Are borders between states necessary? Borders between different countries of the world. Haiti and Dominican Republic

At school we are taught that the entire territory of the Earth is divided into separate states.
Somewhere this division is obvious - a barbed fence, a neutral zone, border guards with dogs, and somewhere the border is just a white stripe on the road or a river bed, and standing on some of them you can literally see tomorrow.

Now I will show you the most interesting and unusual examples border divisions between countries

Netherlands and Belgium
The Dutch town of Baarle-Nassau is located adjacent to the Belgian city of Baarle-Hertog. So dense that the state border between the Netherlands and Belgium runs not just right along the city streets, but through separate houses and restaurants. This is due to the fact that in the Netherlands there was a law according to which restaurants had to close early, so resourceful owners of drinking establishments came up with the idea of ​​​​building them right on the border and after the hour “X” they simply transferred customers to the Belgian side. In general, in Europe there are many similar closely located settlements, some actually constitute one settlement - such as, for example, the Latvian town of Valka and the Estonian town of Valga.

Spain and Morocco
Most believe that Spain is an integral state, however, it also has several enclaves (settlements surrounded by the territory of another state), they are located in Africa. One of them, Ceuta, is separated from Morocco, which is closely adjacent to it, by a huge double three-meter wall with barbed wire, motion and noise sensors, as well as a passage for border guards. It is not that Spain is afraid of an attack from Morocco, it is just that it is tired of the influx of illegal migrants and smugglers from Africa. The wall, by the way, was built with EU money relatively recently - in 2001.

Egypt and Sudan
Bir Tawil is probably the only territory in the world that does not belong to anyone and, moreover, no one claims it. "Nobody" in in this case- Egypt and Sudan, between whose borders there is this “piece of land” with an area of ​​2060 square meters. km. As a result of legal and diplomatic conflicts that occurred in the 20th century, both countries hastened to renounce responsibility for this territory, and so it remains to this day, a draw.

Nepal and China
Everest, also known as Chomolungma, also known as Sagarmatha, is the highest mountain border in the world, since the border between Nepal and China runs right through the center of the peak of the mountain. Otherwise, it is absolutely unremarkable, if you just forget about the nine tragic stories of ascent and more than 260 climbers who remained forever on the slopes of the top of the world.

USA and Canada
Borders running right through cities are not only a European quirk; there is one such “strip” between the USA and Canada, in the city of Derby. Not only does the border run right through many houses (if you want to take a bath, go from the USA to Canada), but two large municipal buildings - the opera house and the library - were quite deliberately built right on the border. In an opera, for example, the stage is on the Canadian side, and most of the audience is on the US side. Because of this, all "double" houses have two mailing addresses - one American, the second, respectively, Canadian.

India and Bangladesh
The border between India and Bangladesh is probably the most porous border in the world, with a total of 200 enclaves. However, the enclave of Dahal Kagrabari No. 51 even against this background stands out - it is the only third-order enclave in the world, that is, being the territory of India, it is surrounded by the lands of Bangladesh, which are surrounded by the lands of India, which themselves are an enclave on the territory of Bangladesh. Dahala Kagrabari #51 is not just a donut hole, it is a hole of a donut hole. Dahala Kagrabari No. 51 existed until August 1, 2015 .
On June 6, 2015, India and Bangladesh signed a land border agreement that included the exchange of enclaves. According to this agreement, India handed over 111 enclaves to Bangladesh in the states of Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and Meghalaya with total area about 70 square kilometers. Bangladesh handed over 51 enclaves totaling about 28 square kilometers to India. The population of these territories was more than 50 thousand people. After the exchange of territories, residents of the enclaves were asked to choose citizenship. After the exchange of territories, the only exclave remains the Bangladeshi Dahagram-Angarpota, connected to the main territory by the Tin Bingha corridor.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea
The demilitarized zone separating North Korea and South Korea is considered the most heavily guarded border in the world today. Its width is 4 km and its length is 241 km. Due to the complete absence of human activity in this territory, the demilitarized zone has turned into a unique natural reserve. But activity is observed under the zone - over 50 years, South Korean border guards have discovered a total of 17 tunnels, dug clearly not by ordinary single Koreans. The most legendary of them, discovered in 1978 and today shown to tourists, is a crown " high technology"DPRK. It is dug in granite rock at a depth of 73 m, its length is 1635 m, and its diameter of 2 m allows soldiers in full combat gear to move freely along it. It comes to the surface on the South Korean side some 44 km from Seoul He was discovered only thanks to information from a North Korean defector.

North Korea, China and Russia
The Tumannaya River (Tumangan) is one of the few “natural” borders, which in fact is the border not between two, but between three states at once. For most of its course, it passes the border between China and the DPRK, and in the lower reaches - between the DPRK and Russia. Moreover, there is a point from which you can take just one step into the territory of any of the states. True, it is located at the bottom of the river.

Russia and USA
The Diomede Islands are two islands and several rocks in the center of the Bering Strait at a distance of about 35 km from Chukotka and Alaska. The Ratmanov and Kruzenshtern islands belong to Russia and the United States (respectively) and are the westernmost and easternmost points of these countries. But they are notable not only for this, and not even for the fact that their residents can travel to visit each other without visas. The International Date Line runs between the islands. This means that when the inhabitants of an American island look west, they are not just looking at the cliffs above the water, the territory of another state, or the very eastern point Russia - they look to “tomorrow” in the literal sense of the word.


I present to you the most unusual borders that divide all kinds of states. Here you will see a picnic table, which is the place where the borders of three European Union countries meet, ride a snowmobile, climb over high fence in Spain and do many more interesting things.
UK and Spain - This is an international border checkpoint between the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar and Spain.

Norway and Sweden - People on snowmobiles prepare to travel along the trail separating the two northern countries.

Haiti and Dominican Republic - Photo shows deforestation in Haiti (left) and Dominican Republic (right).

Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil are the Triple Frontier - where the Iguazu and Paraná rivers meet, connecting the three South American nations.

The United States of America and Mexico is a photo of the border between the city of Nogales, Arizona (left) and the city of Nogales, Sonora (right). Every year, almost 350 million people legally cross this border, more than 3 thousand kilometers long, making it the most crossed border in the world.

China and Nepal – The Top of the World high mountain in the world - Everest is located on the border of two small sovereign states.

Argentina and Brazil – Iguazu Falls are located on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine province of Misiones.

The Netherlands and Belgium - The border at Baarle is the most controversial and confusing in the world. The entire village is surrounded by the Netherlands, but its 26 separate territories belong to Belgium. In order not to confuse tourists, the border is marked with white crosses right in the middle of the streets. This makes it clear whether you are in Belgium (Baarle-Hertos) or the Netherlands (Baerle-Nassau).

Costa Rica and Panama – This single-lane bridge over the Sixaola River is the natural border between the two Central American countries, with thousands of cars and trucks passing through every day.

Brazil and Bolivia – The river separating the two countries draws a clear border between tropical forests Brazil, where deforestation is taking place (light green) and the forests of Bolivia (dark green).

Poland and Ukraine – This part of the border between the two European countries is decorated every year before the local arts festival (Land Art Festival).

Slovakia and Poland – Mount Rysy in the High Tatras is located on the border between two member countries of the European Union.

Argentina and Chile – Rising high in the Andes Mountains, the statue of Jesus Christ symbolizes peace between the two South American countries.

Afghanistan and Pakistan - An American sentry stands at the Torkham Gate, which is one of the main routes of border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

USA and Canada – This is the longest international border in the world, stretching almost nine thousand kilometers.

Egypt and Israel - Canadian astronaut Christopher Hadfield took this amazing photo from the International Space Station. The image shows Egypt (left), Israel (right) and the self-governing Gaza Strip stretching along the Mediterranean Sea.

Austria, Hungary and Slovakia – This picnic table is where the borders of three European Union countries meet.

Vatican City and Spain – The entrance to St. Peter's Square marks the border between Italy and the sovereign Catholic city-state of Vatican City.

Spain and Morocco - A tall fence preventing illegal immigrants from entering Spain marks the border of Spain's two North African exclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, which border Morocco. These two Spanish cities are completely surrounded by Morocco. The photo shows Ceuta.

Pakistan and India - Every evening a ceremony called "lowering of the flags" takes place in Wagah, the first of which was held in 1959. The Wagah border between the two Asian countries is often called the "Berlin Wall of Asia".

North Korea and South Korea– The Joint Security Zone pictured here is only part of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, where South Korean and North Korean troops stand face to face.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere - This is not a state border, but a line drawn in a park in Ecuador, which is located at latitude 0 degrees - the meeting point of the two hemispheres.

For a long time, people did not think about what they would leave to their descendants. Rulers were replaced, entire cultures were destroyed, not a trace remained of them. Later, people became smarter and preserved works of art, buildings of stunning beauty, interesting monuments, etc. Eventually, humanity came to the conclusion that the most valuable objects should be included in a special list. Today, tourists visiting certain countries are interested in World Heritage abroad. The UNESCO project has long been called more than successful.

World Heritage

At some point, people turned away from resource consumption and realized the need to protect natural flora and fauna. This desire is expressed in a special list, the idea of ​​which was implemented in 1972 within the framework of the Convention "On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage", which proclaimed universal responsibility for the safety of the most significant objects.

Today the list includes more than a thousand items, and all these monuments are located on the territory of 161 states. Among them there are picturesque corners of nature and amazing creations of human hands, but some objects may surprise those who do not know by what principles this list is compiled.


World Heritage abroad and in Russia is not just buildings and natural monuments. Each object is unique in its own way and is included in the list indicating certain criteria. Conventionally, they are divided into two parts.

For artificial objects, such criteria as reflection of the relationship of human values, the development of architecture, uniqueness or exclusivity, and connection with ideas in the public domain are important. Of course, beauty and aesthetics are also taken into account. Total key factors six.

As for natural monuments, they must include phenomena or terrain of exceptional aesthetic qualities, represent an example of the main stages of history, geological or biological processes, or be important from the point of view of preserving the diversity of animals and flora. Only four criteria are presented.

Those located abroad or in Russia, which can be attributed to approximately equal extent to both one and the other group, are called mixed, or having cultural and natural significance. So, what exactly is included in the UNESCO list?

Record-breaking countries

Objects World Heritage UNESCO are distributed extremely unevenly around the world. The countries with the largest number of monuments are Italy, China, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, India, Great Britain, Russia and the USA. In total, there are more than 350 objects located on their territory, which is more than a third of the entire list. Almost all of these countries can be said to be heirs of great civilizations and to have natural resources. In any case, this beginning of the list is not at all surprising.

Man-made objects

There are 779 objects in this category as of 2014. This includes the most famous and significant buildings and structures in the world, many of which are symbols of their countries: Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Easter Island, Great Abu Mena in Egypt, Versailles, the Acropolis of Athens, the Taj Mahal, the temples of Prambanan and Borobudur in Indonesia, ancient Samarra, located on modern territory Iran, Petra in Jordan, Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan in Mexico, Cusco in Peru, Kizhi Pogost, church in Kolomenskoye, Stonehenge, Statue of Liberty, building. It is often so difficult to single out one thing that the list includes the entire historical center of certain cities - this is especially often observed in Europe. All the most popular attractions among tourists certainly fall into this list. But sometimes, if some major changes have occurred, the property “leaves” the World Heritage Site. Two such cases are known abroad: the Elbe River valley near Dresden was excluded due to construction highway; white oryx reserve - special type antelopes were removed from the list in Oman due to a reduction in its territory and an ineffective fight against poaching. The situation is likely to change over time, but even if not, every year a special committee considers new proposals for the inclusion of various sites abroad as World Heritage Sites.

Natural monuments

The most interesting and beautiful monuments in the category “World Heritage Abroad” - The creation of man, that is, buildings, structures, etc., are also interesting, but it is much more interesting to observe what was created without the help and intervention of people. The list of such monuments (as of 2014) includes 197 items. The facilities are located in 87 countries. 19 of them are endangered (for one reason or another). By the way, the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites begins precisely with the natural monument - the Galapagos Islands, which were awarded this honor in 1978. And, perhaps, this can be called quite fair, because many very rare animals and plants live here, the archipelago is also known for its stunning views. And, ultimately, nature remains the most valuable wealth of humanity.

Mixed category

Some man-made structures are so closely connected with the landscape and environment that it is difficult to unequivocally call them man-made. Or, on the contrary, man only slightly changed what appeared as a result of geological, biological and other natural processes. In any case, the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage, represented by objects from this category, is truly unique.

There are relatively few such objects - 31, but it is simply impossible to talk about each one briefly, they are so diverse and interesting in their own way. These include the national parks of Australia and New Zealand, Mount Athos, Machu Picchu, Meteora monasteries, wild nature Tasmania, landscapes and life of Lapland and much more. It is a real miracle that all this wealth has reached our time in exactly this form, and common task humanity - to preserve this heritage for posterity.

Russia and CIS countries

In the territory former USSR there are a large number of monuments included in the UNESCO list. Some have been nominated as candidates. There are 52 objects in total, including one located on the territory of several states.

The list includes such names as the Moscow Kremlin, Samarkand, Chersonese Tauride, Bukhara, Lake Baikal, Lena Pillars, Putorana Plateau, Mount Sulaiman-Too, etc. Having carefully studied the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites located on the territory of the CIS countries, you can even decide never to travel abroad without exploring your native lands - so diverse and interesting objects are presented in it. Well, then you can look at your neighbors and move across three seas - you’ll have something to compare with.

There are 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine at the moment, and 15 more are under consideration. From CIS countries this country ranks second in the number of items included in the list we are considering. These include, for example, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and in Kyiv, the historical center of Lviv, and the beech forest of the Carpathians.


It may seem that inclusion in a World Heritage Site abroad is simply a nice bonus, making it easier for tourists and travelers to choose where to go and what to see. But this is absolutely not true, because many objects are under threat of partial destruction or disappearance and need special treatment. Their inclusion in the UNESCO list allows us to further guarantee their safety. In addition, adding certain attractions to this list increases their prestige and popularity, which, in turn, attracts more tourists to the country. The development of this sector of the economy makes it possible to obtain more funds, which can be used to restore the very cultural monuments that are on the UNESCO list. So this project is useful in all respects.

Objects under threat

Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. There is a special section of the list that lists those natural and cultural monuments that are at risk of critical changes or complete disappearance. The reasons may be different: various types of disasters and incidents, wars, negative effects of climate and time. Not all of this can be controlled, so humanity may soon lose some of the sites included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage. There are currently 46 items on this “alarming” list. None of them are included in the World Heritage Sites in Russia. Abroad, such situations, unfortunately, are not uncommon. But the committee is working in this direction.

The list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Danger includes those that appeared a very long time ago - in the 3-5 millennium BC, so their importance is difficult to overestimate. And yet, numerous problems, construction and reconstruction plans, wars, floods, poaching, etc. do not yet allow us to say that these places are safe.

Committee activities

UNESCO is a huge organization dealing with the most different problems, World Heritage Abroad is just one of them. And all issues related to this topic are decided by a special committee. It meets once a year to make decisions on objects applying for inclusion on the list. In addition, the committee initiates the creation of working groups that deal with the problems of individual objects. It also acts as a financial institution, highlighting cash countries party to the Convention upon their request. There are 21 members in total on the committee. Most of their terms expire in 2017.

Similar lists

Of course, cultural and natural monuments are extremely important and valuable, but humanity strives to preserve not only them. As opposed to material objects, lists have been created containing the most significant examples of creativity, fields of knowledge, etc. Since 2001, UNESCO has been keeping records of masterpieces of oral and intangible creativity. But don't think that we're talking about O literary works- this list is much wider and more diverse than it seems. This includes culinary traditions various countries world, the unique skills of individual peoples, characteristic chants and dances, even falconry!

Another project designed to preserve UNESCO World Heritage sites is called Memory of the World. And it really is something akin to a repository of various knowledge - after all, this list contains the most important documents of humanity of all times that have survived to this day. This includes films, photographs, sound recordings, paintings, manuscripts and archives of famous people.

UNESCO projects aimed at drawing attention to cultural monuments and phenomena of all kinds allow us not to forget that every person is capable of creating something great, worthy of remaining in history forever. They also help us sometimes to stop and think how much beauty has been created by our ancestors and nature, and how terrible it would be to lose it.

Incredible facts

People created borders to separate their land from others.

Boundaries may be on land, water and airspace.

Some countries have created almost invisible boundaries so that their residents can move freely from one state to another.

But there are also countries that have decided to install high walls on their borders.

Also in the division of territory nature intervened.

Here's a short list some unusual boundaries between different states:

USA (right) and Russia (left)

The Diomede Islands are two rocky islands located in the center of the Bering Strait. They are separated by 35 km from both Chukotka and Alaska. Despite this, the time difference is 21 hours.

Borders of Europe

Norway and Sweden

Netherlands and Belgium

This free border passes through a village called Barle. We can say that the border divides the village into two parts.

Austria, Hungary and Slovakia

This picnic table symbolizes the meeting point of three boundaries.

Spain and Portugal

In Portugal there are sometimes poorly maintained roads.

Germany, Czech Republic and Poland

The borders of the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland meet at the forked river.

Austria and Slovenia

Spain and Morocco

Ceuta is a small semi-enclave of Spain located on the northern coast of Morocco, opposite Gibraltar. The area is surrounded by a large wall.

Borders between the countries of North and South America

USA (left) and Mexico (right)

USA and Canada

This long path symbolizes the border between the two states. The border runs through the small town of Derby Line, and bisects several houses.

Haiti and Dominican Republic

In Haiti, deforestation is not monitored, which causes large areas of trees to suffer. But in the Dominican Republic it’s the other way around - here the forests are under state protection.

Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil

Argentina (left) and Brazil (right)

Iguazu Falls act as a border between these states.

Brazil (left) and Bolivia (right)

This image clearly shows the difference in levels of forest protection.

Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana

Amazing Mount Roraima in South America located at the junction of the borders of Brazil (in the state of Roraima), Venezuela (in national park Kanaim) and Guyana (where Mt. highest point countries).

Politics is an interesting thing that affects the lives of each of us in one way or another. But today is not about that. Today we look at how politics has affected borders various states. And if you expect to see borders with traditional checkpoints here, then prepare to be surprised. These photographs demonstrate how incredible and even absurd the policies of states regarding their borders can be. And also how neighboring states solve the same issues.

1. Norway and Sweden.

2. The Netherlands and Belgium.

4. And it divides the city almost in half.

5. Former East and West Berlin. When the city was still divided, East Berlin used sodium light bulbs to light the streets, while West Berlin used mostly halogen bulbs. This difference is still visible today.

6. South and North Korea. At night, North Korea is blacker than black.

7. USA (right) and Russia (left). The Diomede Islands are located on both sides of the border between Russia and the United States. Despite the fact that the Russian island is only 3.8 km from the American one, it is 21 hours ahead of it in time.

8. USA (left) and Mexico (right).

11. USA and Canada.

12. With a length of 8851 km, this line marks the border between the United States and Canada. It passes through the small town of Derby Line, even cutting buildings in half.

13. Spain and Portugal. Portugal is famous for its bad roads.

14. India and Pakistan.

15. Bright orange light floods the border area between the two countries.

18. Haiti has virtually no deforestation control, so its side of the border is bare compared to the protected rainforests of the Dominican Republic.

19. Poland and Ukraine. These two fish, created by designer Jaroslav Koziara, symbolize unity and trade between these countries.

21. China and Macau. In China, traffic is on the right, but in Macau, because... it used to be British colony, - left-handed. This has resulted in a rather "winding" border that should suit both types traffic.

24. Germany and Poland. The bridge on the Odra River from Poland to Germany was blown up by the Red Army in 1945.

27. Netherlands and Belgium. The Belgian road system is one of the most frequently used in the world, because... Belgian roads are often used by cars from other European countries. As a result, some Belgian roads have practically disappeared.
