How to find out if there are bedbugs at home. Bedbug - everything about the insect: description, photo, breeding methods How to find out that there are bedbugs

Having established themselves in an apartment, insects immediately begin to actively reproduce and each individual is capable of laying up to 10 eggs per day. During this period, bites may be minimal and 90% of people simply attribute strange redness on the skin to the bites of some other insects or allergies. It’s even worse when residents of a bedbug-infested apartment begin to treat their allergies by taking increasingly stronger medications.

Let’s try to classify the degree of bedbug infestation so that you can more clearly understand what stage your situation is at and what measures should be taken in this regard.

Conventionally, we divided the degree of infection by bedbugs and their eggs into three stages. Based on these stages, we offer an adequate response to uninvited guests - insects.

Suitable for this case standard treatment of apartments against bedbugs, which is spraying with an insecticidal solution the main places of relocation and habitat of insects in the apartment. The bedbugs disappear within a few days.

The average stage of infestation of an apartment with bedbugs

In this case, standard treatment for bedbugs is no longer so effective and the poison will not get into all the secluded places where bedbugs and their larvae can hide, therefore more powerful treatment should be carried out using a cold fog generator. Its advantage lies in its fine spraying, which helps small particles of poison penetrate into the tissues of beds and other hard-to-reach places.

Based on our many years of practical experience, this method helps completely get rid of bedbugs the first time in 9 out of 10 cases!

Severe stage of apartment infestation with bedbugs

Traces of insects and themselves can be seen not only inside bedding, but also on surfaces, while insects can be seen not only at night, but also in broad daylight. There are many bites, and almost all family members are bitten. At this stage, bedbugs spread to almost the entire apartment and their removal poses a serious problem.

Comprehensive treatment against bedbugs

For such advanced cases it is best suited comprehensive treatment against bedbugs in the apartment - Disinsection against bedbugs is carried out in two stages, namely, treating the main habitats using a pneumatic spray with one component, as well as spraying the entire space of the apartment with an electric ULV fog generator of another preparation. This method gives maximum effect and does not give bedbugs the opportunity to get used to one of the drugs.

In any case, regardless of the degree of infestation, absolutely any problem of bedbugs infesting your home can be solved; the main thing is to correctly determine the stage of infestation of the apartment and begin disinfection!

Don’t give insects a chance to settle in your apartment or even take over the entire house - contact the SES service.

Bed bugs Bed bugs Bed bugs in the house Plate method

Not only residents of private houses, but also high-rise buildings face the problem of bedbugs in their apartments. They don’t care about the condition of your home, whether it’s clean or dirty, damp or dry, wet or cold – they appear everywhere. Sometimes they can start even in apartments with European-quality renovation and perfect cleanliness. It is necessary to answer the main questions: how to find out if there are bedbugs in the apartment, why they appeared there, their favorite places and how to remove pests from the premises.

Simple observations that will help determine whether there are bedbugs in the house

Before purchasing a furniture set, while still in the store, carefully inspect your purchase. You need to check for bedbugs in the sofa; sometimes the sellers themselves do not realize that they may have pests in their premises.

What methods will help identify bedbugs?

Eight glasses

To check if there are insects in your home:

  • you need to purchase eight plastic glasses from a hardware store, four should be large, and four should be slightly smaller;
  • place one glass in another, sand the edges with a piece of sandpaper;
  • install them under the bed legs;
  • pour a little vegetable oil and sprinkle with talcum powder.

When an insect tries to climb into the bed at night along the leg, it will fall into the prepared trap.

In the mornings I began to find small red spots on my body that itched. It was not possible to detect bloodsuckers in the apartment. I bought a special insect trap at the store, and during the day I caught a small beetle in it, I thought it was a bug. I read how to recognize house bugs, but it turned out that this is not it. I found a method with glasses on the forum. I left them overnight, and in the morning I found as many as seven bedbugs in them.

Julia, Rostov

Plate method

Grease the outside of disposable plastic plates with oil or rich cream, and pour talc inside. Place a plate near the bed. Once a bloodsucker gets into the talcum powder, it will not be able to get out of it.

While cleaning the house, I noticed small, black scales; I didn’t immediately understand where they came from. I found a lot of information on the Internet, it turned out that these are signs of bedbugs. I poured talcum powder into a plate and in the morning I counted about twenty pieces. Now you will have to treat the entire house to get rid of bedbugs.

Elena, Moscow

Early rise

This method will help you find out if there are bedbugs in the bed. To do this, you need to make the bed with a white sheet and go to bed, having previously set the alarm clock for four o'clock in the morning. When you wake up to the alarm, carefully check the sheet for small bloody spots; if you are lucky, you will find a small number of insects.

Using the methods listed above, sometimes it is possible to detect a single individual, which makes you wonder whether there might be only one bug in the apartment. To do this, you need to carefully examine it to determine whether it is a female or a male. They can be distinguished by the shape of their body; in females it is round and convex, which indicates the presence of eggs in her body. If a female is discovered, then there is a high probability that she is not the only representative of the “bloodthirsty” family.

Bed bugs in bed and in the house are a real grief for the owners. Restless sleep, anxiety, the feeling that someone is constantly crawling on you, does not allow you to completely relax and unwind after a hard day. Identifying a bedbug is very simple; all you need to do is make small observations. If suspicions are confirmed, it is necessary to urgently take measures to destroy bedbugs.

How to find out if there are bedbugs in your own home - 5 steps to correct detection

Bedbugs appear much less frequently in private houses than in apartments multi-storey buildings. Moreover, they settle both in old Khrushchev buildings and in modern apartments. Signs of bedbug infestation in an apartment are clear and significant, but they appear when there is a large infestation. This is the whole difficulty. How can you tell if there are bed bugs in your home?

The smell is a clear sign of the presence of insects

Why do bloodsuckers smell? The sense of smell plays an important role in the life of insects. Thanks to this sense, they navigate in space, find food, mate and give signs to their relatives. The odorous glands are especially active during the mating period and approaching danger. What do house bugs smell like?

Insects do not like drafts, bright light and excessive humidity. They prefer to settle closer to the victim. Therefore, you need to start your search in the bedroom or in the room where the person sleeps. Every apartment has places where you can hide. At the same time, insects create nests and families. There is no strict structure, so there may be several bugs. In them you can find adults, larvae, skins after molting, and eggs. They go out hunting in an unorganized manner. And this is exactly what it looks like. So, you should check:

  • Mattress;
  • Pillows;
  • Bed dress, especially seams;
  • Bed frame;
  • Sofa;
  • Armchairs;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Cabinets;
  • Shelves with books;
  • The reverse side of mirrors, paintings, carpets;
  • Doorways;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Sockets;
  • Places where the wallpaper has peeled off;
  • Cracks in the floor and wall.

Evidence on the bed

Signs of bloodsuckers can be found in your own bed. Household pests are active at night. During the day they hide away from sunlight and human eyes. It's quite difficult to catch something hot. Since they wait until the person falls asleep and becomes motionless. Hungry insects are very mobile and practically invulnerable. The same cannot be said about well-fed relatives. They can be killed with the slightest pressure. There are traces of blood on the bed. Small insects 3-5 mm. Black dots are excrement.

During bites, domestic bloodsuckers inject a substance with an analgesic effect under the skin. You can feel the bite in 5-7 minutes. During this time, the insect calmly eats and crawls to the side. During sleep, sensitivity decreases. And in most cases, strange bites are found on the body in the morning. Another clear sign of the presence of pests in the apartment. You can catch something hot. If you set an alarm for 3-4 am, turn on the lights suddenly and remove the blanket.

Characteristic bite marks

You can identify bedbugs in your home by their bites. They look like traces of mosquitoes or ants. Swelling, redness, red dots in the center with dried blood. However, you can follow the path. The bites are located a short distance from each other. This is due to the fact that the insect initially looks for an artery with blood, then changes the source. A full meal lasts about 20 minutes. During this time you need to make 5-6 bites.

The frequency depends on the degree of infection. The number can be determined by sleepless nights. In general, bedbugs cannot be called voracious. They eat once a week, and the supply for a “rainy day” lasts them for a month. They can go hungry for up to 1.5 years. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get rid of pests using the food deprivation method. If the number increases, meals can be observed every night. To start full development larvae, she needs to taste the blood.

Women and children most often suffer from attacks. It is much easier to bite through delicate skin. A husband and wife can sleep in the same bed, but only the woman will suffer. There are such cases.

Reasons for appearance

  • humidity 60%;
  • air temperature – about 20 degrees Celsius;
  • the presence of food - a person in the apartment;
  • shaded areas;
  • absence of natural enemies.
  • from dysfunctional neighbors;
  • from the store along with furniture;
  • on clothes that were in the contaminated room;
  • thanks to animals - birds, rodents or pets.

As a preventive measure, you need to check all things that come from other houses or a store. This also applies to business trips, travel and recreation. Upon return, wash and wash everything. Then just put them in their places.

How to determine if there are bedbugs in an apartment?

How to understand that there are bedbugs at home?

The first sign that night “saboteurs” have entered the house are bites in the form of red spots on the skin. But how can you understand that it is bedbugs that are the source of trouble, and not, for example, mosquitoes or midges?

There are several signs by which you can distinguish a bug bite from a mosquito bite:

  • traces of bed bugs’ “lunch” itch much stronger and longer than mosquito marks;
  • inflamed spots from bedbug bites have a small point of dried blood in the middle, since when they puncture the skin, insects only anesthetize the damaged area and do not secrete a substance that promotes clotting (as mosquitoes do);
  • bedbugs avoid places on the victim’s body covered with thick hair, preferring secluded, tender corners with blood vessels close to the surface of the skin;
  • since bedbugs rarely get enough of themselves in one puncture, the bites of these insects are numerous and arranged in long chains;
  • mosquitoes bite only in the warm season, while bedbugs can infect humans all year round.

Sometimes identifying the presence of bedbugs is not so easy. Individuals are nocturnal, preferring to hide during the day in secluded, warm and darkened corners of the house. But it is much easier to fight small groups than to fight an overgrown colony of insects.

Favorite hiding places for bedbugs are:

  • carpet runners;
  • back and bottom walls of furniture;
  • cracks behind loose wallpaper;
  • spaces behind ceilings and floor skirting boards;
  • cracks in parquet board;
  • book spines and covers;
  • wall hangings;
  • clothes in the closet;
  • boxes of shoes;
  • various electrical appliances;
  • animal beds, bird cages;
  • legs of a bed, sofa.

Bed bugs are not organized into communities with a clear hierarchy, like ants or bees, but they tend to coexist in groups in safe places, close to a food source. At the same time, the sanitary condition of the home has little effect on their livelihoods. A house can be sparkling clean during the day, but infested with house bugs at night. Therefore, at the first bites detected, you should begin disinfestation measures, without waiting for bedbugs to become full-fledged owners of your home.

Home with a smell of bedbugs

All species of bedbugs from the order Hemiptera have a certain odor, sometimes quite persistent and unpleasant to the human sense of smell. Domestic insects do not smell as strongly as forest insects.

What do bed saboteurs smell like? The smell of bed bugs can evoke many aromatic associations. Someone smells the aroma of strawberries and forest berries, some smell nuts and spices, while others smell cognac. In any case, the specific “stench” of bed bugs resembles the aroma of these products in an exaggerated, “overexposed” form.

The odorous glands of bedbugs secrete a special secretion that:

  • signals the active stage of insect reproduction;
  • indicates a disturbance in the calm of adults and larvae (for example, when removing upholstery from the back wall of a sofa);
  • scares away, and in some cases kills, a suddenly appearing enemy.

Bed "neighbors"

Considering that bedbugs eat only at night, it is best to look for them in the dark. Even if it was not possible to catch the “saboteurs” at the crime scene, you can find out who was the cause of the bites and night disturbances by examining furniture seams and cracks in the floorboards with a magnifying glass.

Checking upholstered furniture

Having multiplied in large numbers, insects feel so free that they no longer bother to hide carefully, preferring not to go far from places of permanent food. How do you know if there are bedbugs in the sofa, where it’s so nice to relax with your favorite movie after a hard day at work? It happens that to identify the enemy, it is enough to carefully examine certain places of the upholstered furniture product:

If a quick inspection fails to detect bedbugs, in the evening you should spread a light sheet in front of the legs of the sofa, and at night suddenly turn on the light and conduct a control inspection.

Detected colonies should be immediately treated with effective insecticides. In some cases, a complete dry cleaning of the sofa may be necessary. It is better to throw away old infected furniture immediately.

Mixed-size cookware method

One of the ways to detect bedbugs in an apartment is the trap method in dishes different sizes. IN modern conditions It is quite possible to use plastic cups or disposable plates. The latter should be deep enough.

Setting up a bedbug trap near the bed:

  • take 8 plastic glasses or disposable plates (4 larger diameters, 4 smaller ones);
  • insert a small glass into a large one;
  • place the bed legs in a small container;
  • pour any vegetable oil;
  • leave the device overnight.

Bed bugs, making their way from rookeries to the place of eating, are directed to the legs of the bed. Overcoming the first obstacle in the form of the wall of a container with a larger diameter, the insects invariably end up in an oil ambush from which they cannot escape. The method allows you to find out with a 100% guarantee whether there are uninvited blood-sucking guests in the house, since at least one insect will definitely be caught.

Precautionary measures

  • sudden fever;
  • swelling of the limbs with bite marks;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • breathing problems;
  • loss of consciousness.

Having felt alarming symptoms, you should not guess whether there are bedbugs at home. At the first sign of a dangerous allergic reaction, you should consult a dermatologist or seek emergency care. medical care.

How to identify bedbugs after applying all disinfestation methods? It is enough to repeat the above steps. When fighting bedbugs, you should know that even one surviving female is capable of reproducing offspring and returning bedbugs to the house.

How to determine if there are bedbugs at home?

Sometimes we may not even realize that there are bedbugs in our home. But you will soon discover this anyway when you start waking up and seeing red spots on your body. But even this method cannot give guaranteed results. Firstly, it is not a fact that it is bedbugs that bite you. And secondly, your body may simply not perceive the bites properly. But it’s better not to get to this point, otherwise disinfection will be a little more difficult.

The picture shows a bedbug trap

Signs by which you can check for bedbugs in an apartment

  1. The first sign is, of course, bites. Bedbug bites can be identified by the characteristic red dot in the center of the bite mark. This is due to the fact that bedbugs do not secrete a substance that allows blood to clot quickly. Therefore, in the morning you may see dried blood at the site of the bite. This is the main one hallmark from the bite of other insects.
  2. If you suddenly find unusual black dots near your sleeping area at home, do not think that it is dirt. Most likely, this is the waste of bedbugs. This also suggests that it is time to take certain measures.
  3. Some time after the bedbugs have settled, you may notice their hard shells on the bed. This can only be seen after they have moulted.
  4. And, of course, if you have already seen bedbugs or their larvae yourself, then you should not have any doubts. Lay down light-colored bedding and suddenly turn on the lights in the middle of the night. Most likely, you will see a lot of bedbugs near the bed.

How to detect bedbug colonies in an apartment?

If all the previous methods did not help you, and you continue to think about how to find out if there are bedbugs at home, then read the article further.

The picture shows how to properly make a bedbug trap

Always remember that bedbugs only hunt at night. During the day you don’t even have to look for them. You should look for them in hard to reach places. For example, under baseboards, in the seams between furniture or behind gas stove. Do not mistake their bites for an allergy if you have already discovered other signs of their presence. And also, if you started waking up with bites in late autumn or winter, then, of course, they simply cannot be mosquitoes. There is no doubt that these are bedbugs. In order to dispel doubts, immediately after a new bite, consult a dermatologist; he will easily make a diagnosis immediately, since bedbugs always bite in one line.

Important! If you suddenly notice a strong deterioration in your health, it may be a severe allergy. Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor immediately.

To detect bedbugs, you will need a flashlight and a magnifying glass. With these two items you can easily find bedbug eggs or droppings.

A method for determining the presence of bedbugs in a house using glasses

If you do not notice any traces of bedbugs on your bed, but you suspect that there are bedbugs in your house, then this method is for you. For this you will need 8 plastic glasses. 4 of them should be slightly smaller in diameter. Place one glass in a glass of a smaller diameter and place the bed foot in them. Process sandpaper outer side glasses. This will make it much easier for bedbugs to climb up and fall into your trap. Pour a little into a glass that has a smaller diameter. sunflower oil and sprinkle a small amount talc. At night, when bedbugs go hunting, they will try to climb up the legs of your bed and stumble upon a trap made of plastic cups.

Typically, bedbugs attack a sleeping person at night, so the habitat is chosen right there: in beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows, and, in extreme cases, in armchairs. No wonder they were given the name bed or sofa bloodsuckers.

Do your research

How to identify bedbugs in a bed, what are the signs to recognize who bites everyone in the household at night? To answer this question, first of all, you need to know what insects look like.

Bedbugs have a small flat body, reaching no more than 4-5 ml in length. When sucking required quantity blood can increase in size up to 12 ml, which makes them look like cockroaches.

How to find out if there are bedbugs in the bed and discover that it is they who are biting you, and not other insects - is described below.

Distinctive features

At the slightest suspicion of bloodsuckers settling in an apartment, it is necessary to think through a competent strategy on how to deal with bedbugs in the bed and throughout the room.

Favorite habitats are sofas and beds, where the warmth is comfortable and a nearby source of nutrition is human blood.

The first thing to do if there are bedbugs in the bed:

  • disassemble completely sleeping area;
  • Remove the mattress on the bed and use a magnifying glass in good lighting to check every centimeter, especially where the fabric is damaged or cracked;
  • on the sofa, walk through all the joints of the structure and also carefully inspect it;
  • check the legs, backrests, sleeping area of ​​the frames;
  • turn the bed or sofa over and inspect the reverse side.

If you see only a few individuals, then you can talk about initial stage reproduction. Although no one can guarantee that the female did not have time to lay eggs elsewhere.

Frames are easy to process, but mattresses and sofas are more difficult. If the population is large, it is recommended to get rid of them and acquire new ones. If this is not possible, then there are several known methods, how to get rid of bedbugs if there are bedbugs.

Processing methods:

  • Wash bed linen, clothes, clothes at temperatures above +70 degrees;
  • take blankets, bedspreads, pillows to dry cleaning;
  • if the street is below -20 degrees, then the mattress or sofa can be taken out to the balcony and left in the cold for several days, at this temperature the bedbugs die;
  • what to do if bedbugs appear in the bed: you can treat it with hot steam from a steam cleaner so that the temperature exceeds +45 degrees, which is fatal for bedbugs;
  • frying under the scorching sun, suitable for cottages and private homes, if the temperature outside is +45 degrees or when processed by special services;
  • treatment with insecticidal agents: the method is effective, but you must choose a product that does not have a pungent odor, otherwise you simply will not be able to sleep on such a sofa;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

Each method is effective in its own way, but for mattresses, cribs and sofas, freezing or cleaning with a steam generator is most recommended.

Medicines on sale


  • difficulties in purchasing the product;
  • The Austrian drug is considered a new product on the Russian market; no disadvantages have yet been identified.

If there are bedbugs in the bed, then this remedy will help you effectively get rid of them without harming your health and your property.


  • similar in effectiveness to Raptor, 100% extermination of any insects;
  • safe for people and animals when used correctly;
  • has a pleasant light coffee aroma, which makes it possible to use the product in any room, including for plants;
  • easy to use and freely available;
  • acceptable price;
  • does not leave stains.
  • absence of prolonged (delayed) effects;
  • Requires protection during use.

Force site.

  • requires a lot of product to process;
  • protection is required during use.

All these tools are quite effective, but are developed on the basis chemical substances. What should you do if there are bedbugs in your bed if you are allergic to chemicals or are afraid of harming your child with chemicals? You can use proven folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Soap solution.

You will need:

  • laundry soap;
  • water.

Your actions:

  1. Pour water into a basin and whittle soap into it.
  2. The solution should be very strong.
  3. Apply the composition using a sponge or brush so that a layer of soap remains on the surfaces.
  4. Treat all beds, furniture and hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Treatment should be repeated every three days for maximum effectiveness.

Oil solution.

You will need:

  • lavender oil - 10 drops;
  • lemon grass oil - 6 drops;
  • tea tree oil - 6 drops;
  • thyme oil - 10 drops;
  • distilled water - 1 liter.

Your actions:

  1. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray beds, sofas, chairs, and any areas where bed bugs may be hiding (as described above).

Diatomaceous earth.

You will need:

  • kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth).

Your actions:

All folk remedies easy to use and absolutely safe. But there are products that are prohibited from being used in bedrooms:

  • EMPIRE - 20 should be used by professionals;
  • Karbofos - has a pungent, persistent odor;
  • Xulat-S25 - suitable for specialists;
  • Sinuzan - has a specific odor and is not allowed for use in children's rooms and bedrooms.

Before purchasing the drug, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Bedbugs are leaders in creating discomfort. But it is worth considering the fact that there are many other dangerous bloodsuckers:

  • fleas;
  • lice - head, body and pubic;
  • mosquitoes;
  • mosquitoes;
  • water;
  • cockroaches.

Many people will be interested in why they dream of bedbugs in their beds. different dream books. Indeed, interpretations in dream books may vary, but in most cases it is considered to be a rather bad omen.

Let's consider several options:

  • Small Velesov dream book: boredom, meeting with a bothersome person. If you find insects in the bed, then you will suffer serious expenses;
  • Simone Kananita dream book: portends communication with energy vampire, loss of strength;
  • Women's dream book: means separation from a loved one;
  • Love dream book: to the duplicity of a spouse;
  • Flower dream book: to big profits, but through hassle;
  • Miller's dream book: to a serious illness.

As you can see, the dream of bedbugs in the bed is interpreted ambiguously, so it is better to choose for yourself which option suits you best.

These insects are not interested in food remains on dining table, but by the person himself, since they feed on his blood. Bedbugs enter a person’s home in various ways, sometimes by accident, but this is not a reason to relax, since this does not make it any easier for a person.

Bedbugs are insects that can quickly reproduce and occupy new places. If at least one female gets into a dwelling, even by accident, then after a while a whole colony of hundreds of bloodsuckers may appear in the apartment.

The fact is that fertilized eggs in a female can persist for several months. Finding herself in comfortable conditions, she lays them and after some time young offspring are born. At one time, the female lays up to 6 eggs, and during her life she manages to lay up to 500 such eggs.

At favorable conditions when their numbers reach too large sizes, they have to look for new victims, so they begin to migrate in search of new territories. In such cases, they easily move to neighboring apartments.

Mostly bedbugs appear from neighbors' apartments. Their frequent migration can be observed in apartment buildings old building. Despite the fact that bedbugs do not fly and are sedentary, they migrate over long distances. The fact is that they can live quite a long time without food. Thanks to this feature, they are characterized by high survivability.

Bedbugs enter an apartment in various ways, but it is worth noting the most common ones.

From neighbors

This is one of the most common ways bed bugs appear in an apartment. In reality, it is impossible to completely isolate one apartment from another. Bedbugs can squeeze into any cracks.

In such cases, bedbugs appear:

  • Through the doors.
  • Through the windows.
  • Through sockets and switches.
  • Through ventilation systems.

From tourist trips


Quite rare cases when, together with new furniture I also managed to acquire bedbugs. In stores and on furniture factories There are practically no conditions for their life and reproduction. But it’s easy to acquire bedbugs along with used furniture. They especially love sofas and beds, but they also feel great in furniture, especially in crevices. Therefore, when buying old, used furniture, it is a good idea to inspect it for the presence of bedbugs and other insects. Bedbugs are not the only insects that can get into an apartment with furniture.

On clothes

With household appliances

Bedbugs come out to hunt at night and bite a person when he is fast asleep. IN daytime they hole up in warm places. Such a haven for bedbugs can serve Appliances, and a working one, which is used by the owners. This could be a computer, tablet, laptop, microwave, etc. Often, bedbugs appear in an apartment after purchasing household appliances.

On animal fur

How to determine the presence of bedbugs

  • Sometimes it is desirable to process things in the dryer, at temperatures of 50 degrees or higher, especially when visiting certain places. At such temperatures, bedbugs die.
  • Traveling around foreign countries, it is better to take your clothes to the dry cleaner every time you return, packing them well plastic bags. It is advisable to wash and iron the linen.
  • It is better to install mosquito nets on the windows. This way you can protect your apartment from many insects.
  • Check all sockets and switches.
  • Seal all cracks in the floor, as well as in other structures.
  • Fine-mesh mesh should be installed on the ventilation ducts.

Destruction of bedbugs in the apartment

There are a number of effective, proven ways to control bed bugs. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the market chemicals fight presented wide choose funds in different forms release. These include aerosols, pencils, powders, and gels.

Aerosols are easy to use and can quickly destroy parasites if there are only isolated cases of infection.

Can bedbugs live in pillows, blankets, on people, for example, in hair? How to detect bedbugs in a bed or sofa?

House bugs are nocturnal, and during the day they hide in secluded darkened places, closer to, namely, to the human body. That is, there is no point in looking for their nests in the kitchen or in the corridor; they live in the same place where they feed; accordingly, first of all you need to inspect the sleeping area and the room itself.

How to find out if there are bedbugs in an apartment? Supposed habitats:

Thus, insect nests and larvae can be found in the most inaccessible corners of the bedroom.

Bed bugs: how to detect?

Where do they live? First of all, for the presence of bedbugs the bed or sofa should be examined, carefully inspect the bed linen. There may be some on the sheets brown spots small diameter - these are traces of crushed insects.

Then, inspect the mattress, sofa cushions, in their seams you can see traces of excrement - these are small black dots that resemble mold. They can be used to identify bloodsuckers.

Bedbugs never live alone. Even if you brought one female into the house, they will soon. Nests can be found under the mattress, or with reverse side sofa or bed. You can see living individuals in the nest, appearance resembling apple seeds and their larvae: white-transparent grains.

What do bedbug nests look like? Photo below:

Insects in the mattress - photo:

What does excrement look like:

If bedbugs have settled only in the bed or sofa, then it would be more advisable to change the furniture. However, if you find several nests in different places, it will be more effective than trying to deal with them yourself.

So, we found out how to find bedbugs in an apartment (bed, sofa), identified the main places where bedbugs hide in an apartment, how can we even determine their presence in the house?

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