Skiing the benefits of skiing. Skiing - benefits in all respects Is it possible to ski

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)

15 Mar 2017


One of the popular aerobic sports today is skiing. It is characterized by amazing results with minimal load and is even considered less dangerous for joints than running. Skiing trains almost all parts of the body - lower back, legs, arms, abs, chest. You will learn more about this sport from the information below.

The benefits of cross-country skiing

Before determining the health benefits of skiing, it is still worth talking about the contraindications of this physical activity. These include the following cases:

  • children under 10-13 years old;
  • age over 50 years;
  • pregnant women;
  • weakened immune system;
  • reactive skin response in the sun, lack of melanin;
  • disabled people with serious illnesses;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems;
  • recent stroke, heart attack, surgery.

Even in these cases, the right technique will make skiing or walking useful. In addition to the effect of losing weight, improving appetite, and general condition, a person can receive many other positive effects from such sports. Cross-country skiing is beneficial for the following:

  • improving blood supply to muscle tissue due to its contraction;
  • increased resistance to colds;
  • acceleration of metabolism, weight loss;
  • landscape therapy - helps to heal or strengthen the body through physical activity in nature, and not in a noisy city;
  • hardening of the body due to regular exposure to fresh air in frosty weather;
  • helps restore healthy sleep;
  • improving the condition of the vestibular apparatus by maintaining balance relative to the ski track;
  • strengthening the functions of the cardiovascular system and heart;
  • lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries and small arteries;
  • improvement of pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood;
  • beneficial effect on joints and their flexibility;
  • helps improve endurance.

Skis for weight loss

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, skiing is also very a good option. This is a great alternative to exercising in a stuffy environment. gym. In 1 hour you can burn from 500 to 1000 calories - it all depends on the pace and type of running. Skiing for weight loss is useful not only in terms of spending energy. Running helps to work out certain muscle groups:

  • for problem buttocks, it is recommended to ride in the classic way;
  • Skating helps to tighten your hips;
  • working with ski poles upper muscles shoulder girdle and arms;
  • a little less benefit for the back with abs, but they are also in good shape when riding.

If you really want to weigh less, it is important to follow a few rules. The main thing is regularity, i.e. the number of workouts should be 3 times a week. Each session must last at least 1 hour. It’s better to eat 2 hours before running, and then you can indulge in a low-calorie snack. To make your workout comfortable, be sure to choose the right clothes, preferably thermal underwear (pants, jacket, hat, mittens, warm socks), and equipment - the skis themselves, boots and poles.

Skiing technique

Depending on the pace of the walk, the skiing technique is also determined. In general, skating has two forms - walking and running. The latter applies to loads more than high level. For this reason, it is better for beginner athletes to walk and increase their pace gradually. As for the skis themselves, there are wooden and plastic, cross-country and mountain skis. Each type has its own running techniques. Cross-country skiing is carried out by skating or classic style. Mountain athletes have more running techniques. They can be combined into the following list:

  1. Sports running technique. It consists of simple slalom, giant slalom and downhill. Refers to competitive styles and requires completing the course without mistakes.
  2. Freeride. This is a technique for skiing off-piste and downhill. Used only by extreme sports enthusiasts and professionals.
  3. Tourist running technique. This is a ski resort and lessons with an instructor.
  4. Freestyle. Translated as free style. In addition to simple driving on the track, it includes running over hills and jumping from springboards.

Skating technique on skis

As the name suggests, this technique is an imitation of ice skating. The skier alternately leans on each ski, while he pushes off the snow with it inside. The legs are almost always in different planes. It turns out that you need to go, trying to write out Latin letter"V" as narrow as possible. Slide forward and sideways with one foot, then do the same with the other, trying to push off with the inner edge. The technique of skating skiing is used in the case of a well-groomed track and is characterized by a more high speed and load.

Classic skiing technique

With this technique, a person moves using both cross-country skiing. He places them parallel, unlike the skating style, trying to maintain balance. The technique of classic skiing is used on already well-worn tracks and on rough terrain. To move in this way you need:

  • stand straight on the ski track;
  • bring the sticks forward, push off with them;
  • then slide along the plane, pushing off with the skis, alternately with each, and helping the opposite leg with your hand.

How to ski correctly

Of all the rules, there are several basic ones that describe how to ski correctly. The main thing is that your legs should be kept at a distance of about 30 cm; when riding, they should be slightly bent so that light pressure is felt. There are a few more recommendations to follow:

  1. Hands. The distance between them should be about 25-30 cm. The arms themselves are bent at the elbows and slightly brought forward.
  2. Sight. Don't look down. The gaze should be directed forward to avoid collisions or to notice uneven terrain in time.
  3. Fear. Never give in to the fear of falling. For beginner skiers, this happens sooner or later. Just learn to do it correctly - to the side, not back or forward, while covering your head with your hands.


Strictly speaking, just to walk along the ski track a hundred meters, in no way technical details and there is no need to go into it. Absolutely everyone can do this! But for speed, a full-fledged workout that benefits your figure, and genuine pleasure - here are some things that are important to understand and work out.

This applies to both styles of movement - the good old classics and the “skate”. Here are the technical nuances that will make your skating more smooth and comfortable.


How does it affect the figure?

It strengthens not only the lower part of the body (hips and buttocks get a load, as in lunges), but also the upper part - shoulders, back, arms, especially triceps.

Classic stepless move It is better to try on a gentle slope or on a plain. Squat down slightly as if you were about to jump forward. Swing your sticks and, straightening your knees, spring forward, like a cat on the hunt. If you do everything correctly, the poles will land on their own at the right moment and you will get... of course, not a jump, but a beautiful, sweeping movement. Immediately - go like this - push with your poles again and try to ride further.

Classic one-step practiced on the plain (especially if the ski track is self-trodden, and not from under the Buran) and on gentle slopes. The movements here are the same as in the previous step. The only difference is that you push not only with sticks, but at the same time with one leg. To do this, place your foot on your toe and push with it, as if running, down into the ground. If the ski “shoots”, sliding uselessly, it means that you made a movement not down, but back.

Classic alternating needed for climbing. The same move familiar from school, when the right leg and left hand, then the left leg and right hand. Having pushed off with one foot, try to slide on the other as far as possible: push - slide, push - slide.

Technical details

For a ski trip, choose trousers in which you can lunge without any problems: these are the movements that make a classic while moving, and too tight, tight trousers or jeans will interfere.

In classic walking, as in walking, it is important to place your foot on your heel and gently roll onto your toes. The best way to feel this is while climbing a not too steep hill - without skis and not on the snow, but on the ground.

To feel how to push with your toes and specifically downwards, and not backwards, try jogging a few steps without skis on the toes of your boots.

If you can’t slide far in a one-step move, try leaning harder on the stick while pushing.

Don't bring the poles too far forward. Hold them vertically or with a slight tilt away from you: the paws are closer to you, the arms are farther away. Ideally, the sharp tip is inserted 3-5 cm in front of the toe of the fastener. In a different position, you won’t be able to push properly, and your wrist may get hurt.

When pushing with the stick, relax your hand so that you feel it: just a little more, and it will slip out of your fingers. But don't give it up completely. I don’t recommend dragging it behind you, as in Nordic walking. Snow is treacherous, and the foot of a winter pole is wider than that of a summer pole; it will easily catch on and turn you towards the forest in front, towards the ski track with your back.

Skating move

How does it affect the figure?

Strengthens muscles inner surface hips (a problem for many women) and lateral - helps get rid of “breeches” » . And, of course, it trains almost the entire muscle corset.

Steps: how to move correctly

Skating move “under one leg” good for driving uphill or when you need to accelerate a lot. The supporting leg slides forward and sideways: you draw a “Christmas tree” in the snow. Place your foot at such an angle that you can move forward while maintaining a stable position. Tilt your body towards the supporting ski, as if you are thinking about whether to lie down on it, stretch your arms with poles forward - you will get something like a “swallow”, only simpler, because you don’t need to raise the second, pushing leg particularly high. Push with your sticks and one leg at the same time: kick the snow down and to the side, like a pony. To do this, turn the ski slightly onto the inner edge, edge it like a skier before a turn. Don't be alarmed: in fact, performing all these movements is much easier than describing them in detail.

Skate “for both feet”- for plains, descents and gentle ascents. It’s easier to ride this way than the previous move. Here you need to push with sticks under each leg, and in order not to get tired, try to glide longer with each effort. Looks very impressive! Other skiers will look after you with admiration.

Technical subtleties and secrets

To feel more confident on the “skate”, do the “swallow” at home more often. When you lean towards one ski and lift the other, your body takes a position close to it, only more comfortable: your leg is not so high.

The narrower the “V” you draw on your skating stroke, the better. On climbs, you can spread your skis at a wider angle.

Place your feet closer to each other. And don’t be afraid that you’ll step on the back of one ski on another: while one foot is sliding, the other is in the air. And even if they meet and slightly bump, you will not press the support ski and will not fall.

Make sure that the poles are not folded into a “house” (handle to handle). You can move them left and right, tilt them, but parallel to each other.

For “skating” it is better to buy longer poles: for classics they are selected 25-30 cm less than height, for skating - 15-20 cm less than height. The taller the person, the greater the difference between height and sticks.

And most importantly, having figured out the technique and, perhaps, rehearsed something step by step, try... to forget about it. Relax and allow your body to move freely. Cross-country skiing is a natural exercise for him; he will understand what to do without the help of his head.

For safety and maximum enjoyment, it is important to know at what temperature you can ski. Before your ski trip, you should check the weather forecast. Minimum temperature for skiing - minus 12 C˚. Optimal weather: no snowfall or strong wind.

It is forbidden to ride in heavy snowfall or severe frosts. It should be taken into account that after warming, a crust of ice may appear, which is harmful to skis. The climate with light frosty, windless weather and recently appeared snow is suitable for such walks. In positive weather you can ski, but you will need to choose a special lubricant for skis.

Important! Best time Days for skiing are morning or evening. At this time, the loads bring the greatest benefit.

At what temperature can you ski?

On a sunny, windless day, skiing is recommended for older schoolchildren down to -16-18 C˚, for children up to -13-15 C˚. When the wind is moderate and the humidity is high, the feeling of cold increases, so the temperature for skiing is minus 10-12 C˚ for high school students, minus 5-6 degrees for younger students in the gymnasium.

For schoolchildren

In accordance with the requirements of SanPin 2.4.2821-10, a physical education lesson on skiing at school is conducted in such a temperature conditions(in calm weather):

  • below 12 degrees (grade 1-2);
  • below 14 degrees (grade 3-5);
  • below 16 degrees (grades 6-8);
  • below 18 (grades 9-11).


For adults and students, the average limit is minus 10-12 C˚ with not strong winds, high humidity. Without fear, students can go on a ski trip in sunny, windless weather if it is not colder outside -15...-18 C˚. In colder weather the ride will not be enjoyable and the ride quality will deteriorate.

How to choose the right clothes

Winter riding involves long periods of exposure to the cold, contact with snow and intense physical exercise. If you go for a ride in ordinary clothes, you will not be able to enjoy your vacation, since you need appropriate equipment. In casual clothes, the athlete will get wet inside and out. In the cold, wet clothes deliver discomfort, because it becomes heavier and accumulated moisture limits movement. And if you stop moving, it becomes cold.

A ski suit consists of layers:

  1. Wearable. Thermal underwear is used. Its functions are to wick away sweat and store heat. It should fit the body. In absolute contact with the body, proper sweat removal is ensured.
  2. Warming. This layer stores heat and wicks away moisture that comes from underwear.
  3. Protective. This can be a separate jacket with pants or overalls.

A three-layer outfit allows you to stay in the cold as long as you want and feel comfortable.

When skiing, a person should not:

  • freeze;
  • sweat;
  • get wet;
  • feel uncomfortable.

It is important to look attractive (especially for women) so that the process is not overshadowed by unsatisfactory appearance. Color matters. Bright equipment makes a person noticeable. Women prefer contrasting outfits, so many colorful suits are made for them. Men are suitable for discreet models with bright inserts.

The riding suit must be windproof and waterproof. It is better to purchase a suit made of 3-layer fabric. Overalls retain heat better. The weight of the suit should not be heavy. The additional load will interfere with skiing. A light suit will not be cold, since the materials from which it is made will not allow the athlete to freeze.

Underwear matters. Basically this is a fleece suit (usually overalls) that keeps you warm. The first step of the suit is thermal underwear. The hat must be for skiing. A thin wool hat that fits closely to the head is also suitable. It is advisable to choose heat-saving socks. You can take several pairs (one pair is cotton, the other is wool). They should be purchased at a sports store.

When purchasing you need to check:

  • treating seams and snakes with adhesive agents (this will not allow water to penetrate);
  • pockets with secure zippers;
  • ventilation pockets with fasteners;
  • hood;
  • whether the top of the suit connects to the bottom.
Attention! When buying a ski suit, it is better to give preference to a reliable global brand.

Ski kit is bought for more than one year, so it is important quality characteristics so that he can serve long years. Temperature standards for skiing should not be ignored. Vigorous running movements in cold air can lead to hypothermia and frostbite in exposed areas of the body. People who exercise strenuously may catch a cold, get bronchitis or bronchial asthma, so it is important to responsibly choose clothing and time for training.

It’s always nice to watch on TV how beautifully and quickly skiers roll—literally fly—along the track. At some point, you might also want to take out your old skis (or even buy new ones) to join the army of recreational skiers heading to the nearest park or forest every weekend.

If you have just decided to learn cross-country skiing, then you need to start by learning the classic move, in which the skis always run parallel to each other: either along a ready-made track or on virgin soil. Often, a ski track for a classic run is cut using a special cutter towed by a snowmobile, after which a trapezoidal profile remains in the snow.

When skiing, both legs and arms work intensively. That's what skis are good for - they provide a complex load on the entire body.

There are several types of classic moves. In order to ride and have fun, it is enough to master the most common ones.

We're just walking. Stepping move

Illustration: Marina Laba

You can simply ski along the track, almost the same way as we walk without skis. We practically don’t think about how and where our center of gravity shifts. It’s the same on skis - you can simply move your legs alternately, helping yourself with poles. The knees should be slightly bent, the body relaxed and straight. The hand with the stick is brought forward, while the tip of the stick is directed back. Only when moving right leg The left hand goes forward and vice versa. You need to look forward, not at your feet. You can leisurely walk through the forest, enjoying the surrounding nature.

We begin to slide. Alternating two-step stroke

Illustration: Marina Laba

The most common ski move, which is used both on the flat and on gentle slopes, is the alternating two-step move, in which in each cycle the skier takes two sliding steps with alternating push-off with poles. We look forward, not at our feet. We slightly bend one leg at the knee and straighten it during the push, starting to slide on the other leg. We transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which we are sliding, otherwise it is easy to lose balance and fall to the side. In this case, the hand opposite the leg on which we are currently sliding goes forward.

The hand is raised to approximately shoulder level, the tip of the stick pointing backwards rests on the snow. Pushing with a stick helps to roll forward; when pushing, the hand goes back, while for some time it remains straightened behind. We continue to slide on one leg, at this time the other leg, which remains behind, is gradually moved forward. As soon as she comes forward, a push is made with the ski, which completes the sliding phase, and sliding begins on the other leg - the second step. Then the cycle repeats.

We slide quickly on the descent. Simultaneous stepless movement

Illustration: Marina Laba

On descents and even on flat areas, when dialed good speed and the skis roll perfectly, you can do without steps at all, working only with poles. In this case, the push with both sticks occurs simultaneously. After the push, while the skier glides, the body remains tilted forward for some time. You can even relax and unwind. When the speed of the slide begins to decrease, the skier straightens up, simultaneously bringing the poles forward for the next push. This way you can accelerate well.

There's still a lot to learn

Illustration: Marina Laba

There are several more methods of skiing, which are varieties of alternating and simultaneous skiing, with a different number of steps in the cycle. Those who are interested in these techniques can find them in special books or on the Internet. There are even video lessons covering basic skiing techniques and exercises to help you gain basic skiing skills.

Behavior on the ski track

Illustration: Marina Laba

Of course, you can slowly walk along the ski track, looking around. But then you will constantly slow down those who are catching up with you. If the road on which the ski track is laid is wide enough to bypass you, then you will not be disturbed. But if there is only one ski track, then you will have to constantly stop to let those who run faster than you pass. So, when you hear noisy breathing from behind and the cry of “ski!”, you should immediately take a step to the side to let faster skiers pass. This is how you part ways with people you meet: on a flat area you have equal rights and the one who is more polite gives way. It is often easier for a more experienced skier to take a step to the side and let the oncoming person pass than for a beginner; he may not even lose speed. If you are going uphill, you should give up the ski track to someone who is going down towards you - often stopping on the descent is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

What about skating?

Illustration: Marina Laba

Now we are not considering the skating move, which skiers began to use in international competitions since the mid-80s. Very quickly these two moves were separated, since the skating move turned out to be significantly faster than the classic one. For example, all biathletes now run only in skating. To skate, you need a properly prepared wide track so that two oncoming skiers can easily pass each other on it and so that when overtaking, the slower skier does not have to stop and let the faster one pass. For skating you need other skis, boots and poles. Those who decide to master this beautiful way skiing, they will be able to find special literature or educational films, and best of all, take a few lessons from a trainer.

Here we're talking about about amateur cross-country skiing.

When and at what temperature can you ski?

Ski season, for example, in middle lane In Russia it begins with the appearance of snow cover (in November-December) and can continue until the end of March and even the beginning of April. You can ski at any temperature - from a slight plus to a big minus, as long as you feel comfortable and don’t freeze or sweat. To do this you need to dress properly.

What to ski in?

How to dress correctly?

Most often the problem is not freezing, but overheating First of all you need exclude various down jackets and warm jackets. You can often see “skiers” with their backs wet from sweat - these people are doing the wrong thing.

In the right clothes, it should be cold without moving. Depending on the temperature outside and your speed of skiing, clothing and the number of layers may vary, but this rule should apply Always. In this case, of course, you do not need thin, tight clothing, like athletes. Wear synthetic thermal underwear (thin or medium thickness), preferably with a high collar. In any case, the throat needs to be protected: for this, a universal scarf-mask (balaclava) is indispensable, which can cover both the neck and, if necessary, the face. On top - a warm-up ski suit made of Soft shell material or any similar combination of a light jacket and pants.

Wearing the right ski clothing should keep you cold without moving, and should not make you sweat while moving.

You can take a light down jacket with you to wear at the rest, but then take it off and put it in your backpack.

An important element is sufficiently thick socks (special thermal socks for cross-country skiing are recommended).

In addition, you will need a windproof hat that covers your ears well (but your head should not sweat in it), and ski gloves. It is good if the gloves have a special coating applied to them to better hold the poles. If the hat and gloves use Windstopper material, this is a good sign.

A little tip: before skiing, apply chapstick to your lips to protect them from chapping.

What should I do if I sweat?

This means that you are dressed too warmly for the weather and speed you are traveling. Slow down! Otherwise, you risk catching a cold. Next time, take this into account and dress lighter. Please note what is said above: wearing the right clothes should keep you cold without moving, and you should not sweat while moving.

What to do if your hands are cold?

You need different gloves. If you have ski gloves, they are too thin. Look in the store insulated gloves for cross-country skiing. Mittens, knitted gloves - all this is nonsense; they are not suitable for skiing, as they are blown by the wind and do not hold ski poles well. If insulated ski gloves do not solve the problem, you can try ski gloves(just make sure there is a special coating there to better hold the poles).

Is it possible to cross-country ski in ski clothes?

Take note of what is said above about proper clothing. Still, alpine skiing is a different type of activity, and the clothing for it is different. But if your cross-country skiing is leisurely enough that you don't overheat or sweat in your ski clothes, you can continue.

Which ski boots are best?

Is it possible to ski at the beginning of winter when there is little snow?

When snow cover not very thick yet, you can already ski, but there is a risk of scratching your skis, since rocks, frozen ground, etc. may stick out here and there. Therefore, it is recommended to have at least two pairs of skis - one that you don’t mind - for the first and last snow, and the second - for the main skiing at the height of the season.

Is it possible to ski when it snows?

Yes, sure. A thin, fresh layer of snow even improves gliding, and skis with notches are better able to stay on the track when pushing off. Of course, in heavy snow and wind you will not be very comfortable, since the snow will hit your face.

Is it possible to ski in above-zero temperatures?

Of course you can. Even necessary. Take into account everything said above about proper clothing - you need to dress lightly so as not to sweat. And if you are traveling outside the city, keep in mind that it will be colder there.

Is it possible to ski in spring when the snow melts?

If it seems to you that the snow has almost melted, then this means that you rarely get out of the city. As a rule, there is plenty of snow outside the city at this time. It's always a little colder there. It is enough to drive a few kilometers by car, and you can have great skiing in the forest or fields, despite the fact that the city is full of puddles. Snow lies especially long in the shade of trees, along the edges of fields - look for such places at the end of the season.

The skis ride well on a slightly melted ski track (in any case, such a ski track is much better than an icy one). Therefore, the spring time when the snow melts is a great time for skiing. And when minus and plus temperatures alternate (night/day), a crust forms in the fields, allowing you to ride in any direction and not fall through.

How often can you ski?

If you feel well and do not fall from fatigue after a ski trip, then you can ski at least every day (if the weather is comfortable for you).

What to do if snow sticks to your skis?

Lifting often occurs at temperatures around freezing when your ski touches water or wet snow.

Advice: drive through a shallow puddle or patch of wet snow on two parallel skis, accelerating or pushing with poles. Don't stop and don't push off with your foot. After driving on dry snow, you will “wipe off” your skis and the snow will not stick. If a slip does occur, clean the skis manually or repeat driving through the puddle and “wiping” the skis on dry snow.

When you ride fast, the skis usually clean themselves, but when you ride slowly, they tend to freeze over. Try to dry your skis before stopping.
