DIY compost manufacturing options. How to make a composter with your own hands using Finnish technology. Compost pit: what is it and what is it for?

Every gardener and gardener knows that compost is one of the the best fertilizers. Most people who have own plots land, take care to obtain this product in sufficient quantity and good quality. There are several ways to obtain garden compost, each of which can be done with your own hands: compost pit, two-bump system, compost bins.

Initially, pits were used for rotting manure. After about two or three years they received high quality fertilizer. Then they began to add grass and leaves to the manure, and a little later peat and various wastes: kitchen, vegetable, feces. In order to provide access to air into the pit, you can place a pipe in it, then the process will go faster.

The disadvantage of this method is the inability to stir up the contents of the pit. You have to wait until everything loaded into it rots. This usually takes at least two years. The advantage is simplicity - all you need is your hands, a shovel and material to cover the hole.

Double shoulder system

First, prepare a place for compost. The area is leveled and the turf is removed, then sand is poured 5 cm thick. The next step is to lay the ingredients of the future compost in layers. As such, grass, leaves, peat, and chicken droppings are used. The main thing is not to add branches, boards, straw, which take a very long time to rot. Otherwise, you will have to select them from ready-made fertilizer. You should also exclude waste that has protein origin. They attract flies and rodents, which are carriers of diseases. When components containing protein decompose, a characteristic unpleasant odor is formed.

To speed up the decay process and improve the quality of compost, you can use ammonium nitrate, ash or urea. The collar must be thoroughly watered and closed to reduce the evaporation of liquid. Slate, boards or film are suitable for this.

During the season, the pile needs to be thoroughly mixed once or twice, transferred to another place (second pile), and new waste is placed on the old one. As a rule, in the spring you get excellent compost, which can be used to fertilize the first beds.

A significant disadvantage of this method is constant spreading of the heap. In addition, you often have to turn the pile more than 1-2 times per season, which means taking up additional space.

Compost bins

The most effective and convenient way obtaining compost is using a garden composter bin. Loading into it is carried out through the top hole. Such a box is usually made at least one meter high and with a volume of at least one cubic meter. The same ingredients are poured into it as into a compost pit or pile. During the season, the process of compost formation in the lower part of the box is completely completed, and it is removed through a special hole. Everything that is higher is lowered into the vacated space. You need to add “fresh” ingredients on top.

Compost bins are made from various materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • plastics.

How to make a composter with your own hands

First of all, pay attention to the place where you intend to place the composter. It is advisable that it be located at least twenty meters from water sources and at least ten meters from your home. Consider the compass rose.

Composters vary in their design, but there are basic rules that any composter must satisfy:

Let's look at several options for how to make a garden box with your own hands.

Simplified version

You need to dig four pillars into the ground, at the corners of the proposed box. Cement can be used to increase stability. We cover three walls with boards or stretch mesh, or cover them with slate sheets. Fourth - the front side is made collapsible. This is necessary for expansion as new portions of components are added. At the bottom of this wall you need to leave a gap of 30 cm. You cannot make a box completely sealed. Compost requires constant access to air to form.

The disadvantage of this design is the inconvenient process of extracting compost. As the finished compost is removed from below, unrotted ingredients begin to fall from above, thereby making it difficult to get the fertilizer, which is located at the far wall.

To solve this problem, a second version of the composter was invented.

You will need to mark the site rectangular shape. It is better if the sides of this rectangle are related to each other as two to one. Then you need to remove the turf. Some professionals advise preparing concrete covering. In this case you should provide drainage holes . Six pillars are dug in: four at the corners of the site and two in the middle of the longest sides. The entire area of ​​the future composter is covered with sand. Three sides are covered with boards. You can use other material, the main thing is that it is strong, otherwise the contents of the box will simply squeeze it out.

The transverse wall that separates the two compartments and the two front walls must be made collapsible. This will be required when the volume of rotting mass increases. If you have chosen wood as the material from which the composter is made, then it should be processed impregnations to protect against rotting and insects. Choose non-toxic products, as toxins along with compost can leach into the soil and then end up on your table.

Compost ingredients are placed in one of the compartments. To increase the efficiency of the process, special accelerators can be used. But, if everything is done correctly and good hydration is provided, then you don’t have to use them. Some gardeners specifically add earthworms to the composter, but this is usually not necessary, since the worms naturally enter the box and take an active part in the formation of compost.

Filling of the first compartment continues for summer period, and at the beginning of autumn the entire compost mass is transferred to the second compartment. This is necessary for loosening and ensuring air access. Soil bacteria are activated. The decay process accelerates. You can already spill the entire contents with urea or ammonium nitrate in the second compartment. The composter bin should be kept tightly closed during the winter.

In the spring they receive excellent fertilizer. The front wall of the box is disassembled and used required amount compost. Then the wall is reassembled. Typically, during the season, all the finished compost is put to use, and the second compartment is completely filled with new ingredients.

There are many options for garden composters that you can make yourself. The main thing is to take into account all the features of the composting process and follow the instructions, then you will get high quality fertilizer.

The third option for making a composter

If you have a dacha, that means you have a vegetable garden, and the most important thing for a vegetable garden is fertilizer. Not everyone likes to use mineral complexes as a supplement. Many people prefer organic matter like humus and compost, which they can prepare themselves. In this case, composters for the garden will be excellent helpers for the gardener - special containers of different sizes in which it is convenient to prepare and store natural fertilizer.

It is a mistake to assume that these two terms have the same meaning. What they have in common is only the essence of obtaining fertilizer, namely the process of decay. The difference lies in the components used, which will lay the basis for feeding and its vitamin and mineral composition.


This is decomposed manure - cow, horse, rabbit and any other, depending on the household living on the site. The entire process of debate or decomposition takes from 2 to 5 years. The finished humus should have a pleasant, fresh aroma, like soil in a forest. To improve the quality of the fertilizer, manure is mixed with soil, sawdust, straw, adding water if necessary to prevent drying out.

The presence of a heavy ammonia smell indicates that the humus ripening process is not yet complete.

From time immemorial, almost all crops in Rus' were fertilized with manure. It is excellent for sandy loams, retaining moisture in them. Clay soils it makes it more loose and aerated. Ready-made humus is the same humus that is a fertile component of any soil.


Not all summer residents have the opportunity to fertilize their plots with humus. In this case, compost will come to the rescue; you can make it yourself using a pit or a special container - a composter.

To prepare it, they take vegetation and everything that can rot. Grass, sawdust, wood chips, small twigs, remnants of tops, peelings, tea bags, ash and whatever is on hand are great. Some gardeners add a little manure or chicken manure– this significantly improves the quality of the finished fertilizer.

It is not recommended to put it in compost heap fungus- and disease-affected vegetation, dog, cat and human feces, fish, bones, meat and dairy products. Violation of the rules for preparing compost can lead to a deterioration in its quality and the development of harmful microorganisms.

Compost matures completely in about two years. But the market today offers various composting accelerators, as a result of which the entire process can take no more than one season. The finished fertilizer, along with humus, improves the structure and properties of the soil, thereby increasing productivity.

What conditions are necessary for composting?

The simplicity of preparing compost only seems at first glance. In reality, proper composting conditions are necessary for the fermentation process to proceed correctly. The main factors that naturally influence the course of this process are:

What is a composter and what is it for?

To prepare compost, a hole is traditionally dug. However, its use is not very convenient, especially when you own only 4-6 acres. Small area plot, the smell emanating from the pit, and the inconvenience of mixing the compost heap force one to look for an alternative.

A composter is a container of a given volume, special device which provides for the creation favorable conditions for making compost.

Each design must have:

  • a lid where the material for composting is placed;
  • holes for air intake;
  • holes at the bottom to remove accumulated liquid.

Additional features may vary by model.

You can make a composter yourself from scrap materials - this is good savings Money. The advantage of purchased models is durability and beautiful appearance, allowing you to place boxes anywhere.

Composters are made from different materials, for example, made of wood. In such products, the contents are well saturated with oxygen; as a result, the fertilizer is crumbly, but sometimes a little dry. Metal containers retain moisture excellently, so the finished compost is moist and denser. There are also composters made from resistant plastic. low temperatures and ultraviolet.

What are the advantages of using a composter?

A composter for a summer resident is the same as food processor for the housewife. This convenient thing, which will help save time, effort and money. Composters, especially closed ones, have many advantages, the most significant of which are:

Modern composters have excellent performance and aesthetic characteristics, so they can be installed without harming the design of the site. In addition, manufacturers began to produce landscape devices in the form of a small mound, decorative stone or other natural elements. Such models will not only perform their functions, but will also decorate the place.

Types of composters

According to the type of their functioning, composting devices are divided into:

  • Open composters, which are used during the warm season. This is the most economical option. It is easy to assemble and convenient to use in large areas where there is a lot of organic material.

The disadvantage of this type of design is the distribution unpleasant odor and the possibility of overgrown vegetation. In addition, the fermentation period increases.

  • Closed composters more convenient to use. They are small, their volume ranges from 200 to 1000 liters. These composters can be left outside all year round, and if necessary it is easy to hide in the garden. Moreover, chemical reactions inside proceed faster, which means the fertilizer will be ready sooner.

The only disadvantage of closed composters is the price. It is significantly higher than that of open type composters.


Among the variety of industrial composters, the following three models are distinguished, which differ in their design features:

How to choose a composter?

Choosing a composter starts with its volume. For small areas (up to 6 acres) or for the disposal of food waste, a design with a volume of 200-300 liters is suitable. For larger area a large capacity will be required - up to 1000
l. Sometimes summer residents purchase two or three composters at once and put organic matter into them one by one, thereby providing themselves with a continuous supply of organic fertilizer.

When choosing a composting device, we focus on its structural details. For example, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a bottom mesh that protects the contents of the container from rodents. If it is not included in the kit, you should worry about purchasing additional items in a timely manner. Yes, and it won’t hurt to immediately decide whether it will be a summer composter or whether all-season placement of organic matter is planned.

Before purchasing a box, you need to pay attention to the entrance and exit hatches. They should be wide enough to make it convenient to lay armfuls of grass and scoop out fertilizer with a shovel. Having a large loading hatch will make it easier to stir the pile to increase oxygen access. An alternative to the unloading hatch can be a pull-out tray with ready-made fertilizer from the lower layers.

Hatch fastenings are a fly in the ointment for many models. During operation, it is discovered that the doors dangle and tend to fly off due to the wind. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to check how they rotate and how tightly they fit when closed.

The mobility of the composter is important, especially if it is stored for winter or regularly moved. If you plan to compost throughout the winter, a thermal composter with a thermostat, thermal insulation and peat included will be indispensable. For lovers of California worms, a vermicoposter is suitable.

The best manufacturers

Kekilla Global (Finland)

Perhaps the first place can be assigned to the Finnish manufacturer Kekilla. Their composters are distinguished by excellent resistance to severe frosts, and therefore are considered universal. The most popular Globe model does not have any heavy or small parts. The design is rounded, easy to use, safe for children.

Due to high speed composting device with a volume of 310 l. the amount of finished fertilizer per season is comparable to 600 liters. In addition, the volume can be artificially increased by adding a pair of 160-liter rings, which are purchased separately.

The compost is reliably isolated from environment, and after ripening it is easily removed with a shovel. To do this, simply remove the lid and body, opening access to the contents. Finnish flag key on composter - sign highest quality products made from our own raw materials.

An analogue of the Finnish composter is the Russian Meridian, which has been on the market for 5 years. It has the same characteristics as its Finnish “brother”, but on the outside it has a pattern in the form of parallels and meridians. It has a favorable price.

Graf Thermo King(Germany)

Another thermocomposter model that has proven itself in practice. Its body is made of UV-resistant plastic, the foam structure of which perfectly supports optimal temperature inside the box. There is support for selecting summer and winter operating modes.

The lid consists of two wings and is securely fixed. Doesn't open even in strong winds. Loading of material, accordingly, is carried out from both sides, just like extracting the finished compost. The design of the device is beautiful, ergonomic, and easily fits into the landscape.

Volnusha (Russia)

This is a cone-shaped container, the body of which has a wavy shape (hence the name). Made from frost- and heat-resistant propylene of increased rigidity, which, due to its shape, perfectly distributes the compost mass. At the same time, it does not oxidize and does not enter into a chemical reaction with other substances.

The volume of Volnushi is 1000 liters, ideal for six acres. It has no bottom, so excess moisture will go into the ground. However, additional purchase of a bottom mesh is required to protect against rodents.

The case has ventilation holes and four holes for compost extraction. Easily disassembled and transported in the trunk of a car. The disadvantage is that the lid opens in strong winds.

Operating rules

  • Do not overload the container - the finished fertilizer should be loose and slightly damp. The material should be immersed in it no higher than the maximum mark.
  • It is recommended to install the composter on the ground or grass, but not on wood or concrete base. This is necessary to ensure access for worms inside the structure and to remove excess moisture.
  • The best place to install a composter is a shaded and wind-protected area away from open fire.
  • The bottom of the composter must be protected metal mesh from the penetration of mice.
  • When cold weather sets in, the device must be switched to winter mode work or wrap in film to maintain internal temperature.
  • Regularly 1-2 times a month you need to stir the compost heap to improve chemical reactions. In this case, it is better not to touch the lower, ripened layer.

DIY composter

The composter can be made from scrap materials - boards, old furniture, construction remains. Most often, wooden containers are made, since working with wood makes it easy to comply with all the necessary conditions. Furniture is not good in this regard; it usually only lasts for one season.

For convenience, you can prepare a drawing of the box. It will be easier to navigate during the work process, as well as calculate the amount of material needed. Optimal size composter - 1 m 3, that is, 1 m × 1 m × 1 m.

To work, you will need a 5-centimeter beam and boards 2.5 cm thick. All material will need to be treated in advance with an anti-rotting agent, which will prevent the body from participating in fermentation.

First, posts are made from timber, which are dug into the ground and, if desired, fixed with cement mortar.

Next they collect side walls, then the back and front. A 1-2 cm gap is left between the boards for oxygen access. A small gap is also necessary from the surface of the earth. The front wall can be shortened a little for convenience, then hinged door will lie at a slight angle. The side door will make it much easier to remove the finished compost.

Two- and three-section composters are made using the same principle. While the debate process is going on in one section, plant material is being laid in another. You can make the side walls of the device not from boards, but from a fine-mesh stainless mesh enclosed in wooden frames. The frames are attached to lumber posts, creating a perfectly aerated container.

There are many options for making composters. Here you can truly show your imagination and skills. It is only important to follow the basic operating principles of the device, which are responsible for the quality of the finished fertilizer.

Video instructions for building a composter

The problem of waste recycling is increasingly relevant in modern world. According to statistics, the bulk of them are organic. Despite the scale of the problem, everyone is able to contribute to its solution and, at the same time, receive real benefits. Any dacha owner can turn waste into excellent fertilizer and minimum cost funds. An excellent option would be to make a composter with your own hands. Finnish technology. Let's look at all the intricacies of this matter in more detail.

A garden composter is a design that cannot be made special effort, but it is imperative to follow the manufacturing technology and adhere to the scheme. There are several very important points For proper organization process, including the mandatory access of oxygen to organic matter, maintaining humidity at about 55% and the presence of organic substances containing nitrogen, because it is critically necessary for bacteria that process waste. The content of the material itself stored in the container can be very diverse and include food waste, leaves, grass, manure and others.

The box itself should have a volume of 1-3 m with the same height, width and length. Essentially, a capacity is a cube. The entire structure must be removed at least 12 meters from buildings and 8 meters from water sources. It is also very important that it is located in a place where it cannot be flooded during rain.

Necessary materials

The most the best solution in this matter there will be a tree. Of course, slate is sometimes used, but it cannot provide suitable quality and reliability, so we will focus on the first option. Among possible options diagrams of a garden composter for a summer house, a three-section box is perfect. The list of everything you need to get started can be presented as follows:

  1. Sturdy board for the base. It should be dense enough to support the mass of compost.
  2. Wooden boards with dimensions 10 * 3 * 100 cm in the amount of 45 pieces (it is better to take 50 pieces as a reserve in case of damage) and 10 * 3 * 300 cm - 25 units. This is enough to do everything without worrying about running out of material.
  3. There are 8 pieces of timber, having the following characteristics: width - 5 cm, thickness - 5 cm, length - 100 cm.
  4. An antiseptic product intended for wood. IN in this case a choice should be made based on parameters such as quality and environmental friendliness, which are critical for the dacha.
  5. To properly fasten the structure, you will need 12 overhead-type window hinges and screws.
  6. Oil paint. A garden composter, like any other object, should fit beautifully into the exterior.

Video “How to make compost with your own hands”

In this view you can see how to make compost with your own hands and what it looks like when finished.

Features of Finnish technology

In this case, the process of “ripening” differs from that in a regular pit. There are several important points that must be taken into account. Firstly, filling the compartments must begin from the first. During the extraction of compost mass, it is filled from the neighboring one, accordingly, the cycle becomes continuous. Secondly, all material in the first compartment should be stirred regularly for uniform “ripening”.

For those who are going to use weeds as one of the ingredients (and they, unfortunately, are not uncommon in the country), let us clarify that it is better to place them in the middle, because the high temperature during decomposition will not allow their seeds to remain capable of germinating.

Finally, don't forget to do good watering in hot and dry weather to maintain the desired level of humidity. If all the necessary conditions are met, you can count not only on a place for proper disposal of organic waste, but also on receiving fertilizer that will significantly increase the yield in your garden plot.

How to arrange a three-section box

Now that we've got everything covered necessary materials and got acquainted with the features of Finnish technology, let's figure out what needs to be done to assemble the structure itself. It is required to carry out the following steps step by step:

  1. Treat wooden boards with an antiseptic, following the instructions in the instructions.
  2. Next, we begin assembling the side walls. For all four we use screws as fastenings.
  3. The walls made in the previous step need to be sheathed with boards, two of them closely, and the rest with a gap of 10 mm.
  4. Secure those boards that are prepared for the back side. In this case, you need to leave a 10mm gap.
  5. The next step is to make the bottom. During the fastening process, you will also need to leave a gap of up to 10 mm.
  6. Afterwards, we sheathe it in front of the board and leave 20 cm below where the doors will be placed.
  7. We install the roof. This must be done taking into account the fact that on one side there will be several hatches for introducing organic waste.
  8. At the finish, we attach the lower doors and hatches, which completes the process of assembling the garden composter.

Composters for your dacha are easy to make with your own hands. This could be a compost pit, a box, a slate or wooden pallets, rotating plastic barrel.

The content of the article:

The composter allows you to get natural organic fertilizer. Rotten remains turn into a dark, loose substance that is very nutritious for plants. Exist various options composter devices. It all depends on the availability of materials, on how quickly you need to turn organic residues into fertilizer.

A composter for a summer residence - what it can be

The simplest option is a compost pit. Decide on the size, estimating approximately how much plant debris you can put here during the summer season.

  1. Dig a hole, it is better if it is rectangular in shape, it is easier to line it. Stepping back 20 cm from the bottom, strengthen the side walls of the compost pit suitable materials. It can be hardboard, slate, old iron, boards. The bottom of the excavation is not covered with such materials so that microorganisms earthworms had access here.
  2. If the soil is clayey, you may not need to line the sides of the pit. To create drainage, pour down branches and large plant debris, such as stems from large flowers, Jerusalem artichoke, and sunflowers. You will pour plant residues on top of them; if they are large, then you need to chop them first.
  3. To make the compost ripen faster, water it occasionally with a special drug, accelerating this process. Experts recommend adding a small amount of fertilizer from time to time. Water the compost periodically to prevent it from drying out.
  4. Cover it with black on top plastic film, then the rotting process will go faster and an unpleasant odor will not spread.

compost pit has a disadvantage. The flow of oxygen is obstructed here; to eliminate this, insert a pipe with holes made in it in advance. You can make 2-4 of these.

If you don’t want to work on making a hole or digging it, then you can put the compost directly in a pile.

It will need to be watered periodically to prevent it from drying out. The big disadvantage of setting up such a mini warehouse is the smell. Therefore, it is better to build the sidewalls in advance from stone, slate, boards or iron, and cover the top with film.

The following year, such compost usually does not yet ripen, but is excellent soil for the growth of pumpkin crops. Plant zucchini or pumpkins here and you will be surprised at the abundance of the harvest.

At the beginning of autumn, this ripened substance can be used as an organic additive when planting strawberries, bulbous flowers, and seedlings. Or you can leave this compost until next spring, then add it to the holes and beds when planting.

Pumpkins love to grow in a warm garden bed. You can make a composter and her at the same time. Dig a rectangular depression the size of the bed, line its inner sides with slate so that it rises above the surface of the ground. To secure the slate, drive metal rods into the soil and connect them to a base of wooden blocks.

You will put organic residues here all summer, periodically pour them a small amount land. It can be put aside in advance when you dig a trench. To spring next year you will turn out beautiful warm bed, which will be enough to loosen and can be planted here pumpkin crops. Cucumbers will grow great.

How to make a compost bin with your own hands?

See how a slate-lined compost pit is made. This needs to be reinforced with metal posts.

You can make a box from this material, strengthening it with metal or wooden posts outside.

Pallet composter

This is one of the most simple options its buildings. Since there is a distance between the boards of the pallets, oxygen will penetrate here unhindered, and ripening will proceed faster. It is necessary to take into account the presence of an unpleasant smell of rotting. Therefore, it is better to make such a device away from the house and recreation area. A General requirements When choosing a site for a composter, this is a distance of 10 m from residential buildings, and 20 m from a water supply source.

To make a pallet composter you will need:

  • 4 pallets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver
Decide where you will place it.

It's better not to bet compost bin under the scorching rays of the sun so that its contents do not dry out. Place it in shade or partial shade.

Place two pallets vertically at 90 degree angles to each other and connect them with screws or nails.

Knock down the top corners first and then the bottom corners.

In the same way, connect two more pallets, you will get a quadrangle into which you can put compost.

if you have wooden pallets, but you don't want to use them that way, then make your compost bin differently. First you need to disassemble the pallets using a nail puller.

You will have boards that will subsequently need to be arranged as shown in the next photo.

As you can see, it will be necessary to make grooves in the boards in order to assemble them according to the construction set principle. The following markings will help you with this.

Two racks will be corner ones, you need to make recesses in them based on last photo. The remaining grooves need to be made as in the first of three photographs, and the front wall will be slightly inclined, so the notches need to be made in the corners.

Set aside for the box flat area, place the 4 bottom boards of the base level using a level.

After this, install 2 vertical posts in front and begin assembling the box.

This compost bin is quite mobile; you can move it to any point on the site. Pour compost here, loosen it periodically to provide air access and speed up the ripening of the substance.

To be able to remove the finished fertilizer without spending much effort on it, even when constructing the compost bin, provide an opening or lifting bottom door. Then you can expose the content below, which will be ready faster than the top.

Three-section composter

You can make a compost bin for your garden, consisting of 3 sections. This design is very convenient because while the contents of the first one are rotting, you will have time to fill the remaining sections. Then you remove the finished compost and you have room to fill the next one.

If you don't feel like doing back wall, then you can turn a fence wall into it, as in this case.

Then it will be necessary to attach to the racks wooden blocks, Also wooden beam needs to be placed on the other side. These four posts will support the front wall.

Stack boards between parallel wooden posts so you have three sections of compost bin.

The two small side walls will be completely closed, but the front one will not be completely closed. You'll soon find out why. Make an opening lid that doubles as a roof. Make it not whole, but consisting of 3 parts. Attach a handle to each to open the drawer when needed.

You also need to make small opening doors on the front panel. This makes it easier to add and remove ready-made compost.

Paint the box and you'll have a composter that looks great on your yard.

If you want to get it done quickly, then you can return to the ideas with pallets. We will need 3 pieces, fasten them together with wire, and the two side walls should have an emphasis. In this case, it is supported by a fence on one side and a porch on the other.

Composter in 10 minutes

If you have one small space, then you can also build a compost bin, but it is better to place it away from the front area, and around outbuilding, as there may be a smell of rotting.

Typically, complete ripening of compost in such devices occurs in 1–2 years. To speed up this process, you can make a composter from plastic barrel. Then the valuable organic fertilizer will be ready in 1–2 months.

How to make a composter from a plastic barrel?

To make such a waste recycling device, take:
  • plastic barrel;
  • large nails;
  • latches;
  • window hinges;
  • galvanized pipe;
  • durable boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts with washers.
Drill one hole in the center of the lid of the barrel, and the other opposite, in the middle of the bottom. Use a round drill bit for this.

Take a pipe whose length is slightly longer than the height of the barrel and thread it into the resulting hole.

Cut into a container rectangular hole, which will become the door. To do this, attach hinges on one side, and two latches on the sides and bottom, with the help of which you will close the door. To make it easy to open, make a handle from a cord.

Now use a drill to make many holes on the surface of the barrel to ensure air flow. Insert large nails into some of them. Then, when you spin the barrel, they will help the contents mix better.

Build a pedestal for your structure from the boards. To do this, place two boards crosswise and connect them in the center. Make another similar blank, fasten the resulting crosses at the bottom with two strong thick boards.

Then you need to place the barrel so that wooden crosses there was a metal axle.

You can attach a handle to make it easier to rotate the barrel. This should be done once every few days.

Fill the container with organic residues, rotate periodically, and the compost will be ready in no time.

Check out other options for such devices.

As you can see, you can secure the container vertically by threading metal pipe through the large sides.

And if you want two composters at once, then place them one above the other, secure them to metal bars, the lower ends of which are cemented into the soil.

You can fix a metal pipe on wooden trestles like this. It is convenient to move such a mobile barrel from place to place when there is no internal content.

And if you want to move the container with ease, then you can install it on a board with roller wheels attached.

If you don't have a barrel, but do trash can, which is no longer needed, then you can make a composter from it. The tank must be secured to wooden boards, fix them on them using a metal pin or pipe made of this material.

Here's how to make your own composter using different ideas. If you want another one, then watch the next master class.

By the way, for such a device you can use a large-capacity drum taken from a broken washing machine.

The next composter at the dacha is also quite simple to make; over time, it can turn into a vertical bed.

Experienced gardeners always monitor the level of soil fertility. After all, a depleted area is unlikely to give good harvest. Do-it-yourself compost boxes will solve two problems at once - the production of humus to fertilize the site and the disposal of plant waste.

Which is better, a compost bin or a bin?

For each crop, the time of its application may differ. Yes, under fruit trees it is brought into the area tree trunk circles towards mid-September. This must be done using half a shovel. In this case, part of the compost will already be absorbed by the plant in the fall, and it will be better prepared for winter.

In early spring, when digging is still difficult, fruit crop will receive a new portion of nutrients so necessary for the formation of ovaries. Ornamental perennials are fertilized in a ring or between rows.

Bulbs or seedlings of plants that have not yet grown roots should not be placed immediately into unripe compost. After all, half-rotten organic matter is still quite “aggressive”. Continuing the “work”, it can damage the delicate roots. Therefore, seedlings and bulbous plants are isolated from contact with compost using a 5-10 cm layer of ordinary soil.

Garlic and other bulbous plants planted before winter are fertilized as follows:. The compost is placed between the rows so that its effect occurs in the spring. Under ordinary beds, this fertilizer is dug up a couple of weeks before sowing or in the fall, in October. If the ground has already been dug up, you can simply work the compost into it using a hoe.

Ornamental plants also like compost. They can mulch, for example, roses. It will not only gradually supply them with nutrients, but also inhibit the growth of weeds. Plus it will retain moisture. This is done only in spring or summer. Before winter, it is better to remove the compost so that the roots of the flowers do not rot.

Freshly made compost is always oversaturated with nitrates, so after adding it to the soil in the first year, plant it in this place
