How to grow cucumbers correctly. Growing cucumbers in open ground is a difficult and enjoyable task. Why are cucumbers bitter?

Cucumber is an annual plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. This is perhaps the only crop whose fruits we eat unripe.

Africa, Greece, warm India are the countries where cucumbers were first grown. To date, many hybrid varieties of this plant have been bred that are resistant to unfavorable conditions. weather conditions, diseases, etc. Therefore, growing cucumbers in open ground- almost always a successful and justified process.

Not every gardener knows the secrets of growing cucumbers in open ground, so the information in this article will be very useful for many.

Cucumber variety Courage - a great new product for garden beds

Cucumber Courage is one of the most suitable varieties for planting in open ground. This is a high-yielding hybrid, resistant to diseases and pests, characterized rapid growth and fruit ripening. Therefore, it is grown not only for personal consumption, but also for sale in large quantities. The fruits of this variety have high taste and excellent presentation. Methods of growing Kurazh cucumbers in open ground: seed and seedlings. Seed cultivation cucumbers are possible throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern regions. In cold climates, this crop is cultivated using the seedling method.

The agricultural technology of the Kurazh variety provides for standard technology for growing this crop in open ground:

  • Preparing the site for planting.
  • Pre-sowing preparation of seed material.
  • Growing seedlings and caring for them.
  • Transplanting cucumbers into open ground.
  • Harvesting.

Preparing the area for planting

The area for growing cucumbers should be sunny, level, with deep groundwater, where there are no winds or drafts. This crop does not grow well on acidic soils. You can deoxidize them and bring them to a neutral acidity level using lime or dolomite flour.

The cucumber variety Kurazh, like other varieties of this crop, does not develop on alkaline, heavy and infertile soil. The future harvest of Courage cucumbers will depend on how well the seasonal soil preparation is carried out.

Autumn tillage involves clearing the area of ​​weeds and garden debris. All this must be done before the onset of the seasonal rains. After this, the site is dug up with the addition of organic fertilizers, for example, rotted manure. The digging depth is no more than 15 cm.

With the arrival of spring they begin seasonal work for loosening the soil and removing young weeds. A cultivator or rake is used to cultivate the soil surface. Before sowing seeds and planting seedlings, it is necessary to level the soil surface. This layout is very important for the successful cultivation of this crop. On a flat surface without lumps, the seeds will be sown at the same depth and will sprout together.

The set of spring measures to prepare a site for planting cucumbers includes maintaining soil moisture that has accumulated over the winter and spring period. Repeated surface loosening of the soil allows maximum moisture retention.

Seed preparation

Preparing cucumber seeds for sowing in open ground or for growing seedlings at home is one of the important stages. The growth and development of plants, as well as the future harvest, will depend on the quality of the seed material. The seeds must be healthy, without damage and with good germination - about 90%.

Before sowing, the seeds are rejected and calibrated by soaking in sodium chloride - a solution of 3% concentration. The floating seeds are removed, and the seeds that have sunk to the bottom are used for planting. Selected seeds are washed in water and dried on a dry surface.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases and mold, the seeds are treated with the drug Fentiuram - 0.4 g of the substance is added per 5 kg of seeds. Instead of Fentiuram, you can use the drug TMTD. After this, the seeds undergo heat treatment. They are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Planting seeds in open ground

Correctly, cucumber seeds need to be sown with special seeders that ensure accurate sowing into the ridges. But most gardeners do it manually on their own site. Sow the seeds when the last frost has passed and the soil has warmed to 15 degrees Celsius. In regions with a cool climate, the sowing time is at the end of May or beginning of June.

In the south, the approximate time for sowing seeds is the first half of April. If spring is early, planting dates are accelerated. In a late spring, seeds are sown later than usual. It is worth remembering that in well-warmed soil the risk of seed rotting and death is significantly reduced.

For a plot of 1 m2, use 50 g of dry cucumber seeds of the Kurazh variety. The same area will require 2 times less sprouted seeds. Optimal distance between seedlings - 12-15 cm. Densified plantings can provoke the appearance of diseases due to insufficient ventilation of seedlings.

Structures for growing seedlings

Growing cucumbers of the Kurazh variety through seedlings is used in the regions middle zone. In addition, using this method reduces the risk of soil downtime in an area with ungerminated seedlings.

To plant seeds, use seedling containers with a nutritious and loose substrate. Modern seedling structures for growing cucumber seedlings are small, mobile, heated nurseries. They have low cost, good illumination, and the possibility of using mechanized equipment for sampling and hardening of seedlings.

Only under conditions of optimal temperature, lighting, air humidity and soil can you obtain strong and healthy seedlings cucumbers It is not difficult to create such conditions in nurseries. To ensure correct light mode, you need to select right place for the location of the seedling structure. At home, this is due to the location of the windows in relation to the south.

Provide required humidity air and temperature for planting can be achieved using ventilation and a special heating system, nutrition - with special fertilizers and nutrient substrates, soil moisture - with regular moistening.

During the period of emergence and in the second phase of growing this crop, it is very important to maintain the same temperature regime inside the nursery. To grow seedlings without fertilizing, the seeds are planted in peat manure or manure-soil mixture. When planting seed material in poor soil, the seedlings are fed twice with low concentration superphosphate.

Ideally, peat blocks divided into cells are suitable for growing seedlings from seeds. First they are soaked, then seeds are planted in each cell. Peat blocks are expensive, however, they are very convenient and practical.

Growing seedlings at home

To plant seeds for seedlings at home, it is best to use soil that is similar in composition to the garden soil on the site. This way, seedlings adapt faster and easier in open ground.

You can plant the seeds of the Courage variety in a homemade nutrient mixture. Mix turf, peat soil and sand in equal proportions. You can buy it already ready mixture called "Violet" in any gardening store. Any seeds are suitable for planting plastic containers small size, for example, cups. A drainage layer of any absorbent material is placed at the bottom of the cups - expanded clay, sunflower husks or vermiculite.

Planting of pre-treated and disinfected seeds using the above technology is carried out to a depth of 1-2 cm. 2 seeds are planted in one planting container. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of frequent spraying, providing stable heat and good lighting. After seedlings emerge and the plants produce one pair of leaves, they are moved to a cooler place to prevent the risk of planting being stretched. The optimal temperature for keeping seedlings is 15 degrees. Of the two plants, the stronger specimen is selected, and the weaker one is carefully cut off with a sharp object.

With good lighting and coolness, the seedlings will form strong root system. Warm water is used to water young plants; spraying is carried out in the first half of the day, when the sun is less active. Under conditions of sudden changes in air temperature and insufficient lighting, plants are affected by blackleg. Infected instances are removed. The remaining seedlings are treated with fungicides for preventive purposes.

Caring for cucumbers in open ground

The agricultural technology for growing Kurazh cucumbers involves planting seedlings in open ground only after the threat of the last frost has passed.

By this time, the plants will have time to grow green mass and form flower buds. It is recommended to pick off the first flowers on seedlings, since it is at this moment that plants need energy and strength for the growth and development of the above-ground and underground parts. Flowering interferes with this process. In addition, seedlings with flowers planted in open ground adapt much worse to new growing conditions.

The Courage cucumber, like other hybrid forms of this crop, is demanding on the level of air humidity. However, excess moisture on the leaves can cause the plant to develop powdery mildew. Therefore, proper plantings should be watered only in the morning, so that by the evening the above-ground part of the plants has time to dry out.

At each stage of growth, this crop requires a certain amount of moisture. At the beginning of the growing season, plants are provided with humidity in the range of 60-70%, during the fruiting period - about 80%, at the end of the growing season - 75-80%. The optimal frequency of watering is once every 10 days; in the summer heat, watering is increased to once every 5 days. Sprinkling is the main method of watering this crop.

Cucumbers respond well to fertilizing, which is applied throughout the growing season. The first feeding is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizer at the stage of the appearance of the first pair of leaves (1.5 kg of the substance is consumed per area of ​​10 m2). The second fertilizing with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers is applied during the formation of side shoots - 2 kg of fertilizing is used per 10 m2 of area.

The thinning procedure is carried out in the area where the cucumbers were planted by seed. The Courage cucumber has a delicate root system, so it does not tolerate this procedure well. To avoid thinning, it is enough to plant 2 seeds in each hole. From two grown seedlings, a strong bush is selected, and a weak one is pulled out.

Loosening, weeding of cucumbers and removal of weeds begins from the moment the seedlings emerge or immediately after transplanting the seedlings into open ground. During the first loosening, the young bushes slightly hill up.


At the initial stage, harvesting is carried out every 3 days to prevent the fruit from overripening. The number of cucumber harvests in the regions of the southern strip can reach up to 50 over the entire season.

Cucumbers are easily damaged, so they need to be collected carefully in the morning or evening. The harvested cucumbers are transferred to a cool place. In such conditions they do not lose their presentation and taste. Cucumbers of the Courage variety, like fruits of other varieties, are not stored for a long time. To extend their shelf life they are placed in refrigeration chambers.

The technology for growing cucumbers in open ground is quite simple. By adhering to the above recommendations, success in this matter is guaranteed to everyone.

How nice it is to arrive at the dacha and crunch on a delicious cucumber picked straight from the garden. Having acquired a plot, new vegetable growers rush to garden centers to buy seeds. They buy bags with the most beautiful pictures, throw seeds into the open ground, eagerly awaiting the desired harvest. And they are upset when they see, instead of the expected beauties, stunted bushes with crooked fruits. It turns out that in order to grow a lot of tasty and aromatic cucumbers, you need to know the rules of their cultivation.

Not every vegetable grower has a greenhouse on their property. And many generations of our ancestors grew cucumbers in vegetable gardens in Rus'. And this method has positive sides.

  • There is no need to build an expensive greenhouse.
  • Cucumbers grown under open air much tastier than greenhouse ones.
  • It is possible, if the area of ​​the beds allows, to grow cucumbers horizontally, spread out, saving on materials for trellises and time for gartering.
  • Cucumbers in open ground are much tastier than greenhouse ones

    But there are circumstances that can minimize all the efforts of a vegetable grower who sows cucumbers in a garden bed.

  • Frosts that occur in the middle zone even in the first half of June, and resume at the end of August.
  • Significant differences in night and day temperatures cause diseases and reduced yields.
  • The first cucumbers ripen in the garden much later than in the greenhouse.
  • All these factors must be overcome using various devices and techniques.

    How to grow cucumbers in garden beds: popular planting methods

    Cucumbers can be planted in two ways:

  • having previously grown seedlings indoors;
  • seeds directly into the garden bed.
  • Growing and planting seedlings

    Growing cucumbers in stages, first indoors, followed by transferring the grown plants to the beds, makes it possible to get the fruits 2-3 weeks earlier. As a rule, seeds for seedlings are sown 30 days before transplanting. The optimal time for planting ready-made seedlings is mid-May. To make shoots appear faster, the seeds are germinated. To do this, they are laid out on damp gauze or cotton pads soaked in water. Varietal seeds, and those collected at home, must be disinfected by placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate (dark burgundy) for 10 minutes, and then rinsing them in plain water. Hybrid seeds, as a rule, go on sale already processed, so they are simply soaked.

    Seeds soaked in cotton pads awaken on the second day

    The hatched seeds are sown in containers with nutritious soil, which is best purchased at a garden center. When planting, the seed is buried 1–1.5 cm into the soil. Shoots should appear in 3–4 days.

    It should be remembered that the suction roots of cucumbers are very delicate and easily damaged, and are restored very slowly. It is necessary to grow seedlings in containers such that the roots are not damaged when transplanting from them. Newspaper bags are best suited for these purposes.

    To preserve the integrity of the roots during transplantation, cucumber seedlings are grown in newspaper bags.

    The main thing for cucumber seedlings is a sufficient amount of light so that the plants do not turn out to be very elongated. The room temperature should be 22–25 o C during the day and at least 16 o C at night. You need to water the plants very carefully, not allowing the soil to dry out, but also not flooding the roots, which could suffocate.

    It is not recommended to keep seedlings indoors for more than 30 days. Plants can be planted 20–25 days after germination.

    Cucumber seedlings grown in peat pots are transferred to the ground without removing them from the container.

    To plant seedlings in the ground, holes are made in the prepared bed at a distance of at least 25–30 cm from each other. If the soil has been prepared correctly, nothing is added to the holes. Paper or peat pots They are installed in them so that the soil level in the pot is 1–2 cm below the level of the bed and all the voids around are filled in. They form a hole with sides and water the planted plants abundantly.

    Seedling method has its drawbacks:

  • Not everyone has the opportunity to place containers with growing plants in their home.
  • Difficulties arise with lighting. Supplementary lamps are quite expensive.
  • It is difficult to transport seedlings from an apartment to a dacha. There is a chance of damaging delicate seedlings.
  • Video: how to properly plant seedlings in the garden

    Preparing soil and beds

    There are many different methods for cultivating cucumbers without using greenhouses:

  • In the trenches.
  • In spread.
  • On raised beds.
  • Vertical, with fastening to supports.
  • Curtains or herringbone.
  • Combined with other plants in beds and flower beds.
  • In bags or barrels.
  • Each of these methods is applicable in certain conditions. The vegetable grower chooses the one most suitable for his climate and soil.

    Cultivating cucumbers in trenches

    In regions with dry and hot summers, as well as in areas with heavy clay soils, It is convenient to grow cucumbers in trenches. To obtain maximum yield you must:

  • Choose a place to plant cucumbers. It should be sunny, protected from the wind.
  • Dig a trench 50 cm deep and 70–80 cm wide, positioning it from south to north. Place the fertile soil from the top layer in buckets, or along the edge of the ditch, and scatter the lower layers in the rows of the garden, or remove them from the site. It cannot be used for garden beds.
  • Fill the resulting trench halfway with organic matter. Cucumbers love compost that is not completely rotted, so you can fill the hole with the contents compost heap. Any other type will do: leaves, grass, hay, chopped branches, etc.

    It must be remembered that organic residues filling the trench will rot and generate heat. Therefore, in regions with hot summers, the bottom of the trench is filled only with humus or ready-made compost. Otherwise, the bed will be warm, which is undesirable in the heat.

  • Fill the remaining part of the space with mature humus or compost mixed with removed fertile soil, add deciduous tree ash at the rate of 1 liter jar per 1 linear meter trenches. It is useful to add 200–300 g of bone or blood meal here. In arid areas, the trench is not filled to the top, and the level of the resulting bed is made 5–10 cm below the soil level. In other cases, the soil should be 5–10 cm above this level.
  • Water the filled trench generously hot water and cover with non-woven material for 5–10 days. After the specified time has passed, cucumbers can be planted.
  • Photo gallery: methods of filling a trench for cucumbers

    Dry foliage is also suitable for an organic cushion at the bottom of the trench Leaves laid on the bottom of the trench will add looseness to the soil Food waste, gradually rotting, creates additional nutrition for cucumbers and warms their roots Cardboard laid on the bottom of the trench will protect the soil in it from the germination of weeds

    Preparing a bed for growing cucumbers spread out in rows

    This method is good only if there is a sufficient area of ​​land where they can be grown spread out, allowing them to weave freely along the ground. In this case, the bed is dug up shallowly, humus or compost is added at a rate of 1-2 buckets per 1 m2 of bed, 1 liter jar of ash, 200 g of bone or blood meal. The width of the bed is 70–80 cm. The beds are placed at soil level at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.

    To protect against frost and cold, cover the cucumbers with covering material.

    When growing cucumbers in a spread, the plants weave freely along the rows

    Growing cucumbers in warm beds

    Warm beds are suitable for growing plants outdoors in regions with cool summers. Cucumbers like their roots to be warm, so they grow well on such structures. The technology for making such beds is quite simple. Their width is no more than 80 cm, length 4–10 m, height 40–45 cm. The fence can be wooden, slate or other materials. First, a box is made around the perimeter of the bed. It is installed directly on the grass, which is trampled down and covered with cardboard or simply newspapers in several layers. Further arrangement of the beds is carried out according to the same principle as filling the trench. First organic matter, then fertile soil.

    Any organic matter is placed at the bottom of the bed

    Various designs of supports for cucumber lashes

    The most common designs for gartering cucumber vines are vertical trellises. They can be arranged in the form of stretched ropes and various nets. To comfortably care for plants, trellises are not made higher than two meters. Usage vertical structures allows:

  • Save space.
  • Reduce the risk of disease as the plants are well ventilated.
  • Harvest without damaging the vines.
  • Increase the period of fruiting of plants.
  • Decorate the area with non-standard elements.
  • This method has one drawback - the material costs of constructing a trellis, but they can be minimized by using inexpensive materials.

    Photo gallery: trellis designs

    A trellis made of slats will not only hold the cucumber vines, but will also decorate the area. The twine on such a structure is convenient to attach and remove in the fall. With this design, cucumbers take up very little space. The trellises can also be inclined. A mesh stretched along the bed holds the cucumber vines well. You can arrange a vertical support from available materials Design of an inclined trellis for cucumbers A trellis for cucumbers can be an ordinary chain-link mesh A trellis in the form of a herringbone will decorate any area

    Growing cucumbers in bags and barrels

    Among the many ways to grow cucumbers outdoors, another one has recently gained recognition - growing cucumbers in large plastic bags. Growing cucumbers in barrels or large buckets is also popular. Such mobile beds have many advantages:

  • A lot of space is saved, since such a container can be placed anywhere on the site, as long as it is bright and protected from the wind.
  • When there is a threat of frost, such beds can be easily moved to shelter.
  • You can plant cucumbers in a barrel every year, as the soil in it can be easily changed and cucumbers can be planted again next season.
  • In any case, the container is filled, as with other growing methods: the bottom layer consists of various organic matter, with nutritious soil on top.

    It should be taken into account that in small containers the heating is greater and the moisture evaporates faster. Therefore, such containers should be watered every day, and on hot days - twice a day.

    Photo gallery: non-standard beds

    Cucumbers in a barrel need to be watered daily Barrels with cucumber vines take up very little space on the plot Sugar bags do an excellent job as containers for cucumbers It is convenient and economical to grow cucumbers in large plastic bags

    How to properly plant cucumber seeds in open ground, cultivation features

    The easiest way is to plant cucumbers directly into the ground with seeds. Planting times are different in each region. The average sowing time is from mid-May to early June.

    Experienced vegetable growers do not recommend pre-soaking seeds. They are sown in furrows or holes, depending on the chosen growing method.

    Make a furrow in the prepared soil 2–3 cm deep. Water it well with water so that it saturates a layer of at least 10–15 cm. Then the seeds are laid out at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other and sprinkled with soil. To be on the safe side, you can put not one at a time, but 2-3 seeds at a time, if you are not sure of 100% germination of the seeds. The top of the bed is covered with a film that will protect the soil from drying out. Immediately after the emergence of shoots, the film is removed.

    Of the sprouted plants, the strongest is selected, the rest are carefully cut off with scissors.

    Video: planting seeds in a garden bed

    When planting cucumbers in a herringbone pattern, holes are marked around the support, into which 2-3 seeds are also placed, then leaving one of the strongest plants.

    What to cover

    To protect cucumbers from late return frosts, temporary shelters are made over the beds. They allow you to plant plants and get a harvest in less time. early dates. Arches are best suited for these purposes - metal or made of willow twigs, which are installed above the bed. A shelter is thrown on top of the arches. The most suitable material for these purposes is agrospan or other similar material. white. Film for covering beds is used only in cases of severe cold and frost, on cold nights when the temperature drops below +8 o C. It is thrown over nonwoven fabric.

    The arcs are then used as supports for the lashes, instead of a trellis.

    Photo gallery: flint shelters on cucumber beds

    Cucumbers sheltered from wind and cold do not get sick and give good harvest In especially cool summers, cucumbers feel good under the film. Arches for supporting a temporary shelter made of agrospan also serve as a trellis for tying up lashes. The original greenhouse for cucumbers after the threat of frost turns into a trellis


    Caring for cucumbers involves shaping the bush, tying it up, regular watering and fertilizing, and timely harvesting.

    How to form a cucumber bush

    Each growing method requires a different formation of the cucumber bush. In a garden bed, when growing cucumbers spread out, a bush does not form.

    The formation of a bush is needed to regulate female (with ovaries) and male flowers (barren flowers) on the plant. Moreover, in varietal bee-pollinated cucumbers, male flowers are located on the main vine, and female flowers on the side shoots. In hybrids, on the contrary, female flowers are located in the axils of the leaves of the main shoot, and male flowers are located on the side shoots. Parthenocarpic cucumbers have mostly female flowers that do not require a pollinator.

    Varietal cucumbers are formed into several vines. The crown of the main shoot after the fifth leaf is pinched, thereby stimulating the growth of the stepsons. The first two are left and a bush is formed from them. On these shoots, the flowers are already female, so their formation in the future comes down to removing the stepsons growing from the axils of the leaves.

    Hybrids form into one stem. Up to the fifth leaf, all ovaries are plucked (blinded) from the leaf axils. And from the fifth to the 10th leaf, the stepsons are shortened to the second leaf. For each subsequent five sheets, the stepsons are shortened to the fifth sheet, and so on.

    Forming a cucumber bush is a creative matter. The main thing is to understand the principle. Some things can be made shorter, some longer. The bush itself will tell you how to do it better. You just need to carefully observe and not be afraid to experiment.

    Video: shaping a cucumber bush in the garden

    Parthenocarpic, that is, self-fertile cucumbers, are best formed into one vine, removing all the stepsons coming from the leaf axils. When the plant reaches the top of the trellis, the shoot is transferred and directed with the top down. Pinch the lash only when 80–100 cm remains from the top to the level of the bed.

    How to tie cucumbers in open ground

    Cucumber lashes need to be tied to the trellis. For these purposes, you need to use wide, soft strips of fabric, since narrow and hard ones can damage the plant. The garter begins when the bush grows 5 true leaves. A knot is made under the second leaf, and then the growing plant is wrapped counterclockwise around the guide rope, passing it under each leaf.

    The nodes on the stem do not need to be tightened too much. The plant grows and the stem thickens. You need to give it some space to increase its thickness.

    If a mesh serves as a trellis for a plant, the lashes can be attached to it with special clothespins, which are sold in stores for gardeners and gardeners. It is convenient to use such devices because in the fall it is easy to detach the lashes from the net by removing the clothespins.

    Watering and fertilizing

    A bountiful harvest of cucumbers cannot be obtained without watering and feeding regularly.

  • Cucumbers need regular watering, but do not like stagnant water at the roots.
  • Water only with warm water, with a temperature not lower than 25 o C.
  • It is best to water early in the morning.
  • It is best to apply water in the furrows, along the beds, so that the stream of water does not wash away the roots and the plants remain dry.
  • Sprinkling of cucumbers is contraindicated.
  • Best results provides drip watering of beds.
  • Drip irrigation the beds allow you to maintain the moisture they need at the roots of the cucumbers

    In order for the yield of cucumbers to be consistently high until the end of the season, cucumbers should be fed. Plants need both organic and mineral fertilizers. Organics will be provided by weekly fertilizing with “green fertilizer” - fermented grass (1:10), and minerals - by infusion of deciduous tree ash, at the rate of 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of boiling water. This infusion is kept for a day, then filtered and watered the plants once a week. Fertilizing is necessary throughout the growing season. It is best not to carry out mineral and organic activities on the same day, but to spread them out over time. For example, feed with “green fertilizer” on Mondays, and infusion of ash on Thursdays. Apply 1 liter jar of solution to each plant after watering.

    In order for the fruiting of cucumbers to continue until frost, it is useful to feed the plants with the following composition: dilute 2 liters of whey and 150 g of sugar in a bucket of water. Spray and water the cucumbers. After this treatment, ovaries form on the cucumbers again and they bear fruit.

    Video: how to make “green fertilizer”

    Features for regions, including the Moscow region

    Growing cucumbers in open ground differs in cultivation methods and timing. There are regions where open beds These vegetables are not grown. This is Siberia, Northern Urals.

    In the southern regions, for example, in Kuban, cucumber seedlings begin to be sown at the end of February and planting in open ground is done in several stages, ending sowing at the end of June, stretching fruiting until the end of October. It is best to grow cucumbers in the southern regions in shallow trenches.

    In the Leningrad region and adjacent areas, cucumbers are sown in early June, and the covers over the beds are not removed all season due to cold nights, removing the covering material for the day. Cucumbers grow best in this region at high altitudes. warm beds under removable covers.

    In the Moscow region, summer is warmer, but recurrent frosts occur even in early June, and from August the nights become cold. Therefore, cucumbers are grown in warm beds under temporary shelters, saving the plants from cold nights and heavy dew in August. In order to get cucumbers in the Moscow region in mid-June, they need to be sown for seedlings at the end of April. Varieties must be selected taking into account climatic conditions - cold-resistant and early ripening.

    The remaining rules for caring for cucumbers in open ground are the same for all regions.

    What could be better than fresh, crispy cucumbers picked from the garden early in the morning?

    Growing cucumbers in open ground is not difficult. There is an opportunity to show your imagination, experience the most incredible ways, turning routine work into a creative process. And the reward is tasty and healthy vegetables on the table all year round, since cucumbers will answer the care bountiful harvest, which is enough for preparations for the whole winter.

    Cucumber has become an integral part of our menu. The vegetable has become an integral part of our culture. Proper cultivation cucumbers will guarantee a bountiful harvest. It is important for a novice gardener to have all the necessary knowledge for this important process. Quick Guide will help you decide on the variety, sowing and care method. The gardener will receive comprehensive knowledge of how to properly grow.

    The greenhouse should be ventilated periodically; excessive humidity provokes the appearance of pests and diseases.

    Follow the rules whenever possible. In the fall, deeply plow the soil and destroy all vegetation. Simple preventive measures will protect the cucumber harvest. The gardener will be proud of the juicy and tasty cucumbers he grows.

    A short gardener's guide told you about the golden rules for growing cucumbers. Compliance with all norms and rules for care, planting and preventive measures They will allow you to harvest a large harvest, pickle delicious gherkins and make a fragrant, fresh salad. Good luck in growing a valuable crop!

    More information can be found in the video.

    Cucumber is a tasty and healthy product; you can easily prepare salads and wraps from it. But growing it is a more difficult task, which can be dealt with armed with knowledge and a little patience. As a culture, cucumber is tender, capricious plant, it requires close attention and dies in the absence of it.

    First of all, in the fall you should choose a site for cucumbers where they will be planted. The soil you need is light, “airy” like sandy loam or loam with a neutral Ph. If the soil is more dense, sand is added to it (half a bucket per square meter) and then dig it up, increasing its looseness. But the loved ones groundwater are not suitable for the culture.

    When choosing a site, they are guided by high level illumination and wind protection. Cucumbers definitely need protection from air currents, and you can do it yourself by planting corn or sunflowers near future beds. By the time the cucumbers are planted, they will reach a height of up to half a meter.

    Each region has its own wind rose, so newbie summer residents can ask their neighbors where the harshest winds blow from, or draw up a picture on their own.

    Predecessors for cucumbers

    Cucumbers do not like to grow in the same place every year. Following the basics of crop rotation, the site for them is chosen after onions or garlic, which perfectly sanitize the soil. And also after cauliflower, white cabbage and other types of cabbage, peas, greens, alfalfa, clover. An undesirable precursor is beans, which are susceptible to some diseases common to cucumbers. All pumpkins, carrots and beets are excluded.

    Autumn site preparation

    Preparatory land work involves fertilizing and digging up the soil. But first, the garden is cleared of any remaining vegetation that may contain pest larvae. As soon as this is done, organic matter is scattered over the area of ​​​​the future beds and they begin digging with a full bayonet of a shovel. There is no need to break the resulting lumps - it is important that the layer is turned over.

    Vegetation collected from the garden can be burned, and then the ash can be used to feed the garden plantings.

    In autumn, manure is more suitable as a fertilizer - cow or horse manure, at the choice of the gardener. It will require 2-4 buckets per square, depending on the poverty of the soil.

    To deoxidize the soil you can use dolomite flour, tuff or ash. It is not advisable to combine lime and manure at the same time, as nitrogen is lost.

    Many summer residents choose humus or compost that has been prepared in advance. But one way or another, organic matter should be added in the fall, so that by spring they are processed by beneficial microorganisms and the site is prepared for planting. To neutralize fungus and pests in the soil, the area is treated with a solution copper sulfate in dilution 1 tbsp. on a bucket of water.

    Among mineral fertilizers, nitrophoska is ideal for cucumbers - a completely harmless preparation consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. According to the norm, 50-100 grams are applied, depending on the condition of the soil.

    Preparing the site for spring planting

    If the work in the garden was carried out according to plan, in the spring, as soon as the thaw sets in, the area needs to be dug up again, at the same time adding humus or compost to it. All this is properly loosened with a rake so that the fertilizer is distributed throughout the entire area. The land rests until May.

    By mid-to-late May, approximately 7-10 days before planting, the selected area is once again loosened and sprouted weeds are removed. Additionally, the soil can be treated with a slightly pink solution of manganese, after which it will need to be covered with a film and allowed to bask under it for several days. The earth is ready to receive seedlings.

    If no work was carried out in the garden in the fall, then in early spring humus with mineral fertilizer, and then the ground is dug deep. The application of lime is not advisable; alkaline fertilizers will work instead. After all the work, the area should rest, after which beds are formed on it.

    During spring preparation, many summer residents prefer mineral fertilizers. To do this, add 10-15 grams to the soil. saltpeter, 30-45 gr. superphosphate, 20-25 g. potassium salt. Complex fertilizers are taken according to the attached instructions.

    The best time to plant cucumbers

    Determined by the nature of the regional climate. In general, the most favorable factor for planting cucumber seedlings in open ground is a ground temperature above 15°C. This is usually mid to late May with persistent warm days and blooming dandelions.

    If there is still a risk of night frosts, the plantings should be covered with a film stretched over the arcs.

    To extend the harvest season, planting cucumbers can be done at intervals until mid-June. It doesn’t make sense longer, since cucumbers need a shortened daylight hours for normal development.

    The same goes for seeds. The seeds “wake up” and germinate at the same soil temperature – from 15°C. To determine how much the soil has warmed up, you need to insert a thermometer 10 cm into the ground and then follow the readings.

    It is impossible to say exact planting dates, as they vary from region to region and from year to year. But, definitely, planting such a delicate crop in open ground is more suitable for the south and central zone of the country. In other regions, short, cool summers will not allow vegetables to ripen, which means greenhouses and hotbeds will be indispensable.

    Planting cucumber seeds in open ground

    You can plant cucumbers using seedlings and seeds. The second method is more suitable for southern areas, where spring comes earlier and the soil begins to warm up already in April. And yet, planting cucumber seeds in the garden is carried out no earlier than May, after planting the seedlings, when spring weather has finally come into its own.

    The choice of method is the personal preference of each farmer. But they must take into account the type of planting material to be used: will it be hybrid varieties or collected from the harvest with your own hands and adapted to the conditions of the region. The thing is that hybrids are undoubtedly more fertile, but they are much more demanding on growing conditions, and it is more convenient to provide these conditions in a greenhouse.

    Although seeds of old varieties require increased protection in the soil, they are much more adaptable to external influences environment. Moreover, these are our own, local cucumbers, the seeds of which can always be used for planting in future seasons, unlike hybrid seeds.

    The disadvantage of the seed method of growing cucumbers is the late harvest and its rapid yield, after which the tops turn yellow and dry out. But if you properly prepare the site and planting material, this drawback can be slightly corrected.

    Seed preparation

    Dry seeds can also be planted in the ground, but it is better to let them pass full preparation to disembarkation. This is done in stages:

    Seed selection

    An important point that allows you to detect only high-quality seed material. To do this, stir 3 tbsp. table salt in 1 l. water where cucumber seeds are placed. Healthy, full-bodied seeds will remain at the bottom.

    The rest can be safely thrown away - they will not have any sprouts.

    Cucumber seeds remain valid for 10 years. But this ability reaches its maximum in 2-6 years of storage. Therefore, it is recommended to use seeds of this age for planting.

    Warming up

    This procedure is carried out near heating pipe within a month. The temperature in the room should be up to 28°C. You can carry out express heating in the oven at 50°C or pour in the seeds warm water 45-50°C and leave in a thermos for half an hour. Warming makes the seeds more responsive and reduces the number of empty flowers.

    Hybrid seeds do not require heating.


    Traditionally, cucumber seeds are disinfected for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but you can use iodine solution and garlic infusion (less than a tablespoon of chopped garlic per glass of water). Disinfection protects seeds well from fungal diseases.


    This is a kind of seed hardening, which is carried out after disinfection of the seed. To do this, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for a day and a half.


    Experienced gardeners soak seeds in nutrient solutions prepared using biostimulants, such as Energen or Epin. If possible, it is better to take water for the solution from melted snow - it has a more beneficial effect on the development of the first shoots.

    For soaking, take gauze soaked in the solution and folded into two or three, which is used to cover the dish. The seeds are carefully placed on top of it in one layer, after which the dish is wrapped in a plastic bag. Instead of a bag, you can use a second layer of moistened gauze.

    The optimal temperature for seed germination is considered to be 28-30°C. The seeds should not be allowed to dry out, but they should also not float in water. You need to leave the seeds on the dish until they hatch 3-5 mm.

    Planting seeds

    Cucumbers are grown in two ways: horizontally, when cucumber vines spread along the ground, and vertically, with weaving along trellises. Depending on the method, seed beds are prepared.

    The choice of method depends on the size of the garden plot. Trellis are used in cases where you need to save space, as well as for growing hybrid cucumbers.

    For creeping cucumbers The beds are arranged in the form of holes in two rows. The distance between the rows should be up to half a meter, between the holes - 35-40 cm, and to pass between the beds, 75-80 cm is required.

    Humus or compost mixed with soil is placed in each hole, half a glass of ash is added, and soil is placed on top. The hole is watered and then the seeds are planted at an angle of 45°C with the spout up to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Deeper planting will make seedlings wait longer. There are 2-3 seeds per hole.

    Fertilizers placed in the hole will begin to decompose and provide seeds necessary warmth for development.

    When the planting work is completed, the soil is carefully moistened and covered on top with a film with holes for sprouts or newspaper, which is sprayed with water for a tighter fit to the ground. Such measures are necessary to create a favorable microclimate for vegetables. During the day, the film can be removed and returned at night until the cucumbers grow.

    At vertical growing cucumber seeds are placed in holes dug 20-30 cm apart with the same distance between rows. 3-4 seeds are planted in the holes. After germination, the seedlings are thinned out, but this is done carefully - they are not pulled out of the ground, but cut with scissors so as not to injure the roots of the main plant. It is believed that with vertical sowing the crop gives a rich harvest.

    Planting seedlings

    Most often, farmers prefer to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground. This is due to earlier and longer fruiting of the crop, and also, often, to climatic conditions.

    Seedlings are grown from seeds prepared in advance, as described above. But the landing is not carried out on open area, and in cups where soil with fertilizers is placed. To do this, take turf, humus and sawdust in equal proportions, fill the container, water it and plant 3-4 seeds. The glass is covered with a bag and left in a warm place. After the sprouts appear, the weakest ones are removed.

    Seedlings are planted on the plot according to the same principles as seeds. To do this, dig holes, pour fertilizer into them, cover them with soil, and then plant the seedlings. A day before digging holes, the garden plot can be treated with hot water and a solution of copper sulfate to destroy fungus and pests in the soil. Peat cups with seedlings are planted in the holes without fertilizing.

    Another trick for summer residents: you can fertilize the planting holes with ground potato peelings and grain scraps. They are collected, dried and used as fertilizer.

    In the first days, young plantings should be protected from direct sun rays, and you need to make sure that the soil is well moistened. Protection from wind and maintaining proper temperatures - from 15°C are required, otherwise plant growth will slow down. If the weather fails, the plantings should be hidden under film.

    Video instructions for planting in open ground

    How to care for cucumbers

    Cucumbers are capricious, so you need to follow the following principles caring for them:

    Regular watering

    Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants and without watering they die very quickly. In addition, the lack of moisture also affects the taste of the vegetable - it begins to taste bitter. But it’s also not worth flooding the culture completely. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

    • On dry days, water the cucumbers every day, maybe every other day, depending on the ambient temperature. In spring, twice a week is enough.
    • The ideal time for watering is morning and cool evening. This will help avoid burns on the leaves and reduce evaporation from the soil.
    • If the ground is dry, you need to pour water gradually, in stages.
    • The water should have a temperature of approximately 20°C. If the hose is leaking cold water, it is advisable to pour it into containers in advance, where it will warm up under the sun.
    • When watering, water should only fall on the ground to nourish the roots.
    • It is ideal to use the drip irrigation method for irrigating cucumbers.

    Loosening the soil

    Loosening is required for better soil aeration, which is so necessary for cucumbers. This should be done when a crust appears on the soil, which can slow down the growth of the crop. You need to loosen it carefully, since cucumbers have a superficial root system, and therefore the cultivation depth is 3-4 cm. If the soil is peaty, it is pierced with a pitchfork for permeability.

    Hilling up the crop

    Hilling cucumbers is not necessary, but many gardeners do this to support the plant at the base and make it more stable. Hill up before watering in the morning or evening with a bucket of fresh, fertile soil. This can be done 1-2 times per season.

    Mulching the soil

    Very useful for retaining moisture at the roots and preventing the formation of a soil crust. It also attracts earthworms, which increase soil fertility. Mulch mainly with PVC film and newspapers.

    Feeding with fertilizers

    Cucumbers are fed approximately once every 10-14 days, more often is not advisable. The main microelements that cucumbers need are nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. They are added in hot weather, so they are better absorbed, and during rains they accumulate in the form of nitrates. The first feeding is necessary a couple of weeks after planting, then during flowering and once during fruiting.

    Feed better evening, and the ideal food is mullein or bird droppings diluted in water. Up to 6 liters are required per square meter. such a solution. Can also be used mineral fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate. You will only need 5 grams of it. for 1 l. water, after which the beds are well watered. During fruiting, potassium sulfate will be indispensable, a teaspoon of which is diluted in 0.5 liters. urea. You can add 50 gr. superphosphate.
