Which zodiac signs are friends? All interesting in art and beyond. Pisces in friendship

The easiest way to get luck is if you know where to look for it. The weekly horoscope will indicate the days of happiness for each Zodiac Sign, when the chances of success will be extremely high.

The coming week is a time of change and good opportunities. It will be very easy to miss them due to everyday difficulties. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that you not focus on problems, but track the signs of fate. The Universe will indicate moments when your success will depend on one confident step.


The coming week for Aries will be held in a romantic atmosphere. The antagonist Venus will not prevent you from enjoying the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with your weakened position. Mars will create a creative mood, which is very favorable for you. Your strength will increase several times, you will be set up for success. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and desires, without giving of great importance to other people's whims. Aries, live this week for yourself, be selfish.

On Monday, beware of the aspect of militant Mars and violent Uranus. Such a connection of planets will make the day very difficult with all the problems arising from the past. Otherwise, the week is harmonious for working on yourself and unlocking your potential. Therefore, don’t sit still: it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, especially since luck is on your side.


During the period from September 25 to 28, your energy will be higher, and money luck won't leave for a minute. Mercury, strengthened until Thursday, will help Taurus achieve financial triumph, motivating them to new victories. This week it is important to stop strenuous activities in a timely manner. There is no need to show perfectionism - be content with the results obtained, take a break on the weekend, let the movement forward wait.

Awareness and acceptance of the limits of your capabilities will help you live the coming week favorably and even devote time to amorous affairs. In love, you should not act rashly and look for new victories or relationships. Live in the moment. The most favorable time for romance is September 29, 30 and October 1.


This week, Gemini should rely on their own strengths and focus on the demands of the Universe, which has its own plans for you. You have to tune in to changes and look for ways to solve stagnant problems. This will affect both the material and love spheres of life.

Retrograde Uranus, which will emerge from the shadows, will have a positive impact on your energy, which will help you identify successful opportunities for yourself. This is especially true on Monday, September 25, and Thursday, the 28th. These two days will be decisive for Gemini. This starting point to a new life will be indicated by aspects of Uranus and planets, the effects of which will highlight success. The main thing is to take into account established rules and not neglect new obligations, freeing yourself from accumulated ballast.


Cancers should lower their expectations and make a temporary compromise. Although your patrons Venus and the Moon will join forces to help you stay afloat, their influence will still be negligible. Venus will remain unchanged throughout the week, being in a weak position. However, it was precisely this moderate activity that you needed to come to an understanding with your partner.

The Moon, which is completely deprived of strength, will be under the influence of Capricorn on September 28 and 29, which will completely knock you out of the usual course of life. If there is a dead end in business, it is better to take a break rather than aggravate the disappointments. Astrologers recommend, if possible, to take a break from current problems and engage in the development of positive thinking.

a lion

Leos should pay attention to their patron, the Sun, whose presence in Libra will deprive you of positive light. This week, the stars will remind you of the need to look at the situation extremely soberly, not missing the clues of the Universe and avoiding illusions. You may need energy-boosting practices. After all, solar activity is only enough to motivate you, but not to help you move forward.

The moment you decide to take an active position, Uranus will emerge from the shadows, whose negative influence will force you to abandon many successful opportunities. He is not in a strong position this week, but his presence in Aries, the sign of the fire element, will make you worry. By all means, drive away the approaching feeling of anxiety, especially on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.


The coming week may bring Virgos moments of physical weakness and moral decline, leading to personal impotence. Do not rush to despair: you are at the end of a difficult path, and the positive energy of Saturn is sent to help you. This planet will tell you a way out of a desperate situation.

The main thing is to accept the changes and abandon erroneous plans. Facing reality will not be easy, especially if your ambitions and hopes were great. But remember that life never stands still. Only your fighting spirit will increase your chances of success. Keep this in mind on Monday when Saturn enters an aspect with Mercury. This day will give you wonderful opportunities. Inaction and passivity on September 25 are your worst enemies.


There will be two planets in the Sign of Libra this week: Jupiter and the Sun, and, unfortunately, there is no reason for joy. Possible low vitality and moral uncertainty. The antagonist Sun is marked by low activity, but it is enough to annoy you. Contradictions and internal fears will come out. The coming week will be like an uncompromising struggle for personal happiness.

Astrologers report that everything is worth going to the end. Jupiter will strengthen your intuition, which means it will save you from sudden turns of fate. Only an honest and rational look at reality will free you from illusions and hesitations. The coming week is a good opportunity to say goodbye to the outdated elements of your own life. Believe in the best and don’t give up under any pretext. Remember that you will always be saved by the support of loved ones and their wise advice.


For Scorpios, the time has come to think about the future, and in a critical and realistic manner. The Moon and Neptune, its partner this week, will be active and negative planets for you. For you, this is a passive period of time that will help you analyze your life situation and find personal vulnerabilities. Perhaps it's high time for you to say goodbye to the people and methods that are holding you back from success.

At the beginning and end of the week, the Moon will remain moderately active, which will make you worry about empty space. Try to find the strength within yourself to counteract the negative impact. On Thursday and Friday, your antagonist will be in Capricorn, which will greatly weaken him. This will help you realize your potential.


This week Sagittarius will have to reckon with Neptune. This planet is your patron, and this week it will have great power due to its location in the constellation Pisces. This position of Neptune will have a surprising effect on your life. It is advisable to extract the necessary experience from past failures and take it into account when drawing up new plans. The positive energy of the patron will be on your side, and with it success.

At the beginning of the week, accumulated disappointments may prompt a global step. Period from 25 to 28 September in the best possible way combined with changes in the personal and material spheres of life. It is interaction with the outside world, a clear analysis of the situation and the desire to be on top that will help you change your life for the better.


The coming week is dangerous because of the partial collapse of hopes, especially if you are accustomed to trusting unverified information rather than your own intuition. Capricorns may face harsh truths and disappointment in something truly important. The negative energy of the antagonist, Jupiter, is to blame.

On Monday, September 25, the stars do not advise you to become despondent, otherwise each new day will be a detailed copy of the previous one. You have to get rid of the unnecessary, throw out all the negativity. You should accept your inner doubts as inevitable. Astrologers report that the very next day will be more favorable. By the end of the week, you will be able to overcome your fears, which means you will be closer to success.


Aquarians should not overestimate their capabilities: they should give up frivolity and illusions about quick success. Mercury, which will be in a strong position, will be your guiding star. Although luck will not leave you, in promising business and established relationships you need to get rid of a number of mistakes you constantly repeat.

Until Thursday, personal success will be in your hands. Strengthened by the constellation Virgo, Mercury will help you move in the chosen direction. On Friday, September 29, your energy ally will move into the zodiac Libra, which will reduce its positive energy. But you will be able to calm down your ardor and pay attention to your personal life, in which only harmony and pleasant moments await you.


This week, the stars will bring representatives of the Sign of Pisces to a decisive brink, which will inevitably affect life. Considering the astrological chart, Saturn will be your active planet. Your energy opponent will create a negative background around you, but small maneuvers will be available to help make room for positivity. Try with all your might to get closer to the psychology of wealth and the behavior of a successful person.

Monday will be your small start. Get rid of illusions, but not of personal desires. Remember that any dream is destined to come true. Continue to think in the chosen direction and do not turn away from your postulates, even if everyone around you says the opposite.

The weekly horoscope will indicate the positive aspects of the coming week for each Zodiac Sign. However, we should not forget that success directly depends on a person’s personal qualities and hidden capabilities. We wish you good mood, have a productive week, good luck!

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The coming week for Aries will be held in a romantic atmosphere. The antagonist Venus will not prevent you from enjoying the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with your weakened position. Mars will create a creative mood, which is very favorable for you. Your strength will increase several times, you will be set up for success. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and desires, without attaching much importance to the whims of others. Aries, live this week for yourself, be selfish.

On Monday, beware of the aspect of militant Mars and violent Uranus. Such a connection of planets will make the day very difficult with all the problems arising from the past. Otherwise, the week is harmonious for working on yourself and unlocking your potential. Therefore, don’t sit still: it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, especially since luck is on your side.


In the period from September 25 to 28, your energy will be higher, and your money luck will not leave you for a minute. Mercury, strengthened until Thursday, will help Taurus achieve financial triumph, motivating them to new victories. This week it is important to stop strenuous activities in a timely manner. There is no need to show perfectionism - be content with the results obtained, take a break on the weekend, let the movement forward wait.

Awareness and acceptance of the limits of your capabilities will help you live the coming week favorably and even devote time to amorous affairs. In love, you should not act rashly and look for new victories or relationships. Live in the moment. The most favorable time for romance is September 29, 30 and October 1.


This week, Gemini should rely on their own strengths and focus on the demands of the Universe, which has its own plans for you. You have to tune in to changes and look for ways to solve stagnant problems. This will affect both the material and love spheres of life.

Retrograde Uranus, which will emerge from the shadows, will have a positive impact on your energy, which will help you identify successful opportunities for yourself. This is especially true on Monday, September 25, and Thursday, the 28th. These two days will be decisive for Gemini. This starting point to a new life will be indicated by aspects of Uranus and planets, the effects of which will highlight success. The main thing is to take into account the established rules and not neglect new obligations, freeing yourself from accumulated ballast.


Cancers should lower their expectations and make a temporary compromise. Although your patrons Venus and the Moon will join forces to help you stay afloat, their influence will still be negligible. Venus will remain unchanged throughout the week, being in a weak position. However, it was precisely this moderate activity that you needed to come to an understanding with your partner.

The Moon, which is completely deprived of strength, will be under the influence of Capricorn on September 28 and 29, which will completely knock you out of the usual course of life. If there is a dead end in business, it is better to take a break rather than aggravate the disappointments. Experts from the site dailyhoro.ru recommend, if possible, to take a break from pressing problems and engage in the development of positive thinking.

a lion

Leos should pay attention to their patron, the Sun, whose presence in Libra will deprive you of positive light. This week, the stars will remind you of the need to look at the situation extremely soberly, not missing the clues of the Universe and avoiding illusions. You may need energy-boosting practices. After all, solar activity is only enough to motivate you, but not to help you move forward.

The moment you decide to take an active position, Uranus will emerge from the shadows, whose negative influence will force you to abandon many successful opportunities. He is not in a strong position this week, but his presence in Aries, the sign of the fire element, will make you worry. By all means, drive away the approaching feeling of anxiety, especially on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.


The coming week may bring Virgos moments of physical weakness and moral decline, leading to personal impotence. Do not rush to despair: you are at the end of a difficult path, and the positive energy of Saturn is sent to help you. This planet will tell you a way out of a desperate situation.

The main thing is to accept the changes and abandon erroneous plans. Facing reality will not be easy, especially if your ambitions and hopes were great. But remember that life never stands still. Only your fighting spirit will increase your chances of success. Keep this in mind on Monday when Saturn enters an aspect with Mercury. This day will give you wonderful opportunities. Inaction and passivity on September 25 are your worst enemies.


There will be two planets in the Sign of Libra this week: Jupiter and the Sun, and, unfortunately, there is no reason for joy. Possible low vitality and moral uncertainty. The antagonist Sun is marked by low activity, but it is enough to annoy you. Contradictions and internal fears will come out. The coming week will be like an uncompromising struggle for personal happiness.

Astrologers report that everything is worth going to the end. Jupiter will strengthen your intuition, which means it will save you from sudden turns of fate. Only an honest and rational look at reality will free you from illusions and hesitations. The coming week is a good opportunity to say goodbye to the outdated elements of your own life. Believe in the best and don’t give up under any pretext. Remember that you will always be saved by the support of loved ones and their wise advice.


For Scorpios, the time has come to think about the future, and in a critical and realistic manner. The Moon and Neptune, its partner this week, will be active and negative planets for you. For you, this is a passive period of time that will help you analyze your life situation and find personal vulnerabilities. Perhaps it's high time for you to say goodbye to the people and methods that are holding you back from success.

At the beginning and end of the week, the Moon will remain moderately active, which will make you worry out of nowhere. Try to find the strength within yourself to counteract the negative impact. On Thursday and Friday, your antagonist will be in Capricorn, which will greatly weaken him. This will help you realize your potential.


This week Sagittarius will have to reckon with Neptune. This planet is your patron, and this week it will have great power due to its location in the constellation Pisces. This position of Neptune will have a surprising effect on your life. It is advisable to extract the necessary experience from past failures and take it into account when drawing up new plans. The positive energy of the patron will be on your side, and with it success.

At the beginning of the week, accumulated disappointments may prompt a global step. The period from September 25 to 28 is best combined with changes in the personal and material spheres of life. It is interaction with the outside world, a clear analysis of the situation and the desire to be on top that will help you change your life for the better.


The coming week is dangerous because of the partial collapse of hopes, especially if you are accustomed to trusting unverified information rather than your own intuition. Capricorns may face harsh truths and disappointment in something truly important. The negative energy of the antagonist, Jupiter, is to blame.

On Monday, September 25, the stars do not advise you to become despondent, otherwise each new day will be a detailed copy of the previous one. You have to get rid of the unnecessary, throw out all the negativity. You should accept your inner doubts as inevitable. Astrologers report that the very next day will be more favorable. By the end of the week, you will be able to overcome your fears, which means you will be closer to success.


Aquarians should not overestimate their capabilities: they should give up frivolity and illusions about quick success. Mercury, which will be in a strong position, will be your guiding star. Although luck will not leave you, in promising business and established relationships you need to get rid of a number of mistakes you constantly repeat.

Until Thursday, personal success will be in your hands. Strengthened by the constellation Virgo, Mercury will help you move in the chosen direction. On Friday, September 29, your energy ally will move into the zodiac Libra, which will reduce its positive energy. But you will be able to calm down your ardor and pay attention to your personal life, in which only harmony and pleasant moments await you.


This week, the stars will bring representatives of the Sign of Pisces to a decisive brink, which will inevitably affect life. Considering the astrological chart, Saturn will be your active planet. Your energy opponent will create a negative background around you, but small maneuvers will be available to help make room for positivity. Try with all your might to get closer to the psychology of wealth and the behavior of a successful person.

Monday will be your little start. Get rid of illusions, but not of personal desires. Remember that any dream is destined to come true. Continue to think in the chosen direction and do not turn away from your postulates, even if everyone around you says the opposite.

The weekly horoscope will indicate the positive aspects of the coming week for each Zodiac Sign. However, we should not forget that success directly depends on a person’s personal qualities and hidden capabilities. We wish you a great mood, a productive week, and good luck!

Many astrologers highly recommend choosing friends based on their zodiac sign. Often, such compatibility can become the basis for long-term, mutually beneficial and pleasant relationships. If you suffer from a lack of communication, arm yourself with the tips below and choose a true friend based on your zodiac sign.


Aries has the best friendships with Sagittarius and Gemini

This representative of the zodiac table approaches friendship issues very responsibly. He values ​​his existing connections, respects his friends, and is ready to do anything for them. Aries strives to gather around him a large number of people who are faithful and devoted to him. Only in this case will he be happy.

  • Gemini and Sagittarius will smooth out rough edges in relationships, add a touch of adventurism, and entertain the ever-busy and serious Aries.
  • Aquarians, on the contrary, have exactly the same views on life as Aries. These signs are always ready to support each other.
  • Capricorn and Aries have the same views on the need to accumulate material things.

In communication, this zodiac sign does not accept gossip, emotionality, or understatement. He can take friends under his wing, but will not forgive them if they demonstrate their autonomy to him. Aries should not start relationships with people who are most similar to him. Namely with Taurus. There is a high probability that these zodiac signs will not get along together due to the similarity of character and stubbornness.


Best friends for Taurus - Pisces

Moderately sociable sign. He tries to gather a stable circle of friends around himself. However, he truly trusts only a select few and relatives. He tries not to take seriously the failures and troubles that arise in his loved ones. So you shouldn’t expect help from Taurus. This representative of the zodiac will gladly share your joy and feast with you, but, unfortunately, he will not know you in trouble. If you behave decently towards a Taurus, you can count on exactly the same attitude.

Taurus is very kind and friendly, so he chooses friends to match himself. He is friends with Pisces, who appreciate his organizational skills. This zodiac sign will also like how Taurus knows how to manage finances and how he approaches complex issues in detail.

You should not start a relationship with Aquarius and Sagittarius, as they have an outlook on life that is alien to the stubborn Taurus.


Geminis have the widest social circle of all the zodiac signs.

Representatives of this sign are easy and pleasant to communicate with. They perceive you as you are, without the desire to change you. Geminis get along with people easily. They are straightforward, but at the same time non-conflicting, they will never criticize you. This is a very optimistic zodiac sign. Its representatives are always cheerful, interesting, and energetic. These people have a wide social circle and are welcome in any company. Geminis do not try to strive for spiritual intimacy with any of the zodiac signs. Truly close people for them are family. But friends cannot cross this very line, which opens the door to the inner world of Gemini.

  • Geminis are great friends with Aries. It is with this zodiac sign that they will find the very necessary communications.
  • Pisces will urge Gemini to accomplish important things.
  • Libras will love that their zodiac friend is very flexible in communication and can take their hesitations with humor.
  • Aquarius will appreciate Gemini's lively mind and intelligence.

Such people are contraindicated to communicate with strict Capricorns and Taurus. These signs will not appreciate the high energy and sometimes even optional nature of Gemini. Frequent clashes will be doomed to scandals, as a result of which any friendship will end.


Cancer knows how to truly make friends, but does not forgive betrayal

Cancers choose their friends very carefully. However, recognized people need not worry about themselves. Cancers will always take care of them and will never abandon them in an unpleasant situation. Representatives of this sign have a very pronounced maternal instinct towards all close and dear people. If a friend gets into trouble, Cancer will do everything in his power for him.

But if you betray the trust of this zodiac sign at least once, it will be very difficult to return it. Cancer does not allow any betrayal. If a friend stumbles once, he risks breaking a long-term relationship forever.

Cancers cannot stand lies and gossip. Even if you naively embellished an event, you will cause a negative reaction and provoke a reason for the cooling of the relationship.

  • Cancer is a strong friend of Taurus, as they have a common predisposition to hidden reflection.
  • They will get along well with Virgos, because Cancers are often also pedantic and strict.
  • Pisces will appreciate the desire to solve problems and will always respond in kind.

Cancer has a negative attitude towards zodiac signs who are too emotional and perceive friendship with them as overcoming any problems.

  • Therefore, you should not communicate with Leos who demand admiration in friendship.
  • Sagittarians will also not become best friends because of their wishful thinking.
  • Cancers will not find anything in common with Geminis, as they are too flighty.

a lion

To be friends with a Leo, you just need to admire him

This fire sign Zodiac sign treats everyone who is included in his social circle very well. In order to become a close person, you need to admire strengths and the successes of Leo. Then he will provide his friends with the necessary support. This zodiac sign is a great friend and the soul of any company. There will never be a dull moment with him.

  • Excellent contact with Gemini. The ease of character of both zodiac signs, the desire to have fun, and the absence of negativity are valued here.
  • Will find mutual language with the ever-doubting Libra.
  • In Aries, Leos will find rabid fans who will enthusiastically admire their successes.

Leo cannot stand boredom, so he will never tolerate a bore next to him. And he also does not accept any criticism or moralizing. That is why it is contraindicated for him to be friends with prim Taurus and strict Capricorns.


Virgo makes friendships based on benefits and common interests

Not very sociable, but treats friendship responsibly. The useful qualities of this zodiac sign are the ability to value relationships, as well as devotion. Virgo bonds with friends based on common interests or benefits. She will meet people with whom she can build partnerships or friendships with further prospects for development. Friendship for Virgo is an exchange on an energetic level.

  • Will get along well with Taurus. They are famous for their prudence, which Virgo will really like.
  • Good partnerships will develop with Capricorns and Aries.
  • Virgo will find a common language with Libra based on interests in the field of art.

Virgo will not tolerate it if one of her close friends begins to expose her personal life to strangers.

  • Virgo's character is simply contraindicated for people like Sagittarius. Unfortunately, they do not tolerate criticism, but are accustomed to receiving admiration.
  • The same applies to Lviv. A calm and prim Virgo will not be a good friend for them.
  • He will also not be able to make friends with Pisces due to the similarity of characters.


Libras are more prone to socializing than to close, trusting relationships.

Quite a sociable sign. Therefore, relationships with others develop very easily, but only a select few become true friends. Libras love to hang out among a large number of friends and spend active holidays with them. However, these meetings are more of a secular nature, and there can be no talk of spiritual closeness or shared secrets.

  • Libra will find a common language with Sagittarius, as they will consider them absolute leaders, but at the same time they will be able to obey.
  • Libra attracts Taurus, as they can give useful advice in one area or another.
  • They get along well with Geminis, as they cannot stand loneliness, and Geminis will be able to fill all the space around them.

This zodiac sign is also very prone to doubts and hesitations. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice if after a certain time you have planned a meeting, trip or other joint event with Libra. Everything can change several times.

  • Libra will not find support from Cancer, since they are supporters of decisive action, while Libra constantly doubts.
  • They will not be able to contact Capricorns, since the latter are too correct and demanding.


Scorpio and Virgo have the best friendships

Many people mistakenly believe that Scorpio is the heaviest sign of the zodiac. This is wrong. If we are talking about a friendly relationship, then you can count on long-term contact with Scorpio. He values ​​all those people who have proven, not by word but by deed, how devoted they are to this relationship. For the sake of true friendship, Scorpio is capable of much, so rest assured that you are under reliable protection.

Very frank with his friends. They are usually aware of his financial, personal and social life.

Scorpio can let the following representatives of the zodiac close to him:

  • Virgo. They get along well with each other, as both value loyalty.
  • Will be able to find a common language with correct and tactful Capricorns.
  • Scorpios interact well with Cancers.

Despite all his devotion, Scorpio has a rather harsh character. Therefore, sometimes it can easily offend with a word, especially if his pride has been hurt before.

  • Communication with Sagittarius and Gemini is contraindicated due to their inherent frivolity.
  • Scorpio will not be able to get along with stubborn Aries.


The best friends for Sagittarius are representatives of the sign Libra

It is very positive, emotional and bright man. He is a source of vitality and has a wide circle of friends. True, representatives of this environment often change. Sagittarius will never refuse help if you are his loved one. Heloves decisive, positive people and does not tolerate boredom.

  • He will make friends with Libra, who will somewhat weaken his ardor, and in turn, he himself will gain good communication skills.
  • Together with Aquarius, they will experience a great thirst for adventure.
  • Sagittarius will get along with Aries, with whom they will build long-term relationships.
  • Sagittarius and Leo are temperamentally compatible. Therefore, they will become great friends long years.

If Sagittarius has stopped receiving any emotional support, then, most likely, communication is over. And also very often he shows tactlessness towards those closest to him. Sagittarius often does not control his words, which can seriously hurt.

That is why representatives of this sign will not be able to get along with Capricorns, because their views on life differ in direct proportion. The same goes for the right Taurus.


Capricorn can be the most reliable friend and will never betray

This sign has a very difficult time getting close to people, but with a select few they can create successful, trusting relationships. He is looking for only loyal friends, he does not need others. He will never betray a loved one.

Can serve as a so-called crying vest for a long time, will give good advice and instructions for further behavior.

Capricorn values ​​​​family values ​​very much, so he can only exchange a friend for blood ties.

  • Capricorn will have an excellent relationship with Scorpio. Both of these signs have hidden leadership qualities.
  • Capricorn will get along with Pisces.
  • Good relationships will be built with Taurus, since both signs are distinguished by their stability and perseverance.

The downside of Capricorn is secrecy. It is almost impossible to bring him to frankness. Capricorn fully trusts only himself, so he very often refuses offered help.

Capricorn will not be able to improve relations with Leos, since they require admiration, and he adequately views the current situation.


Aquarians communicate well with the signs of their element - Gemini and Libra

This sign is devoid of arrogance, but can resort to harsh criticism. Doesn't change it to suit itself. Never complains. He solves his problems on his own and prefers to just have fun with friends.

  • Aries will value perseverance and the desire to achieve goals if they agree on their views on life.
  • Gemini will give you much-needed lightness and add variety to communication.

If a friendship starts to crumble, Aquarius will simply step aside and see what happens.

  • He will not get along with Capricorns, since they are looking for a devoted friend, and Aquarius is not one.
  • Not always compatible with Pisces.


Pisces will get along well with those signs that will be lenient about their tendency to exaggerate.

Pisces have no tendency to judge, are very sentimental, and touching. They love to show attention and give gifts for no reason.

  • Friends with Capricorns. Pisces will be delighted with the correctness of this zodiac sign.
  • Friendship with Taurus will take place, as they are very generous.
  • They communicate well with Cancers and Scorpios, despite the fact that they are quite secretive people.

But all help ends with moral support. Pisces can also be caught in lies. That is why they will not be able to establish relationships with Virgos, who value the truth. The same goes for Libra.

It is not always necessary to rely on zodiac predictions when choosing a friend. Sometimes they do not correspond to reality, and the image of a particular sign is collective. And yet, having chosen a friend, try to maintain the relationship and lead it in the right direction, based on the advice of astrologers. Perhaps this will help you bring communication to the desired level and not create any illusions.

Many people are surprised by the fact that friendship with one person can be very strong, but with another the relationship does not work out at all. This seems especially strange if the last person is pleasant to you, but there is absolutely no connection with him.

So why do we choose some people as friends and reject others? Worth a look this problem from an astrological point of view. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristic features, which greatly influence relationships between people.


He will be a good friend due to his honesty and helpfulness. He won’t get into your soul, trying to find out your secrets.

It cannot be said that Aries is very attentive: he can very easily not notice that his friend is stressed or depressed. However, this happens not so much because of his selfishness, but because of the confidence that in his presence people immediately become cheerful and joyful, forgetting about troubles.

Until you tell Aries about your difficulties, he will be cheerful and carefree, not noticing your depression. However, as soon as he learns about the troubles of his comrade, he will immediately come to the defense, taking responsibility for himself.

He wants to prove that he is a leader and a winner, but because of this desire, the life of Aries himself often slides to the bottom. You should not use the help and trust of an Aries friend too often without a good reason.

Aries is a friend who loves to have fun himself and entertain others, he will do anything to make it interesting and fun for both him and his comrades. If you refuse to participate in the fun he initiates several times, you can turn into a bore and a boring person in the eyes of Aries.

What Aries definitely won’t like is advice and moralizing, especially if they seem better than his initiatives. He is confident that he knows better than anyone what, how and when to do. Accept him as he is.

Aries considers friendships, first of all, to share each other's points of view. You must love those whom he loves, and truly hate those towards whom he is hostile.

Aries hate liars and always say what they think, that is, the truth. If he notices that this truth has offended you, he will immediately rush to apologize, but then everything will happen again.

Aries helps everyone around him, there is no self-interest in him, but in return his friends should also be ready to come to his aid at any time. If Aries notices that friendship has become more like being used for personal gain, expect a scandal.

They are most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn.


Taurus is a magnificent and reliable friend, to whom others are drawn, especially anxious and nervous people who want to enjoy the calmness and confidence of such a friend. Taurus, for his part, loves to be friends with creative people, people who are radically different from himself.

Many people consider Taurus their friends without asking their opinion. But Taurus himself is in no hurry to let anyone very close to him. He is quite distrustful and it is impossible to establish strong friendships with him in a short time.

If he recognized you as his friend, you can safely rely on him. He will help with advice, action and money, although there may be a hitch with the last aspect, which is not so much to blame for Taurus’ stinginess as for some of his reluctance in spending finances.

If you want to make your friendship with Taurus strong and long-lasting, learn diplomacy. There is no need to try to argue with such a friend; it is better to find a compromise.

Taurus loves intimate conversations, calm and protracted. They don't like chatterboxes who speak purely on emotions.

Perhaps the most unusual manifestation of friendship with Taurus is jealousy. Taurus may well consider you his property. He will not tolerate competition and will not share you with someone else.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.


Full of charm, sociable and love to have fun. Such a person can become an excellent friend, but friendship is much more than simple friendship, the basis of which is joint entertainment. Libras are completely uncharacteristic of deep and pure soulfulness, not connected with reason.

Even friendship with a person, they will always evaluate him. Friendship is an impartial thing, there should be no room for noticing the slightest weaknesses loved one. Your friendship with Libra will always be formal and reasonable; it won’t work out any other way.

Libras are able to use their charisma and charm to their advantage to achieve their own goals. They will not lie or pretend, but there is always some manipulation in such relationships.

Libra will not leave a friend without useful advice. They value moral principles and do not like to let their loved ones in on their problems, preferring to figure them out on their own. They have one very valuable talent - the ability to bring harmony, peace and tranquility to the soul.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.


Overly cautious Virgos do not often trust strangers. If we talk about friendship, they always notice the shortcomings of even the closest people. This type of character does not allow Virgos to have too many friends.

However, Virgo is an energetic sign; she loves change, receiving new information, and loves to gossip. Its main goal is to turn any chaos into absolute order. Virgo will provide support to a friend, but certainly without harming herself. You should not abuse her help.

Virgo is irreplaceable as an adviser: she will always show and tell, explain everything down to the smallest detail.

Virgo is an excellent partner for visiting various entertainment venues. Restrained and closed in life, she opens up when watching a dramatic film, for example, and besides, you can have a great time with her at the bowling alley. Just don’t go to the races or the casino with Virgo - such an attitude towards money will definitely not please her.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini.


Gemini is a very sociable person and her social circle can be infinitely wide. But at the same time, Geminis can rarely name more than one or two bosom friends, since communication and friendship are two different things. In order to make friends with Gemini, you need to tolerate their desire to always attract the attention of others.

Geminis are selfless in friendship. They often make friends with modest and even gray people - either in order to stand out against their background, or to help them free themselves from constraint in communication.

They are most compatible in friendship with Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


Cancer's closest friends are with people he has known since childhood or youth. He is strongly attached to the past, so nostalgic memories can become the basis for a strong and warm friendship. Cancers love memories very much.

Cancer's friends can sometimes be difficult, since he believes that friendship exists primarily so that he has someone with whom to discuss his problems.

No one would argue with this if it weren’t for Cancer’s desire to make drama and tragedy out of every little thing. It is impossible to listen to his complaints endlessly. Cancer has few friends, but each of them has truly angelic patience.

Cancer considers friends family. He will always feed them delicious food and help with finances, listen and give good advice. The only thing he won’t succeed is friendship on equal terms. Cancer wants to dominate everything.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer.

a lion

Do you want to have a friendship with a Leo? Become successful and self-sufficient, but no more than he is. He will consider those who are equal to him as competitors, and those of lower status as servants, pages, fit to fulfill his desires, but unworthy of being brought closer to his person.

Leo dominates friendship. If he considers you a friend, you can be sure of his protection, but if you disappoint him, you may not even think about forgiveness.

Leo should not be criticized, especially in public: revenge can follow immediately.

Leos have a bad attitude towards passive and repressed people; they also do not like lack of spirituality and aggression.

They are most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.


Scorpios are very individual, so making friendships is difficult for them, and maintaining them is doubly difficult. Communication with Scorpio is subject to such a person who will recognize him as a leader and will not criticize the despotic and eccentric behavior of his comrade.

Such friendship can be described as a union of people, one of whom always looks up, and the other always looks down.

In addition, Scorpio's friend must be a very calm and balanced person, otherwise Scorpio's behavior can be very hurtful.

For someone who fully meets the above criteria, Scorpio will become a reliable friend, always able to help, and also a very interesting conversationalist.

Scorpios love loyal people, and they will love and respect their true friends.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn.


For Sagittarius, friendship is very important. He sees his friends as family and trusts them, even if they have let him down in the past. Sagittarius is sociable, so his social circle is wide and he has many friends. Those around him like his sociability and charm, but excessive honesty can quarrel Sagittarius with someone, because people really don’t like it when the truth is shot right in their face.

Those who communicate closely with Sagittarius can claim that he never wants to offend anyone. If you don't tolerate familiarity, you definitely don't need a Sagittarius friend. But if such a friendship exists, be always prepared to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. If you are also frank in response, you will earn the unconditional respect of Sagittarius.

They are most compatible in friendship with Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius.


Capricorn prefers to stay around people with power and influence, however, he was accustomed not to confuse true friendship with the desire to be closer to “ strong of the world this."

By nature, these people are loners, so in their life, as a rule, they have only one true friend.

They know how to keep other people's secrets and understand friendship as a readiness to come to the rescue at any moment. They will spare nothing for family and friends. Friendship is very important for Capricorns.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.


For Aquarius, everyone is a friend! It makes no difference to him what race, nationality or religion his new acquaintance is. Aquarius likes everyone. The most favorite words of Aquarius are “friend” and “buddy”, however best friend Aquarius will not name just anyone.

They are most compatible in friendship with Libra, Gemini and Capricorn.


Friendly people who communicate well with everyone who treats them well. If they cannot communicate with a friend for a long time, they begin to get bored and sad, simultaneously looking for a comrade in everyone they meet.

Pisces really need to be needed, they love to receive approval and attention.

These people are very compassionate, which is often taken advantage of by not very conscientious “friends” who use Pisces as a vest into which to cry.

Pisces will not be offended by a friend, even if he is wrong a hundred times. Those who appreciate this are the true friends of Pisces.

They are most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

Which signs have the worst compatibility?

  • Aries – Taurus.
  • Taurus - Aquarius.
  • Gemini - Cancer.
  • Cancer - Aquarius.
  • Leo – Taurus.
  • Virgo - Libra.
  • Libra - Virgo.
  • Scorpio - Aries.
  • Sagittarius - Pisces.
  • Capricorn - Leo.
  • Aquarius - Aquarius.
  • Pisces - Virgo.

Which signs have the best compatibility?

  • Aries - Sagittarius.
  • Taurus – Capricorn.
  • Gemini-Leo.
  • Cancer - Scorpio.
  • Leo - Libra.
  • Virgo – Taurus.
  • Libra - Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio – Capricorn.
  • Sagittarius - Aries.
  • Capricorn - Pisces.
  • Aquarius - Sagittarius.
  • Pisces - Capricorn.

Friendly compatibility chart

How to use it

In order to determine the degree of compatibility between people, they use a special table created by astrologers.

The number at the intersection of two signs is the level of their compatibility. How larger number– the higher it is:

  • From 1 to 10 – the lowest indicator, misunderstanding and disrespect between partners.
  • From 11 to 20 – low level, problems in relationships are common.
  • From 21 to 30 – average compatibility, conflicts and indifference between people are possible.
  • From 31 to 40 is a good level. The alliance will be strong if there are concessions.
  • From 41 to 50 – high. Good understanding.
  • From 51 to 60 – very high. Trust and common interests.
  • From 61 to 70 – almost perfect compatibility. Complete understanding and harmony.
  • From 71 to 80 is ideal. A rare combination.

The ideal friend is available always and everywhere, regardless of daily routine, time zones and other vitally unimportant little things. She is always ready to talk - all she does is look at the monitor, waiting for your message.

Many astrologers claim that if you count the number 11 from your sign along the zodiac circle, you will get the zodiac sign of a friend who would understand you as herself and always support you.

For example, if you are a Taurus, then your girlfriend should have been born under the sign of Pisces. At the same time, do not forget that you must also count your sign.
However, first, let's figure out why girlfriends are beautiful depending on their signs:

GOOD BECAUSE it always helps first. She never procrastinates with anything. She has everything at once and now. A warm and open person.
THE BAD THING is that it never sticks to anything, that it’s all at once and now. And always at the wrong time. Extremely intolerant.

On reconnaissance. Well, if I had gone with an Aries friend, then I think we would have left a lot of damage - we would have blown up something unnecessary, just at the same time. She would have left me no choice, and we would have had to take it, even if we didn't need it.

We wouldn't have left unnoticed. They would shoot at us. She would ask: If I were wounded in the legs, she would make me crawl, encourage me with words, but would not abandon me. I fully admit that if we did return, they would give us Heroes Soviet Union, but I would limp and stutter for the rest of my life.

GOOD IN THAT she is always balanced and peaceful. Knows how to enjoy beauty loudly and enthusiastically.
The bad thing is that sometimes it slows down a lot and gets terribly restrained.

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Taurus friend, we would walk quietly, but far away. They would sit patiently in secluded corners and count the enemy tanks passing by. And if at that moment someone had seen us, from her friendly face and a bouquet of wildflowers in her hand, they would never have guessed that we were here on reconnaissance.
It was she, peaceful and calm, who would approach someone who was greatly interfering with the task, and with the same calmness would plunge a knife into the enemy’s body and support him so that he would not fall loudly.

And if we were still tied up, which would certainly happen, since her reaction is slightly slow, she would not give anyone away. And she would have bitten off a fascist’s finger. But we would have been shot anyway.

GOOD IN THAT he thinks quickly, has excellent taste and works according to the Stanislavsky system.
BAD IN THAT he thinks quickly, has excellent taste and works according to the Stanislavsky system.

On reconnaissance. If I went on reconnaissance with a Gemini friend, I would drink heavily beforehand
Valerian Because the unknown scares us the most. We would go cheerfully. But when we got to the place, we quarreled for a long time in the bushes - we would have disagreements on tactics.

Then I would give in. Because you can not give in to Gemini only when you have a lot of free time at your disposal. Then she would take the frivolous outfit out of her duffel bag and turn into a frivolous fraulein. And while I would be crawling on my belly and attaching a mine to the general’s car, she would distract attention with a pole dance rehearsed in the dugout.

Most likely I would return alone. And she would have remained a resident. And traces of her would have been lost in Poland.

GOOD BECAUSE he showers you with gifts, showers you with compliments and pet names. He always wants to feed him something.
THE BAD THING is that he thinks one thing, says another, does another. Although, perhaps, she thinks exactly what she then does. Because she will never let go of what she is aiming at from her claws.

On reconnaissance. If I had gone with a Cancer friend, I wouldn't have returned.
Everything was agreed upon in the smallest details- She should throw a grenade in front of the first car, I should aim at the second one. She should cover me, and I should cross the road.

And together we would go deeper into the forest in short runs. But for some reason she doesn’t actually throw the grenade, the car doesn’t stop. I shoot at a moving target and miss.
She runs over to my side, explaining along the way that she couldn’t take the pin off the grenade, she thought that I would shoot at the wheels of the first car, but for some reason I didn’t do this, that she was sure that: It doesn’t matter what. Schmeisser shots in the back.

GOOD BECAUSE it is reliable, like a rock. Noble as gold. And he never flirts. This doesn't suit the Queen.
THE BAD THING is that you can’t indulge your weaknesses around her. Conscience doesn't allow it. Next to the queen, all that remains is to be a favorite.
On reconnaissance. If I went on reconnaissance with my Leo friend, we would do the impossible. We would, of course, complete the task without any problems. But they wouldn’t leave so easily. They've already arrived. Why waste time on trifles? It's a stone's throw to the fascist headquarters, but we only mined the bridge. We would get to headquarters. She would take the pin out of her hair and, shaking her hair like in a shampoo commercial, would go to the door with the sentries. Those, as in the advertisement, would have dropped their jaws and would not even have thought to stop her, because they would have wanted to look at her from behind. And then the chaos would begin. They would give us heroes posthumously. But the headquarters would have been decapitated.

The good thing is that her help is not emotional, but material. It is difficult to deceive her - she is an analyst and will not calm down for a long time and will not stop analyzing if doubt has crept into her soul.

The bad thing is that they will definitely notice your pimple and advise you on how to treat it. But it would be better to remain silent, honestly.

On reconnaissance. If I had gone with Virgo: We could have done it. She would be the one who would bandage my wounds sterilely. And they would definitely be, because acting according to the situation means abandoning the original plan. When I couldn’t pull the pin out of the grenade myself, the plan would have to be changed on the spot. But we agreed in the smallest details. She would tell me this all the way back while she was dragging me on her.


The good thing is that with her, as in the theater, the performance of one actor does not stop for a minute. She is a wonderful storyteller and a very subtle person.

THE BAD THING is that it carries her along, and at times she gets carried away. And she often doesn’t understand where. He lies and doesn't blush.

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Libra friend, we would definitely come back. And nothing would have been blown up. We would do everything in a civilized manner. We could sit in a restaurant with whoever we need. We would do everything we need for our homeland.

And they would find out everything they need. And in the morning they would take us by car to where we were closest to our people. It is quite possible that we would not have returned alone. And with a detachment of liquidators who came from completely out of nowhere on their tail.

GOOD BECAUSE IT TAKES LIFE SERIOUSLY. As a matter of principle, he does not wear rose-colored glasses.
It’s bad because it’s much stronger than it needs to be. She is egocentric. And it is still not clear why it is so significant.
On reconnaissance. If I had gone on reconnaissance with a Scorpio friend, we would have taken on a lot of sins. We would mercilessly kill the sentries in complete darkness. They would grind their teeth, but would stubbornly move towards the goal. I wouldn’t have noticed how I would have started following her commands. But I don’t know how this adventure would have ended, because I’m almost sure that it would have been my Scorpio friend who would have kindly put a bullet in my forehead if I had been wounded in the stomach.

GOOD IN THAT she is very optimistic, cheerful and adventurous to such an extent that this is also BAD...
On reconnaissance. If I had gone on reconnaissance with my Sagittarius friend, we would have done some business. Honestly, we would really miss other signs. We would definitely forget something - for example, cartridges.

Or maybe a map. And they would laugh at it for a long time. I would have to act from memory and intuition. I would shout to the Krauts and throw stones. And she would hit them on the head from behind with the shafts. I would throw sand in my eyes. And a fascist sniper would definitely hit her not in the heart, but in the medallion on her chest.

The good thing is that everything happens to her that doesn’t happen to me. That she talks about everything with taste. And because of her, I know that the impossible is possible, you just have to have a goal and go towards it.
The bad thing is that it can unintentionally instill an inferiority complex.
On reconnaissance. If I went with a Capricorn friend, I would be very tired. I’m not that resilient and I couldn’t jog with a machine gun through the swamps for a long time. She would, of course, wait for me and not be annoyed.

Then we would methodically mine everything according to some super-complicated scheme, without making a single mistake. And if she had been accidentally captured and I had not been noticed, she would never have given me up. She would be tortured, and she would try to relax and have fun. How would I know this? She would have told me herself. After all, I would definitely go to free her.

The good thing is that being with her is always interesting and unusual. She is unique in that, for all her feminine beauty, she is the only one completely devoid of typically feminine traits.
THE BAD THING is that her hobbies often develop into manias.
On reconnaissance. If I had gone with an Aquarius friend, we would have had enough adrenaline. Every time my heart would sink into my heels when she rose from the trench into full height and would go to talk to civilians.

She probably would have talked to the German officers, who would not have wanted to let her go. It's so great to be with her! She would tell everyone about his karma. Their interest would peak when she slipped barbiturate into their glasses. It’s scary to think that I would have been drawn into this story and would have been sitting next to him on pins and needles. I would have been declassified. She doesn't.

THE GOOD THING is that this is the most sought-after person who is adapted to changing conditions. It is not for nothing that she is the last in the Zodiac - an improved model.
The bad thing is that it suits me too much. But one thing worries you - when you extend your hand to the mirror, it answers you in kind. But can you consider a mirror your best friend?

On reconnaissance. If I went with a Pisces friend, we would laugh a lot. Especially on the way back. Firstly, she would probably have acquaintances at the German headquarters who would quietly bring us all the secret documents for us to remember.
Secondly, upon closer examination, the fascist bigwig would turn out to be her relative from the Baltic states.
The connection, of course, is discreditable, but at the right time it comes in handy. Everything would be done quietly, without pyrotechnics or special effects, based on personal connections and one’s own charm.

So, the ideal girlfriend for:
If you read the friend compatibility horoscope, then for Aries women the ideal friend is one who has the qualities of Aquarius, because girls born under this sign know how to be friends and understand, they will never impose themselves and do not enter into too close relationships, which is very convenient for Aries . Use your friend's advice if you need inspiration and creative ideas, she will always be happy to help you.

For Taurus great option- Pisces, after all, it is a friend with such a zodiac sign who is able to tell a Taurus woman about her emotional experiences, she will always listen and help, however, you need to remember that this is a closed sign, which has many of its own secrets, it is better not to ask about them if the woman - The fish does not tell itself. It is better to turn to a friend with this zodiac sign when you need encouragement and have self-doubt.

For Gemini

A Gemini woman is closest in spirit to a friend born under the sign of Aries. The Aries friend will become the leader in friendly relations, but Gemini will not be upset by this. Aries will be happy to take a leadership role and organize joint days of rest. An Aries friend is indispensable in emergency situations; you can always turn to her for help and protection.

For Cancer
The best zodiac sign for a Cancer girlfriend is Taurus. These friends will always have common interests, such as design or cooking. The Cancer woman will be able to smooth out unpleasant situations that may arise with a stubborn Taurus

Horoscope compatibility of friends recommends that Leos choose Gemini friends who are smart and broad-minded. Gemini women are active, constantly on the move and traveling.

Virgos will happily choose a Cancer woman as their friend, whom they will always look after and help in everything. Virgos need to take into account that their Cancer friend likes to be at home and her mood often changes.

It is better for Libra to choose a Leo woman who is passionate about art as a friend. However, it is important to remember that Leo should not be criticized under any circumstances, even if something does not suit you. Sometimes a friend of this sign can turn into a talisman of your happiness and success.

The best option is a Virgo friend who will always take care, be modest and faithful. However, during communication, try to avoid criticism of each other. People born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by innate healing.

It is better for a Sagittarius woman to make friends with sociable Libra, who can always smooth out corners and find a way out of any situation. However, at first after meeting, Sagittarius will take the initiative in friendship, because Libra behaves modestly and indecisively.

Women born under the sign of Capricorn and Scorpio will become close friends for many years. They will never gossip about each other and will always be loyal and faithful.

Aquarius will happily make friends with cheerful Sagittarius. Often such friends meet during training, because they should have common interests. With the help of Sagittarius, an Aquarius woman can achieve significant advancement in career ladder and gain the respect of others.

For Pisces, an excellent option is Taurus, because it is a friend with such a zodiac sign who is able to tell a Pisces woman about her emotional experiences, she will always listen and help, however, you need to remember that this is a closed sign, which has many of its own secrets, it is better not to ask about them , if the Taurus woman does not tell herself. It is better to turn to a friend with this zodiac sign when you need encouragement and have self-doubt.
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