Original decoration of the bathhouse inside. Finishing the inside of the bathhouse - photos and recommendations from professionals. Everyone's favorite Finnish sauna

Recently, there has been an increase in demand for projects for private farmsteads that include a zone active rest. At the same time, it is quite possible to create such a corner yourself. The main thing is to know what you should pay attention to when designing a summer kitchen in a bathhouse, what types of materials to choose and what important nuances must be taken into account.

With the end of the cold weather and the onset of spring, they come to life. personal plots and country houses. So, the built bathhouse with summer kitchen and a terrace will allow you to combine business with pleasure: aromatic tea or juicy kebab will be a good addition to bath procedures (more details: " ").

On other days, the provided recreation area can be used both for cozy gatherings with friends and family, and for contemplating the picturesque nature. All this can be made a reality on your own. It is only important to stick to the plan and place the emphasis correctly.

Bathhouse planning - the basis of the project

The first thing to start with is drawing up a clear list and location of objects in the proposed recreation area.

As a rule, in addition to the bathhouse and summer kitchen, there are:

  • Open terrace;
  • Restroom;
  • Locker room (read also: " ");
  • Steam room;
  • Washing;
  • Bathroom (shower, toilet).

If there is free space, you can plan guest rooms in the project. Here it is worth paying attention to the ergonomics of their location for comfortable movement from room to room.

Also, auxiliary areas, such as a dressing room, a woodshed, a corridor, should already at the planning stage correctly alternate between themselves and the main premises. This will create additional comfort and convenience when using them.

If the size of the site and the plan of the project itself allow, then it is preferable to place the rest rooms on the north side, and the entrance to the bathhouse, like open terrace- from the south. According to standards fire safety, it is better to locate the bathhouse at a distance of 8–12 meters from residential buildings. And the fence or green hedge will help hide the entrance and terrace from neighbors.

And in the center is a fiery... hearth

Usually, key point in projects of a summer kitchen combined with a bathhouse, is good combination their functionality. The unifying element, of course, is the stove.

But there may be several options for its location:

  1. The stove is shared between the bathhouse and the kitchen and is used simultaneously for heating the steam room and cooking food.
  2. The stoves are each installed separately - for the bathhouse and for the kitchen.

Moreover, in the second case, often the kitchen provides a full range of cooking equipment: barbecues, mini-smokehouses, cauldrons for cooking pilaf, braziers, grills, barbecue ovens and ovens. If there was a place - you can turn any idea into reality!

As a rule, for a bathhouse the choice falls on a proven stove-heater, even despite some difficulties in installing it. Less often they choose a simple metal potbelly stove.

Choosing the right building material

Often, a complex consisting of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is positioned as the embodiment of bold design solutions. Therefore, the range of building materials needed for them will be quite wide, which can be seen in advance in the photo.

Modern projects involve the use of wood, fire-resistant glass, metal, brick, plastic panels, as well as modern waterproofing materials, insulation and, of course, fire retardant compounds for wood processing. They also often make a bathhouse project from foam blocks, which is quite easy to implement.

Correct communications – increased comfort

Any project of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen must be equipped with a well-thought-out communications system, be it plumbing, electrical, ventilation, heating, drainage and sewerage.


The main thing that should be considered at the planning stage is the presence of a water seal to prevent odors from the septic tank (or drain) from getting back into the premises.

Ventilation in the bath

For a bathhouse project with a kitchen, it is also important to properly plan the ventilation system.

Depending on preference, it can be:

  • Natural, providing for the presence of channels for the entry and exit of air flows;
  • Supply (electronic), which is based on - electronic system air flow control.

Obviously, a properly planned ventilation system will avoid air stagnation in the premises. And this, in turn, is an excellent prevention higher level moisture and mold.


If you think through the heating system, running pipes from the water heating tank around the perimeter of the room, then the summer kitchen can be used not only in the warm season. True, this will be best combined with a sauna or dry steam bath, due to the low level of humidity in them. And in such a case, there is a need to strengthen the existing ventilation system.

Particularly creative design options involve installing the heating system into a greenhouse, which makes it possible to relax against the backdrop of blooming greenery all year round.

Wooden baths with a summer kitchen and a terrace for relaxation

A combined bathhouse and summer kitchen can be an excellent place for friendly gatherings and quiet family time. While one person is preparing barbecue, another can take a steam bath - another convenience of using such a layout.

One more example wooden bath with a summer kitchen, which is equipped with everything necessary

In projects of this type, the summer kitchen usually acts as a dressing room, and the kitchen stove plays the role of a heater in the bathhouse itself. Both buildings are being equipped with a common one. For a dacha, a very convenient option would be one in which the bathhouse is combined not only with a kitchen, but also with a bathroom (this will require a single drain with the bathroom). The washing room will have to be equipped in such a way that the water completely goes into the sewer. To prevent unpleasant odors it is necessary to construct a water seal.

When choosing the location of the bathhouse, you should take into account all the features of your summer cottage. For example, the structure can be placed near a pond (if there is one), thanks to which the issue of water supply will be resolved. At the same time, keep in mind that in the spring there may be a water spill, which will require taking measures to more thoroughly waterproof the bathhouse.

Before you start independently developing a project for a bathhouse with a summer kitchen, you should decide on the location of the building and the materials for construction. Then you need to think about optimal sizes designs, its appearance and internal equipment. It is still better to develop some details together with a specialist, clarifying the plan of all activities.

Project of a wooden bathhouse combined with a summer kitchen

The layout of bathhouses with a summer kitchen requires careful attention to issues related to the location of the entrance to the kitchen and washing area. Ideally, the entrance should be on the south side, which is warmer and sunny. You can arrange the entrance in the form of a veranda or terrace, which will allow you to get even more usable space. The shape of the structure in this case will directly depend on its size.

Read also

Ventilation in the waiting room

Diagram of the correct location of the bathhouse relative to the cardinal directions

If you are going to build a smoky sauna and heat it “black”, then you should take into account the distance that goes from residential buildings to the boundaries of the site. The minimum distance is approximately 12 meters, and the future structure should be located on the side of neighboring houses.

If the bathhouse will be smokeless and heated “white”, it is also recommended to place it away from residential buildings, to avoid the risk of fire (in this case the minimum distance is 5 meters). At the same time, such requirements are not an obstacle to combining a bathhouse with a kitchen.

An example of the correct location of a bathhouse on the site

The stove's water heating tank can be combined with pipes, which will allow excess heat (including that generated during combustion or cooking) to heat the entire room. During construction, a single-pitched roof without an attic is usually erected, which eliminates the shading of your site by the structure. Rainwater It is collected from it into a tank, which is installed opposite, and can later be used for washing clothes or other needs. The windows should be on the southwest or northwest side, which will provide good lighting for the bathhouse in the evening.

Many people believe that a bathhouse combined with a living space causes increased humidity and unpleasant odors. Of course, if used incorrectly, a certain risk is possible, but in most cases such a layout only contributes to greater comfort. The main thing is to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements when arranging wet rooms, as well as ensuring reliable waterproofing, ventilation and sewerage.

In this situation the most a good option There will be a dry steam bath.

If the air temperature in the bath is high enough, internal elements the structures will dry out in a very long time short term and, accordingly, will not be subject to rotting. At proper arrangement In the washing area, used water will flow into the sewer system and be sent to a sewer well, which is located outside the premises. There should be a water seal in this place - a device that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the bathhouse. sewer well. A heated stove-heater can purify and disinfect the air, as well as improve the quality of ventilation (especially if the vent is below floor level).

Scheme correct device sauna drainage systems

During operation bath room It is not recommended to apply copious or too frequent water to the stones, as they must remain hot and dry (which will ensure better air drying). This is why dry steam rooms can be used as living quarters. An important requirement in this case will be high-quality floor insulation.

If you have a summer house or Vacation home, you can save money and build cozy place for relaxation, combining a summer kitchen with a bathhouse.

Premises of this type are multifunctional: here you can have family breakfasts, lunches and dinners, spend time with friends, relax on fresh air and even work.

Thanks to the proximity of the premises, you will be able to spend maximum free time in this area, but in order to feel comfortable, you will have to take into account some details.

Reasons for popularity

In most cases, the kitchen in such rooms is made “open”: then you can fry kebabs or barbecue while chatting with friends. Closed kitchens the bathhouse is also quite popular, since you can spend time here regardless of weather conditions.

A bathhouse and a kitchen combined together have other advantages:

Advice: for convenience, you can make this room an additional extension to the house. But keep in mind that the bathhouse itself should be located at a distance of 5-12 m from the main premises in order to avoid fire situations.

With so many advantages, you also get the opportunity to realize your own design ideas. Often, bathhouses and summer kitchens are designed in the form of old, spectacular huts or cottages with European decoration. And the landscape around the architectural structure will only complement the resulting composition.

Layout and equipment

Before thinking through a project for a summer kitchen with a bath area, decide what you will equip these rooms with, how much you need square meters, and what layout will be optimal.

Ideally, such a “house” should include a cooking area, a dining room, a dressing room where you will change clothes, a washing area, and a section with a bathroom.

Since the kitchen will also serve as a place to relax, it is better to build it on the north side, where it will be cooler. And the steam room will be even hotter due to its location in the south. If you wish, you can supplement such a house with some more extensions.

As for furnishings, a functional summer kitchen should include a sufficient number of cooking surfaces, a stove, a sink, and a refrigerator. The dining area will contain a table and chairs (or stools).

In the kitchen area you can put a comfortable bench or sofa for relaxing, as well as equipment.

Attention! To heat the bathhouse and cook food in the kitchen, you can put a common stove-stove, but in modern designs of this type are used separately heating elements for each of the zones.

Also, do not forget about barbecue equipment, all kinds of barbecues, ovens, smokehouses and other structures that will certainly come in handy during summer holiday. If your kitchen does not have walls, place them directly in this area; otherwise, allocate a place for such cooking on the terrace or next to the sauna house.

The bath area requires a steam room itself, several places to lie and a washbasin. Make sure the area is fireproof and have a sufficient supply of firewood to maintain optimal temperature in the bath.

Variety of materials

There are several types of materials that are suitable for the construction of personal buildings. This can be wood, special solid panels, metal, brick, glass surfaces that are resistant to damage.

The bath area must be sheathed with materials that will ensure insulation of steam and moisture. The glass in the windows of the bathhouse and dressing room must withstand temperature changes.

The most popular materials for the construction of such premises and interior decoration the tree remains. It has a low price, is available in any quantity, is easy to process, provides thermal insulation, and does not allow moisture to pass through.

But in order to prevent the material from deteriorating over time, take care additional protection from termites and other insects, cover the surface with products that protect against damage, and also think about how to make the wood more resistant to fire. In specialized stores you will find many impregnations and coatings with such properties.

Very effective in summer houses looks like glass. Of course, the bathhouse must be completely insulated, so this material is used to decorate only summer kitchens. Glass can be either transparent or frosted. It is strong enough that it can be present around the entire perimeter of the kitchen.

Glass has another advantage - it will give you the opportunity to watch your children while in the summer kitchen. And if you get creative with the decoration and layout, you can realize a lot interesting ideas with sliding glass doors and partitions.

Stages of construction of the structure

To create a summer kitchen combined with a bathhouse, it is not at all necessary to contact specialists. The technology for constructing such premises is quite simple.

All that is required of you is to complete the basic steps step by step. construction works:

  1. Creating a Project. Immediately think about how the main zones will be located, make markings, look at photo examples. When you make your choice, purchase all the necessary materials.
  2. Creating a foundation. It does not have to be monolithic: the strip and pile type are also suitable, since houses with a bathhouse and kitchen will be small in size.
  3. Construction of walls. The specifics of this stage depend on what material you decide to use. Most often for these purposes they choose wooden beams(a thickness of 10 by 10 cm is sufficient). A brick walls You can also insulate it at the same time if you plan to spend time here not only in the summer.
  4. Ensuring communications. Gas, water, electricity are important components of any comfortable room. And in such a house they are also important. Lay networks during the construction of walls or immediately after, depending on the specifics of the project itself.
  5. Construction of roofs. It is not necessary for the roof to cover both the bathhouse and the kitchen: sometimes the kitchen area is made open. Weigh the pros and cons - and start roofing work.
  6. Finishing. It is quite possible that you will decide to paint the walls outside or inside, and in more modern rooms - use siding, decorative panels and others Decoration Materials. Do not forget that the floor must also be given an aesthetic appearance.

After completion of construction and finishing works You can start furnishing. Arrange all the necessary furniture, select paintings for the walls, blinds or curtains, decorate the kitchen with other accessories - and such a house will look no less cozy than the cottage itself in your dacha.

Several successful projects

The first project of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is a wooden house with a terrace onto which the dining area has been moved.

Cooking takes place inside, and access to the bathhouse is possible both from the kitchen and from the street.

A design of a bathhouse with a kitchen and a terrace, similar in design, differs only in that the entire kitchen area moved inside.

pay attention to glass decor, which makes the sauna house more modern. As in the previous case, access to the bath area is possible through the outer door.

And this is what the kitchen area might look like from the inside. Blackout blinds create a stop that promotes relaxation after steam treatments.

The kitchen has everything you need, including modern appliances.

The photo below shows another kitchen project that opens into the dressing room. Due to the larger area, it was possible to expand the dining area.

All decoration is made of wood, but the room looks cozy, as it is complemented with textile elements.

These photos of projects confirm that building such a house on your site would be a great idea. Moreover, you will be able to provide yourself comfortable stay at any time throughout the summer and even in winter, if you take care of insulation and protection from the winds.


In addition to sunny, warm days, a hot summer also brings a bountiful harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries. It is especially pleasant to receive the gifts of nature from own plot. The only pity is that all this abundance does not last long. Therefore, almost all summer residents are enthusiastically and enthusiastically engaged in conservation.

Now imagine: standing in front of a hot stove for several hours in a row, stirring the jam with a spoon... The heat and delicious smells spread throughout the house, are absorbed into clothes and furniture... How do you like this prospect?

It is partly because of this that summer kitchens enjoy the well-deserved love of citizens. It is best to create culinary miracles away from a residential building.

Prudent and economical homeowners prefer to combine a summer kitchen with other outbuildings, for example with a bathhouse.

Bathhouse designs with a summer kitchen are interesting for several reasons:

  • Space saving– two buildings, a bathhouse and a summer kitchen separately, will take up much more space on the site more space than when combined;
  • The kitchen, in addition to its main function, performs, and the kitchen stove also serves to heat the steam room;
  • The price of a two-in-one building is one and a half times cheaper construction and equipment of two separate buildings;
  • The time and effort spent on construction is minimal.

Selecting a construction project

The design of a summer kitchen with a bathhouse should be chosen carefully: so that the new building fits into general form plot and matched it in style. Agree that the design of a bathhouse with a kitchen made of profiled timber does not look very good next to a brick or cinder block house!

What else should you consider before starting construction?

  1. Construction material.

If a residential building has already been built on the site, such a question does not even arise: of course, from the same material. But if the bathhouse/kitchen is the first and so far only building? This is where you need to calculate everything a few steps ahead. The second construction of houses is not far off.

Such auxiliary buildings are erected from wood, cinder block, brick, or use several types of building materials at once. Naturally, the tree tops the list.

And there are reasons for this:

  • democratic prices;
  • ease of processing;
  • excellent heat and moisture insulation characteristics.

  1. Dimensions.

After choosing the material for construction, you need to decide on the dimensions. For a company of 5-6, the bath area should be at least 10 square meters. The dimensions of the kitchen-dressing room itself are calculated based on the wishes of the owner.

You can look at the designs of bathhouses with a summer kitchen offered by construction companies and modify them with your own hands to suit your sizes and requirements.

  1. Location.

To keep the room warm, it is important to special attention consider the location of the entrance to the kitchen and steam room. It is advisable to do it from the warm and sunny southern side.

One more important point is the distance of the bathhouse from residential buildings, your own and neighbors, especially if you plan to heat the bathhouse in a black way. A minimum distance of 12 meters from neighbors must be maintained - then there will be no complaints against you.

If a “smokeless” bathhouse is being built, according to fire safety rules it is moved 5 meters or further away from the house.

  1. Internal equipment.

The location of the bathhouse/kitchen on the site is inextricably linked with its technical content. We suggest leaving this important issue to the professionals. And let the installation of all communications be within your power - the instructions will help you, but consult a specialist when choosing equipment.

We build it ourselves

So, the project has been chosen, construction material purchased, the site has been cleared - where to start construction?

Naturally from the foundation.

  • The foundation is arranged depending on the soil on the site and its stability. or installed concrete slab on a sand cushion;
  • Walls are built on the foundation. As you already know, perfect option– wood;
  • Roof. The material for covering the roof is also very diverse - choose according to your taste and budget. An open veranda can even be covered from rain with polycarbonate, transparent or colored;
  • Furnace installation. The “heart” of the entire building - the heater stove is placed on the subfloor, on a row brickwork, i.e. pouring a separate foundation is not required;

  • Conducting electricity, water, drainage device. This is where you may need advice or work from specialists. More important than saving on their payment is your safety!
  • Finishing work and decoration of premises.

That's all - the summer kitchen combined with a bathhouse is ready. It's time to invite guests!


We told you about such a convenient and practical possibility of combining a bathhouse and a summer kitchen. And the most economical owners may prefer a summer kitchen project with a garage and a bathhouse, and even with small greenhouse. After watching the video in this article, you will find many interesting and reasonable solutions. Good luck!

We hope that our simple tips will be useful to you and, after a short period of time, fun events will take place at your dacha. friendly get-togethers on open veranda summer kitchen, and the steam room of the bathhouse will always be hot!

In building country life an important role is played by the presence and correct location auxiliary buildings. After all, they greatly simplify the life of the owners, save time and allow you to enjoy a good rest in nature. Lovers of conservation and outdoor dining cannot do without a summer kitchen, gazebo or veranda. A bathhouse or sauna will help you forget about everyday worries. And when limited area of a summer cottage, such extensions can be successfully combined.

Advantages of combined objects

Even at the stage of drawing up a design drawing, all the advantages of such a neighborhood are visible. After all, a bathhouse combined with a summer kitchen will increase the functionality of the entire room, and in capable hands will become original decorative element summer cottage plot.

Users often search:


  1. If construction work is carried out on a common foundation and under one roof, the cost of building materials will be reduced. This means that the total cost of the structure will be much cheaper.
  2. A unified heating system for the house and outbuildings saves energy resources several times.
  3. Proper design of a bathhouse with a summer kitchen will reduce the area of ​​the land used.
  4. Such a building can easily be turned into a guest house by providing a lounge there, and a terrace or veranda - into an outdoor kitchen.
  5. If, according to the plan, the building is closely adjacent to the main house, then you do not need to worry about creating paths that would connect the structures to each other.
  6. Possibility of year-round use.
  7. Improving an existing structure and adding other rooms to it will not require significant costs.
  8. The close location to the house will simplify the process of connecting communications.
  9. Independently developing the design of a building will add individuality to the interior and convey the character and passion of its inhabitants. In addition, money is saved on hiring specialists in this field.
  10. A convenient place for receiving guests in the warm season, and if the terrace is glazed, then you can have gatherings with friends even in winter, warming up by the stove or fireplace.

When choosing a place for construction, you need to remember that the entrance to the bathhouse and summer kitchen should be located on the south side, to the recreation room - on the north.

Photo: project of a bathhouse and an open gazebo

In addition, according to fire safety standards, placing a bathhouse at a distance closer than 5 m to residential premises is strictly prohibited.

Project options

The layout of the future joint structure directly depends on the area of ​​the bathhouse, the adjacent kitchen and the functions that the room should perform. In sizes finished building can reach tens of meters on one side.

Photo: project of a wooden bathhouse with a barbecue area

An interesting solution would be:

  1. The construction of a common oven indoors, part of which will be responsible for cooking, while the other will become an integral element of the steam room.
  2. Creation two-story structure, Where attic floor can be arranged as a living room, bedroom or billiard room. In this case, it is worth immediately providing for the presence of a bathroom in the building.
  3. Construction of a small steam room with a kitchen will take no more than 20–25 square meters.
  4. If, in addition to everything, the owners want to place an open terrace in the building and arrange a garage, they immediately need to add 12–20 square meters to the total area.
  5. A practical layout option is a bathhouse combined under one roof with a summer kitchen, a veranda and a cellar or basement for storing and preserving vegetables.

Each owner decides which project to give preference to independently, taking into account the size of the free space, personal functional needs and financial capabilities.

The main stages of creating a design

Having settled legal issues legality of such a building, and having received permission for its construction from the relevant services, you can begin to implement the technical work plan.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of territory and materials.
  2. Site marking.
  3. Compilation individual drawing or choosing an existing building project.
  4. Laying the foundation.
  5. Assembling the frame and walls.
  6. Establishing communications.
  7. Construction of the roof.
  8. The final stage of construction is the completion of interior and exterior finishing.
  9. Interior decoration.

If the layout of the room implies the presence of a second floor, when laying the roof you need to worry about its thermal insulation.

Project development

You can draw an exact design diagram yourself or seek help from professionals. Moreover, ordering the services of employees of such organizations will cost several times more than hiring an experienced freelance designer. And this will not affect the quality of work in any way.

If you decide to develop a building drawing with your own hands, then it will be useful:

But before you decide the required type project, you need to clearly understand where each of the rooms will be located so that their location does not cause inconvenience. If desired, you can add to such a building:

  • bedrooms;
  • locker room;
  • dressing room;
  • bathroom;
  • billiard room;
  • garage;
  • open veranda;
  • room for firewood.

At the same time, each of the additional zones should alternate harmoniously and correctly, without creating unnecessary fuss.

What materials are better to choose?

At first glance, it may seem that the range of products for building a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is quite limited, but this was the case before. Now to implement such projects they use:

  • brick;
  • tree;
  • sheets of metal;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • heat-resistant glass;
  • sandwich panels.

When performing high-quality finishing work you will need:

  • insulation;
  • steam and waterproofing materials;
  • moisture-resistant solutions;
  • fire retardant impregnations;
  • paint and varnish products.

The main criterion for choosing construction products is the landscape and climatic conditions of the region.

And so that the design harmoniously combines with other buildings on summer cottage It is better to create it from similar raw materials.

Photo: this is what a finished sauna stove looks like

Special attention should be paid to the laying of the heating and cooking device, be it an oven or a barbecue. Following fire safety rules, it is recommended to use fire-resistant bricks as a basis.

Construction raw materials for a bathhouse must be environmentally friendly so that when heated, toxic fumes and resins do not enter the air.

That is why the demand for structures from natural wood It only grows every year. This type of material is practical, easy to install and has a low cost. And timely treatment of timber with moisture-resistant impregnations will increase the service life of the entire structure.

Creating a foundation and erecting a frame

When pouring the base of a bathhouse and summer kitchen, there is no need to lay a monolith. Perfect for this type of building screw piles or strip foundation.

Materials for it can be:

  • various types of tiles;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • soft roof.

It is worth noting that for the second floor roofing there is no need to purchase metal tiles as they will create a lot of noise during rain or strong winds.

Summing up communications

Two different zones one building should be a logical continuation of each other. Often they are connected by a universal stove-heater, which simultaneously performs the function of heating a bathhouse and is a cooking device for the kitchen.

In addition, the design must be correctly approached:

  • electricity;
  • water disposal and supply;
  • ventilation.

If you do not have any knowledge in electrical engineering, for safety reasons you should abandon the DIY option and entrust this task to an experienced specialist.

When installing a drainage system, you need to make sure that there is a durable shutter valve that will prevent unpleasant odors from flowing out from the sewer.

Ventilation is necessary measure ensuring a normal indoor microclimate, which prevents the occurrence high humidity and fungus. But the owners decide whether to choose a natural one or purchase an electronic version based on their financial capabilities.

When developing a project for such a structure, you need to realistically assess the size of the building area and the allowable budget Money, in order to make a timely decision about whether it will be possible to do it on your own or whether it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

Video: bathhouse projects with a summer kitchen
