Prayer for health to Nicholas. A strong prayer for my mother’s health to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Miraculous salvation of a poor family

Everything about religion and faith - “the strongest prayer for health to Nicholas the Wonderworker” with a detailed description and photographs.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints throughout the world, especially in Rus', where he was considered the “eldest” among the saints. This man deserved such love from the people with his life completely devoted to serving the Lord and people.

Therefore, prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health and other needs is continuously offered in churches and the homes of believers. In Russia, perhaps, there is not a single city in which there would not be a temple or monastery in honor of St. Nicholas. From ancient times to the present day, the name Nikolai is considered the most popular among Russian boys. The love of Russian people for this saint is special.

Veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russia

The Wonderworker is called Nikola the Winter, Nikola the Spring, Nikola the Autumn and Nikola the Wet - and all these names are associated with legends.

December 19th to church calendar I remember the day of the saint’s death. On this day, fish pies were baked, mash and beer were brewed. The most respected people of the village gathered at a single table and had soul-saving conversations, while the youth sledded, danced, sang songs, and so on.

August 11 is the birthday of the saint (Nicholas the Autumn), and May 22 is the day of transferring the relics of the wonderworker from the city of Myra in Lycia to Bari. This event took place in 1087 and is popularly referred to as St. Nicholas Day (Spring or Summer). But the saint received the name Nikola the Wet Saint after he miraculously saved a baby from death.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of a sick child

This happened in Ancient Kyiv. Due to an oversight, the parents' only son, Dimitri, drowned in the river, and at night, having heard the mournful prayers of his mother and father, Nicholas the Wonderworker, by God's grace, took the child out of the water, revived him and laid him in the choir of the Church of Hagia Sophia in front of his image. In the morning his happy parents found him there. The baby was wet, as if he had just come out of the water.

The physical and spiritual health of the child is the first thing parents should take care of. A person’s life does not depend on him, but the Church tells us to appeal to God’s help directly and through such saints as St. Nicholas the Pleasant. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of the child is ambulance to all children, which should be recited not only at critical moments in the children’s lives, but constantly, at any time and hour of the day or night.

Where can I find a prayer to the saint?

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of travelers, the poor, the sick, people in prison, unjustly convicted, and so on.

Of course, the Lord performs all miracles and healings, but the saints are the conductors of our petitions to the Creator. They, like the eldest and best children, ask the Lord to have mercy on the younger brothers and sisters (all of us) and thanks to them, help is provided.

People often ask for health, so the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health is most popular among believers. It can be found in prayer books, and if there are none, you can always go to the temple and buy a prayer book or simply the text of the prayer there. To read it regularly, it is advisable to take a blessing from a priest or spiritual father.

Life of Nikolai Ugodnik

The life of this truly holy man from birth amazes the mind of the modern man in the street. His pious parents Theophanes and Nonna, who lived in the city of Patara in the country of Lycia, located in the south of the Asia Minor island, could not have children for a long time. After long joint prayers and petitions to the Lord, they had a boy, Nikolai, whom they promised to dedicate to God.

Miracles constantly happened to this baby, starting with the healing of his mother Nonna, which occurred immediately after the baby was born. Therefore, a prayer for the health of parents to Nicholas the Wonderworker is heard by the Lord first of all. But most of all, the newborn amazed everyone when he stood in the baptismal font on his legs for three whole hours, unsupported by anyone. In this way, the baby gave glory to the Holy Trinity.

Taking Holy Orders

It is known that the newborn Nikolai took his mother’s milk on Wednesdays and Fridays only in the evening, after prayers. From childhood, the future saint did not leave church during the day, studying the Holy Scriptures. His uncle, Bishop Nicholas of Patarsky, could not get enough of his nephew and instructed him to become a reader in the temple. When Nicholas grew up, he ordained him as a priest, making him his assistant.

Priest Nicholas was blessed to speak teachings to the flock, who treated the young priest, wise as an old man, with deep respect and surprise.

Many of them already at that time asked Nikolai Ugodnik to pray for the health of their children, loved ones and relatives. Therefore, a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for spiritual and physical health modern people must be pronounced with a pure heart, contrition and humility.

After the death of his parents, Nicholas the Wonderworker completely distributed the inheritance to the poor. In the akathist to this saint there are lines that recall how he saved three daughters of one man from falling.

Miraculous salvation of a poor family

In their city there lived a once rich man, who eventually became completely bankrupt. Unable to bear the burden of poverty, this unfortunate man decided to send each of his three daughters to a brothel so that they would not die of hunger. Saint Nicholas (already an archbishop) had a revelation about this, and he decided to save this family. Secretly from everyone, at night he threw three gold coins, which he had inherited from his parents, into the window of this poor man. The next morning, having discovered the bag, the man thanked the Savior and used this money to marry off his eldest daughter.

History repeated itself again, and he used other gold coins to marry off his middle daughter. The poor man was eager to find out who was helping his family and would he help his youngest daughter? When at night he heard a bundle falling towards him from the window, the man ran out into the yard and caught up with the shepherd. Recognizing Archbishop Father Nicholas, the father of three daughters fell at his feet and warmly thanked him for the good deed.

Santa Claus

This story has gone down in the annals of human kindness. In the West, St. Nicholas is associated with Santa Claus (St. Nicholas), who brings gifts at Christmas. And in Russia more space is devoted to prayer to the saint and his veneration.

Any prayer to a saint of God is a strong prayer. Both the poor and the rich, the healthy and the sick pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health and other needs. All those who mourn can be sure that the Lord, thanks to people like Nicholas the Pleasant, tolerates and favors others.

And yet, why do people care so much about health? Congratulations on a birthday or any other holiday begin with a wish for physical health. A huge number of books and television programs are devoted to health, forgetting about the spiritual component human life. No matter how hard a person tries to pump up his muscles and tighten his stomach, the Lord can take him to another world at any second. And it doesn’t matter whether a person is healthy or not.

On the contrary, sick people mentally prepare themselves for the transition to another life. Only truly believing people are sure (know) that the afterlife is as real as the material one.

Can you buy health?

Health is a gift from God that cannot be replaced or bought by anything. It must be appreciated, but not forgotten that this is the mercy of the Lord, which He can easily take away. The Apostle Paul also wrote that his strength comes from weakness. But not all people can understand this, therefore various prayers for the gift of intelligence, humility, repentance (prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health and other saints, the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity and the Lord Jesus Christ) are always effective, especially if they are done conciliarly, that is, simultaneously with several people. The Gospel says the Lord that where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is. And the words of the Lord are not empty words. If a request is useful to a person, our God will certainly fulfill it.

A strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of the sick

After Baptism, a believer must learn to pray throughout his adult life. It is known that the monk who does not say the Jesus Prayer will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. This also applies to the laity.

Prayers come in different strengths. Sometimes a person says the morning and evening rules (special prayers) on autopilot, without delving into the essence of what is written, or his mind wanders while reading the prayers. Unfortunately, almost everyone suffers from this “disease” to one degree or another.

But there are days or hours during grief when the soul calls out with all its heart to the Lord, His Most Pure Mother and other saints. Such prayer, of course, is gracious, and God hears and comforts.

Prayer can also be a prayer of repentance, when, with the help of God’s grace, all his sins are revealed to a person. This is the most powerful prayer, because at this moment one feels all the insignificance and vileness of sin, which disfigures the image and likeness of God - man. This was well understood by people of holy life, one of whom was Nikolai Ugodnik.

Why is prayer not always heard?

Often people pray and want their request to be fulfilled instantly, but this happens quite rarely.

This causes bewilderment and questions of the following order: why doesn’t prayer for the health of the sick person help St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the sick person is not healed? There is no clear answer to this question. The Lord knows best who, when and how to help. But the elders give an approximate answer to this question. If it is useful for a person (his soul) to get sick, to suffer for the recovery of the spirit, then the Lord “delays” in fulfilling the request.

Each person must turn to himself, consider his own life, from childhood to the present, correct himself, completely change his worldview, and only then, perhaps, the Lord will come to the rescue. The wonderworkers and elders themselves were people of such humble lives that they did not dare to ask God for anything for themselves.

Congregational Prayer

Believers should not forget that, in addition to the earthly Church, there is also the Heavenly Church, where there is all the fullness of life. At the Liturgy, these two Churches unite and jointly pray to God for the health of all Orthodox Christians and, in general, for people throughout the world. Such petitions are called litanies. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to pray privately (in your room at home) to the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints, but prayer in church is special and cannot be compared with anything.

Praying to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of loved ones or for your own health is the same as a conversation with the saint himself. Seeing on the icons images of the Lord, His Mother, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Matronushka, Sergei of Radonezh and other saints, believers worship them and ask for help in any matter. And everyone is given according to his faith.

Strong prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing

Illnesses are sent to a person for a reason, but to atone for sins. Thanks to sorrows, people develop spiritually and become closer to God.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will help alleviate the serious condition of the patient, and perhaps the saint will help him to recover completely.

What to ask for in prayer

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health has long been used by people to get rid of many ailments. During his earthly life, he more than once saved those suffering from impending death. And according to his dormition, the Saint continues to look after humanity, saving his prayer workers from troubles and hopeless situations.

It is recommended to attend Liturgy on Sundays, confess and receive communion. It is necessary to understand that when turning to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a call for help, our prayer will be to the saint, and we will receive help from the Lord.

When reading prayer requests, you need to have pure thoughts, a bright soul and faith in the best!

O all-holy Nicholas! Intercessor and speedy helper of all the sorrowful and sick! Beg our Lord to forgive His servant (your name) for the sins that he committed out of ignorance or thoughtlessness. Ask Him to deliver your body and soul from the machinations of the devil, worldly diseases, from ordeals and eternal torment. Amen!

Alleviate all illnesses, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving grace-filled healing, delighting our souls, and cheering the hearts of all who zealously flow to your help, crying out to God: Alleluia.

We see the wise branches of the wicked put to shame by you, God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria for the blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, and Sabellia, confusing the Holy Trinity, has changed, but you have strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this reason, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, sword, cut off evil.

Rejoice, teacher of Divine commandments; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings.

Rejoice, ladder established by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, protection created by God, with which many are covered.

Rejoice, thou who hast made wise the foolish with thy words; Rejoice, having inspired the morals of the lazy.

Rejoice, you who brighten the unquenchable commandments of God; Rejoice, bright ray of the Lord’s justifications.

Rejoice, for through your teaching the heretical heads are crushed; Rejoice, for through your faithfulness the faithful are worthy of glory.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

The Saint's childhood

The baby Nicholas was born into the family of pious Christians Theophanes and Nonna, who had a large fortune. From birth, he never ceased to amaze his father and mother. For example, during the Sacrament of Baptism, the baby stood on his own legs for 3 hours, not supported by anyone, thereby giving praise to the Most Holy Trinity. On Wednesdays, Fridays and days of long fasts, he did not take mother's milk and slept soundly for most of the day.

Growing up, he was increasingly drawn to God, spending most of the day in the temple. And at night he studied the Holy Gospel and prayed to the Heavenly Father.

Youth and service to the Holy Trinity

At a young age, the future Saint was consecrated as a reader by his uncle, Bishop John of Patara. His task, in addition to reading certain prayers during the divine service, was to preach the Law of God to the flock entrusted to him. The parishioners loved the kind and intelligent young man and were sincerely amazed at his wisdom, which only elders possess.

After the death of his parents, Nikola distributed his inheritance to the poor, engaging in charity work.

One day he became aware of the impending fall from grace of a previously wealthy city dweller. Being in poverty and having three daughters, the father had no means of subsistence. He decided to give the girls away for fornication in order to somehow improve the difficult situation. To protect him from sin, Saint Nicholas threw in open window at home for a small bundle containing gold coins. The father of the family was incredibly happy and counted the rich gifts as help from Heaven.

Soon, each of the young women met a worthy groom and the father played three cheerful weddings.

Under the protection of the Almighty

During a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the ship on which the Saint was sailing along with other passengers was caught in a terrible storm. Black sea waves tried to sink the ship, and the reason for this was the presence of the devil in human form on deck. Nicholas prayed to the Almighty, soon the storm subsided, and the ship and people were saved. But during a storm, one of the sailors fell dead from a high mast. The miracle worker prayed to Christ and the sailor came to life.

Following by sea back to their homeland, the evil captain decided to turn the ship back. Nikolai, noticing something was wrong, began to beg him to turn the ship in the right direction, to which he was refused. Then God intervened: a strong wind blew, turned the ship around and directed it along the right path.

Upon returning to Lycia, the saint joined the Brotherhood of Holy Zion, where he intended to spend the rest of his earthly life in silence. But the Voice of the Lord announced his other purpose on earth - the Pleasant was to serve people. He left the monastery and came to Myra. At that time, the holy fathers chose a bishop. It was revealed to one of them that the chosen one would be called Nikolai. And so it happened. The Lord Himself appeared to the saint and presented the Gospel, and the Most Pure Virgin Mary placed an omophorion on Christ’s protege.

At this time, severe persecution of Christians took place by order of Emperor Diocletian. Nicholas and his brothers in faith were imprisoned, where they spent several years, but the great saint was strong in spirit and strengthened his allies in the faith. With the advent of the reign of Constantine the Great, the shackles of the prisoners were removed and they gained their long-awaited freedom.

Nicholas returned to Myra and fiercely fought against paganism, idolatry, and zealously spread Christianity in Lycia.

In 325, the 1st Ecumenical Council took place, where the heretic Arius denied the Divinity of God the Son. In a fit of zeal for God, the holy saint slapped the false teacher, for which he was stripped of his rank and signs of hierarchical dignity and sent to prison. But a miracle happened and several fathers who participated in the Council had a vision of the Savior and the Mother of God returning the Gospel and the omophorion to the Wonderworker. Shocked, they freed the saint from custody and restored him to his rank.

Mercy and miracles

During his earthly life, Nicholas the Wonderworker was merciful and performed many miracles.

So, during a terrible famine in the city of Myra, he appeared in a dream vision to a rich merchant and begged him to bring a ship with grain to the city so that the starving people could bake bread. As a deposit, he gave the merchant three gold coins, which he found in his clenched fist in the morning.

During times of mortal danger, the Saint appeared to those praying through the air. There is evidence of miraculous help for Roman sailors who found themselves in the Mediterranean during a severe storm. The ship's sails were torn by the hurricane, and the ship tilted and began to sink. Most sailors understood that this was the end and there was no chance of salvation. But still, in the hope of salvation, they prayed to the Holy Saint. They were very surprised that after the appeal, Nikolai himself appeared on the ship, took the helm in his hands and steered the ship. Soon the storm subsided and the position of the ship straightened out, and the image of the Saint disappeared from the deck. The sailors easily reached the shore and lifted thanksgiving prayers Saint and Heavenly Father.

It happened that a selfish military leader accused innocent men. Nicholas, having learned about this, hurried to the place of execution. He snatched the sword from the hands of the executioner, which was raised over the heads of the prisoners, exposed the governor in a lie and forced him to repent.

The end of life's journey

The Great Saint passed away to the Lord at an old age, he was more than 70 years old. As in life, after his death, out of his inexhaustible mercy, he helps people who ask him for protection.

Upon his death, his burial place was the cathedral in Myra, which became the center of Christian pilgrimage. In the 11th century, the relics of the Saint were secretly transported to the Italian city of Bari.

Miracles from the Holy Saint

Alexander Vertinsky said that after the civil war he emigrated to China. On the façade of the local station hung a large icon of St. Nicholas. One spring day, a man ran into the station out of breath. old man and fell on his knees before the icon. He turned out to be a fisherman who fell through the ice, which turned out to be quite thin. The drowning man accidentally remembered the image of Nikola Ugodnik and, with his last strength, began to beg for help in his own words. The man woke up on the shore and realized that only the Wonderworker could help him get out of his deadly captivity.

During the Great Patriotic War The saint saved soldiers from death. Surprisingly, some of them were not believers and were not baptized, thus they knew nothing about the Heavenly Helper.

One day in 1943, the saint led a young girl scout through a minefield and then disappeared. He appeared to her in the form of an old man dressed in a sheepskin coat. The girl learned the name of her savior only in the post-war years from the image in the temple.

Many wonderful stories about unexpected rescue were told by pilots, sailors, military officers and ordinary soldiers. And in modern times, the flow of miraculous salvations and recoveries from serious illnesses through prayers to the Holy Saint of Christ does not dry out. Therefore, one cannot stop praying to the great elder; he never leaves people’s sincere requests unanswered.

During illness loved one his relatives are trying to maintain peace in the house and create all the conditions for the patient to recover quickly. It often happens that even people who deny God, in a fit of despair, go to the Temple of God, light candles, order prayer services, magpies, ask the Almighty and His Saints for help.

Any prayer is not just a standard text, it is a sincere conversation with the Lord. A prayer request can work miracles if it is pronounced not only with the lips, but also with the heart.

Perhaps there is no more terrible misfortune than physical or mental illness. Only those who have not encountered a severe illness in their lives can argue with this. Therefore, many people know the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing. Not only Orthodox Christians turn to her. Saint Nicholas is known to different peoples. He is revered for his unprecedented kindness. If you are faced with serious difficulties, then praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will definitely help. Both believers and clergy talk about this.

Saint Nicholas

We have now become somewhat cynical and distrustful. This prevents a miracle from entering our lives, no matter how it sounds.

Many experts are already talking about this loudly. They believe that it is necessary to teach children the lives of saints, for example. This is useful for shaping their worldview. This means that a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing is not like a pill. For it to help, you need to believe in it. And where are those today who are able to simply let a “picture” into their lives? This means an icon. But it was written from a real person.

History of the Saint

He lived in the third century. Even the city is famous. Now it is called Demre and is located in Turkey. The one who was later recognized as St. Nicholas was born there. The young man was deeply religious. He accomplished many things that would still be recognized as feats. For example, he provided the daughters of a ruined merchant with a dowry. And he didn’t shout about it around the world! He gave blessings secretly. This is remembered by those who cannot arrange their personal life. Their prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is filled with such thoughts. Those who have learned about cases of people who venerated the relics of the Saint ask for healing. There are descriptions of miracles of sudden liberation from various ailments. He is also revered by sailors, remembering how he calmed the storm. Many miracles are associated with the name of this Saint.

With what trouble do they go to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Sometimes people ask strange questions. For example, they are trying to figure out which of the Saints to turn to with their problem.

It is as if the grain was choosing which mound to lie under in order to germinate and give birth to an ear. Is it important? After all, the Lord is everywhere! When a prayer is said to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the soul calls out to the Almighty. And it doesn't matter whose name you say. All the saints are already near Him. You may say, why such a division then? This is also told to those who want to understand the lives of the saints. Simply communicating with the Lord through a person who lived earlier and glorified his name is much simpler and more understandable. It's like consulting with a friend. For example, when a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker leaves your lips, his image appears in your head. Naturally, if you are concerned about obtaining minimal information about this wonderful person. It turns out that the person praying is speaking to someone who has become almost family to him, and not to an unknown and unimaginable god. This is how the soul gains not just trust, but full contact with the Almighty.

So what are we going to ask for?

It doesn't really matter what's wrong with you. More important is the feeling of trust in the one you have chosen as your heavenly patron. Let it be great person, now known as Nicholas the Wonderworker (St. Nicholas). Prayer will then work when it is filled with feelings coming from the depths of the soul. You know, many people describe it this way. Suddenly it seemed that the man became small, like a child. And kind hands reached out to him, like those of a mother or father. His soul responded to this movement with complete love and trust. When you feel something like this, say your requests. And what they will be is up to you to decide. Understand that a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help in any trouble. The text of the prayer will then take on a special meaning for you. If you read it without faith in your soul, you end up with a bunch of words. And if you take Old Slavonic, then the terms are incomprehensible.

And once the realization is born that help from above comes to you from someone to whom everything is accessible, before whom there are no barriers, then the words will be woven into a single image. And the essence of a request can be put into a prayer with a thought.

Miracle-working prayer to St. Nicholas

We have already discussed enough, filling in the gaps in religious education, it’s time to move on to the texts. The reader was probably looking for this article exactly for this reason. He is not interested in philosophizing about the essence and form of belief. This is not at all how I thought about the prayer you are interested in. As they write, he said that the Lord must be in the soul, then any trouble is not terrible. He also had great respect for people who were capable of bringing virtue into the world. And he considered religiosity to be the first of them. All this must be taken into account when you begin to turn to the Saint. You see, people also wrote the texts of prayers. And there is a lot in them that you may consider “unnecessary words.” But in fact, this ensures, so to speak, the contact of the person praying with the holiness and purity of the Lord. He creates around himself an aura of sincere trust in the Almighty. But let's move on to the texts. This is what they recommend saying: “O great, all-validated miracle worker, Father Nicholas, Saint of Christ! I pray to you as the eternal hope of all Christians, protector of believers, feeder and healer of the sick and poor, steward of all those sailing the seas and oceans, quick helper of the orphaned and wretched, patron of the needy. Help us to pass through life with dignity, to be worthy to see the glory of the elect of our God Jesus in heaven. Sing and glorify with them tirelessly the triune Lord! Amen!" This prayer is considered one of the most powerful. But there are others.

About health

They say that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker comes to the aid of all those who are ill. If your body is undermined by illness, then other words need to be spoken. By the way, (healing) ascends before his Icon. Don’t be too lazy to go to the Temple or ask someone. Bring his image from there. You will see for yourself how calming it will be and how strong it will give you.
And the text is: “Oh, all-holy Nicholas! Intercessor and speedy helper of all the sorrowful and sick! Beg our Lord to forgive His servant (your name) for the sins that he committed out of ignorance or thoughtlessness. Ask Him to deliver your body and soul from the machinations of the devil, worldly diseases, from ordeals and eternal torment. Amen!" You know, all this can be said in your own words. Believe me, Saint Nicholas, like the Lord, will hear not only what the lips say, but the movements of the soul, its hopes and aspirations. For example, it is important for him how you yourself feel about your illness. Do you consider it a punishment or a test? Would you say there is no difference? You are wrong. Believers sincerely believe that the Lord does not give what a person cannot bear. He teaches him lessons. They need to be thought through and accepted correctly, and not complained about.

About helping the sick

If you seriously delve into the essence of the views of the man who is now known as St. Nicholas, it will become obvious that he will, with great diligence, begin to fulfill requests for close and beloved people. After all, an egoist also cares about himself. But a virtuous person first thinks and cares about others. This is what distinguishes the sick Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is not read for oneself, but for someone who is much worse off today. The essence of Orthodoxy has long been compassion and kindness. Its text is as follows: “Chosen Wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! You exude peace into the sea, performing endless miracles. You support sinners, heal the sick and those possessed by the devil! I pray you, help the Lord’s sinful son (name). Ask for strength and strength for him, so that he can withstand the test that has become a burden on his body. Soar with your kindness above his mortal body. So that the spirit resists the misfortunes and wiles of the devil, unworthy temptations. To pray together with those whom the Lord accepted in heaven for His eternal glory! Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing fate

People say when something goes wrong that it was written in the family. This means fate. Everyone has their own individual one. And it’s good if she’s prosperous. That's how it happens. Some people bathe in luxury; they get everything almost without difficulty. They have love, prosperity, healthy children, living parents, and so on. And for others, fate throws one test after another. They either lose their jobs or suffer from deception. Or, for example, your health is failing all the time, and illnesses just don’t want to go away. Believers say that such circumstances do not have to be endured all your life. A prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps, changing fate. You need to read it in the Temple. As many say, on your own birthday. These words must be memorized and pronounced with all the passion of your soul. Yes, before that, admit all your sins and mistakes, don’t complain about the Lord for giving you exactly such a fate. Just ask for it to be changed. They say that these words helped many. People kept their jobs when there was no hope. Prayer helped others find personal happiness. Still others were happily cured of their ailments. They also say that you can read it when a severe test appears on the horizon. For example, you go to an interview, wanting to get a promising position. In this case, of course, you shouldn’t wait for your birthday. Place a candle in front of the Icon of the Wonderworker and ask for what you want.

Text of a prayer that changes fate

Oh, Saint Nicholas! A wonderful servant of the Lord! Our intercessor, helper in sorrows and illnesses! Praise the Lord with us for the wonderful gift given to you! Help me in this life, a sad sinner. Beg the Lord to grant me deliverance from the sorrowful sins committed at all times from my youth to the present day. So that thoughts are purified, words pleasing to God flow from the mouth, feelings are not engulfed by the devil. Beg the Lord, creator of earthly creatures, to help me, the accursed one, to deliver me from ordeal and suffering, eternal torment. Praise with me the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your representation before the Lord, Father Nikolai. Amen!

How does turning to St. Nicholas help?

Surely every person who prays wants to have an idea of ​​what might happen. As a rule, everyone has their own circumstances. Consequently, Nicholas the Wonderworker does not act as a carbon copy. However, you should understand that a sincere and worthy person will not be left without help. And she will be what he deserves. There is plenty of evidence about this. So, they say that one person managed to stop a broken car with prayer. And the car was rushing straight into the pole. He appealed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, since there was no way (in his opinion) he could cope with the situation on his own. The car braked one centimeter from the obstacle. How can one not believe that prayer can change one’s destiny and give a second birth.

Miraculous healing

There is also evidence of how myrrh helped a woman get rid of a terrible illness. The doctors insisted on surgery. She was afraid. The monastery advised her to smear the sore spot. And in a dream, Saint Nicholas came to her and told her to drink myrrh little by little. So she did. After some time, doctors did not detect the disease. So it turns out that the woman did not go to the hospital “under a scalpel”, but began to engage in creativity, to create life.

Does prayer help everyone?

Everyone asks themselves this. People become suspicious when passing tests. This is the only state component lesson. You need to try to cope with doubts. They are not needed. What the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is about (healing, for example) is not the essence; it is intended to strengthen a person in faith, to get rid of extraneous thoughts that push him onto the path of grief. And the question can be answered in two ways. It is for everyone. Saint Nicholas did not refuse anyone his kindness. That is why God gave him the miraculous gift. Only he cannot give you faith in your soul. She should be there. But to strengthen her and help her wait for the desired miracle - she can do it! Moreover, you yourself will begin to try when you understand what a magnificent way this is to know the Lord.

Complete collection and description: a strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker against illness for the spiritual life of a believer.

Illnesses are sent to a person for a reason, but to atone for sins. Thanks to sorrows, people develop spiritually and become closer to God.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will help alleviate the serious condition of the patient, and perhaps the saint will help him to recover completely.

What to ask for in prayer

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for health has long been used by people to get rid of many ailments. During his earthly life, he more than once saved those suffering from impending death. And according to his dormition, the Saint continues to look after humanity, saving his prayer workers from troubles and hopeless situations.

It is recommended to attend Liturgy on Sundays, confess and receive communion. It is necessary to understand that when turning to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a call for help, our prayer will be to the saint, and we will receive help from the Lord.

When reading prayer requests, you need to have pure thoughts, a bright soul and faith in the best!

O all-holy Nicholas! Intercessor and speedy helper of all the sorrowful and sick! Beg our Lord to forgive His servant (your name) for the sins that he committed out of ignorance or thoughtlessness. Ask Him to deliver your body and soul from the machinations of the devil, worldly diseases, from ordeals and eternal torment. Amen!

Alleviate all illnesses, our great intercessor Nicholas, dissolving grace-filled healing, delighting our souls, and cheering the hearts of all who zealously flow to your help, crying out to God: Alleluia.

We see the wise branches of the wicked put to shame by you, God-wise Father Nicholas: Aria for the blasphemer, dividing the Divinity, and Sabellia, confusing the Holy Trinity, has changed, but you have strengthened us in Orthodoxy. For this reason, we cry out to you: Rejoice, shield, protect piety; Rejoice, sword, cut off evil.

Rejoice, teacher of Divine commandments; Rejoice, destroyer of ungodly teachings.

Rejoice, ladder established by God, by which we ascend to heaven; Rejoice, protection created by God, with which many are covered.

Rejoice, thou who hast made wise the foolish with thy words; Rejoice, having inspired the morals of the lazy.

Rejoice, you who brighten the unquenchable commandments of God; Rejoice, bright ray of the Lord’s justifications.

Rejoice, for through your teaching the heretical heads are crushed; Rejoice, for through your faithfulness the faithful are worthy of glory.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker.

The Saint's childhood

The baby Nicholas was born into the family of pious Christians Theophanes and Nonna, who had a large fortune. From birth, he never ceased to amaze his father and mother. For example, during the Sacrament of Baptism, the baby stood on his own legs for 3 hours, not supported by anyone, thereby giving praise to the Most Holy Trinity. On Wednesdays, Fridays and days of long fasts, he did not take mother's milk and slept soundly for most of the day.

Growing up, he was increasingly drawn to God, spending most of the day in the temple. And at night he studied the Holy Gospel and prayed to the Heavenly Father.

Youth and service to the Holy Trinity

At a young age, the future Saint was consecrated as a reader by his uncle, Bishop John of Patara. His task, in addition to reading certain prayers during the divine service, was to preach the Law of God to the flock entrusted to him. The parishioners loved the kind and intelligent young man and were sincerely amazed at his wisdom, which only elders possess.

After the death of his parents, Nikola distributed his inheritance to the poor, engaging in charity work.

One day he became aware of the impending fall from grace of a previously wealthy city dweller. Being in poverty and having three daughters, the father had no means of subsistence. He decided to give the girls away for fornication in order to somehow improve the difficult situation. To protect him from sin, Saint Nicholas threw a small bundle containing gold coins into the open window of the house for three days in a row. The father of the family was incredibly happy and counted the rich gifts as help from Heaven.

Soon, each of the young women met a worthy groom and the father played three cheerful weddings.

Under the protection of the Almighty

During a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the ship on which the Saint was sailing along with other passengers was caught in a terrible storm. Black sea waves tried to sink the ship, and the reason for this was the presence of the devil in human form on deck. Nicholas prayed to the Almighty, soon the storm subsided, and the ship and people were saved. But during a storm, one of the sailors fell dead from a high mast. The miracle worker prayed to Christ and the sailor came to life.

Following the sea route back to his homeland, the evil captain decided to turn the ship back. Nikolai, noticing something was wrong, began to beg him to turn the ship in the right direction, to which he was refused. Then God intervened: a strong wind blew, turned the ship around and directed it along the right path.

Upon returning to Lycia, the saint joined the Brotherhood of Holy Zion, where he intended to spend the rest of his earthly life in silence. But the Voice of the Lord announced his other purpose on earth - the Pleasant was to serve people. He left the monastery and came to Myra. At that time, the holy fathers chose a bishop. It was revealed to one of them that the chosen one would be called Nikolai. And so it happened. The Lord Himself appeared to the saint and presented the Gospel, and the Most Pure Virgin Mary placed an omophorion on Christ’s protege.

At this time, severe persecution of Christians took place by order of Emperor Diocletian. Nicholas and his brothers in faith were imprisoned, where they spent several years, but the great saint was strong in spirit and strengthened his allies in the faith. With the advent of the reign of Constantine the Great, the shackles of the prisoners were removed and they gained their long-awaited freedom.

Nicholas returned to Myra and fiercely fought against paganism, idolatry, and zealously spread Christianity in Lycia.

In 325, the 1st Ecumenical Council took place, where the heretic Arius denied the Divinity of God the Son. In a fit of zeal for God, the holy saint slapped the false teacher, for which he was stripped of his rank and signs of hierarchical dignity and sent to prison. But a miracle happened and several fathers who participated in the Council had a vision of the Savior and the Mother of God returning the Gospel and the omophorion to the Wonderworker. Shocked, they freed the saint from custody and restored him to his rank.

Mercy and miracles

During his earthly life, Nicholas the Wonderworker was merciful and performed many miracles.

So, during a terrible famine in the city of Myra, he appeared in a dream vision to a rich merchant and begged him to bring a ship with grain to the city so that the starving people could bake bread. As a deposit, he gave the merchant three gold coins, which he found in his clenched fist in the morning.

During times of mortal danger, the Saint appeared to those praying through the air. There is evidence of miraculous help for Roman sailors who found themselves in the Mediterranean during a severe storm. The ship's sails were torn by the hurricane, and the ship tilted and began to sink. Most sailors understood that this was the end and there was no chance of salvation. But still, in the hope of salvation, they prayed to the Holy Saint. They were very surprised that after the appeal, Nikolai himself appeared on the ship, took the helm in his hands and steered the ship. Soon the storm subsided and the position of the ship straightened out, and the image of the Saint disappeared from the deck. The sailors reached the shore without hindrance and offered thanksgiving prayers to the Saint and Heavenly Father.

It happened that a selfish military leader accused innocent men. Nicholas, having learned about this, hurried to the place of execution. He snatched the sword from the hands of the executioner, which was raised over the heads of the prisoners, exposed the governor in a lie and forced him to repent.

The end of life's journey

The Great Saint passed away to the Lord at an old age, he was more than 70 years old. As in life, after his death, out of his inexhaustible mercy, he helps people who ask him for protection.

Upon his death, his burial place was the cathedral in Myra, which became the center of Christian pilgrimage. In the 11th century, the relics of the Saint were secretly transported to the Italian city of Bari.

Miracles from the Holy Saint

Alexander Vertinsky said that after the civil war he emigrated to China. On the façade of the local station hung a large icon of St. Nicholas. One spring day, a breathless elderly man ran into the station and fell to his knees in front of the icon. He turned out to be a fisherman who fell through the ice, which turned out to be quite thin. The drowning man accidentally remembered the image of Nikola Ugodnik and, with his last strength, began to beg for help in his own words. The man woke up on the shore and realized that only the Wonderworker could help him get out of his deadly captivity.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Saint saved soldiers from death. Surprisingly, some of them were not believers and were not baptized, thus they knew nothing about the Heavenly Helper.

One day in 1943, the saint led a young girl scout through a minefield and then disappeared. He appeared to her in the form of an old man dressed in a sheepskin coat. The girl learned the name of her savior only in the post-war years from the image in the temple.

Many wonderful stories about unexpected rescue were told by pilots, sailors, military officers and ordinary soldiers. And in modern times, the flow of miraculous salvations and recoveries from serious illnesses through prayers to the Holy Saint of Christ does not dry out. Therefore, one cannot stop praying to the great elder; he never leaves people’s sincere requests unanswered.

During the illness of a loved one, his relatives try to maintain peace in the house and create all the conditions for the patient to recover quickly. It often happens that even people who deny God, in a fit of despair, go to the Temple of God, light candles, order prayer services, magpies, ask the Almighty and His Saints for help.

Any prayer is not just a standard text, it is a sincere conversation with the Lord. A prayer request can work miracles if it is pronounced not only with the lips, but also with the heart.

Prayer for the health of a sick person, the strongest

The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person is a prayer said with deep faith, sincerity and sincerity. Such prayer works even at a distance, often works real miracles, sometimes proving stronger than the most expensive medications.

It is allowed to read a prayer for the health of the sick both within the walls of the temple and at home, in front of the icons of saints. You can ask for health and healing from illness both for yourself and for your family and friends (parents, children, husband, wife, other relatives and friends). However, before turning to the saints with a request, you must make sure that the sick person was baptized in the church. Of course, nothing and no one forbids praying for the health of a person who has not been baptized, but in this case the effectiveness can be significantly reduced.

Not only the most powerful prayer text, but also a church prayer service for health can help a patient recover from his illness. It is pronounced by clergy within the limits of liturgical health at the prior request of the customer. You can order a prayer service daily, or for a month, or for 40 days. In any case, it significantly increases the chances of recovery for a person defeated by the disease.

Any prayer is a positive energy message that has great power and gives faith in healing and hope for a bright future. It allows you to transfer to the patient positive attitude, during which his health begins to gradually improve, and his illness begins to slowly recede.

Often the course of the disease worsens due to the patient’s lack of mental balance - one might say that the person is sick in spirit. Prayer for health, in this case, improves the mental state of the sick person, restores lost peace to him, and helps him cope with tormenting fears and doubts.

Which saints should we pray for the health of the sick?

With words of prayer for the health of the sick, believers most often turn to the Lord himself, to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The reason why people pray to the Almighty and the Mother of God for health is clear even without explanation: in the hierarchical ladder of the Higher Powers they occupy the highest positions. The fate of all life on Earth, including humanity, is concentrated in the hands of the Lord. The Most Holy Theotokos, who gave this sinful world a Savior, has always been the intercessor of the weak, sheltering them with her reliable maternal wing.

Believers turn their requests to Matronushka and Nicholas the Pleasant because these saints are among the most beloved and revered in Orthodox Christianity. Even during their earthly life, Blessed Matrona and Nicholas the Wonderworker became famous for their gift of healing; they helped a considerable number of people find a miracle of healing. Evidence of this is thousands of stories recorded in church books and on Orthodox websites (Matrona of Moscow), preserved in ancient manuscripts, in Christian legends and traditions (Nikolai Ugodnik).

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for the health of the patient

To higher powers for healing

The peculiarity of this prayer is that it refers not to any specific representative of the Higher Powers, but to everyone: to the Lord himself, to the Mother of God, to all the saints and angels. That is why it is considered one of the most powerful prayers. If possible, it is better to read it within the walls of the temple. Instead of parentheses, it is necessary to mention the name of the patient who needs to be cured of the disease. The text is as follows:

Prayers asking for healing and health addressed to the Lord God should be read in front of the icon of the Savior, with lit candles. This can be done both in church and at home, if for some reason there is no opportunity to visit the temple yet.

First prayer the text of which is presented below can be read both for yourself and for your family or loved one. The phrases “God’s servant” can be replaced with “God’s servant,” and instead of parentheses, the name of the ill person can be given. Words:

Another prayer addressed to God, is also considered one of the most powerful. It asks for recovery. Strength can be increased many times over by ordering a magpie for health in the temple. Text:

Holy Mother of God

First prayer addressed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, gives good health. It is also permitted to read it both in church and at home, and it is obligatory to read it in front of the holy image of the Mother of God. You can say prayer words for yourself, for your family and friends. Text:

Prayer Rule second prayer for health addressed to the Mother of God, similar to the prayer rule of the first. To pronounce this text required condition- so that the patient is baptized. It is advisable to read this sacred text in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Matrona of Moscow

You can ask Blessed Elder Matrona for health and healing with the help of a universal prayer known to every deeply religious person. Its text has already appeared on our website several times, but we will present it again:

There is another special prayer with which they ask Matronushka for health. The words in it are:

Prayers to the Blessed Matrona must also be read before her face. But not in every church you can find the icon of Matronushka. But you can easily get out of the situation if you buy an icon with the image of the holy old woman for your home and begin to pray at home. Matrona usually does not refuse help to anyone, because she made a promise to help people even after her death.

To increase its effectiveness, the Church recommends that before pronouncing it, surround yourself with good deeds: give alms, help everyone in need, make donations to the temple. Matrona of Moscow will definitely appreciate your mercy and generosity.

Nikolai Ugodnik

Those who want to get rid of illnesses and gain health pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer is read before the image of the holy elder (both in the temple and at home). You are allowed to read the prayer text both for yourself and for your relatives and loved ones, substituting the name of the sick person instead of brackets. Text:

When turning to representatives of the Higher Powers about healing and health, one cannot refuse drug treatment and all necessary medical examinations. We must remember that Higher powers sometimes help us through other people. Therefore, saying prayers and medical treatment should go in parallel, complement each other, and not oppose.

Very good prayers, everything is accessible and understandable. Thanks a lot!

I ask all the SAINTS to help my daughter get back on her feet after an illness, may the LORD give her health and family warmth

It is said: pray in church or at home! But not on a website on the Internet! You need to pray intimately, talking intimately with the Lord and with the Saints, but not with the whole world, and especially with strangers...!

Recently underwent major surgery. I’m going through a rehabilitation period now, it’s very difficult. I began to pray daily for healing and health. I feel that it becomes much easier after prayers.

Thank you! I read and prayed from my heart!

Your comment: I pray for my wife and hope for her healing

God bless everyone

Amen to all the best and God's protection and Happy Easter to everyone on the upcoming holidays

I have to ask you

Thank you for your prayers. Life is beautiful and it’s never too late to appreciate it. I wish all the people who need help now will receive it. Good health and long life to everyone. God bless you.

Lord, help my grandfather, God's servant John, get back on his feet, heal him, help my grandmother, God's servant Zoe, give her strength, patience and health. Lord help my family! Help me improve my relationship with my husband. So that mutual attention returns to our home again. Help my husband with his work so that the situation in our family changes for the better. God forbid anyone from my family to die soon.

May my brother Andrey live! Thanks to all the saints

Lord, help my daddy. Heal him from severe torment and terrible illness.

Glory to our LORD GOD for HIS healing of the sick.

Lord Almighty! Hear my prayers, help my mother recover and get back on her feet.


Lord Almighty, help your servant Alexander get better and get back on his feet. Amen.

I constantly pray to our Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints for the healing of my son Vladimir from a serious illness. I believe that the Lord will hear my prayers and the serious illness will leave my son. I thank you, Lord, for hearing me. Everything is in yours Grace, Lord. I believe in you and that my son will soon be cured and recovery will come. Glory to you, Lord.

What is the most powerful prayer for health?

All prayers are strong. I believe in healing.

Lord Almighty and all Saints, help my dad Alexander recover, give him healing from his illness. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Lord Almighty and all Saints.

Lord, help my mother in the treatment of a serious illness.


God. Forgive All of Us Sinners. Grant Us a Bright Mind and Good Health.

All-merciful Lord, I ask you to forgive our sins and heal your servants of God from physical and mental illnesses. Protect us from evil people and grant us a speedy recovery. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God save us! I prayed from the heart, in tears... Lord, keep my father, who is suffering from the consequences of a stroke, in health and sober mind and clear memory.. Lord, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! AMEN! All-merciful do not leave us! God bless my dad... strength to me, my mom and my grandmothers! Grandpa help! Save grandpa! Amen.

Lord, I pray tearfully for the healing and health of my mother from a serious illness! God help me! How hard and painful everything is! Lord, help God’s servant Olga to heal! Give our family a chance to correct all our sinful mistakes and lead a peaceful, righteous life! God help me! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Help me Lord. I BELIEVE IN YOU.

Almighty God, I tearfully pray to you, help the servant of God Alexander recover from a difficult operation. Forgive him all his sins in life, return him to us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Almighty, help your servant Lev, my brother, to recover and get back on his feet. Amen. Thank you, Lord.

Very powerful prayers for those who sincerely pray, everything will be fine, God bless you

Lord Almighty, I beg you, send healing from my illness to my sister Irina. Give her strength physical and spiritual. Her husband Alexey benefited from patience and understanding. To her children Elizabeth and Alexander peace and obedience. Help our entire family pass the tests and heal Irina. We rely on your protection. Thy will be done. Amen.

Lord, all the saints! Help my husband recover from this terrible disease! Don't leave our children without a father. Thank you Lord, save and have mercy on us sinners! In the name of father and son, and the holy spirit! Amen!

Lord, save and have mercy on all my family and friends! Deliver them from illnesses, I ask you! Your will be done. Amen!

GOD! Heal us, save us, preserve us and have mercy! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Lord, I ask You to heal the soul of God’s servant Svetlana Fatinia, my wife. Grant her peace of mind and love for life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

God! help my granddaughter Rada, heal her from her illness, give her mental development. In the name of the FATHER and the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN!

Lord, I ask You to help me recover after the accident, to recover completely after a traumatic brain injury. Lord, send me healing from allergies to medications, grant my body the strength to cope with all the ailments that have overcome me. Thy will be done, not mine. Glory to You, Lord! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen.

Lord, I pray, save me and save me from severe diseases.

Lord help my husband Alexander recover from the illness that is tormenting him in his chest. Thank you God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

On Sunday I went to see my mother, my sister, my nephew’s mother’s daughter, they are sick and I wrote them down as sick, they complain that they don’t sleep well, their head hurts and my nephew Asya had a headache at night, he was holding his head, what could it be from, what can you tell me please

Lord, I pray you, heal my son, deliver him from illnesses, heal his body and soul!

I pray to All Saints and the Lord God! Help my husband cope with this terrible disease. Give him strength and good health!

Our Lord, help my grandmother Alexandra survive the consequences of a complex operation, give her strength and health! Glory to you, Lord! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen

Lord, help my beloved Eugene survive the illness that overcame him, we really need him, we love him!

I ask for help for Yudmila

Lord, Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, all saints, have mercy, forgive, help, heal my mother, God’s servant Anastasia, from all illnesses... Lord send her good health and healing! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen! We really need her, we love her with all our hearts!

Lord Jesus Christ. Most Holy Theotokos. all saints. have mercy. Help. heal my daughter, servant of God Joanna Zhanna, from a terrible illness... Lord send her healing and a speedy recovery and good health! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen! Lord, she is very dear to me and I love her very much!

Lord help me HEAL my beloved man, give us strength to get through this.. GOD Bless HIM WITH HEALTH.. AMEN forgive us for all our sins...

Lord, forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, send healing from ailments


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me! Forgive all sins, voluntary and involuntary, help me to be healed of my illness! I am very guilty before you!

I ask the Lord for help for a very good man, Sergei. He and his family have been put through a test, from 11/9 to this day in intensive care. The doctors are struggling, may the Lord help them get back on their feet, may they recover. He is truly a very good person.

Faith in God and a higher power works miracles! I believe that they will help my daddy get better...

Servant of God Vladimir. Pray for him, those who are not indifferent to the grief of others.

People, pray to God and only God. No one else, neither saints nor others... Read the Bible. There is one God, just ask him. Praying to anyone other than our Creator is a sin.

Heavenly Jesus, Mother of God, all saints, help to reconcile my man Mikhailo with the rank of Mikola

Lord, heal my husband George - Yuri, forgive me all my sins, restore my mental and physical strength. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, give back to my husband George the opportunity to live, walk, think, see beauty, and enjoy his grandchildren. Amen.

Lord help me! may my brother Andrey live!

Lord help our mother Anna! Give her the opportunity to live, enjoy her grandchildren and children! Give her good health and strength to overcome everything! We love her very much!

Lord help me, give me the opportunity not to get sick often

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Prayers for health are always in great demand. They are used in a wide variety of life situations. People offer prayers to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and other saints in order to be healed from various serious illnesses, recover after surgery and help loved ones recover.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for health

It should be remembered that the most powerful prayer is the one said with sincere faith in the soul. In this case, prayer can work even at a distance, and often such prayer works real miracles and turns out to be stronger than the most expensive medicines.

The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person is an appeal to the Lord and the Virgin Mary.

It sounds like this:

“O Most Merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, inseparable in the Holy Trinity. I worship and praise you. Turn your gaze to God’s Servant (name of the sick person), who is sick and suffering. I ask you, forgive him all his sins, grant him healing from his illness; restore his physical strength and heal his soul. Grant God's Servant (name of the sick person) long life in health, filled with prosperity. Grant him all the worldly blessings that will fill his life with joy. And he will pray to you and offer prayers of thanks as the Creator of the whole world. I turn to you, Most Holy Theotokos, for your intercession. Help me to beg Your Son, my Lord, for healing for the Servant of God (the name of the sick person). I will also ask you, Holy Angels of the Lord, to pray to God for the sick person and his recovery. Amen".

A prayer service in church for the health of a sick person is very effective. It can be performed by the church for forty days, starting from any day. That is why its second common name is “magpie.” The number “forty” is significant in Christianity; it is very often found in the Holy Scriptures.

  • The Jews, in search of the promised land, wandered in the desert for forty years;
  • The prophet Moses fasted for forty days;
  • After Baptism, Jesus Christ spent 40 days in the desert in order to discover for himself the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

Sorokoust can be ordered at any convenient time. The only exception is the period of Lent. At this time, a large liturgy is celebrated only on weekends. It is recommended at this time to leave notes about the health of a sick person every time you visit the temple.

Ordering Sorokoust is very simple. To do this, you need to come to the temple and write on a piece of paper the name of the person for whose recovery you want to pray. This note should be left in the appropriate place.

You can offer prayers for health and healing not only for believers, but also for non-believers. It is advisable to emphasize in the prayer text that the sick person is unbaptized.

In addition, it is important to add the following phrase:

“Lord, grant that (person’s name) is legally baptized.

You can pray for health both within the walls of the temple and at home. But this needs to be done specifically organized place in front of the icons of saints. You can offer prayers for health and healing not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. Prayer will be effective if the person who is sick has been baptized in the church. Of course, you can pray for unbaptized people, but the effectiveness of prayer in this case will be much lower.

A prayer service ordered in a church has a very powerful effect. In this case, prayers for health are said by the clergyman as part of the service. You can order a prayer service for one day, and it can also be read for a month or 40 days. In any case, it significantly increases the sick person’s chances of recovery.

Which Saint should we pray for the health of ourselves, our loved ones and relatives?

They turn to various Saints with a prayer request for the granting of health and healing.

It is believed that the most powerful prayers are those directed to:

  • To the Savior;
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • To the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow;
  • To Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

At the same time, the power of prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos is clear without any explanation, because they occupy the top positions in the hierarchical ladder of the Higher Powers. The Lord is the Creator and controls everything that happens on earth. The Most Holy Theotokos, who gave the world the Savior, has always been considered the intercessor of people. She always hears the appeals of believers and responds to their requests.

Matrona of Moscow is one of the revered saints in Orthodoxy. During her lifetime, she healed people from terrible diseases, so she continues to provide help from heaven. Nicholas the Wonderworker was also known during his earthly life for healing people. Evidence of the power of these Saints are many ancient church manuscripts that describe miraculous healings.

The Three-Handed Icon is a special image. At the bottom of the image of the Mother of God there is a third brush that looks separate element, but on the other hand it is perceived as a third brush Holy Mother of God. This icon is known for its healing properties throughout the Orthodox world.

The history of the creation of the icon is connected with the name of St. John of Damascus. This man lived in Syria and was a famous poet and philosopher. For a long time he held the position of adviser to the caliph. But after the iconoclast emperor Leo the Isaurian ascended the throne, great persecution of Christians began. To destroy the fiery defender of icons, the ruler used cunning. He slandered the Monk John of Damascus before the Caliph. As punishment, the angry caliph ordered the philosopher's right hand to be cut off.

Bleeding, John of Damascus, having come home, wrote a letter to the caliph, who believed the slander, asking him to return his severed hand. The ruler, taking pity on John, fulfilled his request. After this, John locked himself in his cell and began to pray fervently in front of the icon of the Mother of God. A miracle happened - and the severed arm grew back, leaving only a scar at the junction. So that this event would remain in memory, John cast a brush from silver and attached it to the icon of the Virgin Mary. Later, on copies of this image of the Mother of God they began to write a third hand. Time passed and icon painters began to depict a severed hand on lists.

The Monk John of Damascus donated a miraculous image to the monastery of Saint Sava the Sanctified, which was located near Jerusalem. This icon adorned the temple until the 13th century. Then “Three Hands” was presented to the Serbian Archbishop Sava. Soon the Turkish conquest took place and local Christians took the icon out of the country to prevent desecration of it. A legend has been preserved that the Shrine was simply tied to a donkey and he himself, without encountering any obstacles on his way, brought it to the Hilandar Athos Monastery. Since then, this icon has become one of the most revered images in the famous Orthodox monastery.

In Russia, the first list appeared at the request of Patriarch Nikon. He was placed in the New Jerusalem Monastery. To acquaint believers with the iconography, a tablet with an interpretation was initially attached to the image. Another list was intended for the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

In Orthodoxy, the “Three-Handed” icon is highly respected. It was in front of this image that she offered prayers royal family before the execution.

Healings occurred many times near the copies of the Three-Handed icon. This icon of the Most Holy Theotokos still enjoys great love and veneration in the Russian Orthodox Church. Various prayers aimed at healing are read in front of this icon.

One of them sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady Heavenly Lady Theotokos! You performed a miracle, healed St. John of Damascus. Through her miraculous action she gave true hope to the people. Hear us, sinners who have committed sins due to our own foolishness. Forgive us and turn your gaze to us, praying before your icon. Hear our requests for help, do not refuse us our prayer. You are known for your generosity and mercy, so deliver us from illness, sorrow and sorrow. Help all of us who honor your icon, who kneel before it. And we will all sing joyfully and glorify with love your name, you are chosen among all, blessed forever and ever. Amen".

The text of another powerful prayer goes like this:

Oh, Most Holy and Great Lady of Heaven, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary! We fall before your image and worship you, remembering before your holy icon all your miraculous healings. Hear us, sinners, turn your holy gaze on us. You atone before the Lord for all our sins, known and unknown. You, Holy Mother, we pray to you to deliver us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows. Beg the Lord to forgive us our sins committed through foolishness and foolishness. Near your icon we glorify all your deeds and your mercy. Grant us your blessing for a prosperous life in health. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of the human race. Heal our wounds and give us comfort in our sorrow. Do not let us deviate from the true path and protect us from demonic temptations. Give us support in helping against evil and unkind people, so that they cannot harm our health. We pray for your help in strengthening faith in our souls. Give us hope that we will be worthy to answer for our deeds before the Almighty Lord when our time comes. Let us feast on the forgiveness of our sins and the Kingdom of God. Do not judge us for our iniquities and do not refuse us your help. And we will pray near your image and glorify all your good deeds. Amen".

Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow is known to all Orthodox believers. Today, pilgrims from the most distant places come to her grave, which is located on the territory of the Intercession Monastery. People turn to Matrona of Moscow with requests for their healing and the recovery of their relatives.

For prayer to the Saint to be effective, a person must turn to Blessed Matrona with spiritual humility, sincerity and believe that she will definitely help. Before the prayer begins, you should distribute alms to the poor and make donations to the place of worship.

The most famous prayer to Matrona of Moscow sounds like this:

“Oh, Blessed Elder, Mother Matrona! Your soul is in Heaven before the throne of our Lord Almighty and Just. Your body rests on the ground. You exude miracles with your grace. Turn your merciful gaze upon us who turn to you in prayer. Forgive us our sins and comfort us in illness, do not allow us to succumb to sinful temptations. Help us to be healed from severe illnesses, beg forgiveness for us before God for our sins, iniquities and falls. Ask him for our well-being and deliverance from troubles and sorrows. We who have received the grace of God will glorify the Trinity, the One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer honored by a mother for a sick child (children) to the Mother of God

Everyone knows the fact that a mother’s prayer asking for the recovery of a sick child has enormous power and can work miracles. But you should definitely remember that prayer does not mean that you need to refuse the help of doctors. Prayerful appeal only enhances the treatment methods used. Prayer will help restore the child’s lost strength and spirit weakened by illness.

The Most Holy Theotokos is the first mother in the Christian world. She always hears the sincere requests of mothers and provides effective assistance. Therefore, if a child is seriously ill, it is recommended to seek help for his recovery from the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer will give strength to a sick child and force the body to fight a dangerous disease.

The prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is as follows:

“Most Holy Lady of Heaven, Virgin Mary, hear your mother’s prayer. Save and keep my child (name) under Your protective shelter. And also protect all the youths and babies of other mothers. Cover all our beloved children with your protective robe, help us mothers to raise them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents. Show them the true path of life and save them from temptations, beg the Lord to forgive the sins committed through misunderstanding, so that they have hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. I entrust my child to Your maternal care and believe that You will protect and save him from all the hardships of life. Heal, Mother of God, the mental and physical wounds of my child, inflicted by my thoughtless sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen".

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God for the child to recover and not get sick

A prayer aimed at the recovery of a child, read in front of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, is very effective. Finding it was already miraculous. The image was found by a girl, after a vision, in a fire in Kazan in 1579. Since then, the icon has worked real miracles, helping people recover from the most terrible diseases.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady, Lady of Heaven, Most Holy Theotokos! With fear, faith and sincere love, we fall before Your icon, we pray to You. Hear us and turn your bright gaze to us. We ask You to beg Your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ, to preserve our country in peace, to preserve Your Holy Church, and to protect the world from unbelief, heresies and schism. You are the Intercessor and Helper of all Christians. Deliver us, who sincerely believe in Your power, from the falls of sin, from human malice, from all demonic temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death without repentance. Grant us humility of heart, purity of thoughts, allow us to correct our sinful lives, forgive us our sins. In gratitude we will sing thy name and glorify the Lord our God. Amen".

Prayer for living sick parents and their health

Parents are the closest people to whom we owe our birth. Therefore, when they start to get sick, we need to help them get well through prayer.

If trouble took you by surprise, and one of your parents fell ill completely unexpectedly for you, then you need to immediately visit the temple and pray near the Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow.

After lighting three candles for health, you need to whisper the following prayer words:

“I pray to you, Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Heal my parent (name of the sick parent), give him strength to live well. Let no severe illness torment his body. Let it be so. Amen".

After this, you need to cross yourself and leave the temple; first you need to purchase 12 church candles and collect holy water. At home, you need to continue the prayer ritual, which will help parents recover and quickly recover from illness.

You need to pray at home in front of icons, so if you don’t have a red corner in your home, be sure to organize one. In the evening, you should retire, light candles and read the following prayers.

Lord God:

“Lord All-Merciful, Jesus Christ, Son of God. I ask you for the health of your parents. Have mercy, save them from illness and help them overcome difficult times. Give them strength to offer prayers and show them the righteous path. Extend their life years. Thy will be done. Amen".

To Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with sincere prayer. I ask you to protect my parents from illness, infirmity and weakness. Help them follow the righteous path and give them hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't let yourself succumb to sinful temptations. Intercede for them before our Lord. Thy will be done. Amen".

Saint Matrona of Moscow:

“Holy Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You always hear people praying for your health. You always help the weak and heal those who ask from serious illnesses. Help my parents too. Deliver them from bodily ailments and poor health. Let evil people not be able to harm them. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for recovery (husband, mother, father, daughter)

Saint Nicholas healed many people from terrible illnesses with the help of prayer during his lifetime. He believed that with God in your heart you can overcome any adversity in life and be cured of the most terrible diseases. A person who prays creates special divine protection around himself, and no external forces can harm him.

Unfortunately, many people, only after getting sick, understand that loss of health is the worst thing that can happen in life. But true faith and religiosity will help correct the situation and will contribute to the healing of not only the soul, but also the body.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the recovery of a loved one should begin with an arbitrary appeal to the Saint. He should be thanked for giving hope for healing.

In addition, you need to follow other rules; before praying you need to:

  • Cleanse yourself from sinful and dissolute thoughts;
  • Ask for forgiveness for your sins committed through thoughtlessness.

After this, you can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a prayer for recovery. You should definitely pray in front of the icon of the Saint. Every believer's home should have a red corner in which three obligatory icons should be installed: the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

“Oh, All-Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, saint of the Lord! You are the Intercessor of all those who mourn and those in need of Your help. I ask for help for my close relatives. Beg, Saint Nicholas, Almighty and All-Merciful God to forgive all their sins, known and unknown. Deliver them from bodily pain and grant them healing. Do not let them stray from the true path and give them hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. And I will pray and glorify all Your deeds on earth and in heaven. Amen".

Next, you should turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with simple prayer words. To do this, you must perform ritual actions. You should retire to a separate room, place an icon of St. Nicholas in front of you, light a church candle and a container of holy water. You should sit in silence for some time, thinking only about the person for whose healing you will pray. Afterwards, looking at the icon, you need to read the well-known prayer “Our Father” three times.

And then you should turn to Nikolai Ugodnik with these words:

“Oh Saint Nicholas, Wonderworker and Pleasant of God! I ask you to heal my loved one (you need to name who he is to you). Help him recover and recover. Be merciful to me and do not be angry for such a personal request. Amen".

Such a prayer appeal needs to be said once, but you should put your whole soul into it. Healing prayers were used in ancient times. Many stories have been preserved about their miraculous powers. But it is important not to doubt that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will definitely hear your prayer.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer, helping before and during surgery

Prayers to Panteleimon the Healer have enormous power. This Saint lived in the 3rd century. It is noteworthy that his parents were adherents of different religions. The father followed paganism, and the mother professed Christianity. It was the mother who raised the boy in the true faith. But it so happened that the woman passed away very early, and the father forced the young man to believe in paganism.

At a young age, he became interested in healing and developed amazing abilities that allowed him to successfully treat people. After completing his studies, he was appointed as a doctor at the court of Emperor Maximilian.

Once he managed to be present at a miraculous healing through prayer. Presbyter Ermolai resurrected the boy, who no longer showed signs of life after poisoning. From that moment on, Panteleimon believed in the power of Christ's faith and soon underwent the rite of Baptism.

After this, the healer began to provide medical care free of charge. He helped everyone who asked for help and did not take money for it. This behavior of Panteleimon angered the emperor and his entourage and they summoned him to trial. But the healer demonstrated the power of Christ’s faith by healing a person from an illness only through prayer. After this, the emperor tried to force Panteleimon to renounce his faith by torture, but he failed. The healer was thrown into a cage with wild animals to be torn to pieces, but they did not dare to touch the man, but lay down peacefully at his feet. During one of the prayers, the Lord called Panteleimon’s soul to Heaven. Only after this the executioner was able to cut off the Healer’s head.

A strong prayer to Panteleimon the Healer must be read before and after the operation.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Holy Healer Panteleimon, the great saint of God, the most merciful doctor! I ask Thy mercy, hear me, a sinner, turn your gaze to me, groaning and screaming. Grant me physical healing. Ask the Almighty Lord to fill my soul with strength and help me resist this terrible illness. Ask the Lord to forgive all my sins, known and unknown. Do not turn away from my sins, committed out of ignorance and lack of understanding. Beg the Almighty for me, so that your prayer may become oil for my spiritual wounds. Heal my soul and body, let me live out the rest of my days in prosperity according to the will of God. Holy, saint of God! Pray to the Lord to give me hope for the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

Prayer to the Lord “Lord, help me, heal me, please”

Prayers directed to the Lord God, asking for health and healing, should be read in front of the icon of the Savior with burning candles. You can pray both in church and at home. Moreover, in the temple it is necessary to light a candle for the health of a sick person.

Here is one of the powerful prayers:

“Lord Almighty, Just and All-Merciful. You are my creator and the creator of the entire world around me. I entrust my fate to you and pray for help. Hear my prayer and turn your gaze to me, do not ignore my spiritual groans. You see all my sins, which are known to me and unknown to me. But all of them were committed by me out of foolishness, and not out of evil. I ask for forgiveness for my sins, so that they do not affect my health. I pray that your Divine healing rays will wash my blood and drive away the terrible illness from my body. Let your rays cleanse my soul. I believe and hope that only with your help will I be able to cope with the disease. Bless all the paths along which I will reach complete healing and recovery. I hope and believe that your Divine balm will give my body strength and my soul lightness. The unbearable pain will let me go and the wounds will heal as soon as Your help comes. Let protective light rays from heaven create around me reliable protection so that no one can harm me. May my faith be strengthened. Amen".

After healing occurs, you should definitely thank the Lord for your help.

You can do this with this prayer:

“Glory to Thee, Lord Most High Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of his beginningless Father. Only with Your help is it possible to heal every illness and disease. Only you can forgive and punish us sinners who have committed sins due to our own foolishness. Thank you for having mercy on me, forgiving me of all my sins and delivering me from the disease, not allowing it to harm me and kill me before the due time. From now on and forever grant me firm strength, and I will do Your will and glorify You. Amen".

If the treatment is planned, then in order for it to be successful, the patient must, before going to the hospital, visit the temple for confession. The sacrament must be celebrated along with this, and the priest blesses the sick person for successful treatment.

This world exists only because the servants of God are present here. They are called elders, saints, sages, gurus. But since many people want to get priceless spiritual benefits cheaply, there are also counterfeit false prophets. There is a place for both, because a person expresses his desires and, by his causeless unlimited mercy, the Almighty fulfills them all. As for diseases, they, unfortunately, are inevitable in this world. There are reasons for their appearance, but prayer to a saint can heal people better than any doctors. For example, a miraculous prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker works real miracles. People are not only healed from serious illnesses, but their lives are transformed, many even come to a rethink.

Many believers always have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in their home. How does prayer help this great saint? The answer is everything. It’s not only in illness that you can call on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It also helps in everyday situations, during difficult periods, and especially in requests for children. The following simple prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a child has enormous power.

How to pray correctly

The place for prayer must be clean. You need to light three candles, fill the vessel with blessed water and place the icon of St. Nicholas next to them. Before praying, the Pleasant should read the “Our Father.” The prayer itself for the health of the child is very simple, but incredibly effective.

"Oh, the Most Holy Pleasant of God - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Grant mercy for the recovery of my beloved child. Please forgive me my sinful sorrow and do not be angry with me for ignorance. Amen."

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing will bring great benefits, even if it is read in your own words. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

Why do people suffer?

As a rule, people forget about their very long-standing desires and begin to complain about fate and not understand what is happening to them now and why. The problem for many is not that they don’t know who man really is and who God is, but that people don’t even want to know. There is no age at which someone does not die, be it before birth (abortion), at the moment of birth, in a month, a year, a hundred years. Inevitable death awaits us all. And most importantly, we feel fear when we think about it.

This feeling envelops us for a reason, but because of sinful actions. After all, there are laws of the Universe, whether people believe in them or not, they exist. The scriptures describe that there is a sun, a moon, the wind blows, and it rains only because of fear of God. We, out of our deep ignorance, think that we can do whatever we want, and nothing will happen to us for it.

If you go, for example, to some millionaire on his private property, turn beautiful flower beds, kill his dog, break furniture in the house - will the owner be happy with this? Of course not! So why, when we are punished for the fact that we commit all sorts of chaos in God’s creation, are we somehow offended? Even in our ordinary criminal code laws there is a hint that ignorance of the law is no excuse from punishment. But the Supreme is not some kind of tyrant, He simply created this universe perfectly so that everyone could live happily. And if someone encroaches on what he is not entitled to, then he will inevitably bear punishment.

First comes a warning - a prompt from conscience, and if this voice is not heard, then illnesses arise that pacify our pride and give a person time to think. Illness is not bad! This is a sign from above that you are not living by the rules. The Lord sends His messengers to such unfortunate people so that they not only heal them, but also give them knowledge on how to live correctly and be happy forever, and not temporarily, as they now promise us at every step. Often in illness, people turn to God through His messengers. And this really brings good results. A sincere prayer for the healing of a sick person to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can banish the disease forever.

Prayer for Healing

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Savior of our lost souls. We turn to you with a humble request in sickness and infirmity. Remove damage and serious illness from (name). Forgive (name) all sins that have caused such grave suffering. Accept the repentance of the sick person and his loved ones . May all illnesses leave his mortal body and indestructible health and grace arrive. May the Lord through you hear our humble request and not condemn it. Ask, O Saint Nicholas, that all adversities be released and illnesses left forever. All is your will. Amen. "

This prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from illness is especially effective if it is read by the relatives of the sick person. Praying for others always brings quick results.

Saint Nicholas - who is he?

The Messenger of God, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, is known throughout the world for his amazing deeds. Surprisingly, he was born into a rich family. Usually prophets ask God to be born with disabilities into a simple family of righteous people in order to avoid difficult temptations. Simply because there is wealth in the family, the need for God disappears. After all, they usually ask the Lord for something, and when you have all the benefits of civilization, then, accordingly, the need for petition disappears, pride increases, and people forget to glorify Him by whose grace all this was given.

Nicholas was born in Asia Minor, in the city of Patara, in 270. The parents were not only rich, but also believed in God. Since childhood, he listened and read a lot about the deeds of Jesus Christ. In the temple he was appointed reader. Going through many persecutions, he preached and was a priest, and then was appointed bishop in the city of Myra (now the city of Demre in Turkey), and previously it was a province of the Roman Empire - Lycia. This is where the name of Saint Nicholas of Myra came from.

For his deeds, during his lifetime he was called a saint and a miracle worker. He patronizes all travelers, sailors, illegally convicted, slandered people. He showered special mercy through God on children. For this he became famous all over the world, because children suffer and get sick everywhere. These, of course, are their sins for past lives in an adult body, through children they also pacify the pride of their parents, but no one wants to think about it. The main thing for many is to solve the problem in any way and go on sinning, and this is sad.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for children is one of the most powerful.

Saint Nicholas to help children

You can turn to the saint anywhere: at home, in a temple, in a hospital, and even on the street. Saint Nicholas helps children in any circumstances. And even when there are no children yet, they pray to him for their gift. You can also pray to the Holy Saint for a successful birth and the health of mother and child.

In travel, sickness and health, joy and sorrow, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps with everything.

Prayer for children

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for children should not be read mechanically. Even if it is an akathist, it should be passed through the heart. Only sincere prayer brings results.

You can pray to the Pleasant with these words: "Oh Almighty Nicholas, benefactor and intercessor! Show all your boundless generosity and give my children happiness, joy, health and prosperity. Do not turn away from my children. Show mercy, do not turn away in difficult times, show them the right path. May it manifest itself in them All the power is Yours! Amen."

More than a prayer

Due to contact with Holy Persons, our heart is purified and we begin to live differently. In fact, every person can become a saint, but not everyone is ready to give their life to serve others (saving lost souls is the highest devotion to God). Saint Nicholas secretly distributed gifts, and now in the West he is called Santa Claus. But his mission was not to distribute earthly goods. He gave people faith and hope that God exists and loves them, even taking care of everyday problems.

The miraculous deeds of St. Nicholas

In order not to attract attention and remain unidentified in his deeds, Saint Nicholas threw money and food into stockings that were hanging out to dry in the houses of the poor. Now in the West, because of this, children have taken up the tradition at Christmas and on the day of remembrance of the Saint to hang out a festive sock, where the miracle worker will put a gift for them.

When he studied in Alexandria, he traveled by sea and showed miracles of healing to sailors, which is why all sailors in the world carry with them the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

One day, a poor father of three beautiful daughters decided to make money on their charm through a bad deed (by renting them into a harem). Saint Nicholas, seeing the purity of the young creatures, decided to help them by throwing a dowry into their house. They all got married successfully. Father, of course, tracked down Nikolai, and having caught up, bowed at his feet. He took an oath from him that he would not tell anyone about this. He healed many sick and suffering people; their number has no end. Sincere prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing from an illness always brought a good result.

The Importance of Repentance

When asking for protection and healing, we must try very hard to understand that after this we need to change our lives so that we no longer sin and suffer no longer. After all, this is probably the biggest sin - to use the trust of the Saint and continue to do your dashing deeds. God can tolerate insults against him, but he will not tolerate his devotees being insulted. When we look at the image of the Saint in prayer, a connection necessarily occurs - he hears us. And it is a great mercy that we can call on the Lord and his servants at any time and in any place. Appealing to the saints on behalf of others is especially powerful. Praying to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a loved one brings much more benefits than asking about one’s own health. Selflessness and sincerity - important aspects life of every person.

Nicholas the Pleasant is revered twice a year - on December 19 and May 22. But it is important to remember his mercy to everyone every day.
