How to clean the grease inside a microwave at home? Four Powerful, Proven Ways to Clean the Inside of Your Microwave Oven

Today you can see it in almost every home. It has become an indispensable attribute modern kitchen. Using a microwave, you can quickly defrost food, cook delicious food, and also reheat food before serving it.

A kitchen helper is usually used very often by all family members. In this regard, sooner or later yellow dried spots of fat appear on its surface. How to clean a microwave at home and help it become snow-white again?

If your kitchen aid gets dirty, keep in mind that washing it like a kettle or pan is strictly prohibited. In each specific case, you should apply your tricks and secrets. How to clean a microwave at home so that you don’t have to take it to a repair shop afterwards?

If you wash the kitchen aid from the outside, then a damp sponge and any detergent is enough. The inside of the microwave oven gets dirty much more and more often. At the same time, you have to clean stubborn stains that are greasy or have already dried out.

In order for the device to shine white again and not be damaged, you should know the structure of its inner surface. It is usually multi-layered. The last, outer layer is designed to reflect microwaves and is protective. That is why it should not be damaged.


Before using it, you should carefully study the instructions for its use. It should have a section indicating those detergents that can be used to clean the inner layer. First of all, they should not contain abrasive particles. In other words, various microwave cleaning powders cannot be used. Use only a soft sponge to clean your kitchen aid. It is easier to remove dried stains with a rough brush, but this significantly increases the likelihood of damaging the protective layer.

Currently without special labor You can buy detergent. The selection of these products is quite large. There are also special products designed for cleaning microwave ovens. Preference when purchasing should be given to sprays, creams and gels. It is this form of cleaning product that will carefully remove dirty stains.

In departments household chemicals In supermarkets you can buy “Mr. Muscle” and special napkins for microwave ovens - “Magic Power”. Cleaning agents such as “Sanita 500-Antigreas” and “Sanklin” are also sold.

How to clean the inside of a microwave? Simple enough. To do this, apply a little product to the contaminated surface and leave it for a few minutes. After this, the gel, cream or spray is removed with a soft cloth.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will need to go through several options to find the most effective remedy. In addition, household chemicals cause considerable harm to health. If you have allergies or there is Small child, then you will have to use another option.


How to clean the inside of a microwave using a safe and fairly simple method? Plain water will help remove greasy stains from the protective layer completely free of charge. However, it is worth remembering that this method Suitable for light soiling only.

How to clean a microwave at home with water? To do this, pour a small amount of it into a bowl, and then place the container in the microwave oven. Turn on the microwave at full power, setting the timer for five to fifteen minutes. After turning off, a little time should pass for the stains to soak better. Only after this the contamination is removed with a soft cloth or sponge. This method is very effective in eighty percent of cases.

Lemon acid

How to clean a microwave at home if the stains are difficult to remove? In such situations, using ordinary water will not achieve the desired result. But there is no need to despair. There is a simple way that will allow you to clean your assistant without unnecessary expenses. To do this, you will need to use citric acid. It will perfectly clean the dirty surface and whiten it.

How to clean a microwave with citric acid? The principle of using this product is the same as in the version with water. Only add a teaspoon to the prepared container with liquid. citric acid. This method is also good because after cleaning the inside surface, the microwave retains a pleasant, fresh smell. Instead of citric acid, the juice of one lemon or several slices of this citrus fruit can be added to a container of water.


There is another wonderful tool that will answer the question of how to clean grease from a microwave. This is vinegar. In terms of effectiveness of use, it is on a par with citric acid. Therefore, the choice of remedy is yours.

This method of cleaning the inner surface of a kitchen aid is as simple as all those described above. In a container with warm water you should add vinegar in the amount of three tablespoons. The prepared mixture is placed in the microwave, which is turned on for five minutes. In order for the stains to soften well, wait a quarter of an hour after turning off the device. After this, the walls are cleaned with a soft sponge or cloth. If the surface is not very dirty, then you can simply wipe it with the resulting vinegar solution.


This product has abrasive properties. However, it can also be used to clean the inner surface of a microwave oven. How to quickly clean a microwave with baking soda? To do this, the product in the amount of two to three tablespoons must be added to a container with warm water. After this, put the resulting solution in the microwave and set the timer for five minutes. The container must remain inside the device for another fifteen minutes after it is turned off. Only then will the stains become completely wet and they can be removed without much difficulty with a soft sponge.

Orange skins

You can clean your microwave using everyone's favorite orange citrus fruit. For this you will need his skins. They are placed in a glass mug containing water. The container is placed in the microwave oven for three to five minutes. After this, it is enough to carefully clean the walls of the inner surface from greasy stains.

Today, microwave ovens are found in almost every home. On the one hand, they save us a lot of time and effort, and on the other, they require careful self-care. And, if you don’t have time to clean it in a timely manner inner surface after each contamination, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of how to clean the microwave from the accumulated layer of fat?

We have already written, but for the microwave we need other methods.

The inside surface of the microwave oven is covered special composition, reflecting waves, which is very easy to damage. Therefore, microwave ovens should not be cleaned with abrasives or hard sponges and brushes. You can’t just wash off frozen fat with water and a liquid detergent. In this article we will give some tips on how to clean your microwave oven quickly and easily.

Due to the emergence of a huge number of household chemicals, the modern generation has completely forgotten about laundry soap. But it is not only capable of purifying the most heavy pollution, but also perfectly disinfects the surface being treated. Lather a sponge generously with laundry soap, rub the inside walls of the microwave, leave for 10-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If the layer of fat is very thick and old, then this method may no longer help, then try the following.

Pour a glass of water into a bowl, stir in a small amount of citric acid or vinegar. Place the bowl in the oven and turn it on full power for 5-7 minutes. Make sure that the water does not evaporate completely. After turning off the microwave, wait another 10 minutes without opening the door. Dirt and grease, under the influence of acid, will become wet and can be easily removed with just a damp sponge. Be careful not to allow water to get into the grates when wiping the walls.

You can pour 1-1.5 glasses of water into a deep bowl, add 3-4 tablespoons of soda and microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes. The water should boil, but not completely evaporate. Again, leave it for 5-10 minutes after switching off and wipe off the dirt with a damp sponge. Then wipe the walls dry.

Fruits from the citrus family are great for cleaning the microwave.

Pour water into a deep bowl, put half a lemon, put in the microwave for 5-7 minutes, leave after turning off for another 5 minutes and wash the walls with warm water using a soft sponge.

Pour water into a bowl, put a few pieces of orange peel in it, and microwave at maximum power for 7-10 minutes. Then wait 5-10 minutes and wash off the dirt from the walls with a damp sponge. Essential oils from the orange peel, when heated and combined with water, the accumulated fat is dissolved, and it is easily cleaned. You can also clean a regular oven using the same method.

In all methods, make sure that the water does not completely evaporate.

And so that you no longer have to worry about the question of how to clean a microwave oven in the future, always cover your dishes with special plastic lids when using them, which will protect the walls from grease and dirt.

Keeping the home clean household appliances takes up a lot of time for many housewives. Especially if the house has a lot of different household appliances, from coffee grinders and juicers, to electric and microwave ovens.

Fortunately, caring for modern appliances mainly consists only of their timely washing and cleaning, which, in turn, extends the life of household appliances.

Today we will wash the inside of the microwave, specifically the inside, since the inside of the microwave oven is usually the most contaminated. We'll wash the outside too.

As always, let's start with the products that can be used to clean microwave ovens.

How to clean a microwave oven

Personally, I use regular household cleaning products to clean my microwave, which are sold at any hardware store, or in the hardware section of most grocery stores.

I try to buy products that are not the most expensive, since the effect from them is approximately the same. I prefer to take products in the form of sprays. They are more convenient and are evenly sprayed over the surface being treated.

In principle, any household appliance cleaner with an anti-grease effect will do. If your microwave oven is made from of stainless steel, you need to purchase special cleaning products for washing stainless steel household appliances, for example the same as we used to wash a stainless steel gas stove, or make sure that the cleaning product available in the house is suitable for washing such household appliances.

Under no circumstances should you wash the inside of a microwave oven, especially a microwave oven made of stainless steel, with abrasive cleaning products. That is, such household appliances cannot be washed with undiluted powder such as Pemo Lux or undiluted, semi-dry soda.

Microparticles of powder can easily damage the surface of the oven, leaving small scratches. And this will not only spoil appearance household appliances, but can also affect its performance.

For example, you know that you cannot put metal utensils or ceramic utensils with reflective elements on them in a microwave oven. When the microwave is turned on with such dishes, the oven begins to spark and may simply catch fire.

For the same reason, when washing, you should not rub the inner walls of the oven with a hard or metal brush. No matter how much you would like to wash away the grease that has ingrained itself into the walls, you simply cannot scrub it off this way - you will ruin your household appliances.

If you plan to use powder detergents for washing, pour the product onto a sponge or cloth, add a little water and knead with your finger to form a semi-liquid paste. And only after that, carefully wipe the walls of your microwave oven with the resulting composition.

We wash the inside of the microwave from grease and other dirt.

1) Take a critical look at the inside of the microwave oven

We evaluate what condition it is in. Try rubbing the walls of the oven with a damp cloth or finger: if the remaining grease is easily wiped off, then there should be no difficulties with washing.

If the dirt and grease have already completely dried in, then before you start washing, place a glass cup or bowl of water in the microwave oven, into which you first need to add a little household appliance cleaner. Turn on the oven for a couple of minutes, without covering the bowl, so that the water and product gradually evaporate.

This will help slightly soften the grease that has dried on the walls of your household appliances and make them easier to clean.

2) Disconnect the microwave oven from electricity

This must be done for your safety - it will protect you from possible electric shock when washing household appliances damp cloth.

3) Remove the stand and roller spinning base from the oven.

We treat the stand with dishwashing detergent - let it sit for a while until it gets wet. Next, we wash the stand like a regular food plate.

4) We treat the walls, ceiling and base of our electrical appliance with detergent

When processing, try not to get it into the ventilation holes - it will be almost impossible to rinse the product in them, but the smell will remain after such a wash. And an excess of such a product the next time it is turned on can lead to a short circuit.

H3>5) Leave the applied detergent on for a while

The duration depends on the condition of the stove - the dirtier the stove, the longer you need to wait. Do not let the product dry on the walls of the microwave - it will be difficult to wash it off.

6) Wipe all internal surfaces of the oven with a damp cloth

As I already wrote above, abrasives, as well as brushes with hard or metal bristles, cannot be used to wash the stove - you will simply ruin it without achieving the desired result.

7) Repeat if necessary

If you have not achieved the desired result, and there are still specks of grease on the inside walls and ceiling of the microwave oven, you will need to re-treat the inside of your oven with detergent. Leave it for a while, then rinse thoroughly, removing any remaining product.

8) Rinse thoroughly again

When washing off detergents, the rag used for this should be thoroughly rinsed in water. Don’t forget, if you don’t wash off the remaining household chemicals, they can get into the food you are heating or cooking in a microwave oven, and ultimately into your stomach, which can cause serious poisoning or allergies.

9) Rinse outside

After washing the inside of the oven, you must also wash the outside.

We wash the outer part of the oven and controls

1) We treat the outer surface, as well as the end and side parts of the open door of the electrical appliance, with a cleaning agent. Leave it for a while.

2) Thoroughly wash the treated surfaces, remembering to rinse the cloth several times.

3) We wipe the stove controls, especially if they are made in the form of levers.

Finish washing and turn on the oven

    After washing the inside and outer surface of the stove, wipe the stove dry again with a clean, semi-dry cloth.

    We put the delivery and the roller base in place.

    We make sure that the oven is wiped dry and plug it into the electrical network.

    We check the functionality: put a bowl of water inside the oven, close it with a lid so that there is no excess evaporation, and turn it on.

That's all. The microwave is washed and ready to use again.

A few tips to keep your microwave clean longer

1) When heating or cooking any food, especially fatty or liquid food, always use a lid. The presence of a lid prevents food from splashing, leaving unsightly marks on the inner surface of the oven.

2) If food or its remains do get on the walls of the oven, immediately after heating, wipe the inner surface of the oven with a dry soft rag or paper towel, without waiting for the oven to completely cool down and for the food residues or fat to dry on its walls. When wiping the stove, be careful - you can easily get burned.

3) After cooking or heating food, especially for food with a strong aroma, hold the oven door open a little - this will ensure the oven is ventilated, dries quickly, and, as a result, reduces the accumulation of microbes in it.

However, according to the results of monitoring user requests, this phrase is quite popular. That is why we called our article today and will try to answer the topic in as much detail as possible.

The fastest way to clean a microwave

Get rid of old fat and old stains inside the microwave, the “vinegar steam” method will help. In 99% of cases, it will be enough to keep the microwave clean again. Procedure:

  1. 1. Pour 2 cups of water into a deep plate and add a couple of tablespoons of regular vinegar.
  2. 2. Place it in the microwave and turn on the highest heat (900) for 10 minutes.
  3. 3. When finished, open the oven and wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Grease and stains should come off easily.
  4. 4. Wipe the walls several times to get rid of the vinegar smell. That's it, the microwave is shiny.

Under the influence of steam, the fat simply liquefies and wiping it off is not difficult. Usually, no need additional funds except, actually, water. By the way, almost all manufacturers give this recommendation for cleaning a microwave oven in their service books.

But, if you are not looking for easy ways or this method did not help you, then let’s first figure out why this is so. And then we’ll look at stronger remedies.

How to clean a microwave using home remedies

If you have something from the list presented in your house, then you can use one of the proposed methods. We are sure that you have at least something!

  • Lemon acid
  • Lemon
  • Vinegar

Clean with lemon or citric acid

This method is one of the most effective, but it should not be constantly used in microwave ovens: the enamel is destroyed.

  • Take 0.5 liters of water and dissolve 4 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid in it. Squeezed lemons can also be put into water if you don't mind.
  • Then you need to pour the solution into a cup intended for use in microwaves and turn it on at the highest power.
  • The procedure lasts 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. We leave the water with lemons for another 5 minutes after turning off the device, after which we wipe all surfaces with a napkin, moistening it in the same solution. Or you don’t have to wet it.

Cleaning the microwave oven with baking soda

If you started cleaning unscheduled and you don’t have any lemons or citric acid on hand, you can use baking soda as a handy remedy.

The effect of this method will be no less worthy than the previous one. Moreover, soda also has the property of killing bacteria.

But, again, they will die without it, under the influence of high temperatures. But when carrying out such a procedure, you will know that the surface is not just clean, but almost sterile!

  • Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Pour into a heat-resistant container and place in the microwave.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10-15 minutes and let it boil.

Microwave cleaning using vinegar

Using vinegar when cleaning a microwave oven - fast and effective way . The only one minus - Strong smell acids, although it disappears quite quickly.

You will need 2 tablespoons of regular 9% bite and half a liter of water. Next, we do the same as always: we combine it all in a heat-resistant container and set it to heat up.

Like these ones simple ways, and the effect is simply amazing. But, we repeat, if you use a special lid, these tips will not be useful to you at all.

Now let's look at the case when the oven is so dirty that you don't know what to grab.

Of course, we know, it was not you who did this, but, for example, the slobs - the tenants! As a result, the inside of the oven became not white, but uniformly brown. Here you won’t get away with ordinary water and home remedies.

You will have to fork out for special chemicals. We will tell you below how to choose it and how to use it.

Store-bought microwave cleaning products

To begin with, try to get by with “little blood.”

Add a few drops of regular dishwashing detergent to a glass of water. But keep in mind that when boiling, a lot of foaming will begin, so choose a larger vessel and fill it no more than halfway with water.

But if this doesn’t help, then go to the store. So what to do?

Special means for effective cleaning There are simply a lot of microwaves now and the price range is simply huge. But we do not recommend that you take what is more expensive.

Usually, you simply overpay for a well-promoted brand. Household chemicals domestic production no less effective than the products of world-famous market sharks.

Therefore, first, read the composition of the drugs you like and compare it. We are sure you will be surprised to see almost identical components.

Most of these chemicals come in spray form, which is very convenient to use. Detailed instructions available on each package, but the method of application is quite similar.

It is necessary to spray the composition on all internal walls, leaving for several minutes. After this, remove dirt using a damp cloth.

The exception is the magnetron grid (the same one that looks like foil), on which you should not apply household chemicals to avoid damaging the equipment.

Be sure to thoroughly wash the remaining product and this can be done using the same magic boiling glass.

The best microwave cleaner

Green&Clean - price approximately 300 rubles, manufacturer Poland. Consumer reviews about it are unanimously positive. You can’t call it cheap, but it is almost one and a half times cheaper than products of famous analogues.

What can you do to ensure that your microwave is always clean?

After all, everyone knows that cleanliness is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. All you have to do is cover the plate with another plate and the fat will not splatter on the walls.

But you don’t always want to follow this rule, laziness is your mother and all that. And in the end we have what we have: tightly adhered fat drops on the walls, a smoky ten and bad smell inside the camera.

To prevent this, household appliance stores need purchase a special lid for heating in a microwave oven.

It costs mere pennies, but what an effect! You won’t have to clean the walls later, in principle.

The only thing that will get dirty is the pan. But rinsing it is not difficult at all. And most importantly, this lid is quite voluminous and is always in sight. It will not fall off the plate like other dishes, but will provide excellent protection.

Regarding these covers, I would like to say the following: if the design does not provide for a small vent, then they tend to shrink during prolonged heating (after all, a vacuum is formed).

If such a thing happens, there is no need to panic and try to tear off the tightly stuck lid, along with the tray. You just have to pry a little at the base with a knife: air will get under it and it will easily come off.

And another control point: if you’re already going to buy such a lid, then take two at once, fortunately, they are quite inexpensive.

This is in case one disappears from sight, and in a hurry, instead of searching, you take a plate with liver and put it in the oven. Which simply explodes during the heating process and washing it is another pleasure...

What not to do when cleaning a microwave oven

Firstly, do not forget that the inside of the microwave is covered with enamel. That's why, no iron brushes or other rough abrasives!

Microscratches form on the surface, invisible to the naked eye, but so convenient for the ubiquitous fat. It will fit perfectly in them and it will be much more difficult to clean the oven later.

There is also a small square in the microwave that looks like an iron shield. Under no circumstances should you fill it with foaming agent or rub it roughly. Foam will get under it and the device will simply fail: it will start sparking, for example.

And in general, there is no need for fanaticism and the use of foaming agents. Believe me, a glass of water can work wonders. But you won’t be able to wipe off the foam, it’s a fact, and your food will be for a long time smell "Fairy" for dishes.

Also, be careful with the shadow located at the very top. But we will tell you how to clean it in the next block.

How to clean a microwave oven

Some housewives use this barbaric method: they turn on the grill, but leave the food out.

As a result, the fat burns out, but what a child! And this is not useful for the device, to put it mildly. The oven is not designed to run idle and in this way you will hasten its failure.

How to clean the ten then? The nicest thing is to buy special sprays designed for this purpose.

But, if your motto is: “The economy should be economical,” then We suggest you do this:

  • take a regular wire, bend it with a hook that follows the shape of the ten's tube;
  • wrap it with cotton wool;
  • then you dip it all in alcohol and clean the shadow.

Simple, effective, and most importantly – free!

How to remove odor from a microwave oven

Any citrus copes well with this.

To do this, you just need to put it in a glass that you place inside the oven for steaming. You can use the crusts, or you can use the juice, it makes no difference.

You will overcome the musty smell, in any case. If the first time, after steaming and subsequent wiping, the smell still remains, then duplicate the procedure in a clean oven. Then leave the oven open until dry.

So, we have considered everything possible ways. You now know how to clean a microwave at home without spending extra money. We hope our tips are useful to you!

Almost every family has a microwave oven, so you probably often get questions about how and with what to wash a microwave. One sunny morning I looked into the microwave oven. What I saw there shocked me! How can you wash off carbon deposits, and most importantly - how to do it correctly, so as not to spoil the structure and inner covering ovens?

But I want to reassure you right away: with this challenging task I did great! And now, dear friends, I will share with you the experience and skills I have acquired. I will be happy to tell you a few secrets that can protect your microwave from excessive contamination.

How to clean inside

Agree that with the advent of microwave ovens, the life of any housewife has become much easier. There is no need to stand near the stove, constantly stirring the food so that it does not burn. It’s much easier with a microwave, no doubt about it. But soon, when the oven becomes covered with greasy soot, the question arises in the family: “Who will remove the greasy deposits, and most importantly, how to properly wash the microwave?”

There are several ways to solve this problem. The simplest means by which you can remove dirt and grime are cleaning agents and detergents intended for oven and microwave ovens. Today, the choice of such means is quite wide. You can purchase gentle, environmentally friendly and safe means or use cleaning products to remove grease, grime and soot, which are known to be aggressive. But often such cleaning products are not as effective as housewives would like.

The main reason for the occurrence of greasy soot and other contaminants is that many people do not use a special lid when heating.

Because of this, food particles fall on the walls of the microwave oven, and greasy splashes harden and dry out. If the oven is equipped with a grill, then the cleaning process becomes a very time-consuming and difficult task.

When cleaning the microwave from dirt, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Dear ladies, if you decide to cook a dish in the microwave or simply heat up food, cover the dish with a special thermal lid, because it was invented precisely to protect the oven from various contaminants. It will protect the inner walls from splashing fat. Agree that it is much easier to wash the lid than a microwave. I assure you that the problem of a dirty microwave oven will not affect you very soon.

We use folk remedies

You can wash the microwave inside and outside with the help of improvised folk remedies, which are in every home. Many of us are skeptical about even the most “harmless” household chemicals. I think you will agree with me: Cleaning products cannot be completely harmless. In addition, they are not always budget-friendly. Therefore, in this article I want to tell you about the unique abilities of the products that you have in your home.

But the most important thing is that they are truly absolutely harmless. By washing the microwave using one of the suggested methods, you will not fear for the health of your family members, because when heated, fumes from chemical residues will not enter the food.

How to clean a microwave?

How to clean a microwave?

Plain water

It is necessary to wash the inside of the microwave oven, even if you use a special lid. Of course, doing this if you have a lid is very rare. But still, fumes from hot food penetrate through the cracks between the lid and the tray, thereby contaminating the walls of the microwave oven.

The most harmless and in a simple way To clean a microwave at home, use plain water. All you need to do is the following:

  • take some water into a wide container (a glass or cup will not work, since the area of ​​evaporation must be large);
  • place the container in the microwave;
  • turn on the oven for 20 minutes, while setting maximum temperature;
  • When finished, wipe the walls with a soft sponge or rag.

This way you can wash your microwave even when you don’t have enough time or are in a hurry. But this method is only suitable if the dirt is fresh and the greasy soot has not had time to dry. You can't wash off carbon deposits with ordinary water.

Baking soda

Many housewives are accustomed to cleaning everything in the kitchen using baking soda. Small particles effectively remove all kinds of contaminants. However I strongly do not recommend washing your microwave with baking soda, especially if the walls are made of ceramics. This fine and gentle abrasive can leave small scratches and damage the surface. But this does not mean at all that it is universal remedy Can't fix the microwave.

You can wash the inside of the oven using baking soda. For this:

  • fill the container with water a little more than half;
  • add a few tablespoons of baking soda to the water and mix well;
  • install maximum temperature;
  • turn on the microwave for 20 minutes;
  • To effectively clean the inside of the microwave, leave hot water with soda for another half an hour;
  • if there are still drops of fat on the walls, repeat the procedure, but reduce the time to 15 minutes.

You will notice that droplets of moisture have appeared on the walls of the oven. Now you can easily remove greasy deposits. It is enough just to wipe the surface with a soft sponge or cloth.

This method is suitable even for microwaves with the most delicate coating, since it is completely non-contact. Soda in in this case does not come into contact with the surface.


Instead of baking soda, you can use 9% table vinegar. It perfectly destroys greasy plaque when heated:

  • dissolve a few tablespoons acetic acid in water;
  • place the container in the microwave and set the temperature to maximum;
  • turn on the oven for 30 minutes.

Thanks to this product, you can effectively clean your microwave oven. Plus, you will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Lemon or citric acid

Lemon is an effective remedy that will help you clean your microwave inside and out. I want to tell you about several cleaning methods:

  1. The first method is already familiar to you:
  • squeeze the juice of half a lemon and dissolve in a deep, wide container with water, half filled;
  • set the maximum temperature and turn on the microwave for 30 minutes, during which time the acid will actively destroy greasy deposits and soot;
  • At the end of the procedure, just wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a soft sponge or cloth, slightly moistening it in the same solution.
  1. If you don't find lemon in the refrigerator, you can use citric acid. The cleaning algorithm is the same as with lemon. For half a liter of water you will need a packet of acid.

I can call any of these methods environmentally friendly. In addition, after such washing the smell in the kitchen will be amazing. The citrus aroma will add freshness to both the microwave and the apartment.

  1. A solution of citric acid or lemon can be clean the outside of the microwave. The acid perfectly softens and destroys greasy burnt stains.

There is no need to heat the microwave. Simply wipe the outside with an acidic solution or a slice of lemon, then let it sit for a while and wash with a damp cloth or sponge.

Melamine sponge

IN modern life Melamine sponge has become very popular. Thanks to its structure, it can effectively clean any surface without the use of abrasives.

Just moisten it in water and you can start wiping away dirt and greasy deposits both inside and outside the microwave. During the cleaning process, this sponge resembles an eraser. She literally “scrapes away” the dirt.

It is important to remember that it is not advisable to wash dishes with such a sponge. When working with it, wear rubber gloves.

I can tell you one thing: numerous reviews say that the melamine sponge perfectly cleans the walls of the microwave oven from dried greasy splashes and food debris.

You can purchase such a miracle product at any hardware store or in the household chemicals department of any supermarket.

Laundry soap

Many of you consider laundry soap to be a relic of the past. But I can assure you, dear housewives, that it is in no way inferior to modern cleaning and detergents.

Thanks to its cleansing and disinfecting properties, it will do an excellent job of removing any dirt in your home.

In order to thoroughly clean the microwave inside and out, you need to:

  • grate a small piece of 72 percent laundry soap on a fine grater;
  • dissolve a tablespoon of the resulting shavings in small quantity warm water;
  • foam well and apply to the inner and outer walls of the microwave with a sponge or cloth ( do not treat areas with holes for ventilation with liquid solution);
  • leave the treated surfaces for 30-45 minutes depending on the degree of contamination;
  • at the end of the specified time, wash off the soap scum and remaining greasy soot with a sponge;
  • rinse thoroughly clean water, especially from the inside;
  • Wipe the microwave dry.

Laundry soap will not only thoroughly clean your microwave oven, but will also give its surface a pristine shine.

How to wash the outside?

Dear housewives, after washing the microwave from the inside, do not forget that it needs to be thoroughly cleaned from the outside as well:

Microwave care

Now are you convinced that cleaning a microwave is not so difficult? And in order not to bring it to this state, you need to follow simple recommendations for caring for it:

  • After each cooking or heating of food, wipe the microwave with a slightly damp cloth. This way you will protect it from the formation of greasy deposits and soot. By spending just a minute a day, you can spend your precious weekend with your family on a walk, rather than having to stand in front of the microwave for several hours, washing it out of dirt.
  • Any detergent is suitable for removing grease stains. Simply spray the liquid onto the inside of the oven and turn it on for a few minutes. setting it to maximum high temperature . After this, remove any remaining detergent with a damp cloth or sponge and wipe dry.
  • Wash the inside of the microwave oven thoroughly if you use special means for ovens.

If you follow these recommendations, after a while you will be able to see for yourself that cleaning a microwave at home is not so difficult. Plus, this activity will not catch up with you soon. Even better, let your husband or adult child clean the microwave themselves at least once. I assure you that after this they will treat her with the utmost care. And they will also follow all your recommendations so that this fate does not befall them again.
