What wire to use to connect the wiring to a wooden house. Wiring in a wooden house - independent arrangement of the power supply system. Hidden electrical wiring

Electrical wiring in a wooden house is important aspect in construction. Despite the fact that the wood that is used to build houses and cottages is treated with a variety of impregnations to increase fire resistance, this material still remains vulnerable. If you do not install the electrical network in your home according to the rules, you can put your family in danger.

If you want to install an electrical network in a wooden house yourself, you need to adhere to a certain set of rules - PUE and SNiP. They provide a short general list of requirements, subject to which you can protect yourself as much as possible and prevent fires in a wooden room. Do-it-yourself wiring in the house must be laid according to clear instructions and each step must be provided for.

PUE (electrical installation rules) – determines the requirements for the installation of an electrical network in premises. Compliance with the requirements of the PUE is considered expensive to implement, but a very advisable method. It is tough and labor-intensive to execute. For this reason, these rules are not often followed.

SNiP and PUE were prescribed in order to calculate absolute safety under the condition of any load flowing through the cable, to protect oneself from a short circuit or ignition of the line. If homemade wiring in a wooden house is not exposed to relatively high voltage, then this does not pose any particular danger.

Therefore, when laying electrical wiring in such a building, you should take into account all risk factors and accept correct solution. Either the line will be made in accordance with all the rules of the PUE and SNiP - expensive, but reliable, or it will be carried out faster and cheaper, but at high loads your home will become unsafe.

IN normative act PUE-6 has special requirements for laying electrical wiring in wooden premises. To prevent moisture and steam condensation from accumulating on the cables, they are placed in pipes and metal sleeves or boxes are bent. This also gives the wires additional protection from mechanical damage.

It is allowed to connect such pipes, ducts or metal hoses if the room is dry, there is no accumulation of gas, vapor, condensation and the humidity level is normal. Connecting metal hoses, ducts and pipes is necessary under negative conditions in the house. They should be fastened together when the room contains vapors and gases that negatively affect the insulation of the cables, their protective sheath, as well as when installing the wiring externally, if moisture, oil and other liquids may enter the power line. After bonding, they are compacted and sealed.

In dusty houses, sealing joints and branches of pipes, hoses, and boxes are made to protect against dust and small debris. Connecting pipes, sleeves and boxes are used as a grounding or neutral protective conductor, performing the function of “ground” or “zero” in electrical wiring. It is prohibited to route cables through ventilation ducts and mines. Only crossing with a single wire, which is located in a protective metal sleeve or pipe, is allowed.

Also laying wires behind suspended ceiling must be carried out in accordance with the standards of Chapter 7 of the PUE. When installing an electrical network in a private wooden house, the use of exclusively copper wires is required. You also need to carefully select the type of cable that can withstand the required load with a reserve. It is imperative to follow safety precautions when laying an electrical line in the house.

How not to do it

In order to install an electrical network into a wooden building, you cannot use all installation methods for stone houses or apartments. Do not install the wire on a wooden beam or other structures without protection. The main power line should not be covered with flammable materials or finishes. Do not allow the wiring insulation to be exposed to temperature changes, humidity, accumulation of dust and dirt on the wires, frequent deformation and bending of the wires. It is necessary to avoid increasing the load on the entire home network.

All these factors can cause damage to the wiring, resulting in a short circuit. If the exposed part of the electrical wiring ignites in a wooden house, then a fire is inevitable. Wires should also not be left unprotected. Pets or rodents may chew through the wire, which must be avoided. When processing wood near laid wires, a large amount of shavings and debris accumulates. In the event of a short circuit, the presence of flammable material will help ignite.

Entering cables into the house

Laying electrical cables into a private wooden house is a very important area of ​​work. You should not focus entirely on the internal wiring in the building. The entry of the power cable into the house must meet modern requirements. It must be taken into account that energy consumption has increased, which increases the load on the line, as well as the impact on the external insulation of solar radiation, temperature changes, and moisture, which subsequently exposes the metal conductors of the wires. There are two possible ways power line establishments in a private house– underground and aerial.

The underground method of laying an electrical line is more reliable, but complex and expensive. The power cable is completely hidden from external factors, which reduces the risk of mechanical damage to the wire, moisture ingress, etc. For this purpose, excavation. The cable is placed at a depth of more than 80 centimeters, and secured territory must be marked with special signs. The passage of the power line under the foundation of the house is done with a special metal sleeve through which the wire passes. The sleeve is made from thick-walled pipes and durable metal.

Today, this method is used in the construction of new houses, since it is possible to think through the passage of all communications into the building using new construction technologies. Air method. This method has been used for a long time. Only qualified workers with appropriate clearance are allowed on power line poles. Therefore, you cannot enter the cable yourself.

A SIP type cable is used from the pole to the house. The self-supporting insulated wire has a very durable sheath of polyethylene structure and is resistant to solar radiation and temperature changes. Service life is about 25-30 years. This line does not start inside the building, only up to switchboard. For a separate section that combines the line connection point and up to switchgear VVGng cable is used. Can be used for fixed wiring, as well as for outdoor wiring. For reliability, it is placed in an electrical corrugated pipe.

The connection usually takes place outside the building. At the intersection of VVGng wires through the wooden beams of the house, attic walls, ceilings, a metal sleeve is built in for additional protection wires.

Video “Wiring in a log house”

Shield installation

When installing the shield, you must follow step by step instructions on its installation. All wiring goes directly to the distribution panel. An electric meter, additional protective devices, and automatic plugs are installed in it ( modern way de-energize the overvoltage network), DIN rail, as well as ground loop and “zero” buses. What dimensions the box should have is not regulated, but it is better not to skimp on this, so that it is possible to increase the equipment when the need for electricity increases.

The installation of the meter is carried out by specialists from a government agency, who seal it. The power of operating machines is calculated for each zone separately. When a sector is overloaded, the direct supply of electricity is turned off in it to avoid negative consequences. RCD can be connected to the entire intra-house network. This may result in the machine triggering more frequently, but this is not critical. Installation of the shield is carried out on a strong, stable vertical surface in an accessible place. In private sectors it is located outside the building.

When connecting wires to the distribution panel, ordinary twisting is not used. For this purpose, soldering or terminal connections are used. The terminals are reliable and can be easily replaced if necessary. When choosing which method can best protect the electrical distribution panel, you can choose a protective sealed box, which will prevent moisture from entering and physical damage.

Open wiring

PUE-6 standards exposed wiring in a wooden house it is laid on the surface of the walls of the building, along the ceilings, as well as along trusses and other building elements of the structure (supports, beams and others). Open wiring is laid along a tension string, cable, or on special wheels. Insulators are used for electrical cables and cords, metal pipes, more flexible hands for line mobility, in trays. There are also special electrical skirting boards in which the wire is placed, platbands with this purpose, and free suspension.

Open wiring in a private wooden house involves the use of a special electrical corrugated pipe to create an electrical line. For its production, a special stable and non-flammable type of plastic is used. It is much more expensive than conventional insulating elements, but is justified by its reliability. This corrugated tube is very convenient for installation, as it is quite flexible. Despite its non-aesthetic appearance, this insulating material is one of the best for open wiring in a wooden house.

The electrical tube collects a large amount of dust due to some characteristics of the material, which requires constant care and wiping of dust from its surface. Electrical boxes can be used for installation of open wiring. After the construction of a private wooden house Channels are installed in special boxes, which are usually made of fire-resistant plastic. Cables are pulled into them and then sealed with lids.

The main problem with using such installation is the shrinkage of the building after construction. The higher quality the wooden beam used for construction, the lower the level of shrinkage of the house. If the building is made of laminated veneer lumber, then the shrinkage is usually 1 centimeter per 1 meter of house height. Then, over time, on average, for a two-story wooden house, the shrinkage will be about 3 centimeters. If the wiring was made with tension on the cord, then it may burst from excess tension and pressure. Otherwise, the lids of the boxes will fly off and they will crack. Then the wiring will need to be re-strung. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account shrinkage, make a small supply of wire at the joints, near distribution panel, and also at an electric pole.

Hidden wiring

The PUE-6 standards stipulate that hidden wiring in a wooden house can be laid directly inside the structural elements of the building (wall, floor, ceilings, foundation), in the wooden floors, as well as under removable beams. Hidden electrical wiring in the house can be done in several ways - placing the cable in flexible protective sleeves, pipes, boxes, in hollow building structures or closed channels. Also, laying the wiring can be done in a grooved furrow, which is covered with special plaster, or creating a “monolith” in various building structures when they are manufactured at the factory.
It is recommended to begin installing hidden wiring in a wooden building using metal hoses or pipes to protect the room. By adhering to such rules, you can avoid the consequences of sparking wiring and overheating of cables from excessive load in the network.

Usually hidden wiring is laid behind wooden beam walls or floor. It is necessary that the protective elements are minimally vulnerable to corrosion. To do this, you need to pre-paint the structures with durable paint to reduce the likelihood of rusting and increase service life, or use pipes made of a special material - stainless steel (expensive and reliable), galvanized.

After the pipes and hoses have been cut to the required length, sharp iron burrs and edges remain at their ends, which should not be allowed when laying the cable. Since these edges can damage the braiding of the cord, they must be cleaned with a sharpening stone or file. Specially designed plastic plugs can be used.

If the electrical wiring in the house will be done under a wooden floor, then you need to raise several bars for more convenient laying of the hose or pipe. In the places where the wiring exits, to connect the fittings you need to drill in the timber. Wires coming from the main line can be placed in copper tube and drown it in the wall. Copper is quite flexible, resistant to corrosion and is well suited for further installation work, but this material is quite expensive. If the electrical cables will be recessed into the wall, then you need to use a drill and a hammer drill. IN in this case the beam is not removed, but a longitudinal hollow is drilled into it, where the wire will be laid in the future.

According to GOST and PUE, there is a standard for installing power lines in rooms with temperature changes. If a stable temperature corresponding to the season will not be maintained in a wooden house, then the pipes with cables should be placed at a slight slope. This is due to the fact that condensation can accumulate in such houses, which cannot be allowed. Slight slope will allow the accumulated condensate to gradually flow into the lower part of the pipe and gradually evaporate.
Since there is no point in using plaster in wooden houses, the wiring is usually placed on a wooden floor beam or between wall partitions where there are recesses.

But the resinous mass of dried wood - dangerous object for the appearance of a random spark: can turn into a tragedy due to technological errors or negligence during installation.

Therefore, for installing electrics in a wooden house in a hidden way You can only undertake this if you have basic technical training and have thoroughly studied the rather strict current regulatory documents:

  • GOST R 50572.1-93;
  • SNiP 3/01/01-85;
  • SNiP III-4-80;
  • SNiP 2.08.01(6.17).
  • “Rules for the construction of electrical installations” (PUE).

Isn’t it better to entrust this important stage of construction professionals?

Why is hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house so attractive?

Surely aesthetics of walls and ceilings:

  • there are no wiring elements that violate the design of the room;
  • sockets and switches recessed into the wall do not cause inconvenience when arranging furniture;
  • the wall surface is easier to use for wallpapering;
  • Correctly executed wiring increases the degree fire safety buildings;
  • ease of replacing the cable in the pipe;
  • less risk of mechanical damage to wiring;
  • protruding electrical fittings do not collect dust and do not become a support for cobwebs.

What makes hidden electrical wiring an object of increased danger?

  • Inaccessibility for constant inspection of the insulation condition and replacement of areas that have undergone aging and destruction (microdamage can cause a short circuit);
  • complications in the work of adding new points to the electrical circuit after time has passed;
  • technical complexity of installation, effective only during the construction of the house;
  • the need to create false structures that can hide insulating pipes;
  • high cost of work and materials;
  • costs for special tools.

What are the features of installing hidden wiring in a wooden house?

  1. You must be prepared for the fact that according to the wiring diagram you will pull not only wires and cables, but also meters of steel or copper pipes - required condition isolation. In a wooden house, not even a centimeter of wire should come into contact with the wood. Pulling a cable or wire through a tube is a troublesome task that requires patience.
  2. To install insulating pipes into the body of the wall, you will have to tap, drill, and cut out a place for wiring. This work is dusty, dirty, labor-intensive.
  3. Vertical channels are drilled while laying the crowns of the log house, horizontal ones (with a special drill) - after completion of the construction of the walls.
  4. A conductor is placed in the holes - a wire with which the cable will be pulled.
  5. All installation sites for wiring elements and transitions from one room to another must be well insulated metal boxes, sleeves, “glasses”, linings, asbestos wrapping or insulation with alabaster plaster.
  6. The number of main channels becomes significant: for a large number it will be necessary, as insulation, corrugated pipe quite large in diameter, which is difficult to hide in a log wall.
  7. The importance of the residual current device (RCD) is increasing; several such devices can be installed in hidden wiring: to disconnect the external circuit, the internal circuit and the circuit with the highest power load.

Rules for performing internal wiring in a wooden house

  1. Electrical wiring is carried out only on the basis of a diagram agreed upon with specialists, with a minimum number of turns and bends.
  2. The electric main is laid exclusively in non-combustible materials.
  3. During installation, priority is given to fire safety objectives, and aesthetic wishes are not so important.
  4. It is advisable to lay channels in the structural recesses of door and window openings, under baseboards, overhead lining of the ceiling.
  5. Corrugated pipes used as channel insulation are protected on all sides with asbestos gaskets during installation. For the same purposes, taking into account the estimated power of the wiring, alabaster or cement plaster and concreting are used.
  6. Galvanized insulating pipes and ducts are connected using threads and welding. Sharp edges are protected plastic plugs. Copper protective elements in the connection are flared.
  7. The thickness of the pipe walls is selected taking into account the cross-section of the wire cores (example: 2.8 mm for an aluminum core of 10 mm2, or a copper wire of 4 mm2).
  8. The cable (together with the insulating layer) inside the insulating pipe should occupy up to 40% of the internal volume.
  9. The insulation resistance is measured twice: before pulling through the pipe and after.
  10. Distribution boxes must remain freely accessible.
  11. For hidden wiring, wires and cables with triple insulation coating and marking “ng” are used.

Wiring in the ceiling of a wooden house

To the advantages wooden floors can be attributed:

  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • vibration resistance;
  • maintaining the geometry of the structure;
  • reducing the overall weight of the structure;
  • construction speed;
  • versatility of use;
  • Suitable for floor screeds.

Flaw there will be one, and it will be revealed during the fire:

  • wooden floors quickly catch open fire;
  • have a tendency to collapse.

What should I do?

  1. Cable protection with pipes.
  2. Therefore, there are no concessions for electrical distribution across floors: only the placement of cables in pipes. By the way, electrical distribution over floors is the most convenient way hidden wiring devices. In this case, the grooves for pipes to switches and sockets are descended from the main cables.

  3. Metal tray for complex floor layouts.
  4. True, if the change in direction of the wires is very frequent and at different angles, then it is more rational to use blank copper trays with covers instead of pipes. You can lay out several wires in them at once and in any direction. They perfectly isolate the wiring from the wood of the floors and are attached to each other using rivets. In order to reduce the cost of work, such trays are also made of galvanized steel.

    The process of laying trays is complicated by the need to take into account and bypass structural elements at home or trim them and then strengthen them. In this case, you cannot do without skills in performing tin work.

    It will be necessary to ground each tray separately. When turning, the trays can form an angle that is dangerous for the integrity of the cable, so corrugated insulation is placed on it in this place.

    Tray insulation for hidden wiring can also be used with inside ceilings, subsequently covering the entire structure of the false ceiling with plasterboard or tongue and groove boards treated with fire retardants.

  5. Taking risks is not always a noble cause.
  6. The most primitive installation method is electrical wiring on the floors in layers of alabaster or cement plaster, when one layer is laid down, and after applying the wires, 2-3 cm of a new layer are added. This method is very risky for fire safety (due to the likelihood of cracking) and is rarely used.

  1. The type of cable for a wooden house will be different from that used in urban areas.
  2. The most suitable cable is NYM, it has triple insulation and a sheath of non-flammable material(polyvinyl chloride).
  3. The greatest reliability in protecting the electrical network from emergency failures are provided by difavtomats, which combine 2 protective devices - automatic switch and RCD (residual current device).
  4. It is worth remembering: grounding each distribution box and each pipe will not be superfluous.
  5. The pipe connection must be reliable: use welding or soldering.
  6. When choosing pipes, give preference to copper pipes: they bend better and easily take the shape of the prepared gutter.
  7. To protect the cable from damage when pulling, you must use plastic end sleeves.
  8. The shrinkage of the house should be taken into account to prevent pinching of the main.
  9. When covering walls with clapboard or wooden wallpaper you can do without drilling the walls by passing the main distribution pipes through the hollowed out grooves.
  10. You can combine hidden wiring with open wiring: in places where wires are connected to sockets or switches.

If you look at the statistics of fires in our country, the question of how to properly install wiring in a wooden house is quite relevant. After all, most of all fires in wooden houses occur due to a short circuit, and if you want to protect your home from this, then the closest attention should be paid to electrical supply issues.

Your home's electrical connection is carried out by your energy supply company. After agreeing on all the necessary papers, they must install the meter and connect it to the power supply.
They must do this with a flexible wire in insulation. And to avoid problems in the future, we advise you to check that the insulation on this wire is not damaged.
The meter is usually installed on the street. The distribution panel is usually located inside the house.
To connect it, we will need to punch a hole in the wall of the house, and according to paragraph 2.1.38 “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE), protect it on all sides with fireproof material. This is usually used steel pipe followed by plastering.
The input itself, according to 2.1.79 PUE, must be located at a height of at least 2.75 meters from the ground surface. In this case, the distance from insulators or wires to the protruding part of the roof must be at least 200 mm.
It is also quite important to provide, and the rules stipulate this, that it is impossible for water to accumulate in the pipe, as well as for it to penetrate into the house through the power supply inputs.

Installation of distribution board

Internal wiring in a wooden house begins with the distribution board. It must be installed in a dry, non-flooding location.
At the same time, the PUE rules regulate that a bathroom, shower or toilet cannot be located above the installation site of your switchboard.
The shield itself must be made on a fireproof basis and be locked with a key. On the market you will now find many such boxes for distribution panels in a wide variety of sizes.

Note! Within a radius of half a meter from the distribution panel there should be no heating equipment, no water supply or drainage systems, no gas supply systems, and ventilation ducts, passing in this room should not have branches.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house

Hidden electrical wiring

You can lay electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands in an open or hidden way. A hidden method, which is almost universally used in brick and concrete houses, in the case of wooden houses is not so in demand.
After all, it is somewhat more difficult to implement it here, and most importantly, the cost of the issue is much higher. In the list below you can see options for laying electrical wiring in a hidden way in accordance with the rules of the PUE, in compliance with fire safety conditions.

  • If we use a regular wire sheathed in combustible material (not fire-resistant corrugation), then it must be laid on a lining made of fireproof materials. In the future, the wire must be plastered with a continuous layer at least 1 cm thick.
  • If you are using a regular wire sheathed in a fire-resistant material (fire-resistant corrugation), then all you need to do is place a fireproof material under the wire along its entire length.
  • If you use a wire sheathed in a fireproof material (metal corrugation), then you can lay the wire directly on the structural elements.
  • In boxes made of fireproof materials (steel boxes), even wires can be used directly on structural elements without additional protection.
  • In the case of using boxes made of fire-resistant materials ( plastic boxes) any wires can be used, but under the box there must be a gasket made of fireproof material, and the box itself must subsequently be plastered with a layer of at least 1 cm thick.

What is attractive about the idea of ​​building a wooden house? This is the ecological purity of materials that can provide a comfortable and healthy microclimate in the premises of the home and, of course, the desire of homeowners to follow the traditions of Russian architecture. Modern market building materials allows you to build a house made of profiled and laminated timber, as well as from rounded logs. In contrast to all the advantages inherent in houses made of wood, a problem arises with the arrangement of electrical wiring. The option of open wiring laid in cable channels does not always meet the requirements of an attractive design interior decoration premises, the homeowner is faced with the question of how to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house with his own hands. We will talk about this further.

Advantages of hidden wiring

The undeniable advantages of installing hidden wiring in a wooden house are:

  1. The absence of cable channels on the walls, which adversely affect the appearance of the room and significantly complicate the process of applying wallpaper.
  2. Minimizing the risk of mechanical damage to cables and electrical wiring.
  3. Possibility of replacing the cable laid in the pipe.
  4. High degree of electrical fire safety, provided that it is carried out correctly installation work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Special safety requirements

Hidden installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house is very complex and requires strict compliance with standards fire safety, requirements and compliance with GOST R 50571.1-2009. A person who does not have electrical installation experience should not try to do this work with their own hands. The homeowner who has invited specialists to install the installation needs to know the basic provisions about installation methods in order to control the progress of the work and in no case take this material, as step-by-step instructions.

When designing a home's electrical circuit, the main emphasis is on ensuring fire safety, even if this goes against the aesthetic component. Ready project must be agreed with specialists. The hidden wiring diagram should provide for a minimum of turns of the electric main. Considering the high risk of fire wooden structures, the wiring must be laid in such a way that even a tiny section of the power line does not come into contact with the wood. The cable must be laid in steel or copper pipes. It is allowed to lay electrical wiring in a corrugated metal hose, as well as in PVC corrugation, provided they are protected with plaster or asbestos gasket.

The diameter of the pipe is selected taking into account the fact that the pipe laid in it hidden electrical wiring should occupy 40% of its internal cavity. The thickness of its walls must correspond to the cross-section of the current-carrying conductors in accordance with VSN 370-93 or SP 31.110-2003 table. 14.1. Pulling an electric main through pipes can cause mechanical damage to its shell, so after each such operation it is necessary to carry out. Special requirements are presented to the cable brand, its shell must be made of non-flammable three-layer material, and the marking of domestic samples must necessarily contain the letter symbols “ng-LS”. For example, VVGng-LS. The imported analogue is the NYMng-LS cable.

Pipes must be securely joined by threading, welding or soldering. Places for interroom transitions, as well as installation points for wiring elements, should be equipped with metal boxes or glasses, wrapped in asbestos and secured with alabaster plaster. We talked about this in more detail in a separate article.

Installation features

The most labor-intensive operation when laying hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house is installing pipes in the body of the wall. The process is quite labor-intensive, requiring the greatest possible accuracy and precision. To carry out this work, special practical skills and special high-tech tools will be required.

To install insulating pipes into walls, drilling will be required in both horizontal and vertical directions. Vertical holes are drilled during the process of laying the frame, horizontal holes are drilled when the walls are already erected. After the pipes are fixed in the body of the wooden walls, a wire is inserted into them, which will serve as a conductor for pulling the wire. The seats are carefully cut out to fit the dimensions of the wiring elements, and insulating metal boxes are attached to them.

An alternative option is wiring over the ceiling. Is it possible to avoid such a labor-intensive process associated with installing pipes into walls? Many homeowners when settling hidden electrics wooden house they practice laying wiring along ceiling V attic. Fire safety requirements for this method of electrical installation remain the same; the power line in the attic is insulated metal pipes or trays, only descents to switches and sockets are made through grooves or vertical drillings in the walls, as shown in the photo below:

Another option is hidden wiring in the plaster. You can take the simplest route and lay the electrical wiring between the layers of plaster. The method is primitive and inexpensive, but not very safe. Plaster actively absorbs moisture and also cracks over time, causing it to lose its insulating properties.

Helpful information

For laying hidden wiring in wood, experts recommend, developed in Germany, with three-layer insulation made of non-flammable material. You can also use the domestic cable VVGng-LS.

Using copper pipes will cost much more, but they are much easier to bend and set desired profile. Depending on the situation, you can use a combination of hidden and open wiring.

Installing a socket in a wooden wall

Common mistakes

Now you know how hidden electrical wiring can be done in a wooden house with your own hands. We hope that our installation tips, as well as the rules and requirements provided, helped you understand the essence of the work!


Most houses being built cannot boast of the environmental friendliness of the materials used in their construction. Chemicals and synthetics are increasingly used for interior decoration.

Despite the availability and prevalence artificial materials, more and more owners prefer to build houses from wood. Such buildings are attractive on the outside, cozy on the inside, and most importantly - environmentally friendly!

Having decided to build a wooden house, future owners will inevitably face a difficulty: what are the rules for laying wiring in a wooden house?

As you know, wood is a highly flammable and fire-hazardous material. For safety reasons, you should follow the rules for electrical installations, especially if you are not a professional.

What not to do

Problems often arise due to violations of instructions regarding how to conduct wiring. All technologies and methods relevant for laying electricity in stone or concrete walls, not suitable for wooden buildings. It is strictly forbidden to attach an unprotected cable to timber or clapboard!

The main line is not sewn up or hidden under flammable interior elements. The home electrical network should not be subject to overvoltage. Protective insulation should be protected from moisture, steam, dust and cable deformation.

A mouse can easily chew through a wire, and damaged wiring inside the walls will inevitably lead to a fire. From practice: even a small fire is extremely difficult to extinguish.

Selecting the wiring type

There are the following types of wiring in a wooden house:

Open. This option involves laying wires in special protective channels. It has a number of advantages. Quick access to wiring. Better cooling of laid wires. There is a possibility of laying a new line. This method preferable more for smooth walls. Lay such, even though decorative boxes, it would be at least inappropriate on walls made of timber.

Note! Protective cable channels are available not only in white, but also in wood-like color.

On isolators. The installation principle is quite simple. First, ceramic insulators are installed. Afterwards, the wiring itself is installed. An excellent option if you are planning a retro design.

For retro wiring, you can choose special wires desired color and textures. To appreciate the newly revived style, pay attention to the photo of retro wiring in a wooden house.

Hidden. The advantage of the open method is the possibility of installation upon completion finishing works. Hidden wiring laid at the construction stage.

The wiring is placed in metal corrugated hoses and pipes.

All wiring is hidden. According to its characteristics, it is considered a more reliable option. Among the disadvantages are the high cost of work and more complex installation.

The choice of installation type is influenced by two factors: price and design.

Making a wiring diagram

When drawing up a wiring diagram in a wooden house, you must adhere to the requirements of GOST.

Key points of the diagram - electrical units - meter, sockets, switches and distribution boxes. When drawing up the diagram, all of the listed points are placed in places of quick access. This will simplify further operation and repair.

Switches are located depending on needs and preferences; there are no strict requirements for the placement of these points. Universal solution- one meter from the floor. This placement is convenient for most people.

Sockets are located as close as possible to electrical appliances. This minimizes the need for extension cords. Installation height - from 250 mm to 400 mm from the floor.

The number of sockets in a room is calculated based on the square footage of the premises. For every 4 square meters- one socket. In the hallway there is 1 socket for every 10 square meters. There are more sockets in the kitchen than in other rooms.

Power lines are located strictly vertically and horizontally. Top and bottom wiring networks. Regardless of the option chosen, the distance from the floor or ceiling will be 150 mm. All cables are brought together and connected into distribution boxes.

Power cable entry

Another important aspect is the input of the power cable. There are two input options.

Underground. More thorough and safe way. The cable is reliably protected from influence external influences. Minimal risk of mechanical damage. The depth of laying the power cable in the ground is 800 mm. The ground part is marked with a warning sign.

The cable running under the house is reliably protected by a sleeve made of durable metal. This method is carried out at the stage of initial construction work.

Air. SIP cables are used. They are characterized by durable insulation that is resistant to weather influences. The cable service life is up to 30 years. According to the requirements, the power cable does not enter the house. From the distribution panel, a VVGng cable, laid in a corrugated sleeve, is run into the room. At the entry point, a sleeve (metal) is installed in the wall for cable entry.

Selection of materials

When deciding which wiring to use, you need to take into account a number of features of the future home. Will standard 220V be enough, or will 380V be required? Electric stove - if electric, at least 8.8 kilowatts of power will be required.

To calculate the required wire cross-section, calculation tables are used. In wooden houses, VVGng, VVGng-P, VVGng LS, VVGng-P LS wires and cables manufactured using German NYM technology are used. This copper cables, having solid cores and at least double insulation. The outer insulation is fireproof, flexible and at the same time durable. Operating temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees.

The electric meter is selected according to its accuracy class, but not less than the second class. Options are available based on different tariffs. Standard single-tariff and economical two-tariff.

In most cases, sockets are selected according to design and type of wiring. Preferably switches and sockets with a ceramic base, bronze and brass contacts.


You can install the wiring yourself. The action plan is as follows:

The first stage is the installation of wiring cables. The wires are cut according to the number of future sockets and switches with a margin of 200 mm for each point. Depending on the selected type of wiring, they are laid in cable channels, internal systems wire linings, mounted on ceramic insulators, secured to brackets.

The second stage is the installation of distribution boxes.

The third stage is the installation of switches and sockets. Outdoor installation Switches and sockets are installed through aluminum or asbestos gaskets. Wires are connected with color coding.

The fourth stage is the installation of chandeliers and lighting shades. Chandeliers and shades with a metal base are ideal for a wooden house.

The fifth stage is installation of the electrical panel. The electricity meter is mounted in a plastic or metal panel. It is better to choose a shield with a small margin free space. Ground loop: optimal diameter reinforcement for the circuit -16 mm per 3000 mm length. The cross-section of the wire removed from the grounding bus must correspond to the cross-section of the input cable.

Installation of hidden wiring

More difficult process. Wiring pre-hidden in metal sleeves or pipes is laid behind walls or under the floor.

It is important to minimize the occurrence of corrosion in places where the wiring runs. To avoid this, all structures are painted with durable paint.

The sharp edges of pipes and sleeves protecting wiring are smoothed. Another option is to use plastic plugs. If the house is not planned to maintain constant temperature regime, pipes are installed at a slope. This technique allows the condensate to drain and evaporate.

A wiring diagram with additional notes can be pasted inside the switchboard for memory.

Electrical wiring done according to the rules will become a safe and reliable source of energy for many years!

Photo of wiring in a wooden house
