Set up a shower in your dacha. Building a summer shower with your own hands - step-by-step photos and video instructions. Video: design of a summer shower made of metal profiles

Perhaps all summer residents know that it is simply impossible to live without a shower on the property. This is especially true in summer time when, after a whole day of working in the beds, it is necessary to take water procedures simply for reasons of hygiene.

Collect Summer shower easy, and there are a great many manufacturing options. Some aspects of the work will be discussed further.


As a temporary solution, you can make a simple shower: fix a metal or plastic tank, preferably dark color, with a tap and mixer, make a screen. Everything will take a minimum amount of materials, time and labor, so such a structure can be erected in a few minutes.

Polycarbonate shower

Stages of work:

  • First, the site where construction is planned is leveled.
  • Then you need to mark the place. A wooden peg is driven into the ground. Then, at a distance of about two meters from it, the next one is driven in and the cord is pulled between them.
  • Similarly, two more pegs are driven in and connected to form a square. To check the correctness of the markings, compare the diagonals; they must match.
  • In the corners of the markings it is necessary to dig holes about 1 meter deep.
  • Wooden or metal poles. It is important to remember that the part of the pillar that will be below ground level must be treated with waterproofing materials, for example, wrapped in roofing felt. As a sealant necessary to firmly hold the post in the ground, you can use broken brick or concrete if we are talking about a metal frame.
  • Then you need to lath the structure. At a distance of about a meter from each other, boards are nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws or metal profile pipes are welded. Such lathing must be done over the entire area of ​​the walls. Where the door will be, there is no lathing.
  • Then polycarbonate sheets are mounted on the walls. The sheet is cut to size and screwed with self-tapping screws.
  • The next stage of construction is the installation of the roof. As roofing material You can use, for example, simple slate. Several horizontal beams are pre-laid and secured, which will perform the functions rafter system. Sheets of slate are laid and secured on them. It is worth considering that on one side, under load-bearing beam Small blocks should be placed in order to provide the angle of inclination necessary for precipitation to drain.
  • Next, the water tank is installed. In the place of its installation it is necessary to additionally strengthen the ceilings. The tank can be made, in principle, from any material, but preference should be given to plastic. Such a tank will be much lighter than a metal one, which is important.
  • And finally, the final stage is installing the door: suitable size wooden frame sheathed with polycarbonate and mounted on hinges.

As a floor, you can use a simple pallet, which is a lattice made of wooden beams.

Shower cabin on a metal frame

To make a shower cabin, you can use a metal corner.

  • First, the frame is welded. Its dimensions are chosen arbitrarily, but the height of the structure must be at least 2 meters.
  • After the frame is made and installed, a water tank is mounted on top, and some opaque film stretched between the supports will serve as the walls.

To shower one person, you will need at least 20 liters of water, which means that even the smallest water tank should have a capacity of about 50 liters. It follows that the installation site of this tank must be well reinforced.

Video: construction of a summer shower on a metal frame with a 220 l barrel

Among the materials, we can mention the now familiar metal profile. As in the previous case, the frame of the building is assembled and then sheathed with this material. In principle, this option deserves attention, but from a practical point of view, metal is not the best choice.

In the shower there will be constant contact with water, which means that no matter how well the profile sheet is covered protective compounds, corrosion will begin fairly quickly.

Again as a temporary measure for a quick fix The issue can be resolved this way. If all the materials necessary for construction are available, such a structure can be assembled in just a few hours. But perhaps this is one of its few advantages.

Video: design of a summer shower made of metal profiles


This option is good in all respects, as it allows you to use the shower in any weather, however, its design is somewhat more complicated and requires greater knowledge and skills.

One might add that one of the the most important conditions The work of such a shower is to provide reliable thermal insulation. The most suitable material for this is polystyrene foam. It is resistant to moisture and easy to install. And if you also cover it with a thick film, you will get an almost sealed room that will be relatively warm in itself.

To speed up the heating of water in the tank, it can be painted black.

If a heated system is used, then it can be additionally equipped with an automatic water supply, which will make your life even easier, but all these technical devices will entail additional financial investments.



Progress has reached the point that you can purchase a one-piece outdoor shower module in a construction supermarket for about ten thousand rubles. However, you can save at least twice and make the same one yourself. Before you start building a shower in your dacha, you need to carefully work out the details, such as the project itself, in which part of the site the shower will be located, and decide what materials it will consist of. In addition, you need to take into account the ease of use factor both during use and maintenance.

Set yourself the following goals:

  • Hygiene is the main goal and nothing should interfere with it
  • Environmentally friendly – ​​waste water is harmful and can cause harm environment. Locate the drain in a safe place.
  • Practicality - in any weather it should be convenient and accessible to freshen up or wash.
  • Aesthetics - appearance must fit into the overall picture of the summer cottage.
  • An alternative – there’s even a separate paragraph about this – is a collapsible or “invisible” shower.
  • Savings – reduce labor and financial costs to a minimum, but not at a loss to the construction.

Selecting a location

The water should not stagnate, so you will need a slight elevation to position the shower. You should not start building a shower in a depression or depression, as the water will have nowhere to drain.

Selection right place taking a shower will help you avoid problems in the future
Gravel backfill promotes rapid absorption of water into the soil

If you have a barrel as a source of water, then it would be more appropriate to install the building in a place where it will be as accessible to the sun as possible in order to ensure good heating of the water. If you need artificial heating, then choose a location based on the location of the water supply.

Another factor for convenience will be the location not too far away, so that you can quickly get home after water treatments.

Size calculation

It is important that it is comfortable for almost any person to be inside. On average, the parameters can be like this:

  1. height - 200–300 cm;
  2. length - 150-200 cm;
  3. width - 120-150 cm.

Such dimensions will require minimal space and material consumption, as it is adapted to standard sizes building materials.

Optimally convenient sizes for a shower in the country

Required tools and materials

To complete the work you will need typical tools: tape measure, hammer, level, screwdriver and saw.

Tools you will need to build a shower

What materials you will need depends on what you decide to use to build your shower. summer cottage. But in any case, a supply of nails, screws, and plumbing materials such as pipes, tanks, taps, and watering cans is necessary.

Regardless of whether you are building a garden shower from polycarbonate, brick, slate or some other material, you will need cement, sand and filler for the foundation. Try to calculate the quantity bulk materials so that there is no excess left.

In the final stage, do not forget to please yourself with decorative elements and necessary accessories, such as hooks and a curtain.

Options for shower designs for a summer residence

Except complex structures you can also use minimalist versions.

Portable shower - the name speaks for itself. To operate it, you will need a container of 20 liters (it will last about 10 minutes). Having filled the tank with water, it is left in the sun to heat the water. At the right moment, simply place it at the required height and use it.

Inexpensive option shower that can be used anywhere

This option works well if you are in a place where there is no access to a stationary shower. And on top of that, you can use a portable shower for your garden anywhere.

Portable shower trampler

A shower in the house, or rather directly next to it, will be simple and convenient. This type of shower can be located against the wall of the building. Installation is quite simple.

  1. Removing the water supply hose from the wall
  2. Studying the drainage or drainage of water
  3. Installing a watering can and connecting it to hoses
  4. Screen installation

This type of shower is convenient because it does not require much effort to install and can be disassembled for the cold season.

In addition, the water does not need to be heated by the sun; it comes from the public water supply. As a result, you get warm or even hot shower at the dacha without special effort. Shower walls can be made of polycarbonate or other quickly installed material. However, be careful to drain water They didn’t start to wash away the foundation of the house.

This summer shower uses hot water from home

One of the most popular shower options is the stand-alone version combined with a change room. It can be either a whole room broken into parts, or made from different modules.

Combined construction of a shed with a shower

Country showers of this type are temporary and require a frame since, unlike brickwork, it can be disassembled quite easily. The frame can be either wooden or metal. In both cases, treatment with special means is required to avoid damage from moisture.

To assemble this structure, a lot of work is not required. We mark the territory and level it. It is advisable to create a cushion mound of sand and granulation. Then we lay the boards and install the assembled structure or assemble it on site.

Portable shower in a case. There can be many types of such showers. But the essence remains the same everywhere - the volume of water is maximum for two, problems with heating the water. But this shower doesn’t even need a drainage hole—the environment can definitely handle a couple of dozen liters of dirty water.

No doubt, the most convenient thing is not far from the site and with all the amenities. However, such versions may become good help V field conditions.

Preparing the base

For various types construction of country showers is required different levels preparation. This means that the base also needs to be different.

For a portable shower, you only need to remove about 15 centimeters of soil and fill it with sand mixed with gravel.

For more complex buildings, a foundation will already be required. Its depth depends on the load that the building materials will provide. For a vertical shower 300 centimeters high made of brick, you will need 30 centimeters of foundation.

Capital construction of a shower in the country

The bookmark algorithm is quite simple, namely:

  1. We determine the area using pegs at the corners of the shower
  2. Using pegs we stretch a cord to mark the perimeter
  3. We place formwork if necessary
  4. In order to leave room for the pipe, any cylindrical object wrapped in roofing material is inserted
  5. At the end, pour the solution

Drain pit equipment

For normal operation The drainage pit requires an average of 2 cubic meters. To make it durable and serve you as long as possible, it is advisable to strengthen the walls of the pit. This will help avoid soil fall. In addition, it is desirable that the drain be located a couple of meters from the shower itself. This is necessary for two reasons: to prevent erosion and destruction of the foundation and the formation of unwanted odors.

Taking into account the above, make a personal calculation of the volume of the pit based on how much water will go there at a time.

You should also ensure that the pit does not dry out or overfill - both will damage the operation of the pit. You should not drain into a common pit as this will negatively affect the microflora and will quickly fill the pit.

A drainage pit for a shower can be made from old tires and placed directly under the building

The choice of containers for collecting water is very large. There are tanks in stores of all shapes and sizes, it all depends on your needs. The most convenient is flat tank, black in color, since due to the narrow layer of water the rays do not have to penetrate far, and the black color absorbs more heat– as a result, the water heats up faster. Such tanks are equipped with special water outlets, which simplifies the installation of the system.

Flat black tank heats up faster in the sun

You can artificially heat water using a heater. Here you should remain careful - the insulation may leak and a short circuit will occur or the water will be electrocuted.

Shower container with built-in shade

If it is not possible to buy a container in a store, you can make it from scrap materials, for example, a household barrel or weld it from sheets of metal.

When purchasing and installing a tank, consider how its weight will be distributed and how much water your family will need. To make it easier to collect water, you can connect a hose to the container.

Lighting and ventilation of a country shower

Lighting will be useful, since you will have to take a shower in the dark. However, when laying and distributing wires, follow the safety rules:

  • Work with wires without damaging the insulation
  • Make the wiring so that it does not interfere with movement both indoors and outdoors
  • Carefully insulate joints
  • Provide moisture protection for switches and lamps

For ventilation, make a window or a special hole with a grill or mesh so that debris and insects cannot get inside. Ventilation will help avoid arguments and bad odors in the shower.

For good ventilation it is necessary to make an opening window

It is logical that it is best to finish with those materials that will not deteriorate due to moisture getting on them, this can be plastic, plastic, oilcloth and even linoleum. If you decide to make a wooden shower for your dacha, then all the material must be primed before painting and then covered with hot drying oil (each board separately).

It is worth taking care of the floor covering. On a concrete or sand floor, you can lay a wooden grid, also treated with drying oil, and a rubber mat on top.

You can use a wooden grid as a floor

A locker room with various accessories will also be useful inside. A shelf in the shower can be made together with hooks to conveniently fold or hang clothes and accessories. Keeping the locker room dry is also important, so you can raise the floors using any means at hand that will ensure the stability of the grid.

Owners summer cottages and private houses, simple shower stalls are often erected in their yard, and many are figuring out how to make a shower in the country with their own hands. This is the simplest option, which does not require a large financial investment or effort from you, but you need to approach the process carefully.

Many people try to arrange their dacha as comfortably as possible. Therefore, electricity, water supply and other communications are installed in the house. But few people refuse to shower outside either. Moreover, you can build a temporary structure or even a permanent building. It all depends on the needs and capabilities of the owner.

But despite it would seem simple task, before construction, it is necessary to correctly design everything, choose a location and purchase the required materials. After all, a summer shower needs to be made comfortable, free and easy to use.

Choosing a place for a shower

It is difficult to describe all the advantages of building a summer shower at the dacha. But the main ones are still:

  • ease of construction;
  • small financial injection;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • savings, because you don’t need to heat the water;
  • satisfaction from a pleasant hot water Anytime.

But for the shower to be truly practical, you need to choose the right location. In this case, it is worth taking into account all the features of the structure. The place should be as flat as possible or even slightly elevated, then the water will drain easily and quickly. But areas in a hole or lowland should be avoided. Placing it in such a place will only create water stagnation. Especially during rainfall. And the stock will be much more difficult to register.

Ideal option There will be a platform in an open area, which is perfectly illuminated by the sun's rays. It’s better to create a shower a little further away from other buildings. This way, the barrel of water will quickly warm up under the sun, and you will have warm water for much longer. This condition is not important if you are building a shower with a device for heating water.

But, nevertheless, your shower should not be located too far from your home. After all, after swimming, you need to find yourself in a warm room as quickly as possible.

Shower on site

Before building the shower itself, consider the water flow. The best option is to discharge the water into a special septic tank or septic tank. It is also worth considering how the water tank will be filled. It is ideal to provide water supply automatically.

Calculating shower parameters

The following parameters for a summer shower for a summer cottage are considered standard:

  • from 2 to 3 m height;
  • about 1.90 m length;
  • 1.40 m width.

Do not forget that the building itself should be quite spacious so that you feel comfortable staying in it. In addition, you need to allocate a separate space for personal belongings and bath accessories. This requires a minimum of 0.4-0.6 m.

Of course, the size can be very varied and depends on everyone's needs. When you have decided on the values, it is worth creating a drawing. You can draw it yourself or look for a ready-made one suitable option in the Internet.

Drawing of a traditional simple shower

The given parameters are quite comfortable, since the total area of ​​the shower will be 2 x 1.5 m (taking into account the thickness of the walls). If used as building material wooden boards regular size, you will have virtually no waste left.

Construction of a summer shower

When the parameters have been calculated and the location has been selected, then it’s time to get started preparatory work. Let's look at how to make a shower in the country with your own hands, while choosing the simplest option in terms of spending money and effort. Initially, you should remove the surface ball of soil from the area on which the shower will stand. Then the base for the building is leveled. After this procedure, you should fill the area with sand.

The structure itself can be light and consist of a simple frame or be a permanent building. Consequently, construction will be radically different. Below is step-by-step instruction the process of creating a simple version.

  1. Pouring the foundation.

The foundation is needed to ensure that the entire structure stands securely on the ground. Despite small sizes, it’s still better to use markings to ensure the base is level. It is enough to simply drive pegs into the ground around the perimeter of the site. Then, after checking the diagonal, pull the cord over the top of the peg.

Creating a foundation for a shower

The parameters of the base directly depend on the size of the shower and the materials used. If you are going to create a building made of cinder block or brick, then the foundation should be about 30 cm thick. If it is wooden or metal carcass, then everything will be different.

Before you start pouring the foundation, you should start laying pipes, or rather preparatory work. Take a log or thick branch of the required thickness and wrap it with roofing felt. It is laid when pouring the foundation, so you will have space for laying the pipe.

If you plan to use such a shower for as long as possible, then the foundation should be raised above ground level by 15 cm. To do this, you will have to build formwork. In this case, the height of the trench is increased with the help of boards, which are secured with spacers and stakes.

The main condition for creating a base for a shower is to fill an absolutely flat surface. Therefore, during work, two guides and a building level are used (as when screeding a floor). In this case, both guides must be level, and when pouring concrete mortar alignment occurs along these guides, creating a floor base. Only a good horizontal surface will be a suitable basis for constructing a shower.

Ready foundation for building a shower

  1. Frame installation.

The construction of the frame can be made from wooden beams or metal profile. The latter option is more reliable and will last many times longer. But using wood is a more economical option.

If, however, the choice fell on a wooden frame, then it is worth considering that such material is very susceptible to damage by fungus and rotting processes from constant contact with water and other atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to properly treat wood using special impregnations. They protect the tree from the growth of fungus and insect pests so that the building lasts as long as possible.

When the parameters have been calculated and the materials have been purchased, you can begin constructing and installing the frame.

IN in this case You can use a pile type foundation. Before its creation, the site is marked. The result should be a rectangular shape, and its sides should correspond to the size of the shower. In each corner of the marking you need to make wells within 1.30-1.70 m. The exact depth depends on the pipes used.

After this, a foundation is formed from metal pipes. It is most profitable to take pipes whose length is from 1.5 to 2 m and about 10 cm in diameter.

But, as practice shows, you can even use sleepers from railway. The piles should sink into the soil so much that 20 cm remains above ground level. After this, they can be filled with concrete. When the filling dries well and sets, the installation of timber beams begins. For these purposes, you should not take timber larger than 10 cm in diameter.

Metal carcass

Next is to make a dressing. In other words, you need to bolt the entire frame together from top to bottom. If you followed all the rules for creating a frame, then you can put a fairly large tank or other water reservoir on top.

When choosing the volume, you should proceed from the calculation of 40 liters per person. But you should not exceed 200 liters. It's not just a lot of weight. The water will take much longer to heat up. The best option is to use a flat tank. And its edges should rest against the edges of the roof.

Shower covered with film

The dressing created inside will be the base for the floor and will act as a joist.

Walls can be made from various available materials:

  • slate sheets;
  • OSB board;
  • wood boards;
  • plastic panels;
  • PVC film and other options.

You can even sheathe it with boards from an old fence. This way you will not only save money, but also avoid cluttering your yard.

  1. Connecting the communications system.

Particular attention should be paid to communications. This stage will require you Money. After all, you will need to purchase necessary materials, which are unlikely to be found in the yard.

  • Pipes and tank installation.

After the structure is completely assembled, installation should begin. water pipe. The outlet for the watering can hose should be above head level. Otherwise the pressure will not be enough.

You can buy a tank in a store, for example, made of plastic. But if you don’t want to spend extra money, then you can use a regular metal barrel or any suitable container.

Before lifting the tank up, it is worth making a thread with an outlet. You also need to install the faucet and nozzle. Only after this can the container be placed on top and firmly fixed. Basically, water collected in an outdoor shower is heated by sun rays. To make the process faster, it is worth painting the tank with black paint. Ideally, the tank can be covered with film, creating a greenhouse effect. And in order to significantly reduce heat transfer, you can attach foil from the north.

  • Light.

If you install lighting in country shower, then do not forget about the features installation work. After all, increased moisture is constantly present inside the cabin. For summer version It will be enough to build a small window. The luminous flux is enough for swimming. Don't forget to install frosted glass V window frame. If you use the shower in spring period, then it’s still better to carry out lighting.

  • Ventilation system.

To improve air flow and increase protection against condensation droplets, it is better to make a hole in the ceiling. It is easy to disguise it using decorative grilles, which are sold in the store, as in the photo.

  • Drain system.

During hot periods, the use of summer showers increases significantly. Therefore, the drain must be of appropriate capacity. The ideal option is a merger drain pipe from the shower and the drain from the house.

Placing it on a hill will allow wastewater to be removed as simply and quickly as possible. To prevent the collector's pit from crumbling, additionally strengthen its walls. When choosing the size of the waste pit, keep in mind that the volume should not be less than 2 cubic meters.

It is considered a mistake to place a septic tank under the shower stall or near its wall. If a large amount of water enters, it may collapse. Moreover, after a while drainage functions will be carried out worse and worse, which creates bad smell. Also, constant flooding destroys the foundation, which can lead to damage to the shower. So the drain must be located several meters outside the shower.

  1. Pallet installation.

To allow water to drain from the septic tank, you need to install a tray in the shower stall. You can take ready-made pallets, as in the photo. Or make it from stainless steel sheet. But the cheapest option is to use a wooden pallet. You can make do with boards. But when laying, gaps must be left so that water can escape. This lattice must be processed special means with antiseptic properties and polished to a smooth state. To make bathing more comfortable, place a mat on the floor.

The installation of the pallet ends with its fixation to the walls. The fastening element is self-tapping screws.

A simple shower option is ready to use. The only thing that won't hurt is external finishing the buildings. This is necessary so that the structure looks organically in general interior yard Features of the cladding can be seen in the video. You can also paint the ceiling if you want to see a beautiful shower from the inside.

Knowing how to make a shower in the country with your own hands, you can easily choose the simplest option and build a building on your site, even if you are new to the construction industry. The result will please you. Warm water on a sunny day and pleasant water treatments will captivate any summer resident.

This will require skills in plumbing installation and tiling. But even a novice builder can cope with a simple shower on a finished pallet. The main thing is to correctly assess your capabilities.

Of course, it is much easier to plan a future shower room in a house under construction. In this case, imagination is almost unlimited:

  • construction of a shower room with a sloping floor;
  • device for a tray “recessed” into the floor;
  • installation of a monolithic pallet with a side;
  • installation of a finished pallet;
  • connection of a modern shower cabin.

So, to organize a sloping floor, even at the construction stage, its level must be made lower than the floors in the remaining rooms by at least 10-15 cm. The same applies to a shower with a tray, the edges of which are located at floor level - so that you do not have to make a threshold into the bathroom.

If you need to re-equip the shower room in finished house, and there is no way to dismantle the floors, you will have to limit yourself to only the last three “floor” options. Their advantage is undoubtedly - such a shower can be made with your own hands, even without professional skills.

Features of piping in the shower

The second method is much more complicated - first the water enters the collector, and from it separate pipes go to each object - sink, shower, toilet and other appliances. This solves the problem of pressure drop when several water intake points are turned on simultaneously.

Without special skills, it will not be possible to make a collector system correctly, so in houses built with your own hands, they use a series connection. And so that boiling water does not pour out of the shower when filling washing machine, it is enough to use pipes different diameters– 3/4” for the common pipe and 1/2” for connecting devices.

Another important point– organization of drainage from the shower. When choosing a siphon, you need to decide in advance:

When choosing a place for a shower, the distance of the sewer connection is important - if it is more than 3 m, you will have to do deaeration to remove the air coming with the water.

Waterproofing and ventilation of the shower - what to pay attention to

Organizing a shower even in wooden house– no problem thanks modern materials and solutions. So, you can level and protect the walls moisture-resistant plasterboard with mandatory gluing and puttying of joints. The sheets should not reach 0.5-1 cm from the floor. If the walls are concrete or brick, you can immediately begin finishing them.

The waterproofing is applied to the screed and should cover the entire floor, extending onto the walls at least 15 cm. The walls in contact with the shower are also covered with waterproofing.

It can be either mastic or built-up roofing material. Special attention should be paid to the outlets of pipes and electrical appliances. At the junction of the walls and floor, as well as at the corners, an additional sealing tape is glued, the edges of which are also rubbed with mastic.

But proper organization waterproofing the shower is only half the battle. Constant high humidity, even if it has no effect on facing material, can ruin the most modern bathroom. That's why forced ventilation should be provided for at the planning stage.

The direction of air in the ventilation shaft, if it affects and living rooms, should be from “dry” rooms to “wet” ones - the bathroom and kitchen. Otherwise, constant dampness in the bedroom will be ensured. At the same time, it is advisable to do the hood even if there is a window - in the cold season it is hardly rational to constantly ventilate the shower room.

Shower with a ready-made tray - a simple and aesthetic solution

Installing the tray is extremely simple - just follow the instructions. Steel and acrylic pallets, in most cases, are equipped with special legs. But even in this case, it is better to place the pallet on a monolithic base with a support in the center - so that it does not sag or move.

The installation process includes five steps:

To simplify installation, instead of installing glass screens, you can attach a curtain bracket. To add originality to your shower, you can use non-standard brackets - oval, semicircular or even spiral.

How to make a shower without a tray

A shower without a tray looks very stylish. Such a shower in the house is convenient for children and the elderly, as well as for bathing pets. The absence of a curb is compensated by the correct slope for draining water, so you don’t have to worry about complete flooding of the bathroom.

The process of organizing such a shower is also quite simple, although it takes a lot of time:

To avoid screeding the entire floor twice, you can make a shower with a border. To do this, bricks are laid along the desired contour, and the whole process is repeated, but only in the space limited by the curb.

How to make a shower with such a tray with your own hands is very clearly shown in the video:

If you spend the warm season at the dacha or suburban area, then before the start of the season it’s worth spending some time and building a wooden summer shower with your own hands. Even if you have a shower in your house, such a structure will definitely not be superfluous: in summer heat dousing yourself with cool water, slightly warmed by the sun, is really very pleasant.

Moreover, such a structure is quite simple to install, so even not the most experienced craftsman can cope with the task.

Tools and materials

Before we start work, we need to stock up on everything we need.

  • Wooden beams with a cross section of 50x50 mm and a length of up to 2.5 m. We will need from 4 to 6 such parts for the manufacture of vertical supports.
  • Beams or thick boards for the top and bottom trim, as well as to strengthen the frame.
  • Wooden slats for flooring.
  • Lining for covering the walls of a shower stall.

The best option would be to purchase larch blanks.
Maple, pine and ash also tolerate loads well, but cope less well with moisture.
In principle, oak can also be used, but for this purpose it is too expensive.

  • Water tank on the roof. It is advisable to purchase a special container with a wide neck and a lower pipe to which a faucet and shower head are connected.
  • If necessary, a shower tray (you can do without it).
  • Various accessories - towel racks, shelves, curtains, etc.

In addition, we will need consumables:

  • Fasteners - screws or nails.
  • Concrete for installing supports in the ground.
  • Materials for constructing a drainage well or.
  • A product for impregnating wood and protecting it from moisture and microorganisms.

As for the tools, here you can get by with a standard set:

  • Entrenching tool for excavation work.
  • Devices for mixing concrete (mixer or regular trough)
  • Wood saw (circular, reciprocating or hacksaw).
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Hand tool.
  • Brush or spray for applying moisture-proof impregnation.

When everything is ready, you can start working.

Drainage options

Drain pit

Before you start building a shower, you need to understand where all the waste water will go. The easiest way is to drain it onto the ground, but this is only possible if the shower is located at a distance from the site, and even on well-drained soil. Otherwise, we cannot avoid contaminated water getting into the beds or water intake sources.

Most often, a separate drainage well is installed for the shower:

  • In the selected area, we dig a hole up to one and a half meters deep.
  • We protect the walls of the pit from getting wet and collapsing by installing wooden formwork, masonry ceramic bricks or old car tires.

Price quality bricks is very high, therefore, for the construction of drainage pits, they most often use broken stones, or they take stones that have been used, but still retain their shape.

  • We lay drainage material at the bottom of the well. For this purpose, either pebbles or large crushed stone are used.
  • We make sides on top on which the frame of the shower stall will rest.

Septic tank or cesspool

If there is a cesspool or a septic tank, and we plan to install a shower no further than 10 meters from these structures, you can simply arrange a drainage ditch:

  • In the place where the shower is installed, we dig a shallow (up to 30 cm) pit. It will contain .
  • From the pit to the septic tank we dig a trench up to 20 cm wide. Optimal slope towards the drainage container is about 3 - 5 cm per 1 m.
  • Next, you can proceed in two ways: either concrete the bottom of the trench and cover it from above, leaving several inspection gratings, or lay sewer pipe for outdoor use. The second option is more preferable, and in terms of costs it will be approximately equivalent to the first.

At the same time, everything wastewater, formed under the shower, will be transported as quickly as possible to the septic tank, where they will be included in the process of waste decomposition and infiltration of purified liquid into the ground.

Important! If the design of your septic tank provides for regular pumping, then with the addition of a shower, the amount of drainage will approximately double. This fact should be taken into account when planning preventive measures.

Building a shower

Frame and sheathing

If we take the drawings of a wooden summer shower given in the article as a basis, anyone can build such a structure with their own hands.

However, beginners should carefully study the algorithm of work in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

  • The shower stall usually has small area at considerable altitude. This makes the structure unstable, which is why it is most often installed on supports buried in the ground.

This does not apply to lightweight portable showers with slatted frames - they are usually simply tied with wire to reinforcing bars driven into the ground.

  • To install supports, we make nests up to half a meter deep in the soil.. We fill the bottom of each nest with gravel - it will prevent the stand from sagging under its own weight.
  • We impregnate the lower parts of the racks with an antiseptic, wrap them in roofing felt and concrete them in the ground.. After pouring the concrete, we adjust the position of the supports according to the level and fix them in a strictly vertical position.
  • After this, you need to give the concrete time to gain strength.. Since the load on the supports will not be very large, the required 28 days are rarely waited: even a week is enough.

  • At the bottom we attach a harness made of beams. We install on them either a pre-purchased shower tray or a grid of slats connected to gaps of 0.5 - 1 cm for water to flow out.

The grate must be thoroughly sanded, otherwise the risk of getting a splinter in your bare foot will become very noticeable.

  • We install cross members in the middle part and reinforce them with braces. We connect all the parts using nails or self-tapping screws, after impregnating them with a moisture-proof compound.
  • We make it from beams top harness. We also install transverse joists that will hold the water tank.

  • We cover the outside of the shower stall with boards (lining is best). Most often, the sheathing is not brought to the floor by about 25 - 35 cm - this ensures optimal air circulation.
  • We install at the front wooden door with external and internal latches. Instead of a door, sometimes they simply hang a plastic curtain: this design is easier to manufacture, but less convenient to use.

It is worth attaching several hooks to the outer wall next to the door.
We will hang clothes and towels on them: this way they will not get wet during water procedures.

Equipment and decor

All we have to do is equip the water supply system.

And here it is best to implement classic solutions:

  • We install a water tank on the top of the shower. An industrial container made of dark plastic, with a neck located on top and a nozzle for a shower head on the bottom, is ideal.

Instead of a factory container, it is quite possible to use metal barrels, and polymer containers.
The main thing is that the structure is sealed and does not release toxic substances upon contact with water.

  • In areas where the only source of water is a well without a pump, the tank must be filled manually using buckets. To do this, we attach a fairly strong ladder behind or to the side.
  • If there is a water supply on the site (no matter whether it is central or autonomous), then it is much easier to connect a hose to the container on the roof. By connecting it to the water supply, we can quickly and effortlessly fill the tank with the amount of water we need.
  • In summer, the water in the tank heats up quickly. But in spring and autumn take cold shower not very nice. To ensure more efficient heating, we build a slatted frame around the tank, which we cover with transparent film or glass. Such an improvised greenhouse will provide comfortable temperature water even on a cloudy day.
  • We attach a watering can with a tap inside the cabin, checking the tightness of the pipe.
  • On one of the walls we attach a shelf for soap and a hook for a washcloth.

After this you can use the shower. And in order for it to last as long as possible, before the start of each summer season the cabin should be sanded and treated with an antiseptic, and then either varnished for external use or applied wood paint.


A summer shower made of wood, made according to the above algorithm, is quite simple, reliable and convenient. However, you can always make adjustments to the design by introducing either your own ideas or technical solutions, gleaned from the educational video in this article.
