How to open your own taxi company. How to open a taxi service from scratch, how to get a license and make your business guaranteed to be successful

The taxi business is one of the most profitable on the market, and proof of this is at least the fact that there are a lot of similar services in any city. And if you know how to open a taxi that will not be afraid of competition, you can count on profit in the first months of operation.

Where does a taxi start?

Like many other types of business, a taxi service requires mandatory registration of the enterprise. She is his guarantee uninterrupted operation, as well as the safety of clients, so it is worth targeting at least individual entrepreneurs, but often in such a situation an LLC or CJSC is registered. True, in the latter case you will have to have authorized capital, pay more taxes and hire an accountant. If an entrepreneur wants to open a taxi from scratch with minimal costs, it’s better to stick with IP.

After registration, you will definitely need to obtain a license to transport passengers, and for this you need to prepare cars and drivers in advance. Preparation requires:

  • equipment of cars for work in the taxi service - they are equipped with “checkers”, taximeters and lights
  • selection of professional drivers who must undergo a medical examination
  • technical inspection of each car - for this you need to conclude an agreement with a certain service station for scheduled maintenance
  • selecting a parking space - it should be a covered garage or box with a compartment in which an office can be equipped

To obtain a license, you must have at least two cars in your taxi fleet. If a businessman does not want to comply with these standards or cannot afford large expenses, he can open a taxi by hiring drivers with cars that meet these requirements. However, in this case, each driver needs to be helped to obtain a license individually.

What can't you do without?

A taxi service is not only about the cars themselves. No less important equipment is the radio station, through which dispatchers and taxi drivers will communicate. It must be registered at the radio frequency center, after which the service receives its radio wave. In this case, it is better to immediately select three waves - for communication between the dispatcher and the driver, for communication between drivers and each other, and a backup one.

In addition to the station, you will also need to purchase walkie-talkies - they can be issued to employees for a rental fee - for example, 15 rubles. per day for using the radio wave. This is normal practice for taxi services.

And, of course, the main thing you need to open a taxi is staff. The number of drivers in this situation should be equal to the number of cars in the taxi fleet, and dispatchers will need to be taken care of separately. There may be few of them - usually 1-2 people. The more popular the service, the more dispatchers will be needed. To communicate with clients, you will need a multi-line telephone (possibly several). If there are more than three lines, you will need to spend money on a mini-PBX.

And, of course, in order to open a taxi from scratch and succeed, you should take care of the name of the service in advance - it should be attractive to customers and appropriate to the specifics of the work. True, in such a situation you will have to pay additionally for the trademark.

How much money will you have to invest?

When wondering how much it costs to open a taxi, an entrepreneur should immediately understand that this will not be the most budget-friendly type of business. The smallest item of expense is registering an enterprise (you will need to spend up to 800 rubles, plus a license may cost 1200-1500). Other purchases will cost much more.

Here's what you need to open a taxi:

  1. Radio station – 15 thousand rubles (this is the most cheap option, and it’s better to focus on good stations, which cost more - from 40 thousand). Sublease of radio waves will have a separate price - about 16-18 thousand rubles
  2. Office software – 4-5 thousand.
  3. Telephone number – 2.5 thousand.
  4. Equipment for one car - 2.2-2.3 thousand rubles (this price will include the cost of a taximeter - 2 thousand per unit, walkie-talkie - 1 thousand rubles per unit, flashlight with checkers - 200-300 rubles per unit)

There may be 10 cars in the service, and this means that you will need to spend 22-23 thousand on equipment. The cars themselves can also have different prices, and this will also need to be included in the budget, but if a businessman decides to hire drivers with their own cars, it will be possible to save on these expenses.

Another 6-7 thousand will need to be paid for trademark registration if you want to open a taxi with a company logo and name.

There will also be monthly expenses:

  • 10 thousand rubles – monthly fee for using the radio frequency
  • 1.2 thousand – utility bills
  • 20 thousand (minimum) – wages for two operators

And, of course, here you also need to add the costs of renting a garage for cars and an office - prices may vary depending on the area where the service is located and the locality.

Regardless of how much it costs to open a taxi in a certain city, the profit from the work will be approximately the same everywhere. Average income from one car per day - 2.5-3 thousand rubles, per month - 75-90 thousand (provided the car works seven days a week). A certain percentage of this amount remains for the driver - for example, 30%, the rest is the net income of the entrepreneur. As a result, he will be able to achieve full payback already in the first six months of work, and if he had to open a taxi with the purchase of cars for the service, in 1-2 years. This time will be enough for good promotion of the company, and within a few months it will have regular customers, the number of which will increase along with the profit of the enterprise.

Today in this publication we will talk about how to open a taxi from scratch. Here we will also talk about what is needed for this and how to do everything correctly. If you don’t know what business to start in your city, then we recommend organizing your own taxi service. Although the competition in this market segment is quite high, it’s still worth a try. And if you organize everything correctly and competently, then you will have a chance to become a leader.

Helpful information

Taxi as a business is a serious matter. The essence of such a business is to create a dispatch service, which, in turn, unites taxi drivers engaged in private transportation. This means that the administration, through advertising and centralization, is taking business to a new level, thereby making it beneficial not only to drivers, but also to itself.

As for advertising, this means placing posters at train stations and airports. Printing business cards will also help you find out about your taxi. And for a proper advertising campaign, we recommend that you advertise your services on radio, television, newspapers and the Internet.

If you don't know to how to open a taxi from scratch, then you should first of all take care of proper advertising and other nuances. And if you do the right advertising, calls with orders for your services will not keep you waiting.

Naturally, all calls will go to the dispatch service, which will transmit orders to drivers. Each driver who accepts an order must pay for it. The order price is a percentage of the cost of the entire order or some fixed amount.

Premises requirements

One of the criteria good growth The popularity of the dispatch service is communication, so the choice of the appropriate premises must be approached with the utmost seriousness. So, the selected premises must meet the following requirements for high-quality communication:

  • Stable GSM communications from cellular operators whose services you request.
  • Acquisition additional sources nutrition. This will ensure uninterrupted power supply, you will protect yourself from short electrical circuits, and the power supply in the office will be reliable.
  • High-quality Internet channel, from 512 Mbit/s, without traffic restrictions. It’s better to install a couple of channels, preferably from different providers.
  • IP telephony provider in the office. That is, a provider capable of providing office telephony using modern VoIP protocols (SIP or h.323 protocols).

Telephone communications

In this publication we talk about how to open a taxi. This will help us deal with this issue. step-by-step instruction. The most simple option, in the absence of IP telephony providers, organize four or five regular analog telephone lines. But we recommend, so to speak, perfect option— IP telephony. In general, find out the availability of IP telephony providers in your city.

Personal computers

To begin with, you will have to purchase three modern PCs. In this case, two of them will serve as dispatchers’ workplaces, and one as a server. Be sure to install a special dispatch program that will allow you to:

  • record all orders
  • automatically determine the cost of the trip,
  • carry out correct calculations with drivers, operators and dispatchers,
  • will provide communication with drivers.

Terminals also require a special program. It is installed in the taxi driver's phone and is equipped with a conversation recording system. And the dispatcher's phone uses a special computer headset.

Taxi drivers

Do not forget that the driver who has entered into an agreement with the dispatch service works, first of all, for himself. Therefore, his illiterate work and poor attitude towards clients will affect you, first of all, since future passengers call your dispatch service telephone number. Therefore, take the search and selection of taxi drivers very seriously.

Dispatch service workers

Dispatch service employees should also be approached with the utmost seriousness. It is better to give preference to dispatchers with experience. A good dispatcher in your taxi service should have:

  • competent speech,
  • in a friendly and pleasant voice,
  • good knowledge of your city.

There is no need to skimp on purchasing a beautiful and memorable number. Remember that the cost of purchasing it will definitely pay off. One of the most competent forms of advertising are colorful leaflets with information in residential buildings(at entrances and in elevators). At the same time, advertising posters should be colorful and medium in size.


Of course, in this, as in any other matter, there are many nuances, and difficult moments. But competently structured work of a taxi dispatch service will bring you a good income. And most importantly, this income will be stable. Therefore, we can say directly that passenger transportation is a very promising business that will make every entrepreneur a rich man

Current ideas for making money

At a certain life stage Some taxi drivers are starting to think about starting their own business. How long can you ride from point “A” to point “B” and transport people, but what about the realization of your potential, self-realization and ambitious plans? Moreover, to open own business has everything you need: knowledge of all the intricacies of the taxi fleet, a colossal amount of knowledge, accumulated experience and understanding of client psychology. In this article, we will help new businessmen and tell them what awaits them on their difficult path, what to prepare for and what mistakes can be avoided.

How to open a taxi dispatch service

Any business should start with studying the market situation - this will help you find your niche. The development of market entry behavior depends on the size of the city in which the company plans to open. As a rule, in small and medium-sized cities there is not much competition. Advertising budgets, as well as company profits, will be small. In large cities, starting your own business may require a lot of effort, time and colossal financial investments. The first step on the path to success should be to find your niche in the market - in a large city with serious competition, the appearance of a newcomer may go completely unnoticed. In order to somehow declare yourself, you will need to find and occupy your own niche. Suppose that in the city in which you are going to work, there are not enough executive and VIP class cars, and passengers have a need for these very cars - this can “shoot”. You can build your future advertising campaign on this. It is worth informing your potential clients. This could be yours unique offer and the business card of your company. how to open a taxi company

How to build relationships with future drivers

The development and profit of your company directly depend on the organization of work with drivers. Unfortunately, the only thing the right decision or there is no ready-made instruction manual on this matter. Everything will depend on the availability of your own vehicle fleet and the willingness to take on the financial burden of its maintenance and maintenance. For example, owners of their own fleets can hire drivers. This approach to organizing transportation, on the one hand, can lead to increased costs and entail some financial risks, and on the other hand, it will help the owner of the service to extract from each order maximum profit. Alternatively, there are other interaction options - conclusion employment contracts with individual taxi drivers. In this case, your profit will be formed based on a fixed percentage that the service will receive from each completed order. This will reduce risks, because all responsibility for timely maintenance and medical examination remains entirely on the conscience of the driver. what do you need to open a taxi

Win and attract new passengers only with high-quality service

Why not use the principle of word of mouth to promote your service? A passenger who is satisfied with the trip will definitely tell his colleagues and relatives about your service and will recommend it to his friends and acquaintances. Winning a client's favor is not that difficult. Impeccable implementation of just a few points will definitely bear fruit in the future. open a taxi business

What is important for a taxi client

  • prompt order acceptance; fast machine delivery;
  • telephone or SMS notification about the submitted car;
  • assistance with carrying luggage;
  • not a dirty car;
  • clean interior without foreign odors;
  • polite and silent driver;
  • adequate cost of the trip.
It would seem that all these are some little things and insignificant details. But it’s these little things that make up the overall impression of your service.

Build business processes in the service

Working in a taxi service, like any other job, involves constantly solving small and routine problems. The future manager will have to recruit personnel, monitor the quality of service delivery, and monitor the work of drivers and the dispatch service. Some operations can and should be entrusted to specially written programs for taxi services.

The 21st century can rightfully be considered the “new era of taxis”. The services of this service are used not only by the rich stratum of the population, but also by any middle class person. The wide access and distribution of taxis is explained by its demand among the general public. But many are interested not only in the opportunity to quickly get to their destination, but also in making money on such an idea. Many entrepreneurs decide to open a taxi from scratch. But for normal functioning and providing customers requires a properly developed strategy and chosen development concept. This is the only way the business will become profitable and quickly recoup the investment.

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Concept development

There are quite a large number of taxis operating in both the metropolis and the small town. This suggests that entering this niche will not be easy. Many services have already attracted regular customers, and we are ready to fight for new ones.

But it is possible to organize a profitable enterprise. Let's start with choosing a concept. There are several options for organizing a business:

  1. Obtaining a permit and carrying out transportation in your car.
  2. Opening a dispatch service that will become an intermediary between the client and the driver-entrepreneur.
  3. Opening a dispatch service, organizing your own vehicle fleet and hired workers.
  4. Cooperation with large dispatch services.

According to experts, for a beginner the best option will be the second method of organization, which allows you to open a taxi without a fleet. You need to enter into an agreement with drivers who have their own cars.

At the same time, the third option remains the most profitable option for organizing a business. Opening a control room and your own fleet of vehicles provides independence in decision making, high profitability and efficiency. The main staff hires drivers who receive wages depending on the number of completed orders.

Since the level of competition in this segment is off the charts, you can supplement your main activity with a new creative format, which is only gaining popularity: transportation of pets, taxis with Wi-Fi access, car with karaoke, etc.

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Business registration

To operate a taxi service, you need to register your company and choose a taxation system. Common forms entrepreneurial activity are individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. When organizing a dispatch center with its own fleet of vehicles, it is more rational to register an LLC. When carrying out transportation independently, it is more profitable to open an individual taxi with an OKVED code 60.22 “Taxi activities”.

A permit is required. Many beginners do not know how to open a taxi license. To do this, you need to prepare a number of documents and send them to the transport committee:

  • application for a license;
  • passport vehicle(copy);
  • passport, identification code (copy);
  • leasing agreement, if the vehicle was purchased on lease.

At the same time, a number of specific requirements are imposed on the vehicle on which passengers will be transported:

  • availability of a vehicle inspection certificate from an accredited vehicle inspection operator;
  • insurance;
  • flashlight orange color on the roof of the vehicle, checkers on the sides;
  • permission to transport passengers;
  • waybill with an assessment of passing a medical and technical examination.

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Premises requirements

If you are going to apply for a permit and carry out transportation yourself, there is no need for a special room. Before opening a taxi dispatch service, you need to choose a small office where specialists will accept applications and correct the work of drivers.

The location of the office and its amenities do not matter, since the signals will be transmitted by radio or telephone. The main task is the uninterrupted operation of the taxi service communication channel.

At the starting stage you need to rent an office, you can small area(12-16 m²). This is enough for three employees. The cost of equipping the premises should not be high (up to 30 thousand rubles).

Purchase of equipment

If you can save money on renting or furnishing an office, the equipment must be of high quality. For the smooth operation of the taxi service you must:

  • computer with software(to each dispatcher);
  • multi-channel telephone system, while the telephone number should be simple and easy to remember;
  • a specialized program for automating the accounting of orders and settlements with drivers;
  • taximeters;
  • radio station;
  • walkie-talkies for drivers.

On average, you need to spend from 600 thousand rubles to purchase equipment.

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To operate a small taxi service, you will need a core staff of three dispatchers working in shifts. Each person's salary is 30-35 thousand rubles. for the capital and 20-25 thousand rubles. for regions.

The following can work under the outsourcing system:

  • accountant (for reporting) – 4-6 thousand rubles. per month;
  • security Service (" alarm button") - 25 thousand rubles;
  • system administrator – 8-10 thousand rubles. per month.

A different scheme of work is practiced with drivers. The taxi service charges from 10 to 25% of the cost of the trip for each order. The driver gets the rest.

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Financial calculations

The cost of opening a taxi service depends on the chosen format. A driver with his own car who wants to work on his own behalf must spend money on obtaining permits, car equipment and advertising.

Organization of a dispatch service without its own fleet:

  • Starting investments: from 800,000 rubles.
  • Monthly profit: from 80 thousand rubles.
  • Payback: from 10 months.

If you are going to organize a dispatch service with your own fleet of vehicles, financial business The taxi plan will look like this:

  • Starting investment: 6 – 7 million rubles.
  • Monthly profit: from 200,000 rubles.
  • Payback: 3-4 years.

Major start-up costs include purchasing equipment, obtaining permits, paying utility bills, salaries for temporary and permanent staff, and office rent.

Consider an example of organizing a taxi service:

  • purchase of cars – 6 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​600 thousand rubles;
  • installation of radio communication – 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – 200 thousand rubles;
  • registration of permits – 50 thousand rubles;
  • payment of rental payments - 30 thousand rubles.

On average, an organization requires 7 million rubles.

It is not easy to determine the profitability and payback period of a project, since everything depends on the concept and region. Both the income and investment of the control room will be several times less than that of your own fleet. The number of cars also matters. Experienced businessmen recommend starting a business with at least 20 cars. In this case, the payback period can be reduced to 12-18 months.

Commercial offers

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