Moving to a new apartment in August. Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house are favorable days for changing housing. Basic rules for moving according to Feng Shui

Belief in omens is very firmly rooted in the consciousness of our people. Thus, signs regulate almost any phenomenon or event that can happen in life. They didn't miss the move either. And, accordingly, unfavorable and favorable days for moving. And, perhaps, if you choose the wrong day to change your place of residence, your whole life at the new address will be radically different from the past, and not in better side. Astrologers tell us that the best time to move will be when the Moon is waxing (and a few lunar days in phases 3 and 4).

And now everything is in order:

Have you finally decided to move to new apartment? But you don’t know when is the best time to do this? Many would say yes right away, but someone will think and say, which day is more favorable? There are many signs regarding moving day. Everyone solves this problem differently, some think on which day of the week it is better to move, some on which lunar day, etc.
Consider, for example, signs relating to the days of the week, as we know there are seven of them:

  1. Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day, unfavorable for important matters. It is also especially unfavorable for moving. When moving on this day, you need to be wary of misfortune.
  2. Tuesday. On this day it is very successful to go on a trip or on the road; it is considered the most favorable day.
  3. Wednesday. On this day of the week, under no circumstances should you start any new business, and since moving relates to it, it is better to cancel it too. People say that if you move to a new apartment on this day, you won’t live there for long, and you won’t get guests.
  4. Thursday. This day is neutral, it portends good luck, the move will go off with a bang!
  5. Friday. Friday, like Monday, is a very difficult and unfavorable day. You also can’t start new things, they portend failure and collapse. Friday is unfavorable for moving, traveling, or traveling.
  6. Saturday. It is similar to Tuesday, the day is quick and easy, all matters are resolved on the fly, and everything happens most successfully. On Saturday you can hit the road and move.
  7. Sunday. This day of rest must necessarily be dedicated to God. It’s better not to do any work, but to relax.

There is also the magic of numbers.
Here are the most favorable numbers for moving: 2,8,11,14,16,21,25.
Unfavorable: 5, 12, 13, 19, 22, 26, 29.
Lunar day no less significant when moving. The move is considered favorable when the Moon is in Taurus, unfavorable when the Moon is in Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn.

By correlating all these data and numbers, you can choose the most successful day for moving, and then it will pass without problems and misfortunes.

It is stated that your future in your new home depends on what day you move. The weather is here important factor. For example, if you move during a snowfall, you will have a lot of money in your new home and will live prosperously. Moving during a full moon will ensure an increase in abundance, and if moving during rainy weather, it will lead to an explosion of diverse emotions."

The day of the week is also considered a very important component: moving to Monday will bring a reduction in nightmares and increase confidence in your own physical abilities. On Tuesday - bestows sharper perception and increased intelligence. While moving to Wednesday intensifies all sorts of passions. If Thursday is chosen for moving, money will flow like a river through the front door, and if Friday, then an atmosphere of love and harmony will reign in the new home. Moving on Saturday is a great day for these purposes: everything will work out. On Sunday - a new house will be conducive to all endeavors.

Here are a few magic rules related to relocation. When you vacate your home, always leave money in it, no matter how much. This will bring good luck to both you and the future residents of this home.

Before moving to new house put pieces of dirt taken from your former possessions into your shoes. Leave it there until you move to a new place and you'll have good times.

Take a shoot, cutting or bulb from some plant in an old house and plant it in new garden. (Transporting domestic plants from an old place to a new one is tantamount to this ritual). To ensure stability among the items brought in first, an item that cannot be blown away by the wind, such as a massive chair, is highly desirable.

To get used to the energy of your new home, light a blue or white candle, burn some sweet-smelling incense, and sit for a while meditating as you walk around the house. Mentally move around it. You can say a few words to the house or simply imagine your life there the way you want. The house you leave needs to be “cleaned”.

In the confusion of moving, such a ritual should be limited to a few short actions or words. However, with good planning, you can choose the time to carry out the manipulations of cleaning out the old house as soon as the last things are removed from the house. This ritual could be as simple as waving a twig over your head three times in each room. You can also use a “culinary” spell.

As close as possible to the date of your move, prepare something edible - a loaf, a pie, etc. in the shape of a house. Use any recipes you like. The dough can be baked in a mold or you can cut out layers of the pie and shape them the right type and freeze. You can use house-shaped baking molds. No matter how you do it, eat your edible home right before you move, and you'll take the essence of the home with you.

Moving to a new apartment. Signs and customs.

When moving to a new apartment, you can, of course, follow the rules, but naturally, no one will insist on strictly following them. However, many people refuse to enter their new home without following the customs recognized by the people. Among these, the most common is the tradition of letting a cat into the house before entering yourself. Moreover, in the place where the cat lies down on the floor to rest, it is recommended to place a bed - you will have exceptionally good dreams on it. But the most important thing is to enter a new home with good mood. And everything else will follow.

And now everything is in order:

Moving to a new apartment is a very important event., and as they say, in what mood you step into your new home, with such a mood you will live there. There are many signs and superstitions, probably familiar to all of us, and it’s no secret that a cat should be the first to set foot on the threshold of a house.

Previously, it was enough for her to simply enter first, but now people think about which foot she stepped on, how she behaved, etc. If you are one of these people, then you should probably know the following sign: “in the place where the cat first falls asleep, it is best to place its bed there.” Yes she in the most wonderful way feels where the energy is good and where it is bad, and this is true, BUT, there is a very big but, what if she falls asleep in the kitchen, or God forbid, in the bathroom? Why then will you have to writhe and sleep in a bathtub all your life? It's even funny! Know that if she falls asleep somewhere, in some extreme place, then just don’t pay attention to it and sleep where you want. But if she still fell asleep in the place where you were going to put the bed, then, of course, be sure to put it up! Also, be sure to make sure that it is a cat and not a cat, it is especially important that it is black. It would be great if the cat were affectionate and kind, then life in your new apartment will be bright and happy.

Previously, our ancestors never moved to a new house without their brownie. By any means they lured him and took him with them. Today, few people do this; they either simply don’t know or have forgotten what their parents and grandparents taught them. There should always be a brownie in the house, a friend to whom you get used to, who protects you and protects you from dangers. If you are friends with your home, then, as a rule, fewer troubles happen, and all this is thanks to it. But when you move, there is no need to offend the brownie, he is your friend, just take him with you. There is nothing complicated about this, there are many ways to do this: firstly, you can put a box of soft things on the doorstep 10 minutes before leaving, he will definitely climb into it and be happy to go on a trip with you. And also, secondly, you can simply take a broom with you, and it will move, along with you, to your new apartment.

Upon arrival at the place, it is not necessary to push the cat with all your might so that he enters the house, he must do it himself, you want your house to be hospitable, and many friends to visit you. The boxes must be opened to let the brownie out. Be sure to put a saucer of milk on the floor for him, because he is very tired on the road.

You can also restore order in the house, here are the most famous signs:

  1. When you arrive at your new home, be sure to wet cleaning, even if the apartment is empty, wash the walls and floors. This will help you get rid of negative energy prevailing in this house.
  2. Also for happiness and well-being in the home, above front door you need to nail a metal horseshoe, horns down.
  3. You shouldn’t forget about St. John’s wort either; hang the bunches in the corners, thereby protecting yourself from the penetration of evil spirits.
  4. There is another sign: if you put a knife under the threshold (under the rug), it will protect you from bad people.

By observing these signs and adhering to these customs, your life in your new apartment will be bright and beautiful, and adversity will pass you by.

There are situations in life when you have to leave your usual place of residence and move to another. This is completely no coincidence, since each of us is looking for something better for ourselves and our loved ones. In this article we will look at which days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

The most successful numbers

Every month has favorable days for moving. For example, in January, fate promises good luck to those who decide to move on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 29th. These numbers in February will be 3 and 4. There are also many lucky days in March - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. There are slightly fewer periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely September days, may not be the most best time for changes, but there will still be several successful periods - the 3rd, 4th and 30th. And in October, it is best to change your place of residence on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. There are also few days in November - the 24th and 25th. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either unsuitable or neutral, so you should not start important matters regarding moving on them.

Change of residence according to horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, so moving for them always ends successfully. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the Rooster is favorable to those who are active and purposeful. Taurus loves consistency, so it is not advisable to start moving in 2017. It is better to direct all your efforts to creating comfort in the home where you currently live. Geminis cannot imagine their life without changes, so in the New Year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation Cancer can plan to change their place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects in the old one. Leos will be able to feel the fullness of existence, but only if their move is carried out in the north-west direction. Virgos in 2017 can move if they need it to improve their health. The best direction will be south. Libras who dream of finding happiness in their personal lives should move to the East in the year of the Rooster. This move will be successful, since the Rooster gives everyone, without exception, the opportunity to tune in to the wave of love and romance.

If Scorpio feels problems in the financial sphere, you can start packing your bags.

Sagittarius will discover new perspectives for themselves. To do this, representatives of this sign must leave their native lands and go abroad. Capricorns love stability, so moving is, in principle, undesirable for them. And if you decide to leave your home, then it is better to do so for those who are at a young age. Aquarius and Pisces who decide to move will be able to experience significant changes. Their lives will be filled with significant events. It is worth mentioning separately about Pisces, since a change of place of residence should be associated for them with training or subsequent career development.

Moving is a very important event for any person. Many people are worried about how it will go, whether they have chosen the right home and whether any surprises await them when moving into a new apartment.

Most expect happy changes from life in the future, but some are afraid to disrupt its usual course. Leaving the house where generations of their relatives have lived, they are afraid of losing their luck.

The new home must be taken from old apartment all the most beloved and dear. Here, from the first day, very beautiful music should be played, the best carpets should be on the floor, and the furniture should be installed as new as possible. Immediately after entering, it is advisable to sit down at the table and taste delicious dishes to create great mood who will live in this house forever.

Rituals and ceremonies when moving

The vast majority of people use various rituals for such an event.

Carrying out rituals when moving to a new apartment was considered mandatory. There are a large number of signs indicating which day will be successful for such a decision, and at what time it is better to postpone the troubles. If everything is done correctly, then happiness will not leave the house, the family will be strong, and friends will always sit at the table.

We must not forget about rituals and signs, because they are very important for a person to feel good in a new home.

Various rituals have always become very effective. The most common, still used today, was the consecration of the room and sprinkling it with holy water. An apartment lived in by its previous owners may contain traces of someone else’s negative energy, bad thoughts, illness or death. Therefore, you should cleanse yourself of it.

The ritual is very simple. For this you need to purchase a candle from the Church and stock up on holy water. After moving, you need to spray all the walls and corners in the house with it three times.

Then, with a candle in your hands, you need to walk around all the rooms at least three times. It should be thoroughly cleaned in advance, the floors should be washed and the curtains washed. If you sweep away the rubbish and clean the walls, then the bad energy will also be removed. Therefore, it is advisable to simultaneously repeat the words of the prayer or mentally drive away all the bad things from the apartment.

The ceremony of moving to a new home must contain all the necessary steps:

  • You need to get up very early;
  • then soak the flour;
  • then you need to persuade the Brownie to follow the owners;
  • It’s worth thanking your old home from the bottom of your heart;
  • It is advisable to enter something new with a feeling of joy.

In order to prevent old troubles from moving with their owners to another house, it is necessary to throw away all broken things, old unusable clothes and worn-out shoes. The only exception is for relics that are passed down from generation to generation, or are a good memory of some event.

How to enter a new room

By old tradition The cat is the first to cross the threshold. He must do it himself. You can’t push him or carry him in by hand. Only after he has walked through the door and walked around the house do people come in.

You need to enter the apartment starting with the oldest family member and ending with the youngest.

The one who crosses the threshold first must carry a pot with a flower on outstretched arms so that the plant gets into the room before the person. Then it will collect all negative energy dwellings.

You should enter very carefully, without stumbling, because such an incident is a very bad omen.

When moving into a new building, each family member should wish for something special. On a day like this, any wishes come true.

Upon entering a new apartment, you need to place three high-denomination coins under the threshold so that well-being never leaves the house.

After the youngest has entered, the mother should pour more salt outside the door. This is done in order to create an insurmountable obstacle to evil spirits. Other family members simultaneously hang icons and amulets on the walls.

Living in a new home

It is advisable not only to sprinkle, but also to wipe all vertical and horizontal surfaces with holy water. In this way they finally consolidate their presence in the home.

It is necessary to arrange things for moving so that the table is moved into the house first. Such a sign is very important, because the faster food is prepared in a new place, the richer and happier life will become in it.

Men and older children should arrange things, and at this time the mother and younger children will prepare a treat for all those gathered.

The first night in a new apartment is very important. In order to spend it calmly, you need not to be lazy and deliver all your things to it.

A nightgown or pajamas must be already worn and retain the smell of an old home. If for some reason it is not possible to stay asleep in the house, then you should put your night clothes there on an unfolded bed.

Before you go to bed, you must tidy up and, to the best of your ability, put all the faults in order. If possible, it is better to spend the first day in a new home after complete renovation premises.

It is advisable to invite your best friends and dearest relatives to help you move and to celebrate the event.

What days are favorable for moving?

Many people cannot decide which day is best to move.

There are many signs for such an event:

  • The first day of the week is not favorable for him. Those who nevertheless decide to do this risk falling into a long series of failures;
  • On Tuesday the move will be very successful. Happiness will forever enter the new home;
  • On Wednesday it is better to refrain from moving into the apartment. There is a belief that then the shelter will become temporary, and friends will not take root in it;
  • Thursday is quite suitable for moving. All difficulties that arose on this day will be successfully resolved;

And the second half of the week:

  • It's better to stay on Friday old house, otherwise a person will face numerous sorrows and troubles;
  • Saturday is considered the most favorable time for moving, since even the most daring plans come true during this period;
  • Sunday is quite suitable for implementing plans, but it is better to devote such time to rest.

Therefore, on which days it is preferable to change housing, a person must decide for himself.

It is also important to take into account the phases of the moon. During the full moon and new moon, moving should be taken extremely seriously.

The appearance of a new moon in the sky is considered a good omen. Everything that is done at this time is simply doomed to success. Therefore, very often on such a day various rituals and conspiracies are held. However, such a period is not very suitable for changing housing.

And on the full moon, the new home will become a place of rare material well-being. Family happiness will never leave it, and children's laughter will be heard here constantly. Everyday difficulties will also pass him by.

Therefore, in order not to lose joy and vitality, you need to choose the right favorable days for moving.

The weather plays a big role in this:

  • Leave an old house in the rain has always been considered the key to success. Water is a very powerful substance that can wash away any heaviest clot of negative energy. Thus, all past troubles will remain in the previous home, and the person will enter the new apartment completely cleansed;
  • If a rainbow is visible in the sky, it is a very good omen. A move made on a day like this promises a lot of happiness and joy in the future. In addition, this sign indicates that the new home has been chosen correctly;
  • but if a thunderstorm breaks out outside, then such a sign becomes a very bad harbinger. Such an event indicates that the house will become a place of constant discord. It is also believed that higher powers are warning that it is not too late to abandon the move altogether.

A conspiracy to appease the Brownie

But now the change of home has taken place and the first thing to do is to appease the Brownie.

For such a ritual it is advisable to have:

  • Flowers in a pot;
  • new broom;
  • tablecloth for the dining table;
  • everything you need to cook porridge;
  • Matchbox;
  • a pack of salt;
  • kneaded dough;
  • plate;
  • candle;
  • personal amulet;
  • green twig;
  • cloves;
  • hammer.

We kindle our fire
We are settling our family in a new apartment.
We put fresh Zhito on the table
So that wealth in housing comes to us.
We hang our talisman-amulet
From the evil eye and damage, illness and troubles
We tell the Brownie
Peace to Our House!

It must be said that moving is a responsible matter. Therefore, it should be taken very seriously.

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Moving to a new place of residence is always an important event, even we're talking about about temporary housing. Everyone wants that with a change of apartment, all the troubles will be left behind, and happiness and prosperity will settle at a new address, so many are interested in the question of when is the best time to move to a new apartment in 2017 and in subsequent years, and how best to arrange the move in order to attract good luck .

Moving to a new apartment from an old one - how to do it

If you don’t know what to do when moving to a new apartment, then take into account numerous folk beliefs.

You need to start moving properly to a new apartment at your old place of residence. To do this, do the following:

  • carry out a complete cleaning, pack what you need, and unnecessary items throw away, do not leave in the wrong hands things that can be used as a slander or a curse;
  • before leaving, scatter some small change in the apartment as a sign of gratitude and so that the new residents remember you with pleasure;
  • if the whole family moves to a new apartment, then they take the old broom with them, with the wish that a kind and benevolent brownie move to the new house; if relatives remain in the house, this is not necessary;
  • You shouldn’t take an old broom if you are moving to an apartment where people used to live, since there should already be a good spirit there.

Signs when moving to a new home state that when you first visit a new home, you should not enter the room empty-handed; it is advisable to immediately bring something, for example, a stool.

Before the family moves completely, the home needs to be cleared out. To do this, it is repaired or thoroughly cleaned, and all surfaces are washed with salted water, which washes away all the unfavorable aura and possible misfortunes.

Signs when moving to a new apartment

There are numerous traditions of moving to a new apartment that relate directly to the moving process.

Much attention is paid to whoever steps through the threshold first. Recommendations and rituals when moving to a new apartment are different - the oldest person in the family, a cat (your own and preferably black), a dog. Since not every family has a cat, and it is not recommended to take someone else’s, today this sign has been simplified to bringing a figurine of a black cat or dog into the apartment. In the future, it is left as a talisman.

Immediately after moving, you need to perform the rituals required when moving to a new apartment:

  • remove all old mirrors, as this is the most energetically charged object in any room;
  • light up in different rooms fire (put candles or walk with a burning lighter), since fire, like water, perfectly cleanses space;
  • place a saucer with milk, porridge or sweets on the floor to attract and please the brownie;
  • open the windows and flush the taps to attract all the elements to your side;
  • arrange a small feast for everyone involved in the move.

To have time to complete the move and accompanying rituals, start it long before evening. The Gazelkin cargo taxi company accepts orders for transfers at any time of the day or week.

When is the best time to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and other signs?

There are many rules for determining what day to move to a new apartment, including: lunar calendar, day of the week, Feng Shui and so on.

The hardest thing is to figure out which moon to move to a new apartment on. For this purpose, there are special lunar calendars for moving for every year and month. To find out when is the best time to move in November, just look for favorable dates in this month on the calendar.

The creators of horoscopes claim that:

  • moving to a new apartment during the waxing moon will be favorable, especially if its position corresponds to Taurus or Aquarius,
  • not recommended when the Moon passes through Pisces, Leo, Scorpio or Cancer.
  • Moving to a new apartment on a new moon is considered neutral for new residents;
  • The most unfavorable will be moving to a new apartment during a full moon or during a solar eclipse.

The rules for determining what time of year is best to move are associated with the lunar calendar. Autumn is considered the most favorable season, and a particularly recommended day for moving to a new home is Semyonov's holiday, September 14. It is recommended to delay the summer move until the first days of autumn if possible.

There are certain rules on what day of the week it is better to move and when not to do so:

  • Monday and Friday are not recommended as the hardest days.
  • Wednesday is suitable for moving to temporary housing, since it is believed that people who move on this day do not stay in place for long. Use this sign if you don’t like the apartment and want to find something more decent.
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the most favorable days for moving to a new apartment, as these are days of happy changes.

Sunday is the best day to move to a new apartment for those who will devote this day to rest, and will entrust all the hassle of moving to others, for example, to the Gazelkin cargo taxi company.

It is advisable to study the calendar for moving to a new home in advance in order not only to determine a suitable date, but also to pack your things, give yourself a day off and order a cargo taxi for a specific time.

Moving to a new home - gifts and guests

If the question of when you can move to a new apartment has been resolved, then it’s time to start inviting guests.

Housewarming with big amount It is not necessary to arrange guests and abundant treats right away. First, arrange the furniture, put the house in order, and then schedule a party.

Customs when moving to a new apartment also apply to housewarming gifts. Modern unspoken rules determine that new residents themselves determine what gifts they expect from guests. When determining the list, be guided in equal parts by practical benefits and favorable signs that recommend:

  • all objects that can be filled with water - dishes, vases, an aquarium, as a wish for a long life;
  • a symbol of well-being - a table, as well as other objects with a flat surface, for example, dishes, trays;
  • as a wish for wealth - items made of wool or its analogues, such as blankets, rugs, rugs.

In addition to favorable gifts, traditions establish a number of prohibitions, which are also worth remembering and observing:

  • Don't allow bedding to be given as a gift, as it is too personal an item that should only be chosen by close family members.
  • You cannot bring sharp objects. If they offer you a set of knives, then do not accept it as a gift, but give a bill or a few coins for it, i.e. convert a gift into a purchase.
  • Do not invite people you don’t like to your housewarming party, even if they are relatives.

Compliance with folk rituals and competent organization of the move is the main guarantee of a successful solution to the issue of new housing.

Useful tips

First week of the month not particularly suitable for resolving issues related to papers, negotiations, execution of various documents, signing of important contracts. This is due to the reversal of Mercury, which will occur May 3 2017 , but for a few more days after this event, all matters that relate to Mercury (listed above) should be approached very carefully.

In the first week of the month We do not recommend going for large purchases, since Mercury also relates to trade. This especially applies to the period from May 1 to May 6. These days, it is better to refrain from purchasing equipment, electronics, and phones. In addition, this is the time of the waxing Moon, which means that it will be much more difficult to make profitable purchases: sellers are now not particularly inclined to sell good things at big discounts. In addition, there is a high risk that the purchase will be unsuccessful and will have to be returned or replaced.

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT A COURSE, when you cannot start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.05.2017 23:23 - 02.05.2017 7:12

04.05.2017 7:35 - 04.05.2017 12:46

06.05.2017 15:42 - 06.05.2017 21:20

09.05.2017 1:59 - 09.05.2017 8:00

11.05.2017 0:42 - 11.05.2017 19:59

14.05.2017 5:14 - 14.05.2017 8:37

16.05.2017 13:22 - 16.05.2017 20:50

19.05.2017 3:33 - 19.05.2017 6:52

21.05.2017 6:39 - 21.05.2017 13:11

23.05.2017 9:59 - 23.05.2017 15:33

24.05.2017 22:08 - 25.05.2017 15:15

27.05.2017 9:18 - 27.05.2017 14:24

29.05.2017 9:59 - 29.05.2017 15:12

31.05.2017 14:14 - 31.05.2017 19:16

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: May 25 at 22:43 (Moscow time) there will be a new moon. From this moment the magic will begin 1st lunar day which will end May 26 at 05:00. This month the magic hours fall at night, so many of you will find it difficult to force yourself to wake up in the morning or go to bed late in order to think about what you really want. However, it’s worth doing this, because you’ll have to wait another whole month for the right time.


♋ 1 MAY, Monday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:04.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:23

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane. Today is not the most favorable aspect of the Moon, so we advise you to postpone the start of new important things. Since it is a holiday, it is good to rest more and work less. Spend this holiday with your family, forget about all your worries, try to have a normal rest and not think about work and important matters. If you have to go to work on this day, try not to take on difficult tasks, but leave the simplest things for this Monday.

What not to do : do advertising, accept important decisions, related to your family, home, negotiate (there are high risks that they will be ineffective), draw up important papers, go on trips, start studying some issues, strain yourself physically, borrow money or apply for loans.

Purchases : Not a good day for shopping: shopping can leave you disappointed and difficult to find what you need. Today you can buy something that is not too expensive. For example, various little things for the home. But it’s better to save money altogether and not waste your time on shopping.

♋♌ 2 MAY, Tuesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER , A LION from 07:12

Moon without course until 07:11

Symbols of the day : unicorn, wand (wind rose, keys). The moon is about to change lunar phase, so this day is not suitable for beginnings, even though it is a waxing Moon. Your affairs may face insurmountable difficulties. In the first half of the day (especially before 10:30) the Moon and Venus will converge in a very favorable aspect, and this is a good time for creative work, for communicating with lovers, for dating. It’s also good at this time to please your loved ones with pleasant gifts. You can wear new clothes and shoes that will help improve your self-esteem and mood. Don't spend this day too passively. On this day it is better to actively relax, spend time with loved ones and pleasant companies.

What not to do : to start new important affairs, especially concerning your children or lovers, to conduct important business meeting, make requests to superiors or higher authorities.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

♌ 3 MAY, Wednesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:25.A LION

First quarter, second phase of the Moon from 05:45

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix. Not a bad day, one of the most successful days of the month. Today is good to start new things if they not associated with Mercury. For example, it’s not worth signing documents or drawing up documents yet, but starting projects related to creative activity quite possible. Spend this day actively, you can visit entertainment venues and various cultural events. It’s not worth getting acquainted yet, but going on a date is quite possible.

What not to do : Today Mercury comes out of retrograde and will be static. This means that on this day you should not resolve any matters related to documents, travel, or negotiations. Starting things that are related to Mercurian activity is also dangerous, as it will be very difficult for them to get off the ground. If your activity is directly related to texts, translations, negotiations or travel, be especially careful, or better yet, take a day off.

Purchases : small and insignificant, but it’s better not to spend much money at all.

♌♍ 4 MAY, Thursday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:39.A LION , VIRGO from 12:47

Moon without course from 07:35 to 12:46

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way ( bat, mother's milk). Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start anything new. In general, the first week of this month is good for completing some matters related to papers, office, travel, since Mercury is static. New business will not be successful, but the completion of old ones promises to be very effective. Today the Moon is quite weak, which once again indicates that new business may not be successful. In the afternoon, you can clean up your home, office or desk.

What not to do : quarrel, sort things out, criticize people from your inner circle, sign important documents, deal with paperwork, negotiate, make requests to management, start repairs.

Purchases : Today it is better not to spend too much, since Mercury is still static. You can make small and insignificant purchases.

♍ 5 MAY, Friday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:52.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus). This day is fraught with hidden dangers that are difficult to predict. There may well be monetary losses in the first half of the day. The most favorable time of the day is from 14:30 to 17:15. A good day for cleaning and putting things in order around you, for sorting things and documents.

What not to do : trust your money to unfamiliar people, make investments, deal with important matters related to commerce and documents, negotiate with foreigners.

Purchases : today you can go shopping for something you need in Everyday life and in everyday life. You can buy books, stationery, personal hygiene items, medicines and cosmetics.

♍♎ 6 MAY, Saturday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:04.VIRGO , SCALES from 21:20

Moon without course from 15:42 to 21:19

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth). Today, put off solving important financial issues, as they will not bring the desired result. In the morning it hangs negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn which can give obstacles and all sorts of troubles. Some old obligations may make themselves felt again. Paperwork can be difficult. Pickiness and criticism will be especially noticeable on this day, hence there may be quarrels and disagreements with loved ones. The day is good for minor cleaning and sorting things, but not for important things!

What not to do : borrow money, apply for loans, arrange weddings, holidays and receptions, deal with serious financial issues, start new important things, especially related to real estate, land, investing money.

Purchases : the day is not suitable for large purchases. You can buy something small without spending large sums.

♎ 7 MAY, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:14.SCALES

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart). The energy will now be at high level. You can have an engagement party. It's good to go on a date, to the theater, to the cinema or to a concert. Any The cultural program will leave a good impression. It is better to go in for sports or some kind of physical activity on this day. You can easily solve any problems in partnerships. High spirits and optimism will accompany you all day.

What not to do : engage in activities related to fire, iron, complex technology.

Purchases : It’s good to buy cosmetics, perfumes, clothes. We do not recommend buying knives and other sharp objects, as well as animals.

MAY 8, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:23.SCALES

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel). Increased emotional excitability can drain you physically and attract problems in relationships with partners. On this day, try not to sort things out or plan things that you cannot solve alone. Listen to the opinions of your partners. You should not criticize them or sort things out with them. Can be unexpected news or unpleasant unexpected situations in which you or your partners find yourself. When making new acquaintances, some surprises may emerge that you may not like, so it is better not to go looking for new acquaintances. You can attend cultural events.

What not to do : draw up and sign important papers, meet people, negotiate, move, go on trips.

Purchases : Purchases may surprise you, so be careful when purchasing new, untested products. We do not recommend buying something expensive.

9 MAY, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:31.SCALES , SCORPION from 08:01

Moon without course from 01:59 to 08:00

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call). A good day for teamwork, searching for missing things, but not for serious changes. If you're taking a break this holiday, try not to relax too much. WITH13:00 to 15:00– the most unfavorable time to start new things, since the Moon will be very weak (unfavorable degree of the Moon).

What not to do : sue, move, deal with important matters related to an apartment or house.

Purchases : You can buy cars, equipment and machines, as well as antiques (but not from 13:00 to 15:00).

Read also: Where to hide the money? Useful inventions for those who have them

♏ MAY 10, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:38.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings). The day is quite busy as the full moon is approaching. Emotional instability can interfere with the implementation of plans. It is better to do something insignificant on this day and not plan important things.

What not to do : starting new things, starting a course of treatment, participating in entertainment events, starting renovations or going on a trip, conflicts and sorting things out.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days


MAY 11, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:44.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 20:00

FULL MOON at 00:41

Moon without course from 00:42 to 19:59

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove). The time of the Moon without a course is a time of calm and peace. Today is just such a day. From 20:00 to 22:00– a bad time to borrow money: it will be difficult to repay. Conflicts with the creditor may subsequently arise. If you would like to “fail” something, then better day can not found! Today the Moon will be too weak to help achieve what you want. Continue any tasks you started earlier.

What not to do : start any business, the result of which is important to you.

Purchases : It is better to postpone until at least 20:00, since with a Moon without a course you are unlikely to be able to find what you need, or you will waste your money.

♐ 12 MAY, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:46.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells). The positive and negative aspects of the Moon will make this day quite eventful and very memorable. In the first half of the day it is good to go on long and short trips, communicate with foreigners, and resolve some matters related to abroad. Also, the first half of the day (until 12:30) is suitable for dating; you can borrow move to a new place of residence or in new office. Today you can visit church or seek advice from spiritual people. start some trials It’s not worth it, but consultations with lawyers are quite acceptable. You can go on a trip (especially before 13:00).

What not to do : to sort things out, waste money, enter into conflicts, promise something.

Purchases : Today you may well go shopping, especially before 12:30. It is at this time that it is good to buy cosmetics and perfumes, since the Moon and Venus will be in a favorable aspect. In the afternoon, be more careful with purchases: there is a risk lose money. Also in the afternoon, the Moon will approach a negative aspect with Mars, and this may indicate that it will be difficult for you to come to an agreement with the seller. You can't buy real estate. The day is more suitable for small purchases.

♐ 13 MAY, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:43.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice). Although 17th lunar day traditionally considered light and relaxing, the same cannot be said about this day, as the Moon is approaching its conjunction with Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius. Be careful: today it will be easy to overestimate your capabilities. Don't take everything you hear for granted. Today you should put things in order, thoughts, you can start cleaning. It's good to be alone.

What not to do : It’s better not to start new things: they are doomed to failure. We do not recommend making any serious promises, starting construction, entering into long-term commitments, organizing a wedding, or going on a trip to the mountains.

Purchases : small, not too expensive. You may not be too happy with your purchase. Go to the store with a clear shopping plan. You cannot buy real estate or land.

14 MAY, Sunday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:35.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 08:38

Moon without course from 05:14 to 08:37

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider). Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start anything new and important. Today is a good day for tedious routine work. For example, it's good to do spring cleaning. You can resolve some organizational issues or schedule negotiations. However, not all cases can be successfully completed. It's good to get rid of bad habits, for example, smoking. On this day it will be easier for you to quit, since your willpower is quite strong now.

What not to do : giving things to the dry cleaner, ironing, lending or borrowing money, applying for loans, having plastic surgery, making dates, resolving important financial issues, arranging wedding celebrations.

Purchases : Today it is better not to buy cosmetics and clothes, as you will quickly stop liking them. Large amounts It's also better not to waste. It is better to buy something that is essential, which is difficult for you to do without.

♑ 15 MAY, Monday, 19th lunar day from 00:00.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : web (spider). On this day, emotions can be more easily restrained or kept under control, although internal anxiety and anxious thoughts. Besides, 19th lunar day- not the best day of the month. If possible, do not do anything serious on this day, but do not take any special risks!

What not to do : take things to dry cleaning, iron; not until 13:30: enter into financial transactions, negotiate with foreigners, go on long journeys, start learning a foreign language, contact your superiors or high-ranking officials, ask for advice from an authoritative person.

Purchases : Today you risk spending more than you planned. It is better to save money and buy only what you need.

Read also:

♑♒ 16 MAY, Tuesday, 20th lunar day from 00:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 20:50

Moon without course from 13:22 to 20:49

Symbols of the day : eagle. Today there may be unexpected news, there may be disturbing thoughts and premonitions. It is better not to start new things, but to continue old ones. Thanks to favorable aspect between the Sun and the Moon you may have a surge of strength and a desire to act. However, you should act with caution, as the results can be extremely unexpected. In the first half of the day, you can get married, especially if there is a big age difference between the bride and groom, marriages with a widower or widow, or arranged marriages.

What not to do : taking things to the dry cleaner, ironing (until 21:00), signing important papers, doing paperwork in general; make business appointments and important meetings (it will be difficult to agree), write important statements, start repairs, construction, play gambling, engage in resale of something.

Purchases : A good time for shopping is before 12:30. Today you have a chance to get a good product at a big discount. Making large purchases this month is not the best The best decision. However, if you still cannot wait, you can purchase land or real estate. You can also buy something for resale. When the Moon is without a course, it is better not to buy anything and not to go shopping at all.

♒ 17 MAY, Wednesday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:37.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot). A good day for dating, visiting concerts, theaters, cinemas, etc. The day is suitable for relaxation and entertainment. You can arrange a small banquet at home, or go on a visit. Handle issues related to money with caution. But today you can take out small loans and loans, and do advertising. This day should be spent quite actively.

What not to do : no special restrictions.

Purchases : Today is a good day for shopping, especially household appliances, computers, phones. You can also go shopping for trendy modern clothes, new products from cosmetic brands. Acceptable to buy real estate(but remember that this is not the ideal time for this).

♒ 18 MAY, Thursday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:36.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key). The approaching change of the lunar phase may hinder you in your endeavors, but the favorable aspects of the Moon will quite help you get good results from the cases that will be continued. For example, it is good to continue things related to modern technology, precision instruments. You can continue to introduce innovative ideas and innovations. A good day for gaining knowledge, self-education, reading, searching for necessary literature and making lists and plans for study. You can try to use phenomenal abilities or think about solving some problems in an unconventional way. A great day to study astrology or gain other interesting knowledge. Pay off your debts.

What not to do : starting new businesses and projects, contacting important institutions, changing jobs, repairing computers and electrical appliances.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

♒♓ 19 MAY, Friday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:55.AQUARIUS , FISH from 06:52

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 03:31

Moon without course from 03:33 to 06:51

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile. Compassion and care are the key words that relate to this day. Solve any legal issues It will be difficult, especially in the first half of the day. You should be careful when going on any long journeys, and it is better to postpone your departure at least until 18:00. It is good to do charity work or any creative work.

What not to do : conclude important contracts (especially with foreigners), make acquaintances (especially with foreigners), arrange weddings, presentations or open exhibitions.

Purchases : You cannot buy anything large and expensive on this day. You can buy something small and insignificant. It is better not to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics.

♓ 20 MAY, Saturday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:20.FISH

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear. ATTENTION! DAMAGED MOON! Unfavorable day, one of the most unfavorable in months due to damaged moon. A day full of deceptions, misunderstandings and conflicts. Self-pity may arise, and unpleasant emotions are possible. It is worth paying special attention to your health, as poisoning, exacerbation of chronic diseases, injuries due to negligence, etc. are possible.

What not to do : starting new businesses, giving or borrowing money, applying for loans, starting renovations, moving, investing money, demanding payment of a debt, negotiating something with someone, doing business, signing important documents.

Purchases : Purchases should be made with extreme caution. It will be difficult to come to an agreement with the seller, and if there are problems with the product, it will be difficult to return it. Therefore, we do not recommend spending large sums today. Before you buy something, think carefully again about whether you need it.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♓♈ 21 MAY, Sunday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:42.FISH , ARIES from 13:11

Moon without course from 06:39 to 13:10

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water). Don’t plan important things for the first half of the day; it’s good to continue or finish what you started in the past. When the Moon is in the sign of Aries, things that require quick completion will work out well. Particularly favorable period from 13:00 to 14:00. At this hour it is good to plan things that relate to commercial activities or related to real estate, renovation (they can be started during this period). Also at this hour you can start looking for a job or go for an interview for new job: There is a greater chance that these cases will be successful.

What not to do : start long-term business.

Purchases : The first half of the day is not suitable for shopping, as this is the time of the Moon without a course. In the afternoon you can buy sportswear and equipment. Also at this time you can buy something that will not lie idle for a long time and will be used quickly. From 13:00 to 14:00 you can buy a car.

♈ 22 MAY, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:04.ARIES

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp). Not a bad day for active activity: you can play sports or load yourself with physical work. You can ask your boss for a raise. commercial activity may turn out to be successful. Labor productivity is likely to be high level, so you can get a lot done. Plan for this day things that require quick completion. For example, you can demand that the debt be returned to you (preferably within the period from 13:00 to 17:00).

What not to do : spend money, arrange weddings, banquets, borrow or lend money, try to solve financial problems, invest money somewhere, register companies.

Purchases : Today is the best time to go shopping from 13:00 to 17:00. At this time you can buy clothes and cosmetics. The first half of the day is not suitable for shopping: you risk spending money on nonsense. This day is also suitable for buying a car (there are great chances to buy a car at a reduced price).

♈♉ 23 MAY, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:27.ARIES , CALF from 15:33

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:32

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship ). Until 10:00 You can contact your superiors with requests and suggestions and continue looking for a new job. When the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, you can resolve some issues related to finances. This is the time of the waning moon. Moon month is almost at its end, so the day is more suitable for completing things, but not starting new ones! You can move to a new place of residence, or to a new office (after 15:30), if you have everything ready and want to leave your past life behind. Also in the afternoon it is good to compile reports, databases, call somewhere on important matters, draw up and sign documents.

What not to do : engage in speculative activities, repair computers, telephones and other equipment and devices.

Purchases : shopping allowed before 10:00 and after 15:30. Real estate and other large purchases are acceptable (make sure these purchases have been planned for a long time and are not impulsive). In the morning you can buy a car.

♉ 24 MAY, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:53.CALF

Moon without course from 22:08

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma). Not a bad day. The lunar month is coming to an end, so today it is better not to start new things, but to complete those started in the past. You can engage in stock exchange transactions, make final will, complete registration monetary documents, conclude or extend contracts after negotiations.

What not to do : no special restrictions.

Purchases : You can still try your luck by going shopping. You can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics. But we do not recommend making too expensive purchases. You can buy decorations for your home or office to create a cozy atmosphere.

♉♊ 25 MAY, Thursday, 28th, 29th from 04:23, 1st lunar day from 22:43.CALF , TWINS from 15:15

Moon without course until 15:14

NEW MOON at 22:43

ATTENTION! MAGICAL DAY! Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya), lamp (lamp, third eye). On this day, the Moon will be quite weak, so starting new things today is highly not recommended. Don't do anything difficult work where patience, accuracy and attentiveness are required. If possible, take a day off and spend the day fresh air. After 22:43 you can start making a wish and making plans for the future. Mental and creative work on this day will bring more benefit than physical labor.

What not to do : starting new things, starting new projects, moving to a new place of work, making important decisions.

Purchases : Better to postpone.


♊ 26 MAY, Friday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:00.TWINS

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth). Although on this day there is a lot favorable aspects The Moon, it is approaching negative aspects with malefic planets. This means the day will be busy a variety of events. Today, your reactions to what is happening may turn out to be quite violent, but you should not give in to your feelings and try to sort things out right away. It may be difficult for you to solve any financial problems that have arisen. There may be deceptions and self-deceptions. Be optimistic and use your sense of humor and talents to solve problems. A lot of energy can be wasted on trifles. The information received on this day may be misunderstood or incorrectly presented, so you should be especially careful!

What not to do : conduct important negotiations: it will be difficult to concentrate and come to an agreement, to start new very important things, especially related to real estate and land.

Purchases : As the moon grows, shopping will not be so profitable. The time will be more suitable for good sales. Today is not a good day for large purchases, but you can buy cosmetics and perfumes.

♊♋ 27 MAY, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:47.TWINS , CANCER from 14:25

Moon without course from 09:18 to 14:24

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard). Not a bad day. Until 14:30– a time of peace and relaxation. Don't start new things. It is good to communicate and exchange opinions and ideas, collect information about something. When the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, it is good to do household chores. The evening is good for family celebrations and get-togethers. You can go on a trip to the water or to holiday homes.

What not to do : start new important things before 14:30.

Purchases : Until 09:30 you can buy phones, computers and any gadgets. When the Moon is without a course, do not go shopping, as it will be difficult for you to find something suitable. After 14:30 you can buy necessary household items (dishes, linen, towels, etc.). It is better not to buy cosmetics and clothes.

♋ 28 MAY, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:46.CANCER

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge. Emotionally, the day can be quite intense and overloaded. Don't take on too much. Better relax with your family. Follow safety precautions at home.

What not to do : arrange a wedding, give or borrow money, take out loans, outline financial transactions; until 12:00 noon: go on long journeys, ask for advice from authoritative people, make requests to superiors or officials, sue.

Purchases : Today you can make small purchases. Don't go shopping without a clear shopping list. There is a big risk of buying something unnecessary and wasting money down the drain.

♋♌ 29 MAY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:54.CANCER , A LION from 15:12

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:11

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn. Unlucky, traumatic day: be careful if you engage in any risky activities. Be especially careful on the roads. The risks are especially high in the first half of the day. After 15:00, when the Moon is in the sign of Leo, there will be a better time for starting new things. For example, it’s good to do advertising, contact your boss or higher authorities with any requests, or start construction or a new project. Creative people will have inspiration and new creative ideas. In the evening you can go to the theater, cinema, restaurant or concert.

What not to do : Do not start new important things from 10:00 to 15:00.

Purchases : Shopping made before 15:00 is unlikely to bring you joy. It's better to put them aside. After 15:00 you can buy jewelry and products made of gold and other precious metals. However, remember that sellers will have a hard time lowering prices, and you are unlikely to get good discounts.

♌ 30 MAY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:08.A LION

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane. Overall, the day promises to be quite favorable. Although it is better not to deal with paperwork, it is good to rest today. Have fun or get creative. You can go somewhere with your children or give them more attention at home. You can have a small banquet or go on a visit.

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents, go on a business trip with important assignments, make requests to your superiors or submit applications to important authorities (high risk of refusal).

Purchases : You can buy inexpensive jewelry, children's or craft products.

♌♍ 31 MAY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:24.A LION , VIRGO from 19:16

Moon without course from 14:14 to 19:15

Symbols of the day : unicorn, wand (wind rose, keys). A good, auspicious day, the Moon will not make any tense aspects now, so many matters will be resolved with ease. Don't start anything on the Moon without a course! But the first half of the day is suitable for visiting hairdressers and salons, for drawing up wills, for contacting your superiors with requests and new proposals, for starters construction work, for starting various new projects, for dating, for dating, for buying a lottery ticket. It's good to introduce new ideas, especially creative ones.

What not to do : no special restrictions. Do not start new things from 14:14 to 19:15.

Purchases : before the Moon is out of course, it’s good to go shopping for clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry. It is especially good to shop before 9:00 (for example, in online stores). After 19:00 you can buy household appliances, personal hygiene items, as well as any books.

Various things to do and the most favorable days for them in May 2017

Cleaning:4-6, 9, 11, 14-16
Wet cleaning:4-6, 23, 24
Wash:11, 19-21
Washing windows and glass: 12, 13, 17, 18
Ironing:11-13, 17-24
Dry cleaning:11-13, 17-24
Start of repair:14, 23, 24
Start of house construction: 29, 30
Moving:12, 17, 23, 24
Signing important documents: 23, 24
Looking for a new job: 21-23
Appeal to the authorities: 14, 21, 22, 29
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 17, 23, 24
Dating, dates, engagements: 2, 7, 11, 12, 17, 23, 24, 29
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 12, 27, 28
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 12, 19, 27, 28
Trips to the mountains:14
Business trips: 5, 12, 14
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 2, 3, 6-8, 17, 23, 24, 29-31
Banquets and celebrations: 2, 3, 12, 17, 23, 24, 29-31
Weddings:15, 16, 23, 29, 31
Judicial and legal issues: 27, 29
Solving important financial issues: 23, 24
Capital investments (small): 12, 23, 24
Commercial activity: 5, 21, 22
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 29, 30, 31
Exchange operations: 23, 24
Preparation of documents: 12, 23, 24
Making wills: 17, 23, 24, 31
Advertising:12, 17, 18, 29-31
Small purchases:17, 26
Large purchases: 17, 23
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 7, 22-24, 26, 29-31
Real estate purchases: 17, 23
Buying a car: 21-23
Probability of unexpected expenses: 1, 6, 8, 13, 16, 20, 26, 30
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 5, 12, 19, 26
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 17, 23, 24
The most dangerous and unfavorable days month: 10, 20, 25