DIY pastry bag. Photos and step-by-step instructions. How to make a pastry syringe with your own hands from scrap materials? How to make a homemade cream bag

If it is difficult for you to deny yourself the sight of sweets, all kinds of pies, cookies and other things, then you cannot do without it.

We are talking about a pastry bag - best friend any pastry chef. You can do a lot of things with it: decorate cakes, pastries, fill eclairs, etc. Today we will talk about how to make a pastry bag yourself.

What is a piping bag used for?

For your culinary masterpieces to be admired by all your family and friends, they must not only be tasty, but also look aesthetically good. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the technique of decorating baked goods with cream. To do this, stock up on some special tools, such as cream injector or a multi-nozzle piping bag.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made bag in a special store, but it’s better to make it yourself, since it’s very easy. In addition, this skill can be very useful to you in case you are using a syringe in the kitchen, and it suddenly breaks, and there is either no time or is expensive to restore it.

So, with the help of a homemade product you can get out of a difficult situation, because it is done very quickly and simply. Confectionery bags can be single-use or reusable, depending on the material from which they are made. Disposable products can be made from a plastic bag or paper; they are very convenient because they do not need to be washed and can be filled with almost all types of creams. As for reusable bags, they can be made from a plastic bottle or fabric. They will need to be washed especially carefully, and if cotton is used, then also boiled and ironed (as a disinfectant).

How to make a pastry bag from a plastic bag with your own hands

So, let's move on to making homemade bags. Let's start with the simplest. For this we will need a plastic bag and scissors. The bag should be thick and transparent, with a zip fastener.

The manufacturing process is very simple:

1) open the bag and carefully fill it with cream using a spoon;

2) after this, fasten the clasp or secure the package with a knot;

3) cut off a small corner of the package - ready!

It should be noted that such a simple version of the package is not multifunctional. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make the same thickness with its help; you will also not be able to make shaped decorations. However, when there is no alternative, this bag option is quite suitable.

How to make a pastry bag out of paper

The paper version of the pastry bag has a few more options. Waxed paper or pastry parchment is suitable as a base. If the paper is thick enough, you can use a cut out figured corner as a nozzle. Thus, to make a paper pastry bag, we need to cut a triangle out of paper and roll it into a cone.

Important point: Be sure to make sure that there are no gaps between the layers of paper, as cream may seep through them!

How to make a nozzle from a plastic bottle

If you need to make beautiful roses or other decorations, you cannot do without a shaped attachment from a plastic bottle.

So, prepare:

plastic bottle;



pastry bag made from a bag or fabric.

The nozzle manufacturing process is as follows:

1) first you need to cut off the neck of the plastic bottle;

2) draw the desired pattern on the lid with a marker, then, focusing on the drawing, cut out a hole with a knife. As a design, you can make a snowflake, a crown or any other of your imagination;

3) screw the lid on the neck and attach the shaped nozzle to our homemade bag.

That's it, the nozzle is ready. With this master class, you can make several shaped attachments at once for a larger selection; your household and guests will not remain indifferent!

In addition to the cap of a plastic bottle, you can also use small caps from nasal spray bottles as a nozzle, since their dimensions are perfect for creating thin lines.

To make work easier decorative finishing baking, novice confectioners should use the following recommendations:

1) when using a pastry bag, you need to make patterns with your left hand, and hold it with your right hand and slightly squeeze it;

2) don’t try to make fabulous landscapes right away, start with something simple, for example, dots or stars;

3) to apply dots, use a round nozzle: take it, squeeze out the dot and immediately return it to a vertical position, also stop pressing;

4) stars can be made in exactly the same way, but with a shaped nozzle;

5) so that during work the hand trembles from tension, under right hand you can substitute the left one as a support;

6) when applying small patterns or inscriptions, the nozzle should be kept as close to the baking surface as possible.

Baking at home is not just an educational pastime, it is also a very modern hobby, considering that the modern confectionery industry uses natural ingredients and safe fats less and less, and this is without mentioning the dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives.

Therefore, if you have at least a small amount time, even one hour, do not regret it and use it to prepare some simple tasty home recipe baking. Fortunately, today there is simply a sea of ​​them online, ranging from traditional “grandmother’s” to modern gourmet desserts.

Housewives often bake cakes and pastries at home. The main tool for decorating baked creations is a pastry bag. But what if it’s not there? In this case, you need to make a pastry bag with your own hands; photos and step-by-step instructions will help. Exist different ways for the manufacture of such an element.

Homemade plastic piping bag

The most common method of making a baking bag is the use of a plastic bag. For these purposes, it is recommended to take material from high density. The package may have a zip fastener. Regular polyethylene material can simply be tied in a knot.
Step-by-step instructions for making a bag:

  1. Pre-prepared cream or pastry mousse is poured into a plastic bag.
  2. The bag is secured with a clasp or tied in a knot (with an elastic band).
  3. A small piece is cut off from one corner of the material with scissors.

The result is a practical pastry bag made of cellophane. The larger the corner is cut, the thicker the cream is squeezed out. Therefore, if you need to make a beautiful thin inscription on the cake, then you should cut off a small corner. In any case, experts recommend experimenting with the result in advance.
Using a homemade piping bag, you can easily decorate ready-made cookies or prepared cakes. Thanks to this device, housewives make symbolic inscriptions or beautiful images on baked goods. In addition to a plastic bag, some craftswomen use a sheet of parchment or cloth. Enough to sew a bag required sizes and make a hole in it.

How to make a piping bag from a bottle

To make a functional device you will need a small plastic bottle. You can use it to make a bag for curly designs. This product will last for a long time.

For preparation you will need the following items:

  • bottle cap;
  • cut off neck from a bottle;
  • plastic or fabric bag;
  • knife.
  1. You need to draw the desired pattern on the lid and carefully cut it out.
  2. The lid is screwed onto the cut neck.
  3. A hole is made in a pastry bag made of fabric or a bag to insert a neck with a lid.
  4. All elements are connected to each other.
  5. Cream is poured into the resulting bag and the desired pattern is made.

Thanks to this method, you can make different designs of flowers, snowflakes or geometric shapes. It is enough to use different lids with holes. Thus, the design of a cake or other dish will amaze guests with its originality.
Exist different variants preparation of confectionery equipment. It can be used to decorate not only sweet dishes. It is used to decorate salads and soups. The photo shows a do-it-yourself pastry bag that every housewife can make easily and quickly. Such methods are especially relevant for women who rarely use such devices. Therefore there is no need to buy them.

Cooks of all times and peoples always come up with all sorts of useful things for the household to make their own work easier. These rightfully include a pastry bag, which allows the cook to express and consolidate his own imagination in the preparation of certain dishes, especially baked goods. And some cakes even look like real works of art. Because, using a pastry bag, you can not only draw all sorts of flower petals, but also create real “oil paintings” (both in the literal and figurative meaning of this phrase).

Usage history

No one knows for sure when and where this kitchen “gadget” appeared. The first information about its use is found in ancient cookbooks, when cakes and pastries became fashionable at the royal courts in Europe. Even then, during the Renaissance, cooks could not imagine baked goods and some other products for royal tables without proper decoration. Mostly berries, fruits, cream and figures made from it were used. Probably, it was then that it occurred to one of the cooks to figuratively squeeze the whipped cream out of a linen bag. Pastry bag(or rather, its ancient ancestor) gained further popularity with the formation of the bourgeoisie as a class. To this day, many cakes and cupcakes - a favorite delicacy of the bourgeoisie - are difficult to imagine without elaborate patterns. On modern kitchens The use of this device is quite widespread. And any housewife who loves to bake uses it with pleasure and consistency.

How to make a pastry bag?

But what should those novice cooks do who have not yet acquired such “light artillery” in their arsenal, but urgently need to decorate their baked goods before guests arrive? There is an exit. Let's try to make a pastry bag with our own hands. It is done quite simply. The principle of pressing and squeezing is used, while the sweet mass is pushed out in the direction you need and in the required volume.

From the package - the most primitive

Take a thick and transparent plastic bag (preferably with a zip fastener). Uncover and fill with the cream prepared in advance (we do this with a spoon). We fasten or tighten the filled bag at the top. Cut off a small piece from one of the bottom corners. Press carefully and start decorating the cake.

Made from wax paper

Using confectionery parchment, we make a disposable device for decoration. To do this, cut out a triangle from paper, large enough, and roll it into a cone. We bend the edges from above to the center, thus securing the structure. Cut off the bottom to create a hole through which the cream will flow. Below, at the neck, you can also cut out a figured piece (you get some semblance of a figured nozzle). We fill the structure with cream and begin to decorate the baked goods prepared in advance.

Made from fabric - durable

The fabric version already resembles a professional device sold in stores. You can easily sew it yourself. Use fabric that washes well and does not fade (for example, teak). We cut out a triangle from the fabric, roll it into a cone and sew it together. We cut the bottom corner for the insert nozzle. There is no need to turn the bag inside out - the seams should be on the outside.

Nozzles for pastry bags

They are sold in abundance in stores. But since you sewed a fabric bag with your own hands, you can make the attachments in the same way. So, we make shaped removable attachments for our bag. Take a plastic drink bottle with a neck. We cut off the neck, and cut out a hole in the lid of any planned shape (it’s more convenient to do this by marking it in advance with a marker).

The hole can be in the form of a snowflake, crown, or star. For work we use an ordinary stationery knife. Next, insert the nozzle into the hole in the bag and screw it on with a lid with a slot.

There are many confectionery products that are difficult to imagine without cream decorations. Cakes, pastries, meringues, cookies, profiteroles, cupcakes without fancy cream patterns are dreary and look extremely unappetizing, even if they have an amazing taste and seductive smell.

In order for your culinary masterpieces to surprise your family and guests not only with their wonderful taste, but also with their aesthetic appearance, you can easily master the technique of decorating baked goods with cream. To do this, you need to acquire special tools - a pastry syringe or a bag with attachments, which no pastry chef can do without.

You can freely purchase these factory-made devices, or you can make a pastry bag with your own hands, because it is quite primitive. The ability to make such a design with the help of available materials may come in handy if you chose to use a syringe, and your correct kitchen helper suddenly failed, and it was either too expensive or too expensive to restore.

A homemade adaptation in an emergency situation can easily save goodwill.

After all, it can be made in a matter of minutes from a plastic bag or thick paper. True, it will be disposable, but it will not need to be washed, and you can fill it with virtually all sorts of creamy mixtures.

If desired, you can make a woven pastry bag for reusable use. It will be more durable and capacitive. It is very comfortable to use products made from water-repellent materials on a fabric basis. Such devices will need to be thoroughly washed, but cotton ones can be boiled and ironed for disinfection.

Plastic bag

To make it, you only need a bag (preferably made of thick polyethylene, say, milk, or with a zip fastener) and scissors. Fill the bag with cream, cut off a corner of a suitable size (the thickness of the strip of cream being squeezed out will depend on this) and start decorating the baked goods.

Paper bag

For such simple device All you need is a piece of baking paper, wax paper or baking parchment of the appropriate size. The process of making it is as follows: cut out a square or triangle from paper and roll it into a cone shape.

There should be no gaps between the layers of paper into which the cream can seep. Bend the edges of the base of the cone to secure the structure. Later, fill it with cream and cut off a corner. You can cut out a figured edge of a corner on thick paper. He will be able to partially replace the nozzle.

You can also make a pastry bag with DIY tips. To do this, cut off the neck of an ordinary plastic bottle, retreating a few millimeters below the thread, and secure it to a bag using tape (with outside).

Push the cream towards the nozzle and, directing the flow of cream, decorate the dessert.

Fabric bag

You can buy it ready-made, but it’s not difficult to sew a pastry bag with your own hands. When choosing a fabric, make sure it is easy to wash. Better to choose White color, if you want to sew a product from colored material, make sure that it does not fade. Dense teak is good - it is strong, real, and can be disinfected at high temperatures.

Cut a triangle (isosceles) from the fabric, sew 2 sides, cut the top to the size of the attachments on which you will put it. Finish (tuck) the seams along the edge of the cone. By design, the seams must be on the outside so that they do not need to be washed off from the cream.

Plastic bottle attachments

Using lids with plastic bottles You can make a variety of shaped attachments for any bag to which the neck of the same bottle is attached. To do this, in addition to the container mentioned, you need to arm yourself with a knife with a sharp end and a marker.

Draw the silhouette of the intended hole on the lid, then use a knife to cut out the figure correctly according to the silhouette. The most primitive designs - stars, snowflakes, crowns - give beautiful outlines of a strip of cream. Having processed several lids in this way, you will get a whole set of replaceable nozzles with holes of various configurations and sizes!

You can attach the neck of the bottle to a woven bag with the help of a needle and thread. To do this, you need to cut the neck slightly below the thread, make holes along the edge for a needle and thread, which you will use to sew it to the product.

Using a similar method, small shaped nozzles can also be made from caps for nasal spray bottles. They will be comfortable for doing more delicate work, applying openwork patterns.

Simplifies the production of a cap with a shutter, as on bottles for mineral water for children or athletes. The shutter is easily removed from the cap, and the tight hole itself is comfortable for drawing with cream.

To make the work of decorating baked goods easier and to make the decorations more carefully and beautifully, use the following tips on the technique of applying patterns with cream:

  • using a pastry bag, make patterns with your left hand, and hold it with your right hand and lightly squeeze it at the same time;
  • start practicing with primitive drawings;
  • First use asterisks and dots as “strokes”;
  • to apply dots, take a round nozzle, squeeze out a dot and quickly and neatly lift the bag into a vertical position, ceasing to press on it;
  • perform the stars correctly in the same way, only with a figured nozzle;
  • To prevent your hand from trembling from tension, place your left hand under your right hand as a support;
  • causing small patterns or inscriptions, hold the nozzle closer to the baking surface.

Homemade baking is not only a fascinating pastime, but also an extremely relevant hobby, given that in the current confectionery industry, real ingredients, high-quality, non-hazardous fats are not always used, not to mention the widespread use of dyes, preservatives and other chemicals.

Therefore, if you have at least a little free time, do not regret it and carve out an hour in order to discover an easy and quick recipe for delicious homemade baked goods. There are now a lot of them on the Internet - for every taste - from traditional tried and tested “grandmother’s” recipes to fashionable, luxurious or exotic desserts.

Here, for example, is the recipe for the famous eclairs:

  • boil a glass of water, add a little salt, add butter(150 g) and boil everything again, gradually add a glass of flour, stir continuously and after boiling, turn off the gas;
    beat 4 eggs, use a mixer to save time, add about a quarter of the volume to the dough and mix thoroughly, then add the rest of the eggs little by little in the same way until the dough becomes thick;
  • from a pastry bag, squeeze the dough into lumps onto a baking sheet covered with paper, and bake the cakes in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes, then at 170-180 degrees for 10 minutes;
    prepare ordinary custard (or any other one to your taste, whipped cream is allowed) and fill the eclairs with it using a pastry bag.

Prepare such a charming delicacy from fresh, natural products for your children, and their preserved health will be the reward for your work. And so that they are more willing to give preference to their mother’s baked goods over store-bought ones, decorate your desserts using the simple devices described above.

With skill, you will begin to create patterns that will surpass the work of professional pastry chefs and will amaze the most sophisticated guests.

A culinary bag is an indispensable item in a housewife’s arsenal. With its help, you can give your delicacies a more presentable appearance. There are times when the previous bag has become unusable or is simply not there, and there is no time or money, then it becomes necessary to make a pastry bag with your own hands. For example, bags made from various auxiliary materials.

How to make a pastry bag at home from polyethylene

You can make a pastry bag from polyethylene material, namely a bag, bag, file, freezer bag, etc. It doesn’t take much time and effort to create such a homemade bag. To make it you need:

  • prepare a plastic bag;
  • fill it with the necessary cream;
  • squeeze out the air from the bag;
  • secure the bag with a knot or tie it with thread or clasp;
  • cut off a corner of the required diameter.

Using this method, you can quickly create a disposable pastry bag. Depending on the diameter of the corner of the bag you cut, you will get different attachments for decorating all kinds of goodies. It is easy to use and does not require washing.

How to make a pastry bag at home from paper

A pastry bag can be made from paper. Wax paper or baking paper works best for this. Also, by adjusting the tip, you can achieve different nozzle configurations, cutting out different shapes. To create this paper bag you need:

  • cut a triangle out of paper;
  • roll the paper to form a cone;
  • bend the edges of the paper cone inward;
  • fill the cone with cream;
  • cut off the tip of the cone of the desired diameter.

A paper pastry bag is very easy to make. After use it is thrown away.

How to make a pastry bag at home from textiles

The previous methods describe creating disposable pastry bags. You can use fabric to create a pastry bag that can be reused many times. When choosing fabric, pay attention to the material. The most suitable fabric is teak. Since this material does not fade and has a dense structure. To create a fabric pastry bag you need:

  • cut the fabric into a triangular shape;
  • roll it into a cone;
  • sew one side tightly with thread;
  • use scissors to cut off the tip of the cone;
  • sew a nozzle into the cone.

The seams on the pastry bag should be left outside so that the cream does not get into them. This bag must be washed without detergents. To disinfect it, you need to iron it with an iron at high temperature.

How to make a pastry bag at home - useful tips

  • From plastic bottle caps you can make various attachments for pastry bags made of various materials.
  • Practice a little on something before decorating your baked goods.
  • For novice pastry chefs, it is better to start decorating baked goods with simple designs, namely stars and dots.
  • Choose fabric that is not dyed so that it does not fade.

It’s possible to make a pastry bag yourself using available materials, they will come to the rescue plastic bags, paper or fabric. With the help of this culinary attribute you can amazingly decorate confectionery products!
