Magical plants and their properties. Love magic of plants

Druids used: Elderberry incense and oils, which have a protective effect, were used by both pagans and Christians to bless children. They were also placed in the funeral fire to protect the deceased.

Elderberry was used in ancient British funeral rites; she is associated with the Mother Goddess. Spirits and fairies live inside the plant, so it bleeds when picked.

Magical Uses: Elderberry is a very benevolent plant with great spiritual and protective power. Once you try elderberries, they will become a close friend to you. Even if you just walk under an elder tree, it will take you under its protection.
The plant is sometimes called the mother elderberry: the garden in which the elderberry grows is blessed. Elderberry will protect against lightning strikes, diseases, and will help in predictions. Since elderberry emits very strong spiritual energy, it will enhance even the weakest desire: be careful when passing by it. Near blossoming tree It's very good to do magic.

When picking berries, try not to hurt the elderberry, so as not to bring misfortune on yourself. Egoists should not pick berries at all: the elderberry does not like such people and will certainly punish them. The leaves are collected in mid-summer, in the morning, when the dew has dried. When taking wood, be sure to say: “Mistress Elderberry, give me your tree, and I will give you mine when it grows in the forest.” If your heart is full of evil thoughts, and all fasts and necessary preparations are observed, you can see the spirits of the trees - dryads, after spending the night in the elderberry grove.

The elder cane protects and protects the traveler from dangerous animals and evil spirits. When worn, elderberry protects against any attacks. hang it above the door - and evil will not enter the house. Elderberry also has the power to neutralize the spells of black magicians. To bless a person, thing or place, throw elderberry leaves or berries directly over the object.

Place berries under your pillow if you have trouble falling asleep. Wear the plant to protect against temptations during fornication. It is not recommended to dig up or uproot elderberries, as this can lead to human death, misfortune and illness, as well as the loss of livestock.

Plants in magic

During money rituals, place a bunch of grapes on your desk.
— The oregano symbol is used for money affirmations and placed in bags.
— The image of a pea brings good luck and success in business, and peas are used in money wishes.
— The image of mint leaves should be bright green. Place it in your purse, wallet, or wherever you used to keep your money.
— The drawing of tea leaves should be burned on a white candle to gain future wealth. For the same purpose, it is useful to put it in your everyday bag. You don’t have to bother yourself with drawing the plant, but rather cut out an image of a leaf from a tea pack of your favorite type of tea.
— Roll the drawing of sorrel into a tube and make this metaphorical with a magic wand office cleansing ritual.

Magic properties wormwood

A bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse you of all evil. Burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect your home and friends, and help magical concentration. The plant is used in predictions and is useful in healing.

To gain strength during a long walk or run, put wormwood leaves in your shoes. A pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the person sleeping on it prophetic dreams. Chernobyl wormwood is burned together with sandalwood or wormwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers. An infusion of wormwood with honey is drunk before making predictions. But what is important directly for us: wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror: an infusion of the plant is used to wash them. For successful work wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror. In accordance with ancient tradition, it is useful to carry Chernobyl with you: in this case you will not be poisoned, you will not be attacked by wild animals, or you will not get sunstroke.

Wormwood does not allow evil spirits and elves into the house. In China, the plant is hung above the door for this purpose. In Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to conjure spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl. Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases, and from insanity. They also wear it to arouse passion and enhance potency. Wormwood amulets will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return. Wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral projection. Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divination instruments, especially those made of silver. Wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning, and will protect the children in the house.

When should the plant be harvested? Wormwood should be collected after mid-summer. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean rag using a circular, rotating motion. Adherents of various faiths - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can say a daily mantra or prayer. Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.

Calamus marsh

Ritual Use: Used in rituals related to increasing one's power. On the holiday of the Trinity, the floors of houses and courtyards were covered with fragrant calamus leaves.

Magical Uses: The powdered rhizome is used in healing incense and is carried in a purse to cure illnesses. Small pieces of rhizome, placed in the corners of the kitchen, will relieve poverty and hunger. Calamus root grown in the garden brings good luck to the gardener.


Ritual Use: Quince was used in services dedicated to various gods, especially Venus. The quince fruit is a symbol of fertility and marriage. In Greece, the quince symbolizes fertility, as well as the food of the newlyweds: the apple of Dionysus, dedicated to Venus, is known.

Magical uses: Carry quince with you - it will protect you from accidents, injuries, and evil. In ancient Rome, married couples shared the quince fruit among themselves for good luck. Offer quince to your loved ones to strengthen fidelity. Pregnant women are advised to eat quince to ensure that their unborn child is smart.

Aloe arborescens

Ritual use: The plant was used for embalming purposes, as it protected against decay. Aloe means, on the one hand, bitterness, and on the other, honesty and wisdom.

Magical use: Aloe, including indoor aloe, protects against bad influences, protects the home from unpleasant incidents, and brings good luck to the house. To find love, scatter the ashes of the plant in front of your house.


Ritual use: In Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Crete, a cleansing liqueur was prepared. Anise is used to strengthen voodoo powers.

Magical uses: You can fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it to get rid of nightmares. Together with laurel leaves, the seeds are used in cleansing baths. Anise can be used in protective and meditative incense. Anise averts the evil eye; it is used to evoke the spirit of the future, which helps in magical operations. Fresh anise leaves placed in the room drive away evil spirits. Sometimes they are placed near a magic circle to protect against evil spirits. Sprigs of anise hung over the bed restore lost youth.
If you have family problems or are trying to preserve a love that is in danger, put a flannel pouch with anise seeds in your everyday clothes pocket. Anyone who has an anise in his hand will never have a seizure.


Ritual use: White flowers of the tree as well as artificial flowers This species, called orange blossom, is part of the bride's wedding dress. It symbolizes innocence.
In China, orange is considered a fruit that brings good luck, which, according to custom, is eaten on the second day of the New Year holiday. The image of two oranges, two fish in a basket means a wish for happiness every year. An orange symbolizes fertility; taking an orange in your hand means receiving the fruit of love, sunny and perfect.
In Christianity, an orange is a symbol of purity, chastity and generosity.

Magical Uses: Dried leather and grains are worn in incense bags to attract love, and flowers are worn to bring happiness in marriage. Dried or fresh flowers are placed in the bath if you want to become more attractive. When you eat an orange, ask a question and count the grains: an odd number is the answer “yes”, an even number is “no”. The peel is used in powders and potions intended to improve well-being. Orange juice replaces wine in rituals and is added to love potions and baths. Orange lovers are considered aristocrats at heart.

Sweet basil (garden)

Ritual Use: Basil is used in exorcisms and cleansing baths. The plant is also used in spells of the goddess Ertsulis, who helps in love affairs.

Magical Uses: The smell of fresh basil evokes sympathy between two people, so the plant is used to create a certain mood when lovers communicate. Basil is added to love potions, worn in amulet, and rubbed on the skin with leaves to attract love. The young man will fall in love with the girl from whose hand he receives a sprig of basil. If you doubt the sincerity of words about love, make a powder from dry basil leaves and scatter it over the body (especially over the heart area) when your boyfriend or girlfriend is sleeping - and your relationship will be sincere.
Basil is used in love fortune-telling. Place two fresh basil leaves on the smoldering coals. if they both quickly turn into ashes, your relationship with your loved one, your marriage will be harmonious. If the leaves crackle, your life together will be full of quarrels. And if the leaf flies away, cracking violently, the proposed relationship is undesirable.
Do you want to know about someone's chastity or debauchery? Simply place a sprig of fresh basil on his hand. On the hand of a libertine the branch will immediately wither.
Basil will bring health to those who carry it in their pockets. Basil given as a housewarming gift will bring good luck to the new home. If you sprinkle dry basil on the floor, there will be no evil in the house. To protect your home, you can add a little basil to every room. Basil is also used by store clerks for protection: they place it next to the cash register or on the threshold.


Ritual Use: The berries were used in death rituals; they have a strong connection with funerals.

Magical use: Place a few berries under the threshold - and no one will encroach on your wealth, and an uninvited guest will not enter the house.
during a psychic attack, it is useful to make a lingonberry pie and eat it; it will protect you from the inside.


Ritual use: In ancient Rome, all altar herbs were called verbena. Servants used vervain to cleanse the altar of Jupiter. Brooms were made from verbena and used to sweep altars.
In accordance with tradition, the daughters of the Druids, when initiated, wore crowns containing vervain - this was a sign of the achieved rank.
Verbena was carried by ambassadors sent to negotiate with the enemy. The Gauls used vervain to predict the future.

Magical Uses: Traditionally, vervain is harvested in midsummer - but this condition is not necessary. Verbena is included in love potions. A vervain crown protects the magician while summoning spirits. Any part of the plant can be worn as a personal amulet. Verbena located in the house will protect against lightning and storms.

Sprinkled around the house, the infusion will drive out evil spirits and hostile forces. Verbena is added to exorcism sticks and used in cleansing baths and purses.

Dried herbs are scattered around the home as a peace-giving herb and can also be worn for calming purposes.
Verbena is used in monetary rituals and rituals of prosperity. If the plant is lit in the garden or simply kept at home, wealth will come to the house.

Carrying a plant with you can prolong youth. To get rid of bad dreams, place verbena in your bed, hang it around your neck, or drink an infusion at night.
If vervain is placed in a baby's cradle, the child will grow up happy and inquisitive.

The juice of the plant, rubbed into the body, will allow you to find out the future, help you fulfill desires, turn enemies into friends, and protect you from all spells. A burned plant will relieve annoying harassment.


Ritual Use: Heather is used to cast ghost spells.

Magical Uses: If you carry heather (preferably white) with you, it will bring you good luck and protect you from rape and other crimes. When burned with ferns, heather causes rain.

Heather is the grass of immortality. If you drink its decoction daily or carry it with you as an amulet, it will provide long life, will help you understand the secrets of the true immortal soul and comprehend the eternal elements of the Universe. This valuable plant for neophytes working on the inner self.

A bath with heather flowers will give you beauty. This bath should be lit with candles and taken at every new moon. Don't forget to maintain karmic balance as your appearance improves!

European grapes

Ritual use: Vine- one of the most striking biblical symbols, reflecting the relationship between God and people. God, like a winegrower, takes care of his children—the flowering vines. The vine is a common symbol of Christ and the Christian faith.

Magical Uses: Images of grapes are placed on walls to ensure fertility, as was done in ancient Rome. Consumption of grapes also helps increase fertility and increases mental strength. During money rituals, place grapes on the altar.

Field bindweed

Magical Uses: Place bindweed seeds under your pillow to prevent nightmares. Blue bindweed growing in the garden will bring peace and happiness.

Field elm

Ritual use: Among the Slavs, elm was considered a protected tree. It was forbidden to chop it or cause any harm. Violation of these prohibitions led to death, loss of livestock, and crop failure. The old elm was considered the patron saint of the village, house, well, lake; it protected from hail and fire.

Magical Uses: Popular among elves. Now used to protect against lightning strikes and to attract love. Meditation under an elm tree will help you communicate with herb spirits and other small creatures.
Elm leaves are used in various predictions- they are usually pierced with a needle.

Southern European, garden or Dutch carnation

Ritual Use: The plant can be used in all protective rituals. Dried cloves (red ones are best) are useful to place on the altar during healing rituals.

Magical Uses: In Queen Elizabeth's time, a carnation worn on the body warned of untimely death on the scaffold. Place a clove in the room where the patient is - it will give him strength and energy. Add the dried plant to your purse and incense for healing purposes.


Ritual Use: The dried flower placed in the exorcist's mouth increases his power. They are also useful for facilitating conception.

Magical Use: A lit wand attracts wealth, disperses evil hostile forces, creates spiritual vibrations and purifies the surrounding space. Such sticks will stop all kinds of gossip about you. The plant worn on oneself attracts the opposite sex and brightens the fate of the disadvantaged. They mainly use mature dried buds, which can be purchased in the store.

Oriental hyacinth

Ritual use: In Christianity, hyacinth is a symbol of Christian prudence, peace of mind and the desire to be in Heaven.

Magical Uses: The plant is used in incense to relieve pain during childbirth. Hyacinth should be grown in the bedroom to ward off nightmares. Flowers are smelled to disperse sadness and depression, and evil spells. Dried flowers are used in love potions.

Snake knotweed

Magical Use: Wear a highlander if you have something in mind and want it to come true.
Light incense to increase physical strength or for divination. Sprinkled infusion will drive out poltergeists. Knotweed is carried in purses during enrichment rituals and is added to appropriate incense.

Bird's knotweed

Magical use: To drive away grief and misfortune, take the plant in your hand. Point your problems at her, notice how she accepts them, and then burn the plant. Highlander strengthens and protects the eyes when carried with you.


Magical Uses: Shelled peas bring good luck and success in business, and dried peas are used in money potions. If a woman finds a pod with 9 peas, she should hang it above her door. The first man to walk through the door will be her future husband (if she is single).

Green peas

Magical use: If your lover has not made himself known for a long time, rub the root of the plant on your body, then wrap the root in a cloth and place it under your pillow. This will remind him/her that you are sad.

Mustard black, white, Russian, gray

Magical Uses: Mustard seeds are carried in a red bag to protect against colds and strengthen mentality.
Italian peasants scatter the seeds of the plant on their doorsteps for protection. The seeds buried under the threshold will protect the house from all supernatural creatures. When women consume mustard, their likelihood of conceiving a child increases.
It is useful to hang the plant above the door to gain energy.


Ritual use: In the East, pomegranate flowers and fruits are a symbol of friendship, therefore, when going on a visit, they often take pomegranate with them as a gift.

In the Bible, the pomegranate is mentioned as a symbol of the unity of the Universe. The pomegranate is also a symbol of fertility. In Christian art, the pomegranate has become a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Magical Uses: The grains of the plant are eaten and the skin of the fruit is worn to enhance fertility. In the Caucasus, women believe that if they eat pomegranate during pregnancy, they will have a beautiful daughter.

Pomegranate is a magical plant of good luck. Always make a wish before eating it - and it may come true. A pomegranate branch reveals unexpected wealth and can attract money.
The branches of the plant are hung over the door to drive out evil, and the juice replaces blood or magic ink.


Magical uses: Carrying a walnut with you strengthens the heart and cures rheumatism. Nuts attract lightning, so don't wear them during a thunderstorm.
If someone gives you a bag of walnuts, you will see all your wishes come true.
If a woman getting married wants to protect herself from “unexpected surprises,” she should place exactly as many nuts on her body as the number of years she wants to wait to have children. She should do this on her wedding day.


Magical Use: Scatter flour from ground grains around the house in a circle to protect it from evil spells. When practicing magic, it is useful to make magic circles from buckwheat on the floor. Add some grains of buckwheat to incense used in enrichment rituals and bring it into the kitchen to avoid poverty.

pear tree

Ritual Use: In ancient China, the pear was a symbol of longevity, as pear trees live for a very long time. White pear flowers are, on the one hand, a symbol of sadness and impermanence, and on the other, beauty.
Witches like to dance under the pear tree.

Magical uses: The fruits are used in love rituals; when eaten it increases sexual arousal. Pears make excellent magical maces.

Elecampane tall

Ritual use: Elecampane - sacred herb of the ancient Druids, herb of concentration; Excellent ritual drinks are prepared from elecampane. The plant is used in incense associated with initiation rituals. In this case, the initiate should get used to the smell before the ritual.

Magical uses: Sew the leaves or flowers of elecampane into pink fabric or put it in your purse and carry it with you - the plant attracts love. To create an ancient love potion, mix dried elecampane with verbena and mistletoe.
Elecampane is associated with elven love magic; but be careful: elven magic is very capricious.

Elecampane splayed

Ritual use: Elecampane is a herb of discipleship, as it clarifies the mentality and improves the functioning of thought.

Magical Uses: Wear elecampane around your neck as a necklace to bring you good luck and protect you from illness. The plant is also used to strengthen fidelity. To preserve love, bury elecampane in the ground. The plant should be renewed twice a month.

Ritual use: Many peoples of Europe and the East considered the oak to be a sacred tree. To drive away drought, the priest of Zeus threw an oak branch into the water and thereby caused rain.
In Egypt, oak, hazel and willow were burned in funeral pyres, symbolizing the power, wisdom and charm of the deceased.

The Slavs have sacred oaks The most important events took place: meetings, wedding ceremonies, trials.

Magical uses: Oak is a powerful, long-living tree; has great magical power. Two oak branches tied crosswise with red thread - strong protective agent from evil. A piece of bark has the same effect if you carry it with you. Acorns hung on the window will protect the house from lightning.

If you manage to catch a falling oak leaf in the fall, you won’t catch a cold next week. If there is a sick person in the house, set fire to the oak bark and heat the room with this heat to drive away the disease. Carry an acorn with you to prevent illness and pain, preserve youth and longevity, and increase potency. An acorn planted during a lunar eclipse will help you gain money in the near future.


Ritual use: In European cities, Datura seeds were thrown onto hot coals, breathed over them and fell into a state of bliss.

Magical use: To protect against curses and evil spirits, you should sprinkle the infusion of the plant around the house. If you suffer from insomnia, put datura leaves in your shoes and place them under the bed with your toes facing the nearest wall. Datura leaves placed in a hat will protect against sunstroke and apoplexy.

Poisoning with dope releases volitional forces, but separates them from the guiding, goal-oriented I sphere, from cognitive capabilities. Datura leaves allow you to release the convulsively held astral body of an asthmatic when exhaling.

The plant is poisonous, handle it with care and do not eat it under any circumstances.


Ritual use: Dried oregano flowers and herbs are placed around the grain to repel ants. For travelers caught in a field or forest at night, in order to avoid the danger of being bitten by a snake, it is useful to put a bouquet of oregano next to them. Brewed with tea before bed, oregano will introduce a powerful healing element into the dreaming consciousness, and placed in a pillowcase, it will contribute to prophetic dreams. In order to give a confidential tone to the conversation and win over your interlocutor, you need to put several bouquets of oregano in the evening in the room where the important conversation will take place.

Magical Uses: Oregano is added to food to strengthen love. To protect the house, the plant must be placed in different places, in each room and changed every month. Oregano growing in the garden repels evil spirits. Oregano should be planted next to graves; during flowering, it brings spiritual bliss to the souls of the departed. Dried oregano mixed with violet is useful to wear as an amulet in winter to protect against the cold. Oregano will help a person get out of depression.

It is also used in money potions and placed in magic bags.
If you prepare a potion from oregano, calendula, thyme and drink it and meditate, a vision of your beloved may appear.


Ritual Use: Blackberries were considered a sacred plant and were used in cult rites dedicated to European pagan gods. To this day, in the Wicca tradition, blackberry pies are baked on August 2 (Lughnasadh Day) for the benefit of the harvest, which is associated with the death of God.

The blackberry became a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the flame of divine love without being burned by lust.

Magical Uses: The blackberry bush is a powerful tool in magical healing. Blackberry leaves and flowers are used in healing rituals. Blackberry wine is very useful.

Norway spruce

Ritual use: B Ancient Greece spruce was considered a symbol of hope; The Greeks used spruce branches for divination. In the Celtic Druidic calendar, the fir tree is dedicated to the day of December 23, when the divine child is born, embodying the spirit of fertility. The Christmas tree symbolizes the beginning of the annual cycle and life in general.

Magical use: Fir cone is a symbol of the fire of life, the beginning; it restores health; in a number of traditions it is associated with the phallus.


Ritual Use: In Christianity, the white color and sweet scent of jasmine made it a symbol of the Virgin Mary. This plant also has a secondary meaning - nobility, grace and benevolence.

Magical Uses: Dried jasmine flowers are added to purses and love potions; they attract spiritual love. If flowers are worn or burned, they will bring in money and promote health. If you burn jasmine in the bedroom, you will see prophetic dreams. The flowers of the plant are smelled to cure insomnia.

Jasmine candle enhances psychic protection and heals the aura. Jasmine is associated with the number 9 in numerology, symbolizing femininity and associated with the manifestation of the Mother aspect of the Universe.


Ritual use: Ginseng can replace mandrake in rituals.

Magical uses: The root is worn to attract love, promote health, prosperity, and sexual potency. Ginseng brings beauty to the person wearing it. Burn ginseng to drive away evil spirits and break curses. Hold the ginseng root in your hand, visualize your wish on it, and then throw it into the water, or carve your wish on it and then throw it into the water.


Magical Use: Larkspur drives away ghosts. If you look through a tuft of larkspur into a fire in midsummer, your eyes are protected all year. The plant also repels annoying people.

Sweet honeysuckle

Magical Uses: Decorate green candles with honeysuckle to attract money or place flowers in a vase. Crush the dried flowers slightly; and then rub them on your forehead to increase psychic power. If honeysuckle grows near your home, it will bring good luck. Honeysuckle is the herb of immortality. Oil from it, applied to the body, will help you understand the subtle world.

Zhoster laxative

Magical Uses: Sprinkle the decoction around the house before going to the government house: it will help you win the case. Zhoster is also used in rituals related to money and is worn as an amulet against evil forces and curses.

St. John's wort

Ritual use: The stem placed in a shoe protects against evil spirits; St. John's wort is added to the filling of children's mattresses to protect the child from negative astral forces during sleep.

As an incense it is useful against spoilage and infertility. St. John's wort scattered across the field during sowing protects it from hail. Incense is prepared from the plant against guardian spirits and enslaving demons.

Magical uses: Carry St. John's wort with you: it prevents fever, colds, attracts love, makes soldiers invisible, protects against attacks by wild people. Harvested on a mid-summer Friday, St. John's wort will cure mental disorders.
If you place the plant in a pot and hang it on the window, it will protect the house from lightning, fire and evil spirits. You can hang the pot next to the window to ward off ghosts, necromancers and evil wizards.

Wild strawberry

Ritual use: In Christianity, strawberries are a symbol of perfect righteousness or a symbol of a righteous person, the fruits of which are good deeds.

Magical Uses: Strawberries are used as a seeker of love and their leaves are worn for good luck.
Pregnant women can carry a small bag of strawberries to ease childbirth.

White willow

Ritual Use: Burial mounds in Britain, often located near marshes and lakes, were sometimes decorated with willow because of its symbolic connection with death.
In China, willow is the tree of immortality (even a small piece of willow can grow into a whole tree).
In Japan, willow is a tree of sadness, weakness, tenderness, and girlish grace.

Magical Uses: Willow leaves are carried or added to infusions to attract love, and the tree itself is used as material for magical maces in lunar magic.
All parts of the tree protect against evil forces; you can carry them with you or keep them at home. To ward off evil, simply knock on wood.
Willow leaves, bark and wood are also used in healing rituals. Magic brooms, especially witchcraft ones, were tied with a willow branch.
All Slavs considered consecrated willow to be a healing remedy. They fumigated it, drank it, ground into powder, together with juniper, and applied it in lotions. Diseases were transferred to the willow.

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Our ancient land is the most complex symphony of solar colors, folk beliefs, rituals, and the art of magical actions. And all this for one thing: to be the master of your land, in your home, to follow the successive traditional way of life, to glorify the Gods of your relatives, your ancestors. folk medicine There are many known methods of influencing the heart, mind and ailments of a person. Our ancestors had their own hygienic culture, i.e. their specific attitude towards their body and soul, a high general spiritual culture, a unique interaction with their housing, a unique way of eating.

There are about 200 thousand known in the world medicinal plants. Of these, over 20 thousand grow on Ukrainian soil. Therefore, it is not surprising that our ancestors knew well and effectively used the healing potion - a real gift from the Gods.
It was considered a great injustice to pick and give flowers, as well as unripe fruits, since this means death (flowers were carried only to funerals: they covered the last earthly path of the deceased, and placed them on the grave). A flower picked and given as a gift is a sign of causing evil, i.e. They wish for a person the same thing that was done to the plant. Only plants consecrated by the ritual can be plucked. Even a mature tree was cut down only with the permission of the spiritual director of the clan. This attitude of our ancestors to nature stemmed from the knowledge of the trinity of the world, the connection of all manifestations of existence in a single body.
Our ancestors knew that each potion has its own magical time when it has the greatest healing power. They started collecting herbs on the Zelnik holiday (Wednesday during Rusal Week). Digests, which were currently used to cover the forgery, were also considered healing. The Kupala collection of herbs began on the night of the elderly solstice (June 20-22). The potion, collected at this time, is granted magical properties: it cures all diseases. The next herb collection began at Poppy Spas (Makoveya). Since ancient times, this holiday has sanctified the collection, consumption and donation of ripe fruits of the Earth and the Sun. On this day they collect mainly garden plants that grow near the house: poppy, sunflower, carrots, dill, lovage, mint, rue.
For a long time, the collection of plants began towards the east of the sun, until the dew fell, since then the potion loses its properties. medicinal properties. The collection of herbs should take place in the first half of the day, before 12 o’clock, “while the day is coming, so that the strength comes.” Sometimes, as on Kupala, they began collecting herbs at night. It is at night that herbs absorb more moisture and nutrients, removing harmful elements, i.e. self-cleaning.
The best places to collect medicinal herbs were considered to be uninhabited places, “where you can’t hear the rooster’s voice.”
For each disease there is a specific time for collecting medicine. If the plant is used to strengthen the body, increase the level of hemoglobin, increase weight, for “strength”, it should be collected on Young, “so that it increases as the month increases.” When it is necessary to get rid of ulcers, skin diseases, warts, the grass must be collected for a full month, which will begin to decline, to decrease.
The collection of healing potions is associated with very old customs that are of a ritual nature. We must thank the earth for the gift of medicine. Therefore, before starting the collection, under the first bush or sprout of the plant, they place bread and salt, or a coin, and say: “Don’t be upset, Zemlitsa, that we exposed you, we put bread on you, Zemlitsa.” The plants were collected after praying and always wearing a clean shirt. They turned to the Gods and spirits of plants so that the collected potion would be an assistant against all sorts of ailments: “Father-Heaven, Earth-Snowstorm, bless the potion to take.”
From ancient times it is known that plants have not only healing, but also magical powers. In the darkest moments of their lives, our ancestors always turned to herbs and flowers for help.
Thus, it is believed that girls plant red rue and lovage in order to be always loved and desired, and young women so that their family will be strong. Cockerels protect against evil spirits. The poppy is also a talisman. Its seeds, consecrated on Makovei, are sprinkled on people and livestock. It is woven into girls' corollas. Wormwood and garlic are also used as amulets. With magical powers also owns thyme (evshan-potion).
It often happens that inexpressive-looking plants hide significant strength. With its help, you can fulfill your desires, recover, remain faithful, get rid of evil spirits, remove love spells, or vice versa - attract attention to yourself, gain wealth, induce prophetic dreams or spirits, remove damage and the evil eye, preserve youth and beauty.
The magical power of plants has always been kept secret by sorcerers, priests, and healers, since it made it possible to help people in healing and could influence the inner world of a person, his psyche, and opened the way to unknown worlds and states.
Gender: female
Element: water
Planet: month
Goddess: Makosha
Strength: fertility, love, sleep, money, cottage
The poppy, consecrated on Makovey, was used by those in the know as a remedy against the evil eye and evil forces. Make a careful circle with its seeds and sprinkle the estate, people and livestock. Poppy flowers are woven into a braid so that the head does not hurt, and the hair is lush and does not fall out. Poppy seeds are used to make rain: when there is no rain for a long time, you need to go to a well and sprinkle poppy seeds there - it will be a fine rain. And when the priestesses all together hiss a handful into the well, it will be a downpour.
In love magic, poppies are collected personally, in the evening on Yunets, in the right hand. For the ritual, you cannot collect grains in any container or bag. The same evening, bring it home and divide it into three parts, knead the usual yeast dough, divide it into three parts, and bake it with poppy seeds. Place the baked bread overnight close to your head. The next day, go with him to your chosen one, give him one loaf of bread to eat, the second one to eat yourself, and the third one to divide and eat together. All actions must be performed with a good heart. To invoke love, carry a few poppy seeds in your pocket.
Pharmacological properties:
poppy has a calming effect on nervous system, has mild hypnotic and analgesic properties. An infusion of the petals is used against coughs, for bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and for insomnia; against diarrhea and dysentery, for pain in abdominal cavity. For local treatment, it is used in powder form, as a hemostatic agent, or as a lotion. A decoction of the heads is most often used for acute cough, palpitations, abdominal pain, and in the case of irregular and scanty periods. Also, extracts from poppy seeds exhibit antitumor effects. Poppy fruits are used for oncological diseases of the abdominal organs, sarcoma, condyloma and external forms of cancer.
- poppy petals.. 3 parts; black elderberry (flowers).. 2; linden 2; rolls.. 3; podbil 2; buckwheat..2; lungwort officinalis..3.
Pour 40 g of the mixture with one liter of boiling water into a thermos, leave overnight and drink half a glass every hour during the day if you have a strong cough, and as a diaphoretic.
Poppy petal syrup:
50g of raw material is poured with 2 cups of boiling water + 1g of tartrate or citric acid, stand for 4 hours, filter, dissolve 650 g of sugar in the filtrate and boil the syrup. Give children 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day when coughing.
Externally: powdered poppy petals for sprinkling on wounds that are bleeding.
Infusion: 2 tablespoons of petals per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, cool, filter and use as a lotion for wiping the face for dry skin and morels.
Chebrets (Evshan - potion)
Goddess: Makosha
Gender: female
Planet: Venus
Element: water
Strength: health, healing, sleep, psychic power, love, courage, purification.
For Ukrainians, this particular plant is a symbol of the Motherland; they took it with them when leaving for a foreign land, as a symbol native land. Thyme is one of the herbs that have been used in worship since the days of Trypillia.
It ensures the well-being of the family, brings health, improves memory and mental abilities.
Chebrets is able to evoke memories of the past and gives an opportunity to look into the future, provides courage and strength. If placed in the pillow you sleep on, it will ward off bad dreams and induce happy prophetic visions. By meditating on a mixture of herbs from thyme, nagodki and oregano, you can see the insults of your beloved.
A drink was made from thyme, which was consumed on the Green Holidays, when the dead were remembered, and also against the evil eye, witch powers on Kupala, on sparrow night.
Girls use this drink to charm boys who have become cold to them; and those “at the time” lubricated themselves with it, so that evil forces would not harm the future conception.
Pharmacological properties:
It exhibits expectorant, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic effects, has a calming effect on the central nervous system, and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. It is used for laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastro-renal diseases (decreased gastric secretion). Also - in the treatment of whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, insomnia, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, joint diseases, paralysis, intramural diseases. Thyme is used to treat alcoholism; it improves metabolism.
As an external remedy, it is used for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx (rinsing), in the case of nervous and skin diseases, rheumatism (baths), inflammatory diseases of the vagina, especially in elderly women (douching).
Thyme preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, cardiac decompensation, liver diseases and pochard.
Internally: infusion (2 tablespoons of raw material per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours) half a glass 4 times a day before meals. 1 teaspoon of raw material is brewed with 1 bottle of boiling water and drunk, sweetened with honey, like tea.
Externally: rinse with infusion (10 g or 2 tbsp.
spoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water);
15 g of raw material is poured into 2 bottles of boiling water, left to cool, filtered, diluted with boiled water to 1 liter and the resulting infusion is used for douching (morning and evening); 100 g of raw materials are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water, filtered and added to the bath.
Witch's Beauty Potion
The word “witch” comes from the word “to know” and means a woman who knows more than others, and, in addition, armed with female intuition. Witchcraft is understood as the ability to reveal the feelings and motives of people’s actions, phenomena and patterns of nature, and, above all, the art of using conspiracies and various “potions” to influence certain aspects of people’s lives: affection, sympathy, attractiveness and, of course, beauty.
Attractiveness is not so much a natural gift as the ability to preserve the beauty of youth and the spontaneity of youth. Taking care of appearance is, first of all, taking care of health. This includes a daily routine, a balanced diet, and the skillful use of cosmetics.
There is folk experience in using natural cosmetics, which are based on natural products of plant and animal origin. The use of plant extracts and juices has long been known to preserve the freshness of the skin, improve hair, reduce sweating...
It is known that plants contain substances necessary to maintain the beauty, freshness and elasticity of the skin. Washing, rubbing with fruit and vegetable juices, extracts from roots, shoots and foliage are useful for everyone without exception, not only for restoring withered skin, but also for maintaining its softness and flawlessness, for its whitening and velvety appearance.
Since ancient times, people have been able to make cosmetics from flowers, tree bark, leaves and fruits of plants. This skill was passed down from generation to generation. Witches have long known and skillfully used products for whitening facial skin, softening the skin of hands, and for hair care.
Skin aging is a natural process, and if it cannot be avoided, then it is in our power to hold it back.
a certain period of time.
The first wrinkles are a signal that indicates that you need to pay more attention to caring for your appearance, the skin of your face and neck.
skin care methods
Oily skin
Place two tablespoons of St. John's wort herb in a basin or bowl, pour 2-3 liters of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and take a steam bath for 10-15 minutes. After the bath, rinse your face cold water. This steam bath is recommended once every two weeks to cleanse oily skin; it provides it with freshness and elasticity.
Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed oak and willow bark (1 teaspoon each), leave, strain and add a tablespoon of edible vinegar. Then add boiled water to the mixture in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe with lotion, and in hot weather rinse oily facial skin.
Flowers of yarrow, nagodkov, medicinal sage, tricolor violet - equally. Pour three teaspoons of the mixture into a bottle of boiling water and strain. Use the infusion for compresses, and the grounds - adding dry milk, starch or flour - for masks. Wash off the mask applied to the face after 15-20 minutes.
Dry skin
In the evening it is useful to cleanse the skin with a decoction oatmeal(without salt): boil 2 tablespoons of flakes for 5-10 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain, cool. The decoction softens chapped and rough skin. Particularly beneficial for sensitive skin.
Zucchini mask
Cut thin long strips of raw zucchini and place them on your face and neck. After 20 minutes, remove the strips and wash your face with raw milk. Recommended not only for dry, but also for rough skin to prevent wrinkles.
Normal skin
Pour boiling water over half a glass of dry mint herb, cover the dishes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Wipe your face morning and evening instead of washing.
Chamomile decoction (boil half a tablespoon of inflorescences in half a glass of water for 5 minutes) in equal doses with yolk and cream. Wet a napkin and keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes. The mask tones, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
There are many cosmetic
products made on the basis of herbal preparations that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used, and which we will talk about next time.

Some plants have magical properties and effectively help without the use of rituals. Let nature help you achieve your goals!

To get the effect, choose one thing. First, start doing the first thing, if you feel that this is not enough, then move on to the second point and beyond. Don’t forget to take steps towards your goal, because plants only help, and do not do all the work for you. The overwhelming majority of problems are already solved by performing steps 1–3.


  • all undertakings must be done only at the beginning of the waxing moon cycle;
  • ideally, all plants and their fruits should be grown independently;
  • if a plant or its fruit needs to be eaten, then visualization is mandatory, i.e. imagine that you are eating not just a fruit, but a means to fulfill a desire;
  • Some plants, such as licorice, have contraindications, so consult your doctor before consuming any product, fruit or plant in this article.

Attracting love and maintaining family relationships:

1. Avocado.

First you need to understand what you exactly want to get, then eat the fruit and plant the seed. Need him good care. The healthier it is, the stronger the help will be.

If the seed has not sprouted, then at the beginning of the next cycle of the waxing moon, you can repeat the planting.

2. Banana (for men).

1 PC. daily.

3. Four-leaf clover.

You personally need to find it. It grows in almost any green area, with only three leaves. Four-leaved is rare, but you can find it if you want. Ideally, this should be done on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7).

If you are looking for love, then put it in your shoes, and to save your family you need to eat it together with your spouse.

4. Apricot, pear, peach, tomato, plum, nuts, strawberry, raspberry.

Use them as often as possible and use their images.

You can't cut the pear.

5. Basil, cinnamon, dill.

Use these seasonings daily to season your dishes.

6. Peas.

If you're just looking for love:

You need to take 3 dried peas and put them under the mattress. Sleep on the mattress for 3 nights. Carry in your wallet or purse until you meet your partner.

Put full glass jar with peas in the southwest of the bedroom (activation of the Marriage sector).

7. Ginseng.

Its root should be grated on a fine grater or in a chopper and added to large-leaf black tea. good quality in a ratio of 1:10.

Brew as regular tea and drink as soon as possible after waking up. Only in the first 7 days of the waxing moon. Then be sure to take a break until the next lunar cycle.

Skip this point if you have high blood pressure and excitability, insomnia, pregnancy and menstruation.

8. Beans.

Plant three varieties of beans in one pot in the room where you sleep. It is advisable to soak the seeds in holy water. All this is done, naturally, during the waxing moon.

9. Essential oil of cedar, vanilla, lavender, rosemary, thyme.

Use in an aroma lamp, preferably with a red candle, constantly alternating.

10. Cherry.

To the blooming cherry tree tie a strand of your hair.

11. Maple syrup.

Try to replace sugar with it at least partially. It is also advisable to have an image of a maple leaf in the form of a painting.

12. Lavender.

It is recommended to grow it yourself and take it in the bath before bed. If this is not possible, then replace it with essential oil. Carry out the procedure no more than once a week. Avoid it during pregnancy and after an abortion.

13. Lime or lemon.

In the first 3-5 days of the waning moon cycle, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of water, to which add teaspoons of lime or lemon and honey.

14. Roses.

You need to grow them yourself.

15. Leek.

Cut it into four pieces and place it under the bed. Change every month.

It is advisable to grow this herb yourself and take it in the form of a tincture. Take the course. Additionally, it is recommended to use it as a seasoning for dishes and as an essential oil.

17. Mistletoe.

18. Papaya.

This exotic fruit should be consumed as often as possible and make 30-minute face masks by mixing papaya puree with honey in a 3:1 ratio.


You need to grow it yourself in the room where you spend most of the time. You need to treat your partner to the fruits.

20. Rye flour.

Switch to baked goods only with the addition of rye flour.

21. Liquorice.

Along with maple syrup, replace sugar completely.

22. Chestnut.

About once a week you should eat dishes with chestnuts. Do not take during menstruation or during pregnancy.

Attracting good luck:

1. Aloe.

It needs to be grown near the workplace.

2. Four-leaf clover.

You need to find it yourself and keep it in your wallet for as long as possible.

3. A pineapple.

Use it as often as possible, preferably daily. Additionally, you can place its image on your desktop or wall.

4. Carnation.

You need to grow it yourself personal plot. Choose white varieties.

5. Wheat.

Take a few grains of wheat and plant them in a pot on the waxing moon. When landing, you need to light a church candle and say the following spell:

I will plant a handful of wheat, let good luck be born! As the wheat sprouts, good luck will come to the house. I attract, I attract, I talk! I lure all the luck into my hands. I endow my word with power, I expect the sprouts of good luck.

Be sure to take care of her. The grown grains need to be replanted, and the remains consumed as food. As long as this cycle continues, there will be good luck. The more cycles that have passed, the stronger the luck will be.

6. Essential oils of cedar, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange.

Use in an aroma lamp or aroma pendant. Alternate. 1 PC. It is advisable to always carry nutmeg with you in your pocket.

You can learn how to use essential oils.

7. Strawberry, persimmon.

Eat these berries in any form as often as possible. It is advisable to keep persimmons together with oranges and store them in a visible place.

8. Holly (holly).

A very effective remedy. However, you may have difficulty finding it. Its leaves need to be dried and carried with you constantly, for example, in a bag.

9. Cinnamon.

On a day when you need luck especially strongly, pour a small handful of ground cinnamon into your left shoe.

10. Fern.

Its leaf needs to be picked, preferably on the night of Ivan Kupala, and carried with you.

Raising money:

1. Orange.

In Feng Shui, an orange symbolizes wealth. Therefore, try to have as much of it in your life as possible: in paintings, on your PC desktop, food, essential oil, etc.

2. A pineapple.

A small part of the peel (approximately 20 x 20 mm) of a pineapple eaten on a holiday that is significant to you must be thoroughly dried. Always carry it in your wallet. If a pineapple begins to bring money, then under no circumstances throw it away, no matter how worn it out; if there is still no money, then replace it with another one.

3. Peas.

Place a glass jar with peas in the southeast of the room where clients bring money or a work office, if there is none, then in the apartment (activation of the Wealth sector).

4. Ginger.

A. Its small dried root should always be carried in your right pocket.

b. As soon as the first result appears, banknotes of the highest possible denomination should be rolled in ginger powder and placed in a glass (preferably crystal) container in a visible place, preferably in the southeast of the room.

V. After the stability of the financial flow appears, sprinkle ginger powder on the path from the apartment to the premises where you withdraw money.

5.Essential oils of clove, patchouli, cedar, marjoram, almond, nutmeg.

In addition to aroma oil, it is advisable to use cloves in the form of incense. You can also crush a fresh bud and place it on a hot surface.

You can learn how to use essential oils

6. Four-leaf clover.

You need to find it yourself, preferably on the night of Ivan Kupala and constantly carry it with you in your pocket.

7. Grapes, blackberries.

They should be consumed as often as possible.

8. Maple.

Its leaf needs to be rolled into a tube, tied with red thread and dried in this form on the windowsill. Remove the thread from the dried sheet, straighten it and leave it on the windowsill. It is advisable that it be located in the southeast of the room or the entire room. If the leaf is broken or rotted, then start the ritual over.

9. Mint.

A. Every day, preferably immediately after waking up, before work, you need to drop 2-3 drops of essential oil into a glass of water at room temperature. Mix and wash your face.

b. Add mint leaves, preferably grown yourself, to tea or brew instead of tea.

V. Mint leaves should be regularly rubbed on money and everything related to it, for example, a cash register.

10. Nuts.

Any will do, but it is advisable to use cashew nuts (from the word cash+yu, i.e. cash+you, i.e. money for you). They need to be divided into two equal halves, then scratch “+” on one, “–” on the other, and then eat. Perform the ritual as often as possible.

11. Rice.

On the new moon, prepare any deep, beautiful container, preferably gold or silver. Fill it about 2/3 with rice and place it at the doorstep. Every day, when you cross the threshold of your house, you need to throw in paper or iron money, which you consider to be small change. It is advisable to completely empty your wallet of cash. Stir regularly with your bare hand.

In the morning the day before the new new moon, you need to collect all the money from the container. Spend a tenth of it on charity. Spend the rest on improving the home in which the container was located, for example, buy a painting or wind chime. Some of the rice from the container should be placed in a safe or other place for storing money, the rest should be scattered in the corners. After a month you can remove it, but you don’t need to throw it away - scatter it in equal parts along the way to the place where you receive money (work or bank).

12. Fenugreek.

9 fenugreek seeds should be added to the water for cleaning the floor.

13. Wheat, dill.

On the new moon, you need to plant several wheat sprouts around the perimeter of the banknote. It is advisable to do this in the workplace, but it can also be done in an apartment. Place the sprouts on top paper bill with as much dignity as possible. On the next full moon, you need to eat green sprouts, and put a banknote in your wallet and not spend it, because it will attract money.

The ritual with dill is done in a similar way, only on the 2nd–3rd day of the waxing moon, and on the next lunar cycle it is trimmed and eaten. Be sure to treat all household members. Do not touch the lower part of the dill - they should germinate again. As long as this cycle continues, money will be attracted.

14. Oatmeal.

A small container, such as a bucket or plastic bottle fill about 2/3 full with oatmeal. Hang it above and to the right of the front door.

15. Cabbage.

Protection from magical and energy influences:

1. A regular pin (as an exception).

Although this is not a plant, you need to start building protection from it. The pin must be purchased on Friday immediately after lunch. It is better to buy several of them at once, because there is a rule: one thing - one pin.

For your own protection, pin with the point down to clothing made from natural fabric only. It is not advisable for women to wear buttons on their trousers.

To protect the room, also pin it to the curtain with the point down. If possible, also pin it to the door frame.

Remove and check it regularly: if the pin is deformed, rusted, or changed color, then you have had a negative impact, so it needs to be replaced with a new one.

Always say the spell out loud before fastening:

Lock up any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me be transferred to you.

2. Aloe.

Dried aloe leaf should always be carried with you in your pocket, closer to the body. To protect the room, hang the dried sheet over the door.

It should be grown at home as a houseplant. Use in places where negative people often gather. Don't use it in bedrooms.

3. Essential oils of basil, cloves, wintergreen, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, rosemary, lavender, lime, pine, citronella, laurel, frankincense, marjoram, cumin, eucalyptus.

To protect the room, use an aroma lamp, and for yourself, add a few drops to the bath before leaving the house. In case of emergency, place 1-2 drops on cotton wool and lubricate the forehead between the eyebrows.

Bay leaves, incense, and cloves can be used to fumigate a room.

4. Four-leaf clover.

You need to find it yourself, preferably on the night of Ivan Kupala, dry it, and put it in a frame under glass opposite the front door.

For self-protection, carry it in your bag or wallet.

5. Coconut or pumpkin.

All you need is the shell without the pulp. It needs to be cut into two even parts and filled with at least five ingredients from the list: nails, pins, cactus spines, a whole mirror, salt; any branches of coniferous trees or their needles; dried leaves of aloe, cloves, basil, clover, laurel, raspberry, mint, fern, parsley, eucalyptus; whole grains of wheat, rye, rice. It is allowed to add other things that can protect, for example, amulets. Then it needs to be glued with candle wax.

Place it next to the front door. Ideally, it should be hung from the ceiling with white or blue ribbons, or better yet, with ropes made of woolen threads.

Before leaving the room, look at the coconut and mentally ask for help in protecting yourself.

Pumpkin is used similarly, but coconut is more effective.

6. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes.

Use as often as possible.

7. Garlic.

To protect the premises, tie nine heads of garlic with red wool thread or ribbon and keep them in a visible place in the kitchen.

In severe cases, you can take cloves of garlic and place them in the corners of rooms where negativity occurs.

If you feel like you've been negatively affected, simply eat a clove of garlic.

8. Dill or fennel.

It needs to be dried and placed in a small bag made of cotton or linen. Place it where there may be a person who wants to cause harm.

For your own protection, you need to make the same bag and carry it with you.

9. Beans.

Place several dried grains in a regular rattle and walk around the entire room clockwise three times. Repeat every time you clean the energy of the room.

If you know for sure that there was a magical effect on you, for example, a verbal curse was said, then you need to take the dried bean grain into your mouth and spit it out on the attacker.

10. Black pepper.

It needs to be added to salt when regularly cleaning the room from negativity.

To put protection, you need to burn one small wax candle. When burning, you need to walk around the room clockwise. Add 50 grams to the melted wax. ground black pepper. It is advisable to grind it yourself, for example, in a coffee grinder, or even better to grow it yourself. You need to coat the threshold of your house with this mixture.

For your own protection, during the waxing moon, take a piece of natural fabric. It is desirable that it have these colors: red, yellow, white, black. Make a bag out of it. Put 21 black peppercorns in it. Bandage with red thread and walk for 21 days. Then this bag must be burned, because all the negativity remains in it. Repeat approximately once a year or after you feel the effects, but not earlier than 7 days after burning.

11. Wheat, barley.

The grains should be scattered in a room where conflicts often occur.

For your own protection, keep a few beans in your pocket. If you want to protect another, then throw a small handful after him so that the person being protected does not notice anything.

12. Ginseng.

20-50 gr. Ginseng root needs to be grated. If it is dried, grind it. It is preferable to put it in a bag made of natural fabric white. Wear around the neck, on a short chain or cord for 3-6 months, then change.

If you know how, you can cut a talisman from the root and also wear it around your neck.

It can also be used to fumigate a room, like incense. This is effective protection, but very expensive.

13. Mustard.

To protect your home, sprinkle a few mustard seeds in the corners and under the beds of all household members.

For your own protection, place seven mustard seeds on a pin and attach it to your bag or wallet, point down.

14. Parsley.

Pour a liter of boiling water over a fresh bunch of parsley. Exactly nine minutes later, sprinkle the entire apartment clockwise with a special broom or brush and yourself.

15. Cactus.

It should be placed like aloe in places where negativity accumulates and not used in the bedroom. Cannot be used by irritable people.

If you grow it in your dacha near a fence, it will scare away thieves. For the same purposes, you can plant raspberries, roses and other thorny plants around the perimeter.

16. Fern.

Any fern will do, ideally collected on the night of Ivan Kupala. You need to weave a ring from it and tie it with a woolen thread, preferably white or blue colors. The larger the ring (amulet), the better protection, so it is better to use several plants. Then dry in a sunny place.

To protect the house, place it in the corners of rooms where scandals often occur. The higher the amulet is located, the more effective the protection.

For your own protection, you need to carry it with you so that it is always in contact with your body. For example, in the form of a wreath, bracelet, etc.

17. Onion.

For your own protection, keep a halved onion at the head of your bed for seven days. Use only in extreme cases when you feel like you have been 100% affected.

You can familiarize yourself with the ritual for protecting the home

18. Plum.

An image of its fruitful branch should be hung at the threshold. This will scare away thieves and people who wish you harm.

In emergency situations, it is better to hang a real branch above the door.

To protect your loved ones or yourself, use the image of a plum branch on the cups from which you eat.


1. Carnation.

It needs to be grown in the room where the patient is most often located. Add cloves to tea and other dishes as often as possible.

2. Essential oils of clove, tea tree, lemon, lemongrass, lime, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, mint, juniper, rosemary, sage, thyme, cinnamon, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, etc.

They should not only be used in the aroma lamp, but also in the bath and in massage, with the exception of cinnamon. You can read more.

3. Walnuts.

They need to be germinated. Pour water at room temperature into unpeeled walnuts so much so that it completely hides them. Keep in a place where there is room temperature without sudden changes and change the water every other day. After 14 days, use 4–5 pieces. per day, for example, 2 in the morning, 2 at lunch and 1 in the evening. Course 60 days, 2 times a year. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, so germinate in small batches.

4. Blackberries, peaches, persimmons, parsley, cumin, apples.

Use as often as possible.

5. Ginseng.

One medium root should be peeled and hung on the neck in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. You can also crush it and carry it in a bag made of natural fabric in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, but this is less effective for healing.

Additionally, you can take crushed ginseng root along with green tea in a 1:1 ratio. It is not recommended to take longer than 21 days in a row and more than a cup per day. Take at least a two-week break.

6. Barley.

It is advisable to grow it yourself. If this is not possible, then use cereal purchased from farmers.

It needs to be washed and soaked for a day. Change the water every eight hours. Then rinse again and place on gauze, folded in half, between layers. Germinate until the sprouts are 1–3 mm long. Don't forget to slightly moisten the gauze. Use 3 tbsp daily. spoons for lunch.

7. Laurel (bay leaf).

Place a saucer with a sprig or 9 bay leaves in the very center of the room. Be sure to mentally ask him for health.

8. Onion.

It should be cut into four pieces and left under the bed or near the head of the bed. Change every 1–7 days, depending on the patient’s condition. Used onions must be thrown away, as they have absorbed negativity. Many spells are also made on onions for various diseases.

9. Cucumber.

Use it as often as possible.

Drink 3 sips of cucumber pickle daily for a month. Repeat 1-2 times a year. This will get rid of damage and other negative influences.

10. Sunflower.

His image should be used as often as possible, for example, on cups, in paintings, on a PC desktop, etc.

It is advisable to grow your own closer to home.

11. Rose.

The petals of five medium roses should be used to fumigate the room in which the patient is lying. Perform the procedure before bedtime, daily until recovery.

12. Maple.

You need to plant it yourself as close to the house as possible. It will give good health and longevity.

Give preference wooden products made of maple: doors, spoons, furniture, etc.

13. Althea.

You need to dry it yourself and fumigate the room in which the patient is most often located daily. It is also recommended to wear it around your neck in a bag made of natural fabric.

14. Thyme (thyme).

Grow it at home in all rooms except the bedroom. Take as a seasoning.

15. Mistletoe.

Carry with you so that the plant is in contact with the body, for example, in the form of a talisman, rosary, wreath, etc. It will restore a healthy aura.

16. Cedar or pine twig.

Place a branch at the head of the patient's bed. Change once a week.

17. Wintergreen.

Drink it daily instead of tea once a day. Do not take longer than 21 days. Drink in courses no more than 5 times a year. Avoid if you have varicose veins, low blood pressure, high blood viscosity, or thrombophlebitis.

18. Fern.

Its leaves and roots need to be washed and dried. Mix with green tea in a 1:1 ratio. Drink no more than a cup per day and no longer than 21 days. Repeat the course 2-3 times a year.

It is acceptable to add to food.

Finding and saving friends:

1. Lemon.

A typical ritual for finding friends can be read

2. Althea.

It needs to be dried and worn around the neck in a bag made of natural fabric.

For effective fortune telling and development of psychic abilities:

1. Essential oils: anise, orange, cinnamon, laurel, rose, sandalwood, incense.

Use them during practice.

2. Cherry branch.

Any branch with leaves will do. It is advisable to use flowering or fruiting ones. Place it in a vase in the middle of the table or altar during practice.

3. Pomegranate.

Its crusts need to be dried and the room in which the practice will take place must be fumigated.

A bountiful harvest:

1. Mustard.

It is planted 3–4 weeks before planting the main crop. Immediately before planting, embed into the ground.

2. Rice.

Every month we pour 7 tbsp into a clay or ceramic jug. spoons of rice. After 12 months, just before planting, we scatter it evenly over the area where we expect a large harvest. There is no need to bury rice in the ground, i.e. the grain should be on the surface of the ground.

Don't forget to visualize. Imagine how rice helps plants grow normally and how rich the harvest will be.

3. Banana.

Use its peel as fertilizer.

4. Grapes, pomegranate, cucumber, olives.

Use an image of a large bunch of grapes, a sprig of olives, a pomegranate or a cucumber cut into two parts as often as possible: in the form of pictures, PC desktop, dishes, etc.

5. Mistletoe.

Its leaves are finely chopped, mixed with seeds in a 1:1 ratio and planted. For this ritual, it is advisable to cut the mistletoe yourself using any non-metallic object on the first or sixth day of the waxing moon. It is important that the mistletoe does not touch the ground.

Increased brain activity:

1. Essential oils: vanilla, cloves, geranium, rosemary, nutmeg, petitgrain, thyme.

Use as often as possible. Be sure to alternate.

2. Mint.

Place 2-3 drops of essential oil into a glass of water at room temperature and wash your face.

3. Grapes, walnuts.

Use as often as possible.

4. Celery.

It must be chewed directly during active thinking.

5. Mustard.

Several grains (any random amount) should be poured into a red bag made of natural fabric and carried with you.

For those who practice lucid dreaming:

1. Onion.

It needs to be cut into four parts and placed at the head of the head. Before each practice you need a new bow head.

2. Essential oils: jasmine, camphor, sandalwood, rose, incense, lavender, rosemary.

Use them in an aroma lamp directly when falling asleep.

3. Lavender.

Two teaspoons of lavender flowers should be placed in a bag made of gauze or other loose fabric. Take a hot bath just before bed.

4. Nutmeg.

It must be carried with you at all times, for example, around your neck in a fabric bag.

5. Holly (holly).

A very effective, but labor-intensive ritual. You need to independently collect leaves from a bush that has no thorns into a large triangular scarf. This should be done as close to bedtime as possible. After collection, you cannot talk until you go to sleep. Immediately before going to bed, you need to leave only nine leaves in the scarf and tie the scarf with nine knots. Therefore, the scarf should be quite large. Place it under your pillow. Before the next practice, you need to repeat the ritual again.

6. Chamomile.

3 tbsp. spoons of dried chamomile should be placed in any fabric bag and placed under the pillow. Change once a month.

There is a simple method, which is unfairly rarely used, that allows you to keep your body in healthy tone and increase productivity through...

To see a flowering plant on your windowsill, you need to follow the secrets of care. Everyone respects unusual flowers. A capricious living creature requires a special approach. The conditions for keeping large groups of flowers are not similar. In this collection, we tried to present a selection of articles in order to prevent death during the cultivation of a rare flower. We recommend that you find out for yourself what species your pet belongs to.

Magical properties of plants

To charge your apartment with an atmosphere of love, turn to plants ruled by the goddess of love, Venus. These are roses of any color, pink flowers, as well as myrtle. Keep flowers in your house that are subject to the patroness of magic - the Moon. White daffodils and lilies, as well as other white flowers, can be left on the windowsill at night so that they are illuminated by the moon. The flowers, saturated with moonlight, can be dried, folded into a silk sachet of pale blue or emerald color and worn on the chest. Dry aromatic mixtures with rose, lavender, thyme, sage and rosemary also awaken any aura. You should take the choice of colors for your bedroom seriously.

Hawthorn protects against evil spirits.

Elderberry has healing powers.

It was believed that the spirit of the times lurks in the beech tree

Verbena is used for predictions, in love magic, in magical rituals to increase well-being, has great healing power, protects. The use is very extensive. One of the main magical herbs.

Elm symbolizes knowledge

Elecampane is used in healing, love and protective magic

Oak is a sacred tree, it gives strength. The Druids considered it the tree of wisdom, or science.

Spruce. Like the oak, a sacred tree, a symbol of longevity and health.

Willow is used in dowsing and also protects against nightmares and troubles. will protect you from the evil eye and witchcraft.

Ivan da Marya - preserves love and devotion.

Saxifraga is a magical herb from Slavic mythology.

Cedar. Gives strength of spirit and endurance.

Clover is a symbol of good luck and success.

Nettle is considered healing. Used in love magic for lapels and love spells. Removes damage, protects against evil energy and witchcraft. When worn, it gives courage and fearlessness.

Krushina In magic it is used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Yellow water lily (Magical overpowering grass) of Slavic mythology.

Overcome grass. In some areas of Russia, white and yellow water lilies are known by this name, or they are also called white and yellow lilies.

It is believed that the plant has magical properties and that it protects the house from evil spirits and helps to overcome everyday difficulties.

Water lily, water lily (white). Wear the root around the neck to attract love.

Linden in magic. There was a popular belief that the linden tree protected from lightning. And a person who is under a linden tree during the rain should not be afraid of either thunder or lightning. since until now there has not been a case of anyone being killed under a linden tree.

Linden is the lightest, heartiest tree. It is believed that the linden tree brings the family together. And linden tea even has a bewitching effect, although it will have an effect on your own husband or wife. It cannot be used for selfish purposes or to destroy a family with dark thoughts.

In Rus' it was considered a bad omen if a linden tree planted near a house dries up - prosperity would leave the family and the house would lose its amulet.

Alder is one of the 13 sacred trees used in witchcraft. It is associated with the period of spring equinox - a time of balance and harmony

Hazel. Used in dowsing,

The nut is a symbol of victory and is often used to fight someone.

Aspen will not bring anything good, it has always had a bad reputation.

Thistle grows in the swamp and was considered the patron of evil spirits.

Fern. It is used in healing, to induce troubles, and to create talismans.

A fern worn on a naked body protects against witchcraft and evil spirits. Protects the house from lightning, and the field from hail. This is a talisman of the highest happiness, giving good luck in all enterprises, games and love. Drives away nightmares, removes lightning, hail, devils and spells. Even one stalk carried with you brings happiness in the game.

Sagebrush. While traveling, holding it in your hand will prevent you from getting tired, and in order not to feel tired when walking, wash your feet with a decoction of wormwood or put it in your shoes. If you wear it in shoes, then a person becomes tireless and fast on the go. When worn, it protects against lightning, damage, evil spirits and epilepsy. You will have a safe journey if you carry wormwood and verbena together.

Primrose - symbolizes the road.

Mallow is used in healing.

Burdock is a plant that has the ability to cause damage.

Rowan Used in protective magic. Berries protect against evil spirits and evil witchcraft. Wood is used to create wands.

Dream herb Used in dream practice, for predictions

Sage is used as a smudging for cleansing. Used in mixtures for talismans for good luck and prosperity. Can be used to create confusion and create illusions

Victory grass

Make a pillow from hop flowers and place it under your pillow - there will be no insomnia.

The magic of indoor plants. How can they help?

There is no doubt that houseplants give us more than just oxygen. Our ancestors also seriously believed that magical fluids emanated from plants, which is why they stayed away from some flowers, while others, on the contrary, were welcomed.

Even the arrangement of flowers in the house was considered important. For example, plants that promote love have a place in the bedroom, plants - amulets - in the hallway and on the windows. And plants that add health were placed in the kitchen.

A striking example of “kitchen guards” are cacti. This is a classic weapon home protection. Ideally, you need to place a cactus in the house on each side of the world - this should help protect it from robbers and burglars. They say that a cactus standing in a couple's bedroom can cool down the sexual impulses of the spouses. This should be taken into account, as well as the fact that the magical activity of cacti depends on the position of Mars.

A rare cactus called San Pedro has the ability to heal and bring good luck. Even in ancient times, this cactus played a huge role in magical and religious rites among the inhabitants of America. It is used in them to this day. The power of the cactus is associated with the four winds.

Aloe protects the house from uninvited guests and accidents. And also from negative energy. On the Hawaiian Islands they firmly believe that this plant attracts good luck.

Saintpaulia or Uzambara violet helps to bring peace to the house. Its five-petal flowers, oddly enough, attracted the goddess of love herself, Venus.

South American anthurium, a fairly common plant in Europe, promotes peace and harmony in the home. Avocado and alligator pear seeds are poured into the same mill. It is generally accepted that these plants can increase the sexual activity of spouses.

All types of ferns have the ability to exert magical effects and have always been used in the practice of occultism for centuries. A separate variety of this plant lives in every home. For better growth ferns, it is said that a little tobacco should be added to the pot with the plant. A graceful fern called “witch’s broom” establishes protection for the house and its inhabitants. Especially babies and teenagers, and also relieves them from diseases. But if the fern is damaged, it can become a source of serious domestic conflicts. Therefore, with such a plant you should keep your ears on top!

The weeping ficus, although not easy to grow, guarantees a restful sleep when placed in the bedroom. In the kitchen he will relieve hunger and poverty. But in any other place, ficus will bring good luck and prosperity.

Saffron. This plant is rarely grown at home, and, by the way, in vain, because saffron radiates love and promotes peace in the house.

Cyclamens growing in your home also protect your home. While they are on the window, not a single “black” spell can work. Cute cyclamen also protect the house from the effects of bad weather. Cyclamens growing in the bedroom will protect against bad dreams.

Tulips drive away poverty and despair. These are plants of love, because it is not for nothing that they are ruled by the planet Venus. Having grown a tulip, you should save the plant bulb and plant it, not next year to reap even more love and money.

Ivy of all types is good not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its energy shield properties. Its stems and leaves successfully reflect negative energy.

It is not for nothing that in the East it is believed that the beauty of the orchid is better than other virtues. In any case, this wonderful house plant has a beneficial effect on those who patiently care for it.

Palm trees of all types were involved in many witchcraft rituals in ancient times. Palm trees are also known to promote fornication, so modest people should avoid such plants in the home.

The wax tree, which has hard, wax-like leaves and star-shaped flowers, is in demand among sorcerers. This is facilitated by the similarity with the pentagram. According to legend, it protects the house from illnesses.

At first glance, the Venus flytrap may seem like an awkward and unsuitable plant for the home. But it gives health to the inhabitants, especially children, and, in addition, destroys insects.

(c) Witch Olga

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and how to use their power

Plants and flowers are designed not only to please the human eye and soul. They all have a certain energy potential and each have their own impact on one or another area of ​​life. Plant energy can be both positive and negative. They also have magical properties and are used in many rituals and ceremonies.

Flowers are magical helpers for women

Plants especially give strength to women. An energy exchange occurs between them. Therefore, it is important, when using, to love them and breed them with pleasure. So, it turns out that the woman will give them her love and care, and in return they will receive a good and powerful energy charge and great magical potential. Otherwise, they will only cause harm, simply absorbing energy and not giving anything in return. Therefore, it is better not to breed flowers if there is no attraction to them.

White flowers can give a woman a great energy and magical charge. These plants are protected by the moon. To use their energy, the flowers need to be charged with it. To do this, they need to be placed in the house so that moonlight falls on them at night. Magic properties indoor plants and colors are just as diverse and can help in various life situations.

How to choose flowers for your home so that they bring comfort and benefit?

For harmony and comfort in the house, the energy of indoor flowers is very important. You need to choose them correctly, since not all of them are positive.

First of all, you need to take into account that some flowers are female, and some are male. And their ratio must be observed. It would be best if there were equal numbers of flowers in the house of both genders. Then they will really contribute to the harmonization of the general atmosphere in the house and the relationships of its inhabitants.

Flowers with rounded leaves are well suited to create a favorable atmosphere in the house. It is this form that can smooth out and eliminate all negativity.

What can the energy of house plants influence:

1. On the general atmosphere in the house. Purifying flowers can absorb negativity and all negative influences, thereby purifying the atmosphere of the home.

2. Flowers – . Many are able to help their owner in case of illness.

3. The magic of plants is used to attract various benefits.

4. There are flowers for love. Many have the ability to attract a soul mate and strengthen relationships between people.

5. There are flowers for protection. They can protect from a lot. For example, from theft, from illness, from evil forces, from witchcraft.

What plants are useful to have in the house?

Balsam. He is also simply called Vanka. This is a very positive flower. Its energy helps to avoid despondency and puts residents in a good and joyful mood.

Aloe. This is a medicinal plant. But, in addition to its practical use in folk medicine, it also has certain magical properties. His energy will protect him from diseases. It will also help you cope with separation from someone close to you and loneliness. Helps strengthen mental strength.

The energy of geranium will help in preventing and. She is able to absorb anger, calm and give strength in oppressive situations. The magical properties of flowers vary in their direction, depending on the color. So, pink geranium will protect you from dark forces and help you find love. And white will help in conceiving a child. In general, the energy of this flower is very useful for the home.

Hyacinth is also a good protector against evil forces. It will also help cope with insomnia and get rid of nightmares. That's why, the best place for this plant - a bedroom. His energy will be just right there.

Another protector from evil is dracaena. But she is very receptive. If you bring it into a house whose energy is unclean, the plant will die. Therefore, she is more suitable as a guard. The magical properties of this plant are also used for love purposes. For girls, a piece of dracaena will be a good talisman, giving attractiveness and helping to find happiness. It needs to be sewn into a small bag made of natural fabric and carried with you at all times. For men, this plant will help avoid sexual impotence. To do this, part of the plant is placed under the mattress.

The cactus will become the guardian of the house from thieves and uninvited guests.

Spathiphyllum is called the “flower of love.” The use of its magical properties can be enhanced if another plant is placed next to it - anthurium. The name of the first flower fully reflects the area of ​​​​use of its energy. And the second is a male flower. So, a composition of these plants will help attract a man to the house and maintain love and happiness. The energy of these plants is very strong.

Roses are always associated with something beautiful and are a symbol of love. These flowers will always help in finding mutual feelings. And women will be given beauty and attractiveness.

Crassula, called " money tree” can truly bring financial stability. To use its magical properties there are special rituals and conspiracies. This plant should be located on the eastern side of the house or apartment.

Violets in the house are desirable. They, depending on their color, influence various areas. Energy properties of violets of different colors:

  • red will enhance positive energy in the house;
  • pink - will improve the love atmosphere;
  • blue promotes the discovery of creative forces and will stimulate inspiring aspects;
  • purple will promote spiritual growth and development;
  • white will have a cleansing effect.

What plants will harm the house?

Can't be kept in the house climbing plants. Their energy will contribute to quarrels between family members.

There are also vampire plants. They will drain their owners of their vitality and energy. If they are present in the house, people may experience a bad, dejected mood, fatigue, depression, and even poor health.

But you can use their energy by planting them in front of the house. There, vines and energy absorbers will be useful. They will not allow negativity from the outside to enter the house; they will act as guards.

The magical power of flowers and plants has been used by people since ancient times. These are real gifts of nature.
