How to open your own advertising agency: nuances and business analysis. Opening an advertising agency

It often happens that a person stands in front of a certain stone, as in the good Russian fairy tale about the hero Ilyusha Muromets. But in its modern version, he does not invite us to go to different sides and lose something. Nowadays the question is different: where to go to buy?

Many people stood in front of this stone and made their choice. Either go to work for your uncle and try on the burden of a barge hauler, or build your own barge in the prospect that others will drag it.

And we all take a step in the direction we need, with dreams of a bright future. Let's say you decide to build your own barge. You can already see how its snow-white sides shine, attracting not only passengers, that is, clients, but also those very barge haulers who will put this burden on their shoulders and drag it with a grateful smile.

Introduced? Now forget it. After your dreams fade away and you look around you, you will understand one truth: there is no barge, and there is no one to build it.

There is only you and your dreams, which, by the way, can become reality. Provided that you are not afraid and start working tirelessly on your brainchild.

First you need to choose where this barge will sail? If you have good communication skills, you easily gain people's trust and you have a lot of creative ideas, then you should head into the ocean of advertising. This is where all this will come in handy.

It is there that you will feel like a fish in water and a captain on a ship. But where to start? After all, now no matter where you spit, you’ll end up in an advertising agency. But there is no need to worry about this because they are market players just like you. They have the same problems and similar concerns.

Well, perhaps they have more experience and are already familiar in the market. But this is a profitable business, the main thing is to start, and then everything will go as planned. After all, there are enough small fish for everyone, but you will learn to catch a whale over time.

For many, it will be a revelation that 98% of companies on the market are buyers. That is, they, like you, have nothing of their own. They take their place between the customer and the owner company. Simply put, they are banal intermediaries. But why doesn’t the client go straight, you ask?

The whole secret is that buyers have a discount of 20-25% of the cost of the service. It is for this difference that your barge will exist.

Where do you need to start?

By far the most quick way to get your advertising agency on its feet is to start selling big boards. Advertisers call them planes.

The standard size of such a plane is 3 * 6 meters. These are the ones you see when you go to work or just walk down the street. It is these structures that cover all the cities of our beautiful country.

So that you do not doubt my words, I can give an example. Even in an urban village in the Kherson region, with a population of 12,000 people, there are 4 planes.

Who needs them there? Yes, to everyone who wants to place their advertisement, from a small clothing store to a banal cheburek. After all, the cost of this plane is 120 USD. per month and for a medium-sized business this is not a large amount.

But don’t think that all planes cost such pennies. In regional centers their cost can reach 300 euros. and in the capital there are all 600.

It all depends on the city and the place where this plane is located. The price for this plane is set by the owner himself and can be freely adjusted.

But there is no vowel rule, plane prices change once every six months, if such a need arises, and are changed evenly by all operators at once. But you will understand this over time, when you yourself are faced with this situation.

You can dig through the entire Internet in search of operators of this market, but it will be much safer to drive around the city and look at these boards. Each of them will contain contact information with the name of the owner’s company.

Your task is to collect this information and get in touch with the owners of the planes. And you should know the difference between a Cheburashka and a prism. Does this mean anything to you? Then take the time and look at the terminology and types of planes.

Schedule meetings with each of them in their office. You must make a positive impression and try to wrest from them best conditions. After all, this will determine how much good price you offer to your customers.

You can make up on the fly about your far-reaching plans and the fact that you already have a couple of fat clients, and they are interested in placing it on their planes. The main thing is to involve yourself “into yourself”, and then you can get out of any situation.

You have already assembled a base of operators and are ready to go into battle. But that was not the case, because most clients ask for the development of a layout for the board.

This will not be a problem for you if you have design skills and experience in this matter. But I don’t believe in this, and that’s why you will need a designer who will develop board layouts for printing.

This does not mean that you should hire him as a staff member; it is enough to agree with the freelancer on piecework wages. The cost that operators declare for a layout is on average from 100 USD. A freelancer takes 60 USD for his work. So much for 40 USD. making money on the layout.

But if you find a freelancer from remote regions of our homeland, the cost of the work will reach 30 USD. It turns out that the further you go, the cheaper it is. After all, people in those parts are not spoiled by work and this plays into our hands.

And so you have operators, and you have a designer. It seems that everything is ready to make money. But even here, not everything is so smooth. Who are you that they would immediately rush to you like that?

Now your main task is to attract as many clients as possible and this is the most difficult thing in this business.

Attracting clients

But I will tell you several ways to promote without investing money.

Word of mouth

Your task is to notify all your friends and acquaintances-acquaintances, and they, in turn, their friends. Simply put, everyone should talk about you, but this does not mean that they should run around the city like crazy with fire in their eyes and “bawl.”

No, very often an innocent conversation between two friends can result in a recommendation from your agency. But you shouldn’t expect the result to come instantly; this is a long and tedious process.

First, you find the contact information of everyone furniture stores and salons in your city. This is a tedious and time-consuming task, but it must be done. You write down their name, addresses, telephone numbers and email. After which you must think in detail about what and how to offer them.

It is best to make a colorful presentation in Word and then convert it to PDF. It weighs less and looks more beautiful. Your presentation should not be too big and not dry, dilute it with bright images and rich backgrounds.

You can post a couple of photos of successful planes with colorful advertising. I don’t care if it’s not yours, who will look into it? And remember that for every 500 emails there can only be one response. So don't be too disappointed.

Notice boards

Your task is to select 70-80 free message boards. Develop 4-5 variations of your advertising text and post at least once a week. The text should be changed every week. Your ads should always be at the top and flash before your eyes.

Again, this should be done weekly. For 3-4 months, after this period it can be placed once every 2 weeks. If you work on this meticulously and constantly, you will get the first cream in 3 months. That's when the calls will start pouring in. But as soon as you stop, your incoming calls will decline until they die completely.

By following these three points, you will not remain hungry. And a couple or three new clients will always come to you.

Do not forget that advertisers are not fed up with boards alone; connect advertising and souvenir products, creation and optimization of Internet sites to your business. All this will bring you income, the main thing is to put it all on its feet.

And over time, your company will be recognized and accepted as a serious player in the advertising market. After all, it’s not all about luck, but about desire and calculation. How pleasant it will be to work with you, and not with your competitors.

I understood perfectly well that in our age of information overload, this business is the future, because... Conventional advertising no longer works and is losing ground. People perceive information in which they see real benefit or benefit for themselves, and simply ignore the rest. Therefore, I decided to organize an advertising business not in a standard way, but to use a completely new approach to advertising - “advertising without advertising,” which today has no competitors at all.

I decided to implement this idea in the form of publishing a publication of narrowly themed advertising brochures, where all the necessary information on a specific issue was collected and presented in the form of articles, advice and interviews with advertisers offering services and goods for this category of buyers.

I decided, I decided! It started working right away! I decided to devote the first issue to the issue of buying real estate and solving all the issues related to it (registration, repairs, moving, insurance, interior, etc.), because I had experience working in real estate in my (other) city.

Firstly, I agreed with a real estate agency to distribute it to their clients for free. Well, of course, using my experience, I added various marketing techniques in order to interest readers))) In the end, it turned out to be a very cool brochure. Everyone is happy: realtors, advertisers and, first of all, clients-readers!

Now about expenses: yes, I completely forgot to say that I didn’t invest my own money at all! (If you don’t take small things: money for the phone, printout commercial offers, and for travel to potential advertisers) I didn’t even register an individual entrepreneur at first; whoever needed an agreement and payment by bank transfer, I agreed with the director of this Academy of Sciences to go through them, the rest paid in cash, against a receipt on the passport.

I had to use all my charm and power of persuasion, but it still turned out to be easier than my imagination had imagined the day before))))

So, about the issue: Printing of the circulation (5,000 copies), payment for the designer, layout, etc. - this is all from money received from advertisers. I published the issue in 2 months, my net profit was more than 200,000 rubles.

Although I delayed it, I wanted to release it in 1 month, but there were more advertisers (and this means more work on writing articles, design layout, coordination, etc.) But I realized all my mistakes. I analyzed the experience, calculated the future, and, inspired, I decided to publish such issues on various topics.

The next one was already 15,000 copies. on the topic for tourists, because I live in a resort town. Considering my mistakes in the last issue, and with experience it was already easier. The second issue brought about 300,000 rubles in net profit, but I had an assistant (so his salary expense increased - more than 70,000 rubles! Now I’ve already earned money myself, and helped a person earn money!!!).

I could have just continued releasing it like this and been satisfied, but I didn’t stop at this stage. I went further: I described in detail the entire process - from the idea to the distribution of the circulation. I developed a step-by-step methodology, worked through all the materials: com. proposals, Excel calculation tables, diagrams, competitive advantages over a regular magazine, texts for working out objections from advertiser clients, etc., I tried to take into account everything down to the smallest detail in order to turn the whole process into a full-fledged working system.

Like-minded people joined me, now there is a whole team of professionals, each in their own field. Thus, a business was formed, and we prepared a business package for replicating a business that even a beginner can implement. Something like that…

If anyone is interested in such a business, I will be happy to train and help set it up in your region. Write: [email protected]

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 280,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 67,830 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 414,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 7 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan advertising agency with calculations.

Description of service

Providing advertising services for various companies. The work will include consulting, selection of a suitable advertising strategy, risk assessment, and the actual provision of advertising services (creation of the necessary accompanying elements such as leaflets, as well as their distribution). Please note that we are considering a situation where an entrepreneur opens a small advertising agency.

Market analysis

The market for advertising services is quite large and is constantly expanding. How can you characterize it? The demand for services is constantly growing, and so is the volume of work provided. There is no seasonality in this type of business if we evaluate the entire sector. Seasonality of enterprises applying for advertising has little impact on work. The bulk of the market seeks advertising services on an ongoing basis.

Today, this market segment is the most promising among all available services. The success of almost any business today depends on advertising. Thus, we can talk about a high level of demand.

The advertising agency market is no more than half full. Therefore, entering the market is quite easy. In this type of business, it is very important to show flexibility, ingenuity, and creativity. The ideal option would be for the company to be headed by an experienced, knowledgeable person working in this field. It is difficult to regulate work in a niche about which an entrepreneur has no knowledge. At first, he can himself participate in the development of advertising campaigns.

The most difficult thing in this area is capturing part of the market. Today there are many advertising agencies. In addition, well-known media occupy more than a third of the market, which significantly affects the number of “free buyers”. The main competitors will be large companies engaged in both providing a wide range of advertising services and processing highly specialized market segments.

How can you fight such serious competitors? Worth approaching development own ideas creatively. Make special efforts when preparing proposals. The success of the business will depend on their quality. Low price It’s unlikely to attract large clients, but you shouldn’t inflate it either. Perfect option– setting the average market price or slightly lower.

All existing companies will be potential buyers. Today, the success of an enterprise directly depends on product promotion. It’s not for nothing that they say that advertising is the engine of trade. When choosing a mid-price segment, you must understand that the main clients will be small and medium-sized companies. Large enterprises, as a rule, turn to well-known advertising agencies. It will be very difficult to catch such a “fish”.

SWOT analysis

  1. Possibilities
  • Changes in advertising technologies, the emergence of new ways to promote the client’s product.
  • Wide range of suppliers.
  • Possibility of rapid and low-cost expansion of services provided.
  • Prerequisites for the development of the information industry.
  • High level of differentiation in this business sector.
  1. Threats
  • A sharp change in the preferences of the service consumer.
  • High level of competition.
  • Price fluctuations.
  • An increase in the number of unemployed, a decrease in business activity and, as a result, a decrease in demand for the service.
  • Possible growth legal restrictions, tightening of legal aspects in this industry.

There are a number of factors that the enterprise itself can influence. They are called internal. These include:

  1. Strengths
  • Opportunity to offer clients exclusive services.
  • In-depth analysis of the market situation.
  • Offering a wide range of services.
  • Quality services.
  • Clear advertising policy.
  • Low cost.
  • Possibility of developing a system of discounts, gifts, promotions.
  1. Weak sides
  • Lack of reputation, unknown company.
  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Possible downtime due to delays in the supply of materials.
  • Weak motivation.
  • Lack of qualified workers, long search for them.

Opportunity Assessment

As mentioned above, the seasonality of individual enterprises has virtually no effect on the advertising agency. It can always find clients who need this service. Therefore, work will proceed as usual at any time of the year.

The organization will have a 5-day work week. The work schedule will be as follows:

Total: 40 hours per week.

This mode of operation does not violate labor laws. You don’t have to make up shifts, arrange part-time jobs, or pay overtime. One team will work as a single whole.

You can start working by hiring a minimum number of people. To provide a full range of services, the following specialists will be needed:

  • manager;
  • marketer;
  • artist (aka designer);
  • computer technology specialist;
  • operator;
  • Poster of advertisements.

Each of them will perform their functions and receive a certain salary.

The company will seek some services from other organizations (printing posters, banners, advertising in the media). The client will receive the final service. Once the company has developed, you can think about expansion. For example, about creating your own workshop for outdoor advertising or souvenirs.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you need to register your company. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. OKVED codes for this type of activity will be as follows:
  • 40 – Advertising activities
  • 13 — Research of market conditions and identification of public opinion
  • 81 – Activities in the field of photography
  • 22 — Printing execution of advertising materials
  • 25 — Other printing activities
  • 40 – Activities of news agencies
  • 20 — Activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television

You don't necessarily need all of these codes. First you need to decide on the range of services provided. There may be others OKVED codes, the most basic ones are listed here. Please note that here are new codes that will be valid from 2016.

  1. No licenses or patents to obtain not required.
  2. If you turn to the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OKUN), you can see that advertising services belong to “Other Services”. An entrepreneur can calculate and pay UTII or simplified tax system. The second tax is possible in two versions - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. To work with cashless payments, it is necessary.
  4. Familiarize yourself with local laws governing the work of advertising agencies, as well as the procedure for providing services.
  5. Advertising in some in public places requires permission to carry out this activity from the owner (for example, posting in elevators).
  6. Notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities in order to avoid unpleasant moments.
  7. Bring the premises into compliance with all standards developed by the fire department.
  8. Remember that work on the simplified tax system can only begin after registering a cash register with the tax authorities. With UTII, KKM is optional.
  9. Get a stamp with your own logo to sign contracts with your clients.
  10. remember, that the lease agreement must be official.

When choosing a location, you need to decide what functions the office will perform. If you will meet clients on their or neutral territory, you can choose a budget option. Otherwise, you should look for an office in an accessible part of the city.

In any case, it is necessary to bring the room back to normal. The office must be respectable.

Marketing plan

The main components of the marketing strategy will be:

  • Usage integrated approach . This means that all intermediate actions are carried out by the company, including planning, market assessment, creation of printed products, work on the Internet and much more.
  • Focus on medium and small enterprises.
  • Offer average prices.
  • High level of service provided.
  • Advertising own products(working through all stages).

Since the organization provides advertising services, there is no need to go anywhere to promote your own business. You can do this yourself. However, there will be costs here too. You'll have to spend money on raw materials various materials, as well as for placement contextual advertising in the Internet. The development and content of the site will be handled by .

  • Own website. Your employee can work it out. It is important to create a website that is understandable and pleasant for visitors. It is imperative to update information, inform about promotions and discounts. It makes sense to share your successes with site visitors by posting photos, reviews, and video reports.
  • Internet advertising. An important aspect, since many legal entities They are looking for advertising agencies via the Internet. You can negotiate advertising with organizations that provide related services or those who are focused on working specifically with legal entities.
  • Distribution of offers, prices. This can also be done by an employee of the organization, namely a manager. He can also collect information about organizations, their contact details, and conduct negotiations.
  • Advertising in the media. Pretty too effective method. It is best to contact local television, shoot an interesting, catchy video and put it on the air. Radio advertising is also great. You can send a ready-made advertising layout to newspapers or magazines, paying only for placement.

You can include other methods in your advertising campaign. But it’s still not worth posting cheap advertisements. It’s better to go around to potential clients yourself, leave them your offers, business cards, and perhaps talk to the people responsible for advertising. But there is no need to be intrusive either.

Calculation of projected income

In the first months, revenue will be small. It all depends on the activity of employees and the number of attracted clients. We calculated average monthly revenue for the first year.

We will make calculations assuming 59-60% load. Then the income will be 280,000 rubles.

Production plan

The office will require minor renovations to operate. Some landlords rent out excellent premises, already furnished.

The equipment includes the cost of purchasing specific devices. Namely:

  • Set for printing and presentations.
  • Photo and video equipment.

Office equipment includes 3 computers and an MFP.

The furniture you will need is as follows:

  • chairs;
  • tables;
  • cabinets;
  • chairs for clients.
Job title The number of employees View wages Total:
manager 1 salary (10,000) +5% 24,000 rubles
marketer 1 salary (12,000) +5.5% 27,400 rubles
artist (aka designer) 1 salary (12,000) +7% 31,600 rubles
computer specialist 1 salary (14,000) +6.5% 32,200 rubles
operator 1 salary 20,000 rubles
advertisement poster 1 salary 18,000 rubles
Total: 6 salary (5,000) + 153,200 rubles

Total wage costs – 153,200 rubles.

I would like to note that the manager partially performs the duties of a secretary. Makes calls and answers phone calls. He is also actively looking for clients and maintaining a database.

A marketer conducts market research and identifies the most effective ways advertising, together with the manager, draws up a plan for further actions.

The artist is engaged in the development of layouts and layout.

A computer technology specialist works with graphics, photo and video editors. He is also involved in developing the site and filling it out.

The operator is engaged in printing the necessary attributes. If necessary, negotiates with other companies to provide support services.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly revenue is: 280,000 rubles.

Initial costs: 414,800 rubles.

  • Profit before tax: 79,800 rubles.
  • Tax: 11,970 rubles. We calculated the simplified tax system (15% of the difference between income and expenses). Other calculation methods can also be used.
  • Net profit: 67,830 rubles.
  • Profitability: 24.23%.
  • Payback: from 7 months.


As you know, all risks can be minimized or avoided, regardless of whether they are internal or external. Let's consider the most important of them, and analyze methods of struggle.

Risk name Negative impact on business Ways to avoid
Changes in the economic situation in the country Declining demand and subsequent reduction in profits Active work in the field of forecasting and planning of own work.
Changing consumer preferences
Capture of a large market share by competitors Studying the policies of competitors, tracking their work and successes. Using forecasting regarding their future actions.
Dumping policy from competitors
Changes in legislation, regulations Mandatory study of all current acts. Monitoring the situation happening in the country. This needs to be done not only at the level of adopted legislative acts, but also at the level of draft laws.
Lack of employee motivation, unwillingness to work Decrease in efficiency, decline in production volumes, sharp decline in the profitability of the enterprise and its profitability Offer adequate wages. Working with employees, establishing feedback with them (studying their desires, preferences and requirements). Creating a psychologically favorable environment in the team.
Client insolvency Sharp deterioration in financial situation A thorough study of the situation in the customer’s company before concluding a contract. Development of agreements that ensure security. Development of an advance payment clause.
Exposure to the elements, fires Unforeseen costs, downtime, property damage Insurance of this type of risk, their preliminary assessment.
Possible failure to fulfill one's own obligations to clients Reduced profit due to spin-off Money for payment of penalties, increased costs Contacting insurance companies to obtain bonds (guarantees).

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

“How to open an advertising agency from scratch?” – this question is in the top popular. Every day people search for clear answers to it on the Internet. In our age of high competition and oversaturation of the market, advertising helps to increase consumer loyalty to the brand, increase sales, and push competitors out of the niche. There are also many advertising agencies, but there is a job for everyone, because there are many more potential clients.

Do you want to try your luck in this field? Before you open your own advertising agency, you have to decide what types of activities it will engage in. Of course, you can immediately take aim at full cycle services. But this is only the case when you already have long experience in this business. Otherwise, it is better to focus on one to three types of advertising activities.

What types of advertising activities to choose?

This question will have to be answered by you, based on your qualities and capabilities. The list of destinations is quite long; there is something to suit everyone’s taste.

ViewIts essence
General advertising services Interaction target audience, analysis of needs and desires, development of a workable plan for promoting a service or product on the market, conducting advertising campaigns, evaluating work results and drawing up reports for the client.
Printing Development of layouts and production of branded stickers, calendars and envelopes, folders, product brochures and other printed materials on paper.
Outdoor advertising Design of big boards, signs, shop windows and facades, building walls, advertising in transport and on road signs.
Promotion in the media Creation of commercials for television, advertising articles and advertisements for print publications.
Internet advertising Development and promotion on the Internet of a company website, pages on social networks, publication of articles on forums, mailing lists advertising offers potential clients by e-mail, registration of the client’s company in catalogues.
Indirect advertising Corporate identity from scratch, creation of advertising products, logos, branded clothing, etc.

Most owners of advertising firms, especially those that already have a good reputation, seek to expand their scope of activity in order to provide a full range of services. That is, they want to cover all types of activities at the same time. For a beginner, such a task may be too difficult; at the beginning of your journey, it is better to focus on a small list of services, but perform them all with high quality and at reasonable prices. This way you can make money quickly regular customers and create a favorable impression of yourself. And so, once you have decided, it’s time to move on to active action. It is best to immediately legitimize your enterprise.

Let's move on to the legal registration of the business

If you just want to test your strength, then it is better to first register an individual entrepreneur - individual entrepreneurship. Individual entrepreneurs have a simplified taxation system. The document flow is simple enough that you can handle reports with minimal accounting knowledge.

Full of self-confidence? You can register an LLC right away. In a limited liability company, there may be several founders, but the demand from an accountant is more stringent.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to consult with a lawyer or auditor. A specialist will tell you which form of enterprise will be optimal for your format and will help with collecting all necessary documents and register the correct OKVED codes. For an advertising agency, the following are standard:

  • 74.40 (Advertising activities);
  • 74.14 (Advising on commercial activities and management);
  • 74.13 (Research of market conditions and identification of public opinion).

Determining the scale of the enterprise

Of course, looking at the papers that officially make you the founder of an advertising agency, you want to get to work as soon as possible. But before you take action, you need to decide what size company you are ready to open. Conventionally, advertising firms can be divided into three types based on formats:

  1. A start-up agency without own office . Quite a viable option for the initial time, while there is no extra money to invest in renting or buying an office. It’s not difficult to organize meetings with your employees directly at home, in a coworking space or in small and quiet cafes in the city. Managers can go to meetings with clients at any convenient location, and designers, developers and layout designers can work remotely at their computers. How to lead everyone? Very simple. You can send tasks by email, and carry out direct supervision by phone.
  2. Small format advertising agency with its own office. The difference between these two options is small. But it is there. Having a small own office where you can hold a meeting with a client, where there is workplace, computer, Internet and office equipment, inspires more confidence in the company. Although, in fact, this office only has enough space for you and one manager, and designers are still working remotely.
  3. Large agency. As a rule, such an agency not only owns an office. It is located in the city center. This office has enough space for all employees, and there are special rooms for conversations with clients and meetings, not to mention modern technology and furniture. But an option is possible when only managers and management are located in the office, and designers complete tasks remotely, sending monthly reports on their work to the office.

How much does it cost to open an advertising agency?

Perhaps one of the most pressing questions for those who decide to start own business. The size of the investment depends on how large-scale you decide to approach the creation of a company. For a small one, about $1000 is enough.

Main costs:

  • $150 for registration of all legal aspects;
  • $100 for office rent;
  • $600 for the purchase of high-quality office equipment;
  • $200 for upgrading the premises or purchasing furniture.

Also remember, when the first working month comes to an end, you will need to pay your salary:

  • director - at least 27,000 rubles;
  • technical designer – about 20,000 rubles;
  • sales manager - no less than 5,000 rubles plus a percentage of sales;
  • a company that will handle your accounting from 5,000 rubles;
  • and bonuses to employees will amount to about 40,000 rubles per month.
  • $1000 – for rent;
  • $500 – to change the interior;
  • $2000 – for office equipment;
  • $1000 – for furniture;
  • $300 to purchase telephone numbers and a separate Internet line.

However, you can cut costs to a minimum. For example, work without an office, at first combine the position of director and sales manager, and so on. Based on your qualities.

How quickly will your costs pay off?

Another equally important question, because it is for the sake of profit that you are doing all this. Practice shows that you can recoup your investment in a period from 3 months to 1 year. The payback period again depends on you. If you organize your work correctly, establish a process and hire creative, enthusiastic employees, then very soon you will have many regular customers, thanks to whom you will make a profit.

As in any area of ​​business, in advertising there are types of services that cost more than others. The highest paying jobs are logo and banner designs. For each such project you can receive up to 45% of income. For creating a logo you will receive about $500, a script – $200, and a corporate identity – $1000. If you and your sales managers do not sit idly by, you can achieve an income of $5-10,000 per month. And here the next question arises.

How to attract clients?

At first, you won’t have enough money to spend on advertising, so you need to use your imagination and use all possible free ways self-promotion.

First Turn, notify all your friends and acquaintances about the list of services offered. Ask them, if possible, to pass on information about you to their acquaintances and friends. This way, a lot of people will know about you, but you won’t shell out a penny.

Secondly, do not ignore your pages on social networks. They can become excellent advertising platforms.

Third, do not neglect message boards. Find the most popular of them (for example, Avito or city forums). Make a list of 50-70 options and post ads there daily. Within a few days, calls from potential clients will begin.

Now you have the maximum complete information and the knowledge to open your own advertising agency from scratch. But don’t rush to close the page. Some simple tips will help you avoid many mistakes.

How not to lose everything in the first year?

  1. Decide right away how you will stand out among your competitors. Choose a bright and concise name, create unique services and start advertising yourself over the phone.
  2. Do not rush to contact large customers until you have developed a good portfolio.
  3. Don't forget to place your information in city directories.

And most importantly: don't give up! At the beginning of your journey there will be ups and downs, but success awaits you!

Advertising is no longer just the engine of trade. This is the basics. From all sides, wherever we look, we are encouraged to buy this, try that, they show us how to live and how not to. The eyes begin to involuntarily snatch familiar words, slogans, logos from all the flashy variety of posters, leaflets, banners, and God knows what else. On the Internet, advertising is one of the main types of income. And the income is such that I simply cannot help but talk about this type of business. How to open your own advertising agency on the Internet is a simple science, although it requires persistence in implementation. It is more difficult to stand out from the “crowd” and become a leader. However, “it is not the gods who burn the pots.” Let's start in order - how to open an advertising agency on the Internet.

Types of Internet advertising

First of all, let's define the main types of online advertising.

  • Banner (media) advertising. Everyone has seen such advertising on the Internet. In its characteristics and impact on the audience, it is similar to advertising published in the media.
  • contextual advertising. Shown only on pages with thematic search results, i.e. has a targeted impact on a specific category of users.
  • Advertising on social networks. Reaches a huge number of people.
  • Video advertising. Filming and launching advertising videos on the Internet.
  • Advertising campaigns, including a whole range of measures to promote a specific (or series) product.
  • Advertising in applications for mobile devices.

Work and personnel

Internet advertising agencies are primarily engaged in: creating banners, websites, presentations, landing pages (individual pages with a link to a site offering a product or service), and promoting Internet resources. Before launching a project, you need to unite a team of specialists under your leadership, because it is simply beyond the power of one person to carry out the amount of work that lies ahead. The material costs of the idea of ​​opening an advertising agency on the Internet are relatively small: comfortable room, several computers, preferably licensed software. The main problem is to attract professionals to the project. You will need:

  • Programmer - websites, contextual advertising.
  • Web Designer - banners, websites, presentations.
  • Creator - " generator of creative ideas.
  • Copywriter – advertising texts, captions for videos, etc. + SEO promotion.
  • Manager - receiving and processing orders.
  • Artist - all types of advertising.
  • Specialist inSMM– marketing strategy and advertising on social networks..

Think about who you can replace yourself, who you can hire from time to time, and who will be on your permanent staff. One of important points- this is the creation of your own website, which should be the “pinnacle” of design art, so that you don’t end up with a “shoemaker without boots” situation.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with ideas, offer your clients the most unexpected advertising moves. These are the ones that work best. Almost anyone can open an advertising agency on the Internet, as they say, if they have the desire.
