Arrangement of workplaces. Office layout. Organization of office space. Ergonomic workspace layout

More and more often, the design of an apartment, house, office, in general, any premises, residential or non-residential, becomes something difficult to access and at the same time tempting. It would seem that a huge number of design studios, many already finished projects- choose - I don’t want to, but customers are lost in their thoughts. On the one hand, they crave uniqueness, tracing paper does not suit everyone, on the other hand, their thoughts and ideas often disagree with either common sense or their own wallet.

We also needed one framework to evaluate our tram members and be able to track the careers and progress of our talent to drive leadership development around the world. Over a period of time, this will support the implementation of the company's succession management program in line with our ambitious growth plans. He identified over 100 members who can lead the various functions of the organization.

We needed to get in touch with the students before they return for their summer internships, explains Rahul Gama. The company believes that such people will bring the same enthusiasm and enter workplace and will do for rounder team members. Sponsoring and Mentoring, Pre-Placement Summer Offer, New On-Campus Concept - Opportunity to sign up for Gurukula, just 2 months before the start of the on-campus recruitment season.

We tried to get general rules on how to approach the decision on the redevelopment of the office, the choice of the "very" design, so that you, dear readers, could find and learn something new.

The office is the face of the company

On the present stage market development - the marketing strategy of different companies directly depends on many factors. These include, for example, an office. The office is very significant and very effective means management.

Special rooms

We get many great apps and our offer is stronger than ever. One of the main goals of this one-year program is to educate and mentor young leaders on how change occurs in large corporations and to enable them to effectively create and manage that change on their own.

The company saw a 29 percent increase in its gender diversity ratio last year. With a varied labor force The company fosters an environment in which differences are valued and respected. Health insurance up to Rs 5 for employee families is free of charge for an employee. Top-up options are also offered health insurance in which you can choose a higher medical coverage.

The task of the manager is to create a microclimate to increase the productivity of the company.

This is why it is so important Interior Design office any firm. Since the office is the place for making business partnerships. After all, the office is the “face” of the company. And the success or failure of each transaction concluded within the walls of this office, first of all, depends on the external presentability.

To keep employees financially matched, we have an employee stock purchase plan program that has a 95 percent participation rate or a national pension system in which we provide employer contributions to Pension Fund employees.

Employees are also encouraged to spend 10 percent of their time - unstructured time - chasing dreams. This can include the cost of working on a new product, participating in innovative forums designed to share ideas across the company, or providing mobility to move to new job down the hallway or across the globe.

Thus, the paramount task of every head of the company is to create not only a favorable microclimate, but also the organization of office space, that is, a workplace - the place where it must be comfortable and convenient for both customers and employees. If these indispensable conditions are met, labor productivity will increase many times with a probability of one hundred percent, and customers will stay in the role of your customers for a long time, realizing that in this company they are appreciated, taking care of their convenience and comfort.

Create a caring and inspiring workplace. "Communication is transparent and accessible." Employees value authority, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie. The office environment is friendly, communication is transparent and accessible. As a fair and impartial practice, employees take pride in their work, team and company.

Correct arrangement of furniture in the room

Photography, courtesy: Lifestyle. "A culture of openness, transparency, camaraderie, trust." The company also offers an effective rewards and recognition program that rewards top performers. We believe in the development of our people and have embarked on a journey of talent segmentation to identify high potential, recognize them and provide them with a roadmap to develop their careers in the organization. We believe that in order to build a culture, we need to constantly reinforce, reiterate and jointly implement our values.

Any company, any leader is identified with his office. In any office, the conditions for all types of activity must be equally precisely observed - both for a collective one, which requires interaction between employees and direct contact, and for an individual one, in which each employee must receive the concentration and silence he needs.

If the reader wanted to see three decades of evolution of the work of knowledge condensed into one person's career, it would be a good request from Heidi McCulloch. With a humanism degree, McCulloch began working in the marketing department of a business. Then she went to advertising agency where she became an outsourcer for companies like the ones she previously worked for. Having married and having children, he distanced himself from this world and took up the problem of entrepreneurship: the restoration and sale of a historic hotel.

Years later, he returned to work at agencies. Playing special roles in the teams responsible for global projects, he climbed aboard. She's already involved in new things. The place is an oasis for the mobile, knowledgeable worker, one who can do what he does from anywhere, but who gravitates towards places most conducive to it, where he enjoys the company of others creative people who are doing work that is in his best interest.

Almost all companies engaged in the field of design and setting themselves the task of - office project, they often sin by not being able to find a balance between these two concepts - individual and collective work. There is no unity. All the time, there is a feeling of some kind of bias.

Office - second home

No wonder they say that work, an office is a second home. Not for nothing. People really leave a lot of energy and energy in their offices. This suggests that the efficiency and efficiency of each employee gradually decreases during the day. Each person spends about 9 hours a day at his workplace. It follows from this that the level of a person's work entirely depends on the level of comfort and quality of the workplace. What does this concept include?

For a career planner, McCulloch may seem volatile. For us who have watched workers and their relationship with the workplace for a long time, their trajectory reflects a progression. Each of them came for different reasons, and three are still moving forward. It seems McCulloch lived each of them.

In this article, we'll show how each wave has been shaped by the merging of new employee priorities, new employer demands, and new technologies for communication and collaboration. Experts predict that almost 1.3 billion people will work within a few years, that is, thanks to powerful electronic connections, wherever they want, it is important to understand the ongoing transformation.

Comfort and convenience in the workplace is furniture, layout and color saturation of the working area and much more.

A lot of things, 80-90 percent depends on what office layout how correct and competent she is.

Today, the following types of offices are distinguished:

  • combined office,
  • closed office,
  • common space.

Each of the types is subdivided into several types.

Remember the first computer you had? Those over 50 know very well how it was, because at that time they were already adults. Another new memory is his first forays into the Internet. Could you imagine what it would be like to work from home instead of going to the company premises?

This idea came quickly to certain people who launched the first wave of change in the world of work. New opportunity Connectivity allowed a person who had previously worked for a company or a specialized service provider to create a one-person transaction. It also allowed marginalized talents who were at home caring for their children, caregivers, retirees, students to enter the labor market. The list of services provided usually includes graphic design, article writing, translation, transcription.

For example, a cabinet-type office.

Classic layout, ideal for individual work, where there is not the slightest extraneous noise. Adjusts to positive mood, but alone, in a team, it will not be possible to work together. Suitable most of all for companies with a small staff, as well as for those companies where employees, due to their specifics, practically do not contact each other.

With companies hiring virtual freelancers for specific services that didn't rely on real-time collaboration, both sides gained flexibility. For a worker, being able to work as an independent supplier was a blessing — no longer had to neglect all the other obligations of your day-to-day existence in order to be able to do skilled and well-paid work. Working from home, these people began to control the hours and work processes and, above all, where they worked.

There are two types of cabinet-type offices:

1) an office for one person, an office for two or three. Thus, the spatial organization is realized - everyone is on his own, but at the same time no one interferes with anyone;

2) the second type means collectives that consist of several more people - from 3 people.

Some of them even ended up out of reach without all curriculum to survive formal selection and hiring. For the management of organizations, this scheme was also good, as this new wave of self-employed gave the flexibility to hire more or less labor as the case may be, without the headache of being fired or hired. more people than is usually necessary. Many organizations have been able to reduce costs as they need less physical infrastructure and have access to cheaper talent outside of their region.

What are the clear advantages of open offices?

Everything is very simple - in such offices, the team spirit, strength and will to win through joint efforts are more developed. This way of creating an office is chosen, as a rule, by young, dynamically developing teams.

And expanding the range of professionals allowed them to be more selective in the choice of suppliers. Technology continues to evolve - and independent virtual work. Not long before there were hundreds of similar markets for negotiating services. Second wave: virtual business colleagues. Despite the benefits it brought, the first wave required concessions on both sides. For the worker, the greatest of these was that, having chosen freedom to give back remotely, it was necessary to abandon the formal connection with the company and everything that was connected - a health insurance plan, a private pension, leadership development, a career plan, equipment, technical support etc. many of them have missed life with a permanent work group and a sense of belonging to a larger mission.

Convenient on the one hand - the problem with running from office to office disappears completely (entirely). But a number of completely different drawbacks appear - sound and visual isolation at zero.

You can also remember and give an example of an open space office - a group office. V in this case the whole space is divided into small separate zones by means of low partitions.

The organization also missed out on a commitment to virtual freelancers. At the same time, he is going through a process of globalization and is asking an increasing number of employees on the sheet to work in atypical times and projects with colleagues and clients from other countries. Again, this technology helped both sides to solve the practical side, and with it the second wave, which at any moment expanded the freedom to work anywhere employees on the company sheet.

At first, everyone doubted that people who worked remotely would be as busy and productive as the colleagues who come to the company on a daily basis. Indeed, in the early forays into remote work, companies had to go through a difficult phase in which workers, bosses, and senior executives were punished. to learn new ways of management and performance measurement. In a pilot project, the company allowed a group of engineers to work flexibly from home and closely monitor their participation and productivity, as well as with colleagues in a traditional way.

There is no complete isolation of workers from each other - employees are thus divided into small groups that can work together as an independent combat unit. In order for communication to become more widespread, there are common areas.

Experts in the field office style came to the conclusion on the basis of numerous tests that offices of this kind are the most favorable for the employees of a particular company. No one falls out of the cage, everyone feels needed, ready to help others.

At first, the results of the experimental group were worse and continued to deteriorate for some time - with an aggravating factor: the growth of professionals increased. Fortunately, the board did not cancel the pilot. For months, the agile team seemed to be picking up the pace. As a result, he achieved significantly more high performance and lower turnover than traditional teams.

The company's communication and collaboration systems became more stable and secure, allowing more workers to contribute to projects without any difficulty from the comfort of their homes. Now that communication at work no longer happens in face-to-face conversations and printed documents - but with voicemail and email, it is becoming less and less important to have colleagues in the same wing of the company or even on the same continent.

The only thing that the employer needs to do is to improve sound insulation, otherwise there will be an incredible hum in the room, which will negatively affect the general condition of subordinates. Therefore, it is advisable to take actual measures, such as use in office design project special sound-absorbing dropped ceilings.

As virtual work served the interests of employees and employers, the number of highly skilled people working without connections increased exponentially. The infrastructure of the company has lost its relevance; has been replaced by smarter mobile technologies and cloud computing. High talent is increasingly valued and demanded - work-life balance.

Third wave: virtual collaborators. With the second wave picking up steam, many organizations began to realize that virtualization, while beneficial in many ways, compromises certain benefits of traditionally done work under one roof. While striving to work together, they saw that over-division and distribution of work meant less natural collaboration. Crazy to innovate, they overlooked the idea that comes from random encounters and conversations with the corridors.

Recently, offices of the combined type have become especially popular; they combine both individual (personal) premises and general ones.

What is the advantage of a combined office?

The combined office makes it possible to develop the spirit of teamwork, it creates a difficult appearance of work - on the contrary, it allows and allows everyone to work.

At the present stage of market relations, this is the most profitable option, which ensures the isolation of workplaces and at the same time makes it possible to maintain relations within the team.

Special rooms

Now we can already draw a number of conclusions - high-quality office project very often it depends on how it will be equipped, how it will be built, on what principle.

Now we need to ask the question - what does the office actually consist of today?

Of course, the office includes:

  • Head office,
  • work zone ,
  • office premises of a different nature,
  • rest rooms and negotiations.

A significant role must be assigned to the correct distribution of all useful area premises. There are many examples when employers made mistakes in their calculations, and companies that carried out an order to design an office , did not notice such an error. As a result, inefficient use of work resources in the form of a workspace.

Offices that are focused on receiving a larger number of visitors can also allocate a place that is conventionally called the entrance area.

There is usually an information desk, a waiting area and a wardrobe. It all depends on the degree of maturity of the company, as well as on its openness.

Remember that the waiting area should not be overly challenging. She, of course, should attract and dispose, but not too much. Therefore, it is required to pay special attention to furniture, design, lighting.

A successful example of creating an office is the company from Moscow "Harvest", which created its office in a very original and modern spirit. The meeting room was made of partitions that freely let in daylight, the sound insulation was excellent - all this allowed us to achieve maximum success in negotiations with customers who were satisfied with the care taken.

It would be very correct to place comfortable tables in such a "waiting room", at which the client can have a cup of coffee in a warm, almost home environment... Such a procedure will help to relax, such an informal and relaxed atmosphere will do its job - the first ice, as they say, has broken.

Also office design should include the manager's office. Today, the very idea that a leader is someone who sits deep inside, looking down is rejected. Today, a leader is, first of all, a leader whose goal is one - to lead his team to victory. That is why the appearance of the head's office is changing - bulky furniture disappears, blank walls change to translucent ones. The leader gets closer to his team.

Aesthetic issues

In addition to the office layout, an important role is played by Interior Design. A lot depends on this.

Each manager chooses his own office style. Let's say conservatives prefer classic style, which in no way should look cheap. Simple and tasteful yes, but not cheap.

Each manager has his own vision of the "look" of his office. So, if the leader is young, then he will most likely give preference to such styles as high-tech and modern. Youth is the time when a person is most susceptible to various kinds of experiments.

Interior design should be “convenient” for everyone: both visitors and employees.

There are many tricks that can help reveal the beauty of an office.

  1. Here is some of them. It has become very fashionable in recent years to lay transparent floors, which are a sign of a business, stylish and expensive solution. It will be especially correct if the management under these floors places ready-made examples their products. This will be a very good move to attract customers.
  2. They have been immensely popular for many years now stretch ceiling - probably due to the fact that their installation is very simple and easy, unobtrusive, while maintaining a great opportunity to choose the desired shade. There are known examples when such stretch ceilings were equipped with illumination, the most different forms and colors - in the aggregate, an indescribable beauty was obtained. This will be especially useful for owners of small office space, due to the play of light and mirrors, a visual sensation of an increase in space is created - the ceilings rise, narrow corridors on the contrary, they expand.
  3. Young companies are also not wasting time - they are experimenting. Very often now you can see open ceilings... Office visitors with open ceilings can contemplate ventilation pipes, as well as various kinds of communication - all together they create a creative picture, but in everything there should be a measure, it is easiest to “oversalt” it.
  4. Recently, they began to use porcelain stoneware. It is used as flabs - inserts under tables. There are many variations of their application - it would be a fantasy.

In a few recent years the gray-black scale was completely replaced by combinations that are much more fun - orange and blue, green, blue and yellow. People are no longer afraid of brightness. A striking example- this is the Svyaznoy company, their profits increased many times after they changed the colors of their points of sale.

You need to understand, of course, that all of the above design solutions is not everything. There is a huge amount of all sorts of things that will please both you and your customers. Work for your health!

So, let's summarize.

The ideology of the company should be expressed in its design.

Interior as an investment

When you start transforming your office, you should not forget about the main thing. An office is not a book, not a sheet of paper; an office is a tool with which the head of a company carries out his activities. Organizing an office is a tricky business.

Therefore, all decisions of designers must be a compromise between the aesthetics of the office and its business reputation.

With all this, the ideology of the company should not run counter to the ideas that are embodied in appearance the office itself. Therefore, they need not only to be distinguished and differentiated, but rather the opposite - they must be one.

And you also need to remember that employees should feel like a part, important part companies so that they can work efficiently, with maximum benefit and efficiency.

The workplaces of office workers should not only be correctly placed in the room, but also properly organized. Employees will cease to be distracted, they will feel comfortable and convenient, and work will become more enjoyable. How do you achieve this effect? The recipe includes several components.

Selection of comfortable and functional furniture

Everything that an employee needs for work should be at his fingertips. Therefore, workplaces are completed with the necessary accessories: cabinets and cabinets for storing documents, various organizers. Tables are equipped with comfortable fittings, technological openings for communications, stands for keyboard, monitors. Psychological comfort is achieved through the use of desktop screens.

An example of a well-chosen kit office furniture the LAVORO collection from the Nayada company can serve. In addition to a table and an armchair of a comfortable shape, a storage system is provided, a complete set of desktop screens with more than 20 options fabric finishing.

Correct arrangement of furniture in the room

The following rules apply in office rooms:

  • the employee must see those entering the room, that is, sit with his back to the wall and face, sideways or diagonally to the door;
  • behind the workplace there should be a cabinet, a blank partition, a wall;
  • employees should not sit with their backs to each other or stare at each other;
  • a table with office equipment, shelves, cabinets with documents or clothes should be freely accessible.

If it is not possible to seat employees separately, you can use a large common table, dividing the workplaces with desktop screens and zoning the room with cabinets and shelves. This solution, in particular, was applied by Nayada when planning the Philip Morris office in Rostov-on-Don.

Ergonomic workspace layout

  • The layout of the workplace should be organized rationally so that the employee spends a minimum of time accessing documents and office.
  • Each workplace must be well-lit, and sockets must be connected to it.
  • It is important to comply with soundproofing requirements (especially in call centers, reception areas) so that employees do not interfere with each other.
  • Finishing materials must meet sanitary standards, be practical and unmarked.

Comfortable room design

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