Beautiful flowers in pots for March 8th. Home garden: we grow spring flowers and herbs ourselves. When does anthurium bloom?

1. Bouquet of twigs with leaves

The simplest thing is to cut a few branches from any deciduous tree, put them in water and wait for the leaves. I recommend trying it with poplar, lilac, birch or willow - in my experience, they are the most unpretentious.

Choose flexible straight branches 30-50 centimeters long. Now, after the January frosts, the cut branches will turn green very quickly, in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes butterflies appear along with the leaves - a nice bonus! This happened to me several times, each time I was surprised how I could not notice the pupa.

Often such a “bouquet” takes root, and when real spring comes, the branches can be planted in the ground and trees will grow.

2. First weed

Towards the end of winter we begin to experience a shortage of green. To feel good, we need to see and eat vibrant greens every day. It's time to sprout lentils, soybeans, wheat, oats and peas (put the grains on damp gauze - sprouts will appear in a few days), plant garden herbs in pots - parsley, onions, dill and lettuce. As a last resort, you can sow cat grass.

By the way, this delicate greenery can be used to decorate gifts for March 8, and then for Easter. For example, line baskets and boxes with it, fill the shells of painted eggs with growing grass.

3. Fresh spring flowers and compositions from them

Hyacinths, crocuses, primroses, daffodils, tulips, irises - imagine how beautiful your home will be if you fill it with these flowers! If it's hard to imagine, look at the gallery:

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Nowadays it’s not a problem to buy ready-made primroses in pots. They may not last long, but they still last longer than cut flowers - just keep them in the light and cool, make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy. And at the same time, I recommend growing your own, they are always better than store-bought ones and make you happy even without buds. You won’t be able to make it by March 8th, but there is every chance to provide yourself with wonderful fragrant flowers for Easter.

How to choose bulbs?

Buy heavy, dense tubers without damage, with visible flower buds. Typically, the larger the tuber, the faster it produces greens and inflorescences. Ask the seller for stratified bulbs (that is, they have been left in the dark and cold for a couple of months), they can be planted without preparation.

How to choose a pot and soil for flowers?

Flower shops have ready-made kits for growing spring flowers, including with decorative soils (if you want to use transparent containers). But you can save money: any pot will do, as long as there are holes in the bottom. Drainage - expanded clay and a little sand. The soil is one part peat, one part sand and one part garden soil.

How to grow spring Flower in a pot?

We bury the onion just above the “equator” (the widest part) and cover it with a paper cup. We water once a week. We keep it in the refrigerator or other place where the temperature is about +5 o until the sprouts hatch to 5 cm. After this, the plant can be brought into warm room, and after a couple of days open it - in the light it will quickly turn green and bloom. Typically, 2-2.5 months pass from planting a tuber to flowering.

Is it possible to do without soil and a pot?

Yes, bulbous flowers can be grown in water. To do this, you will need stratified bulbs and glasses or special X-shaped vases - the bottom of the bulb should almost touch the water, with a millimeter gap. It is recommended to place a coal at the bottom of the vessel. The entire structure must be covered with a paper cap from light and placed in a cool (about +10 o) place for 4-6 weeks. During this time, the bulb will grow long, thick roots and produce a flower shoot. Then you can remove the darkening and wait for the buds.

March 8 is a favorite holiday of florists. Sales of flowers are off the charts, city streets are blooming with mimosas and tulips in the hands of men, and the scent of lilies and roses is in the subway. On the eve of Women's Day, we have compiled our rating of spring bouquets. If you can hardly distinguish a cactus from an orchid, you suspect, but don’t know for sure, that a tulip grew from a bulb, and the “palm tree” in your bedroom is a yucca, our review will certainly be useful to you.


Tulips are a bestseller. The advantages include, first of all, the price. Cheap - and cheerful, as they say, when you need to give a spring mood to a large group of women or at the last moment buy at least something to appear on the doorstep own home and not look like the last one... uh... In general, this option for a gift for March 8th is standard and not at all original, which, however, will not spoil the joy of the presented bouquet. It’s just a pity that three to five lonely tulips look, to put it mildly, pale.

If you choose tulips as a gift for March 8th, don’t skimp on a whole armful! And my advice to you is to experiment with color: banal red tulips look completely faceless (you won’t be giving them to a veteran on May 9th).

Don't be afraid to give yellow flowers- this, by the way, is not at all a sign of separation, as Natasha Koroleva inspired us to believe, but a sign of wealth, according to the Eastern sages. Yellow is also the color of friendship, so feel free to give yellow tulips to girls you know!

Pure white, variegated or almost black tulips look original; an experienced florist will put together a bouquet of flowers of different shades for you. But I beg you - no stupid cellophane bag. Fu-fu-fu... a rustling bag will please only your cat, but not the woman you want to please on holiday.

Present tulips in a basket, wrapped in sisal or tied with a matching satin ribbon - it’s much more harmonious and attractive! Accidentally sat down on a bouquet ladybug or a butterfly - an extra drop of spring mood and another point in your favor!


Many people associate this fluffy yellow branch with Women's Day, and the rest will say: “Long live the Soviet past.” But! Have you ever held an armful of mimosa in your hands? Can you imagine WHAT piece of sun this is and WHAT aroma? This is just spring, yellow, fragrant HAPPINESS!!!

Did you know that the “March” mimosa is not a mimosa at all)) The real name of this plant is silver acacia! This is, by the way, a tree.

What is a real mimosa grows like indoor flower and looks much more modest.


Nowadays it is fashionable to give orchids in pots. Just a couple of years ago, phalaenopsis were exotic, but now almost every windowsill has a regal orchid peduncle. And this is not surprising - the flower is unpretentious and not at all capricious, as it might seem at first glance.

If your woman loves indoor flowers, feel free to buy an orchid. Remember, orchid is a common name, in fact EVERYTHING is MUCH more complicated: cattleya, cymbidium, oncidium, dendrobium... Have you got your head together? And rightly so! It’s better to consult with a specialist, otherwise the blue Vanda worth a million will end up in the trash bin in a month, and the lovely lady’s eyes will be full of tears. Who knew that it would never end up in the ground?


Many people love lilies - they look great “solo”, last a long time in a bouquet, look gorgeous and smell delicious. Although... there is a BUT about the smell. It causes allergies in many people, and small room may seem quite intrusive. No matter how you have to put your bouquet in the corridor or on the balcony...


At any time of the year, roses are a classic of the genre. But by March 8 I would like something less pretentious and strict. Even a female boss will be happy with a more delicate bouquet. Save roses for an anniversary or Valentine's Day.


Yes, these large colored daisies are called gerberas. Great choice, if we talk about a bouquet for March 8! And don’t be scared by the fact that in the flower shop they hang upside down - this is so that the stems remain straight.


The advantage is that they last quite a long time in a bouquet. It so happens that this flower is somewhat “age-related”; as a rule, it is given to older women. If you need a gift for March 8th for your grandmother or retired neighbor, this is an excellent choice!

If, nevertheless, you decide to buy chrysanthemums, pay attention to colored varieties with a pronounced center - they are very reminiscent of daisies or small green balls - they look stylish and are not at all “like” classic white chrysanthemums.

By the way, if you prefer to give potted plants, chrysanthemum is also an excellent option, but not for spring, it is more associated with autumn. Save the idea for the future, and by March 8th you will choose something more suitable.

Crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and other bulbous plants

Bulbs, which are specially planted in advance in order to get flowering by the desired date, are one of the most spring gift options. If a lady has a dacha or a flowerbed under her window, such a gift will delight her with flowering for many years. If there is nowhere to plant the bulbs, don’t be upset, the plant will still bring joy, believe me.


Primroses are among the first to appear in thawed flower beds. On March 8, you can buy potted primroses in flower stalls and shops. The spring freshness of such a bouquet will delight the hostess, because the plant can be brought home and for a long time Grow as an indoor plant, there are no particular difficulties in caring for it.

Dear men! If you read this article to the end, it means there is one more bouquet in the World! Give women flowers more often! After all, it’s so long until the next March 8th, but I want HAPPINESS now. Any bouquet given to your beloved woman will be a joy if you attach sincere warm congratulations and a radiant smile to it. Let the flowers say it all...

In Russia, it is customary to give flowers for any holiday. And if official holidays - be it an anniversary, a wedding or a promotion - are not complete without cut flowers, then on more romantic ones - Valentine's Day, birthday and, of course, March 8 - potted flowers will be a wonderful gift. Such a gift can please its owner for a long time. It will not only serve as a pleasant addition to the interior, but will also retain the most warm feelings givers that will not wither after the holiday is over.

Flowers in pots are a wonderful gift for romantic holidays

It is worth noting that the fashion of giving flowers in pots came to us from the West and took root immediately. It is good form, just like for cut flowers, to give potted plants with half-opened buds of delicate colors - for young girls, and more intense colors, already fully opened - for adult women.

Gift flowers in pots are usually beautifully packaged

To give such a gift a special holiday atmosphere, it is beautifully wrapped in unusual paper, burlap, or pots of flowers are placed in wicker baskets, which emphasizes a special gloss and grace.

Giving has become popular garden flowers, cultivated in unusual containers. Tulips, hyacinths and delicate crocuses grown in this way are very popular with many. And, as you know, demand creates supply. It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the incredible diversity! To prevent this from happening, we have collected for you the 10 best holiday potted flowers for the March 8 holiday.

1. Crocuses

The harbingers of spring - crocuses are one of the first to bloom in the garden, but in a pot they are no less attractive and beautiful. On sale there are crocuses of various colors obtained by forcing. There is no woman who would not like the first harbingers of spring on her windowsill. There is no room where beautiful crocuses would not fit, especially if they grow in festive, playful pots.

White crocuses in a pot

2. Tulips

These flowers have long brought joy to more than one generation of women, and if they are planted in a pot, then even after the holiday they will bring joy and aesthetic pleasure for a long time. Tulips can easily be forced into pots, and therefore are one of the most common first spring flowers for gifts on March 8th.

Various tulips in pots

3. Hyacinths

We are used to seeing hyacinths blooming in the garden in early May. However, today hyacinth is the most popular plant from pots, obtained using distillation technology. It can be given to both a little daughter and her mother or grandmother. This flower will tell a woman about romantic feelings and the tenderness with which the gift was given.

Pink hyacinth in a beautiful holiday pot

4. Violets (Saintpaulia)

This cute plant is a fairly budget-friendly and completely unpretentious option. This gift is suitable for absolutely any woman - from the youngest girl to the sweetest grandmother. Saintpaulia is considered a “cozy” flower, so it lives in the home more often than in offices. Many people think that this is a fairly simple flower, but if you provide it with a suitable pot or package it in an unusual way, it can evoke the most intense emotions.

Violets on the window will add home comfort any room

5. Cyclamens

Just by looking at these delicate light flowers, you can feel the approach of spring. Cyclamen are able to create not only home comfort, but also decorate any, even the most ascetic office. Every woman will be pleased to receive an elegant pot of these spring flowers. For young girls, you should choose pastel shades, and for older ladies, prefer a riot of colors.

The bright colors of cyclamens in a pot will bring a spring mood

6. Orchids

Such flowers are somewhat more expensive than those listed above, but they have no equal in beauty and brightness. People love to give them for both offices and home. Orchids can lift your spirits and transform a room. There is no age limit for these colors, but they are still more often chosen for young women. And the choice of flowers of this species is huge: phalaenopsis orchids, cattleya orchids, coelogina orchids and many others.

Orchid - an exquisite and sensual flower

7. Azaleas (rhododendrons)

In the last century, in the “language of flowers,” azalea was considered a sign of loneliness and sadness. Now fashion has changed, and the “language of flowers” ​​has become more multifaceted - now azalea means a secret hidden from others, sensuality and deep respect. It can be given to both a young lady and adult woman. Azalea will fit into both home and office workdays.

Azalea no longer symbolizes loneliness

8. Anthuriums

Anthurium represents the modern woman. This truly royal gift is suitable for both a lady of Balzac’s age and a young, self-confident woman. This plant will not only decorate your home, but will also fit perfectly into the interior of a modern office. Keep in mind that anthuriums should not be overwatered, but should be sprayed and maintained high humidity air.

Anthurium in gift wrapping

9. Roses

Giving roses on holiday is a tradition. Abundant watering and direct sun will help the plant take root. Roses are suitable for both a young and an old man, a wife and mother, and even a sweet daughter. These flowers, as an integral attribute of the holiday, “scream” about love and new impressions. The rose requires careful handling; it has many varieties and varieties of indoor varieties. Roses are more suitable home furnishings than everyday office work.

10. Gerberas

A riot of feelings and colors seem to be specially collected in this flower. Gerberas are the personification of youth and audacity; they are suitable for a charming young woman prone to adventurism and optimism. When you give, make sure the packaging is as bright as the flower itself. Gerberas will fit into any design with a bang, from modern to classic. And the office will happily open its doors to them. The main thing is the presence of direct sun rays so that the gerbera enjoys the new day with its owner.

If you were given a gerbera as a gift, take the time to ask how to properly care for it. You may become a fan of this flower for its sunshine and wonderful variety. Here are our publications to help you:

  • Gerbera in your garden
  • Gerbera: cultivation, care, varieties and disease prevention

Gerberas - flowers for the young and energetic

All flowers in pots are beautiful, choose according to your taste and the taste of the gift recipient, of course, if you know her preferences. And for sure the presented flowers will delight their owner for a long time.

From the administration: We are hosting a home flower competition with excellent prizes from the Hoff online store.
Post photos of your home flowers and win prizes.

On March 8, it is customary to congratulate women on their holiday. On this day, beautiful ladies are given various gifts, and, of course, flowers. Of course, greenhouse flowers are extremely beautiful. But sometimes you want to get some original primrose plant for the spring women’s holiday. Many skilled flower growers manage to surprise dear women with primroses grown with their own hands.

Tulips. For forcing, you can use the following varieties: “Triumph”, “Simple early”, “Darwin hybrids”. Lily varieties are not very suitable for forcing. Selected large bulbs in early November it should be placed in a substrate with a neutral reaction. The bulbs are pressed into the substrate and then covered with soil. There should be a distance of about 2 cm between the bulbs. The container should be stored in dark place with a temperature of +5-9°C. Water periodically. In December, reduce the temperature to +3°C. In February, increase the temperature to +15°C, keep the container in the shade. After 4 days, increase the temperature by 3°C and place the container with the bulbs in a lighted place.

Hyacinths. These delicate spring flowers can also be grown by March 8th. To do this, you need to plant large bulbs in pots with a substrate (peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio). A third of the onion should remain on the surface. The pots should be placed in a cool place (+2-9°C) for 2 months and watered periodically. Afterwards, the pots are brought into the room, covered with a cloth for the first 2 days, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill.

Daffodils. The forcing technology is the same as for tulips. Before placing in the substrate, the bulbs are soaked for 2 hours in warm water. Flowering occurs 2-3 weeks after the plant is brought into a warm room.

Crocuses. At the end of November, large bulbs are selected and planted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil with the addition of peat and sand. Pots with bulbs are placed in a dark, cool place (can be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. After 2 months, transfer the bulbs to a room with a temperature of +10°C, after another 5 days - to a warm room on a lighted window. The first flowers appear at 14-17 day.

Lilies of the valley. In the second half of October you need to dig up the lily of the valley rhizome. For forcing, only flower buds are needed. The rhizome is placed in a bag and stored at a temperature of +1-3°C. In February, 3 weeks before the desired flowering day, the rhizome is placed in the ground. First, it must be kept in a warm, dark place (+22-25°C), and after the flower stalks appear, it must be brought into a room with a temperature of +16°C.

Primroses. Primrose is sown in June. For the winter they are moved to pots with peat. The plant is watered as needed. Keep primrose in rooms with a temperature of +15°C until rooting. After at least 6 weeks at a temperature of +1-3°C (during this time flower buds form). As soon as the buds become visible, it is necessary to move the pot with the plant to a room with an air temperature of +8°C. For accelerated forcing, place flowers in a room with an air temperature of +15°C.

Chrysanthemums. For February or March flowering, it is necessary to place the plant’s rhizome in a pot with substrate at the end of August or beginning of September. After 7 days, feed with nitrogen. After the shoots have reached 60 cm, it is necessary enhanced lighting. As soon as the buds appear, night lighting is stopped. Not all varieties of chrysanthemums are suitable for growing in winter time even with sufficient lighting. Usually, for such purposes, varieties are taken that under normal conditions bloom quite late.

Amaryllis. These bulbous plants According to the forcing technology, they are similar to daffodils. It usually takes 8 weeks from planting the bulb to the start of flowering.

Snowdrop. Common snowdrop is used for forcing. In autumn, the largest bulbs of the plant are placed in the substrate. During flowering, the plant needs moderate watering. It usually blooms 25-35 days after the start of forcing. Blooms for 10-12 days.

Forsythia. This small shrub with thin shoots has attractive bright yellow flowers. To obtain cute bouquet for March 8, you can put several branches of forsythia in the water 10 days before the celebration.

Many people have probably thought that on March 8 it would be nice to give a friend, teacher, mother, daughter, or sister not a bouquet of flowers, but some kind of plant or flower in a pot. And many of the recipients, 2-3 weeks after March 8, begin to search the Internet for answers to questions that ultimately come down to one thing: what to do with the flower?

It so happens that as a gift they choose potted flowers from those that they liked the most, seemed prettier, brighter, more colorful. And few people think that such a gift loving person will want to preserve, grow and make it bloom again at all costs. But not everyone succeeds, sometimes it’s impossible.

Sometimes the disappointment is even greater than from a withered bouquet, because it seems to a person that a plant in a pot should live a long time! Therefore, before buying flowers for March 8, or any other holiday, think about how your friend will react to it. If she is one of those people who are not a fan of growing flowers, then feel free to buy the most beautiful flower depending on your taste, a person is unlikely to be upset if it fades after 2 weeks or 2 months.

If you are going to give flowers to a person who has just started to get interested in growing flowers, then choose flowers intended for permanent use. year-round cultivation in pots, not seasonal. Seasonal plants or potted flowers are hyacinths, gerberas, crocuses, primroses - they will survive in the apartment until June at most, then they need to be transplanted into the garden. The problem is that many people try to continue growing them indoors and are unwilling or unable to plant them in the garden. As garden flowers, these flowers are also not the easiest and most undemanding; they really need to be looked after.

By the way, such popular hyacinths are very often the wrong choice, it’s not even that they don’t belong to indoor flowers(they require planting in the garden), but the fact is that they go on sale long before March 8th. To be more precise, they are prepared for flowering on February 14, i.e. 2 weeks earlier, and among those that you see on store shelves, many have already finished flowering and will not last long after purchase. In addition, in stores, especially specialized branches of OBI, or garden centers, the temperature is much lower than at home, sometimes the difference is 10 degrees or more. Therefore, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, primroses, gerberas and azaleas finish flowering very quickly and fade. They promise you that the hyacinth will delight the eye for a long time on the table in the living room, but it will turn black in a week, because for a long time it can only stand on a light and cool window sill with wooden frames.

Therefore, in order for your loved one or friend to receive a real gift and be able to keep it longer, give only such flowers on March 8 that do not require special and special conditions of maintenance.

In short, here is what you will have to face when receiving some popular flowers as a gift:

  • Azaleas require light and coolness, do not tolerate dryness, and do not like watering with hard water.
  • Hyacinths, crocuses, primroses, gerberas will live in a pot until the end of flowering; the hotter and darker it is in the apartment, the faster they will bloom.
  • Saintpaulias (violets) - require very good lighting in autumn and winter (additional lighting), special soil and uniform watering (without extremes of drying out and waterlogging).
  • Cyclamen love cool weather, do not tolerate dryness, but are quite unpretentious.
  • Roses are prone to gray mold, do not tolerate excessive watering, are very often carriers of mites or become immediately infected with the onset of warm days, require a cold room in winter.
  • Phalaenopsis - require a special substrate and pots for planting, do not tolerate waterlogging (categorically), are otherwise undemanding, but for repeated flowering they need a light windowsill. Suitable only for a girl who is ready to read literature on caring for orchids and devote a little time to them.
  • Anthuriums are more unpretentious, they are easy to grow, they do not tolerate waterlogging - they will not die, but they will become covered with brown spots.
  • Gardenia is beautiful, but incredibly capricious - water only with soft water (boiling is often not enough), does not tolerate waterlogging, and is often flooded already in the store.
  • Cacti - require special soil, cold (or very cold) wintering and sunny window sills.
  • Aechmea, Guzmania, Vriesia - require watering only with soft water, otherwise they are unpretentious, but you will have to read about growing bromeliads.
  • A garden in a bottle is an expensive gift that requires very careful care (pruning, replanting); it exists in its original form for no longer than 2-3 months, then the plants stretch out, clog each other, or grow too much.

The gardenia already has very yellowed leaves inside the bush; in two weeks this specimen will become completely bald and die, the chances of being saved are about 3 out of 10.

Ficus benjamina is decorative and unpretentious, one of the most best options gift. Package nicely and verbal recommendation not to overwater (do not water too often).

There are plants that are quite unpretentious, but you need to understand that minimal care will be necessary from the very first day. Some plants can stand on the windowsill for two weeks, in quarantine and acclimatization, while the happy housewife reads about growing it in a book or on the Internet. There are plants that will require immediate replanting, almost immediately after purchase - for example, orchids (phalaenopsis and others) very often come to our house flooded, although in bloom. If you leave them for a week or two, .

What to look for when choosing flowers as a gift

  1. Choose the healthiest looking flowers. For example, if you choose an orchid, then in a transparent pot, carefully examine the roots, they should be light green or gray-green, but not gray-brown.
  2. Try to buy plants that have been in the store for 2-3 days - no less and no longer. Here's why: if the plant was transported insufficiently insulated, the result of freezing and hypothermia (and it's still cold in March) will appear in the first 3 days. brown spots. If the plants were in the store for more than 3-5 days, there is a chance that they were overwatered by compassionate saleswomen, or infected with thrips or mites from bouquet flowers.
  3. Do not give plants that have poisonous juice if the girl has a child or a cat (they may accidentally put a leaf in their mouth or eat it, get burned or poisoned).
  4. You can choose a simple-looking flower, but choose a beautiful, spectacular pot to go with it.

What flowers in a pot to give on March 8

It's worth giving enough for the holidays unpretentious plants, which will last a long time, will give the new owner a head start of several weeks, so that she has time to love them and prepare (read about care, buy new pots, soil).

15 best plants as a gift

If your girlfriend is an avid collector indoor plants, for example, grows varietal violets, succulents, or is a big fan of citrus fruits, has been doing this for more than one year, then it is very difficult to guess with a gift; if you yourself are far from floriculture, then it is almost impossible. In this case, we can advise you to buy as a gift for March 8 not fresh flowers in a pot, but some of the equipment for floriculture:

  • flower pots included (3-5 pots in one style)
  • hanging planters or wicker hangers (for example, from macrame)
  • mini-greenhouses and terrariums
  • decorative stones or figurines in flower pots
  • humidifier
  • flower stand
  • cute lamps for illuminating plants
  • hydroponic equipment
  • water treatment products (for example, water softeners)