How to write a letter to yourself in the future. Business trainings. Write a letter to the future. How to write a letter to your future self

Each person has his own specific desires and dreams, but some achieve them, while others believe that they are completely unworthy of beautiful and successful life. In order to achieve what you want, you need to be confident, decisive and always stand firmly on your own.

Many people sometimes simply do not understand and do not know what actions need to be taken to prove to themselves that they are worthy of everything they desire. Psychologists recommend various techniques that will help you with this - affirmations, collages, and so on.

Today, another way to help attract what you want into your life is gaining popularity - write and send letter to your future self. Many people have already tried this technique and were very satisfied. They claim that by the specified date, more than 60% of the plans had been fulfilled, and the rest were realized after receiving the long-awaited message.

How to write a letter to yourself in the future?

In order to compose such a message, you will not need too complicated actions, the main thing is to take into account some rules that are necessary to make your wishes come true. It is best to create an electronic version and send it to your email inbox.

There are special services for this, or just download the application for delayed shipments, of which there are many on the Internet. Then start writing the message, you must describe in detail how you want to live in the future.

It is important that when composing a letter, you should write “I have” and not “I want”. Let's give an example of how it should be composed.

    In the first half, describe how you see your personal life. Tell us in detail about your relationship with your beloved spouse, or maybe you are just dating your fiancée. How you treat and carefully care for each other, his relationship to you and yours to him. How do you spend time together, what romantic surprises do you arrange. If you don’t have a soulmate, then fully describe how you imagine him, starting from hair color and ending with the character traits that he should have.

    In the next paragraph of the letter to your future self, tell us what successes and achievements you have achieved. Indicate where and how you live, your apartment, car (if you have one), amenities, clothes, work and position. Or perhaps you have opened your own business, tell us about it.

    Write everything about your income, your financial stability. What is your salary, what amounts do you put aside for a deposit, for vacation, and so on. If you are making investments or buying shares, tell us too. Be sure to indicate exact numbers, this is very important.

    Then tell yourself about your various purchases, adventures or events that have sunk into your soul, all down to the smallest detail.

Describing so many points, your message will turn out to be large, but a person has more than one or two desires. When you compose it, try to write down what emotions you feel at one time or another: joy, delight, happiness, positivity, or a surge of energy for even greater achievements.

Many will think about what date to set, one year or five, on which day is it better to receive it. A year or two will tell your consciousness, but there cannot be a better date than your birthday. Imagine how happy you will be to receive your message on such a wonderful holiday.

How does writing to yourself into the future work?

When you compose a letter, your subconscious and the Universe will receive a signal about what kind of life you want to live, because all thoughts tend to materialize. You seem to be laying the foundation for the changes and changes that you so need.

The “Letter to Your Future Self” technique helps you increase your self-esteem and feel confident that all your desires and dreams will definitely come true, it just takes time. When a person experiences such emotions and feelings, he is filled with positivity, strength and a desire for action and achievement. All this will guide you on the right path and give you what you want.

Such a message changes the course of thoughts and actions of many. A person begins to experience dramatic changes, but all this happens if you take this task seriously.

Writing short passages at 2.00 am has become some kind of tradition, but nothing... Maybe it’s because today it’s almost full moon shines through my window and its silver light irritates me terribly, and I can’t sleep... Now I’ll put the kettle on, make myself some tea with milk, put on my headphones and turn on the music and start writing a letter to myself.

So, Dear Me, this letter is a kind of address to the future to the New Me. To the one who lives somewhere far away - far beyond the seven seas and ten hills. To the one who has a different name, who has a different appearance and maybe the language is a little different from what I wrote here. Maybe you - Dear I, will read this message in a year or a week, or a month. Or maybe by chance you will find it on this page and the lines written by me here will be touched and you will recognize the Mirror Self imprisoned here decades or centuries later. I will no longer know that my humble message has reached you - however, you will know, because a piece of my soul will be enclosed in these letters, lines, sentences, paragraphs, and when you read them, you will feel: that you are me - I am you.
Dear Me - I really hope that you are much happier than me, that all your dreams come true, that your hopes do not collapse like a house of cards. I don't think you get up every morning asking, "What's this all about?" Looking for a job when you are told every time - no. Beginning the lines of a new novel with the thought that the person for whom your lines are intended will NEVER read it in paperback. To dream that your lover will give you a gift for Christmas, and you will go to the city of love Paris - but the dreams are not destined to come true, because you have a small daughter in your arms and poverty in which you must make ends meet in order to survive in the fucking modern world .
Dear Me - I think that you are now sitting with a laptop on a bench in one of the streets of Paris and nodding in agreement to my words, because you saw a part of yourself in my lines. I can imagine that you are reaching for a pen and writing a couple of words on a postcard kind words, but here’s the problem - letters from the future do not reach the past - your letter, Dear I, will not reach me...
And now I’ll take a sip of hot tea, feel sorry for myself a little more, cry a little, finish the letter and go to bed, so that I can get up tomorrow morning and say the usual - I’m fine, and go in search of... happiness.
Dear Self from Mirror Self.
October 2012.


Marinochka, of course the Universe will read this letter and Dear Self will receive it from the Mirror Self, which here drinks the bitter cup of earthly existence. She will accept all your positive messages to the Self that you will be born in the future. There is no doubt that in the future you will drink a cup of happy nectar. The one who is here working and experiencing need, who was not fixated on earthly vanity, but gave his soul to creativity, to shine with spirituality, deserves happy incarnations in future lives. At first I wanted to write my “Letters to the Past”, and then I thought better, this is for you

You, don't cry, my heart, don't cry
Florya Marina

Don't cry, my heart, don't cry.
You know it was worse
A ray of sunshine, like a ball,
He, sometimes from windows, and into puddles

The puddles will dry up, the ray will run away -
The sun will hide, the day will cool down
You hold on to him, you hold on,
He will lift you to heaven!

He will warm you up and save you
Get up early in the morning
He will lead you through the dew
Through the weeds, into native thickets

Wash yourself with radiant dew
And pray for the sunrise so alluring
Don't cry, my heart, but sing
Because your ray is ascending!
© Copyright: Florya Marina, 2015
Certificate of publication No. 115012306115

My warmest thanks to you, Marinochka. I read your radiant comment in the link provided. Thank you for your heartfelt feedback. For the radiance of your sympathetic soul. There are no words. Warmed my darling. Sorry that I don't come in often. Soon, I hope, there will be time, and I
I’ll definitely come back with a gift in return, because your creations beckon to me and my soul asks for a response to them. Only time.. May God grant you in the future
to please readers. With gratitude and respect.

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So what should you write in? In fact, it all depends on what meaning you put into writing it. Such a letter, like the letter itself, can be compiled for various purposes: entertaining, informational, instructive, to rethink your life, your values ​​and goals, build a logical chain of achieving certain results, and much more. Since the process of writing itself makes us think, look at ourselves and our lives from the outside, look at life and relationships from a different angle, we often begin to think differently.

In order to answer the main question of this article, “What to write in a letter to the future,” first of all, you need to decide the purpose of writing such a letter.

Have you decided? Then let's go...

Entertainment. Congratulate yourself or others on the holiday ( New Year, Christmas, March 8th). People are always pleased to hear and read congratulations; please others. Congratulate yourself on your birthday, ask your future self how things are going, remind yourself of something important event etc. – believe me, you will not only be pleased, you will subconsciously think and evaluate the period of time you have lived.

Write a positive and interesting story about how you see yourself many years from now. Do not embarrass yourself in your desires and dreams, and in the distant future, after reading the written lines, you will be surprised at the coincidences.

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Another option - predicting any events or outcomes, “prophecies”, “predictions”, just bets with friends, designed and packaged in such a way that they cannot be changed. Perhaps you have something to say to future generations. Write a letter to your descendants in which you tell about your ideas, plans, vision of the world.

The more serious nature of writing requires a more serious and thoughtful approach. Many people believe that their the future can be programmed only the best for everything. In a message from the past, you describe in writing in sufficient detail the desired lifestyle and the subconscious captures your thought. When writing such a letter, you have to think carefully not only about desires and goals, but also about ways to achieve them. You can use the power of writing to the future as a diary, set yourself tasks and deadlines for their completion, and then arrange a “debriefing” of what has been done and what still needs to be worked on...

Remember that in the end, what you write in a letter to the future depends only on you and your imagination. Fantasize boldly, dream, do not constrain yourself to the past, present, or future. Either way, it's not only fun, funny and educational, it's also very useful!

Well, at the end of the article I would like to provide a link to, from reading which you involuntarily think about the time you have lived.

Every person at least once in his life asked himself the questions: “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “What is the meaning of my existence, my life?” The very formulation of these questions is remarkable and indicates that humans, as rational beings, have a fundamental need for self-knowledge, which is absent in animals.
Indeed, the inner world of each of us is an inexhaustible universe, as endless as space. You can live your life without looking into some of its hidden corners. Therefore, throughout the history of mankind, interest in self-knowledge has remained unchanged, and it will remain so as long as people show curiosity about the world, as long as they are able to cognize the surrounding reality.
Self-knowledge is knowledge of oneself; it is a tool for discovering inexhaustible personal and creative potential, identifying those areas of life where this potential can be fully used.
The affirmation of the value of self-knowledge can be traced in many religious, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical concepts. For example, in the religions of the Ancient East, a holistic, harmonious system of self-knowledge was developed, which serves as a means of comprehending the true essence of man and achieving unity with the Universe. In humanistic-oriented psychology and pedagogy, the need for self-actualization is considered as the highest human need; its satisfaction allows him to realize himself fully, to fulfill the mission and destiny that are prescribed for him by life and fate. Only in this case does he find the meaning of his existence, becomes what he is capable of becoming, and not what others force him to be.
Each person builds himself and chooses his own life path, builds his own relationships with other people, and finally, makes and corrects mistakes himself. At the same time, every person knows from his own experience that spontaneous self-knowledge often does not lead to significant results. While he understands himself, while he builds a program of self-improvement, time will pass and many mistakes will be made. Therefore, self-knowledge needs tactful support, for example, from thematic updated sites that contain materials exclusively on this broad topic, literally collected bit by bit from various sources and revealing it with different sides. These sites are like teachers who, without imposing stereotypes, will support you in a timely manner, provide informational assistance, give advice, and teach you how to contact own experience or to other people's experiences.
Self-development is the most important component in the life of every person and is a process of continuous self-creation of the individual, which in an integrated form includes self-knowledge, creative self-determination, self-government, self-improvement and self-realization. By getting to know oneself, a person gains inner freedom and confidence, becomes more interesting to himself and others, experiences a feeling of fullness and brightness of life from revealing himself as a person and individuality, soul and spirit. And on this path he usually needs competent assistants and teachers,

What is a letter to the future? This is an amazing opportunity to send a post date letter. “Why is this needed?” - you ask. It's very simple: you can write a letter to the future, just to send yourself a message from the past, to remind yourself of an important event, or maybe to wish your loved ones a happy holiday.

Changing reality

But most importantly, writing to the future can be a great exercise that sets you up for success; a ritual that can change your life for the better! Imagine your ideal day, in which all your dreams have already come true and you feel absolutely happy man. Visualize every little thing: from where you live and what kind of people surround you, to the aromas in the air and your inner feelings.

Introduced? Now describe this ideal day in detail in your letter to yourself, but write in the present tense, as if this happy future has already arrived. After that, send a letter to yourself with a postponed date so that it comes to you in 1-3 years. This way you will launch a powerful program to fulfill your cherished desires. At the same time, sooner or later you will forget about this letter, i.e. let go of the desire. And this, as you know, is very important.

When you hear from yourself a few years later, you will be surprised that much of what you wrote has already come true.

How to send a letter to the future

To send a letter to the future, click the “Write” button in the picture, then fill out all the fields in the screen that opens: enter the subject and text of the letter, your email address and select the date for delivery of the letter. Then click the "Submit" button.

Good luck and fulfillment of your wishes!

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