Kkm without registration. How to register an online cash register

So, you purchased a cash register and selected an operator. Now you can start registering your online cash register with the tax office.

This can be done different ways: upload documents via the Internet or submit to the tax office “the old fashioned way” - bring it in person, transfer it through a representative with a notarized power of attorney, or send it by mail.

Registering a cash register with the tax office is mandatory and free - no one has the right to charge you money for registration as such, only for intermediary services. Representatives of the central service center or office of financial departments can become intermediaries: their employees will do everything for you for a fee. But if you do not plan to seek help from specialists, then you can handle it yourself.

The easiest way would be to register an online cash register via the Internet: the whole process takes place in personal account taxpayer on the website nalog.ru. You don’t need to collect and fill out paper documents, or take the cash register to the tax office for inspection and fiscalization: you simply enter the necessary data into the web form.

Registering an online cash register with the tax office: step-by-step instructions

This is what it looked like before step-by-step instruction upon registration of cash register with the tax office:
Step 1. Conclusion of an agreement with the central service center.
Step 2. Preparation of necessary documents.
Step 3. Submission of documents to the Federal Tax Service.
Step 4. Inspection and fiscalization of the cash register at the Federal Tax Service.
Step 5. Receive a KKM registration card.

If you wish, you can follow this scenario, but compare how much easier everything is if you register your cash register online. A preliminary conclusion of an agreement with the central service center is no longer required by law, the steps are simplified, and most importantly, everything can be done remotely. Previously, the procedure took several days, but now it takes minutes, and there is no need to come to the Federal Tax Service and bring the cash register there.

As a result we get new order registering the cash register online with the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Tax Service:
Step 1. Submitting an application for registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service through the taxpayer’s personal account online on the website nalog.ru. And immediately - receive the registration number of the cash register.
Step 2. Independent fiscalization. (In our example, the ATOL CCP registration utility was used.)
Step 3. Receive a cash register registration card from the Federal Tax Service.
Step 4. Registration of the cash register in the OFD personal account.

Scenario 1. Registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service through your personal account

Registration of cash registers is carried out through the taxpayer’s personal account on the tax website nalog.ru. To do this, you will need a valid electronic signature (ECS) issued in the name of the individual entrepreneur or general director OOO. And don’t forget to select the OFD in advance - you must indicate it during the registration process.

Step 1. Submitting an application for registration of a cash register and obtaining a registration number of a cash register.

On home page in your personal account, open the tab.

This page contains all the information about all CCPs that are registered to a given legal entity with this CEP. To register new cash register, press the button Register cash register and select Fill in the application parameters manually.

Here you can also download a self-completed application for registering a cash register (form according to KND-1110061) (download the form). Then you won't have to fill out an online form.

First of all, you need to fill in the direct installation address. Click the Select Address button. Fill out the form that opens. The index will be inserted automatically. In field Name of the location where the CCP is installed describe the place in more detail. Then enter information about your cash register model. Click the button Select CCP model and select a model from the list.

After selecting the model, a field for entering the serial number of the cash register will appear. This number can be found in the KKT passport, as well as on the nameplate located on the KKT body. Enter the number in the field and click the Select button.

When you enter the serial number and the fiscal registrar number in the taxpayer’s account, an automatic check for inclusion in the State Register of CCPs occurs. If the number is entered incorrectly (or if the device is not included in the registry), an error message will be displayed.

Then select the fiscal drive model and enter its serial number, which is indicated in its passport. Automatic verification also works here.

The next stage is the selection of a fiscal data operator. If your activity does not match the activities listed in the fields, leave the fields blank and select the OFD from the drop-down list. The OFD TIN will be filled in automatically.

Click the button Sign and send. A warning appears indicating that a digital signature will be used.

To find out information about the status of your registration application, follow the link or open the section. All documents that were sent from this CEP are displayed here. Check document status Application for registration.

When the application has been processed, on the main page of the taxpayer’s account, enter the section again Accounting for cash register equipment.

Here there is a record that the cash register has been assigned a registration number. To view the CCP parameters, click on the assigned number.

To view and download the registration number assignment notice, go to the tab Application history and download the PDF document.

Step 2. Fiscalization. Utility for registering cash registers (ATOL)

After assigning a registration number, the cash register must undergo fiscalization. When you register online, you can do it yourself. To do this, you will need the data that was present in the application, so in advance, in separate windows, open detailed information on the cash register and the notification of assignment of a registration number.

Run the fiscalization utility. It is provided by the manufacturer of the fiscal registrar: in the example, the ATOL cash register registration utility is used.

If the cash register is connected via USB, it will detect itself. If under a different interface, go to the settings and specify the connection parameters. Click Register.

Check the date and time. If they differ from the time on your computer, then synchronize. If they match, click Next to go to the parameters input tab.

Now you will need the documents mentioned above: information on the cash register and a notification about the assignment of a registration number. To ensure that the data matches completely, copy it from the documents and paste it into the appropriate fields.

Enter the parameters of your OFD. Click Next.

On the next tab, specify the tax system. You can select several options at once. Click Next.

Please check that the information entered is correct. If there is an error, click Back and make changes. If everything is ok, click Run.

CCP registration takes place. A registration report will be printed on the check.

Return to the taxpayer’s personal account on the website nalog.ru. Click the button Complete registration. Fill out the form that opens CCP registration report. Use the data from the report printed on the receipt when fiscalizing the cash register.

Attention! The law gives only one day to enter a fiscal indicator into the taxpayer’s personal account after fiscalization. The time and date on the form must match the receipt exactly.

Check the details and click the buttonSign and send.

After registration, the cash register card will be available in the taxpayer’s personal account in the section “Information on the passage of documents sent to the tax authority”.

Step 3. Cash register registration card

After registering the cash register in the taxpayer’s personal account in the section Information on the passage of documents sent to the tax authority, an electronic cash register registration card will appear opposite your cash register. From this moment on, the cash register is legalized, and working with it is legal. The date of registration with the Federal Tax Service is the date the card is issued.

The card is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Changes are made to it when the parameters specified during registration are changed, as well as when the fiscal drive is replaced. When purchasing a used cash register, the cash register registration card is transferred to the new owner.

If necessary, you can obtain a paper copy from the Federal Tax Service. If the card is damaged or lost, a duplicate is issued. In this case, no fines are imposed.

Step 4. Registration of the cash register in the OFD

After receiving the registration card, working with the cash register is already legal, but not yet possible: it does not yet transfer data to the OFD (in the agreement with the OFD, which you have already concluded, there is no registration information about a specific cash register). To start online data transfer, you need to register the cash register in the OFD. This is the final step and it's very simple.

Log in to your OFD personal account.

Open the cash register tab, select Connect cash register.

In the Cash Register Registration window that opens, fill in all fields.

Take all the information from the registration report that was printed in the previous step.

In field Internal name of cash register You can assign an arbitrary name to the DF.

Scenario 2. How to register a cash register with the Federal Tax Service

Although doing everything online is much easier and more convenient, registering a cash register with the tax office “the old fashioned way,” through the Federal Tax Service, is still possible and legal.

Attention! Use the printed application form in the form KND-1110061 (download the form). The application form KND-1110021 (old sample) does not contain the fields required for entry complete information about the online cash register (for example, model and FN numbers). Therefore, it is not suitable for registering cash registers.

Download the application form according to the form KND-1110061

Download a sample application form KND-1110061

If you are going to register a cash register through a branch of the Federal Tax Service, do not forget to take with you your cash register and financial tax passports, as well as a document confirming your authority in the organization. The law does not oblige you to provide these documents, but they may be needed for correct design registration of the cash register with the tax office.

Currently the law provides common system registration of cash register equipment. Previously, registration of a cash register with the tax office for an LLC was carried out at the place where the cash register was installed, for an individual entrepreneur - at the place of registration of the entrepreneur. Now you can contact any Federal Tax Service. Registering a cash register for individual entrepreneurs and organizations is the same: you can submit an application to any tax authority.

The period for registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service from the date of filing the application is 5 working days: according to paragraphs. 7 and 11 art. 4.2 of Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, the KKT registration card is issued by the tax office after the expiration of this period from the date of filing the application for registration.

The old method of registration - when you bring documents to the Federal Tax Service and then, on the day appointed by the employees, bring the cash register there for inspection and fiscalization - is still valid, it has not been canceled. But registering a cash register is much more convenient via the Internet. The possibility of remote registration is one of the noticeable advantages new system CCP applications.

On October 19, 2016, the Federal Tax Service opened the possibility of registering cash registers. Our partner in St. Petersburg, the Veles Center, has registered the Viki Mini online cash register for the GOCTi supermarket on Peterhofskoe Highway.

Using this example, let's look at how registering a cash register on the tax website actually happens.

What do you need to register?

In order to successfully register a cash register on the tax website online, you need to have on hand:

  1. Online cash register with a connected fiscal drive.
  2. Agreement with the Fiscal Data Operator.
  3. KEP or KSKPEP.

You need to know the numbers of the cash register and fiscal drive - they can be found in the device passports or on the diagnostic receipt at the checkout. Check that you have access to your personal account on the OFD and tax website. And also prepare information about the store, TIN legal entity or IP.

If you want to work autonomously, then when registering on the Federal Tax Service website, check offline mode - in this case you do not need to have a signed agreement with the OFD in hand. If you start working immediately with the OFD, then during the registration of the cash register with the tax office you will need to indicate the operator’s data.

Receive the CEP key in advance and enter into an agreement with the OFD. You will have to go to get the KEP key or wait for delivery. An agreement with the OFD can be concluded online, but you will need to pay the invoice, which can also cause a delay.

Dreamkas-F + Yandex OFD
KEP, fiscal storage
and year OFD included

Together with Yandex OFD, a solution has been developed for simplified registration of the Dreamkas-F online cash register with the Federal Tax Service. You sign an agreement with the OFD when purchasing a cash register; registration with the tax office is done right at the checkout.

Get a qualified electronic signature (CES)

A qualified electronic signature is needed for documents sent over the Internet to have legal force. Electronic document, signed by the CEP, is equivalent to an ordinary paper document with a signature and seal.

To register a cash register without visiting the tax office, you will have to buy such an electronic signature. The signature can only be issued by an accredited certification center. The list is on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

A signature is a unique electronic certificate. This certificate is recorded on a special secure flash drive - the KEP key. Behind the key qualified electronic signature you will have to travel or send a courier. Some certification centers will send the key along with a specialist who will immediately set up your computer to work with electronic document management.

Agreement and registration in the OFD

Required condition to work according to the rules of 54-FZ - this is an agreement with the fiscal data operator. From February 1, 2017, registration of cash register equipment is possible only if there is an agreement with the OFD.

We are considering a situation in which the store will begin transferring data to the operator immediately after registration. Therefore, before starting registration with the Federal Tax Service, we register the cash register on the OFD website.

There is a separate register for fiscal data operators on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Choose any of them, enter into an agreement and register the cash register on the OFD website, following the operator’s instructions.

Personal account on the Federal Tax Service website

To work with a personal account, an individual entrepreneur needs an UES - an enhanced electronic signature. Legal entities need a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate - KSKPEP. Both signatures can be obtained from certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the organizational form of the enterprise, you need to gain access to the personal account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The account of an entrepreneur differs from the account of a legal entity, but the process of registering a cash register is identical. We will look at registration using the example of a Limited Liability Company.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service

Gaining access to your personal account is associated with a number of difficulties, so directly on the Federal Tax Service website you can pass a check to ensure that you have met the entry conditions.

TO key conditions This includes the use of the Internet Explorer browser, the availability of all necessary certificates and drivers for the electronic key, as well as the availability of network ports 80 and 443 for receiving and transmitting events. To access ports, in some cases you need to disable the firewall on your computer and router.

In your Personal Account, you need to go to the “Cash Control Equipment” section.

The application must indicate:

  • KKT owner details,
  • KKT installation address,
  • model and serial number of the cash register,
  • information about the scope of application of CCP,
  • model and serial number FN,
  • details of the OFD with which the service agreement was concluded; if the cash register operates without connecting to the OFD, you need to indicate the offline mode flag.

Double-check the information and click “Sign and Submit.” If successful, information about adding a request appears:

After checking the relevance of the information in the application, in the section “Information on documents sent to the tax authority,” the Federal Tax Service assigns a CCP Registration Number.

Registration at the checkout

After submitting an application on the Federal Tax Service website, you need to carry out the registration operation at the checkout. To do this, go to the menu item “Settings” → “OFD” → “Registration”.

In this section you must enter:

  • Name of user organization or full name individual entrepreneur-user (they must match the details of the legal entity entered when setting up the user details);
  • Place (address) of settlements;
  • CCP registration number.

Specify the enterprise tax system and select your fiscal data operator from the list.

After filling out all the fields, press the “Registration” button. A message will appear on the screen and the cash register will print a report.

Completing registration on the Federal Tax Service website

After registering at the cash register, the document number, fiscal attribute and the exact date and time of the transaction from the report must be added to the taxpayer’s personal account on the Federal Tax Service website.

According to the law, in case of successful data processing, an electronic registration card appears within 5 working days. Now it happens almost instantly. The card can be printed or saved in in electronic format.

A cash register is considered registered after the date of registration with the non-commercial organization and the expiration date of the tax fund appear on the website. You can also hover over the rectangular indicator icon and see the current status of the cash register.

After this, your cash register will begin to transfer fiscal data to the OFD servers, and checks to the subscriber number or email buyer:

Visit to find answers to the most popular questions about CCP Viki and CCP Viki Print for working according to the rules of 54-FZ.

Then it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator, through whom these fiscal data will be transmitted in electronic form to the tax authorities (clause 4 of article 7 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ). A list of fiscal data operators can be found on the Federal Tax Service website in a special section.

Step 3

Where to register an online cash register? The cash register must be registered with the tax office. The actual procedure for registering an online cash register begins with submitting an application for registering a cash register.

The Federal Law “On the Application of CCP...” dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ provides that you can submit an application:

  • on paper to any territorial tax office;
  • in electronic form through a fiscal data operator;
  • through the cash register account on the Federal Tax Service website in the personal account of an individual entrepreneur or the personal account of a legal entity.

However, given that the application form for registering a cash register has not yet been approved, it is currently not possible to submit an application on paper. Therefore, for now, cash register users only have the option of registering an online cash register with the tax office via the Internet. Most convenient option- this is to go through remote registration of a cash register through the cash register office.

We talked in more detail about the application for registration of cash registers in.

Step 4

No later than the next business day after submitting an application for registration, the cash register user receives a cash register registration number from the tax authority (clause 3, article 4.2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003).

Step 5

No later than the working day following the day of receipt of the CCP registration number, the organization or individual entrepreneur must:

  • write down the received registration number, name of the organization or full name in the fiscal drive of the online cash register. Individual entrepreneur, information about the online cash register, incl. about the fiscal drive, and other information necessary to generate a registration report;
  • generate a registration report;
  • submit the CCP registration report to the tax office.

You can submit a CCP registration report:

  • on paper;
  • through the cash register office;
  • through the fiscal data operator.

After processing the data, the Federal Tax Service will generate a cash register registration card. And we can assume that the registration of the online cash register with the Federal Tax Service is completed (

Law No. 290-FZ dated July 3, 2016 introduced new rules for the procedure for registering cash register machines with the tax office: step-by-step instructions now contain a requirement for mandatory participation in the procedure for registering equipment with a fiscal data operator (FDO). They fulfill this standard by concluding a contract for the maintenance of cash register equipment with a specialized organization (before submitting an application!). A list of such companies is provided on the Federal Tax Service website.

Transition period

In February 2017, tax authorities stopped registering and re-registering old cash register models, which cannot ensure the daily transmission of fiscal data on revenue received to their regulatory authorities.

The transition to online cash registers involves updating cash register equipment by:

  • modernization of already operating cash registers;
  • purchases of models approved by tax authorities.

Payers of imputed taxes and patents are temporarily allowed not to implement new-style cash registers - until July 2019, they can make do with strict reporting forms (except for retail trade and public catering).

Nuances of registering cash registers

Before purchasing new equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of cash registers that tax authorities consider optimal for conducting the relevant activities and according to current standards.

According to the law, KKM registration is carried out only for devices that are equipped with a fiscal drive and have the ability to transmit data via the Internet.

To register the device with the tax authority, a business entity must:

  • notify of your intention to register a cash register - to do this, submit an application to the tax office (written or electronic through your personal account);
  • enter information about the cash register and its users into the fiscal drive;
  • generate a registration report and then send it to the Federal Tax Service.

Detailed instructions for CCP users

An application by which the taxpayer initiates the procedure for registering cash register equipment can be drawn up in his personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. The template was approved by Federal Tax Service order No. MMV-7-20/484, dated May 29, 2017.

This document must contain the following set of information:

  • identification of the device user indicating the name of the enterprise and its tax identification number;
  • address information indicating the location where the cash register is installed (online stores prescribe email address site);
  • reference information on the cash register, including its model and assigned factory code;
  • model and number of the built-in fiscal drive;
  • if in the process of customer service they use automatic device to carry out calculations, it is necessary to provide tax authorities with information about the number of such a device;
  • when planning to operate the equipment without connecting it to the Internet, it is necessary to indicate that the cash register is objective reasons will be used without transmitting information about executed checks to the Federal Tax Service through the operator;
  • if the equipment will ensure settlements with customers only using electronic money on the Internet, this must be mentioned in the application.

The application is sent to the registration authority in written or electronic form. In the first case, the contents of the document are certified by the manager’s handwritten signature and the company’s seal. The completed form is handed over to the fiscal specialist personally by the director of the company or his authorized representative.

If a personal visit is not possible, submitting a form is acceptable by registered mail with the obligatory inclusion of an inventory.

The risks of a postal notification are associated with the fact that the date of filing the application will be considered the day the tax office received the letter with it, and not the day it was sent.

An electronic application can be submitted if the taxpayer has a current digital signature.

When the payer’s application is accepted by the Tax Service, the cash register equipment that is registered is registered under an individual number. This code with a complete set of information about the device must be entered into the fiscal drive.

To carry out this operation, 1 business day is allotted from the date of submission of the application.

Thus, registering a cash register with the tax office for an LLC involves entering the following data into the storage device:

  • registration code assigned to the cash register by tax authorities;
  • Company name;
  • reference information about the cash register model and the drive built into it.

When filling a memory card with identifying information, individual entrepreneurs indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the entrepreneur instead of the name of the enterprise. As stated, the next step is to compile a registration report. This document must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service within 1 business day from the receipt of the CCP number.

The report is sent to tax authorities:

  • on paper – during a personal visit;
  • in electronic form - through an operator or through the “Cash Accounting” service of your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website.

In the latter case, the date of submission of the reporting form will coincide with the moment the document is received by the fiscal data operator or the time the completed form is posted in the cash register account.

Note that the differences in the procedure for registering a cash register with the tax office for individual entrepreneurs and the algorithm of actions of legal entities are not significant. In both cases the following remains:

  • sequencing;
  • a set of mandatory documents;
  • declarative nature of registration activities.

The differences lie in the information provided that identifies the cash register user: companies indicate the name of the legal entity, but entrepreneurs do not have such details. Individual entrepreneurs indicate their full name. according to a civil passport.

All registration operations are carried out free of charge. Costs may be associated with the registration of powers of attorneys - you will have to pay for the services of a notary to certify the signatures on the power of attorney.

When you independently register a cash register or re-register it, there are no additional costs.

What's the best way to act?

The easiest way is to fill out and upload all documents electronically through the taxpayer’s personal account.

To register for this service, you must contact the Federal Tax Service. Each user is given a unique login and password to access the resource.

It is important that when filling out registration forms through your personal account, it is not necessary to transport the cash register to the Federal Tax Service for inspection. Simply enter the required equipment and user information into the online forms.

In addition to online registration of a cash register through your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website, you can personally contact any tax office in the country and register a cash register on the spot, as well as register a cash register from the personal account of the fiscal data operator. But in this article we will look specifically at registering an online cash register on the nalog.ru portal.

Before you start registering an online cash register, make sure that you:

  • chose OFD and entered into an agreement with him

2. The Federal Tax Service verifies these applications using the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, as well as the CCP and FN registers.

3. If the verification is successful, then the cash register is assigned a registration number.

4. Fiscalization of equipment is carried out, that is, data is entered into the cash register: registration number issued by the tax office, data of the OFD and the user of the cash register. This can be done either by the cash register owner himself or by an external organization specializing in this activity.

For the first time, it is better to entrust the registration to a special organization, as there is a risk of making a mistake. And an error may lead to the need to change the fiscal drive.

5. Fiscalization parameters (FP or FPD) are transmitted through the Federal Tax Service website or on the OFD website.

6. The FP is checked to determine the correct operation of the fiscal drive.

7. Cash register registration cards with the signature of the Federal Tax Service are issued in electronic form.

Registering an online cash register: step-by-step instructions

Step 1 - submit an application on the Federal Tax Service website

To register a cash register, you need to go to your personal account on the website www.nalog.ru and select the section “Accounting for cash register equipment”. You will be taken to a page that has a button “Register CCP”. When you click on this button, the “Fill in application parameters manually” window appears.

Select the CCP model, indicate the address of the CCP installation location, the name of the installation location (name of the retail outlet where it is located). The installation location address must be selected from the FIAS directory.

Be prepared for the fact that not all addresses are included in the FIAS directory. Therefore, before you start registering a cash register, go to the FIAS website and check if the address of your outlet is in the directory. If there is at least a street on which it is located a store, then you can register the cash register without any problems. If there is no street or address, then there may be a problem with online registration.

What to do if the street and address are not in the FIAS directory?

Ilya Korionov advises collecting all the title documents for this retail outlet, contacting the administration of the district in which the outlet is located, and submitting an application to include the premises in the FIAS address directory.

Next you need fill in the CCP parameters— indicate the serial number of the fiscal drive and the serial number of the cash register. All serial numbers of cash registers and serial numbers of fiscal storage devices are in the Federal Tax Service database. When you specify a number, an automatic check for the presence of the number in the database immediately starts. It also automatically checks to see if this number is registered to someone else.

Step 2 - introduction of special parameters for the use of CCP

If the check will pass successfully, you will proceed to the next stage of registering an online cash register on the Federal Tax Service website. A window will appear in front of you in which you need to select special parameters for using CCP.

Among the various parameters, there is one such as “KKT is intended to operate exclusively in offline mode.” This means that your retail outlet or place of business where you use cash register devices is located in an area remote from communication networks. The list of such territories is approved by regional legislation or by order of the regional government (on the website of the regional administration you can find a document listing such territories). If your cash register is located in such an area, then you can check the box indicating the parameter “Cash register is intended to work exclusively in offline mode.” Be careful: if you do not initially check the box, you will not be able to specify this parameter later.

Step 3 - select OFD from the list

After specifying the special parameters for the use of CCP you need to select a fiscal data operator. He is selected from the list, so you need to conclude an agreement with him in advance, even before registering the online cash register with the tax office.

Step 4 - entering the registration number of the cash register and tax identification number into the cash register itself

After selecting the operator, click the button "Sign and send". At this moment, you submit the form for verification by the Federal Tax Service. If it is successful, then on the site a window will appear with the registration number of the cash register, which will need to be entered into the cash register itself along with the TIN. This is done in administration mode or in service mode, depending on the cash register model. Be especially careful when entering numbers!

If, when entering the registration number and TIN, you make a mistake in at least one digit, then the fiscal drive “will become invalid,” that is, it can be thrown away.

Step 5 - filling out the “Report on registration of cash register equipment...”, printing out the receipt

After you enter the registration parameters into the cash register, it will print a receipt. It will indicate the parameters of fiscalization (FP or FPD) - 10 digits. Fiscalization parameters in the form of 10 digits must be entered on the Federal Tax Service website in the “Report on registration of cash register equipment...” window - in the line “Fiscal attribute”.

In addition, in the same window, you must indicate the number and date of the fiscal document in the line “Date, time of receipt of the fiscal document” (you take this information from the check).

Also the number of the fiscal document is indicated— this is the serial number of the check.

After filling in all the lines, click the button "Sign and send".

Step 6 - Receive your registration card

If fiscalization was successful, then you will receive a registration card signed with an enhanced qualified signature of the Federal Tax Service. Having a card in electronic form in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website is enough to start working with cash register systems.

Ilya Korionov focuses on next moment: before receiving the registration card, it is technically possible to punch checks, but under no circumstances should you do this! If for some reason your registration fails, and a fiscal document appears at the cash register that was not transferred to the OFD (this will not be possible to do before registration!), then after 30 days the cash register will be blocked.

Step 7 - entering registration parameters into your OFD personal account

After receiving the registration card you need to specify the registration parameters in your OFD personal account. After this operation you can start working.

The most common mistakes in registering an online cash register

— Discrepancy between registration data and actual cash register settings

This error occurs when entering registration data on the Federal Tax Service website and at the cash desk itself. Technically, this data is not synchronized with each other, so you need to independently check that the data indicated on the website www.nalog.ru corresponds to what you indicated at the checkout. If the address of the installation location in the cash register does not correspond to what is on the website, the cash register will work, but you will violate the procedure for using the cash register.

— Incorrect registration number entered

An error here is unacceptable, since it leads to the fiscal drive failing.

— Incorrect indication of the OFD

An error often occurs when the OFD is changed: it is changed on the Federal Tax Service website, but not at the cash desk itself, or vice versa. In this case, the cash register will work, but the procedure for using the cash register will be violated.

— Frequent re-registration of the cash register (change of fiscal storage).
