How to make VK without advertising. The best VKontakte clients for Android

Every user is popular social network VKontakte probably noticed annoying advertising that began to appear there relatively recently in the form of advertising blocks on the left side of the screen. Some users don’t like this and want to find a way to protect themselves from such an abundance of advertising news (in contact they test advertising in different places) and of course, they are wondering how to remove advertising in contact. In addition, if you are thinking about removing advertising in Contact and you have pop-up messages (some users think that this advertising is from Contact), then this may be evidence of a virus that you have caught, which you definitely need to get rid of using antivirus programs. In this article you will find detailed information on how to do this, regardless of the source of its appearance.

As I said earlier, ad units (especially those that pop up in various parts browser and block the view of the page) are the result of a virus you caught or an extension you installed. You must understand this in order to resolve this issue completely. That’s why I started talking about this situation in this article. If you don’t have such banners and messages, it means there are no such viruses or plug-ins on your computer or laptop, and therefore you can use some of the recommendations that I give in this article to remove official advertising on the site in contact. Also in this article we will talk about checking your computer for viruses.

Types of advertisements that may be on your computer

Now let's look at what kind of advertising you may be seeing on your computer. This is what advertising looks like in VKontakte, which is a service from this social network (if you only have such advertising, it means you do not have a virus (banner) or an extension that displays advertising):

For example, you may receive messages like this (which is already considered suspicious, since Google Chrome not affiliated with this social network):

If you have such messages in your contact, it means that there are unwanted messages on your computer. software that need to be removed.

Or they may offer you to earn a little money (of course, this is a scam and you don’t need to fall for such tricks):

Various banners may also appear that will offer to buy some product or cure a disease (something like this - “Drink this 2 times a day and you will be cured of all diseases”). You and I understand that there is different variants advertising and now we can proceed to the main part - how can you get rid of advertising?

Switch language

The first method that I decided to describe will help you get rid of advertising directly from the social network. This is done extremely simply, you need to rewind any page in the contact to the very bottom (it is best to choose a page with little information, because in the news feed or on your wall, when you scroll down the page, past news and posts will be constantly loaded, for example, you can Click on “Documents” or “Management” on the left, find the “Language” button there (located at the bottom right) and click on it. After that, click "Other Languages".

You will see a window in which you will need to change the language to “Soviet” or “Pre-revolutionary”.

Most likely this is a kind of trick from the developers of the social network, because, as you know, there was no advertising in the Soviet Union and pre-revolutionary Russia. But this method There is a minus - if you select one of these languages, the menu will change to the selected language. Of course, you can get used to it, since the buttons are in the same places (when you have the Russian language selected), but I believe that this method is not suitable for all users. Therefore, we move on to another option.

Disabling advertising extensions

Often, when installing programs downloaded from dubious sources, all kinds of browser extensions end up on your computer, which often install advertising modules. Ideally, it is better not to download programs at all that are posted on unknown sites, but if you have already caught such a viral advertising module, then you need to solve the problem.

Note: When you find an extension that shows ads, remove it from your browser so you don't accidentally enable it later.

In the browserGoogleChrome: Go to the “Customization and Management” menu (located at the top right), then “Settings”, then open the “Extensions” menu (located at the top left), where you will see all the extensions that are installed in this browser.

Disable them one by one (uncheck the box next to the plugin on the right) and update your VK page (for example, with the F5 button). As soon as the advertising disappears, you have disabled what you need.

In the browserMozillaFirefox: Go to the menu by clicking on the “Open menu” button, then click on “Add-ons”. Next, on the left, click “Extensions.”

Then disable all suspicious extensions that you see.

In the browserOpera: Go to the “Extensions” item, through the “Menu” button, then to “Manage extensions”, and then disable all unnecessary and dubious extensions.

And of course, in addition to all of the above, do not forget to check your PC for viruses. Because if you have such extensions, then perhaps there are viruses on your computer that will reinstall these extensions.

If you have such extensions or you suspect that there are viruses on your computer, then I recommend reading 2 articles on this site that will tell you how to get rid of annoying ads in your browser: “” and “”.

Installing the Adblock program

Installing the Adblock program – reliable option, which allows you to get rid of annoying advertising not only in VK, but throughout the Internet. It is noteworthy that this utility is distributed completely free of charge. You can download it from the official website: . Installation is extremely simple - go to the website, click on the green button:

After this, a message appears asking you to agree to the installation:

Now go to contact and see if there is advertising there. If it is displayed, then restart the browser - close and open it again.

Programs that allow you to block ads

There are many programs that can block ads on the Internet. For example, Ad Muncher, Adguard, AdwCleaner, uBlock, etc. Each program has its pros and cons. I did not review these programs, since the last method usually solves the problem with advertising and I hope that you will not install additional programs to get rid of advertising in contact.

It should also be noted that most of the programs are paid. If you decide to install this or that program, I can recommend Ad Muncher, which is currently free. Previously, this program was paid and therefore it was not interesting to ordinary users, but the developers decided that now they should give it away for free (perhaps this is a marketing ploy, but this one does not interest us now, because the main task is to remove advertising).

I hope my tips will help you get rid of annoying online advertising once and for all!

Who advertises on social networks?

For those who are interested in how advertising appears on a social network in the first place. Almost everyone orders it. After all, judge for yourself, VKontakte is a huge resource, the advertising potential of which is almost limitless. It is not surprising that it is so popular with various companies offering their products and services.

As a rule, advertising is displayed in a block on the left side. All of it is targeted, i.e. targeted at a specific audience. For example, if you were recently interested in a business topic, then the advertisement will be related, for example, to the topic of opening a business or where to buy machines for the production of certain products, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account that advertising is the engine of the project. If you don’t make money on a project, for example, in contact, then there will be corresponding interest in this project. Personally, I never disable advertising (unless, of course, they are viruses, which constantly pop up in the form of banners). To help the reader of this article in the future, I want to ask the question: “What method helped to remove advertising in contact?” Write in the comments.

Most social network users are not particularly enthusiastic about the annoying ad blocks that constantly appear on the side of the pages of their favorite sites. Moreover, these blocks, as a rule, are focused on frequent requests from visitors, and therefore are constantly repeated. Of course, for advertisers, social networks are a real “gold mine”, because this is where the large quantity potential buyers, but lately many users have been dreaming of learning how to remove advertising on VK.

So what to do with blocks?

The social network VKontakte opened in 2006 and quickly became popular among the Russian-speaking population. Several years ago, an advertisement appeared on VK, which immediately caused some discontent among users. Over time, many have come to terms with the annoying banners that have already filled the entire Internet. In this article you will learn about VK. Moreover, each method is particularly simple and easy, which will help you enjoy the social network without interference in just a few minutes.

Method number 1: change the interface language

Few of the new users of the social network know that there is an opportunity to change the language to any one that suits you (or likes it). Even those who have registered on VKontakte a long time ago prefer to leave Russian, which is the default. But if you want ads on VK to no longer appear on the left side of the screen, you can experiment a little with the language settings. Recently, two new languages ​​have appeared: Soviet and pre-revolutionary. Their use not only helps you relax a little and gain mass positive emotions, but also remove advertising in VK. It's not clear why, but sponsored posts are not showing up in these languages ​​yet.

Method number 2: and plugins

If reinstalling the language did not help, and you are still puzzling over how to remove advertising in VK, then you should take a closer look at the various plugins and programs that various popular browsers offer us. But here you should be very careful not to make things worse. Firstly, never trust untested programs that are recommended by people, even acquaintances. Secondly, install only official browser plugins.

Opera, Chrome and Firefox

The above browsers are considered the most popular today, so here you will learn in VK using their plugins.

Opera has a wide variety of extensions, many of which are simply not needed by the average Internet user. Carefully review all of the ones you have included. If you notice any suspicious ones, immediately turn off and restart your computer.

Did not help? Install a special plugin Adblock Plus, which will block all advertising not only on the social network, but on all sites.

Chrome took first place among favorite browsers in polls. By installing it, you automatically receive all the necessary extensions, but if advertising is not disabled, you can go to the official Google Chrome website and look for a plugin there to disable it. As a rule, with their help you can completely remove even annoying banners.

Mozilla Firefox also has a special extension called Adblock Plus, which will get rid of blocks once and for all. Once you download it, don't forget to unpack and install it, and check if it's turned on. After installation, you need to restart your computer. Be sure to check if the plugin works by logging into the VKontakte social network. In most cases it disappears.

Exceptions in Firefox

It often happens that by enabling the Adblock Plus plugin in Mozilla, you cannot remove pop-ups from various Internet scammers. Agree that constantly appearing messages like “I earn 500,000 rubles a year” are already quite boring. These windows are inherently viral. Unfortunately, the usual installation of various plugins in this case does not help much. What to do?

First, be sure to check if there are any viruses on your system. If special programs If you didn’t find anything suspicious, then you will have to refuse services with which you can download images and video files from the VKontakte website. As a rule, pop-ups and additional advertisements appear precisely because of them. Nothing helped? Try contacting specialists who can help you reinstall the operating system. After this, be sure to install a proven antivirus.

Method No. 3: antiviruses and VKontakte

If the problem of how to remove ads on VK still bothers you, then you can try to choose a program for yourself that can easily cope with any kind of viruses and ad blocks. This way you can, as they say, “kill two birds with one stone.” First, you will protect your Personal Computer from malware. Secondly, using professional paid versions will help you get additional applications, the task of which is to scan all sites and view all the information that is posted on them.

For example, with the paid version of Avast you will receive not only an antivirus, firewall and antispyware, but also a special blocker that will block ad blocks. This is done by a special function called Advisor. By writing in a special line the path to the site you need (in in this case it will be "VKontakte"), you will be able to completely remove advertising from it.

As you can see, today there are a lot of different methods that help to almost completely remove annoying advertising blocks not only on the pages of popular social networks (for example, VKontakte), but throughout the Internet. And this fact cannot but please all those users who no longer want to see advertising on their page. After all, one of these methods will definitely suit you and will be an excellent opportunity to simply enjoy spending time on VK and get only positive emotions from it.

If you pay attention, you will notice that when you visit the social network VKontakte, advertising banners are displayed. Many users don’t like this, and they are looking for a solution that would help them remove ads from VKontakte.

There is another option. You could have caught an adware virus (see). Now, when visiting a social network, in different parts Intrusive windows pop up in the browser.

Let's figure it out how to remove or disable advertising on VKontakte.

Who advertises on a social network

Now contact is a large-scale advertising platform. Anyone can start publishing their ads. Likewise, any user will see advertising in the left block. The exception is when you do not fall under the filters specified by the advertiser. But this is unlikely to save you from ads. In any case, there will be suitable options for you.

Disable or remove advertising extensions

Every time you install programs, you should pay attention to ensure that suspicious add-ons or browser extensions are not installed along with them. Surely you have noticed that during the installation of a new program, you are prompted to install the Amigo browser, mail, etc. Very often, advertising modules come along with them. It is necessary to control this process and prohibit the installation of additional things.

If such an extension has already arrived on your computer, then when viewing various sites, annoying advertising banners may pop up. Including when making contact.

To solve the problem, you need to remove these extensions.

Let's look at the process using Google Chrome as an example. Open the menu and go to the “Settings” section.

Here we open the “Extensions” tab. We check that there are no suspicious extensions. If there are any, we delete them.

Install the Adblock plugin to block VKontakte advertising

At the moment, the most reliable option is to install the Adblock plugin in your browser. It is designed to hide advertisements. This applies to both official networks (Yandex, Google, etc.) and frankly spam options. It is worth noting that the plugin is distributed free of charge.

Go to the official page and select the version for your browser.

Start the installation. It will run as normal.

After that, restart the browser and try to log into the social network. Advertising must be blocked.


It is worth paying attention to the fact that on “white” sites, as a rule, the owners place advertising blocks of normal networks. And the advertising itself is placed in such places so as not to disturb visitors.

If you see suspicious pop-ups, new links in the menu on sites that were not there before, then with a 99% probability, you have caught a virus. In this case, use an antivirus utility.

As for disabling VKontakte advertising, the easiest option here is to install the Adblock plugin. At the same time, you can disable it at any time, or add the necessary sites to the list of exceptions in order to resume displaying ad units on them.


In contact with

Many of us are registered in the largest Russian-language social network - In contact with, this is especially true for the younger generation of users. In our country, this social network is the most widespread, it is added to the browser bookmarks on the computer and installed on every smartphone and tablet, many even start their morning by reading the news feeds of friends and groups, while others are online around the clock.

Recently, advertising has begun to be displayed in the official VKontakte application for Android and iOS; it is called “Recommendations for Users”. I think almost everyone has seen this; it appears when viewing the News Feed in the form of an advertising message for some application with an Install button. Honestly, this is starting to irritate, because everywhere you look, there is advertising everywhere - advertising on TV (every 5-10 minutes), radio, newspapers, on the Internet, even our favorite applications are becoming filled with various advertising products - they are too tightly integrated into our life.

But fortunately, owners of smartphones and tablets in the operating room Android system the issue with advertising on Vkontakte can be resolved, which cannot be said about iPhone and iPad owners - although... you can install version 2.0 of the application and not update it.

How to remove ads in the VK application for Android

Step 1 Open the installed VK application on your device

Step 2 Go to the application menu and select Settings.
In older versions of the application, the icon is in the upper left corner

In new ones - open the user page and click the gear icon in the upper right corner

Step 3 Scroll down and click on the About menu item. A window will appear in front of you indicating the version of the program. Click on the icon 3 times, you will not see any changes

Step 4 Go to the desktop or menu with all installed applications and open the Phone program. If you are using a tablet that does not have such an application, then download from the store Google Play any application for making calls. Then enter the secret code in the dialing field: *#*#856682583#*#*

Step 5 After entering the code, you will be redirected to the developer page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box Disable recommendations for older versions of the application or Disable advertising for new ones

Now you can return to the application and enjoy reading your news feed without annoying ads. This flaw is currently available for activation by any user, but who knows what will happen with the next app updates, perhaps the developers will remove this feature.

Tell your friends about the article, and also join our groups on social networks, where even more useful information has been collected

The social network VKontakte is the most popular in Russia, and the number of daily active users on it exceeds several tens of millions of people. It is used on computers, tablets and mobile phones, and almost any operating system has a special client for working with the social network.

VKontakte is monetized through targeted advertising, which is shown to users. In the browser version of the social network, this advertising is located in the left sidebar and in the news list. As for mobile clients, it appears in news feed, where the user can from time to time see information from advertisers: various advertisements, offers to download and install the game, news about discounts in stores, and so on. Advertising in the VKontakte application for Android is built in harmoniously, but this does not mean that all users want to see it in their feed. In addition, there is a way to remove VKontakte advertising on Android, and it’s quite easy to do.

What is the application debug menu

Development mobile application- a complex process that requires attention to many details. The Android program should run smoothly on thousands of devices with different characteristics screen, hardware, versions operating system, third-party shells and other parameters. Accordingly, developers must control the operation of the program directly on the device, and for this they introduce a special diagnostic menu, access to which is usually intended only for testers.

Android has an app called Secret Codes that aims to discover hidden features. various programs. Once installed, you can learn about the diagnostic menus of various applications installed on your phone. Thanks to this program, we were able to discover the debug menu for the VKontakte application for Android.

In the debug menu you can see fields for entering various commands, testing functions, as well as many hidden options. For example, from the VKontakte debug menu you can download all the music saved in the audio recordings of the user whose account is currently active in the application.

How to disable advertising in the VKontakte application on Android

Note: Next to the option to turn off advertising in the VKontakte application, there is an option to switch to “Invisible Mode”. If you activate this setting, you will be able to use VKontakte, and other users will assume that you are offline.

Having set all the necessary settings in the debug menu of the VKontakte application, you can go to the main desktop and continue to work with the phone in standard mode. From now on, advertising will no longer appear in the news feed of the VKontakte application.
