Definition of mathematical abilities in psychology. V.A. Krutetsky. Mathematical ability and personality. Study of the problem of abilities in domestic psychology

P.S. Gurevich
Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Center “Professional Textbook” as teaching aid For university students

UDC 159.923(075.8)

BBK 88.37ya73-1

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili,

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology
Gurevich, Pavel Semenovich.

Psychology of Personality: textbook manual for university students / P.S. Gurevich. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009. – 559 p. – (Series “ Current psychology»).
ISBN 978-5-238-01588-0

Agency CIP RSL
In modern psychological literature, three terms are used to designate a person and characterize him: “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”. The book examines such problems as human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, human uniqueness, the problem of integrity, etc. It is argued that personality is an eternal tension and quest. Personality is always a breakthrough into the spiritual sphere. According to N.A. Berdyaev, the conquest of spirituality is the main task human life.

For university students studying in the specialties of psychology and pedagogy, philosophy, as well as a wide range of readers.
© P.S. Gurevich, 2009

Owns the exclusive right to use and distribute the publication. Reproduction of the entire book or any part thereof by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.
© Design by UNITY-DANA, 2009


Don't give me an easy share,

On the road, a friend, sleep in the night.

Burn your palms with calluses,

Accustom your heart to losses.

As long as the evil time lasts,

Yes, I will be sick and poor.

Let me suffocate in the wild heat,

Torture me with a merry jam.

And separate me from the vile ones,

And give me bitterness in love,

And at the hour appointed for the feat,

Bless the forgiven...
Boris Chichibabin
More than once in the history of mankind, the hearts of people were filled with pride for their sons. Let's remember ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Lived in poverty. In his youth he served in the army and took part in the fight against tyrants. When Alcibiades was awarded the prize for bravery, he said that his teacher Socrates deserved this award to a greater extent. Socrates loved to philosophize not only with colleagues and students, but also with random passers-by at the market. He believed that the very first conditions of wisdom are virtue and honesty. Before exploring the world, the philosopher advised turning to the depths of your own soul. Behind the unprepossessing appearance hid a beautiful soul, a courageous and pure heart and a clear mind.

There is probably not a single image in the history of human culture, wrote the German philosopher W. Windelband, that would be as popular as this one, not a single one that, like this one, would penetrate on the waves of world literature into the most remote corners of spiritual existence humanity. Socrates was known as the ideal of wisdom for all Greek philosophical schools and not only in Roman literature, not only in the literature of all European peoples, but also among Jews and Mohammedans; Everywhere where even a drop of the Hellenic spirit has fallen, we meet Socrates as a person who evokes universal worship (Windelband V. Favorites. Spirit and history. M., 1995. P. 58.).

Is it only Socrates? Marcus Aurelius - Roman philosopher and emperor. Isn't it a rare combination of vocations? While hiking, I wrote a wonderful book, “To Myself.” He considered the human mind to be a divine gift, and knowledge and love for one’s neighbor to be the highest values. He recognized the equality of people and called for self-improvement. Despite his high position and active government activities, Marcus Aurelius lived in accordance with his convictions. He showed that a wise ruler brings benefit to his people, the state and himself too.

The wise and sarcastic smile of Erasmus of Rotterdam. He was the head of European humanism, the doctrine of the equality of people and humanity. I tried to combine religion with scientific and philosophical education. “We intended,” he wrote, “to warn, but not to offend, to benefit, but not to injure, to improve the morals of people, but not to offend a person.” He taught easily and wittily.

Maria Teresa, who felt her own calling as helping the suffering. She devoted her life to sick, unhappy creatures, denying herself an existence that is minimal prosperity. I found joy in watching other people overcome suffering. By definition, I denied myself the most essential things.

Henri Dunant (1828-1920), founder of the International Organization of the Red Cross. The Swiss Dunant, a banker and wealthy merchant, witnessed the Battle of Solferino between the French and Austrians in 1859. He was shocked that the wounded were not being helped. Dunant abandoned business and devoted his life to helping victims of war. In 1901, a beggar who was considered a “city madman”, Henri Dunant, became the first laureate Nobel Prize peace.

Nona Mordyukova died. And this is what theater critic Tatyana Moskvina wrote about her: “Free in speech, in judgment, in behavior, in how sincerely and spontaneously, without tricks, without caring about who thinks what, she expresses herself. Mordyukova’s speeches and stories are a dizzying attraction; they can be rewatched like a good performance. Simply terrifying in its strength and brightness of personal coloring! Here you will not find asphalt, but black soil, not a vulgar chanson, but a free Cossack song, not acting, but fate» (Moskvina T. Medea, exiled to the collective farm // Arguments of the Week, 2008. No. 28. S. 5.) .

The Rosenberg couple. What is striking about these people? Greatness of spirit, human dignity, sacrifice, sensitivity to the suffering of people, invincibility of convictions? Perhaps these are individuals, rare specimens of people who amaze us with their inner wealth, the grandeur of their life project. In this case, apparently, personality psychology should study these peak states of spirit, the specialness that is endowed with social heroes, ascetics, holy ascetics, sufferers and great thinkers.

This approach to personality psychology seems logical. But it immediately gives rise to certain theoretical difficulties. How and why are these special qualities worthy of example and imitation born in people? Why are the listed advantages unavailable to many? Why are noble impulses and examples of socialization not characteristic of everyone? What, generally speaking, is the mechanism for generating these personal qualities?

If there is a need to distinguish personality from non-personality, then to what extent are persons specifically human? Doesn't a certain idealized image of the best representatives of humanity arise, allowing us to treat with contempt or indifference all others unworthy of a high calling?

Another complexity that N.A. tried to comprehend. Berdyaev. Is it true that people are born with personality? The Russian philosopher answered this question in the negative. He believed that one becomes a person. But how? What are the motivations that make some people strive for shrines, strengthen their own personal core, and move along the path personal growth, which most often turns out to be dramatic and even tragic?

Ancient mystics, gaining spiritual experience, made sure that it did not become the property of others. Those who, through intent or negligence, passed on the acquired knowledge to mere mortals were subject to execution. Why so cruel? The German mystic R. Steiner in his work “Christianity as a Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity” noted that the transformed personality, i.e. the one who has acquired a mystical experience does not find sufficiently high words to express the significance of her experiences. Not only figuratively, but also in the highest real sense, according to R. Steiner, a person who has come into contact with the transcendental world finds himself, as it were, having passed through death and awakened to a new life. For such a person, it is clear that no one who has not experienced the same thing is able to correctly understand her words. This was the case, in particular, in the ancient mysteries. This “secret” religion of the elect existed alongside the popular religion.

Religions of this kind are observed among all ancient peoples, wherever our knowledge penetrates. The path to the secrets of the universe ran through the world of horrors. It is known that the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus was accused of transferring to the stage some of what he learned from the mysteries. Aeschylus ran to the altar of Dionysus to save his life. The investigation showed that he was not an initiate and, therefore, did not give away any secrets.

R. Steiner in his works describes in detail the secret meaning of the mysteries as cultural phenomena. He refers in particular to Plutarch, who reports the fear experienced by the initiate. The ancient Greek historian compares this state with preparation for death. Initiation was preceded by a special way of life, designed to bring sensuality under the rule of the spirit. Fasting, purification rituals, solitude, mental exercises, all this was intended to work through the world of one’s lower sensations. The neophyte was introduced into the life of the spirit. He had to contemplate the higher world.

Usually the world that surrounds a person has the status of reality for him. A person touches, hears and sees the processes of this world. What arises in the soul is not reality for him. But it also happens that people call real exactly those images that arise in their spiritual life.

The mystical experience is inexpressible. There is something in man that initially prevents him from seeing with spiritual eyes. When initiates remember their experiences of the Mysteries, they speak of precisely these difficulties. R. Steiner refers to the ancient Greek Cynic philosopher, who tells how he went to Babylon so that the followers of Zoroaster would guide him to hell and back. He says that in his travels he passed through fire and swam across great waters.

Mystics, i.e. people who went through a mystical experience talked about how they were frightened by a naked sword from which blood flowed. However, it is difficult for the uninitiated to understand the reality of what is being said. Mystical experience is inadequate to earthly experience. These stories are understandable when a person knows the stages on the path from lower to higher knowledge. After all, the initiate himself experienced how all solid matter spread out like water and he lost the ground beneath him. Everything that had previously felt alive to him was killed. Just as a sword passes through a living body, so the spirit passed through sensory life. Man saw the flowing blood of the sensory world.

So, the experience of comprehending oneself is tragic in many ways. Anyone who has not gained spiritual experience is unable to comprehend the depth of mystical experiences. Therefore, millions of people simply do not need this practice. The discovery of hidden truths, if it became widespread, would lead to the devaluation of the acquired practice, to the devaluation of spiritual states.

Almost all psychologists who have turned to the analysis of the personality phenomenon note the complexity of this concept and the variety of interpretations related to this problem. The word “personality” is indeed one of the most vague and controversial in psychology. “But not a single concept is distinguished by such polysemy, does not allow such diverse use as the concept personalities» (Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 519.). We can agree that as many theories of personality exist, there are as many definitions of it.

The complexity of the problem is largely due to the fact that this concept is associated with many other important psychological terms, including “person”, “individual”, “individuality”, “character”, “type”, “temperament”, “abilities”. When talking about personality, we unwittingly mobilize the entire body of psychological knowledge. This is why personality psychology is like theoretical section capable of covering different sides comprehensive ideas about the human psyche.

The problem of personality in psychology, writes D.A. Leontiev, is an immense problem, covering a huge field of research. Partly due to the elasticity of the concept of “personality”, partly due to the fact that words such as “personality”, “character”, “temperament”, “abilities”, “needs”, “meaning” and many others are included not only into the system scientific concepts personality psychology, but also in our everyday language, there are a lot of disputes and discussions around the problem of personality - after all, almost everyone, to some extent, considers himself an expert on the problem personalities» (Leontyev D.A. Essay on personality psychology. M., 1997. P. 6.). Many authors who specifically study the problem of personality (A.G. Asmolov, D.A. Leontyev, V.M. Rozin, A.V. Tolstykh) note the particular complexity of this problem.

So, the term itself causes conflicting interpretations among philosophers and psychologists. On the one hand, any person is called a person, including an asocial person, for example a criminal. On the other hand, they give this term a special status and believe that the word “personality” characterizes a chosen, spiritual and integral person.

L.B. Logunova defines personality as a philosophical and cultural category in which the most important social, biological and mental characteristics of a person are synthesized as the principles of his cultural self-identification. The concept of “personality” captures a special way of a person’s existence in the world, which cannot be derived from his natural organization. In modern philosophical and humanitarian knowledge - the central category, the content of which determines the direction of research into the integrity of human being (Logunova L.B. Personality // Culturology. Encyclopedia: In 2 vols. M., 2007. T. 1. P. 1168.).

Something in this definition immediately gives rise to bewilderment. It is obvious to everyone that personality is not only a philosophical and cultural category. This concept is widely used in psychology. The works of A.N. are well known. Leontyev (“Activity. Consciousness. Personality.” M., 1975), A.G. Asmolova (“Psychology of Personality”. M., 1990), B.G. Ananyeva (“On the problems of modern human knowledge.” M., 1971), A.V. Tolstoy “Experience of concrete historical psychology of personality” (St. Petersburg, 2000) and many other psychologists. It is not entirely clear why philosophical and humanitarian knowledge are opposed? The judgment that a person has biological characteristics, but the phenomenon itself is not derived from natural organization. Finally, it is quite obvious that human integrity can be considered not only at the level of the individual.

So, in psychology the category of personality is one of the basic ones. It is not purely psychological, since it is studied in philosophy, history, and others. humanities. The most important theoretical problem Personal psychology is to reveal the objective foundations of those psychological properties that characterize a person as an individual, as an individual and as a personality.

It is these three concepts - “individual”, “individuality” and “personality” that are used in psychology. But these concepts express different content. Here another difficulty arises, which A.G. points out. Asmolov. In fact, personality psychology absorbs almost all psychological knowledge. But there is no harm in this extreme expansion. It is important to find the angle that allows you to classify psychological material through the prism of a special field of knowledge - personality psychology.

Part I. Specifically human in personality

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To improve this article, it would be desirable?: By adding footnotes, add more precise indications of the sources. Social psychology is a branch of psychology... Wikipedia

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Legal psychology is a branch of psychology, the subject of which is the psychological characteristics of activities related to law: the administration of justice (the behavior of participants in criminal proceedings), lawful and unlawful behavior... ... Wikipedia

This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. General psycho… Wikipedia

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Is it possible to holistically interpret this or that object, which in itself is not unitary, unified, non-separate? What is integrity and wholeness? Is a person whole? The author shows that in the history of philosophy there were different answers to these questions. The problem of human integrity is not a question of a comprehensive study of man. This is the problem of his existence, being, purpose in the world. To be whole means to gain the fullness of existence, to reveal human potential. Integrity is not given to a person, it is acquired by him. The author covers such issues of philosophical anthropology as human nature, human existence, modes of human existence, adventures of human self-development.

The book is included in the collections:

  • KazNU named after. al-Farabi. Philosophy and political science

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Psychology of Personality: Textbook / Gurevich P.S., - 2nd ed. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2015. - 479 pp.: 60x90 1/16. - (Higher education: Bachelor's degree) (Binding 7BC) ISBN 978-5-16-009672-8 - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/452810 read


The textbook examines such problems as human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, the uniqueness of man, the problem of integrity, etc. It is shown that personality is an eternal tension and quest. Personality always breaks through into the spiritual sphere. According to N.A. Berdyaev, the conquest of spirituality is the main task of human life. The content of the textbook is a combination of theoretical and applied aspects of the study of personality, its development, motivation, mental health and psychopathology. Special attention devoted to personality typologies. The textbook is of interest to psychologists and philosophers, university and college students, as well as a wide range of readers.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Gurevich, P. S. Psychoanalysis[Electronic resource]: textbook. manual for university students / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 479 p. - (Series “Current Psychology”). - ISBN 978-5-238-01244-5. read

Why are people susceptible to different complexes? Why are neurotic disorders culturally determined? Why does a living body function as if it were dead? Where can you take the course? psychological correction? These and other questions, such as character types, psychosexual development, psychological characteristics of people and ways of their adaptation to the world, archetypes of collective thinking, can be found in the book of Professor P.S. Gurevich, who talks about the experience of clinical psychoanalysis. Written vividly and imaginatively, the book will help the reader achieve personal growth, get rid of mental disorders, solve psychosexual problems, and understand their inner world. For university and college students, as well as a wide range of readers.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Gurevich, P. S. Psychology and pedagogy[Electronic resource]: textbook for university students / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 320 p. - (Series “Textbooks of Professor P.S. Gurevich.”) - ISBN 5-238-00904-6. read

The considered fundamental principles of psychology and pedagogy give a new understanding of these disciplines, without which the upbringing and education of a person is impossible. The specifics of sensory and rational knowledge, the general and individual in the student’s psyche are covered in detail. A special section is devoted to personality problems in educational models, where modern concepts and educational strategies, developing pedagogical technologies and the basics of designing educational situations. Particular attention is paid to the organization educational activities and management educational systems. For university students, as well as everyone interested in problems of psychology and pedagogy.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Psychology of Personality: textbook / P.S. Gurevich. — 2nd ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018. - 479 p. — (Higher education: Bachelor's degree). - - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/968740 read


The textbook examines such problems as human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, the uniqueness of man, the problem of integrity, etc. It is shown that personality is an eternal tension and quest. Personality always breaks through into the spiritual sphere. According to N.A. Berdyaev, the conquest of spirituality is the main task of human life. The content of the textbook is a combination of theoretical and applied aspects of the study of personality, its development, motivation, mental health and psychopathology. Particular attention is paid to personality typologies. The textbook is of interest to psychologists and philosophers, university and college students, as well as a wide range of readers.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Gurevich, P. S. Psychology of Personality[Electronic resource]: textbook. manual for university students / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 559 p. - (Series “Current Psychology”). - ISBN 978-5-238-01588-0. - Access mode: http://site/catalog/product/390314 read

In modern psychological literature, three terms are used to designate a person and characterize him: “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”. The book examines such problems as human nature, human essence, human subjectivity, human uniqueness, the problem of integrity, etc. It is argued that personality is an eternal tension and quest. Personality is always a breakthrough into the spiritual sphere. According to N.A. Berdyaev, the conquest of spirituality is the main task of human life. For university students studying in the specialties of psychology and pedagogy, philosophy, as well as a wide range of readers.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Gurevich, P. S. Psychology of emergency situations[Electronic resource]: textbook. manual for university students / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 495 p. - (Series “Current Psychology”). - ISBN 978-5-238-01246-9. read

Huge masses of people in Russia went through the experience extreme situations(wars, earthquakes, nuclear reactor explosion, terrorist attacks, migration). Their numbers are constantly increasing. The psychological consequences of any social nightmare are always stronger than the event itself. Psychological rehabilitation allows a person to return to normal mental life. The psychology of emergency situations studies not only the processes of the “sick”, “disfigured” psyche - it is related to the problems of personal growth, elevation and spirituality. The book is addressed not only to psychologists and emergency specialists, but also to a wide range of readers.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

Gurevich, P. S. Psychology[Electronic resource]: textbook for university students / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 320 p. - (Series “Textbooks of Professor P. S. Gurevich.”) - ISBN 5-238-00905-4. read

In the original textbook of the famous scientist and practitioner, Professor P.S. Gurevich, issues of both general and social and clinical psychology. The author does not use a didactic method, but invites reflection and conversation on topical topics, such as the relationship between body and soul, the inner world of the individual, the phenomenon of group consciousness, the psychology of extreme situations, and child psychoanalysis. The publication is intended not only for undergraduate and graduate students studying psychology, but also for specialists who want to improve their knowledge and qualifications.

The textbook equips teachers with basic knowledge in the field of psychology. Pedagogical psychology always kept training and education in her field of attention. The textbook provides basic information on two sections of psychological knowledge - individual and social psychology. In its turn social Psychology is represented by three main blocks: the psychology of communication, the psychology of group consciousness and the psychology of groups. The connection between psychology and pedagogy and social philosophy is especially emphasized. Complies with Federal State Educational Standard VO 3+. For bachelor's degree students in pedagogy.

The work belongs to the genre Educational literature. It was published in 2017 by Knorus publishing house. On our website you can download the book "Psychology" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

A special section is devoted to personality problems in educational models, where modern concepts and strategies of education, developing pedagogical technologies and design fundamentals are presented educational situations. <...>He is capable of extreme by immersion enter the sphere of your own thoughts and perceive it critically.<...>A person can reason, cognize, evaluate, build a logically coherent subsequence conclusions. <...>What's the point if covenants the past are alive, but we do not want to expend our own labor to study what our predecessors knew.<...>Talking about education, Russian philosopher, publicist V.S. Solovyov (1853-1900) simultaneously writes about what expresses the essence of man as a being: The highest, unconditional morality also obliges the present generation to pass on a double legacy to the new one; firstly, everything positive that has been achieved by the past of humanity, all the results of historical savings, and secondly, the ability and willingness to use this fixed capital for the common good, for a new approach to the highest goal2.<...>Antiquity provided a factual basis for what we can be as Westerners, writes Jaspers. <...>He attached a huge role to education German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).<...>It is “in upbringing lies the great 1 Jaspers TO.<...>In this meaning philosophical anthropology opposes traditional fields philosophical knowledge - ontology (the doctrine of being), logic, theory of knowledge, history of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, natural philosophy, social philosophy, philosophy of history.<...> Scheler(1874-1928) connected education with the formation of man and the transformation of society.<...> Scheler thinks about education as global problem. <...> Mannheim(1893-1947) also views education in the context of enormous social change.<...> Mannheim entered the history of sociology as one of the most productive thinkers who studied the social nature of knowledge.<...>In work " Diagnosis <...>

Psychology_and_pedagogy._Textbook._Grif_UMC_Professional_textbook._(Series_Textbooks_of Professor_P.S._Gurevich).pdf

UDC (075.8) BBK 74.20ÿ73-1+88.8ÿ73-1 Ã95 Editor-in-chief of the publishing house Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences N.D. Eriashvili Gurevich, Pavel Semenovich. Ã95 P.S. Gosh. - M.: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, - 320 s. - (See “Textbooks of Professor P.S. Gurevich.”) Psychology and pedagogy: a textbook for university students / 2015. ISBN 5-238-00904-6 Agency CIP RSL The considered basic principles of psychology and pedagogy give a new understanding of these disciplines, without which it is impossible to raise and educate a person. The specifics of sensory and rational knowledge, the general and individual in the student’s psyche are covered in detail. A special section is devoted to personality problems in educational models, which present modern concepts and strategies of education, developing pedagogical technologies and the basics of designing educational situations. Particular attention is paid to the organization of educational activities and the management of educational systems. For university students, as well as everyone interested in problems of psychology and pedagogy. BBK 74.20ÿ73-1+88.8ÿ73-1 ISBN 5-238-00904-6 © P.S. Góðåâè÷, 2005 © PUBLISHING HOUSE ÞÍNÒÈ-ÄÀÍA, 2005 Reproduction of the entire book or any part of it by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. Drawings from the book by G. Biedermann are used in the design of the textbook. “Encyclopedia of the Synonyms” (M.: Republic, 1996)

Page 3

CONTENTS Introduction SECTION I. MAN AND HIS KNOWLEDGE Topic 1. The need to study psychology and pedagogy: in search of meaning Topic 2. Object and subject of psychology and pedagogy Topic 3. Methods of acquiring psychological knowledge Topic 4. Postulates and principles of constructing psychological reality 3 13 14 33 53 63 SECTION II. SENSUAL AND RATIONAL COGNITION 77 Topic 5. Motivational-need sphere of a person Topic 6. Sensory cognition Topic 7. Rational cognition SECTION III. GENERAL AND INDIVIDUAL IN THE PSYCHE 102 113 126 Topic 8. Holistic and partial description of human psychology 127 Topic 9. Constitutional level of the psyche SECTION IV. PROBLEMS OF PERSONALITY IN VARIOUS EDUCATIONAL MODELS Topic 11. Values ​​and goals of education Topic 12. Modern strategies and models of education Topic 13. Developing pedagogical technologies Topic 14. Pedagogy of interpersonal relations 161 162 174 186 202 Topic 15. Fundamentals of designing teaching and educational situations 226 SECTION V ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES 247 Topic 16. The essence of the learning process Topic 17. Pedagogical control and assessment of the quality of education 274 Topic 18. Management of educational systems Conclusion 248 303 315 141 Topic 10. Role level of behavior and its reflection in the psyche 149 78 320
