year and a half.
- Then why do you need a break?
- Well, they say that you can’t drink for a long time! Then you won’t get pregnant or you’ll have to undergo treatment for a long time.

For many years I could not understand where these recommendations come from. I have never come across any data on the need to take a “break-rest” after any long-term use of hormonal contraceptives in any manual on contraception, in any training manual, or in any scientific article.

Hormonal contraception was originally conceived as a reversible method - the ability to conceive is restored quickly. However, the fear that the ovaries will “fall asleep and not wake up” is quite common.

I believe that we are faced with a certain kind of gynecological folklore. The recommendation to “take a break” from taking COCs is passed on by word of mouth from the older generation of gynecologists to the younger. This unwritten rule may have its origins in the methodological letters of the USSR Ministry of Health, issued in hundreds of thousands of copies in 1981 and 1985. In those distant times in the USSR, it was believed that the number of contraindications to hormonal contraception was enormous, and the side effects were so destructive that the prescription of COCs by a Soviet doctor cast doubt on his professional competence 1 .

“In our country, it is not uncommon for a doctor to quite sincerely believe that breaks are needed in taking COCs.”
Khamoshina - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

More than 30 years have passed. The young students and young doctors of those controversial times entered a time of significant professional maturity and clinical authority. The impressions of youth are the most vivid. It is quite possible that many, maintaining an extremely cautious attitude towards hormonal contraceptives, ignore the data of modern research and WHO recommendations on contraception 2.

How justified is such caution?

Every obstetrician-gynecologist has a whole bunch of such stories in his “piggy bank.” This case was presented by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M. B. Khamoshina 3.

A young woman who had been taking a low-dose COC for 8 months came to the antenatal clinic for a preventive appointment. The drug was tolerated well and I was satisfied with the chosen method of contraception.

The patient underwent an ultrasound, according to the results of which the doctor of the highest category came to the conclusion: “You have a tiny uterus and will never have children. Are you crazy? Stop the hormonal drug immediately, we will grow your uterus!” Of course, the woman immediately stopped taking such “dangerous” pills and, as prescribed by the doctor, began to “grow her uterus” with the help of Cyclo-Proginova. Exactly 2 months later, the uterus grew to 6 weeks of pregnancy, and the patient went for an abortion. Of course, this woman, calmly and happily taking COCs, was fine. Before visiting the doctor.

Reduction in the size of the ovaries and uterus due to prolonged use of COCs is a well-known phenomenon. In 2011–2014, a group of Danish scientists led by Petersen 4 convincingly showed that in women using oral contraception, the volume of the ovaries is reduced by 2 times, and the level of AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone - correlates with the number of “suitable” follicles in the ovaries) decreases by 19 %. However, the authors emphasize that this effect is completely reversible.

The patient may be concerned about the absence of spontaneous menstruation after stopping taking COCs. This is exactly the case when you should wait a little and let the body “wake up”, but not run for treatment, simultaneously collecting the “expert” opinion of others that now everything is definitely lost and COCs have ruined your life. Independent menstruation is restored within one or two cycles.

For most women, fertility returns immediately after stopping taking COCs. At the beginning of my medical practice, in some forms of infertility (with ovulation disorders), the “rebound effect” or withdrawal effect was successfully used: the patient was recommended to take oral contraceptives for 6 months in order to increase the likelihood of ovulatory cycles and pregnancy. This method has one significant drawback that seriously limits its use today: it takes a lot of time compared to IVF.

The issues of restoring fertility have been carefully studied in various studies - no delays in pregnancy have been observed. Every fifth woman becomes pregnant in the first cycle after stopping the drug.

A woman can become pregnant immediately after stopping taking COCs (Figure 1 5)

  • 21.1% of women become pregnant after 1 cycle;
  • 45.7% of women become pregnant after 3 cycles;
  • 79.4% of women become pregnant after 12 cycles.

Women who used barrier contraception or natural methods of family planning obtained exactly the same data on pregnancy rates. The rate of infertility in marriages among women who took COCs is equal to the population average.

Moreover, modern science considers it a problem that after stopping taking COCs, women become pregnant too quickly, without having time to accumulate enough folate in the body to prevent fetal malformations and neural tube defects. Folates accumulate in the body slowly, so you should start taking them 2-3 months before conception.

An alternative may be the use of contraceptives fortified with metafolline (Jess Plus or Yarina Plus). Contraceptives “with plus” are recommended for patients who are planning pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

How long can you take COCs?

The main complaint about fertility preservation studies is the short duration of oral contraceptive use for participants. This is organized differently in different studies, but usually the period is 1–2–4 years. Long-term use of COCs is considered to be more than 4 years.

Organizing such a study for women who have been using COCs for 5–10 years is very difficult. It is not often that you meet a woman who has regular sex life and needs constant contraception for 10 years. Life sometimes separates us from our loved ones, sometimes divorces us from our husbands, sometimes our reproductive plans change in favor of childbearing. It is almost impossible to concentrate at least several hundred such patients under the supervision of research doctors.

That is why modern medicine answers the question “How long can you take COCs?” gives an evasive answer: “As much as a woman needs this type of contraception.”

“But my friend has...”

On the Internet you can easily find hundreds and thousands of comments about how someone stupidly took COCs, and then was unable to get pregnant, had to undergo treatment for a long time, the ovaries fell asleep, menstruation disappeared... Entering into a discussion in such cases is completely pointless. COCs, providing regular menstrual-like reactions, are quite capable of masking serious problems of the reproductive system.

There can be many reasons for premature ovarian failure: heredity, weight loss, stress, endocrine and autoimmune diseases, viral infections, surgery on the pelvic organs, inflammatory processes. That is why, before selecting a drug, it is so important to have a detailed conversation with the doctor, clarify the situation and make the correct diagnosis before starting to use COCs.

If taking breaks for a cycle or two only threatened women with an unplanned pregnancy, we wouldn’t even have to start this discussion. It would seem, what’s wrong with living without pills for a couple of months a year?

Unfortunately, resuming COC use after a break of more than 4 weeks is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism. About contraceptives and thrombosis we'll talk to you next time.

1. Radzinsky V. E., Khamoshina M. B. Factology of “sincere misconceptions”. The attitude of Russian doctors to hormonal contraception / V. E. Radzinsky, M. B. Khamoshina // Status Praesens. 2011. - No. 3. - pp. 16–19.
3. Based on materials from the All-Russian scientific and practical seminar “Russia’s reproductive potential: versions and contraversions”, Sochi, September 3, 2011. A transcript of the full audio recording of the brainstorming session is available on the website
4. Peterson K. B. Ovarian reserve assessment in users of oral contraception seeking fertility advice on their reproductive lifespan // Human Reproduction, 2015. Vol. 30. No. 10. P. 2364–2375.
5. Data are presented as point estimates (solid line) with upper and lower 95% CIs (dashed line) and refer to women who definitely discontinued COC use due to pregnancy planning (n = 2064). Cronin M. et al. Rate of pregnancy after using drospirenone and other progestin-containing oral contraceptives. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2009. Vol. 114(3). P. 616–22.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


It is believed that after consumption oral contraceptives chances of conception increase. Some women are prescribed OCs for precisely this purpose. However, both taking the drug and its consequences have certain characteristics.

    Oral contraceptives

    The effect of hormonal drugs with a contraceptive effect based on the principle of suppressing the work of the ovaries. The processes of the reproductive system are inhibited, which makes conception impossible. does not occur while taking pills. Instead of menstruation, a woman regularly experiences menstrual-like discharge.

    The main function of oral contraceptives is protection against unwanted pregnancy. But in some situations, doctors prescribe OCs for the treatment of ovarian dysfunction. Contraceptives contain two types of hormones - gestagens and estrogens. In a certain dosage, this tandem suppresses, prevents the formation of the corpus luteum and prevents the entry into the uterine cavity.

    ON A NOTE! Contrary to popular belief, oral contraceptives do not promote weight gain.

    Is it possible to get pregnant after taking birth control?

    While taking contraceptives, a woman cannot become pregnant. Percentage of protection from unwanted pregnancy 99.9%, but after stopping the use of birth control pills, the ovaries begin to function intensively. Therefore, the probability of getting pregnant is very high.

    The method of using contraceptives is called rebound effect. It is used in the presence of various diseases that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. Indications for taking contraceptives include the following:

    • Carrying out surgical interventions in case of unsuccessful pregnancy.
    • Ovarian dysfunction.
    • Mastopathy.
    • Endometriosis.
    • Skin diseases.
    • Ovarian cysts.

    REFERENCE! Birth control pills are prescribed based on a woman's hormone levels. Before you start using it, it is very important to pass the necessary tests.

    How quickly after stopping the OC can you plan to conceive?

    Effect of the drug
    present only in the cycle in which it is received. The components of the tablets do not affect further pregnancy in any way.

    Conception is possible as early as the next month after stopping the OC, but experts recommend conducting a small examination that will indicate the level of hormones, state and follicular growth.

    After discontinuation of hormone-containing medications, the cycle may return to normal for some time. This is manifested in its unstable duration. Restoration of the body is carried out in within three months. But most often, women become pregnant in the first cycle after stopping use.

    What problems might you encounter?

    Almost any medical product has contraindications and side effects. Oral contraceptives have a pronounced effect. That is why they must be taken with extreme caution. After stopping birth control, some complications may occur. These include:

    • Disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Infertility (subject to prolonged use of OCs).
    • Irregularity of menstruation.

    For the purpose of pregnancy, the method of taking contraceptives for three months is most often used. Sometimes the duration of use of the drug can reach six months. Longer use has a noticeable effect on processes of the reproductive system. Therefore, there is a possibility of developing infertility.

    During use, a woman may experience the appearance of side effects. If they are pronounced, it means that the OKs were chosen incorrectly. You should report the presence of symptoms to your doctor. The main side effects include:

    • Dizziness and nausea.
    • Decreased libido.
    • The appearance of irritability.
    • Increase in vegetation.
    • Spotting.
    • Sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    IMPORTANT! In the process of selecting contraceptives, many nuances are taken into account: the patient’s age, experience of pregnancy and childbirth, weight, etc.

    How to increase the chances of successful conception?

    Some actions of a woman can bring her closer desired pregnancy and help avoid possible complications. The main rule when taking OK is compliance with the dosage. Oral contraceptives are taken at the same time every day. If you miss a pill, you must follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. This will help avoid hormonal imbalance. The last package of tablets must be completed to the end.

    REFERENCE! Statistical data indicate the likelihood of developing multiple pregnancies after discontinuation of OCs.

    At the stage of recovery of the body after treatment with contraceptives, it is recommended to take complexes containing essential vitamins. Their compliance with standards will have a beneficial effect on development of pregnancy.

    It is prohibited to use and. during this period should be as balanced as possible. Vitamins and minerals should be supplied to the body not only through supplements, but also through food. In this case, they are absorbed much better.

    Sometimes, to increase the likelihood of conception, doctors prescribe certain medical supplies. These include Cyclodinone, Time Factor and Duphaston. The listed medications regulate the menstrual cycle and restore.

Many people avoid oral contraceptives, although they are actually quite common and, when used correctly, can help prevent unplanned pregnancies. Over time, all the girls come to one thing - it’s time to become a mother. And then the question arises, We suggest not only understanding it, but also reading a number of recommendations.

If everything is fine with your health and tests confirm this, and besides, your age is favorable to the birth of a child (the ideal option is if you are no more than thirty years old, after which the activity of the reproductive organs begins to fade), then you will be able to get pregnant after finishing taking tablets pretty quickly. The functionality of the reproductive system will be restored within two to three months and the body will again be ready for fertilization, and, as a result, also for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.

No less interesting for girls are questions such as:

  • Does taking oral contraceptives against unwanted pregnancy affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby?
  • Does it affect the reproductive system?
  • Is it possible to independently prepare your body for a planned pregnancy?

Let's figure this out together.

Hormonal drugs and their effects

In fact, contraception are aimed at suppressing the basic functions of the ovaries, due to which ovulation stops. From the very first day after stopping taking the pills, the ovaries begin to function more correctly and subsequently the intensity of their work increases day by day.

This may seem strange to you, but often gynecologists They use a course of contraceptives to “invigorate” the reproductive organs of those women who have been unable to get pregnant for a long time. As a rule, the course lasts three to four months, after which the pills are stopped and the functionality of the genital organs is restored.

If you can not get pregnant, you should not rush from one extreme to another and start taking hormonal medications. There is only a chance of harming yourself. First of all, you should undergo a full examination and consult a gynecologist about this.

Fertilization after stopping oral contraceptives

It is important for a woman not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to bear a healthy baby without spoiling her health. In no case do not forget to consult a specialist about the state of your health, only after that you can start taking pills.

A similar consultation should be completed after completing the course of taking them, so that a knowledgeable person can advise you on what you need to do in order to get pregnant safely in the shortest possible time.

Along the way, we invite you to look at a number of useful tips that any gynecologist will give you:

  • After consulting with a specialist, you will receive a number of recommendations that you will need to follow from the very first to the last tablet. Otherwise, you risk your health - bleeding may begin; the menstrual cycle goes astray; hormonal balance is disrupted.
  • As soon as you stop taking pills, you will have to be examined again. It happens that even the most imperceptible changes in hormonal balance activate a number of hidden diseases, they are also called “dormant”. Thus, there may be a problem for normal conception. We also recommend paying attention to your immunity, the absence of tumors or any non-standard formations. Ideally, you should also visit a mammologist.
  • It's stupid to try get pregnant As soon as you stop taking the pills, nothing will come of it. The most favorable time is three to four months after stopping birth control. During this time, the body will recover, return to its normal rhythm and the reproductive organs will work at their best.
  • If you manage to conceive a baby earlier than three or four months later, there is no need to worry - it means that the body has already recovered. Contraceptives do not pose any threat to the fetus; it will develop normally.
  • Start taking vitamins, eliminate from your diet all foods that can cause harm: fast food and the list goes on; give up smoking, alcohol and other nasty things.


But still, How long after birth control pills can you get pregnant? As we noted above, the ideal option: three to four months after giving them up. It is extremely unlikely that it will happen sooner, but still this happens all the time.
