Love rituals performed during the full moon. How to prepare for full moon rituals. Spells for mutual love to read before bed

In the current article we will explore such an unusual topic as love magic. After all, everyone has the desire to find a soul mate at some point, but the opportunity is rare. And you can perform the described rituals to attract love yourself at home.

If we managed to interest the reader, we begin to study the material and attract love into our lives!

Why do people turn to magic?

Many argue that now we live much better and more interesting than our parents and grandparents. However, it is difficult to argue against statistics. After all, people used to communicate more in reality. We correspond more often on social networks or special applications. Moreover, we don’t know some of our “friends” and will never meet them. The reason is quite banal - there is no desire on both sides for this. And here we are, each sitting in our own apartment, secretly dreaming of real, faithful comrades and true love. It’s just that relationships that are formed on the Internet mostly lead to disappointment and reluctance to continue trying. We withdraw into ourselves and accept our loneliness, over time we get used to it. But we don’t even notice how we are slowly withering away internally, suffocating without the opportunity to even just talk with a living person, and not with his profile photo. But we can no longer get out of the disgusting rut. Is it really possible to just resign yourself to your fate and be content with communicating with your family and few friends? Professional magicians and sorcerers shake their heads negatively and offer us their services to perform various rituals to attract love. Nevertheless, only a few decide to make an appointment, fearing a meeting with a charlatan. Which could actually happen.

But in this article we wanted to offer the reader magical ways that will help them achieve what they want on their own, without damaging energy and karma, without consequences and God’s punishment. If you want to achieve results in the shortest possible time, you will have to resort to dark and dangerous rituals that have serious consequences. In any case, we can only describe the techniques, and everyone should make the final decision independently.

Saying goodbye to past relationships

Before performing any of the proposed rituals to attract love at home, you must end your past relationship. If there are any. For example, by performing the following ritual:

  1. Buy in store helium balloon yellow color.
  2. Write the name of your ex-lover on a piece of paper.
  3. Then tie a note to the balloon and, feeling with every fiber of your soul the moment of farewell, release it into the sky, tuning yourself to the fact that there is no road to the past. Life goes on, and soon the right person will come into it, who will love, appreciate you, it will be easy and calm with him, this will be the man or woman of your dreams.

If the reader has a good imagination, experts advise imagining the following image: a man is standing on one side of the bridge, and his former lover is on the other; the bridge begins to burn, separating the man and woman from each other forever.

If you don’t take these rituals seriously, you don’t have to experiment with rituals to attract love. After all, they won't work. The sages of the East loved to say: in order to drink hot tea, you must first pour the cooled one out of the cup. That is, it is impossible to get something if the place is still occupied by someone else.

Let's start working on ourselves

The next step is to correct your own energy. After all, it has long been known that each person has his own energy field, which influences those around him. Traditionally it is believed that one energy attracts people, while the other, on the contrary, repels. This explains the unknown antipathy that suddenly arises towards completely to a stranger. That is why professional masters say that you can attract love only to special people. We will tell you how to become one in the current paragraph.

The most popular ritual for attracting love by correcting your energy consists of simple manipulations:

  1. On a full moon, seven red candles must be placed on the windowsill.
  2. Light them and sit next to them so that you can see the Moon.
  3. Write the following text on pink paper with a red pen: “I am beautiful, sexy, charming. My inner light attracts others. They are drawn to me, want to be closer, want to achieve my love. I exude the energy of passion and sex. I attract people of the opposite sex. My man feels my love. It’s how he finds me.”
  4. Place the note on the windowsill and place a glass of plain water on top of it.
  5. Repeat the text 13 times.
  6. Then wait until the candles burn out completely and drink the charmed water.

We are writing an advertisement

The next ritual for attracting love into your life is performed on the waxing moon. And for it you should prepare a red pencil, a white sheet of paper and two candles of a similar color. On the desired day, sit in front of a mirror, light candles and place them on either side of a reflective object. The main thing is that they are not reflected in it. Then take a pencil and write the text of the ad on paper, starting with the words “Looking for a man/woman.” And then describe your ideal partner: his appearance, internal qualities and everything else that comes to mind. Next, describe your advantages. For example, you can do this: I promise to give my person love, attention, affection, care, tasty food, etc.

When the ad is ready, it should be glued to the window. But it is important to do this so that the text faces outward. Only then will the magic work and the right person will answer the call.

Magic pen

Simoron rituals for attracting love are very popular and quite original. They are interesting because they have nothing to do with magical practices. And they are rather aimed at the psychological side of the issue. Their task is to liberate a person, to encourage him to do unusual or even strange things. However, despite the somewhat playful form, they really work and help achieve excellent results.

This unusual way implies the following actions:

  1. You need to purchase the pen you like in the store. It's better to choose the most beautiful one.
  2. And proclaim it magical.
  3. Then, on the full moon, draw two hearts next to each other on your left palm, right on the fate line.
  4. Fantasize on the topic “Dream Partner.”
  5. And then describe the romantic story of how you met on a piece of paper.
  6. Keep it until the dream comes true.

Original use of iodine

According to reviews presented on the Internet, the ritual described in the current paragraph is especially popular. And all because it allows you to achieve what you want in a short time. In this case, there is no need to deal with dark forces and prepare for dire consequences. You just need to buy iodine at the store and, when you get home, perform the following ritual to attract love into your life:

  1. Draw an infinity sign on the buttocks with iodine.
  2. Place two hearts in it.
  3. Fill the remaining area with mesh.

The most important thing is that all actions must be performed independently and preferably during the full moon. Nobody says it will be convenient or easy. However, the result will definitely justify all the efforts. After all, people who leave comments on the relativity of Simoron practices note that at first they did not really believe in a favorable outcome. But then they themselves recommended them to their friends. Because the ritual really worked. Perhaps the reader should try it too?

Panties to the rescue

The following Simoron ritual for attracting love is also very popular. For it you will have to use the item indicated in the title of the current item. Therefore, many may not agree to such madness. And according to adherents of original practices, they will make a huge mistake. After all, this is one of the most effective ways to find a soul mate. In any case, we will describe the necessary action and allow the reader to determine his own destiny.

The technology is quite simple:

  1. You should prepare red panties. It is important to note that any other color will not work. Only red is able to activate the necessary energy. It is also worth noting that new underwear cannot be used to attract love in the ritual with red panties. If you don’t have the necessary panties and have to buy them, you should wear them for a week to “infuse” your energy.
  2. Then the panties should be soaked in cold water and squeeze well.
  3. Then throw it on the chandelier. Moreover, it is necessary to throw it. It will be difficult, but otherwise the ritual will not work.
  4. When the necessary manipulations have been carried out, all that remains is to wait for increased attention from the opposite sex. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon, then there is a greater chance of success.

Magnetic slippers

To achieve the desired result, you should perform a ritual to attract love on the growing moon. For him, you should purchase the most beautiful, cutest and original slippers in the store that will suit a person of the opposite sex. Under no circumstances should you waste time and money on a purchase. Because the buyer must really like it. Then they need to be allowed to “acclimatize” in their apartment. This will take three days. Moreover, it is important to ensure that no one puts them on accidentally. Trying on a magic item yourself is also prohibited. This important conditions influencing the result! When the required period has passed, you need to do the following:

  1. Wait until midnight.
  2. Open front door.
  3. Stand in front of her (outside the house or apartment) on all fours.
  4. Place the slippers, pointing the socks into the house.
  5. And put your hands in them.
  6. After this, it is important to clap your palms with slippers on them three times.
  7. Say the words of the magic spell: “Betrothed-mummer, sweet-beloved, with a good character and without bad habits! Show up."
  8. And then “get as close as possible” to the magical object. You can carry it in your purse, carry it in the car, or even sleep with it. The main thing is to keep him close to you at all times.

The magic of a rose

To meet your true love, you can perform a ritual with a rose to attract love. For him it is necessary to get the most beautiful and fresh rose. Ideally, it should be picked from the garden. But if this is not possible, you can limit yourself to a store copy. The main thing is that the magic item is very cute. You will also need two candles of a similar color. The ritual is performed on a full moon, in complete solitude and accompanied by romantic music. IN right time You should light candles, relax and mentally tune in to the energy of love. Imagine how a rose exudes it, filling everything around with magical power. Then you should bring the flower to your face and inhale its aroma. At this moment, it is important to think about how love energy penetrates inside. When it seems that the desired effect has been achieved, you can say the words of the love spell three times: “Love was, love is, love will be. Love is my air, my sky, my earth. Love around me, love inside me. I breathe in love, I breathe out love, I attract love. Love is rushing to me."

Having completed these manipulations, you should put out the candle, put the rose in a vase in the most visible place and go to bed. The effect of the ritual to attract the love of a man or woman will not take long to occur.

Enchanted Apple

To perform this ritual you will need the specified fruit. However, experts note that it will be much more effective if you use a fresh apple. Ideally, something that was plucked from a tree with one’s own hands. This will enhance the magic and help you achieve the desired result much faster. However, if it’s winter outside, you can get by with store-bought fruit. The main thing is to choose the most beautiful one. Of course, if you want to meet a worthy person, and not some homeless person or loser.

So, when the main item is chosen, we wait for the full moon and proceed to perform the ritual:

  1. Take a red pen and pink paper, you should also prepare a knife and red thread.
  2. We write the following phrase: “I am open/open to love.”
  3. And we fold the note so that it fits into the apple.
  4. Cut the fruit into two parts.
  5. We put a note inside.
  6. And carefully rewind the two halves with red thread.
  7. The next day you need to bury the apple under any tree.
  8. And say the following words: “I take over the talent from Eve, who was able to seduce Adam. Now I can also attract my man. He will feel the energy of my love. He will feel my passion. He will find me anywhere."
  9. After this, the ritual to attract love on the full moon can be considered complete.

It is important to note that the ritual described above can be used to attract a specific person. That is, if the reader has a loved one who does not pay attention to him or, for some reason, does not dare to admit his sympathy, you can nudge him with the help of an enchanted apple. In this case, in the note it is necessary to write not the previously indicated phrase, but the first and last name of the chosen one. Further actions remain the same.

Miraculous water

In ancient times, young ladies, at the moment when the Moon increased - during the waxing Moon, stripped naked and plunged into a river or lake at midnight. Moreover, it was important that they walked along the lunar road, which was reflected in the water. It was believed that in this way you can attract love and happiness into your life. Nowadays, few of us would dare to perform the same ritual. And not everyone will have such an opportunity. But if you're lucky, you shouldn't give it up. Because the ancient ritual for attracting love to the waxing Moon will help you achieve results much faster than the one proposed below.

However, if you can’t dive into a body of water at night, but still want to meet your soul mate, you should resort to the home method. Which consists of the following manipulations:

  1. The first step is to prepare dried petals of any flowers, a jug of plain water, a wooden comb, your favorite dress, and a white towel. Also, for the ceremony you will need a large mirror and a bathtub, it should be filled with water at a pleasant temperature.
  2. When preparatory stage completed, we move on to performing the ritual to attract love on the new moon. We place the jug on the windowsill so that the light of the Moon is reflected in it.
  3. We wait several hours, the more the better. But it is important to carry out the ceremony in the dark.
  4. Pour flower petals into the bath.
  5. Pour the water out of the jug.
  6. We undress, take a comb with us and climb into the bath.
  7. We pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “Powerful forces, I turn to you. Change your destiny, give me true love, my person. Let it be so! Amen".
  8. And we plunge headlong into the water, continuing to hold the wooden comb in our hands.
  9. Then we get out of the bathroom, dry ourselves with a white towel and go to the mirror.
  10. We comb our hair, imagining how our loved one strives with all his might to meet them.

According to reviews, a ritual to attract love will definitely work. But the comb must be used daily. It is also best to carry it with you everywhere.

The full moon is a special mystical time of peak energy, so most rituals are recommended to be performed during this truly magical period. Experts believe that full moon rituals are endowed with the special, miraculous power of the full moon, so when they are carried out, you can get maximum results while spending a minimum of effort.

What rituals and ceremonies are performed on the full moon?

Traditional techniques for the full moon are rituals for money, for love and for the fulfillment of desires.

In this article we will analyze in detail all the most powerful and effective practices carried out during the full moon.


How to prepare for full moon rituals

Before you begin to carry out any rituals, you must first of all prepare well for them, and above all psychologically. Since all full moon rituals are mainly carried out at night, and this time of day traditionally evokes natural fears and natural instincts in many people, they need to be overcome or neutralized.

Here are some tips for performing rituals:

  • First of all, decide for yourself, do you really need it? Are you really ready to attract money, love, success and fulfillment of desires into your life in this way? If this is the case, then feel free to proceed and cast aside all doubts.
  • Be sure to look at the lunar calendar so as not to be mistaken. All full moon rituals are carried out during the period of the full moon, namely in the period from the 15th to the 17th lunar day. At this time, the “housewife of the night” concentrates all the forces accumulated over previous periods and is in its most active phase.
  • Basically, all rituals and ceremonies are carried out with the pronunciation of texts aloud - incantations, sayings, whispers. Prepare well, learn them by heart so as not to get lost during practice.

Well, let's move on to the rituals themselves?

Full moon rituals to attract money

If there is a money crisis in your life, if you are tortured money problems, if you just can’t get out of debt, or you just want to improve your financial situation, then wait until the next full moon and perform one of the rituals suggested below to attract money.

Ritual for money “Money water”

You will need:

  • 1-1.5 liter bottle
  • melt water
  • paper
  • pen
  • paper glue

On the night of the full moon, pour melt water into a bottle and place it in front of you. Close your eyes and for about one minute, create on your mental screen a picture of money falling from the sky (paper or metal, it doesn’t matter). Then take a breath, open your eyes, clasp the bottle with your hands and, as you exhale, mentally “transfer” this picture into the water, at the same time charging it with your energy through your hands.

After this, write a dollar sign $ on a small piece of paper, stick it on the bottle and transfer it to a windowsill that receives moonlight. Look through the window at the full Moon and say out loud three times: “Magic Moon - shine, charge the water with power!” Leave the water bottle to sit on the windowsill for two to three hours. After that, give it a place in the refrigerator and drink 2-3 sips of “money water” from it once a day.

Ritual for money “Money Magnet”

You will need:

  • 3 coins of any denomination
  • small magnet
  • small white or green candle

Before performing this ritual to attract money, you need to cleanse your home, since money really loves cleanliness and order.

Wait until it is completely dark and thoroughly clean your apartment or house. After this, arrange 3 coins in the form of a triangle, in the center of which place a candle. Light it and let it burn to the end. Then put the coins in the left pocket of the clothes you wear most often. Place a small magnet in your right pocket. Carry all this with you for exactly 7 days. If you change clothes, put money and a magnet in it. The financial situation should improve within a week.

Ritual for money “Money Bank”

This ritual to attract money should be performed if you urgently need a specific amount of money.

You will need:

  • Jar with lid
  • 7 coins of the same denomination
  • Paper
  • Pen

Wait until the full moon. Exactly at midnight, on a piece of paper, write with a pen the amount that you really need at the moment. Write it 2 times - in numbers and in words. Roll up the leaf and place it at the bottom of the jar. Then, with the hand with which you wrote, take 7 coins and throw them into the jar one by one, while saying: “The coins ring, they reflect the light of the Moon, wealth and money attract me!” Leave the jar overnight on the windowsill on which the moonlight falls. In the morning, remove it from the window, hide it in a secluded place and every day, until the next full moon, add 3 more coins (of any denomination) to this jar, repeating the same words.

Ritual for money “Moon Wallet”

You will need:

  • wallet or purse
  • paper money and coins

Wait until the full moon. After midnight, fill your wallet or purse with money to capacity. Use as paper bills, and coins. The main thing is that your wallet is completely filled with money, as they say, “bursting at the seams.” Place it on the windowsill that is illuminated by moonlight, and looking at the moon through the window, say the following words out loud: “As the moon is full, so is my wallet full of money!” Leave it on the windowsill until the morning. You can start spending money from your wallet only at 18 lunar days when the moon begins to wan.

Ritual for money “Moon meditation”

This ritual for attracting money stands out among the rest, as it is based on meditative practices. It is very powerful, and if you are good enough in meditation techniques, then correct execution This ritual will attract money to you with a very high degree of probability.

You will need:

  • A new banknote of any denomination (preferably larger)

Wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and sit in a moonlit area. Take a comfortable position, take a banknote by the ends with both hands and peer at it closely for 2-3 minutes. Imagine that the banknote is filled with moonlight, saturated with it, and itself begins to glow and shine. And the moonlight begins to turn into a beam of light connecting the Moon and the banknote. Come out of meditation when you feel that the banknote is maximally filled with the power of the full moon. Put this “charged” bill in your wallet and do not exchange it until the next full moon, it will serve as a money magnet for you and will significantly increase the incoming cash flow.

Ritual for money “Coin of Happiness”

You will need:

  • Coins of any denomination

After midnight on any day of the full moon, collect all the coins you have in your house. Make a wish for one of the sides of the coin that will be lucky for you (heads or tails). Collect them in a handful, shake them several times with the words: “I shake and tell fortunes, I find a coin of happiness,” and like dice, throw them onto some surface, for example, on a table.

After this, select only those coins that came up on the “lucky” side. Do this procedure several times until you only have one coin left. Happened? Congratulations! Now this is your “happiness coin”. Never waste it and always carry it in your wallet as a money talisman. It can also be used in fortune telling as an answer to a question (the lucky side will mean “yes”).

Don’t be upset if at the very end the last coins didn’t fall out on the hidden side – there just wasn’t a “lucky” one among them! Just repeat the ritual on the next full moon.

Ritual for money “Money spices”

You will need:

  • tablespoon raisins
  • tablespoon sugar
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • tablespoon walnuts

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and address the Moon with the following words: “Mistress of the night, accept the gift, and bring a lot of money!” After this, you need to scatter this mixture around yourself, making 3 turns counterclockwise.

Full moon rituals to attract love

I would like to point out right away that rituals to attract love and magical love spells are NOT the same thing. The difference between them is that love spells are always directed at a specific person and act against his will.

Rituals that attract love are designed to attract the Energy of Love, to increase the frequency of a person’s internal vibration to the level of the Frequency of Love.

Rituals to attract love, unlike love spells, are absolutely safe; they only help the practitioner meet his soulmate and become more attractive to people of the opposite sex.

Ritual for love “Note of love”

You will need:

  • 2 small red candles
  • small piece of paper
  • pen
  • scissors

Wait until the full moon. After midnight, place two candles on the table in front of you. One of them will be yours, the second will be your betrothed. On a small piece of paper with a pen, write your love wish, for example: “This year I will meet my soul mate and get married!” Using scissors, cut the “love note” in half and burn them one by one in the flame of a candle - one above yours, the other above your fiancé’s candle.

Ritual for love “Rose of Love”

As you know, the rose is an ancient symbol of love and is often used to attract love into your life. If you are single and passionate about meeting the love of your life, then you definitely need to perform this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 red candles

On the day of the full moon, go to the flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Place it at home in a beautiful vase and look at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood for yourself. After the clock strikes twelve at night, light the candles and place a rose between them. Turn on a romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this “composition” for a few minutes, enjoy, inhale the rose aroma, mentally imagining the image of your soulmate. After this, say out loud three times: “Love in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love is the sky above me, love is the earth below me, love is around me. I attract love, I welcome my betrothed!”

Watch this video. In it I show 3 rituals to attract love during the full moon.

Ritual for love “Talisman of Love”

This ritual to attract love can be performed at any time of the full moon, regardless of the time of day.

You will need:

  • personal photo
  • large flat plate
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • large red candle with candlestick
  • Red thread
  • ceramic bowl
  • natural red fabric

Take a red candle, hold it between your palms, and with your eyes closed, visualize yourself happy next to your loved one for a couple of minutes. Try to “send” the “picture” through your hands into the candle. After this, place the candle in a previously prepared candlestick and light it. Place a flat plate in front of the candle and place your photo on top of it (you should be alone in it).

On a plate around your photo, sprinkle a circle of cinnamon clockwise, while saying: “Let love surround me!” Above the cinnamon circle, pour another circle, this time from basil, again saying the same words. And finally, pour the third circle of cinnamon again (above the basil one), again saying out loud the spell “Let love surround me!”

After this, pour the spices into a ceramic bowl and mix them with your hands, while saying: “Magic herbs, send me my betrothed! Our love is mutual! Let it be so!".

Then pour the spices from the ceramic bowl onto the red natural fabric and place your photo on top. Connect the ends of the fabric with red thread to make a bag. Now this will be your love talisman. Leave it near the candle for exactly 7 minutes, then hide it in a secluded place. Do not throw away the rest of the candle, but every day, placing your talisman of love in front of it, light it for 7 minutes until it burns out completely.

Ritual for love “Wax Heart”

This ritual to attract love can be used both to find your betrothed and to enhance the passion between spouses.

You will need:

  • red rose petals
  • juniper sprig
  • Dill seeds
  • red wax
  • red bag made of natural fabric
  • scissors
  • tablespoon
  • wooden mortar
  • small plate

On the day of the full moon, after midnight, take the dry petals of one red rose, a dry sprig of juniper and cut them into small pieces with scissors. Mix them together and put 2 teaspoons of this mixture in a wooden mortar. Add one teaspoon of dill to it and grind it all into powder.

Then put a small piece of red wax in a tablespoon and melt it over the fire. Add 3 pinches of “love” powder to the melted wax and pour it onto a plate.

Let the spiced wax cool a little (so it doesn't burn your hands, but remains pliable), and mold a small heart out of it. At the same time, imagine the image of your lover and draw mental pictures of your happy future.

When you finish this “love magic”, put the heart in a pre-prepared red bag and hang it at the head of your bed. If you are in a relationship and your bed is your marital bed, then hide a bag with a wax heart under your pillow.

Full moon rituals to make wishes come true

As mentioned above, the full moon is the period of maximum lunar activity and the most energetic time, so the fulfillment of desires made during this time period occurs much faster.

After all, in order to realize a desire, for its speedy materialization in reality, energy is needed, and during the full moon the energy background is maximally increased.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Magic note”

This is a very simple ritual to perform, but its effectiveness does not diminish in any way.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • pen

Wait until the full moon arrives. After 12 o'clock at night, write your deepest desire on a piece of paper with a pen. It should be written in the present tense, without negations and the word “I want.” For example: “I’m getting a high-paying job!” Place a magical note with a written wish on the windowsill where the light from the Moon falls. Leave the leaf on the windowsill for 3 nights in a row (pick it up from the window in the morning). During this time, your desire will be “saturated” with active lunar energies and will soon begin to come true. Hide the piece of paper with the wish away until the wish comes true. After this, you need to burn it and thank the Universe for its fulfillment.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Moon magnet”

With this ritual you can fulfill any desire quite quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white*)
  • paper
  • pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white*)
  • small magnet

*Note: the color of the candles and bandaging tape in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for others - white).

On one of the full moon days, after the clock strikes midnight, light two candles. Write your desire on a piece of paper in great detail, in all the details. Avoid the future tense, the word “want” and all types of negations (not, nor, never). Place a piece of paper with a wish between two candles. Look closely at the fire and imagine your wish already fulfilled. Enjoy the emotions of its implementation! At the end, say the following words out loud 3 times: “The moon-mistress is filled with power - my wish has already been fulfilled!” After this, wrap a small magnet in a piece of paper with a wish, tie it with a bandage ribbon and carry it in your bag or pocket until the wish comes true.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Moon Mirror”

One of the most powerful lunar rituals that fulfills wishes. To carry it out, you will need only one accessory - a small mirror.

Wait until the night of the full moon. After midnight, go outside near your house (you can go to the balcony). The main condition is that the full Moon must be clearly visible and you must be in the flow of moonlight. Take a small mirror in your right hand, turn your back to the Moon, catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, and without taking your eyes off it, say out loud:

“Luna, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, stand up for me. Whatever I want, let it come true, your power will descend to me. Your light is poured onto the earth, my wish is fulfilled. Let it be so!"

After this, you cannot look into the lunar mirror until the next full moon. During this time, your wish should come true.

Watch this short video. In it I show 2 rituals for fulfilling desires.

Friends, don’t miss the wonderful time of the full moon and be sure to perform magical rituals to attract money, love and fulfill your desires!

Let your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina

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A ritual is an action aimed at achieving a goal. A person encounters such a concept every day without attaching any importance to it. People take morning water treatments, have tea parties at home, and get married. All these are rituals. Girls who dream of finding their betrothed often resort to rituals to attract love. They believe, dream, filling their desires with power that will certainly lead them to happiness.

The ceremony or ritual must be carried out in a good mood. You should not use magic and interfere with other people in the process. Nothing good will come of this idea. There are many simple techniques that will help you perform a ritual for love and find a life partner. You should also remember that each of us has our own soul mate on earth, so it is not recommended to perform a ritual for a specific person. Let's look at several rituals to attract love.

Using a white flower

The ritual was performed with him back in the Middle Ages. It was conducted by girls who dreamed of acquiring family happiness. He helped build a tender, pure relationship between a boy and a girl. It should be performed on a new moon. The favorable day for the ritual is Friday. The ruler of this day is the patroness of love, the Goddess Venus.

To carry out a ritual for love, you can choose a flower of your choice, the main thing is that the color of the petals is white. The flower is placed by the window or on the balcony at night. This is done so that it is saturated with rays of moonlight. After this, you must ask the Universe for help so that your cherished desire comes true. With the appearance of the first in the sky sun rays the flower should be hidden between the pages of the Bible or any spiritual book. He must remain in it until the next full moon.

As soon as it comes, you should take a flower, remove its petals and rub it in your palms. In this case, you need to say the following words out loud:

“I give you, sparkling spirit, part of my dream. I ask you, the performing spirit, for the triumph of love!”

After this, you need to mentally describe the appearance of your chosen one, and also note his spiritual qualities. White petals from the palm must be blown out of an open window. If the ritual to attract love was performed correctly, within a month the man you dreamed of should appear in your life.

Ritual of Aza Petrenko

A ritual from the famous clairvoyant, fortune teller, participant in the television show “Battle of Psychics” Aza Petrenko. In her opinion, the ritual that she proposes to perform is unconditional, and you will definitely meet your loved one in the near future. To perform the ritual correctly, you should prepare:

The sheet and shirt should be without decorations or patterns. Everything should be prepared in advance. Roses need scarlet color and no other color. It is advisable that they be purchased from the same seller. A ritual to attract love does not require special abilities from a person. The main thing is to have great desire and faith. You will need help during the process. You can receive it in the person of your best friend, the one you trust unconditionally.

A love ritual is performed during the day (before the sun sets). A shirt is put on the naked body, the head is covered with a scarf, its ends are left free. A white sheet is spread by the window. There should be no rings or other jewelry on your hands, this also applies to your girlfriend. You need to get down on a sheet or tablecloth and kneel. Place a bowl of holy water in front of you. A friend sits behind you and uses a lit candle to make circular movements over your head in a clockwise direction. In this case, you should transfer the candle from one hand to the other (to yourself) and read the prayer:

"Pure blood and heavenly
Save and save the servant of God (your name)
From a bad hour, from any evil eye
From a woman's eye, a man's, a child's,
Joyful and hateful, from courts and gossip.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the prayer, your assistant picks the petals from the flowers and pours them on your head. At the same time, she must say:

“Holy Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant, have mercy, protect and bless for a happy marriage, for mutual love, for children. It’s not I who bless, it’s the Mother of God herself who blesses.”

After this, the petals are collected and placed in a bowl of holy water. All this time you are on your knees. The candle is extinguished in water, after which you need to wash it 3 times and wipe your face with the ends of the scarf. After finishing the ritual to attract love, the tablecloth and shirt are put away in the wardrobe without shaking them off, and the scarf should be hung near the icon of the Mother of God or some other image of a saint. The petals are evenly distributed into 3 piles and placed in prepared bags. You should take a bath with these petals for three days. They should be taken out from different packages. After each bath, the petals are collected and placed in the first bag.

The next morning, you need to take it to the place where 4 roads intersect and leave it there. Plants in the house are watered with blessed water. According to the ritual to attract love, it is strictly forbidden to pour out blessed water. You will definitely meet your betrothed within six months. It is recommended to spend the first night with your loved one on the sheet participating in the ritual, and to wear the same shirt for yourself. This will help cement your union.

Full moon rituals

In ancient times, the full moon was considered the best time for rituals. On this day (of the full moon) the conspiracy had special power. But only knowledgeable and dedicated people could practice secret magic. Currently, both women and men practice such knowledge. It is at this time that a path opens through which a person can connect with the energy of the Universe. There are various rituals to attract love during the full moon.

Simoron rituals

If there is a lack of love in a person's life, you can attract it. Simoron's rituals for love will help with this. To do this you need to constantly work on yourself. Even on the way to work, you should mentally declare your love for the objects around you. They could be flowers, trees, a dog running past, or even a telegraph pole. Don’t forget to confess your love to yourself when looking in the mirror. Gradually the world will begin to change and transform.

Simoron rituals for love can be very different. For example, you can spend one of them in the bathroom. This ritual is very simple. You need to take some bubble bath sea ​​salt, special balls or something else. You need to write on them with a felt-tip pen the words that you want to hear: happiness, love, adoration, etc. After bathing in love, you will feel an extraordinary surge of strength.

The “Heart” ritual works well. To make a heart, you can take any material, showing imagination, love and desire. Once it is ready, you should attach it to the item of clothing using a pin. The heart should not be seen by a stranger. The main thing is that during the process of attaching it you should read the mantra:

"I love myself beloved
I will love you with my love
Beloved will admire
And he will cling with love!”

You can come up with a spell yourself. That’s the beauty of Simoron, that he works.

Watch a video of how a ritual is performed to attract love.

The full moon is the most favorable time of the month for performing various kinds of rituals and rituals to cleanse negative energy - this can be attributed to rituals to cleanse space, as well as rituals to cleanse the aura, remove various damage and get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary . With the light of the full month, it is proposed to illuminate those objects and objects that, to varying degrees, hinder a person’s improvement, as well as his growth as a person.

They are produced in order to get rid of bad habits, such as drug or alcohol addiction, smoking, poor nutrition or painful cravings for something. If something interferes with a person’s life, and he wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible, the best moment for such deliverance is precisely the stage of the full moon.

You need to describe on a piece of paper three things that the fortuneteller wants to get rid of in the very near future (habits or diseases). Afterwards, very solemnly give it all to the fire. In the best case, such a ritual should be reproduced in this way - a person gathers on the street with friends, each of them writes a “letter of deliverance”, lights an ordinary fire, stands in a circle, and then the friends take turns throwing such notes into the fire.

You need to observe how “problems” become ashes. But if a person does not have the opportunity to light a fire, it will be enough to just write what he would like to get rid of, and then read the desire out loud very loudly and burn it with an ordinary candle - flush the ashes down the toilet .

Ritual to cleanse the aura

This is a very powerful full moon ritual to cleanse the aura, which can be performed at the moment when a person feels that he urgently needs to cleanse the aura of accumulated negativity. The best time to do it is at night. It must be carried out on a full moon, or at least a waning one.

For this you will need:

  • Seven spoons of honey
  • Seven spoons of sugar
  • Seven spoons of cinnamon.

You need to mix all the ingredients and before taking a shower at night, apply this mixture to your body, leaving it for seven minutes.

At this time, you need to read absolutely any prayer (like “Our Father”). At the same time, a person must clearly imagine how he is cleansed of everything negative. After this, you need to rinse everything off with cold water.

If a person feels that he needs a strong cleansing of the aura, he needs to do the procedure for seven days.

Ritual to increase sexual attractiveness

  1. You need to pour into a glass boiled water, throwing a pinch of salt there with your left hand. Place the glass in such a way that the light of the moon falls on it. Next, you need to read the plot until the salt is dissolved: “Moon water is like a girl’s tear, may I be young, beautiful and not sad, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for my complaisance of character!” Let the glass sit all night.
  2. In the morning, when washing your face on an empty stomach, you should take a sip of this water, mentally saying: “Water is in me, and beauty is on me!” You should repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

Full moon ritual to fulfill wishes

This ritual should be performed on the very first full moon after. He needs to write down on a piece of paper his any desires of a material nature - for example, a house, a car, a telephone. It is extremely important that such desires be full of sincerity.

When all your cherished wishes are written down, you just need to ask the Higher Powers for a hint, help, while thanking for everything that will be received. It is believed that over the course of a year a person will be able to receive all of the above from this list.

Full moon ritual to attract money

It should be performed at night when the moon is full. It is extremely important that the sky be very clear and starry, with a view of the Moon.

  1. You need to take a cup and pour it in clean water up to half. You need to throw a silver coin into the cup. Place the cup on the windowsill or take it out onto the balcony (if possible, it’s better to go outside) so that the light of the full moon falls on it.
  2. A little, lightly you need to move both hands over the water surface, as if collecting silver in your hands. At this moment you need to say three times: “Wonderful Moon Mistress! Please give me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I am able to take everything that You bring!”
  3. Then you need to go outside and pour the water into ordinary soil (not asphalt), and keep the coin in your wallet.

Another money ritual:

Ritual "Money Full Moon"

  1. On the night of the full moon with the onset of darkness, you should go out under open sky(on the street or balcony).
  2. Then you need to take your wallet in your right hand, and with your left hand transfer large bills from one pocket to another three times. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “By the blessing of the Mother - the Moon and the powers of the components, I attract to myself the eternal flow of prosperity. I ask you to help and support me for the common good. So be it".
  3. Returning home, you need to lubricate the green candle essential oils orange or basil. In the aroma lamp you need to light incense with one scent: poppy, honeysuckle or almond.
  4. You need to lay out the bills from your wallet near a burning candle. You need to sit down and concentrate on the burning flame, visually imagining it. You need to let the candle burn out, and then carefully put all the funds in your wallet, and in the following days try to spend them on what you dreamed of.
Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The most complete description in all details is a spell for love on a full moon, read white with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Even in past times, girls and women tried to use magic words to make the young man they liked fall in love with them. For love spells to work, it is necessary to carry out exactly according to all the rules, without missing a single detail. Our ancestors honed them for decades, selected the most suitable conditions to develop the ideal formula for attracting a man.

A conspiracy to attract love is a special program that allows you to attract the love of a specific person.

Spells for mutual love to read before bed

In a state of sleep, a person can materialize his own desires. It is for this reason that many effective love spells are read before going to bed.

A girl who has not yet met her chosen one can speak love to herself before going to bed with the following words:

"Universe! Hear me!

I'm open to Love

I love and I am loved.

A love spell can be read countless times. This ritual should be performed at home before going to bed for a full week. You should pronounce words with faith in them. The first line of the plot, like the last, does not need to be repeated. They are said only once.

Such strong conspiracy for love is perfect for girls who are interested in attracting a specific guy or man. It has the appearance of a prayer, capable of awakening with the help of magic strong feelings:

“I call on the power of love, I kindle it with the fire of passion. You go, love, into the heart of (name), settle there forever. Kindle the feelings (name) with a hot flame towards me (your name). Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his heart, with all his soul, desire to unite with me. Let it be as I said. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For this ritual you will need a photo of the guy. The words are read three times daily for one week. When love spells are heard, the girl should only be filled with positive emotions, and she herself is recommended to look at the photograph. You should imagine the image of your chosen one in order to speed up the fulfillment of your desire. After the ritual, nothing more can be said. You need to immediately go to bed, and cross the man’s photo three times and put it under the pillow.

Spelling love is really much better and more effective before bed. This ritual does not require special preparations and can be easily performed at home. A correctly selected prayer, read at night before going to bed, will help a girl attract the attention of a guy, make him fall in love with her and arrange a long-awaited marriage.

Spells to love a man on a full moon

Magic works well during the full moon. Therefore, it is during this period that girls decide to perform rituals that are aimed at attracting a man. To get a positive result and ensure mutual love, it is not necessary to go somewhere at night. Everything can be done on the full moon at home. But not the most the best option perform the ceremony in bad weather. She can prevent magic from fulfilling a wish.

To speak to the love of your chosen one, it is worth exploring several prayer options. Below are five effective spells that should be repeated on full moon days. It’s enough to sit comfortably in a chair and start reading them one after another:

Just as my love is strong and heartfelt, so let the feeling (say the man’s name) for me be eternal. Amen.

Just as the apple never falls far from the tree, let the man I love make me happy forever. Amen.

Just as honey and sugar are sweet, so may the little man love me. Amen.

Just as there are no barriers in love, let the man be happy with me. Amen.

Let the man I love not reject me, and let him not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

Many people know that full moon spells have a special magical meaning. After all, all the lunar power is invested in such a conspiracy.

Such a love spell will only work during the full moon. As you read, you should imagine the image of the guy you like in your head. Each prayer has its own energy. Therefore, five conspiracies will definitely have a beneficial effect on attracting a man to a girl. They can be read one after another unlimited amount once. During the full moon the magic is especially strong. So don't waste this time.

It is worth considering that magic that can spell love during the full moon at home will not work if the chosen young man resists the will to be with the girl performing the ceremony. After all, such a prayer only pushes the guy to decisive actions, which will be pleasant for him too.

Spells to love a man on the new moon

There are rituals aimed at arousing the interest of the man you like, not only for the full moon, but also for the new moon. They also guarantee the mutual love that a girl desires to receive in the prime of her youth. The prayer for the new moon ritual can be read before bed. The ritual itself is performed at home.

Here is a love spell that will help the chosen one awaken his feelings for the girl. It’s worth saying right away that you shouldn’t try to perform this ritual on a full moon, as it will not give any effect.

“Just as the water swallowed the ring, so the feeling (your names) will mutually swallow us whole, and the love (your names) will grow stronger every day. Amen!".

The ritual itself is carried out as follows. The girl needs to purchase in advance Golden ring. On one of the nights of the new moon, you need to light a red candle. You will need a clean glass of holy water into which the gold jewelry will be thrown. After this, watch the ring and how the candle flame plays. At this time, you should imagine the image of a man and slowly say the prayer. It is enough to repeat the spell for love on the new moon a couple of times. Then the girl puts the ring on the middle finger of her right hand. It is advisable not to remove the jewelry so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the spell, which is allowed to be read before bed.

The magic of the new moon allows you to strengthen or even renew a guy’s feelings for a girl. To do this you will need to perform a small ritual. You should take a blank sheet of paper and write on it the desires that the chosen man should have. After this, the sheet should be strongly crumpled and set on fire. While it is burning, the girl should say the following words:

“As the fire remembers, so be it!”

This love spell promises the fulfillment of a wish, which guarantees the attraction of the guy you love. And once again it is worth recalling that the ritual is carried out at night, preferably before bed, on the new moon.

In the period between Saturday and Sunday of the new moon, you can try another way to attract a guy through magic. Only a clear night will do, when weather forecasters do not promise bad weather. The girl should go to the window and, peering at the stars, say a love spell:

“Just as the stars and the moon are always together in the sky, so (your name) wants to return the love of (name) and become his bride. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

A love spell of this type should be repeated throughout the entire new moon period.

Spells for a successful marriage

Rituals that help not only to win the love of a young man, but also guarantee the girl a quick marriage are very popular. Such conspiracies can be read before and after the new moon and full moon, since they are universal and not tied to specific days.

Here's a great example home conspiracy which speeds up a girl's marriage:

“The herbaceous meadow carnation reaches out to the sun and opens with its petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, with wedding ring go out, meet your sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my destiny is coming to me. Just as a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear one will find me, a beautiful, smart and stately girl (name), and marry me. Amen".

While the love plot is being read, the girl must perform a small ritual. Namely, she should get a bouquet of carnations. Tie each flower together with a ribbon blue color and in this form put them in running water. With this ritual, even in ancient times, girls doomed themselves to marriage.

The bright thoughts with which you read the marriage plot will bring a positive result.

The following words that can spark love help to attract a guy and give him the idea to propose marriage to a girl:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

For the words to work, you need to open the window in the room during the waxing moon. And only after that begin to pronounce them. It is enough to repeat the spell just once. It will quickly attract a guy to a girl and help the couple create a strong family.

Absolutely any girl can start talking about the love of the young man she likes. During the ritual, you should have a clear mind and an open heart. It is not recommended to make marriage conspiracies with men who are already married. With such games, a girl easily incurs the curse of celibacy.

In order for the ritual performed for marriage to really work, you must choose the right period. Some spells are intended for the new moon, others for the full moon. The rest of the time they are of no use.

You need to read the marriage plot clearly and efficiently, pronouncing every word. The girl must understand that a miracle will not happen immediately. Even quick marriage spells take time. Magical forces will receive information and convey it to the chosen one. After that, the most difficult part remains. The young man must receive this message and react to it correctly. A girl who really dreams of marriage will definitely wait for her lover, who has so far simply not dared to come to her with a serious marriage proposal.

Conspiracies for guys who already have certain feelings for girls work flawlessly. However, they can also have unpleasant consequences for both parties. To avoid problems, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the rituals performed in advance. It is necessary to follow absolutely all recommendations for their implementation in order for the magic words to bring an extremely positive result.

Spells for love on the full moon

The full moon is the time of the moon's greatest strength, the point of concentration and the limit of its capabilities. The energy of the full moon can be used for various conspiracies: for love, for money, for conception, and so on. During this period, people have long turned to the forces of nature, realizing that the moon itself shares with them the most valuable energy.

So, medicinal herbs, collected during the period when there is a full moon in the sky, are considered the most healing. Only the new moon can be compared in power to the full moon, however, new moon conspiracies usually differ in purpose and task, as well as in the period of time allotted to obtain the result. Spells and conspiracies to attract a loved one, cast between the 14th and 17th lunar days, begin to take effect almost immediately.

Correct execution

In order to take full advantage of the benefits that the moon at its peak gives to a person, it is necessary to prepare well for this magical and mysterious time. Firstly, the moon is ready to give its strength only to those who lead a healthy lifestyle: if you are going to read a love spell on the full moon, as well as on the new moon, you should stop drinking alcohol (even the lightest wines) and smoking at least three days before the cherished hour.

To preserve your own energy (so that it is enough to connect to the moon channel), you also need to leave intimacy, gambling and too active sports for about the same period of time.

Immediately before reading a love spell on a full moon, you need to focus on what you want and imagine the result against the backdrop of a bright and light lunar disk. If the goal of your lunar practice is love, then you can draw a picture in your head, imagining yourself and your loved one together and, mentally “cutting out” the image, “glue” it to the beautiful moon. Rituals performed on the full moon are repeated during other periods of the moon (for example, on the new moon, or on the waning moon), as a rule, if possible, then with significant reservations. Therefore, carefully read the conditions for performing the ritual, and learn the texts of the spells by heart, so as not to confuse the moon.

Charmed water

This plot is recommended for those who suffer from unrequited love. His only difficulty is getting a glass of water - well or spring. When the full moon appears in the sky, the glass is placed on the windowsill so that it absorbs the magical moonlight. After some time, closer to midnight, the glass is taken into left hand, bring it to your mouth and whisper three times in a row:

“The moon is clear, white and beautiful, it shines on dark forests, it shines on blue seas, it shines on wild animals and kind people. I followed the lunar path and found my sweetheart. Let him also follow the lunar path, and let the moon lead him to me. You, Luna, look into his eyes and turn his heart towards me. So that he would notice me alone and greet me alone. May our love be like the moon, red and full!”

After reading, they thank the moon three times and drink the water in one gulp. After this, you need to immediately go to bed without speaking to anyone. The windows cannot be curtained; it is necessary to allow the light of the moon to penetrate into the room.

Appeal to the Moon

Among the spells for love on the full moon, there is one more, simpler one. It helps to attract a worthy person into your life and cope with loneliness. The evening before it is pronounced, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, cleanse your face of cosmetics and creams, loosen and comb your hair, put on a long white shirt or dress, remove all jewelry and stand barefoot open window so that the moon illuminates your face.

If you can't see the moon from your window, you can climb to the roof of your house to choose the right direction. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced nine times, addressing the night luminary directly:

“The Lunar Moon walked across the blue sky, carrying love and goodness, distributing it to everyone and not forgetting me. I've had three mountains of love - I can't grasp it with my eyes, I can't wrap my hand around it, I can't love it enough with my heart! When the moon rises and is full again, I will be happy and healthy!”

It is customary to end any love spells on the full moon with words of gratitude or bows. You can repeat your favorite spells every full moon.

Love spell - the most effective options

Love magic is the most popular, since it is difficult to meet a girl who would not want to live happily with a worthy man. There are many different rituals that help attract a soul mate, improve relationships in a couple, regain former passion and cope with various problems.

Spell to attract love

Since ancient times, girls have used magic to cope with various problems in their personal lives. To ensure that rituals do not cause harm, they must be performed in accordance with all magic rules. When reading a strong love spell, it is important to strictly follow the instructions, since without this it may not only not work, but also cause negative consequences. To get results, it is important to believe in the result and not forget about observing the sacrament.

Spell for husband's love

In many couples, feelings diminish over time, which causes many problems and even separation. In such situations, many women use magical help. The Vanga ritual, which is performed on Sunday night, is popular. Prepare a church candle and a photograph of your chosen one. Stand near an open window with a burning candle. Slowly and clearly say a strong spell for your husband's love nine times, and then drip wax on the photo and hide it under the pillow. Repeat everything for nine Sunday nights. Hide the photo in a secret place.

“The dawn of darkness has risen, and strength has come to me with it. The black melancholy, the fear of death, descended from the swamps of the dead and the rotten wells, and sank to the threshold of the homewrecker. The word will go my strong, my strong word, not through doors, not through gates, but through hidden paths, dark holes. You can’t sleep without me, you’ll miss me, remember me, wipe away your tears. If you get up in the morning and go over the threshold, you will find me in our house. You come back and forget her like a bad dream. Strength and love will always be with me! Amen!"

Spell to make a man love you at a distance

There are times when the man you like is at a distance and it is not possible to win his heart in real life. In order for a conspiracy to attract a man’s love to work, there had to be at least one meeting or conversation on the phone, since without this it may not work. Equally important is faith in the implementation of your plan, and if you don’t focus on the goal, then nothing will happen. The presented ritual will help when lovers have to separate for a while in order to avoid temptations and quarrels over trifles.

To read a love plot, you need to prepare a red candle, granulated sugar, salt and a homemade bag made of natural material, on which you need to write the name of your lover. Hold salt in your right hand and sugar in your left. At the same time, pour paths on the table from different sides into the center, repeating the spell three times. At the end the tracks should connect. They need to be mixed and put everything in a bag. Leave it under your pillow and carry it with you all the time during the day. Such a ritual will preserve feelings and speed up the meeting.

Waning Moon spell for love

Since the energy of the waning moon is aimed at destruction, rituals are performed during this period to take a man away from another relationship or to get rid of his mistress. Based on the fact that the purpose of the ritual is negative, it is usually classified as black magic, so it is important to know about possible consequences. Dark love spells can change a person’s character, cause health and mental problems, lead to insomnia, energy exhaustion, and so on. In addition, the bewitched person may experience disgust towards the performer of the ritual.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare a photograph of your lover, an igloo and three red candles from the church. It should be started at midnight. Light candles on the windowsill and stand so as to look at the Moon. Take a photo of your chosen one and, looking at her, then at the Earth’s satellite, say the spell three times. “Just as the night loves the moon and does not begin without it, so you, the servant of God (name of the chosen one), would love only me, (your name), your moon, be with me only, and not go to anyone else.”.

Then put out the candles, cover the photo of your lover with melted wax and draw a castle on the cast, saying the following words: “I lock it and take the key for myself. Amen". The photograph must be hidden in a secret place and taken out only after the wedding. The ritual will begin immediately after the new moon. It is important to never tell anyone about seeking magical help, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided.

New moon spell for a man's love

The new moon period is ideal for single girls who dream of meeting their soulmate. It is best to carry out rituals on women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. New moon spells for love help to reveal your feminine energy, which will attract male representatives. The presented ritual must be performed naked.

Place a container of water in front of the mirror and add rose oil and rose petals. Light a red or red candle nearby. Pink colour and say a conspiracy. Looking in the mirror, wash yourself with water, and also wash the door handle located on the outside with it and sprinkle the threshold. Place a container of water under the bed. If the ritual is performed correctly, then you can count on meeting your loved one within a month.

Love spell on the full moon

The ritual presented below can be called universal, since it will help single people find a soul mate, and strengthen feelings for couples. It can also be used by girls who dream of walking down the aisle. Such a love spell is effective due to the fact that it should be read on a full moon, when all the power of the Earth’s satellite is invested in the ritual, increasing its effect.

For the presented ritual, prepare holy water or at least spring water. Exactly at midnight, take a glass of water and read a love spell on it three times. It is important to put your desire to become happy into every word. When the text is pronounced, you need to drink all the water and soon you will be able to see the result, how your relationship with your lover will improve.

Love spell for the waxing moon

The period of growth of the Moon is considered the most suitable for holding love rituals, because feelings will grow along with the Earth’s satellite. Put a piece white bread near the window so that the light of the heavenly body falls on it. Visualize your goal, and then read the spell for mutual love. After this, leave the bread on the windowsill, and in the morning eat it on an empty stomach, preferably before sunrise. The ritual will help you find your love and become more successful.

“In an open field, in a wide field, a lonely maiden stands, holding a lot of bread in her basket. Whoever tastes bread from that maiden, she will forever dry him with love. I, the servant of God (name), will find that bread, eat that bread myself and receive the help of love forever. I will attract men to me from the north, I will attract men from the west, I will attract men from the south and east, I will attract men from everywhere. The young moon will be my assistant, she will be my sister and helpmate. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spell for a gift

If there is a holiday ahead, you can take advantage of this to strengthen your feelings and improve your relationships. To make a love spell, you need to prepare three church candles, place two of them on the same line, and the third above, to make a triangle. Place the purchased gift in the center and cover it with both hands. Close your eyes and mentally imagine your chosen one for whom the gift is intended.

“Merchants are coming from the far side, not carrying goods, not sweet drinks, not shiny stones, not thin fabrics, not stubs, not cinders, but gifts for the king. So I, God’s servant (name), come with a gift, but I will not give it away for nothing! Not for gold, not for a word, not for a look, not for a greeting - for love I will only give, pass on, and pass myself off as a servant of God (the man’s name), so that neither my gift nor myself will be forgotten, lost or given away , Amen!”

Read the plot slowly and clearly. Then think about candles, starting from the right edge, saying after that the following words: “You won’t have long to wait for a reward for a gift”. It is recommended to tie the candles together with a gold chain and hide them. A charmed gift can be used for its intended purpose. When the ritual begins to take effect, the chain must be worn and the candles must be placed in a visible place.

Pin spell for love

Such a simple and accessible item as a pin is widely used for magical purposes to perform various rituals. The most powerful love spell must be read only on a new pin so that there are no energy traces on it. The presented ritual is used when feelings have cooled down. Take a bowl white and pour a handful of salt, granulated sugar and rice into it. Stir and stick a pin into the resulting mixture, pour holy water over it, saying a spell. After that, pin it to your chosen one’s shirt. It is important that he does not discover it and remove it.

Love spell on water

Water is one of the primary elements, therefore it is believed that it is sacred and has enormous energy. Love spells at home, they should be said over the purified liquid, for which you need to read a prayer over it, holding a lit candle in your hands. Rituals are performed more often on the waxing Moon, since the feelings of the chosen one will grow along with it.

The presented love plot will help to regain lost feelings and improve relationships in a couple. It must be read on every odd date of the month. To carry out the ceremony, go to church, bow to the icons and read a prayer, and when leaving, buy the largest candle and consecrate it with water. The ritual should be performed after sunset in complete privacy.

Place a lit candle in front of you, and hold any item of your chosen one in your right hand, and a glass of purified water in the other. Repeat the spell three times, and then look at the fire and imagine the image of your chosen one and think about feelings. When the candle goes out by itself, place a piece of white bread on the glass and place the item next to you. In the morning, sprinkle the charmed water on your chosen one’s clothes.

The text of the conspiracy goes like this: “With the purity of Heavenly power I speak to this water and ask, Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, because it is not self-interest that guides me, but love, for I do not know what peace is without the servant of God (name). Accept my request and melt the ice in the heart of the servant of God (name) and with the Light of the Lord revive his heart, and awaken in the servant of God (name) love for me, the servant of God (name).”

Full moon conspiracies - the most powerful conspiracies

Conspiracies on the full moon - is the moon really that important or can you do without it? Since ancient times, people have associated the cosmos, stars and, of course, the moon with magical actions and given them magical properties, offered prayers and sacrifices to these elements of nature. Why exactly does the moon have such weight in all magical actions, and specifically the full moon - the moment in time at which the moon appears before us in all its beauty and splendor, bewitching and frightening. The answer is quite simple: during the full moon, when resorting to spells and magic, we put into it not only our intention and strength, but also the power of the moon, which accumulates over the course of the month.

Attention! It is important to carry out the spell exactly during the full moon and not on the waxing or waning moon - this is very important.

During this wonderful and ominous time, various rituals can be performed and all of them are doomed to success without consequences, if carried out exactly following all the precautions and instructions, in this case we will get what we have been waiting for and the moon will help us with this. In this article we have collected for you the most effective spells that are done during the full moon. All you have to do is, strictly observing the sequence, carry out the ritual and observe the result, which, as the magicians assure, you won’t have to wait, the power of the moon will make your desire your desire and everything will be ready in the best possible way.

Full moon rituals

Not every lunar conspiracy will have special power, and some are even dangerous to carry out. But the conspiracies listed below, if carried out correctly, can give you the best results:

  • Spells for good luck in trading, getting money and wealth. You can win the lottery or sell your product quickly and profitably if you carry out the appropriate conspiracy on the full moon.
  • Spells for a man's love on the full moon. During the full moon, all kinds of rituals for feelings are very effective: you can find your soul mate or regain lost feelings.
  • Particularly popular are full moon spells for quick marriage.
  • Rituals to restore health and beauty. Even in former times, our ancestors believed that it is best to carry out healing rituals on the full moon, in which case the result will be guaranteed. If you simply need to carry out magical preventative measures for your health and preserve your beauty, then such a conspiracy is also best performed on the full moon.

Full moon spell for wish. If you have a dream, the fulfillment of which is not happening, then perform a universal ritual on the full moon to fulfill your innermost desire. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the established recommendations, then everything will work out. Whatever ritual you need to perform, always strictly follow the order of its implementation. Only in this case will you be guaranteed a positive result.

Full moon and new business

In addition, our ancestors noticed that during the full moon one can very effectively solve everyday issues. If you have been thinking about starting a certain new business for a long time, but can’t find the right day for this, then read below in what situations the full moon can help you:

  • If you have long wanted to start learning a new language for you or attend some lecture or conference, then the full moon is the most better time for this. All educational and information innovations and projects will receive the necessary support and good luck from magical forces precisely under the full moon.
  • The full moon is also very successful in resolving all financial issues. Moreover, if you have debts, then they must also be repaid within a full month. Rituals for wealth will have special effectiveness.
  • Any issue related to marriage and relationships will take place in the best possible way during the full moon. This applies to both setting up new dates and breaking up relationships. In the latter case, everything will be less painful.
  • Beauty spells also have special power during the full moon. But some conspiracies and requests are better postponed for another day. A full month will not help best resolution such situations:
  • Promotion. Such conspiracies and requests should not be made during the full moon; postpone them until the waning moon phase.
  • If you need to make a business visit to a government service and resolve some personal issue there, then the full moon will not be the most successful day for this matter. Also, do not start legal proceedings and file lawsuits. The result of such endeavors will not turn out in your favor under the light of the full moon.

Before starting a new business, carefully read all the recommendations and determine whether it will be successful during the full moon or whether it is better to postpone it.

Ritual for love under the full moon

This lunar plot will help you both find your love and add new feelings to a long-term relationship. If your loved one does not propose marriage to you, then we also advise you to carry out this particular love spell on the full moon. He will help you achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

  • To carry it out correctly, you will need to wait until a full month appears in the night sky and prepare holy water in advance.
  • If you don’t have such water, then pure spring water will do; the effect of the spell will not decrease.
  • At midnight of the full moon, take one glass of prepared water and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Just as herbs dry out without water, a tree burns up from fire, just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) should not live without me. As soon as I quench my thirst with the enchanted water, a burning melancholy will come to him, strong sadness, and eternal love. So that he looked at me and couldn’t stop admiring me, so that he listened to me and couldn’t stop listening. Amen!"

Put all your desire for happy and long love into this prayer, then such spells for love on the full moon will have maximum power.

After reading the prayer, drink all the water at once; you cannot store it. Expect positive results within a few weeks.

Ritual for good luck with money

This lunar plot for prosperity and wealth in your family is very effective, but it must be performed twice a day: at dawn and at sunset, when the moon reaches its maximum. If you do everything correctly, then your home will avoid troubles, and all your loved ones will stop complaining about lack of money. When you look at the sunrise and sunset over the horizon, read these charming words for wealth:

“Just as the evening and morning dawns cannot come together, so in my house, the servant of God (name), the money will never run out! Now and forever, so be it! Amen!"

If the lunar conspiracy was carried out on the right day and in accordance with all the requirements, then the result and wealth will come within a month.

Universal conspiracy to make a wish come true

This ritual will help you realize your most cherished dream in life, no matter what its nature. To increase its power, perform the ritual on the night of the full moon.

  • To ensure everything goes in the best possible way, prepare a white sheet of paper in advance and purchase three candles from the church.
  • The lunar plot itself is carried out strictly at midnight.
  • Just before the indicated time, place three candles in a row on the table and light them.
  • Now write on a piece of paper one phrase that will best embody all your desires.
  • Mentally imagine that it has already been fulfilled, feel the joy of its implementation.
  • When the clock strikes twelve times, set fire to the sheet from the candle that is in the center and watch the paper burn completely.
  • Then carefully collect all the ashes and throw them into the open air.

You can carry out this action from the balcony or through the window. As you do this, say the following words:

Depending on the complexity of your desire, it may take up to several months to realize it. You cannot stop believing in the effectiveness of the ritual. Such a conspiracy will even help you preserve your beauty, but it will be better if you perform a special ceremony.

Ritual to attract love

This plot can be read on a full moon by those who have a lover in mind. A spell can also be useful for those who want to tie their loved one to themselves forever, so that his feelings are realized only with you.

Having calculated the night of the full moon according to a special calendar, you can begin to implement your plans. To do this you will need:

Get some holy water in advance and fill a glass with it.

Then, after waiting for the hands to approach 12 on the clock, place the container near the window.

You must first select the window sill where the moonlight will shine as long as possible. Place a glass next to it so that the full moon is reflected in the water.

In order for the full moon love spell to be successful, you must then follow these steps.

  • Swipe along the edge of the glass seven times right hand, each time pronouncing the name of the beloved.
  • Looking at the reflection of the lunar disk, say the magic words:

“Clean, transparent water, may the Moon fill you with strength, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved man) may see my beauty.” May he come and remain with me forever, God’s servant (his name). Together we spend our days and our nights. Let it be so! Amen".

Charming water to attract your betrothed

There is another powerful ritual, which, when performed on a full moon, can attract your lover to you in order to awaken mutual feelings and passion in him. In this case, the plot is read under the full moon for water, which you will need to drink yourself. The result of the ceremony, as a rule, is a quick marriage.

  • On the night planned for the ceremony, fill the glass vessel with holy water halfway.
  • Holding it in your hand, whisper the following words of the full moon love spell over the water three times:

“Just as grass dries up without rain, just as a tree burns from the flame of fire, just as a fish does not live outside a reservoir, so may the servant of God (the guy’s name) not be happy away from me. As soon as I drink this water, which I have enchanted, the servant of God (his name) will have longing and strong love for me. Let him see my beauty, let him not admire me enough. Amen".

As soon as you pronounce the text, drink the charmed composition in one gulp.

Remember that unlike the previous full moon spell, this water cannot be stored.

Ritual to attract good luck If the purpose of the ritual is to attract good luck in all areas of your activity, this full moon spell is suitable for you.

  • To attract wealth, money and luck into your life, you need to perform the ritual twice.
  • Having calculated by lunar calendar full moon phase, read the following magic words at dawn and then at sunset:

“Just as the morning dawn cannot meet the evening dawn, so my house becomes a full cup. So that wealth and other benefits fill my home, there is always money in it, and luck does not pass me by. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Just keep in mind that when pronouncing the text in the evening, you need to swap some words. Thus, from your lips it should sound: “How can the evening dawn not meet the morning.” As a rule, such rituals (for good luck, wealth, money, other material goods) performed during the full moon are the most powerful and effective.

Conspiracy to attract money

If you want to attract wealth and good luck in financial matters into your life, read a special spell for money on the full moon. The ritual should be performed three nights in a row when the full moon appears in the sky.

For the ritual you will need:

On the first night, place an empty wallet on the windowsill so that it receives direct moonlight. Read the money plot over him:

“As the night sky is strewn with stars, so may there be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the servant of God (her name) always has money, so that there is always enough for prosperity. Amen".

A ritual to become more attractive

This full moon spell helps girls who are not very confident in themselves to attract beauty or preserve the one given by nature. To perform the ceremony, prepare:

On the full moon, at exactly 12 am, stand naked in front of the mirror, placing lit candles on a platter in front of you. Say the magic text:

“I will leave the house, go to an open field, to the golden throne. On that throne I will meet an angel. I will ask him, crossing myself and praying, for unearthly beauty. So that I become brighter than the sun, whiter than snow. Amen".

Having repeated this full moon spell three times, go to bed. Leave candles to burn out on a platter to enhance their natural beauty.

Full moon conspiracies

During the full moon, the Moon is very powerful. Therefore, many rituals performed at this time show themselves to be more effective. This is the time for love magic, witchcraft for money and luck, cleansing and fortune telling.

On the full moon, you can remove damage and other negative programs, get rid of everything unnecessary. This full moon aspect allows for healing and protection. At the same time, on the full moon you can also carry out active rituals aimed at attracting happiness for yourself or bringing misfortune to other people - the power of magic on this day is at its greatest.

Full moon spells for young children

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and always be safe. Special conspiracies that are done only on the full moon can help with this. They are needed from the time the child reaches one month of age. You need to slander the water in which you will bathe your baby.

You need to stop reading conspiracies from the time the child bathes on his own, without your help. In total you need to pronounce three such conspiracies. You can alternate them with each other, or you can have time to say all three conspiracies during one full moon.

A prayer-conspiracy for the safety of a child will help you protect him from all troubles. As he gets older, you'll be able to worry less about him getting into trouble or being hurt by someone. Text:

Just as the angels of God protected the baby Jesus, so you, our Lord Jesus Christ, save and protect my child (name). Amen.

Many children have a poor appetite, but a growing body must receive all the substances it needs in sufficient quantities. Every mother knows how difficult it can be to get a child to eat unloved porridge instead of chocolates. In the family in which this plot is read, children will never have to be persuaded to eat, and they will grow up healthy. Text:

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Child (name), feed on the word of God and earthly food, fill yourself with a ripe apple. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The last of these three conspiracies is the fortress conspiracy. It is read so that no disease can take the child. Text:

In the black forest there is a green oak. The word of God was whispered to that oak tree. So let the child (name), like this oak tree, be strong, and let my word be molded to this matter. No one can escape my word, no one can stop my work. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Money spells on the full moon

The full moon is a good time for money magic. The round moon is associated with coins, and its cool light is associated with silver, which at all times was highly valued. Then, when the full moon is shining, you can not only attract money, but also get rid of your miserable fate.

  • In order to get rid of poverty and live in abundance, bake three pies at dawn.
  • In each of them you need to put a coin and about a spoonful of salt.
  • In the afternoon, at lunchtime, take the pies and go to the crossroads with them.
  • This should be a crossroads, but if this cannot be found, a crossroads of paths will do.
  • Place three pies at the intersection of roads, face east and say:

Bitter sisters, need and poverty, I brought you a gift. Get yourself salt, get yourself bread, get yourself a penny. Once you take them, you won’t come to me again. You won’t torment me, you won’t take away my property.

After these words, go home without looking back. Until 7 days have passed after you performed the ritual, you cannot borrow anything from home - neither things, nor money. In addition, do not allow quarrels and swearing in the family during this time. If you don't follow these rules, poverty will return. It is believed that the energy of need and lack of money always appears in houses in which they constantly quarrel with each other.

A spell for wealth, which is made on the full moon, should be read on an even day. To do this, you will have to guess the date on the calendar. It not only attracts money, but also protects your wealth from thieves and envious people.

You need to take a coin with you and go in search of aspen. When you find a tree that suits you, standing under it, say to the coin:

I plant soot so that it has a rich harvest and grows tall. A field mouse cannot gnaw you, an underground worm cannot wear you down, and my money cannot be left to anyone! Amen.

Full moon spells for love

Love rituals performed on the full moon will help get rid of bad luck in your personal life or bring back your loved one. This is the optimal time to perform a ritual for a happy marriage.

Evoking mutual feelings

Any girl dreams, first of all, of mutual love. And in order to awaken the feelings of the chosen one, you should use a powerful ritual of white magic, which is carried out on the full moon.

  • Holy water must be used in the ritual, but it can be replaced with water from a natural spring or a well.
  • This ritual can not only awaken love in the soul of the chosen one, but also encourage him to propose marriage.
  • That is why such influence should be carried out only when you are confident in your own feelings.

At midnight on the full moon, you need to retire to a separate room and, taking a glass of water in your hand, say the magic words three times.

After pronouncing the words, you should drink water. As a rule, the conspiracy begins to work immediately, but the strongest feelings will awaken in the soul of your chosen one in approximately two weeks. It is at this time that you need to catch his eye as often as possible.

Simple ritual

On the full moon, you can call love into your life with a very simple ritual. All you need to do is take a walk under the moonlight. This ritual comes from ancient times and was used by many peoples.

At this point you should say:

If you were able to tune in correctly, then soon you will meet true love.

Full moon spells for money

Spells for money are very popular during the full moon. On a full moon, with the help of magic, you can improve your financial situation or receive a one-time certain amount to solve certain financial problems.

Ritual with candles

  1. For a strong ritual aimed at attracting wealth into your own life, you must first purchase seven green wax candles in an esoteric shop.
  2. In addition, by the day of the ceremony you should collect paper bills of different currencies.
  3. Moreover, the more of them there are, the stronger the impact will be.

The ceremony is carried out in a separate room, completely alone, at night at the moment when the disk of the moon is fully visible in the sky.

  • Seven candles should be placed on the windowsill and lit.
  • They must be illuminated by moonlight.
  • Banknotes are placed in random order around the candles.

After all the described actions have been completed, the following magic words are spoken seven times for such an installation:

After this, you should sit and wait for the candles to burn out. After this, the cinders should be wrapped in a napkin and hidden in a secluded place. And the charmed bills should be spent the next day on gifts for family and friends.

From this day on, money will begin to flow to you from a variety of sources. To ensure that the flows do not stop, you should definitely organize holidays for loved ones and buy them gifts after each receipt of funds.

"Money Talisman"

It is during the full moon that you can independently create a money talisman that will attract money. For example, it could be a small light pebble that you like. You need to pick it up and expose it to the moonlight.

After this, say the following words:

It is best to keep such a talisman in your wallet and expose it to moonlight during full moon periods.

  • Any magical ritual can be strengthened by first fasting for several days.
  • It is also useful to visit a temple, where you can light a candle for your own health and pray for your well-being in front of one of the icons.

The spell of the full moon can be used not only to attract love and wealth into life. But also in order to achieve success in a variety of areas. Moonlight during this period helps to cleanse yourself of unnecessary things and reconsider your own attitude towards life.

Therefore, it is very important to take walks at night during a full moon, when the lunar disk is in the sky. At this time, you will be able to get rid of all problems and negativity and strengthen your natural energy potential.

Full moon ritual to attract love

With the help of this ritual, single people will be able to find a soul mate, and those who are in a couple will refresh their relationship. You should prepare holy or spring water for it. At exactly midnight, take a glass of water and read the following spell on it:

“Just as herbs dry out without water, a tree burns up from fire, just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without me. As soon as I quench my thirst with the enchanted water, a burning melancholy will come to him, strong sadness, and eternal love. So that he looked at me and couldn’t stop admiring me, so that he listened to me and couldn’t stop listening. Amen!"

  • Repeat the words three times.
  • During this, you should think about your desire to be loved and happy.
  • Drink the charmed water immediately.
  • The first results can be seen within a few weeks.

Conspiracy and ritual for money on a wallet on the full moon

When the full moon is in the sky, you need to put three copper, gold and white coins in your wallet. In this ritual they will symbolize the planets. Advice - if there are no gold coins, then just paint ordinary ones with gold paint. Look at the sky and say this spell:

“Money is floating across the sky. They will send me wealth."

Strong spell for money and wealth during the full moon

For this ritual, you should prepare a small denomination banknote. Take it in your hands and bend the corners so that the result is a triangle. The next step is to bend the bill in half, bring it to your mouth and whisper the following spell:

“Like a mighty river attracts small streams and unites them in itself, just like a wide sea collects rivers in itself. Just like a woman attracts a man to her, and a man attracts a woman. How night attracts day. So this money will attract its own kind and gather together. Many of you will gather with me, and I will be rich. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • After this, put the magic bill in your wallet, and it will work like a magnet, attracting cash flow.
  • It is important to never miss her again or even touch her. The enchanted bill must remain in the wallet for at least three months.

Full moon spell to make a wish come true

It is difficult to meet a person who does not dream of something. In most cases, desires remain unfulfilled, but there is one chance to correct this situation. There are conspiracies that will help you enlist the support of a Higher Power to make your dreams come true. It is important to clearly formulate your desire. The ritual should begin at midnight. While looking at the Moon, think about your desire, and then start reading the plot in a whisper:

“I praise you, moon and night. I turn to you with a request for the fulfillment of a wish. Let everything planned be accomplished and everything renounced not be fulfilled. Endow me with your strength and bestow good luck in this noble endeavor. May all desires gain your power, and I pledge to worship you. As you shine in the sky, so my wishes will be fulfilled on Earth. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You can use this spell as many times as you like.

Full moon spell to attract money and wealth

This ritual should be performed when there are no clouds in the sky and you can see the Moon and stars. Take a small container or a regular cup, and also a silver coin. Pour tap water into the bowl and place a coin in it. Place the container on the windowsill so that the moon's light is reflected in the liquid. Slowly move your hand over the water - this will symbolize the collection of silver and money. During this, say the following plot three times:

“Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!”

Then pour the water into the ground, and use the coin as a talisman and carry it with you.

Full moon spell for beauty and youth

To maintain your attractiveness for many years or get rid of existing flaws, you can use a simple ritual that arose in ancient times. To carry out the ceremony, prepare 13 candles that need to be lit at midnight. Place the cream you use regularly next to it. Start reading the plot against him in a whisper:

“Power of the moon, give me beauty - face and body in this darkness. Let youth remain on your face, and let beauty flow from the cream. As soon as I smear it on my face, the wrinkles will immediately go away. As soon as the cream is completely gone, the freshness of a young face will come. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

  • After this, extinguish the candles and throw away the remaining cinders away from the house.
  • Use the enchanted cream regularly, while imagining yourself beautiful and young.
  • Don't tell anyone that you are using a magic remedy.

How to use spells for money on a full moon?

During the full moon, you can perform many rituals for money. They help the performer obtain the desired wealth in the very near future, therefore, it is recommended to use wealth conspiracies at this time for those who are forced to limit themselves in funds due to loan repayments, accumulated debts or a banal lack of finances in the family. Rituals for prosperity contribute to attraction money luck and help get rid of poverty.

Spells for money are considered a relatively safe magical effect.

  • They will not do any harm if used sparingly, in cases where money in the family is truly an urgent need.
  • It is absolutely not advisable to abuse them.
  • Remember that on a full moon you cannot use more than one money spell.
  • Using several financial rituals at the same time can lead to completely opposite results.

Full moon spells for money as a way to attract financial well-being

Strong conspiracy on a banknote

The words of the conspiracy given below must be read on a banknote of medium denomination (a 100-ruble note is perfect). It must be new, clean and not wrinkled. The spell must be pronounced in a whisper, by heart, without a single hesitation. Before charming, the corners of the bill must be bent towards the center to form an isosceles triangle, and the resulting triangle - again in half. You need to slander the money by bringing it to your lips so that your breath touches it.

“Just as a mighty river attracts and unites small streams, just as a wide sea gathers rivers in itself, just as a woman attracts a man, and a woman attracts a man, just as the night attracts the day to itself, so this will attract its own kind and gather them together.” money. I will have a lot of you, and I will be rich. As she said, so it will be. Amen (3 times)!”

  • The folded bill should be kept in your wallet along with other money.
  • It should not be wasted for at least 3 months; it is advisable not to touch it at all.
  • You can place bills of the same denomination nearby, but you cannot count them.

Full moon spell - for morning and evening dawn

The prayer below will help attract wealth and financial success into your home. It must be said strictly on the day of the full moon, twice a day - at dawn and at dawn in the evening. Look at the dawn and read:

“Just as the dawn of morning and evening do not come together, so I, the servant of God (servant of God) (my name), will never run out of money in the house. Now and forever, so be it! Amen!"
