Canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Canon to Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered not only in Russia, but also in other countries Catholic Church. For Orthodox believers, one of the ways to turn to a saint is to read a canon or akathist. These types of solemn chants differ in the structure of the text and the history of writing. The canons were created many centuries ago by people canonized by the Church. An akathist can also be written today by a spiritual writer who is not always a minister of the Church.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in 270 in the city of Patara, Lycia province. WITH youth he was distinguished by his piety and desire to serve God. As a priest, the saint set an example for his flock, preached, exhorted and directed the inhabitants of Lycia on the path of salvation. After several years of serving as a priest, Saint Nicholas was elected Bishop of Myra in Lycia.

The asceticism of Saint Nicholas took place during the period of persecution of Christianity. When the bishop, together with other Christians, was imprisoned, the saint not only courageously endured all the hardships and hardships, but also supported the rest of those imprisoned.

Even during his lifetime, Saint Nicholas was credited with many miracles and acts of true mercy and love for one’s neighbor. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered in both Western and Eastern Christianity. This saint is especially loved by believers, and many people turn to him in prayer.

Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The canons to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are works of church hymnography, complex in structure, praising the saint. Their text consists of biblical chants, to which additional verses were later added - irmos and troparia. The latter glorify the festive event. Irmos serve to connect the biblical song and troparion, drawing an analogy between the celebrated event and that described in the Bible. The structure of the irmos is the basis for the melody and rhythmic structure of the troparion. The length and number of stanzas must match.

There are several canons to the saint:

  • “In the depths of the bed sometimes.....” - the beginning of the irmos of the first canon.
  • The 2nd canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker begins with the irmos “Christ is born - glorify...”
  • “Let us sing a song, people.....” - the irmos of the canon from the service for the transfer of the relics of the saint.
  • “I will open my mouth...” - the beginning of the fourth canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Canon 2 to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like Canon 1, is read during the service on the saint’s feast day, December 19, according to the new style. The other two canons are read at the service on the day of remembrance of the transfer of the relics of the saint on May 22.

Why read the canon?

The canons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read at home or heard during services in church. The holy fathers of the church say that those who read the Canons of the Mother of God, the Savior and the saints are especially protected by the Lord. The canons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are also prayers, by reading which a person turns to the saint through biblical events.

The canons were written many centuries ago by highly spiritual people and, as a rule, later canonized as saints. Reading the songs of praise and prayers written by them, a person offers a prayer to God together with them.

Canon of St. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for healing from illnesses, help in times of need and material lack. The saint is also considered the protector of widows and orphans. They pray to him in times of despondency, sadness and despair. Since the saint himself was imprisoned for some time, people turn to him in captivity and in other difficult life circumstances.

Where can I find the canon and akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Almost any canons and akathists can be purchased in church shops. The canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with accents can be found on Orthodox websites on the Internet. It is better if a text of explanations is written in parallel with the canon, since the language of liturgical songs is not always understandable to a person just beginning his path to faith.

Before reading, you must make sure that the canon or akathist is approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Federation. Orthodox Church. To do this, it is better to use texts from canons purchased in shops at churches or found on reliable Orthodox websites. The list of approved akathists is also published on the Internet.

In addition, you can always go up to the priest or deacon in church and clarify whether the akathist meets the requirements established by the Holy Synod.

How to read the canon correctly

The Canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russian is not as difficult to read as in Church Slavonic. When reading the canon, you must pronounce each word thoughtfully. Unlike the akathist, the canon of repentance to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read while sitting. You can recite hymns of praise to the saint at any time. There are special initial prayers that are read before the canon. If biblical hymns to the saint follow the daily prayer rule, then additional prayers are not required.

In cases where it is not possible to read the canon out loud, you can say the prayer silently. The main thing is that her words are pronounced consciously, with a feeling of repentance and love for God, the Holy One. It is better to read the canon out loud in a calm and monotonous voice. There is no need to pay attention to the expressiveness of your voice. Church and home prayers are not secular poetic works, therefore they are pronounced somewhat differently. The most important thing when reading sacred chants is the turning of the soul to God, the spiritual world.

Before reading the canon, you can light a candle or lamp near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If there is no suitable image of a saint, then you can turn to the image of the Mother of God or the Savior.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist is a song of praise to God, the Mother of God or the saints. The first was written to the Blessed Virgin Mary in 626 in honor of the liberation of Constantinople from the Persians.

The Akathist consists of ikos and kontakia. There are 24 stanzas in the song of praise. Each kontakion ends with a call to praise God: “Alleluia!” And ikos is a greeting to the saint being sung: “Rejoice!”

The Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker was written some time after his death. According to one version, the hymn of praise was written by Constantinople church ministers, according to another, by Russian hieromonks who participated in the transfer of the saint’s relics exuding myrrh.

The text of the akathist can be purchased at a church store, found on websites on the Internet, or listened to on audio media. In the first case, you can be confident in the quality and authenticity of the text. In addition, in churches consecrated in honor of the saint, an akathist to St. Nicholas the Pleasant is read once a week. The forty-day reading of the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can also be ordered in monasteries. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name of the person about whose health the akathist will be read.

How to read an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Before committing to reading an akathist to a saint for a certain period of time, it is better to take a blessing from your confessor. The priest performing the sacrament of confession, knowing the spiritual powers, life circumstances and internal state of the believer, will bless or give advice to postpone reading for now.

There are certain rules for reading the akathist. The thirteenth kontakion - a prayer appeal to the saint - is read three times. After the last kontakion of the akathist, the first ikos and kontakion are read again. Then a prayer is read to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The number of days during which the akathist is read is unlimited. The Akathist can be read at any convenient time. It is better if during this time an icon of the saint is located nearby.

Often the hymn of praise is recited over a period of forty days. At the same time, if you had to skip a day, you can continue the next one.

You can read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker just once, the main thing is to feel in your soul the desire and desire to turn to the saint. An akathist is equivalent to a hymn, so it is better to stand when reading it.

Why read an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

The Akathist, like the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, helps believers in a variety of cases. A prayerful appeal to the saint helps with any difficulties. You can find many grateful reviews and real stories from the lives of people who talk about resolving difficult life circumstances after praying to the saint. People turn to him especially often in case of illness, financial and domestic difficulties, or while traveling. Even during his lifetime, Bishop Myra of Lycia provided assistance to many in need.

The text of the akathist contains biographies of the saint. Many people perceive it much easier than the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

You should not treat the reading of the akathist as magical rite and conspiracy. Desire for quick results will not bring any benefit. The main feeling when turning to a saint should be repentance and faith that the Pleasant of God will hear the request and help.

Prayers before reading the akathist and canons

Before the akathist, it is necessary to read initial prayers that will help prepare a person’s consciousness for a song of praise: discard all vain thoughts, focus on the text of the prayer. Typically, the opening prayers include: “To the Heavenly King,” “The Trisagion Hymn,” “The Most Holy Trinity,” “Our Father,” “Come, Let us Worship.” “Lord, have mercy” is also said several times and psalms from the psalter are read. The same prayers are read before the canon.

After reading the akathist or canons to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, prayers are said, which are the same for all prayer rules.

Canons and Akathist in Church Slavonic

Prayer chants in Church Slavonic are much more difficult to find than in Russian.

In churches, all texts of worship are pronounced only in Church Slavonic. This language absorbs the centuries-old experience of communication between Russian people and God. In addition, reading in Church Slavonic helps to escape from everyday thoughts, create a special atmosphere and immerse yourself in the world of prayer.

The Akathist in Church Slavonic will be difficult for a believer just beginning to learn this language to understand. In order for the text to be better perceived, you can read the translation and interpretation in Russian.

Canons that are more complex in structure are better read in Russian, so they will be easier to understand.

What is better to read: an akathist or a canon to a saint?

The canon is a more ancient genre of church chant than the akathist. The text of the canons was written by the holy fathers, whose level of spiritual growth and awareness of the Divine universe far exceeds ordinary human understanding. Akathists, as a rule, were created in a later period by spiritual writers, not all of whom were monks or church ministers. Therefore, when choosing between a canon and an akathist, according to some priests, it is better to give preference to reading the first.

At the same time, the akathist to the saint is easier to read and perceive, since the structure of the text is much simpler.

The canons to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are a less laudatory prayer than the akathist, but have a pleading character. Despite this, you can ask for help by reading the akathist.

Canon to Saint Nicholas



The immutable Truth was revealed to your flock by the rule of faith and the image of meekness and self-control. Therefore, through humility you have acquired high things, and through poverty you have acquired riches. Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


Having performed holy rites in Myra and fulfilled the Gospel of Christ, Reverend, you laid down your soul for your neighbors and saved the innocent from death. For this you are glorified among the saints as a great participant in God’s grace.

Song 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and it will be filled with the Spirit; and I will speak a word to the Queen Mother, and I will appear brightly triumphant, and I will joyfully sing of Her miracles.

Good shepherd of Christ's flock, rejoice, Nicholas, for you were a revered father and teacher to the citizens of Myra in Lycia; and allow me the greeting “Rejoice!” bring it to you.

Tribes of the earth, let us gather together to cry “Rejoice!” bring to the saint: for he brings unfailing joy to the universe.

Glory: To you, who saved three governors from the murder of the unjust, we cry: “Rejoice, Nicholas, intercessor of those who come running under your protection!”

And now: Virgin Mary, rejoice, having received joy from the Angel, and save those who magnify You.

Song 3

Irmos: Mother of God, You are a life-giving and abundant source; Establish Thy singers, gathered spiritually, and honor them with crowns of glory in Thy divine glory.

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

No one who comes running under the cover of hope for you leaves you with anything, but the exclamation “Rejoice” brought to you receives help, Father Nicholas; Give it to me too, O all-blessed one.

The angels are amazed, reverend, at your warm intercession, but people rejoice, receiving deliverance from demonic misfortunes through your prayers; Therefore, we bring the exclamation “Rejoice” to you, most praiseworthy Nicholas!

Glory: You are a helmet and an invincible weapon against the devil, for Christians you are an affirmation, and for hierarchs you are an adornment, wonderful Nicholas. Rejoice, great wonderworker, in storms there is a quiet haven for the needy.

And now: Having conceived Your Creator, Mother of God, You gave birth to all Creator and Lord; Pray to Him to deliver us from misfortunes; after all, you can do whatever you want, as a good and kind Mother.

Song 4

Irmos: Seated in glory on the throne of the Divine, on a light cloud, the most divine Jesus came and saved those who cried: “Glory, O Christ, to Thy power!”

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

To the apostles, rejoice, Nicholas, for you have disgraced the heresy of Arius and brought down the arrogance of Belial with your prayers; do not cease to pray for your servants.

You delivered the young man from the hands of the Saracen Emir and gave joy to his parents, therefore we, with them, bring you the exclamation “Rejoice,” Saint Nicholas.

Glory: You, miracle worker, saved three commanders from the murder of the unrighteous, appearing in a dream to the pious king and forbidding him, and from them you received the exclamation “Rejoice.” And strengthen me, Nikolai, with your prayers.

And now: Most blessed Mother of God, rejoice, for You are the throne of all the King, the highest Cherubim. Do not hesitate, praying to Your Son and our God for those who always honor You, with Blessed Nicholas.

Song 5

Irmos: The whole world was amazed at Your divine glory: for You, a Virgin who did not know marriage, carried the Most High God in Your womb and gave birth to eternal Son, giving peace to all who praise You.

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Named after the Apostles, standing on an equal footing with the Angels at the throne of the Lord, you put the madman to shame; Therefore, Nicholas, we proclaim to you: “Rejoice, ornament and pillar of the church for the saints!”

Give me a helping hand, Nikolai, praying to the Lord, for the storm of sin is drowning me, and lead me to a quiet haven of repentance with your prayers, Father.

Glory: Although I have committed many iniquities, I do not give up on the hope of your protection, Father Nicholas, always bringing you the exclamation “Rejoice”; You deliver me from all sorrow and misfortune: after all, you can do whatever you want.

And now: Rejoice, Cloud higher than the heavens, who poured out life-giving Rain for us, All-merciful Mother of God! Grant us from God victory over the spiritual barbarians, with Hierarch Nicholas praying to Him.

Song 6

Irmos: This divine and revered by all celebration of the feast of the Mother of God, come, God-wise, let us clasp our hands, glorifying the God born of Her.

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

You appeared as a friend of Christ and a second Peter, Father. Rejoice, for you are the pillar of the Church, working miracles through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Father Nicholas, we always bring you the exclamation “Rejoice.”

The pious Tsar Constantine and Avlavius ​​the Eparch heard your threats in a dream about those men who were about to die unjustly, and ordered them to be released as soon as possible, while you, Father Nicholas, exclaimed: Rejoice!

Glory: Father, you were the helmsman of a ship sinking in the sea; and to me, who is heavily overwhelmed by demonic thoughts, give me the helm of good reasoning in my mind and heart, so that I will always bring the exclamation “Rejoice” to you, most praised Father Nicholas.

And now: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, rejoice, affirmation of the world, rejoice, for you have given birth to the Son, God of all! Pray to Him, Most Immaculate Mother of God, for the salvation of our souls.

Song 7

Irmos: The wise did not honor the creation more than the Creator, but they bravely trampled down the fire that threatened them and joyfully sang: “Praised Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are You!”

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Saint Nicholas, saint of Christ, rejoice: for you are an indescribable joy for everyone! And give me a helping hand, so that I may proclaim to you: “Rejoice, O All-Blessed One!”

When the commanders heard that they had been released from prison at your command, they took lamps with candles and brought them to you, crying out in a loud voice: “Rejoice, reverend father, our deliverance!”

Glory: Once upon a time you heard prisoners in a dungeon; Hear me too, Father Nicholas, the cry of “Rejoice” brought to you, and pluck me from the fire of Gehenna.

And now: Mary Lady, Mother of the Redeemer, accept me, who repent and take refuge under Your protection, so that I may continually cry out to You: “Rejoice, Blessed Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Song 8

Irmos: The One born of the Mother of God saved the pious youths in the oven: then - symbolically, but now - He actually calls the whole universe to sing to You. Sing to the Lord, O creatures, and exalt throughout all ages!

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Co-altar with the Apostles, serving the Holy Trinity with the Angels, most praiseworthy Nicholas, rejoice, and grant me joy through your prayers.

Helmsman of those carried by the storm, Rejoice, Father Nicholas, and calm the storm of my passions from the attack of the demonic rebels, for I can no longer endure, but I cry: “Rejoice, my helper and warm patron.”

Glory: Oh, how great sorrow engulfs me from the arrows of demons, and it is impossible for me to endure the wounds, but there is no doctor to apply a bandage; but you, Father Nicholas, heal my wounds with the oil of your prayers, so that I cry to you: “Rejoice, Reverend Father!”

And now: Rejoice, the unburnt bush of thorns that Moses saw on Sinai, and the Ladder that Jacob contemplated, the Most Blessed Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!

Song 9

Irmos: Let everyone born on earth rejoice, enlightened by the Spirit; may the nature of the disembodied Minds triumph, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and may she cry out: “Rejoice, All-Blessed, pure Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

I am surrounded by the machinations of the seducer and sinful aspirations, but, hoping for your protection, I resort to you, Father, so that you drive away all the seductions of the evil one from me, and I cry to you: “Rejoice, Father Nicholas!”

You put to shame the madman Aria and extinguished the flame of heresies; The governor, bound in prison, heard and received the greeting “Rejoice” from them; and we cry to you, Father Nicholas: “Rejoice, all-blessed one!”

Glory: You heard Agric, and you took away his son Vasily from the emir, from the Saracens, and in an instant brought him before his parents healthy; and through my prayer, take my soul, sick and burdened with sins, from the fire of Gehenna, Father Nicholas.

And now: Queen, who gave birth to all the Kings and bore the Bearer of all creation, save me, who magnify You, Most Holy Lady!

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

O all-holy Nicholas, glorious servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and despondent: in present life beg the Lord God to grant me remission of all my sins, as much as I have sinned since my youth throughout my life in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the departure of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I constantly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and always and in forever and ever, amen.

Second prayer

O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who with faith resort to your intercession and call upon you in fervent prayer! Hasten quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect every Christian country and preserve with your holy prayers from riots, invasions of foreigners and internecine war, from famine, earthquakes, floods, fires and diseases. And just as you had mercy on three men who were sitting in prison, and delivered them from the royal wrath and beheading by the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, who is in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, so that through your intercession and with His mercy and grace, Christ God gave me a quiet and sinless life to live in this century and beyond. Last Judgment With his help, he delivered me from the fate of those on the left and made me worthy to stand on the right with all the saints, amen.

Prayer three

Oh, all-validated and great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray you, be the hope of all Christians: protector of the persecuted, feeder of the hungry, joy of those who cry, doctor of the sick, steward of those traveling, sailing on the sea and flying in the air, feeder of the poor and orphans, and helper and patron of all the sorrowful. Pray to the merciful God to grant us forgiveness of our sins, so that we may live our lives peacefully and be worthy to see the glory of the unapproachable God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages, amen.

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Akathist to St. Nicholas Kontakion 1 Glorious wonderworker and chosen servant of Christ, exuding myrrh of great mercy to the world and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles! I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; But you, having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, yes

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Prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant Memorial Day December 6/19, May 9/22 Nicholas the Pleasant, also called the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, lived in the 3rd century. The saint began to study the Holy Scriptures and lead a godly life from early childhood. After the death of his parents, he received

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Akathist to Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas Kontakion 1 Chosen Wonderworker and a great servant of Christ, exuding to the world a valuable myrrh of mercy and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas: you, as you have boldness towards the Lord, from all my troubles

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Troparion and prayers to St. Nicholas Troparion, tone 4 The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control teacher show you to your flock, even the truth of things: for this reason you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God for the salvation of souls

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“We all prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker” I had two stories connected with St. Nicholas. The first was when my husband and I were late for the train. We were traveling from Dzerzhinsky to Moscow on a train to Belarus. We left in an hour and a half. In the normal course of events everything would be

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Akathist to the Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas Kontakion 1 Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, exuding to the world a valuable myrrh of mercy and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; But you, because you have boldness towards the Lord, from all troubles

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Troparion and prayer to St. Nicholas Troparion, tone 4 The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence as a manifest teacher? I am the thing and the truth: of this? Are you for the sake of acquisitions? High in humility, rich in poverty, Father Superior Nicholas, pray? Christ? God be saved

From the author's book

Canon to the Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. King of Heaven: Trisagion. Glory, And now. Most Holy Trinity. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) Glory, And now. Our Father. Lord, have mercy. (12 times) Glory, And now. Come, let us worship:

From the author's book

Akathist to St. Nicholas Kontakion 1 The miracle worker who defends us and the chosen servant of Christ, who exudes a valuable sea of ​​mercy and inexhaustible miracles to the whole world! I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; But you, as one who has boldness towards the Lord, will save me from all troubles

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker has been revered in Rus' since ancient times as the greatest saint. The Lord glorified him throughout the world for his strong faith, deep humility, meekness, patience, and success in abstinence and chastity. Saint Nicholas had the deepest Christian love, the greatest mercy and compassion for people, and always rushed to their aid. The saint of God will hear our fervent prayers and will hasten to our aid if we imitate the image of his earthly life. Memory of Saint Nicholas on December 6 (December 19 according to civil style).

Troparion, tone 4

The rule of faith, and the image of meekness, the teacher of self-control, the Lord showed you to His flock, which is the truth. For this reason, having acquired high humility, she is rich in poverty. Our Father to Saint Nicholas, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls. (Twice).

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God. AND but a mystery hidden for centuries, and unknown to an angel, by You, appearing to the Mother of God on earth, God is incarnate in the undisturbed removal, and we will accept the cross for our sake, by it we resurrect the primordial, and save our soul from death.

Song 1. Irmos

T strong Christs born of the Virgin, in the depths of the dispassion of the soul, I pray to the tripartite flood, and as if in the tympanum in the mortified body, I sing a victorious chant.

Chorus: With Saint Nicholas of Christ, pray to God for us (bow).

Having inherited a sad life from my father, and we are always filled with spiritual joys, I pray from my soul to take away all sadness, as if I glorify you with joy, holy Father Nicholas.

Solo. It was placed wisely, on the candlestick of virtues, and like light you enlighten the hearts of the faithful to St. Nicholas. With the same faith I pray to you, with the luminous prayers of my soul, cast away the darkness.

Glory. Now we fill this corruptible life with all sorts of misfortunes, constantly swimming through the abyss, so that I may find you, the reverend nourisher, turning the storm into silence, with your divine prayers.

And now, Mother of God. N the ever-sleeping Pure prayer, soothe our passions of body and soul, with Thy sacred intercessions, giving divine and saved courage, in God's will and execution.

Katavasia: And save your servants from troubles, Saint Nicholas of Christ, as we all resort to you according to God, to your quick helper and warm intercessor and prayer book to the Savior for our souls (bow).

Lord have mercy (three times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

We do not boast in wisdom, nor in strength, nor in wealth, but in Your Father’s compounded wisdom of God, for there is nothing more holy than You, the Lover of Mankind.

Solo. You appeared as a weapon, quenching the fighting enemies, keeping their temptations harmless to Nicholas, who commit the divine will.

Solo. Heal the destruction of my soul to the saint, crushing the enemies of intrigue and entrapment, so that as my representative I magnify you with faith.

Glory. Destroying the soulless temple of Artemis, consume the passionate idols of my mind, the divine intercessions of Father Nicholas.

And now. B gardened. Thy intercessor of the most pure Virgin, transform our sorrow into joy, and deliver us from the sorrows that give birth to death. Confusion.

Sedalen, voice 8th. IN Having ascended to the heights of virtues, from there the divine father was illuminated by the radiance of miracles, truly shining, the shepherd of the world appeared, and in adversity this intercessor is invincible. In the same way, you gloriously defeated the enemy, you drove away lies, and you saved people from death, Nicholas. Pray to Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, even now. Theotokos. I to the Virgin, one in wives, who without seed gave birth to God in flesh, is all blessed in the race of humanity. Fire, for the Deities dwell in You, and like a child, give birth to the Creator and Lord. With the same, we worthy glorify the angelic and human race, Thy Most Holy Nativity, and according to the cry of Ty, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant remission of sins to those who worthily sing Thy glory.

Song 4. Irmos

Having eaten in glory on the Divine throne, on a light cloud the Most Divine Jesus came from the Most Pure Virgin, and saved those who cried out, glory to Thy power Christ.

Solo. Your glorious life, everywhere you are glorious, showing divine miracles, glorified by the high priest, and praise to all who honor you with joyful songs.

Solo. On the high throne of bliss, you praised God, with divine humility we are showered with lordships, create them in the communion of being for us, with your favorable prayers, Father the Wise.

Solo. Thou didst deliver those unjustly led to death, divinely inflamed with divine zeal. With the same cry to you, also free us from the misfortunes that kill us with your prayers.

Glory. Passing through the heavens to Nicholas, you come to invisible joys, in the midst of all those who call on you, alleviating the illnesses of our souls, and divinely giving consolation.

And now. Theotokos. IN The hosts of angels are terrified of the Most Pure One, hymning the majesty of Thy divine Nativity, and with them pray to the Maiden to save all those who bless Thee with pure faith. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

In wickedness they will not see Your glory, Christ. But we, the only One, the Father's dawning of the glory of God, from the dawning night, sing praises to You, the Merciful One.

Solo. You came like the sun, you died wisely, and you shone with Christ, with the luminous shine of your miracles, illuminating the entire sunflower, Father Nicholas.

Solo. With the Reverend Nicholas, hear us, on the day of bringing troubles and sorrows, and drive away all oppression, by the grace of the Spirit who lives in you.

Glory. With my soul overwhelmed by the passions of life, I call upon you to help Saint Nicholas, strive and give me perfect healing, begging the Sinless One.

And now. Theotokos. R The Virgin Isaiah, in vain, the Undefiled Pure One, crying out, desires to be born of the Virgin Mary, Jesus the Lord, as a human being. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

I sank into the depths of the sea and drowned me, a storm of many of my sins. But as God raised my soul from aphids, O Most Merciful.

Solo. Strengthened by the fortress of Spasova, you were able to destroy the invisible enemy, and deliver us from his cruel harm, with the prayers of Father Nicholas.

Solo. M teachings like those in Gehenna, and from wicked people, the most harmful cold, deliver us with the sacred prayers of the most glorious Nicholas.

Glory. And from ancient times the governor wanted to die unrighteously, having been delivered by your prayers, as if you had saved them and us from all harm, most blessed one.

And now. Theotokos. L Thy people and the city, pray to Thee, Mother of God, rescue us from all troubles, O All-Pure Lady, and those like us of eternal condemnation. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 3. IN Saint Nicholas was a saint in the world, for Christ fulfilled the venerable Gospel, he laid down his life for his people, and saved the innocent from death. For this reason, sanctify yourself, and the great secret place of God’s grace will appear.

Ikos. Let us now sing the saint's songs, the worldly people's shepherd and teacher, and let us be enlightened by his prayers. For this one appeared pure, incorruptible in spirit, offering Christ’s immaculate, pure and favorable sacrifice, as the saint is purified in soul and body, and is a true representative and champion of the Church, and a great secret repository of God’s grace.

Song 7. Irmos

You have three burdens in Babylon, turning the order of the tormentor into a riot. And in the midst of the fire we were thrown into the cold, crying out, blessed be the Lord God of our fathers.

Solo. With Saint Nicholas, who is among the saints of the one Holy God who rests, pray to sanctify us and send upon us the mercies of that rich one.

Solo. Reverend, right, and meek, quiet and humble, having become more glorious, he is taken to the height of the priesthood more gloriously, performing miracles and signs.

Glory. Having observed the laws of God, venerable one, you have all appeared as the most honorable temple of God. With the same cry, O all-blessed one, deliver us from all iniquity through this intercession.

And now. Theotokos. U Sleep with the passion of the uprising of my soul, with this cheerful prayer: giving me courage to the Young Lady, driving away despondency and drowsiness far away. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

And the omnipotent deliverer of all, in the midst of the flames of the faithful, you came down and watered them, and taught them to sing, bless the Lord with all their deeds.

Solo. In the intercession of the divine Nicholas, the unshutable mouth of the lawless, you clearly stopped. And you have delivered many from the destruction of Arius, those who sing Orthodoxy; bless all the works of the Lord the Lord.

Solo. And the saint names the victory, show us the victors with your prayers, the passions that give birth to death, and the lawless man of the flattering tongue, who through your faith are ever blessed.

Solo. Let us beg you to send your saved help, who was the miracle-worker of Nicholas on the day of trouble, sometimes asking you by faith, we pray.

Glory. Trinity P In Orthodox faith, let us worship the Holy Trinity, the uncreated, the Father without beginning, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, crying out, bless all the works of the Lord (bow).

And now. Theotokos. M Make me worthy of Thy mercy, even as the merciful God gave birth to the blessed Lady. And at the hour of judgment, having appeared, deliver the condemnation there. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

Because of the disease of disobedience, she took an oath: You, the Virgin Mother of God, through the vegetation of Your life, You have flourished with the blessing of the world. By the same token we magnify you all.

Chorus with a bow. AND Healing your coffin, he exudes the fragrance of the venerable myrrh, who, with faith and love, comes to those who come to Nicholas, and to those who honor your memory. We magnify you with the same thing.

Solo. I go to the blessed Nikolai sun, illuminating the entire sunflower with divine miracles with rays. Driving away the darkness of fierce circumstances, your sacred intercessions adorn the high priest.

Solo. Oh, Nikolai, always show mercy to us, with everyday misfortunes and demonic flattery, but wicked and tempted people, always overwhelmed by fierceness: for we please you with love.

Glory. Never before the terrible hour remember my soul, when the Lord wants to bring you to judgment, and judge you by your secret deed. Cry out to Him, Savior, save me with Nikola’s prayers.

And now. Theotokos. G We welcome you to the divine Gabriel, we bring you joyfully and cry: Rejoice in Paradise, who always possesses the Tree of Animals in the midst, glorious Polato of the Word. Rejoice, Virgin All-Immaculate. Confusion.

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother and like our holy father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, miracle worker, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is good and a lover of mankind. A min. Lord have mercy (three times). Initial bows.

Arrival bows.

For the prayers of the saints, our father, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us (three times, with bows).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Saints, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to this day.

O our father, who art in heaven; hallowed be your name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory, even now.

Come, let us bow to our God the King (bow).

Come, let us bow to Christ the King and our God (bow).

Come, let us bow and fall before the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the King and our God (bow).

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness. And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no one living will be justified before You. For the enemy has driven away my soul, and has humbled my belly to eat in the earth. He made me sit in the dark, like a dead age, and my spirit is sad within me; my heart is troubled within me. I remember the days of old; We have learned in all Your works, and in Your works we have learned Your hand. My hands have lifted up to You, my soul, like a waterless land, has lifted up to You. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit disappears. Do not turn Your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Tell me, Lord, I will go the way, because I have taken my soul to You. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord, I have fled to You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Your good Spirit will guide me to the right land. For Thy name's sake, Lord, live me, by Thy righteousness remove my soul from sorrow. And consume Your mercy by my enemies, and destroy all my cold souls, for I am Your servant.

Glory, even now. And Lleluia, Alleluia, glory to You, O God (three times, with bows).

Lord have mercy (12). Glory, even now.

God is the Lord and has appeared to us, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

And confess to the Lord that He is Good, that His mercy endures forever.

About what happened, they cheated me and resisted them in the name of the Lord.

I will not die, but I will live and carry on the work of the Lord.

To the stone, those who built it were not ignorant of Him, This was at the head of the corner, This was from the Lord This was wondrous in our eyes (and according to each verse we say: God is the Lord).

Therefore, the troparion, tone 4: P The image of meekness and self-control of the teacher was also harmonized with faith; the Lord will reveal you to His flock, which is the truth. For this reason, having acquired high humility, rich in poverty, Our Father to Saint Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls. (twice)

Glory, and now, this Mother of God, voice 4: And the mystery that has been hidden for centuries, and unknown to the Angel, by You, Mother of God, who appeared on earth as God, in the undisturbed removal we embody, and we will accept the Cross for our sake, with it we have resurrected the primordial, and saved our soul from death.

Psalm 50. Have mercy on me, O God.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Canon to Saint Nicholas, tone 2

Song 1. Irmos

In the depths of the flood of ancient pharaoh, all the armies were re-armed with strength, the incarnate Word consumed the sins of the past. Glorified is the Lord, for he is glorified.

Chorus: Happy Saint Nicholas of Christ, pray to God for us. (Bow)

In the crown-bearer of the Throne of Christ, the wise Nicholas, standing with the angelic ranks, grant me enlightenment, illuminating the darkness of my soul, as if I will rejoice in praising your blessed memory.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorified and all the Lord, who glorified Him, gave refuge to the faithful, relieving misfortunes and misfortunes, flowing to your shelter, Nicholas, and calling you with faith and love, most glorious.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Theotokos: And the desire was equal to mine, the all-evil serpent, to the Creator, as if he were to capture a captive, but by You, the Most Pure One, he was called, having become truly deified. You, O Mother of God, gave birth to the one who deified me.

Katavasia: And save your servants from troubles, Saint Nicholas of Christ, as we all resort to you according to God, to a quick helper and a warm intercessor, and a prayer book to the Savior for our souls. (bow).

Lord have mercy. (three times with bows). This is the verb for each song.

Song 3. Irmos

The desert blossomed like a desert, Lord, the pagan barren church, by the coming of Ty, and my heart was strengthened about it.

Solo. Blessed Nicholas, you have been a sincere disciple of the Lord, saving those who flow to you from severe troubles and bitter death.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. For the purification of Your servants, and the remission of sins, as a blessing, grant St. Nicholas Your saint, who intercedes with You, O Omni-merciful One.

And now. Theotokos. U put an end to the confusion of my soul, O Most Pure One, and nurture life, O Most Holy One, having given birth to God, in Him my heart is strengthened. Confusion.

Sedalen, voice 8th. IN having ascended to the heights of virtues, from there the divine father was illuminated by the radiance of miracles, he truly shone, appearing as the shepherd of the world, and in these adversities he is invincible. In the same way, you gloriously defeated the enemy, you drove away lies, and you saved people from death, Nicholas. Pray to Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God. I to the Virgin, one in wives, who without seed gave birth to God in flesh, is all blessed in the race of humanity. Fire, for the Deities dwell in You, and like a child, give birth to the Creator and Lord. With the same, we worthily glorify the angelic and human race, Thy Most Holy Nativity, and according to the cry of Ty, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant remission of sins to those who worthily sing Thy glory.

Song 4. Irmos

You came from the Virgin, neither an intercessor nor an Angel, but You Yourself, Lord, became incarnate, and saved me as a whole man. Therefore I cry to You: glory to Your power.

Solo. Approaching the pure spiritual dawns, you were the light-bearer, illuminating the ends of the world. Standing before everyone, and saving everyone who flows to you by faith.

Solo. And saving the young man from death, just as St. Nicholas appeared, so now save me from every situation, adversity and troubles, O all-blessed one.

Glory. O thou shone with the radiance of virtues, the all-rich one, the imitator of which was exceeding worthy of his Master. We call upon you to save, who glorify you with reverence and love.

And now. Theotokos. N Let us embody the Lord of creation, and saving as He is merciful, we embody all mankind. With the same faithfulness we glorify the Mother of God. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

Illumination to those who lie in darkness, and salvation to those who cannot begin, Christ, my Savior, to You in the morning, King of peace, enlighten me with the radiance of You, for do we know no other God to You?

Solo. With a life like God, blessedly, we enlighten those condemned to die by the unrighteous sword, having presented themselves to deliver those who call upon the Lady Christ, do we know no other God to You?

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. In Heaven, the everlasting glory is now in vain, the unspoken Divine dawn, enjoying the bright radiance. Cover me with this presence, O Reverend, all-honorable servant of Christ.

And now. Theotokos. D and having sought His image, buried by passions, the Savior, the hidden heavenly beings, incarnated from the Virgin. Thou hast appeared to those who call unto Thee; do we know no other God to Thee? Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

In the abyss of sinful possession, I call upon the unsearchable abyss of Thy mercy, from aphids, O God, lift me up.

Solo. And Nikolai’s crown of victory, rest on your faith with dignity, for the winner is a fair one, save you who call.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. I am mortified, blessed, sinned, and immersed in passionate anxiety; He appeared to save me, directing me to the haven of the Divine will.

And now. Theotokos. N and I have placed my hope in You, O ever-Virgin Mother, for my salvation, and I have placed You as the representative of my firm and unshakable belly. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 3. B Mireh St. Nicholas was a saint, for Christ fulfilled the venerable Gospel, he laid down his life for his people, and saved the innocent from death. For this reason, sanctify yourself, and the great secret place of God’s grace will appear.

Ikos. Let us now sing the saint’s songs, let us be a shepherd and teacher for the people of the world, and let us be enlightened by his prayers. For this one appeared pure, incorruptible in spirit, offering Christ’s immaculate, pure and favorable sacrifice, as the saint is purified in soul and body, and is a true representative and champion of the Church, and a great secret repository of God’s grace.

Song 7. Irmos

We serve the body of gold on the field of deir, the three youths are negligent about the godless command. But in the midst of the fire we were thrown, we cooled down: blessed be God our father.

Solo. We are thwarted by strong temptations, we are attacked by fierce temptations, and those who approach the gates of hell are struck down by despair. Save me with these prayers, O blessed one, and raise up the song: Blessed be God our father.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. Let us shine with immaterial rays, who are in the darkness of sorrows and bitterness, and instruct those who sing to the presence of joy: blessed is God our father.

And now. Theotokos. M Oli of His Son and Lord, O Pure Virgin, sold by cruel sins and the flatteries of the serpent, deliver by His Honest Blood, singing: blessed is God our father. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

He who came down into the fiery furnace to the Jewish children, and the flame who betrayed God into the cold, sing, all the works of the Lord, and exalt Him forever.

Solo. I am for good and merciful, who in the depths of cruel misfortunes cry out for freedom to Blessed Nicholas, giving permission through the prayers of this one, who is like the Savior Christ, the Holy Hierarch.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. The Mysterious One, who is more holy than the mind, and the servant of Heaven is God-wise, the bishop is faithful, ask for forgiveness of sins from our Savior, sacredly revealed.

And now. Theotokos. AND Now my mind is sick, I have fallen into the depths of wickedness, as if I am embraced by evil from everywhere. But You, Virgin, heal, clothing dispassion with light. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

The original Parent, the Son, God and Lord, having become incarnate from the Virgin, appeared to us, to enlighten the darkened, and the scattered brethren, thereby we magnify the All-Praised Mother of God.

Chorus with a bow. With the thing of grace we enlighten God's wisdom, and have become a lamp of piety, saving those in adversity, and delivering those in the depths of the sea, and feeding the hungry, gloriously, all-blessed.

Solo. We repeat the verse.

Glory. And now established in the paradise of food, the ineffable glory is clearly in vain, from the Heavenly circle the singers watch over their own, delivering from passions, the most glorious God-bearer.

And now. Theotokos. P wisdom, and Power, and the Word compounded to the Father, the Pure Virgin, Whom You conceived, from Your Most Pure Blood, the Mother of God. The Living and the Temple are received, and this one, after copulation, unites himself inseparably.

Is there still great holiday, worthy of the holiday. Even if, this, on tone 8: B Lady, accept the prayer of Your servants and deliver us from all need and sorrow. You are the Mother of God, our weapon and wall. You are the Intercessor, and we resort to You, and now we call on You for prayer, so that we may deliver us from our enemies, let us all magnify You, the Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, South of autumn the Holy Spirit and (bow to the ground).

Therefore, the Most Holy and Our Father. Jesus' prayer. A min.

Troparion to the saint: P true to faith.

Glory, kontakion: In Mirech St. Nicholas.

And now, the Mother of God: And something that has been hidden for centuries.

Therefore, Lord have mercy (40). Glory, even now. We magnify You, the most honorable cherub and the most glorious seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Glory, even now. Lord have mercy (twice), Lord bless (with bows).

And let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and like our father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra-Lycia, wonderworker, and all for the sake of the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min.

Canon to Saint Nicholas, tone 2.
Song 1
Irmos: In the depths of the post, sometimes the pharaonic all-army is a transformed force, but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin: Glorified Lord, gloriously glorified.

Chorus: St. Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Crown bearer of the throne of Christ, the wise Nicholas, standing with the angelic hosts, grant me enlightenment, illuminating the darkness of my soul, as if I will praise, rejoicing, your all-blessed memory.

Glory, And now: Comparing my desire with the all-evil serpent, the Creator, as if to capture a captive, by You, the All-Pure One, would cry out, deified most truly: For you, O Mother of God, gave birth to me who deified.

Song 3
Irmos: The desert has blossomed like a crin, Lord, the pagan barren church, by Your coming, my heart was established in it.

Blessed Nicholas, you have been a sincere disciple of the Lord, saving those who come to you from severe troubles and bitter death.

Glory: Cleanse Thy servants, the remission of sins, as by bestowing Goodness, upon Nicholas Thy saint, who interceded with Thee, O Omni-merciful One.

And now: Soothe the confusion of my soul, O Most Pure One, and nourish life, O All-Holy One, Who gave birth to God, my heart is established in Him.

And chaos: Pray to God for us, Saint Father Nicholas, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

(Or, another catavasia: Deliver your servants from troubles, Saint Nicholas of Christ, as we all resort to you according to God, to a quick helper and a warm intercessor, and a prayer book to the Savior for our souls.)

Therefore, Lord, have mercy, three times.

Sedalen, voice 4:
Having ascended to the height of virtues, the Divine Father from there, illuminated by the radiance of miracles, you truly appeared as the shepherd of the world, in our adversity this renegade is invincible: you also gloriously defeated the enemy, drove away lies and saved people from death, Nicholas. Pray to Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, even now.
As the Virgin and One in wives, who without seed gave birth to God in flesh, we all bless the birth of humanity: for the fire of the Divinity dwelled in You, and like a child you gave birth to the Creator and the Lord. Thus, the angelic and human race worthily glorify Your Most Holy Nativity, and according to the cry of You: pray to Christ God, God, to grant remission of sins to those who worship by faith Your Most Holy Nativity.

Song 4
Irmos: Thou camest from the Virgin, neither an intercessor nor an angel, but Himself, Lord, incarnate, and thou didst save me as a whole man, therefore I call Thee: glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Approaching the pure spiritual dawn, you were a light-bearer, illuminating the ends of the world, intervening for everyone, and saving all those who flow to you by faith.

Delivering from death, as you appeared first to Nicholas, the reverend youth: so now save me from every situation, and misfortunes and troubles, all-blessed.

Glory: Thou art shone with all-blessed radiance, the most eminent imitator of thy Master, and we call upon thee to save, glorifying thee with reverence and love.

And now: You have found the Lord of creation incarnated, and saving as the Compassionate of all mankind, we glorify You with the same faithfulness to the Mother of God.

Song 5
Irmos: Enlightenment of those who lie in darkness, salvation of the desperate, Christ, my Savior, to You in the morning, King of the world, enlighten me with Your radiance: for do I know no other God for You.

With a godly life, blessedly, we enlighten, condemned by an unrighteous saying to die, having appeared, you delivered those who called to the Lord Christ: for do we know no other God to You?

Glory: In Heaven, the everlasting glory is now in vain, and the unspoken and Divine dawns enjoying the brightest radiance, cover me with your intercession, O Reverend, all-honorable servant of Christ.

And now: Yes, Your image, buried by passions, the Savior, the hidden heavenly powers, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to those calling You: do we know no other God for You.

Song 6
Irmos: Lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the abyss of Thy unfathomable mercy, from aphids, O God, lift me up.

Like the victory of Nikolai, the crown on your version is worthily placed: as a great winner, save you who call.

Glory: I am mortified, blessed, by sins, and immersed in the anxiety of passions, having appeared to save me at the refuge of the Divine will.

And now: I have placed my hopes in You, Mother of the Ever-Virgin, my salvation, and I lay my life on You, the Representative, firm and unshakable.

Katavasia: Pray to God for us, Saint Father Nicholas, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

(Or, in other words: Deliver your servants from troubles, Saint Nicholas of Christ, as we all resort to you according to God, to a quick helper and a warm intercessor, and a prayer book to the Savior for our souls.)

And we sing, Lord, have mercy, as we did in the 3rd song.

Glory, and now:
Kontakion, tone 3.
You appeared as a holy celebrant in Mireh, for having fulfilled the venerable Gospel of Christ, you laid down your soul for your people, and saved the innocent from death. For this reason you have been sanctified, as the great hidden place of God’s grace. Let us now praise the saint with songs, a shepherd and teacher of the worldly people, and let us be enlightened by his prayers: behold, he appeared all pure, incorruptible in spirit, offering to Christ a sacrifice immaculate, pure, favorable to God: for the saint is cleansed both in soul and body, and is also truly a representative and champion of the Church Sowing as a great secret place of God's grace.

Song 7
Irmos: I serve the golden image on the field of Deira, three of Your fathers, heedless of the godless command, but cast into the middle of the fire, watering the waist: blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

I have fallen into acute temptation, and we have been attacked with fierceness, and those who have approached the gates of hell are struck by sorrows; save me with your prayers, O blessed one, and raise me up, singing: Blessed art thou, God of our fathers.

Glory: Let us shine with immaterial rays of the never-ending light, who are embittered in the darkness of sorrows and instruct those who sing to the enlightenment of joy: blessed art thou, God, our father.

And now: Pray to Christ, Thy Son and God, Virgin Mother of God, sold by cruel sins and the flattery of the serpent, to be delivered by His honest Blood, singing: Blessed art thou, God, our father.

Song 8
Irmos: Who descended into the furnace of fire to the Jewish youth, and who turned God into flames into dew, sing, the works of the Lord, and exalt them unto all ages.

For you are good and compassionate, in the depths of adversity and cruelty, containing freedom, Blessed Nicholas, from those who contain the cruel ones, giving permission through your prayers, even to the Savior Christ, O Holy Hierarch.

Glory: Mystery leader of those who are more intelligent, a servant of the saints and the heavenly ones, the wise one, the bishop is faithful, ask for forgiveness of sins from our Savior, sacredly revealed.

And now: My mind is now exhausted, falling into the depths of dishonor, as if from everywhere I am embraced by various evil ones: but You, Virgin, heal, dressing dispassion with light.

Song 9
Irmos: The Son, the God and the Lord, is without beginning, incarnate from the Virgin, appearing to us, to enlighten the darkened, the scattered brethren, Thus we magnify the All-Sung Mother of God.

We enlighten the God-Wise with the lamps of grace, and you were a lamp of piety, saving those who are in adversity, and delivering those who are in the depths of the sea, and feeding the hungry, gloriously, all-blessed.

Glory: Who are now established in the paradise of sweetness, and the ineffable glory is clearly in vain, from the heavenly circle your singers watch, delivering from passions, God-bearing all-blessed.

And now: Wisdom, and Power, and the Word of the Hypostasis of the Father, the Pure Mother of God, you gave birth to, from Your Most Pure Blood You received Your Temple, and through this union you were united inseparably.
