Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov stoves ordering. Kuznetsov’s heating stoves: do-it-yourself drawings and ordering Heating and cooking stoves designed by Kuznetsov

The stoves of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov are remembered when it comes to the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of heating a home. Since the 60s of the last century, our compatriot has developed and implemented dozens of bell furnace projects that use the principle of free movement of gases (FGM). The popularity of these inventions is great: foreign manufacturers of heating equipment are carefully studying the experience of introducing blacksmith furnaces. Brick kilns are constantly being improved and developed combined options, combining various functions - heating, cooking, baths, boilers, etc.

What is a Kuznetsov furnace and where is it used?

Household heating stoves are divided into two types: duct and bell-type. In ducts, the movement of gases through the chimney occurs under the forced action of draft. Passing through narrow channels inside the furnace mass, the gas releases heat into the walls and, heating the brickwork from the inside, heats the room. But uneven heating of the furnace under the influence of increased draft wears out the masonry and cracks appear. In addition, a narrow chimney is built to a great height - this complicates work in low buildings.

Multifunctional bell-type stove with a stove bench: warms up the room faster by directing heat flows from two structures

Bell furnaces are designed differently inside: with large cavities in the form of inverted bells. They are located either horizontally or vertically above each other. And the smoke leaves the combustion chamber due to free flow: hot air rises, hitting the hood, lingers there for a long time, and falls as it gradually cools. Due to the circulation of cold and hot flows, heat does not immediately leave the furnace, maintaining the temperature of the walls for a long time. In this case, the degree of heat exchange increases, since the time of contact of hot gases with the heat exchanger increases. The efficiency in some models exceeds 90%.

The birth of heating and heating systems using the free movement of gases is associated with the name of the outstanding professor of thermal engineering Grum-Grzhimailo V.E., who laid the foundation theoretical basis bell furnaces at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. Further development of the topic was facilitated by the work of his student and follower, Candidate of Technical Sciences Podgorodnikov I.S. As a result, the SDH system (free gas movement, in contrast to PDG - forced gas movement, which is used in Russian stoves) was improved and patented by I.V. Kuznetsov. In Russian federation.

Stoves are used not only for heating rooms, but also in chemical production, in metallurgy for melting metals. For example, at the largest steel plant in Zaporozhye, along with blast furnaces, two bell furnaces are used. Widely used in the chemical industry muffle furnaces, which in essence are heating systems with free movement of gases (FGM).

The operating principle of muffle and bell-type furnaces is similar - combustion occurs without forced draft

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kuznetsov furnace

Bell furnaces are a fairly new phenomenon in construction. Heating of houses with such stoves is not widespread. More often, preference is given to the traditional Russian stove, proven over the centuries. Kuznetsov’s furnaces cannot yet boast such service life. But clear advantages are already visible new system heating


Additional advantages in operation:

  • ease of maintenance: the oven is cleaned once every few years; prevention does not require special training or tools;
  • any type of fuel is used - solid, liquid and gaseous;
  • practically no ash and ashes in the ash chamber: all fuel materials burn completely (without solid residue);
  • minimal amount of soot in the chimney: “cold” smoke enters the chimney, and condensation, which causes corrosion of the chimney, is almost not formed;
  • ease of operation: regulation of fuel combustion in the combustion chamber occurs automatically (if the fire is excessive, gases from the hood descend into the firebox and slow down the combustion, and if the flame intensity is low, an additional stream of supply air appears, which leads to increased combustion);
  • fuel economy: high efficiency pyrolysis makes it possible to uniformly provide the room with heat at low cost.

For example, in a house with an area of ​​100 m2, it is enough to burn 5–7 logs twice a day (15–17 kg in total) to maintain a temperature of +25 o C with an outside frost of -25 o C.

Important properties of such a furnace during operation: the hood is always filled with hot air, which does not allow cold flows to rise, pressing them to the bottom of the furnace. Therefore, an untimely closed valve has almost no effect on the cooling of the structure.

But Kuznetsov’s stoves have only one drawback - there are few craftsmen capable of competently and competently erecting a structure. Therefore, the cost of work is high. The best option- entrust the masonry to a certified specialist who has undergone practical training at Igor Kuznetsov’s author’s seminars. Their contacts can be found on the official website of the inventor.

There are also projects for private use (if you decide to build it yourself) and many models - from a stove with a dryer to a bathhouse that simultaneously heats a steam room with a dressing room in different modes. There are also combined diverse options for home, cottage or office space. The only limitation is that models cannot be replicated online without a link to the source.

Training for furnace masters: here they will tell you, answer your questions, and show you how to build a stove yourself

I’ve heard a lot of positive and enthusiastic reviews about Kuznetsov’s miracle stoves. I saw two of them. It looks like a wonderful, neat and decent job. According to the happy owners of these creations - New Year They are not afraid to meet at the dacha: they are warm and fed, despite the fact that they have dachas for summer living... By summer I will definitely get the same stove! Thanks to Kuznetsov, he lives in the Urals, and the warmth of his stoves warms the entire Moscow (and not only!) region!


Types of “forging furnaces”

Stoves are made of brick or metal.
Metal - for small rooms, temporary buildings. They are smaller in size and heat up quickly. But they also cool faster, since the thermal conductivity of metal is much higher than that of brick. There are special metal ovens round shape having very high efficiency.

According to its functions Kuznetsov furnaces divided into the following types:

  • heating;
  • cooking;
  • barbecue and grill;
  • fireplaces;
  • combined ovens.

Each type of furnace is adapted for a specific purpose and solution of certain problems.

Cooking and heating combined stoves have become popular. They not only keep your home warm, but are also very convenient for cooking. Availability oven with a stable temperature allows you not only to stew and bake, but also to bake bread. Ovens with drying chamber copes well with workpieces dried mushrooms, fruits and berries. A water-heating cabinet is also built into the oven, producing warm water for domestic needs.

Multi-purpose bell-type heating and cooking stove: the first bell heats the room, and the second is used as a hob or water heater

Sauna stoves simultaneously heat the steam room, water for washing and a relaxation room. There is, for example, a sauna stove combined with a fireplace, where food is cooked on smoldering coals, and in the steam room you can change the wet bath mode to a sauna mode.

A sauna version of the Kuznetsov stove: after lighting such a stove, there is no longer any need to regulate its operation and monitor the temperature regime - the process is self-sustaining

The brightest distinctive feature Kuznetsov furnaces is its versatility. The stove runs not only on traditional fuels, but also on electricity. In this case, electric heating devices (heating elements) are located in the firebox.

Photo gallery: filming the operation of the Kuznetsov furnace with a thermal imager

Blacksmith furnace in the visible spectrum: takes up very little space, but surprises with its heating capabilities Heat distribution at the beginning of the firebox: the top and bottom of the stove heat up almost simultaneously Heat distribution in the middle of the firebox: temperature balance has been established along the entire height of the side wall Heat distribution after the end of the fire: the temperature continues to be maintained at the same level for more for a long time

For all models, heat distribution throughout the stove body occurs from bottom to top. But after the fire stops, the cooling stove retains heat for a long time both in the upper and lower parts. Thanks to this, the room is heated evenly, without sudden temperature changes.

The design of the Kuznetsov furnace, its distinctive features

The difference between bell-type furnaces and traction furnaces lies in the design of the heat exchanger. In the traditional version, hot gases from the firebox to the chimney pass through several chimney passages, giving off some of the heat to the brickwork along the way. The speed of their movement depends on the intensity of the flame in the combustion chamber and the thrust created chimney. The efficiency of such a device ranges from 30 to 60%, part of the heat “flies into the chimney”. The draft is regulated using the blower door and the stove valve. To maintain a traction furnace in working condition, it is necessary to regularly clean soot from the chimney and empty the ash chamber of fuel residues.

System of channel movement of hot gases of the furnace: gases pass under high traction pressure, not having time to completely give up their heat to densely lined brick rows

In the Kuznetsov furnace, the internal cavity is a free space called a cap. The hot gases that get into it give off heat to the walls and, cooling down, go down.

Cold (blue arrows) and hot (red arrows) gases move along different trajectories, evenly distributed in the cavities of the domes

You can visualize the process by covering a burning match with a glass jar. The smoke from the extinguished flame will first rise up to the bottom of the jar, and, as it cools, it will fall down along the walls. The smoke moves without compulsion, just like the hot air flow in the Kuznetsov furnace.

A “dry seam” of 2–3 cm must be left between the caps - this is a narrow hole through which cooling gases flow from one reservoir to another. The hotter smoke moves in a different way, without actually intersecting with the cold jets. As a result, the overall heat transfer becomes the maximum possible.

Options for vertical arrangement of caps: with this method of connecting domes, the heat exchanger is placed in the upper part of the second vault, increasing the area of ​​the heating surface

The efficiency of the furnace increases when two or more hoods are laid out. Their location does not matter: in vertical plane or horizontal. Their sizes and shapes can be different. The thickness of heat exchange walls is usually laid out in one brick - this accelerates heat transfer.

Furnace designs for private low-rise construction

About 150 bell furnace designs have already been created and brought to life. All of them have stood the test of time and are working successfully. Kuznetsov’s team of like-minded people continues to develop new options, improving existing ones. Posted on his website full information with detailed descriptions and recommendations for the manufacture of furnaces.

Models are indexed and written with abbreviations. For example, OVIK stands for “heating and cooking stove by Igor Kuznetsov.” OIK is simply “heating”, etc. Each project is accompanied by step-by-step instructions and visual ordering, made in the AutoCAD program.

Combined model of a stove with a fireplace: the location of the fireplace on the stove is selected based on the layout of the room - a side fireplace, a back fireplace and a side fireplace with a stove bench

There is no need to do calculations and calculations: the site provides accurate measurements and descriptions of finished projects. If necessary, you can contact Kuznetsov and discuss the design conditions with the formulation of a specific task.

Vertically located hoods allow you to build a narrow stove if the room is very small.

The stove can be installed in any home: a new building or an already built one. But construction in finished house will cost more, since you will have to partially disassemble the roof to remove the chimney. It is better to schedule work for warm weather. To choose the right place to install the stove, you should remember that the closer it is located to the center of the room, the more uniform the heating will be. At the same time, the oven is located closer to front door- it is more convenient to bring in fuel.

Video: construction of a Kuznetsov furnace with a water boiler

A round-shaped dome stove operates with the greatest heat output. But if we are talking about small room and the radius of the furnace circumference is less than 2 m, complications arise with the installation of furnace castings - firebox doors, cleaning pockets, etc. Metal parts, designed for smooth planes, do not place them in semicircular shapes: gaps and cracks will appear, which is unacceptable.

A schematic representation of the functioning of the furnace with horizontal cuts and orders helps to better understand the specifics of laying bricks

An experienced craftsman with an assistant lays out a bell-type stove in 2–3 weeks (depending on the complexity of the model). The process is unhurried and requires great care; the fitting of all parts must be careful, with measurements. A beginner will need more time, and you need to be prepared for this before starting work.

Materials and tools

For self-execution Installation of the furnace will require:

  1. There are two types of bricks: red solid (grades no lower than M150) and heat-resistant fireclay (ShB-8).

    Fireclay and red bricks differ in their properties: fireclay bricks are heat-resistant, but more fragile, while red bricks retain moisture well and are used mainly as facing

  2. Sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1, or a ready-made factory dry mixture, packaged in 25–30 kg bags. For 500 bricks - about 0.2 m 3 of dry mixture.

    Composition of the mixture prepared in a factory: natural red clay, quartz sand, molding sand

  3. Cast iron - firebox and ash chamber doors, cleaning hole doors, grate, furnace valves, views.

    Cast iron stove valves are made to order to exact dimensions so that there are no gaps allowing air to pass through

  4. Wire for tying brickwork (about 5–7 m), with a diameter of up to 2.5 mm. Dressing is carried out every 2 rows along the outer contour.
  5. Two steel corners for covering the combustion chamber.

    The length of the corner is determined depending on the design of the firebox

  6. Reinforcing mesh for the foundation.

    The thickness of the metal rod and the cell size are determined depending on the load on the foundation

Tools needed:

  1. Mason's trowel, hammer, trowel, jointer.

    A mason's tool should always be kept with you, so as not to be distracted each time while working in search of what you need at the moment.

  2. Buckets or other containers for mixing the solution.

    Preparing mortar for masonry is a responsible matter: the better the mortar is mixed, the more reliable the masonry seams will be

  3. Measuring instruments: hydraulic or laser level, plumb line, square, tape measure.

    All the devices make the process of building a stove much easier, and it is important to learn how to use them correctly

  4. When it comes to power tools, a grinder will be of great help and electric drill with mixer attachment.

Preparatory work before assembling the stove

The most important step before constructing a furnace is laying the foundation. Its construction must be approached with all responsibility, because an incorrectly poured foundation can nullify all efforts - a sagging stove will eventually crack and fall apart.

An example of a foundation from sand-lime bricks with names of materials used and markings

In order for the foundation to meet the requirements of the standards, its linear dimensions must be 10–15 cm larger than the dimensions of the furnace base.

The procedure for laying the foundation for the furnace is as follows:

The time for complete drying of the foundation is considered to be from 20 to 30 days, depending on weather conditions. But you can begin installing the furnace within a week, when the solution sets and hardens. Perfect option foundation shrinkage - one year (full cycle of soil freezing and thawing).

One of the options for constructing a Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands

Before starting masonry, pay attention to the following important points:

  • A waterproofing layer is laid between the foundation and the first rows of the furnace. It can be roofing felt or foil isothermal film (foil up to reflect thermal energy);
  • It is highly undesirable to make changes to the order. This may cause the oven to malfunction in the future. Kuznetsov’s original designs have been tested in practice, which guarantees the quality and service life of the furnaces. The only exception is the rows of solid flooring, which can be modified for aesthetic purposes;
  • For facing masonry, bricks without chips, cracks and other noticeable defects are selected;
  • Bricks are cut using a grinder. Edges and planes must remain smooth and even: a torn shape is unacceptable.
  • An example of the ordering of a bell-type furnace: a strict order of laying out the rows will ensure the reliability and longevity of the entire structure

    The firebox is covered with two metal support corners. Dimensions are selected according to the load, arm length starts from 45 mm.

    The thermal gap between the fireclay brick of the firebox and the furnace body protects the brick from destruction during heating of the furnace

    Following the exact order instructions, any man who knows how to handle stone and mortar can assemble the blacksmith stove. The main thing is to observe the vertical and horizontal projections of the structure.

    Even a woman can cope with such work: building a stove with your own hands is interesting and exciting

    After finishing the masonry, the stove should be checked and a test fire should be carried out. The intensity of the first fire should not be high. Smooth heating of the body evenly dries the cement mortar in all directions, from the ash chamber to the exit of the chimney pipe to the outside.

    Video: Kuznetsov furnace project in 3D

    Video: Kuznetsov furnace project in 3D (part 2)

    Features of operation of bell-type furnaces

    The first is the automatic fuel combustion mode.
    In a conventional stove, when lighting, it is recommended to open the blower to its maximum width in order to create greater draft in the stove. Then, as the fire in the firebox intensifies, the door is gradually closed so that the flame temperature decreases slightly and the heat is transferred to a greater extent into the room.

    An ordinary stove requires constant attention, and “as a reward” it also dirty its owner and the space around it.

    In bell-type furnaces, manipulating the doors and furnace valves does not make sense. The combustion intensity is regulated by the ratio of the volume of the hoods and the combustion chamber. This happens automatically; you just need to light the fire and add the required amount of wood or other fuel.

    The second thing that pleasantly surprises is the absence of the need for daily cleaning of the ash pan. Any flammable material burns completely in the oven, without any solid residue. Almost no soot is formed on the walls of the furnace: as a result of pyrolysis, carbon is oxidized to the state of carbon monoxide (and partially carbon dioxide).

    Video: testing Kuznetsov’s stove

    A chimney damper that is not tightly closed will not lead to the furnace cooling: hot gases will remain in the dome until they give up all the thermal energy to the bricks.

    So, the construction of a Kuznetsov bell furnace is accessible to everyone. However, if self-masonry oven is in doubt, it is better to seek help from professionals. Their participation will not only reduce construction time, but will also serve as a guarantee for the further operation of the furnace unit.

I.V. made a great contribution to the development of furnace business. Kuznetsov, who devoted almost his entire life to the invention and improvement of a large number of new furnace designs. He purposefully worked to ensure that his developments worked effectively and benefited people.

The improvement of previously designed thermal structures is based on equipping them with more streamlined capabilities. Thus, in some models the firebox underwent changes, heat retention increased, certain equipment was added, etc. The fact that the structures created by Kuznetsov work efficiently has long been proven by their great popularity and many years of operation. Positive reviews about Kuznetsov’s stoves motivate many to independently manufacture household heating devices. In this case, you can save a little, but you need to select the right materials and strictly follow the Kuznetsov stove ordering scheme.

Kuznetsov proposed a completely new approach to building a brick oven. As you know, traditionally designed kilns have channels through which hot gases move, heating the brick. The main factor supporting this process is traction. This forced method of heating the furnace body is characterized by uneven heat distribution. In addition, it often leads to the formation of cracks in the walls of the structure. When building such a stove, which takes up quite a lot of space in the room, a lot of bricks are used.

The question also arises regarding the availability of space for installing a heat exchanger. This device loses the service life specified by the manufacturer if it is placed in the firebox itself. Constant contact with fire has a detrimental effect on the strength characteristics of the heat exchanger. This proximity also leads to deterioration of fuel combustion conditions, a decrease in the efficiency of the furnace and the formation of a large amount of soot.

In a furnace built according to the Kuznetsov method, gases move freely.

This design is based on installing caps inside it, which are vessels turned upside down. On some stove models, the hoods may have top holes. The vessels are located in different orders, but the main condition for their placement is the presence of vertical hollow slits between them, called dry seam. The space thus formed is wide up to 3 cm do not fill with either a heat insulator or a solution. As a result, gases move freely, moving from one bell jar to another.

To make it easier to imagine operating diagram of the Kuznetsov bell furnace, you need to visualize in your imagination a fire lit in the open air. As a result of the fact that the air has unlimited access to the flame, little heat comes from the fire, which is immediately dissipated in space. You can change the nature of the process of heating the air around the fire if you cover it with a bell-shaped vessel, for example, a large cauldron. At the same time, it is important to leave a gap at the bottom so as not to completely extinguish the flame. As a result, hot gas naturally rises to the bottom of the cauldron and restricts the access of air coming from outside. After the heat is transferred to the walls of the vessel, it, going down to the open opening, gradually cools and comes out, and its place is taken by the next portion of heat.

This self-regulating process is characterized by the possibility of dosing outside air and keeping the heated gas in the vessel until it cools completely.

The principle described above is used in Kuznetsov furnaces, for which they are immediately used two caps, connected with a dry seam. This non-standard design helps to increase the efficiency of transferring a sufficient amount of heat from the stove to the room where it is installed. Hot gases first fill the first bell, thereby heating its walls, and then, cooling, give way to a hot flow that rises from the furnace.

Trying to optimize this process, the inventor, even at its first stage, which begins after the firebox, decided divide the flow of gases according to their temperature. For this purpose, he used a partition to separate the hood space from the firebox. In this case, the barrier does not reach the bottom of the vessel. As a result of this separation, hot gases immediately rush to the roof of the bell, and a flow of lower temperature is directed along the dry seam through a gap in the partition. Thus, due to the accumulation of hot gases under the roof and the presence of a barrier, air enters the first hood only in the required quantity. This promotes complete combustion of the fuel with the formation of a certain amount of ash.

A similar process of gas movement occurs in the cap installed above the first one.

Less hot combustion products are placed at the bottom of the vessel, and hot gases tend to the roof and, when cooled, transfer heat to the brick walls. Then they go down and out through the chimney. By equipping the stove with two hoods, in which natural injection and movement of gases occurs, the creation of forced draft in the chimney pipe is not required.

Types of stoves

Kuznetsov bell-type stoves, designed primarily for domestic use, are built to perform specific functions. The following are distinguished: types of such structures:

  • cooking type - for cooking food;
  • heating – to provide living space with heat;
  • baths Kuznetsov stoves - for heating baths;
  • street stoves take the form of simple barbecues or entire stove complexes;
  • for baking bread often combined with other types of stoves;
  • stoves-fireplaces , performing rather an aesthetic role.

Only the most common types of Kuznetsov furnaces are named here. Often specialists create combined versions of such structures, distinguished by their versatility. Everyone is well familiar, for example, with a heating and cooking stove, thanks to which you can heat your house and cook food.

Strengths of Kuznetsov furnaces

More specifically, we can highlight the following advantages Kuznetsov's designs:


Example of work.

Before you start building a Kuznetsov bell furnace with your own hands, you need to clearly know what role will it play in the house or on the garden plot?. More than 150 drawings of furnaces developed by Kuznetsov are presented for public use. Everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, but here we will look at the technology for constructing a fairly simple Kuznetsov bell-type stove with our own hands for heating a living space.

When designing the installation of a two-bell Kuznetsov stove with your own hands in the first stages of building a house, make sure that it can evenly heat all residential premises. It is not entirely convenient to build such a structure in a house that has already been completely built. Nevertheless, if such a need arises, then why not try on such a project. It is only important when determining the location of the chimney to pay attention to the location of the supporting structures and beams.

The foundation for the stove needs to be planned either together with the construction of the foundation for the house, or in an already finished building, but you should prepare for the fact that the process will be labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Preparatory work

Kuznetsov’s do-it-yourself bell furnace at the initial stage of construction involves laying foundation. To complete this process you need to stock up bayonet and shovel, as well as the following materials:

  • sand (3 parts), cement (1 part) and water to prepare the solution;
  • reinforcing rod of medium section;
  • plastic film;
  • board for constructing formwork.

Foundation work must be performed in the following order:

After pouring, the freshly prepared foundation should be left alone for 5-7 days, or even more (20-25). It is important to foresee the time allotted for the base to completely harden and dry. In this case, there is no need to rush. The longer the foundation stands, the higher its strength and stability of the entire furnace structure will be.

Meeting Basic Requirements

Some points during construction:

  1. The brick from which the internal fireproof shell is constructed tends to expand when heated. Therefore, it is so important to ensure the independence of this part of the furnace from its entire structure.
  2. The refractory shell inside the furnace is created by being mounted on an edge. Drawings do not always convey this point, but it should be taken into account. When installing simple clay bricks, freedom of action on the part of the master is allowed.
  3. Using wire, you need to tie them together in every 3 rows of bricks.
  4. When installing all metal fixtures, it is important to allow space to allow for possible expansion. A special gasket is used to limit the contact of metal products with the brickwork.
  5. After completing the construction of the Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands, it is recommended to use a refractory compound for processing bricks.
  6. The bell furnace should be put into operation gradually, starting with heating at a minimum temperature and then increasing it.

Preparation of tools and basic materials

You can thoroughly prepare for the construction of a Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands only when you have it at hand. Bulgarian equipped with diamond discs, and hammer drill with a mixer attachment. In addition, it is necessary to deliver to the installation site of the heating device the following materials:

Important points

The correct ordering of the Kuznetsov bell-type furnace will allow for uniform heating of the walls and ensure excellent draft.

Before starting laying, many craftsmen lay roofing material. However, we recommend lay a layer of foil, which, having the ability to reflect, will better retain heat.

The heat transfer of the device largely depends on the number of compartments created in it. However, to build the warmest bell-type furnace, when building them, it is important to observe the order of laying and volume conditions.

What it looks like.

Arrangement of the furnace in country house or at the dacha - this is a very popular thing today. Despite the appearance of modern heating devices on the market, many people prefer the good old brick stove, which for many centuries served as the only source of heat and cooking in the house. Such designs are especially relevant where there is no gasification.

Time does not stand still. The good old “Swedish” and “Dutch” stoves have been replaced by new and more improved bell-type stoves, which are in no way inferior to their duct counterpart. The design of the bell-type furnace is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of using hot gas.

The Kuznetsov bell furnace (popularly called “Kuznetsovka”) was named in honor of its creator, I.V. Kuznetsov, who began developing a new heating scheme in the early 60s of the last century. Unique technology“free movement of hot gases” immediately gained recognition and began to enjoy great popularity throughout the world.

The peculiarity of “Kuznetsovka” is that heated gases pass and circulate through the pipe due to their own gravity, as opposed to “forced” movement through the chimney. We all know from physics lessons that warm air rises up, displacing the cold one. But, unlike duct prototypes, here the heat does not come out of the pipe, but is collected under a hood. Gradually it cools down there, and is replaced by gusts of hotter air rising upward.

The main difference between a channel furnace and a bell-type furnace is the principle of hot gas movement. In the first, the smoke seems to be pulled upward through the pipe, and in the bell-shaped pipe it is pushed out. The cap itself can serve as a container for heating water, cooking, drying, etc. Thus, the bell furnace can perform a double function.

Kuznetsovka stove

That is, according to functional characteristics, “blacksmiths” can be divided into:

  • sauna stoves;
  • ovens for cooking (bread, cooking, cauldron, barbecue, grill, etc.);
  • fireplace;
  • heating stoves;
  • combined type.

The most common are the combined types with the ability to cook food and heat the entire house. Although the style and shape can vary, the operating principle of a bell-type stove remains the same.

To make it easier to understand the basic operating principle of the Kuznetsov stove, imagine a fire lit on outdoors. Due to unlimited access of air to the fire, the fire produces little heat. Now let’s try to cover this fire with a metal cap, leaving a small gap at the bottom so as not to extinguish the flame at all. Hot air will rise, heating the walls. Gradually cooling, the air will begin to fall towards the left opening while a new portion of hot air takes its place. This is the principle of free movement of hot gases, which I.V. Kuznetsov successfully applied it in his development.

Design Features

Today you can find more than 150 types of design on the Internet, but no matter what shape or style of execution they are, all stoves are built using the same method. The designer, when creating a scheme for laying a bell-type furnace, set himself two goals: productivity and efficiency of the heating system.

It is not so easy to build such a structure. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the guidelines developed by I.V. Kuznetsov. orders. The inventor pays great attention and attention to the arrangement of the internal channels of the bell-type furnace.

The hood is a separate chamber to retain heated gas, which helps save fuel and increasing efficiency furnace operation.

The standard design of the “blacksmith” involves the presence of two caps. The lower one is combined with the combustion chamber, and the second hood is located in the upper part of the stove. The task of the first bell is to separate gases into cold and hot streams. This is what distinguishes a bell-type furnace from a channel furnace, where heated air, under the influence of draft, freely escapes outside. Here, the hot gas flow coming out of the furnace tends upward, where it lingers under the first hood and accumulates heat for a long time.

Further, the flow tends through the passage into the second chamber, where it is also delayed under the second ceiling, since the passage is located at the base. As a result, hot air accumulates heat in the stove for a long time before exiting through the chimney. This gives high efficiency - up to 95%. If we compare it with the efficiency of a traditional Russian stove (channel), this is 45-50% more.

In addition to the free movement of gas, a bell-type furnace also involves mechanical flow control. For this purpose, valves are installed in the structure. They, as necessary, can delay and redirect hot flows. The “summer” valve is intended for the warm season, when the stove is used as hob for cooking. By opening the summer damper, a stream of hot air will rush up the chimney without going under the second hood.

Advantages of a bell furnace

If we compare the blacksmith's furnace with other brick analogues, it has great resistance to deformation. It heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time. Even with the damper not tightly closed, the resulting heat can remain in such a stove for a long time.

  • long-term operation;
  • low formation of soot and soot (it burns almost completely, turning into ash);
  • Efficiency – up to 80%;
  • lightweight design that can be mastered even by a beginner;
  • improved heating system compared to its duct counterpart;
  • easy and practical to maintain - there is no need to clean it often;
  • does not crack;
  • versatility of construction (in a house, apartment, bathhouse, etc.)
  • large selection of shapes and designs;
  • there is no need to take into account the height of the chimney to ensure good draft;
  • high speed of kindling;
  • the design allows you to install a large heating element;
  • the oven heats up evenly;
  • the oven takes longer to cool down compared to its brick prototypes.

Ignition of "Kuznetsovka"

Basic installation rules

  1. The inner shell of the furnace must be surrounded on all sides by empty space, since the brick will become very hot during operation of the furnace.
  2. The location of the furnace heat source can vary depending on the type and shape, but it should always be located at the bottom of the hood.
  3. Every third row of brickwork must be tied with metal wire. This will strengthen the bond and prevent further deformation of the oven.
  4. The shape of the cap can be of any shape and size.
  5. When installing the stove, take into account the fact that when heated, all metal elements (grid, door) will expand. So all these details furnace system must be installed with room for expansion. A fireproof gasket must be installed between the brick and the metal.
  6. When lighting a finished stove for the first time, you do not need to immediately set the maximum temperature. The kiln must be fired gradually, starting at low temperatures.
  7. After installation, the stove should be treated with a refractory compound.

Today there are a huge number of varieties of bell-type furnaces, because progress does not stand still. Kuznetsov himself only laid the foundation for this new type of heating system, and his followers around the world are already making their own adjustments and working to improve the stove. Of course, it is much easier to build a stove at the stage of building a house. But often people think about the need to place such heating device after the walls were built. Here, when developing a scheme, you will have to take into account the height of the beams, the location of the partitions, the roof, etc.

If the stove is installed during the construction of the house, then it is better to position it in such a way that it heats 2-3 rooms at once.

It is simply physically impossible to describe the instructions for laying all types of bell-type stoves, so in this article we will provide classic version DIY installation of a bell-type furnace. By following our instructions exactly, you will definitely be able to assemble a high-quality, beautiful and functional stove.

The dimensions of the furnace, of course, can be different - the volume of material will depend on this. But under no circumstances should the order be changed!

What materials will be needed to install the stove?

Before you begin construction work, stock up on everything necessary materials. In order for the bell-type stove to please you with its functionality and appearance long years, materials must be of good quality.

Refractory brick for firebox (fireclay) SHA-8.

Ceramic brick (grade not lower than M150).

Clay, sand and cement for laying bricks and creating foundations.

Plywood for formwork construction.

Steel plate.

Metal wire or reinforcing rod.

Steel corner.

Wooden blocks (50x50 mm) – 4 pcs.

Doors and latch.

Foil for the first layer of brick (according to the size of the foundation).

Tools for laying a bell furnace

  • construction mixer or drill with an attachment;
  • Circular Saw;
  • pliers (for tightening the wire);
  • Master OK;
  • shovel;
  • building level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • construction gloves.

Let's start installation: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. We think over the design of the bell furnace and draw a diagram on paper.

Before starting work, you must clearly know how wide your oven will be. It must be drawn on paper, calculating all the necessary parameters.

  • Calculate the size of the hole for the foundation. Keep in mind that it should be 10 cm wider than the heating structure itself.

Step 2. Laying the foundation

Before installing the stove, you need to take care of the base. It must be solid and perfectly smooth to prevent cracking of the structure and deformation in the future. Laying the foundation is a very important step that needs to be taken seriously.

For a concrete floor, the foundation will act as a kind of platform, raising the stove itself 20-30 cm above the floor level. We make formwork according to the dimensions of the foundation and fasten its corners wooden blocks(50x50 mm). We pour sand 15-20 cm thick at the bottom of the foundation, compact it well, and only then slowly pour in the solution. The foundation of the main house should not be connected to the foundation of the furnace. They have different weights, which means the shrinkage will be different.

If you are making a stove in a wooden floor:

  • We draw the size of the future foundation with a marker on wooden boards and cut a hole around the perimeter with a circular saw.

If the stove is being built in a wooden house, then fire safety rules should be taken into account. It is necessary to lay a sheet of asbestos between the furnace structure and the ceilings.

  • We dig a hole 80 cm deep and 1.5 m * 1 m wide. Make sure that all walls are smooth. For this it is better to use a bayonet shovel. Pour sand into the bottom of the hole 15 cm thick and tamp it down thoroughly. It is necessary to wait for the sand to shrink (within 2 days).
  • Let's start creating the formwork. You can use any old formwork for installation wooden doors, unnecessary boards, but, ideally, it is better to take plywood. We measure the length and width of the boards according to the dimensions of the foundation, lower them into the hole and connect them with screws. If the formwork is not all immersed in the ground, then we additionally connect the corners with wooden blocks (50x50). If the formwork is immersed in the pit to its full height, then you don’t have to do this.
  • We reinforce with a metal rod.

In some wooden houses, the floor is raised above the ground by 50-80 cm. In this case, you will need to dig a hole under the foundation by 20-30 cm. That is, you need to “go deeper” in any case, but take this difference into account.

  • Prepare a cement mortar (sand+cement+water) and slowly pour it into the hole. Try to pour in layers, stirring lightly with a shovel each time. This will allow excess air to escape and create a stable base. Let the foundation dry. This will take at least a week, but sometimes you have to wait 20-25 days for the solution to completely set. There is no need to rush in this matter, since the operational properties of the furnace depend on the strength of the foundation.
  • While the solution is still wet, it is necessary to clearly determine with a building level how level the site is. Adjust if necessary.
  • To do this, take a building level and check the place where the stove will be installed.
  • When the solution has completely hardened and the foundation is ready, you can begin laying the stove. Don't rush to build the stove. The foundation must be strong and solid; the further operation of the furnace depends on this.
  • Lay a layer of reflective foil under the first layer of brickwork. This will prevent heat loss and redirect the direction heat flow down up. Take material slightly larger than the perimeter of the foundation. After laying the brick, you will then need to cut off the edges evenly with a knife.

Video. Laying a brick "Bell" stove

Step 3. Preparation of clay-sand mortar for bricklaying. We will use clay as the base, since it is heat resistant up to 1000 degrees.

In the video you can see visual instructions for mixing the solution.

Video. Preparation of clay mortar for stove masonry

In a large metal container, you need to combine the clay with water and soak it for 2 days. After this, pour the sand into the container and mix well with an electric drill with a mixer attachment. When the mixture is well mixed and no two materials are separating, check the consistency of the solution with a trowel. If the mixture slowly slides off the tool, then the solution is ready. You can start laying bricks.

Laying the 1st level of the furnace

Before you start laying bricks on cement mortar, it is better to immediately lay out each row on the floor “dry”, according to the ordering scheme. The diagram shows that on some rows you will have to divide the bricks into ½, ¼. Where you have to grind bricks, use the manual method so as not to disturb technical properties material and its aesthetic appearance.

  • Row No. 1. The brick will be laid evenly over the entire area of ​​the oven. The first row is continuous, keep even corners. Start from the side walls of the “blacksmith”, laying out using the spoon method, moving from right to left. (Figure 14). The brick is laid longitudinally in length. We lay each next layer with its edge in the center, and report the missing part by beating required size from new brick.
  • We lay row No. 2 of bricks. At this level we install a blower (according to the previously developed diagram) and a window for cleaning the oven (there can be 2 of them). The design of the bell-type furnace allows the cleaning door and ash pan to be placed anywhere, but the window must be located below the firebox. Here you will need to divide one brick in half and install them so that they protrude outward from the common row. When you lay the second row, you should not connect them with mortar. Upon completion of construction work, you will need to clean the stove from fallen clay. And after you clean the oven, then secure them with a solution.

In order to correctly install the blower doors and windows, it is necessary to thread a knitting wire into the existing holes, make a loop and twist it with a rope. Place between bricks. If there are no holes in the factory parts, then you need to make them with a drill with a metal drill attachment. Use pliers to twist the loop as tightly as possible. For now, the doors need to be secured with bricks for stability, but not connected with mortar. This will need to be done after laying the third row.

  • We place row No. 3 similarly to the previous one. From the 3rd row we begin to raise the firebox itself, laying it out of heat-resistant brick. Between the front wall of the stove, lined with red brick, and the firebox itself (made of fire-resistant brick), we lay basalt cardboard or corrugated foil. After burning out, it will create a perfectly even thermal gap of 5 cm.

The main feature of the Kuznetsov stove is its “floating” firebox. That is, it must be a free-standing module, separated from the furnace body by a dry seam. The refractory brick (fireclay) should not fit into the regular brick of the furnace body with any protrusions.

Features of the Kuznetsovka furnace masonry

  • We make row No. 4 a little narrower (by 1.5 bricks) in order to reduce the connector for the combustion products to fall off (you can see it in the diagram). We design it in such a way that a partition appears in the far corner from the firebox leading to the upper compartment.
  • We lay out row No. 5 similarly to the 4th row, only you need to put a grate on top of the reset rim. We lay it without mortar and fill the gaps with sand.
  • Row No. 6 is laid in the same way.

Here we begin to install the combustion door with a gap of 5 mm. We carefully set it plumb to check the level deviation. In the same way as in the 2nd row, when you installed the ash pan, you need to secure the door in the brick with metal wire.

In order not to move the door while you continue to line the row, secure it with strands and press the ends of the strands on top with a brick. This will allow you to continue working without worrying about the door being out of level.

  • Row No. 7. We take a chimney 0.5 bricks wide from the firebox into the adjacent air chamber.
  • Row No. 8 is laid in the same way as row seven.
  • Row No. 9. We build out the walls of the firebox with fireclay bricks. Here a passage is formed between the firebox and the first hood to remove combustion products (visible in the diagram).
  • Row No. 10 is laid out in the same way as the previous one.
  • On the 11th row, half-brick work becomes masonry of a whole brick.
  • Row No. 12 - a fireclay grate is laid out. Again we continue to lay in half a brick according to the ordering scheme indicated above.
  • Row No. 13 - the same installation as on the 12th row.
  • Row No. 14 – remove the sheathing and leave 2 chimneys.
  • Row 15 is similar, but on row 16 we use whole bricks instead of halves. We close off two chimneys into the air compartments.
  • 17th row. Use a steel plate to block the movement of smoke. Thus, the channel that you created on the laying of row No. 4 now remains the only one.

Step 5. Laying the second level of the furnace.

  • Row No. 18 is laid similarly to row 17, but on this row we attach a fence plate, which is fixed on three sides with cement mortar.
  • Row No. 19. We build a column at the very top of the structure. Behind the stove we make a small cavity (the width of a brick) so that the smoke escapes through the pipe.
  • Row No. 20. We lay it in the same way as the 19th row.
  • Row No. 21. We lay this row so as to block the channel leading to the pipe. The smoke will come out through the sinus that you left below (on the 19th row).
  • Row No. 22. From a quarter of a brick, make an exhaust hood that comes from the steam collector. We cover the steel part of the ceiling.
  • Row No. 23. We put it in the same way as row No. 22.
  • Row No. 24. In this row, it is necessary to connect the chimney with a steam collector through a closed channel
  • Row No. 25-26. We lay it in the same way as the previous row.
  • Row No. 27. Installation of the fence plate.
  • Row No. 28. We cover the structure with a brick roof.
  • Row No. 29. We make an additional layer similar to the previous one.
  • Row No. 30. The row is almost completely covered with brick.
  • Row No. 31. Lays the base of the pipe. We install a pipe with a diameter of 1 brick.
  • Row No. 32. The chimney pipe is formed.

Step 6. To make the oven attractive appearance, you can carefully round all its edges by hand grinding. This must be done after the construction work has been completed.

Step 7. Treat the created oven with a refractory compound.

Step 8. Light up the stove. There is no need to immediately set the maximum temperature. The oven should gradually “burn out”. Start with the lowest temperature and then turn up the heat.

That's all! By following the instructions, and most importantly, without disturbing the order of the masonry, you will definitely be able to assemble a reliable, beautiful stove that will last for decades.

At the end of this article, we suggest watching a video in which you can see the stages of laying out the Kuznetsov furnace.

Video. Laying a Kuznetsov stove with your own hands

The first Kuznetsov bell furnace was built in the 60s of the last century. The unique development belongs to Igor Kuznetsov, whose main activity is the design and improvement of brick stoves for heating.

Kuznetsov heating stoves are efficient and reliable designs that use a variety of fuel materials.

Currently, over 150 types of furnaces have been invented, each of which has a high efficiency rate - from 80 to 94%.


Kuznetsov bell furnaces have a number of distinctive characteristics and advantages that set them apart from the main competitors in the market of heating equipment for home and bathhouses.

The operating principle of such a device is quite simple: the lower level (tier) and the firebox are a single structure - a cap, which is designed to effectively move gases formed during fuel combustion. In this case, the accumulation of light gases occurs at the top of the bell, and heavy gases at the bottom. Gases with an average heating temperature are concentrated in the middle.

“Kuznetsovka” made of brick provides for long-term retention of heated air inside the hood for effective accumulation of heat indoors, and then the rapid removal of combustion waste through the chimney.

A special feature of the furnace is maintaining the maximum combustion temperature. In addition, the Kuznetsov stove has a high efficiency, which is several times higher than that of a classic Russian stove.

The specific advantages of such furnaces are as follows:

  • High efficiency – up to 94%.
  • High temperature combustion of fuel material.
  • Fast accumulation and long-term heat retention.
  • Low level of soot deposition.
  • Easy to care for and unpretentious.
  • Low material consumption with high thermal output.
  • Possibility of additional installation of a circuit for hot water supply.
  • Increased draft with small chimney sizes.
  • Attractive design and wide choose constructive forms. An improved option is the Kuznetsov two-bell stove, which can be designed for any type of room.
  • Fast distribution of thrust between channels in automatic mode.


According to their purpose and design features, blacksmiths can be divided into several types:

  • Heating. The devices are designed for efficient and safe heating of premises.
  • Cooking. Used for cooking. This includes ovens for baking bread and bakery products.
  • Bathhouses. The Kuznetsov bathhouse stove is designed for simultaneous heating of the main bathhouse premises. Such devices have high heat transfer with minimal fuel consumption.
  • Street. A stove complex consisting of a grill or barbecue for outdoor cooking.
  • Fireplaces. The equipment is used as decorative element interior or additional option heating Some are equipped with special sun loungers for a pleasant leisure time.

The most popular are complex devices that are distinguished by their multitasking. A striking example is a Kuznetsov heating and cooking stove, which is intended both for heating residential premises and for preparing food.

Despite their functional features, all stoves operate on the same principle - efficient distribution of heated gases in the bell into separate streams.

It is noteworthy that the stove hoods can be equipped with additional equipment– electric heaters, hot water tanks, steam generators, oven and stove.

A competently designed and constructed Kuznetsov sauna stove will provide reliable heating in all functional rooms: steam room, washing room, dressing room, rest room. In addition, it will allow you to quickly heat water, accumulate hot steam and purify the air.

What explains the high efficiency of furnaces?

Reasons why bell furnaces are so efficient compared to traditional devices, the following:

  • Correct distribution of flue gases over heating temperature outside the combustion chamber.
  • A large number of caps helps retain hot gas and more efficiently accumulate heat inside the device.
  • Correct placement of the hood helps contain heated gases and maintain high temperatures. This leads to the collection of fuel combustion products in one place and a reduction in the level of soot formation in the chimney. For this reason, “blacksmiths” do not require frequent cleaning of soot.
  • The heat exchanger is located in the hood, so it does not retain the heat produced by the furnace and does not reduce the level of efficiency.

Building a Kuznetsov stove with your own hands is not so easy, but all that is required from the master is to follow clear step-by-step instructions.

Materials and tools

To arrange a brick “blacksmith’s shop” for a house or bathhouse, first of all, you should prepare working drawings and procedures. The author himself has developed over a hundred various ovens With step by step instructions for their construction.

The order of the stove is a complete guide that clearly explains the correctness of laying each individual row in the prescribed sequence. Beginning craftsmen are advised to strictly follow the order of Kuznetsov furnaces, which will allow them to build a reliable and durable structure.

To carry out construction work, it is necessary to prepare basic materials and working tools:

  • solid red fire-resistant brick;
  • fireclay brick;
  • fire-resistant clay of medium fraction;
  • mountain sand (twice the volume of clay);
  • steel wire;
  • metal corner;
  • structural elements: doors for the ash pit, fireboxes, grate for the grate, valve, stove for the hearth.

Attention! If desired, instead of clay and sand, you can purchase a ready-made mixture for masonry, which is sold in specialized stores. It contains all the necessary proportions of the main components.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov stoves have their own subtleties of construction, so before starting work, the layout of the device must be carefully studied.

Construction technology

Even beginners can build such a device on their own, the main thing is that the construction technology and working diagram are followed.

Foundation arrangement

The first stage is the construction of a foundation, which can be planned when building a house or bathhouse. Otherwise, it is necessary to prepare a new base for the stove.

The base should exceed the dimensions of the furnace by 15 cm along the entire future perimeter, which will ensure high strength and wear resistance of the finished structure. To arrange the foundation, it is worth considering the following:

  • The base for the stove is not recommended to be connected to the foundation of a house or bathhouse.
  • When the stove is located along the wall, the foundation should be 6 cm away from the main base, and the distance between them should be protected by a layer of sand.
  • To protect the base from high humidity And groundwater Reliable waterproofing is required - a sand cushion at the bottom of the trench and rolled roofing felt on top of the concrete layer.
  • To increase strength, the foundation must be reinforced with a special reinforcing frame.


After the concrete foundation has completely hardened, you can begin bricklaying. The Kuznetsov furnace is built correctly only if the order proposed by the inventor is followed.

Before starting masonry, it is worth considering the location of the chimney inside the room and outside on the roof, which must meet certain requirements. Let us recall that any Kuznetsov furnace has ready-made drawings, in accordance with which construction work is carried out.

  1. For laying the first two rows, fire-resistant fireclay bricks are used. A special one is prepared for connecting bricks. It is not recommended to use the mixture prepared for arranging the foundation. After completing the laying of the 1st row, the angles are checked, each of which must be 90 degrees. From the 2nd row, the arrangement of smoke exhaust channels begins.
  2. To improve the thermal output of the device, it is recommended to install 4 cleaning channels - in the rear, in the vent and on the sides. Cleaning sizes are selected on an individual basis. At this stage, the horizontalness of all surfaces is checked using a corner.
  3. From the 2nd row an ash pit and a ash pit are formed. These working chambers are designed to clean ash and create the necessary draft for combustion. The brickwork is done in a checkerboard pattern with a 6 mm thick seam. To fix the bricks, a solution based on refractory clay is used.
  4. Next, partitions for the internal compartments are installed, and a wall is formed between the blower and the working part of the furnace. When laying the 5th row, a grate is installed, the thickness of which is determined by the degree of fuel loading of the chamber. When installing the grate, technological gaps of 7 mm are observed between the grid for the grate and external wall stoves The grille is installed at a slight angle relative to the door.
  5. The firebox door is also installed here. When arranging the combustion chamber, it is additionally lined with fireclay bricks, which are laid edgewise. This ensures reliable protection of the outer walls of the furnace from high temperatures.
  6. Up to the 16th row, the laying is carried out similarly to the previous rows. From the 17th row, a cap is installed, after which you can begin arranging the second chamber located above the first. It will be the second cap. At this stage, the hood is overlapped, and on the 21st row, passages are arranged that are directed along interior walls on both sides.
  7. Work is carried out in accordance with the proposed order until the 26th row, after which the upper part of the cap is securely closed brickwork.
  8. 24 hours after completion of the masonry, you can test run the stove with the addition of a small amount of fuel material. This will allow you to check the finished structure for tightness and absence of gaps between the bricks. If even minor deficiencies are discovered, they must be corrected immediately.

Any “blacksmith” must have a floating firebox, for the arrangement of which a special seam is made.

The dry seam in Kuznetsov furnaces is a small technological gap in the extreme corner, almost at the bottom of the firebox. It ensures safe separation of gases in the firebox into cold and hot.

This process promotes the unhindered rise of hot gases into the upper part of the bell with their subsequent cooling. Next, the cooled gases are discharged into the second bell and out through the chimney pipe.

  1. The first bell must not be connected to the combustion chamber. This is due to the fact that the fuel material must burn separately to create a high temperature regime. The connection of the hood and the firebox is allowed in a classic Russian stove with less efficient draft.
  2. Each even row of brickwork should be fixed with metal wire to create additional strength and stability of the structure.
  3. After completion of the masonry, it is recommended to treat the brick with a protective fire-resistant compound.
  4. Decorative and functional elements of a metal stove are installed taking into account possible expansion when heated. The distance between them and the brickwork is protected by a special gasket.
  5. The first combustion of the device is carried out at minimum temperatures with a small amount of fuel.
  6. When heated, the brick expands, so the internal structure of the furnace made of refractory material must be designed so that there are technological gaps on each side.

The most affordable design of the Kuznetsov bell furnace can be erected with your own hands. When planning a complex and multifunctional device, the technology for its construction can also be complicated.

As we know, all progress rests on eccentrics. Who knows how we would live today if not for the eccentric Leonardo, if Tesla had not been so persistent in his eccentricities. There are a lot of examples, but today we are interested in the developments of one person who devoted his life to furnaces, their deep study and the development of new, fundamentally unlike anything else designs. I.V. Kuznetsov began his activities in 1962, and his developments still remain relevant.

Kuznetsov furnace and its features

Kuznetsov strived for one thing - to achieve maximum productivity, efficiency and economy in the operation of his furnace. Each device that he introduced was distinguished by improved capabilities - heat conservation, productivity, equipment and design features. Moreover, there is nothing supernatural in the manufacture of such stoves. Everything ingenious is simple, so it is quite possible to build a Kuznetsov stove; the drawings, structure and basic rules must be studied thoroughly.

All Kuznetsov furnaces are characterized by increased efficiency. This was achieved thanks to a completely new and unique development. The movement of gases in the stove is very carefully thought out, hot air is not wasted and does not heat the street, and cold air goes into the chimney through a special system. Such furnaces are usually called bell-type furnaces due to the design features, which we will briefly consider.

Kuznetsov bell furnace

They are called bell-shaped because, according to the design, inside the furnace, a kind of bell is built that unites the hearth itself and the lower part of the furnace. The cap serves as a gas separator and sorts them into hot and cold, which allows cold gases to be removed and hot gases to be left in the oven for as long as possible. Hot gases simply rise under the hood and remain there for a long time, not flying out into the chimney, as in a conventional Russian stove, but, on the contrary, accumulating heat.

Naturally, due to this, the combustion temperature in the furnace rises, and as a result, the efficiency increases to 80-90%. In addition, the system of free movement of gases helps to make the heating of the furnace much more uniform, and the formation of soot is not so intense. As a result of the application of all these design subtleties, the following advantages of blacksmiths emerge:

  • huge efficiency;
  • efficiency;
  • high resistance of the furnace to cracking;
  • free attitude to the shape and design of the stove;
  • very uniform heating;
  • minimal smoke;
  • low maintenance design.

Types of Kuznetsov furnaces

The design gained enormous value due to its amazing versatility. The Kuznetsov stove, drawings of which are presented in more than 150 variants, can be used in any room as efficiently as possible. Each of the drawings takes into account the characteristics of the room for a specific purpose, which is why the stove operates with such high efficiency for a certain type of building.

There is no point in listing all Kuznetsov furnaces, here are just some of the options that are most in demand:

  • bread ovens for cooking, combined with cooking surfaces;
  • sauna stoves;
  • fireplace stoves;
  • heating stoves.

This is not a complete list of specialized Kuznetsov furnaces. It is possible to create combined types, which is very convenient if you use them in everyday life in small areas.

Orders of Kuznetsov furnaces

The construction of a Kuznetsov furnace does not require special knowledge and skills. If your hands are sharpened for the simplest tool, it is enough to follow the order and a few simple rules to successfully build the structure. The order is simply a system of drawings and instructions that describe the process of laying out the stove step by step, down to each row of bricks individually. Why such precision? The fact is that Kuznetsov spent decades trying to ensure that the design worked perfectly, and if you miss any little detail, the stove will not work correctly. Here is a sample order:

Kuznetsov stoves for baths

There are quite a lot of blacksmiths for baths. There are as many as 17 types of ordinary sauna stoves alone. All of them can be different in size, location of the firebox, place for stones, the presence of a fireplace, hob, and each type has its own order. Even from ready-made stoves, you can easily choose the most suitable one for a specific bathhouse layout, practically without making any changes. Here are just a few examples:

The use of Kuznetsov stoves in a bathhouse provides a whole series of advantages:

No fantasy. Simply by carefully studying the order, you can build an excellent stove with your own hands, both for a bath and for heating, or a barbecue stove.
