New rules for granting academic leave. How you can take academic leave at a university or college: reasons, methods, sample

Receipt higher education- an important stage in the process of socialization and learning of a person, so if a student has a question - how to take academic leave– this means that there are serious obstacles to continuing education. Any form: full-time, part-time, evening, free attendance - requires the student to appear at the educational institution at least once per session. And without good reason, missing lectures and seminars is more expensive for yourself. But if circumstances are such that it is physically impossible to appear at a university or college, there is only one solution - to go on academic leave. The maximum period for which the alma mater management is obliged to release its ward is two years. But there must be really good reasons for such an indulgence.

Academician: general concepts

An academic deferment from the educational process refers to a temporary leave of absence during which a student at a college or university simply forgets about his responsibilities regarding his studies. The academy will continue strictly until the period designated by the applicant himself. Therefore, before taking a leave of absence, you need to calculate how long you will need to be removed from school. In some cases you can get by with a year, in others you will have to legally take two years off. You can visit the academy as many times as needed during the entire academic period. This is how this rule is formulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of our country, number 455. Taking academic leave, which is naturally not recommended, right during the session: there is a possibility that the management will not be interested in this particular problem. It's better to take it for two or three whole semesters.

What conditions does an already obtained academic qualification require:

  • the student is completely exempt from attending lectures, seminars and rating controls, from taking tests and exams, as well as from passing educational practice, if required by the institute;
  • A student studying on a contract basis is not required to pay nursing fees to the academy. If one semester was paid for, and the deferment had to be issued unexpectedly, then the money must be returned or registered as future contributions;
  • the student also does not have the right to live in the dormitory assigned to him;
  • Before taking a leave of absence, you need to check with your educational institution about the possibility of receiving any payments. Of course, the student will no longer have a scholarship. But if academic leave is taken out for health reasons, then you can write an application to receive monthly compensation;

Important! If the student specified in his application exact dates, for which he should be granted a deferment, then before the end of the specified period he does not have the right to begin educational activities. But if necessary, he can submit another application, and if the rector’s office cooperates, then the academic leave at the university can be completed earlier.

Who can apply for an academic

The procedure for granting academic leave should be well known to students. The deferment is granted only in connection with a valid important changes in life. There are two broad categories of reasons for which the administration may allow a student to skip the educational process. This is an academic leave for family reasons or medical reasons. The first group includes reasons such as:

  • unexpected change of residence;
  • forced relocation due to a change of job;
  • joining the Armed Forces;
  • a sharp deterioration in the financial situation, making it impossible to pay for studies;
  • other serious problems with the family.

Read also Features of writing an application for leave at your own expense (sample)

The second group of reasons includes the following:

  • the need for a serious medical procedure, a sharp deterioration in health;
  • the need for long-term sanatorium or rehabilitation treatment;
  • development of cancer;
  • the need to care for a sick relative;
  • pregnancy;
  • newborn care.

In what other cases an educational deferment may be granted is decided by the rector’s office. If the university or college is quite compact or located in a sparsely populated area, its management may decide to grant leave for other, less significant reasons. It will not be possible to take an academic course without any reason at all.

Many first-year students think about whether it is possible to take an academic leave if this time you are poorly prepared for the session or did not have time to write your thesis. In most cases, this idea fails because the management of the university or college does not need to stand on ceremony with an irresponsible student.

Academic registration rules

Before taking a leave of absence, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Without evidence, you are unlikely to go away for such a long period of time on your urgent matters. How to get academic leave and what needs to be presented:

  • application from the student indicating the timing of the deferment;
  • a certificate from a medical institution about health problems;
  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic if there is a fact of pregnancy;
  • a document from the military registration and enlistment office confirming the need for military service;
  • papers confirming financial instability in the family: a certificate of bank debt, if any, papers from employment centers when registering; if you take into account the wealth of the whole family, then you will need certificates from the social security agency and papers on income from places of work;
  • for those who plan to take an academic leave in connection with a change of job - present a document confirming the need to preserve this workplace for a particular student.

If you need academic leave for correspondence department, then you will need to submit all the same documents. But in this case, just as in the situation with evening studies, it is worthwhile to tighten up all the debts. Representatives of the administration or other responsible persons have the full right to refuse to grant a deferment if academic discipline has been violated.

IN modern life There are often situations when students, due to some circumstances, do not have time to study. Studying at the university requires dedication and takes up most of your free time. However, sometimes events or troubles happen in life when students are not at all interested in studying, and it is necessary to spend some time to solve them. Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise when you have to end your university studies early. To avoid this, you can take academic leave.

Concept of academic leave

The concept of “academic leave” includes the right to take a break from a student’s learning process. The student is not expelled from the university; adjustments are made to his syllabus, shifting the time periods for passing certification tests in various disciplines. It goes without saying that the missed program after the academic. vacation will have to be made up. You cannot just take an academic leave for the purpose of resting from the everyday routine of studying - you must have a good reason. In addition, to obtain it it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. If a problem arises that takes you by surprise and prevents you from regularly attending classes, you need to think about taking a leave of absence.

Academic leave due to pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs quite often among female students. At the same time, girls have the opportunity to attend lectures during pregnancy and the right to receive academic leave in connection with pregnancy. In this situation, everything depends on the well-being and condition of the patient. There are often situations when, due to deteriorating health, regular attendance at lectures is simply impossible. Academician Leave due to pregnancy is obtained at any stage - from early dates until the final weeks.

To get an academic degree. Maternity leave must be provided with a medical certificate. institution proving the fact of pregnancy. Sometimes it may be necessary to provide a certificate of incapacity for work. During the normal course of pregnancy, there is no need to interrupt the learning process.

Academic leave due to illness

It is no secret that any disease leads to decreased performance. In cases of prolonged or severe illness, the possibility of obtaining an academic degree is provided. leave due to illness, because regular attendance in this case is very problematic. There is a certain category of diseases that gives the right to take an academic degree. vacation:

  • Anatomical damage;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Significant deviations in the body's performance.

To obtain academic leave, it is necessary to gather a council of medical specialists, at which the degree (stage) of the disease, its severity and prognosis for recovery are discussed. In cases where treatment requires a student to stay in the hospital for a long time, the academician. Leave is given for the required period. A positive or negative decision on the possibility of granting academic leave and its duration depends on the doctor’s opinion.

Academic leave for family reasons

There are times when one of your loved ones becomes seriously ill and there is a need to take an academic leave. vacation. In this case, it is provided in connection with the care of the patient for a certain period of time. To get an academic degree. sick leave for a relative requires the provision of a certificate confirming the well-being and general condition of the patient, as well as a document confirming the cohabitation of the student and the sick relative. Members of the commission should not have questions about the fact that no one except the student can provide care to the sick. All points and circumstances are taken into account, after which the commission makes a decision on granting academic qualifications. vacation for a student.

Registration of academic leave: features of obtaining

For registration of academic. leave, you must contact the administration of the educational institution. Then you should write a statement indicating the reasons for going on academic leave. All certificates or other documents (depending on the reason for leaving) specified above must be attached to the application. In some cases, a commission decision is required with a study of all the reasons and circumstances for which it is necessary to obtain an academic degree. vacation. Each case is considered separately, taking into account all the circumstances and subtleties of the individual case.

During the entire period of study, a student can receive academic leave 2 times. The period of academic leave should not exceed 1 year (12 months).

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The state has provided the opportunity to take academic leave for those who have health problems, conflicts in the family, or some unforeseen circumstances that force the student to temporarily suspend their educational activities. Temporary difficulties are not a reason to stop studying and not receive an education.

Academic leave is an official and legally enshrined termination of education caused by a number of circumstances. The decision to grant leave is made by the management of the educational institution. During this period, the student is freed from the need to independently master the educational material.

A temporary break from studies may be allowed for up to 1 year. After the specified period, the vacation can be extended, if necessary, by providing a package necessary documents. However, it is not prohibited to take vacation several times for various reasons.

For example, a student has the right to take leave due to pregnancy. After a year, she can extend her academic leave, but indicate another reason - child care or family circumstances.

In order to continue studying after the end of the academic leave, the student must write an application for the resumption of educational activities. If an order for permission to take a break from study was issued to a student due to health conditions, it is also necessary to undergo a medical examination and bring a doctor’s report on recovery.

The student has no right to attend classes without a signed order for permission to resume educational activities.

Some higher education institutions may refuse to grant permission to take a break from study until the student has passed all exams and tests for the current session.

This is an unofficial rule so that when the student returns to university, he can start lectures from the next semester, and not in the middle of it.

Vacation can be extended unlimited amount times, but there must be reasons for this. Difficulties in passing a session or reluctance to study are not reasons for requesting an official suspension of educational activities.

What is academic leave

In the Law “On Education in Russian Federation"(Article 34, paragraph 12) and the order of Minister D.V. Livanov dated June 28, 2013 describes what academic leave is.

The latest document contains rules for obtaining permission to take a temporary break from study, and some old rules reflected in the order of November 5, 1998 have been cancelled. In particular, until 2013, an official break from studies was allowed for a period of 2 years, but now this period has been reduced to 1 year.

During the study break, a budget student is not paid a scholarship, but his place is retained. If a student decides to extend his academic leave, he will lose his budget place and will be required to continue his studies on a contract basis.

In the event that the reason for the leave is due to health conditions, the student has the right to receive monthly payments, called compensatory.

The educational institution may initiate payments. For example, if a student is in a car accident and needs an expensive operation, the university administration has the right to allocate an amount from the educational institution’s budget for treatment.

Students have the right to apply to retain their place in the dormitory for the period of academic leave; the decision in this case is made by the rector. However, the university is obliged to provide the student with a dormitory when the vacation ends and the student resumes studies.

Types of academic leave

There are the following circumstances that serve as sufficient grounds for temporarily not attending classes:

  1. Taking a break from studies due to health reasons medical indications.
  2. A break in the educational process during military service.
  3. Suspension of the educational process due to personal and family problems - academic leave for family reasons. This group includes leave for pregnancy, caring for a child or a sick family member, due to going abroad for training/internship. In each of these cases, it is necessary to collect documents confirming the legality of the request to suspend studies.

The concept of “sabbatical leave at the university” refers exclusively to the educational process. If a student works and studies at the same time, he has the right, if there are grounds, to receive a temporary break from educational activities, but the presence of permission for suspension educational process does not give him the opportunity to leave his job.

You cannot take a sabbatical from work, but you can request permission to be absent from work for 2 weeks.

A break from studying should not be perceived as a vacation or an opportunity not to serve in the military. After the expiration of the permission to stop classes, the student is obliged to resume studies or extend the vacation. The scholarship will not be awarded while you are away from the university.

In case of resuming studies, the student remains obligated to serve. Academic leave is not a deferment from the army. In case of extension of academic leave, the decision on service is made by the medical commission.

Procedure for granting academic leave

Permission for a temporary break from study is granted to persons studying in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions:

  • students of universities, academies, institutes;
  • cadets of military and naval schools;
  • Full-time graduate students of all specialties;
  • employees who are undergoing postgraduate training;
  • doctors who entered residency;
  • assistants who undergo internships at an educational institution.

Depending on the reasons, the student must collect a package of documents, including an application for academic leave written to the rector.

Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who are in Russia legally and are studying at institutions of higher education (universities, institutes) and secondary education have the right to receive an official break from their studies. vocational education(schools, colleges, technical schools).

In addition, academic leave is provided to students of any form of study - full-time and part-time, contract and budget. Students who study under a contract are exempt from paying tuition fees during the vacation period.

If any part Money was paid before the start of the academic leave, then this amount, under the terms of the contract, is either returned to the student or counted as a contribution or part thereof for the period beginning after the resumption of studies.

If a foreigner receives education at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Russian Federation, in the case of a request for permission to temporarily interrupt educational activities, it is often necessary to refer to interstate agreements concluded between Russia and the state from which the foreign citizen arrived.

For this reason, a foreigner sometimes has to wait for the university management to make a decision on granting leave.

How to get academic leave

In addition to the application, in order to receive leave from an educational institution with the opportunity to continue studying without going through the reinstatement procedure, you must provide:

  1. Conclusion of the municipal or state hospital to which the student is assigned at his place of residence or study. The diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.
  2. Notice of conscription for military service. The document must indicate the time of receipt of the summons and the place where the student will serve.
  3. Any other document that has legal force and serves as the basis for granting academic leave: for pregnant women - a certificate from a gynecologist, for single mothers with minor children - a copy of the divorce certificate, a court decision on deprivation of parental rights, a child’s birth certificate, a certificate of the state of his health (if the child is sick and requires constant care).

Sample application for academic leave

To the rector _________________ (full name in the genitive case)_________

________________________(the name of the institution)________

from a student (cadet, graduate student) of group _________(group number)

___________(name of faculty)__________________ faculty

________________________ (student's full name in the genitive case)


Please provide the academic. leave due to _________________________

______________________(explain the reason) ______________________ from _____(date)____ to _____(date)______.


Please provide the academic. leave for a period of one year from “___” ____ to “____” ________ due to health conditions (option: due to family circumstances, due to military service). I am attaching a medical report to the application (option: summons for military service).

________________ ________________ ____________________

(Applicant’s full name) (student’s signature) (date)

According to the law, the application must be considered within 10 days from the date of its submission to the rector or authorized person.

Nov 14, 2017 zakonadmnin

Research the question

Academic leave is granted for a period of no more than 2 years an unlimited number of times. For the duration of its validity, the student is exempt from classes.

It can be obtained by persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational or higher education:

  • Students (cadets)
  • Postgraduate students (adjuncts)
  • Residents
  • Trainee assistants
Sabbatical leave can be taken from any course, but freshman and graduate applications will be scrutinized more carefully and leave will be less likely.

If you receive a scholarship (you are studying on a budget basis, you have no academic debt, and the session was passed without “satisfactory” grades), payments will continue throughout the vacation. If you are studying on a contract basis, please note that no tuition fees are charged during academic leave.

If you live in a dormitory, then, when applying for academic leave, the university reserves the right to provide a room to another student.

Securing a place at a university

There are no provisions in the law of the Russian Federation under which a person returning from vacation is guaranteed a return to the same form and basis of training. This is regulated only by local regulations of the educational institution, and if the university management deems it necessary, the place can be given to another student.

The budget form of education is no exception. Despite the fact that the place should remain with the student for the period of the first academic leave, if budget places at the university are reduced, this may indirectly affect the possibility of securing a place for the person.

Try to clarify the issue of your reinstatement in the dean's office in advance.

There are two groups of reasons why you can take academic leave:

  • Unconditional (medical indications, military service upon conscription)
  • Conditional (family or other circumstances)
If leave is taken for medical reasons, the student is entitled to a monthly compensation payment (50 rubles) throughout the entire academic leave.

To receive payment in in full it is necessary to write a corresponding application addressed to the rector immediately along with the application for leave, but no later than 6 months from the date of actual granting of leave (forgot, didn’t have time, etc.). Otherwise, you will only be paid for six months.

Collect documents

To receive academic leave, you must write an application addressed to the rector of the educational institution.

It must indicate:

  • Full name, address and telephone number of the student
  • Justifications for granting leave with a list of attached documents
  • Signature
Please attach certificates and documents confirming the reason why you need leave to your application.

It can be :

  • Medical certificates 027/U and 095/U
  • Summons from the military registration and enlistment office
  • Other documents (for example, a certificate of illness or death of a relative)
If a student cannot submit an application and documents independently, it is necessary to clarify the rules for transfer by other persons at the department. To do this, you usually need a passport and a notarized power of attorney for the person submitting them.

Submit your application

The application along with the documents must be submitted to the dean’s office or rector’s office (this needs to be clarified at the department of your faculty).

The university has 10 days to make a decision.

If a student wants to request a leave of absence for medical reasons, the university management may give a referral to undergo a medical examination to confirm the data specified in the certificate. Usually the commission takes place at the student clinic.

Exit from academic leave

Exit from academic leave is regulated by local normative act educational institution. However, there is a standard procedure.

After the academic leave period has come to an end, the student must be reinstated in the educational institution. To do this, you should write an application addressed to the rector again. Within a few days after this, an order will be issued to continue training.

If the leave was appointed for medical reasons, you should attach to the application the conclusion of the medical commission, which will indicate admission to classes.

If you want to recover ahead of schedule, the algorithm of actions will be the same.

Important: If you are late in filing your reinstatement application by 15 days after the end of your leave period, you may be expelled.

Extension of academic leave

Academic leave cannot be extended, but you can take a new one. To do this, you need to again collect documents confirming the reason why you need to interrupt your studies, write an application and wait for a decision within 10 days.

When applying for a second and subsequent academic leave, remember that neither the deferment from conscription nor the preservation of a budget place are no longer valid. This rule applies only to the first academic leave.

In order to receive a second academic leave for medical reasons and not be drafted into the army, you must also obtain the conclusion of the draft commission (you will receive either a deferment or a complete exemption).

In case of pregnancy

In case of pregnancy, the application must be accompanied by:

  • Certificate 095/U
  • Extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic regarding registration
  • Conclusion of the medical commission
Please note that the law on academic leave does not contain a clause stipulating its provision for raising a child under 3 years of age. However, you can take 2 years of leave for medical reasons (pregnancy) and immediately after that take another one, for family reasons.

Important: female students on vacation receive a monthly allowance until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

If you have academic debt

In most cases, if a student has debt, they will not be given leave. The university can accommodate it in case of medical and clearly objective reasons.

Each situation is individual and depends on the rules of the university. In some educational institutions, for example, they transfer to a lower course.

If leave is taken after payment for the semester

Typically, if money is paid for the semester, it will not be returned, but will be protected against future periods of study. This is regulated by the local regulations of the educational institution.

If the cost of the training contract increases in the future, the university has the right to demand additional payment.

Good afternoon Victoria!

Yes, you can take a sabbatical leave

According to medical
testimony, family circumstances or in other cases (for example, call for
military service) to higher education students educational institutions and educational institutions
secondary vocational education is provided with academic leave in
in the prescribed manner(Clause 12, Clause 1, Article 34
Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; Procedure and reasons
granting academic leave to students, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science
Russia dated June 13, 2013 N 455).

For registration
During academic leave, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1: Imagine
application to an educational institution
on granting academic leave with the following documents attached:

clinical expert commission of state, municipal treatment and prophylactic
healthcare institutions, if academic leave is required for medical reasons

Military agenda
commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of military
service, if academic leave is required in case of conscription;

Information from
antenatal clinic if academic leave is required due to pregnancy and

patient certificates if academic leave is required to care for a patient;

Evidence of
birth, if academic leave is required to care for a child;

Inquiries about
parents’ salary from their place of work and certificates from authorities social protection,
confirming your family’s status as low-income, if academic
leave is required due to the difficult financial situation of your family.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself
with the decision of the head of the educational institution to provide
academic leave and receive a certificate of study or period of study.

Decision on
granting academic leave must be accepted no later than
10 days from the date the student submits the application and documents.

Leave is granted for a period not exceeding two years. He can
be provided an unlimited number of times.

It is also advisable
obtain a certificate of study or period of study. It may be needed for
confirmation of the fact that you have received education and is issued in writing
student's statement. The certificate indicates the items that you have already
listened, number of hours, as well as grades given for all studied

prepared with the assistance of

All-Russian public organization

lawyers of Russia"

Makeeva P.V.

(Situation: How to apply for academic leave? (“Electronic journal
"ABC of Law", 2015) (ConsultantPlus))

Second education is provided on a paid basis

1. Everyone has
right to education.

2. Guaranteed
universal accessibility and free pre-school, basic general and secondary
vocational education in state or municipal
educational institutions and in enterprises.

Art. 43, “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the people
by vote on December 12, 1993) (taking into account amendments made by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments
to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ, dated February 5, 2014 N
2-FKZ, dated July 21, 2014 N 11-FKZ) (ConsultantPlus)

3. In Russian
The Federation is guaranteed to be publicly accessible and free of charge in accordance with
federal state educational standards
preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education,
secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis
free higher education , if education of this level is a citizen
receives for the first time.
