Incomplete sentences in Russian. Complete and incomplete sentences

In the scientific literature, the issue of complete and incomplete sentences is covered in contradictory ways.

Incomplete is a sentence in which any member of the sentence or group of members of the sentence is missing, the omission of which is confirmed by the presence of dependent words of the sentence, as well as data from the context or situation of speech.

Types of incomplete sentences are distinguished taking into account the following factors:

Written or oral sphere of use

Monologue or dialogue

Interaction of a sentence with context

Incomplete sentences there are:

    contextual(incomplete - incomplete sentences in monologue speech; dialogue lines - incomplete sentences in dialogic speech)


Incomplete lines of dialogue are very common in colloquial speech. They are usually short and contain something new that the speaker wants to tell the interlocutor.

According to the target orientation, incomplete dialogue lines can be divided into 3 groups:

Responses. Contains the answer to the question asked in the previous response.


Continuing remarks convey something additional to what was said in the initial sentence.

Situational cues are a type of incomplete sentences for colloquial speech. They are used as full-fledged units of communication only in a certain situation. When the very setting of the speech suggests to the interlocutors the concepts about which we're talking about, but which are not expressed verbally as part of this replica. Going.

Elliptical sentences.

Sentences like " I am going home" In linguistic literature, the term elliptical sentences is used in different meanings:

    instead of the term "incomplete sentence"

    denotes a type of incomplete sentence

    serves as the name of the type of sentences adjacent to incomplete ones.

Ellipsis – is an abbreviation of a verb phrase in a sentence; elimination of the verbal component without replacing it in the context.

Types of elliptical sentences:

    A sentence with the meaning of movement - moving. Actor + word denoting direction, goal, final point of movement. The function of an independent member of a sentence is a pronoun, a noun in a singular form, denoting a person, animal or object capable of movement. The second member is adverbs of place, nouns in v.p. with a pretext in, on, or in d.p. with a pretext To

    A sentence with the meaning of speech or thought. They have an object in p.p. with a pretext O or about or in v.p. with the preposition about.

    A sentence meaning to hit, hit. Subject of action + dependent words in v.p. and so on. Here I am - with a stick!

Offer equivalents

This is a special grammatical device used in communication to express agreement or disagreement, as well as emotionally expressive reactions to the speech of the interlocutor. Yes. No! No matter how it is! Still would.

They do not have an independent informative meaning, but only confirm, deny or evaluate the content of the specific sentence with which they are correlated.

As sentence equivalents, they have only intonation design, but lack grammatical form and are not articulated.

By value they are divided into 3 groups:

    word-sentences expressed by particles with general meaning affirmation or denial

    modal words-sentences with the additional meaning of probability/supposition.

    Interjective words are sentences that are divided into: emotional-evaluative sentences that represent a reaction to a situation, a message, a question. Well?!; incentive offers; sentences that are an expression of speech etiquette.

Incomplete sentences- these are sentences in which a member of the sentence is missing that is necessary for the completeness of the structure and meaning of the given sentence.

Missed sentence members can be restored by communication participants from knowledge of the situation discussed in the sentence.

For example, if at a bus stop one of the passengers, looking at the road, says: “Coming!”, the rest of the passengers can easily restore the missing subject: Bus coming.

Missing sentence members can be restored from the previous context. Such contextually incomplete sentences are very common in dialogues.

For example: - Is your company assigned to the forest tomorrow? - asked Prince Poltoratsky. - My. (L. Tolstoy). Poltoratsky’s response is an incomplete sentence in which the subject, predicate, adverbial place and adverbial time are missing (cf.: My the company is assigned to the forest tomorrow ).

Incomplete constructions are common in complex sentences:

Everything is obedient to me, I mean nothing (Pushkin). The second part of a complex non-union sentence ( I mean nothing) is an incomplete sentence in which the predicate is missing (cf.: I'm disobedient nothing).


Incomplete sentences and one-part sentences- these are different phenomena.

IN one-part sentences one of the main members of the sentence is missing; the meaning of the sentence is clear to us even without this member. Moreover, the structure of the sentence itself (the absence of a subject or predicate, the form of a single main member) has a certain meaning.

For example, form plural the predicate verb in an indefinite-personal sentence conveys the following content: the subject of the action is unknown ( There was a knock on the door), not important ( He was wounded near Kursk) or hiding ( They told me a lot about you yesterday).

IN Not full sentence Any member of the sentence (one or more) can be omitted. If we consider such a sentence out of context or situation, then its meaning will remain incomprehensible to us (cf. out of context: My; I don't care).

In the Russian language there is one type of incomplete sentences in which the missing member is not restored and is not prompted by the situation or the previous context. Moreover, the “missing” members are not required to reveal the meaning of the sentence. Such sentences are understandable even without context or situation:


These are the so-called "elliptical sentences". They usually contain a subject and a secondary member - a circumstance or an addition. The predicate is missing, and we often cannot say which predicate is missing.

Wed: Behind the back is / located / visible forest .

And yet, most scientists consider such sentences to be structurally incomplete, since the secondary member of the sentence (adverbial or complement) refers to the predicate, and the predicate is not represented in the sentence.


Elliptical incomplete sentences should be distinguished: a) from one-part nominal sentences ( Forest) and b) from two-part ones - with a compound nominal predicate, expressed indirect case noun or adverb with zero connective ( All the trees are in silver). To distinguish between these structures, the following must be taken into account:

1) one-part nominal sentences cannot contain adverbials, since the adverbial is always connected with the predicate. Among the minor members in denominative sentences, the most typical are coordinated and inconsistent definitions.

Spring Forest; Entrance to the hall;

2) The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate - a noun or adverb in a two-part complete sentence indicates a state-attribute.

Wed: All trees are in silver. - All trees are silver.

Omitting a member within a sentence in oral speech may be marked by a pause, in place of which a dash is placed on the letter:

Behind is a forest. To the right and left are swamps(Peskov); Everything obeys me, but I obey nothing(Pushkin).

Most regularly, a dash is placed in the following cases:

    in an elliptical sentence containing a subject and adverbial place, an object - only if there is a pause in oral speech:

    There is fog outside the night window(Block);

    in an elliptical sentence - with parallelism (sameness of sentence members, word order, forms of expression, etc.) of structures or their parts:

    in incomplete sentences constructed according to the scheme: nouns in the accusative and dative cases (with the omission of the subject and predicate) with a clear intonation division of the sentence into parts:

    For skiers - a good track; Youth - jobs; Young families - benefits;

    in an incomplete sentence forming part of a complex sentence, when the missing member (usually the predicate) is restored from the previous part of the phrase - only if there is a pause:

    The nights have become blacker, the days have become cloudier(in the second part the ligament is restored become).

Plan for parsing an incomplete sentence

  1. Indicate the type of proposal (complete - incomplete).
  2. Name the missing part of the sentence.

Sample parsing

Men - for axes(A.N. Tolstoy).

The sentence is incomplete; predicate missing grabbed.

By the presence or absence of the necessary members of the proposal distinguish between complete and incomplete simple sentences.

Complete sentences- these are simple sentences that contain all the members necessary for the semantic completeness of the sentence. Being strong is good, being smart is twice as good.

Incomplete sentences- these are sentences in which any member of the sentence (main or secondary) or several members of the sentence are missing. Missed sentence members are easily restored from previous sentences or from the speech situation. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge . Compare: ... and a person is illuminated by knowledge.

Incomplete two-part proposals should be distinguished from one-part complete, in which there is only one main member sentences, but the second is not and cannot be in the structure.

Both two-part and one-part sentences can be incomplete. Sentences in dialogue are often incomplete.

- What's your name?
- Alexei.
- What about your father?
- Nikolaich.

An incomplete sentence can be the second part of a complex sentence. Alyosha looked at them, and they looked at him. The predicate in the second part of the complex sentence is omitted. You received the letters, but I did not. Addendum omitted.

The omission of sentence members in pronunciation can be expressed by a pause, and in writing it is indicated by a dash. It dawns early in summer, and late in winter.

In the so-called situational incomplete sentences missing members are not restored. They are not named anywhere in the text by words, but are inferred from the speech situation, that is, their meaning is revealed by extra-speech circumstances, gestures, and facial expressions. Behind me! Cheers! Bon Voyage!

From the point of view of completeness of the structure, sentences are divided into full And incomplete.

Full sentences that contain all the members necessary to express a thought are called.

Incomplete are called sentences in which any member of the sentence that is necessary in meaning and structure (main or secondary) is missing.

Two-part and one-part, common and non-common sentences can be incomplete.

The possibility of omitting members of a sentence is explained by the fact that they are clear from the context, from the situation of speech or from the structure of the sentence itself. Thus, the meaning of incomplete sentences is perceived based on the situation or context.

Here is an example of incomplete sentences in which the missing subject is restored from context .

She walked and walked. And suddenly in front of him from the hill the master sees a house, a village, a grove under the hill and a garden above the bright river.(A.S. Pushkin.) (Context - previous sentence: In a clear field, in the silvery light of the moon, immersed in her dreams, Tatyana walked alone for a long time.)

Examples of incomplete sentences, the missing members of which are restored from the situation.

He knocked down his husband and wanted to look at the widow’s tears. Unscrupulous!(A.S. Pushkin) - Leporello’s words, a response to the desire expressed by his master, Don Guan, to meet Dona Anna. It is clear that the missing subject is He or Don Guan.

- Oh my God! And here, next to this tomb!(A.S. Pushkin.) This is an incomplete sentence - Dona Anna’s reaction to the words of the protagonist of “The Stone Guest”: Don Guan admitted that he was not a monk, but “an unfortunate victim of a hopeless passion.” In his remark there is not a single word that could take the place of the missing members of the sentence, but based on the situation they can be approximately restored as follows: “You dare to say this here, in front of this coffin!».

May be missed:

  • subject: How firmly she stepped into her role!(A.S. Pushkin) (The subject is restored from the subject from the previous sentence: How Tatyana has changed!);

He would have disappeared like a blister on the water, without any trace, leaving no descendants, without providing future children with either a fortune or an honest name!(N.V. Gogol) (The subject I is restored using the addition from the previous sentence: Whatever you say,” he said to himself, “if the police captain had not arrived, I might not have been able to look at the light of God again!”) (N.V. Gogol);

  • addition: And I took it in my arms! And I was pulling my ears so hard! And I fed him gingerbread!(A.S. Pushkin) (Previous sentences: How Tanya has grown! How long ago, it seems, did I baptize you?);
  • predicate: Just not on the street, but from here, through the back door, and there through the courtyards.(M.A. Bulgakov) (Previous sentence: Run!);
  • several members of a sentence at once , including grammatical basis: How long ago?(A.S. Pushkin) (Previous sentence: Are you composing Requiem?)

Incomplete sentences are common as part of complex sentences : He is happy if she puts a fluffy boa on her shoulder...(A.S. Pushkin) You Don Guana reminded me of how you scolded me and clenched your teeth with gnashing.(A.S. Pushkin) In both sentences, the missing subject in the subordinate clause is restored from the main sentence.

Incomplete sentences are very common in spoken language., in particular, in dialogue, where usually the initial sentence is developed, grammatically complete, and subsequent remarks, as a rule, are incomplete sentences, since they do not repeat already named words.

- I'm angry with my son.
- For what?
- For an evil crime.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Among dialogical sentences, a distinction is made between sentences that are replicas and sentences that are answers to questions.

1. Reply sentences represent links in a common chain of replicas replacing each other. In a dialogue remark, as a rule, those members of the sentence are used that add something new to the message, and members of the sentence already mentioned by the speaker are not repeated. Replies that begin a dialogue are usually more complete in composition and independent than subsequent ones, which are lexically and grammatically based on the first replicas.

For example:

- Go get a bandage.
- Will kill.
- Crawling.
- You won’t be saved anyway (Nov.-Pr.).

2. Suggestions-answers
vary depending on the nature of the question or remark.

They can be answers to a question in which one or another member of the sentence is highlighted:

- Who are you?
- Passing... wandering...
- Are you spending the night or living?
- I'll take a look there...

- What do you have in your bundle, eagles?
“Crayfish,” the tall one answered reluctantly.
- Wow! Where did you get them?
- Near the dam

Can be answers to a question that requires only confirmation or denial of what was said:

- Were these your poems published in Pionerka yesterday?
- My
(S. Bar.);

- Did Nikolai show it to Stepanych? - asked the father.
- Showed
(S. Bar.);

- Maybe we need to get something? Bring it?
- Do not need anything

Could be answers to a question with suggested answers:

- Do you like it or not? - he asked abruptly.
“I like it,” he said.
a (Pan.).

And finally, answers in the form of a counter question with the meaning of the statement:

- How will you live?
- What about the head, and what about the hands?

and answers and questions:

- I came here to propose to you.
- Offer? To me?

Questions and answers are lexically and structurally so closely related to each other that they often form something like a single complex sentence, where the question clause resembles a conditional clause.

For example:

- What if they break during sowing?
- Then, as a last resort, we’ll make homemade ones
(G. Nik.).

Dialogical speech, regardless of what structural types of sentences make up it, has its own patterns of construction, caused by the conditions of its formation and purpose: each replica is created in the process of direct communication and therefore has a two-way communicative orientation. Many syntactic features of dialogue are associated specifically with the phenomenon of speaking, interspersed exchange of statements: this is laconicism, formal incompleteness, semantic and grammatical originality of the compatibility of replicas with each other, structural interdependence.

Elliptical sentences

In Russian there are sentences called elliptical(from the Greek word ellipsis, which means “omission”, “lack”). They omit the predicate, but retain the word that depends on it, and no context is needed to understand such sentences. These can be sentences with the meaning of movement, movement ( I'm going to the Tauride Garden(K.I. Chukovsky); speeches - thoughts ( And his wife: for rudeness, for your words(A.T. Tvardovsky), etc.

Such sentences are usually found in colloquial speech and in works of art, but are not used in book styles (scientific and official business).
Some scientists consider elliptical sentences to be a type of incomplete sentences, others consider them to be a special type of sentences that is adjacent to incomplete ones and is similar to them.

Punctuation in an incomplete sentence

In an incomplete sentence that forms part of a complex sentence, in place of the missing member (usually predicate) a dash is added , if the missing member is restored from the previous part of the sentence or from the text and a pause is made at the place of the omission.

For example:

They stood opposite each other: he, confused and embarrassed, she, with an expression of challenge on her face.
However, if there is no pause, there is no dash. For example: Alyosha looked at them, and they looked at him. Below him is a stream of lighter azure, above him is a golden ray of sun.

The dash is placed:

1. A dash is placed in place of the zero predicate in elliptical sentences divided by a pause into two components - the adverbial and the subjects.

For example:

They stick together at home. Behind them are vegetable gardens. Above the yellow straw fields, above the stubble - blue sky and white clouds(Sol.); Behind the highway there is a birch forest(Boon.); IN big room On the second floor wooden house– long tables above which hang kerosene lightning lamps with pot-bellied glasses(Kav.).

This punctuation mark is especially stable when the parts of a sentence are structurally parallel: There are eleven horses in the yard, and in the stall there is a gray stallion, angry, heavy, busty(Boon.); A wide ravine, on one side - huts, on the other - a manor(Boon.); Ahead is a deserted September day. Ahead - lost in this huge world of fragrant foliage, grass, autumn withering, calm waters, clouds, low sky(Paust.).

2. A dash is placed in incomplete sentences at the place where members of the sentence or their parts are missing. These omissions are common in parts of a complex sentence with a parallel structure, when the missing member is restored from the context of the first part of the sentence.

For example:

It was getting dark, and the clouds were either parting or setting in from three sides: on the left - almost black, with blue gaps, on the right - gray, rumbling with continuous thunder, and from the west, from behind the Khvoshchina estate, from behind the slopes above the river valley , - dull blue, in dusty streaks of rain, through which the mountains of distant clouds glowed pink(Boon.).

Compare the possibility of skipping a dash in everyday speech: They both started talking at once, one about cows, the other about sheep, but the words did not reach Kuzemkin’s consciousness(White).

3. A dash is placed when members of a sentence are omitted, restored in the context of dialogue lines or adjacent sentences.

For example: Do you like pies? green onions? I am like passion!(M.G.); In another room, a jeweler's workshop has been recreated. In the third there is a shepherd's hut, with all the shepherd's utensils. In the fourth there is an ordinary water mill. The fifth shows the setting of a hut where shepherds make cheese. In the sixth - just the situation peasant hut. In the seventh there is the setting of a hut where these same chergs and halishte were woven. All this has been skillfully recreated(Sol.).

4. A dash is placed in sentences consisting of two word forms with the meaning of subject, object, circumstance and constructed according to the following schemes: who - what, who - where, what - to whom, what - where, what - how, what - where, etc.

For example: All wells are operational; The microphone has a heart!; Book - by mail; Grades are for knowledge; You have the key to the university; Following the record - an accident; Trains – “green”!; First of all, efficiency.

Incomplete sentences – simple sentences with incomplete implementation block diagram phrases or sentences.

Sentences can be incomplete monologically and dialogically (incompleteness is more common)

Types of incomplete sentences:

Structurally complete, semantically incomplete (She imagined something.)

2. structurally incomplete, semantically incomplete:

Situational-incomplete (- Is the bus coming? – It’s coming.)

Contextually incomplete (The king is riding through the village. He is riding.)

3. structurally incomplete, semantically complete - elliptical sentences.

Elliptic sentences are two-part sentences in which, with the named subject, a verb is missing, which can be restored using word forms dependent on it => the semantics of the sentence depends on the context or situation.

1) Sentences with the meaning of movement, movement (Tatyana into the forest, the bear behind her.)

2) Sentences with the meaning “beat”, “hit” (Here I am with a stick!)

3) Sentences with the meaning of thought, speech (I told him about Thomas, and he told me about Yerema.)

4) Sentences with the meaning “take”, “grab” (I am for the candle, the candle is for the stove)

Syntactically indivisible sentences - sentences that cannot be divided into sentence members (word = sentence) are in opposition to syntactically articulated ones.

Meaning is determined based on subsequent or previous context; do not have the whole complex grammatical features, characteristic of syntactically articulated sentences => are considered syntactic statements.

Morphological expression – particles, interjections, modal words, phraseological combinations, yes/no.

1) affirmative - with a direct affirmative answer to the question posed or an expression of agreement with someone’s statement. (words - yes, so, good, true, of course, right, etc.)

2) negative - are a direct negative answer to the question posed or express disagreement with someone’s statement (words/words - no, no, no, no way, can’t be, no way, not at all, etc. )

3) interrogatives - contain a question with a hint of affirmation, denial, motivation, etc.; pronounced with a distinct interrogative intonation (words - yes, no, good, really, really, really, oh, well, etc.)

4) interjections:

Emotional - various feelings are expressed: joy, grief, surprise, fear, etc.

(non-derivative interjections - ah, oh, uh, hurray, etc.;

derivative interjections - fathers, mothers, Lord;

interdom.soch-I - my God, fathers of light, damn it, etc.)

Incentive – expression of will, motivation to action is expressed:

A call to respond - hello, ay, hey

Call for help - guard

Call for silence - shh, shh, shh

Call for attention - chu

Inducement to move or stop - go, march, stop, sabbath

If the interjection is part of simple sentence, it does not form an interjection sentence. (Ah, if only the night would speed up. - A. Ostrovsky.)

Syntactically indivisible sentences that serve to express the rules of etiquette contain gratitude, greeting, apology, and request. (modal words - thank you, please, hello, goodbye, goodbye, etc.)

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More on topic 17. Sentences are complete and incomplete. Types of incomplete sentences. Indivisible sentences:

  1. Classification of a simple sentence. Articulated and indivisible sentences. Two- and one-part sentences, their differences. Complete and incomplete sentences. Question about elliptic sentences. Punctuation marks in incomplete and elliptical sentences.
  2. Complete and incomplete sentences. Question about elliptic sentences. Punctuation marks in incomplete and elliptical sentences.
  3. 6. Design minimum (=basis) of the software. Common and uncommon proposals. Nominal minimum. Incomplete sentences. Elliptical sentences.
  4. Structural-semantic classification of sentences. Simple and complex sentences, their distinctive features. Classification of sentences by function and emotional coloring. Classification of sentences in relation to reality.