Add chopped cabbage to it. Cutting shapes, sizes, culinary uses of cabbage. Slicing Rings and half rings

Cabbage (genus Brassica) is a genus of plants in the family Brassicaceae Brassicas (Cruciferous), which also includes such well-known plants as cabbage, mustard, turnip, rapeseed and rutabaga.
Archaeological excavations indicate that people began to use cabbage since the Stone and Bronze Ages.
Collard greens are a wild species, the ancestor of all cabbages, native to the Mediterranean regions of Western Europe and North Africa. It is grown mainly as a fodder crop and as an ornamental plant.
Garden cabbage is divided into varieties, which in turn are divided into varieties.
Varieties of garden cabbage Brassica oleracea:
. capitata: cabbage. Alba white and rubra red-headed, acuta spiky cabbage. White cabbage is the most popular variety, but in taste and tenderness it is inferior to its green relatives. When red cabbage is cooked, it turns blue and can color the rest of the ingredients. Pointed cabbage is an “older” variety of cabbage; it has much in common with white cabbage, but unlike it, it is seasonal and is sold only in the spring.
. capitata sabauda: Headed Savoy cabbage. It has a more delicate taste than its cabbage counterparts, and it is also not as tough.
. cauliflora: broccoli (cabbage). Broccoli began to be grown in southern Italy more than 2,000 years ago. It can be green, white and purple. In broccoli you can eat not only the florets, but also the tender stems, which can, for example, be fried.
. gongylodes: kohlrabi (turnip cabbage). May be white, light green or purple. The French Wikipedia says about it: its shape is similar to the Soviet Sputnik. :)
. italica: Romanesco. She comes from the outskirts of Rome. It is similar in color to broccoli and compactness to cauliflower, but has pyramidal inflorescences. Its taste is delicate and slightly sweet.
. alboglabra: Chinese broccoli (Chinese cabbage or Kai-Lan). Its homeland is the south of China, this cabbage is widely used in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. Unlike traditional broccoli, this kaputa is eaten with fox and flowers.
. gemmifera: Brussels sprouts. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week; it can also be frozen after blanching.
. botrytis: color. The name comes, not only in Russian, from the shape of cabbage in the form of a flower, but this is not entirely correct, since in cauliflower we eat not the inflorescences, like broccoli, but the buds, which was unknown earlier, when cabbage was already called cauliflower.
. sabellica: Kale (Grunkol). Has green or purple lacy leaves. They are grown for food and for decorative purposes, but the leaves of this cabbage can also be used as human food.
. viridis: collards. American kale, very popular in the southern United States.
. costata: Portuguese. It has long curly leaves and a very strong aroma.
. medullosa: moellier. Used for animal feed.
. palmifolia: palm. It's called that because it grows in the shape of a small palm tree. You can eat the leaves of this cabbage and make juice and syrups from it.
. ramosa: perennial.
Cabbage pe-tsaï(Beijing) and pak choi(bok choy) refers to turnips, not cabbage.

White and red cabbage (for them the initial preparation technique is identical).
It is better to store this cabbage at a temperature of +8 - +10 degrees for 4-5 days maximum.
- Cut off the outer part of the stalk at the root with a large knife.

If there are damaged leaves, remove them.
- Cut the cabbage into 4 pieces vertically.

- Cut off the bottom triangles of each quarter to remove the remaining stalk and thick leaf bases.

- Use your hands to slightly separate the quartered leaves, but not completely, this will make washing easier.

- Place the cabbage quarters in a large container of water with a little vinegar. Leave the cabbage in the liquid for 20 minutes (vegetables and fruits are washed in vinegar water for disinfection that is harmless to our body, in order to wash off residual pesticides, etc. With this washing, red cabbage will change color less during heat treatment).
- Rinse the cabbage under running water. You can then put the cabbage in the refrigerator if you need it later. The best storage temperature for such cabbage is +6 - +8 degrees.

Slicing in the form of julienne (in French cuisine, julienne is thinly sliced ​​vegetables):
-Thinly slice the cabbage into quarters.

- Place the julienne in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes to allow excess liquid to come out of the cabbage.
- Strain the water before adding spices (do not add salt). You can also blanch the julienne before seasoning.

Savoy cabbage.
- Cut off the peel at the root.
- Remove damaged and too green hard leaves.
- Level the stalk.

- Separate each sheet, maintaining their integrity.

- Cut off the central vein of each leaf with a knife.

- Gently wash all the leaves and let them drain. The leaves can be put aside in the cold at a temperature of +6 - +8 degrees.

Peasant-style slicing.

- Cut the cabbage leaves into slices 1 cm wide maximum.

- Turn the slices over and cut into 1cm squares.

Brussels sprouts.
- Remove yellow and wilted leaves.
- Cut off the end of the stalk and a couple of lower leaves of each cabbage with a small knife, so that the cabbage does not fall apart into separate leaves.
- Lightly cut the bottom of each cabbage with a cross to make subsequent cooking easier (this will allow the cabbage to cook or roast faster and more evenly).
- Place the cabbage in a bowl of water and add a little vinegar.
- Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.

- Separate the leaves and the hard part of the stalk using a knife.
- Divide into small bouquets. Save the stems for possible later use.
- Slightly cut a cross on each stem to make later preparation easier.
- The trimmings can be used to make purees, for example.

- Dip the broccoli in water and vinegar for a few minutes, rinse and let the water drain.

- Cut off green leaves.
- Divide the cabbage into inflorescences (very small ones can be used to decorate soup, larger ones for salads, large ones for boiling and steaming).
- Trim the unnecessary stem from the inflorescences.
- Lightly cut the cross at the base.
- Place the cabbage in water with vinegar for a few minutes, rinse, and let the water drain.

Slicing cabbage vegetables

Let's talk about how to cut cabbage correctly..

Medium-sized heads of cabbage should be cut in half, and large ones into four parts.
Then, each part of the head of cabbage needs to be cut into pieces. The width of the resulting shares will subsequently determine the length of the shredded cabbage shavings, so it should be 6-8 cm. At the same time, as we remember, shredding cabbage, that is, you need to cut the leaf across the leaf veins.
An exception is the shredder for making sauerkraut according to the Provençal recipe. In this case, the width of the lobe should be 4-5 cm, and in the future they are not chopped, but cut into square slices.Next, we chop the shares, as already mentioned with a sharp knife, into strips that are more reminiscent of shavings. Their width is of great importance, since if it is more than 3 mm, the fermentation will proceed slowly, but if, on the contrary, the shavings are made very thin - less than 1 mm - the cabbage will sour too quickly, as a result of which it will become flabby and tasteless.

Types of cutting cabbage: strips, chopping, cubes or checkers, slices

Straw Cabbage cut in this way is used to prepare cabbage soup. A head of cabbage is cut in half. Each half is cut into several pieces 4 cm wide and each piece is chopped into strips. The size of the straw is the same as when cutting potatoes
Chopping This cutting is used for preparing fillings and minced meats. The cabbage is cut in half, the stalk is cut out. Each half is cut into several parts and chopped into strips, and then chopped.
Cubes (checkers) This cutting method is used for making soups, stews and stews. The cabbage is cut in half, each half into strips 1-1.5 cm wide and then crosswise to make squares.

This is how small heads of cabbage are cut. This cut is used for stewing, boiling and frying (pre-boiled). The cabbage is cut in half and each half radially into 4 parts.

Heads of Brussels sprouts are used whole.

Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. If the inflorescences are large, you can cut them in half.

The skill of any chef can be assessed already at the stage of preparing the necessary products and bringing them into the desired form for further processing.

And sometimes it is enough to know a few simple rules to feel like a culinary ace, and you will see this by learning how to quickly cut cabbage into checkers. After all, this is precisely why many housewives avoid preparing dishes from cabbage, because they don’t know how to approach the white vegetable, depriving them of tasty and healthy food.

Cabbage originates from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and when it came to Russia it gained such wide popularity that people even began to say: “Shchi and porridge are our food!” Cabbage has perhaps been considered one of the most popular vegetables since post-Soviet times. Our grandmothers stored it in bags for the winter, not only because of its availability, but also because of the existence of a great variety of varied and tasty cabbage dishes. Today, cabbage makes up approximately one-fourth of the annual human diet.

Using cabbage in cooking

  • The top popularity is headed by sauerkraut. It is fermented with carrots, apples, cranberries and lingonberries.
  • Cabbage is often used to make cabbage rolls, both traditional and “lazy”.
  • Finnish cuisine is famous for its delicious cabbage porridge, boiled in milk and sugar, and the Chinese deep-fry cabbage.
  • Cabbage is also widely used for medicinal and dietary purposes, using the many beneficial properties of cabbage juice.

However, in order to prepare stewed or sauerkraut, borscht or vegetable cutlets, pies or other cabbage dishes, you need to learn how to cut cabbage correctly, because the juiciness of this vegetable in the finished dish will depend only on your skillful actions.

Methods for slicing white cabbage

Among the most popular types of cutting are the following:


This type of cabbage shredding is ideal for preparing first courses, such as cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, as a filling for pies and dumplings, and for pickling. In this case, the straw can be large or small, 4-5 cm long.

Cubes (squares)

Cabbage cubes or, as they are also called, checkers, are often used for preparing vegetable soups, stewing in tomatoes, stews, and homemade preparations for the winter. The recommended side size of the cube should not exceed 2.5 cm.


Simply put, this is finely chopping cabbage. This method of shredding is used to obtain minced cabbage for lean cutlets and filling for pies. But cabbage soup made from cabbage crumbs will not disappoint you.


A head of cabbage, cut into fairly large pieces, is mainly used for frying, boiling, and stewing in sauce. This cutting method is suitable if you have young cabbage with tender leaves, as well as small heads of cabbage.

Which knife to choose for slicing white cabbage

Another point that I would like to draw your attention to is the choice of knife for shredding cabbage. Among the many modern devices, an old, time-tested kitchen knife is quite suitable for this purpose.

  • The knife must be well sharpened, then after chopping the cabbage will remain juicy and crispy.
  • The blade of the knife should be wide, have the correct geometric shape and protrude under the handle.
  • The knife must have a sharp end. Knives designed for slicing bread or with any kind of curly end are not suitable for shredding cabbage.

You can repeat the entire cutting process again by watching my video cheat sheet. And I’m sharing with you several recipes for delicious cabbage dishes from the “Your Cook” portal:

Let's take a closer look at how to cut cabbage into cubes, since this is the chopping method most often used in preparing everyday cabbage dishes. Step-by-step instructions with photos will help you figure out this simple matter.

To cut cabbage you will need:


  • White cabbage - + -


We cut our head of cabbage in half.

Do not forget to first remove the top damaged leaves, leaves with brown spots or holes.

We divide the fork into two parts so that in each part there remains a piece of the stalk on which the leaves are held. Otherwise, they will fall apart immediately after separation.

Cut out the stalk.

In the second stage we get rid of the stump that we don’t need. To remove the white core, hold half of the cabbage head vertically, stem down. It is necessary to make two wedge-shaped cuts with a knife on both sides of the stalk, slightly “drowning” it into the cabbage pulp.

Try to still leave a thin white layer of the core so that the leaves stick together.

We decide on the size of the checkers.

To further cut the cabbage into squares, you can use the resulting halves, or you can cut them additionally into quarters for convenience.

Now we need to decide on the size of the cubes, and it, of course, depends on what you are going to cook from the cabbage checkers and personal preferences.

Cut the cabbage into strips.

And so, having decided on the size of the checkers, we place the blanks with the flat side on the cutting board and begin to cut them into strips of the required width from the outside to the center.

The result didn’t take long to wait - I had cabbage skewers in my hands, ready for further use.

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Vegetable dishes

“Meat dishes” - 1. Thawing. Beef Stroganoff translated from French means “beef Stroganoff style.” Small-piece semi-finished products. Scheme for cutting lamb and pork carcasses: Portioned semi-finished products. Primary processing. Types of meat. Signs of good quality meat: 2. Washing. 4. Cutting. Azu 11. The kitchen immediately received an order to fry and serve the meat.

“Processing vegetables” - From 4 to 12 cm in farmer-style slices. Parsnip. Sorted by size and degree of maturity. Sorted, cut off greens and roots, washed and cleaned. Cutting shapes, sizes and culinary uses of potatoes. Varieties of cutting vegetables. Forms of cutting vegetables. Cutting shapes, sizes, culinary uses of beets.

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There are 15 presentations in total

Cabbage (genus Brassica) is a genus of plants in the family Brassicaceae Brassicas (Cruciferous), which also includes such well-known plants as cabbage, mustard, turnip, rapeseed and rutabaga.
Archaeological excavations indicate that people began to use cabbage since the Stone and Bronze Ages.
Collard greens are a wild species, the ancestor of all cabbages, native to the Mediterranean regions of Western Europe and North Africa. It is grown mainly as a fodder crop and as an ornamental plant.
Garden cabbage is divided into varieties, which in turn are divided into varieties.
Varieties of garden cabbage Brassica oleracea:
. capitata: cabbage. Alba white and rubra red-headed, acuta spiky cabbage. White cabbage is the most popular variety, but in taste and tenderness it is inferior to its green relatives. When red cabbage is cooked, it turns blue and can color the rest of the ingredients. Pointed cabbage is an “older” variety of cabbage; it has much in common with white cabbage, but unlike it, it is seasonal and is sold only in the spring.
. capitata sabauda: Headed Savoy cabbage. It has a more delicate taste than its cabbage counterparts, and it is also not as tough.
. cauliflora: broccoli (cabbage). Broccoli began to be grown in southern Italy more than 2,000 years ago. It can be green, white and purple. In broccoli you can eat not only the florets, but also the tender stems, which can, for example, be fried.
. gongylodes: kohlrabi (turnip cabbage). May be white, light green or purple. The French Wikipedia says about it: its shape is similar to the Soviet Sputnik. :)
. italica: Romanesco. She comes from the outskirts of Rome. It is similar in color to broccoli and compactness to cauliflower, but has pyramidal inflorescences. Its taste is delicate and slightly sweet.
. alboglabra: Chinese broccoli (Chinese cabbage or Kai-Lan). Its homeland is the south of China, this cabbage is widely used in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. Unlike traditional broccoli, this kaputa is eaten with fox and flowers.
. gemmifera: Brussels sprouts. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week; it can also be frozen after blanching.
. botrytis: color. The name comes, not only in Russian, from the shape of cabbage in the form of a flower, but this is not entirely correct, since in cauliflower we eat not the inflorescences, like broccoli, but the buds, which was unknown earlier, when cabbage was already called cauliflower.
. sabellica: Kale (Grunkol). Has green or purple lacy leaves. They are grown for food and for decorative purposes, but the leaves of this cabbage can also be used as human food.
. viridis: collards. American kale, very popular in the southern United States.
. costata: Portuguese. It has long curly leaves and a very strong aroma.
. medullosa: moellier. Used for animal feed.
. palmifolia: palm. It's called that because it grows in the shape of a small palm tree. You can eat the leaves of this cabbage and make juice and syrups from it.
. ramosa: perennial.
Cabbage pe-tsaï(Beijing) and pak choi(bok choy) refers to turnips, not cabbage.

White and red cabbage (for them the initial preparation technique is identical).
It is better to store this cabbage at a temperature of +8 - +10 degrees for 4-5 days maximum.
- Cut off the outer part of the stalk at the root with a large knife.

If there are damaged leaves, remove them.
- Cut the cabbage into 4 pieces vertically.

- Cut off the bottom triangles of each quarter to remove the remaining stalk and thick leaf bases.

- Use your hands to slightly separate the quartered leaves, but not completely, this will make washing easier.

- Place the cabbage quarters in a large container of water with a little vinegar. Leave the cabbage in the liquid for 20 minutes (vegetables and fruits are washed in vinegar water for disinfection that is harmless to our body, in order to wash off residual pesticides, etc. With this washing, red cabbage will change color less during heat treatment).
- Rinse the cabbage under running water. You can then put the cabbage in the refrigerator if you need it later. The best storage temperature for such cabbage is +6 - +8 degrees.

Slicing in the form of julienne (in French cuisine, julienne is thinly sliced ​​vegetables):
-Thinly slice the cabbage into quarters.

- Place the julienne in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes to allow excess liquid to come out of the cabbage.
- Strain the water before adding spices (do not add salt). You can also blanch the julienne before seasoning.

Savoy cabbage.
- Cut off the peel at the root.
- Remove damaged and too green hard leaves.
- Level the stalk.

- Separate each sheet, maintaining their integrity.

- Cut off the central vein of each leaf with a knife.

- Gently wash all the leaves and let them drain. The leaves can be put aside in the cold at a temperature of +6 - +8 degrees.

Peasant-style slicing.

- Cut the cabbage leaves into slices 1 cm wide maximum.

- Turn the slices over and cut into 1cm squares.

Brussels sprouts.
- Remove yellow and wilted leaves.
- Cut off the end of the stalk and a couple of lower leaves of each cabbage with a small knife, so that the cabbage does not fall apart into separate leaves.
- Lightly cut the bottom of each cabbage with a cross to make subsequent cooking easier (this will allow the cabbage to cook or roast faster and more evenly).
- Place the cabbage in a bowl of water and add a little vinegar.
- Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.

- Separate the leaves and the hard part of the stalk using a knife.
- Divide into small bouquets. Save the stems for possible later use.
- Slightly cut a cross on each stem to make later preparation easier.
- The trimmings can be used to make purees, for example.

- Dip the broccoli in water and vinegar for a few minutes, rinse and let the water drain.

- Cut off green leaves.
- Divide the cabbage into inflorescences (very small ones can be used to decorate soup, larger ones for salads, large ones for boiling and steaming).
- Trim the unnecessary stem from the inflorescences.
- Lightly cut the cross at the base.
- Place the cabbage in water with vinegar for a few minutes, rinse, and let the water drain.

Slicing cabbage vegetables

Let's talk about how to cut cabbage correctly..

Medium-sized heads of cabbage should be cut in half, and large ones into four parts.
Then, each part of the head of cabbage needs to be cut into pieces. The width of the resulting shares will subsequently determine the length of the shredded cabbage shavings, so it should be 6-8 cm. At the same time, as we remember, shredding cabbage, that is, you need to cut the leaf across the leaf veins.
An exception is the shredder for making sauerkraut according to the Provençal recipe. In this case, the width of the lobe should be 4-5 cm, and in the future they are not chopped, but cut into square slices.Next, we chop the shares, as already mentioned with a sharp knife, into strips that are more reminiscent of shavings. Their width is of great importance, since if it is more than 3 mm, the fermentation will proceed slowly, but if, on the contrary, the shavings are made very thin - less than 1 mm - the cabbage will sour too quickly, as a result of which it will become flabby and tasteless.

Types of cutting cabbage: strips, chopping, cubes or checkers, slices

Straw Cabbage cut in this way is used to prepare cabbage soup. A head of cabbage is cut in half. Each half is cut into several pieces 4 cm wide and each piece is chopped into strips. The size of the straw is the same as when cutting potatoes
Chopping This cutting is used for preparing fillings and minced meats. The cabbage is cut in half, the stalk is cut out. Each half is cut into several parts and chopped into strips, and then chopped.
Cubes (checkers) This cutting method is used for making soups, stews and stews. The cabbage is cut in half, each half into strips 1-1.5 cm wide and then crosswise to make squares.

This is how small heads of cabbage are cut. This cut is used for stewing, boiling and frying (pre-boiled). The cabbage is cut in half and each half radially into 4 parts.

Heads of Brussels sprouts are used whole.

Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. If the inflorescences are large, you can cut them in half.

The preparation of most dishes begins with washing the vegetables, peeling them, and then cutting the vegetables. It is very important to cut vegetables correctly, because homogeneous (equal in hardness and softness) vegetables reach their readiness almost simultaneously, acquire a beautiful appearance and excellent taste during the cooking process.

There are various ways to cut vegetables, are just as different and diverse and types of cutting vegetables from professional chefs, but we will talk about the simplest and most basic ones that the average housewife can use without having a professional education in cooking. You know some types of cutting, and some it makes sense to start using, because it’s never too late to learn.

You see a photo of cutting vegetables into cubes and shavings on the right.

Simple cutting of vegetables

Simple cutting of vegetables, which absolutely any housewife can use when preparing various dishes, includes the following forms of cutting vegetables, which we will consider in detail below: sticks, strips, cubes, slices, rings and half rings, slices, circles, squares, shavings, chopping ( shredding). They are cut at home with small and medium-sized knives.

Forms of cutting vegetables

Cutting into strips

Cutting vegetables into strips is a very popular type of cutting. Cut in this way: potatoes, carrots, celery, beets, onions, white and red cabbage.

Culinary use: for deep frying. Used as a side dish for many meat dishes. Also for borscht, pickles, soups.

Potatoes and other root vegetables are first cut into thin slices, and then these slices into strips. This creates a straw. The thickness may vary depending on the type of dish. Onions and cabbage are first cut crosswise with a knife, and then shaped into strips.

An example of cutting vegetables into strips on the left.

Cutting cubes

The following vegetables are cut into cubes: potatoes, carrots, celery.

Culinary use: for deep-frying as a side dish for various meat dishes. Also used in the preparation of soups, borscht and various broths with vegetables.

Potatoes and other root vegetables are cut into cubes as follows: first, they are cut into thick slices, then they are cut into cubes. The form of cutting vegetables into cubes is very popular; for example, we often use it when cutting potatoes for frying.

An example of cutting vegetables into cubes is in the picture on the right.

Slicing Cubes

Vegetables are cut into cubes: carrots, potatoes, onions, white cabbage, greens (celery, parsley, dill).

This type of cutting of vegetables is used in cooking when preparing soups, okroshka, cabbage soup, as a side dish for hot meat dishes, as a decoration for cold and hot dishes.

The potatoes are first cut into cubes into plates, which are then cut into cubes, after which these bars are cut into cubes. Root vegetables can be cut into cubes of various sizes, depending on the type of dish: the cubes can be small, medium or large.

An example of cutting vegetables into cubes is in the simple schematic diagram on the left.

Slicing Circles

Potatoes and carrots are cut into slices. Both raw and boiled vegetables are cut this way as a side dish for main dishes, as well as for soups and borscht.

To cut vegetables into circles, first you need to cut off a thin layer of potatoes and root vegetables, then give the vegetables a cylinder shape and cut them into circles. To ensure that the circles are approximately the same when cutting, choose vegetables that are approximately the same size.

An example of cutting vegetables into circles is in the schematic picture on the right.


Beetroot, carrots and potatoes are usually cut into slices, both raw and boiled vegetables for various dishes.

Potatoes and root vegetables are cut into slices by first cutting the vegetable into two or four parts lengthwise (depending on the size of the vegetable), after which each resulting part is cut into slices.

Slices are also convenient for frying potatoes or baking them in the oven along with meat.

An example of cutting vegetables into slices is in the schematic picture on the left.

Slicing Slices

Mainly potatoes, onions, and carrots are also cut into slices, also for main dishes and as a side dish for meat dishes.

Slices. To cut root vegetables into slices, you should cut it crosswise into pieces, then these parts need to be cut lengthwise into several more pieces. Onions and potatoes are cut into 4-6 or more pieces, depending on their size and the type of dish for which they are cut.

In the spring and summer, we often cut tomatoes into slices for salad and just serve them on the table.

An example of cutting vegetables into slices is in the schematic picture on the right.

Cutting Squares (checkers)

White cabbage is cut into squares (checkers) for various soups and borscht.

Squares or checkers, as they are also called differently, are cut simply: cut a leaf of white cabbage into 2-4 parts, and then these parts are cut into squares.

You can also try cutting other vegetables into squares at your discretion, such as potatoes or cauliflower.

An example of cutting vegetables into squares or checkers (checkers) is in the schematic picture on the left.

Slicing Rings and half rings

The type of cutting vegetables into rings and half rings is ideal for onions and leeks. It is cut into various salads and added to fried potatoes.

Rings and half rings are one of the most popular ways for housewives to cut onions. cut onions and leeks using this method. First, the onion is cut across its axis into circles, then these circles are divided into rings. We will get half rings if we first cut the onion into two parts along the axis, then cut them crosswise and divide them into half rings.

An example of cutting vegetables into rings and half rings is in the schematic diagram on the right.

Cutting Chips

Horseradish and potatoes are shredded and used as a side dish for meat dishes.

Planing or shaving. The roots of horseradish and radish need to be planed with a knife to obtain vegetable particles in the form of shavings. Potatoes can also be cut into chips, but without special preparation it is a little difficult.

The shavings are very similar to what you get by grinding vegetables on a hand grater, so you can grate the same horseradish as carrots and beets.

An example of cutting vegetables into shavings in the simple schematic drawing on the left.

Slicing Chopping (shredding)

Using a fine chop, vegetables such as carrots, white cabbage, onions, and herbs (parsley, dill) are chopped.

Shredding and chopping vegetables. Mostly vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, garlic, onions, and herbs (parsley, dill) are chopped. To do this, finely chopped vegetables are chopped (shredded) with a knife until small pieces of the vegetable are obtained.

Shredding vegetables is very similar to grating on a hand grater, and sometimes this rather complex process can be replaced with just a regular grater. For example, for decorating various salads with mayonnaise with grated boiled egg. Using chopping, you can decorate any dish: be it main courses or just salads.

An example of cutting vegetables by chopping or shredding is in the schematic picture on the right.

Try and learn!
