How the United States collects biomaterials. Dossier. Genetic weapons: why do foreigners collect biomaterial from Russians?

The meeting of the Presidential Human Rights Council, which took place on October 30, was remembered not for Vladimir Putin’s eloquent reaction to the violation of human rights and the attack on freedom of speech, which Council members traditionally spoke about, but for an unexpected topic from the field of defense and security - the threat of “biological weapons” .

Objects of interest

The President listened to the comments of human rights activists and rejected almost everything: there is freedom of speech in the country and proof of this is the state-funded radio station Ekho Moskvy, whose journalist was almost killed by an unbalanced listener from Israel. Outstanding Theater Director for his Political Views no one is prosecuting, but fraud with government funding must be answered by law. It is not so important that foreign observers receive “images” of Russians through video cameras at polling stations. The real problem, according to Putin, is that some foreigners for unknown purposes are collecting from different ethnic groups and geographical points of the country biological material Russians. “We are an object of great interest,” summed up the head of state.

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov later confirmed: “Some emissaries conduct such activities - representatives of non-governmental organizations and other bodies.” At the level of the legislative branch - the State Duma and the Federation Council - some saw the president's words as a signal to action.

Former head of Rospotrebnadzor Gennady Onishchenko announced the development of a law on biological safety Russians and attacked the Invitro laboratory network, calling the company “foreign” (although it was founded by the Russian doctor Alexander Ostrovsky, and it is owned through an offshore company (like 90% of the Russian economy) - the Cypriot Invitro Holding Limited). The accusations turned out to be unfounded: as the company later assured, all analyzes are carried out in Russia.

But by this time, the authorities on the lower floors were already talking about “biological” and even “ethnic” weapons, as well as about US biological laboratories on the borders of Russia. The topic has turned in the “right” direction: the president, judging by his statements, is very interested in the development of artificial intelligence, which will allow the creator country to take over the world, and genetic engineering, according to Putin, is even “more terrible atomic bomb" In other words, the president sees the latest scientific and technological developments as sources of power and progressive types of weapons.

At the same time, Putin has always gravitated toward personal and family history and was interested in his own origins. In 2015, he supported the Russian Genomes project of the Center for Genomic Bioinformation named after. Dobzhansky (in the state " Rossiyskaya newspaper“Just recently, material was published about how samples are collected for him) to study the genes of the indigenous people of Russia. A total of 3 thousand people should take part in the study. As of October this year, the data of half of the participants had already been processed. According to the president’s description, we could be talking specifically about the “Russian Genome”. However, it seemed strange that the head of state forgot about him.

Fight for the market

Russian scientists send the obtained DNA for sequencing to the USA and Europe as part of their research. The latter, as interpreted by representatives of the intelligence services or officials with “access to the body,” might not have pleased the president. And if the Center for Genomic Bioinformation talks about the accessibility and openness of the genome database for scientists from all over the world, then, for example, the commercial company Genotek, according to its director, geneticist Valery Ilyinsky, does not have this access, and he calls for analyzing biological materials exclusively in Russia. It would not be out of place to say that the board of directors of the young and developing company includes the former head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin.

However, no matter how ambiguous and ominous the phrase “biological material” may sound, one must understand that this is a routine blood test in a clinic. Genetic samples are collected for applied purposes: to study heredity and predisposition to diseases, as well as purely scientific ones: to trace the development of an individual people or ethnic group, its settlement, migration routes, interbreeding. Thus, in 2015, a study was published about the gene pool of the Slavic people, but the Slavs are not the only ethnic group that scientists are interested in. This must be understood so as not to fall into delusions of grandeur, and then immediately into delusions of persecution.

Meanwhile, on the wave raised by the president, a real and long-overdue struggle for a highly specialized market unfolded. It is obvious that through the intelligence services and other channels laws and measures will be lobbied that will close the country off from the achievements of the global world. “Horror stories” about a “hypothetical attack” on genes are specifically used for this purpose. Russian citizens. It is unlikely that the intelligence services understand DNA and understand the basics of genetics. However, they are excellent at manipulating information and creating myths. For example, about genetic weapons.

Possible biological warfare is being actively discussed today in the Federation Council: supposedly it is possible to develop some kind of weapon that will only infect Russians, causing them illness and death. At one time, this idea was promoted by the head of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev. Thanks to his efforts, in 2007, DNA samples could not be exported from Russia for some time, which affected tens of thousands of citizens who urgently needed donor organs and transplants. As the media wrote, at that time the situation was related to the redistribution of the pharmaceutical market.

Today, DNA and biomaterials are allowed to be exported from the country. However, companies operating in the promising market insist that the state must regulate it, because foreign companies do not pay taxes in Russia and do not obtain licenses in Russian jurisdiction, and do not comply with health laws. So, for example, says Artur Isaev, founder of the Center for Genetics and Reproductive Medicine Genetico.

Wherein full analysis DNA in Russia (probably taking into account taxes, licenses and other specific nuances) costs about 5 thousand dollars, while in Germany - 1 thousand. It is clear why citizens in severe cases turn to charities and go abroad for treatment. This also explains the cooperation of Russian scientists with foreign partners.

However, the myth quickly takes hold in the public consciousness. The news about the Pentagon purchasing biological material from Russians to study the musculoskeletal system confirmed the conspiracy theory of the president, who never answered the question of why foreigners are studying the DNA of Russian citizens. The fact that this was a repeated study, the purity of which required similar samples (and the original set was supplied on a competitive basis from Russia), no longer interests or convinces anyone.

At the same time, modern medicine International cooperation is urgently needed to advance disease control and develop new pharmacological agents. We are talking, first and foremost, about people's lives, and not about power, markets or weapons. Respected scientists, unlike government officials, are very skeptical about the possibility of creating a “genetic” weapon: large nations and ethnic groups have not lived in isolation from each other for the last thousand years, they are heavily mixed and genetically indistinguishable, so that it is possible to isolate a specific combination of Russian genes or the British and influence them exclusively.

Unfortunately, in our reality, myths are stronger than facts, and conspiracy theories are always more attractive than the truth.

Retired FSB Major General: “This is all very serious. Similar experiments were carried out in fascist Germany»

Why do our foreign partners collect biological material from Russians? With this intriguing, if not shocking, question, Vladimir Putin concluded the meeting of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, which he held on the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Repression on October 30. According to VVP, these activities of foreign forces “should be treated without fear.” However, experts see a bleak outlook.

The current meeting of the HRC was held at a pace: on the street, in the pouring autumn rain, people who had gathered for the opening of the monument to victims of repression “Wall of Sorrow” were waiting for its participants. However, one deviation from the topic was still made. And Putin personally did it.

Certain organizations collect biological material from our citizens throughout the country. Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical points Russian Federation“, he unexpectedly said, commenting on the speech of one of the members of the Human Rights Council on the topic of the rights of Russian voters during elections. - The only question is why they do it, they do it purposefully and professionally. We are definitely the object of intense interest. Of course, you need to approach this without any fear: let them do what they want. But we must do what we must,” Putin concluded.

There are many versions about the purpose of collecting biological material. In Russia, for example, it is also being conducted - for example, within the framework of the recently won Moscow State University. Lomonosov a billion-dollar grant for the “Noah’s Ark” project, which provides for the creation of a data bank of all life on earth. The cellular material collected by the participants of this project will be stored in a depository being built on the territory of the “Silicon Valley” of Moscow State University, both in frozen conditions and in information form. However, in in this case The collected biomaterial is not human, and therefore its removal bothers few people.

Something similar is happening abroad. However, several months ago, information appeared in the media about the Pentagon’s intention to purchase samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) from Caucasian Russians. The purpose of the proposed purchases is unclear: there are only links to a certain US Air Force contract posted on the American government procurement portal. But this, according to the expert, is more than an alarming symptom.

This is a very serious topic,” retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov explained to MK. “And the fact that the president voiced it means that it is moving into the implementation stage. The theory of breeding a new race itself is not new. Such experiments were carried out before, for example, in Nazi Germany. In this case, we are most likely talking about creating a system of influencing a person at the cellular, chromosomal level. In the West there is a lot of talk about the so-called “mysterious Russian soul”. But this is an immaterial substance. But a biosample opens the way to influence the body. It is no secret that there are races that die under certain conditions: for example, many northern peoples are contraindicated in drinking alcohol, since their bodies are not able to break it down.

Thus, all this is very serious, the expert warns:

If someone intends to transfer the war to the level of genetics and influence the enemy at the cellular level, then for the other side the collection of biomaterials can result in colossal losses. After all, biological warfare is not only the spread of viruses and infections: the impact on individual human cells can also have a colossal effect! At the same time, this is the most villainous invention, which, of course, should be banned along with chemical weapons.

I believe that our president’s statement should serve as a serious warning to the Americans,” the interlocutor emphasized. - We are not suckers either and are capable of conducting similar research. And it is far from certain that they will remain the winner if push comes to shove.

Lately, there has been more and more talk about biomaterial and the fact that the United States is collecting biological material from Russian citizens. In this article we will understand what biomaterial is and why it is collected.

A public outcry arose due to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the United States was collecting biomaterial from Russians.

What is biomaterial?

Biomaterials– these are materials for biomedical purposes, natural or artificially created materials that are necessary for the production of various products, devices, preparations for further use in medicine, cosmetology, agriculture, etc. to ensure or improve the life of humans, animals, plants, etc.

The largest areas of application of such materials are: the production of implants, medical products, polymer systems for Agriculture etc.

If we talk in simple words, That human biomaterial– this is material that contains genetic information about the carrier, for example, skin, saliva, nails, blood, hair, etc.

Who collects biomaterial from Russians?

Biomaterial can be collected by any centers associated with research. If we are talking about the sensational collection of biomaterial from Russians in October-November 2017, then this is the USA.

Why is the US collecting biomaterial from Russians?

Here opinions are divided. Some people believe that this could be research to create a biological weapon that will destroy all Russians in all regions of the country. This theory can be used well in politics, for example, before elections. Uniting all citizens against a common enemy, etc.

According to official data, biomaterial is collected for basic research– studying the musculoskeletal system and identifying biomarkers associated with human injuries. For this, the United States is ready to buy samples of synovial membrane and RNA, and the contract itself was published on July 19, 2017.

Why exactly Russian biomaterial? Everything is simple here. This is not a new study, but a continuation of an old one. Initially there were no requirements for nationality and citizenship, the United States simply bought the biomaterial of Russians for the first study, and then, for the continuation and purity of the study, the same biomaterial was needed.

It is worth noting that there is no mass collection “all over Russia”. In total, the Americans requested 12 RNA samples and 27 synovial samples.

Should we panic? If desired, the biomaterial could be collected “quietly,” especially in such quantities.

On Monday, October 30, at a meeting of the Human Rights Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that biological material from Russians, including foreigners, is being collected throughout the country. “And for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation. The question is: why is this being done?” - Putin emphasized. The President also noted that such activities are being carried out “purposefully and professionally,” but we must approach this without fear. “Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must,” Putin concluded. Apparently we're talking about about the tender of one of the US Air Force units, which refers to the need to supply biological materials obtained from residents of Russia. However, if this is him, then the president, as scientists have already explained, is interpreting him incorrectly.

Nevertheless, Putin’s statement is widely discussed on the Internet. The Mediazona publication reminds us that fear of biological research is a long-standing pastime of the Russian authorities. Novaya turned to Mikhail Gelfand, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University and Skoltech, for comment.

— Putin spoke about biomaterial collected by foreigners in Russia. But biomaterials are collected constantly. Why do scientists need this?

— If we are talking about DNA samples being collected from representatives different ethnic groups, then, most likely, we are talking about some kind of population research - this is work to study our history. The genomes of different ethnic groups are collected, archaeological material is collected - after which an attempt is made to reconstruct the history of mankind and its settlement on the planet. There are several international projects in this direction, Russia also participates in them - and this is very good. This allows us to maintain a certain scientific level in the country.

The other side of the issue: we remembered the American tender for collecting samples - no longer DNA, but RNA. Most likely, in this case we are talking about some kind of medical genetics, about the study of predispositions to joint diseases. There, however, we are not talking about any ethnic groups, we are talking only about Russian samples. There was also no talk of collecting these samples specifically on Russian territory - there are plenty of Russians in the States.

What these studies seem to be saying is that different ethnic groups may have different frequencies of [genome] variants. There is no variant that only Russians have, but the frequencies of specific variants may differ, and the predisposition to certain diseases may differ statistically. Based on the tender, it is difficult to reconstruct the entire task, but apparently this is a medical genetic study, since for it it is also essential to collect biological samples from representatives of different ethnic groups in order to exclude the historical component: so that the correlations that we observe are associated specifically with medicine , and not with a general history.

— Why is this tender being held by the Ministry of Defense, and not the Ministry of Health, for example?

“Everything goes through the Ministry of Defense, because this is the departmental affiliation of the hospital where the research is taking place. The tender is announced by a specific institution, and since we are talking about an Air Force hospital, an announcement about it is also posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense. And, if we are to engage in conspiracy theories, this is precisely a sign of the openness of the whole situation. If the Americans needed to quietly collect samples of genetic material from representatives of the Russian ethnic group or any other, then it would not be very difficult to do [without any tender].

— Why did Putin construct the phrase this way? Was he told that, or does he really think so? Where did the communication failure occur?

- Is there a difference? Something tells me that Vladimir Vladimirovich is not a specialist in the field of biology. Of course, I would like the leader of the country to have more competence, especially in biology, which is now the number one science, but on the other hand, it is impossible to be a specialist in all fields.

In this situation, what he thinks is what he was told. These are synonyms. Putin has no other source to analyze what was said.

I don’t think the president reads Alexander Markov’s books about evolution in his spare time. They told him complete nonsense - and not harmless. The Russian participants in the international scientific consortia that we were talking about probably shuddered greatly after this phrase.

We love that scientists come to us, that Russian scientists return and do research. But who will decide to do this if suddenly something like this can suddenly jump out at you? And the worst thing is that this is not an isolated “communication failure”, but a completely systemic line. In Sochi two weeks ago it was also announced that with the help of genetic engineering it is possible to create super-soldiers who will not be afraid of pain. This is also in the spirit of this “genetic line”. And if you again engage in conspiracy theories, you can remember the law banning genetically modified organisms, which someone also lobbied for. All this is biological obscurantism.

Illustration copyright PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images

The debate about whether the collection of biomaterials poses any threat to Russians has been raging for almost two weeks. On Thursday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova demanded proof from the Pentagon that such research does not violate regulations. international law.

The BBC Russian service asked scientists who is actually collecting biomaterials and why, and how this could threaten Russians.

What are the Russian authorities afraid of?

“We believe that the US Department of Defense must provide convincing evidence that the research conducted by the US Air Force […], in particular, does not violate the relevant norms of international law,” Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

"Such transparency is necessary because of the Pentagon's tarnished reputation in the biological field," she added.

The scandal began on October 30. Then Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Presidential Human Rights Council that foreigners were “purposefully and professionally” collecting biomaterials from Russians.

“You know that biological material is collected throughout the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations of the Russian Federation,” Putin said.

This summer, the media wrote that the US military had opened a tender for the purchase of RNA samples from living tissues of Caucasian Russians. It was he who, apparently, was mentioned by Zakharova at the briefing.

Soon, the Pentagon confirmed that they were collecting biomaterials from Russians to study the musculoskeletal system, but emphasized that the choice of “Russian” samples was unintentional, RIA Novosti reported.

The very next day after Putin’s speech, Gennady Onishchenko, the former chief sanitary doctor of Russia, proposed monitoring the activities of foreign companies engaged in clinical research in Russia.

Illustration copyright GEORGES GOBET/AFP/Getty Images Image caption To obtain a person's DNA, it is enough to take a little saliva from him.

Onishchenko accused the Invitro laboratory of leaking biodata of Russians abroad; in response, the company stated that this was “technically out of the question.”

On October 2, the founder and co-owner of Invitro, Alexander Ostrovsky, announced that his company may have no choice but to file a lawsuit against Onishchenko, because the reputation of the entire Russian laboratory medicine is at stake.

What are biomaterials

Biomaterial is considered to be cells of any tissue of the body - whether they are living (human stem cells frozen at the temperature of liquid nitrogen, etc.) or non-living (blood cells, biopsy material, etc.).

In the speech of the Russian president, one can discern concerns that the biomaterials of Russians are collected secretly, illegally and can be used for dangerous purposes by representatives of other nations. However, the experience of the international scientific community shows that the interest of scientists from different countries causes biomaterial of representatives of all possible nations.

Biomaterials from Russians have been collected purposefully and professionally for a long time: both by foreigners and Russian researchers. Research on these materials is of a different nature, but they have one thing in common: the purpose of such research is scientific, and the collection is voluntary and confidential.

For example, the Russian Genomes project, launched back in 2015 on the basis of St. Petersburg State University, aims to create a basis for the development of medicine of the future.

Another project that is engaged in large-scale collection and complex analysis biodata of Russians, - "CoBrain-Analytics". This is a state initiative developing on the basis of Skoltech and road map"Neuronet" of the National Technology Initiative.

Illustration copyright DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images

Why collect biomaterials?

In the world, DNA research is now carried out in three main directions, explained the head of the laboratory of genomic geography at the Institute of General Genetics to the BBC Russian Service. N.I. Vavilova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Balanovsky:

  1. Fundamental research in population genetics with the goal of learning more about the origins of humanity, its distribution across the planet and adaptation to environmental conditions;
  2. A medical field that looks at the human genome to understand the relationship of genes with the development of diseases;
  3. Determining the origin of a person by his DNA (both on the initiative of the person himself and for forensic purposes).

“Fundamental research into the history of peoples is carried out by state scientific institutes; companies do not need this. But medical genetic research, of course, is carried out by organizations different forms property, for example, pharmaceutical companies," explains the scientist.

In his opinion, the fear that some secret laboratory will “hack” the genetic code, for example, of Russians, and will somehow be able to use it for harmful purposes, is unfounded.

“The gene pool of a people’s populations has many faces - it is like a carpet, woven from many threads connecting it with other populations of other peoples. Therefore, there is no such “genetic mark” of a people that only almost all of its representatives would have, and no one else would have it anywhere else there wasn’t,” explains Balanovsky.

Illustration copyright Mario Tama/Getty Images Image caption All over the world, peoples have long been turned into a genetic “soup”.

Moreover, there is no need to be afraid that someone might secretly collect biomaterials from Russians. One can only guess how this can be done secretly - for example, walking through public dry closets or collecting saliva from cigarette butts lying on the ground.

“It’s probably possible to simply collect biomaterials - without normal information about the donor, because people leave their DNA on everything they touch. But this will be pointless, because, as biobanking experts say, “a bank of samples without detailed information about the donor - it’s a garbage bank,” notes Balanovsky.

Presenters scientific journals They publish only those studies that take into account the generally accepted rules of ethics: according to them, the person donating the sample signs an informed consent, which stipulates what exactly his sample will be used for, the scientist says.

This is taken into account both when submitting biomaterial to laboratories and in cases where scientists go out to collect genetic material from isolated populations in the outback.

Illustration copyright JUNG YEON-JE/AFP/Getty Images Image caption Stem cell researchers walk on the same knife edge as geneticists, Yuldasheva believes.

What do Putin’s words threaten scientists with?

Balanovsky fears that after Putin's announcement, genetics researchers will face unprecedented bureaucratic delays in approving the collection of samples, although local authorities usually accommodate scientists halfway.

Senior researcher at the University of Leeds in Britain, researcher in the field of population genetics Nadira Yuldasheva, believes that closing borders to foreign specialists in population genetics will have a detrimental effect on the development of local researchers and science itself in general.

Moreover, this is simply pointless - many people from Russia live abroad, and if someone needs biomaterials for some dark purpose, then it is not necessary to go to Russia for them, she explained to the BBC Russian Service.

“Putin’s wariness is understandable. The President thinks about the security of his nation. But if someone wants to use good initiatives for bad purposes, no one can prevent this. If the goal is to characterize genetic code nation in connection with the global migration of people, it will be impossible to stop this process,” the scientist warns.

As for the possibility of creating biological weapons against any specific nation, then, according to Yuldasheva, this may be real, but not now and not in the future. modern development Sciences. This will require colossal financial expenses and scientific resources; even the United States, not to mention less developed countries, will not agree to this.

Even if you fantasize and imagine that someone managed to create a biological agent aimed at a specific nation, it is by no means a fact that it will work on a large scale.

“We need a biological agent that acts on vital parts of the genome. In this case, which parts of the genome are more important and which are less important? In addition, the body has protective properties and will fight the biological agent,” says Yuldasheva.

“I cannot categorically say that caution on this issue is not justified, but the scientific level is not ready yet. Perhaps it is a matter of time,” she adds. In addition, Yuldasheva notes, the Russian population has high diversity within genes.

“In addition to this, within Russia itself there is a huge number of nationalities and ethnic groups, which themselves have already turned into a complex “soup,” she explains. “Theoretically, you can select a specific gene. Scan it in one thousand people. And in the second thousand , and what will happen to the third?

Illustration copyright AFP PHOTO/Peter PARKS Image caption Only people living in complete isolation can now carry the genotype of at least the 17th-18th centuries.

“Even we, scientists, do not know in detail in which laboratories and at what level experiments in genetic engineering are carried out. But it is precisely this section of genetics that is currently the most starting point and, most likely, the gateway to curing incurable diseases such as cancer,” explains Yuldasheva.

“Therefore, we have no right to say “let’s not develop either population or any other genetics.” I consider this categorically impossible. International collaboration between scientific centers is the driving mechanism in the development of science,” says the geneticist.
