Domestic trees in pots. Energy of coniferous bonsai. Regular formative pruning of branches

It is almost impossible to overestimate the influence and benefits of trees on human energy. Given the pace of life, we do not have the opportunity to often come into contact with trees. But of course there is a way out - to “bring” the energy of the tree to your home! It could be wooden decorations, wooden furniture, accessories... Or you can choose a living dwarf tree - bonsai.

Bonsai is a miniature dwarf tree, the size is 50-80 times smaller than that grown in nature. The art of growing such trees is also called bonsai.

Evergreen dwarf trees are in greatest demand, but if you base your choice on the benefits of trees for your home and for you personally, then it is better to opt for some deciduous bonsai trees. The reason is simple - coniferous bonsai have complex energy andNot for everyone.

Energy of coniferous bonsai

Among the coniferous bonsai, the most popular are juniper, spruce, and larch. However, they have much more concentrated and powerful energy than deciduous ones, so it is not recommended to enhance their effect. One such bonsai tree is enough for the whole small house or an apartment. There is no need to place these trees in the room where they sleep.

Important: Bonsai trees with heavy energy are not suitable for pregnant women!

Juniper bonsai is able to enhance the basic energy of the house and those living in it, both good and bad. Therefore, it is important to sensibly assess how positive the environment in the house is. If there are people in the house who exude anger, hatred, and envy, a juniper bonsai can strengthen this energy.

Tested for myself: my husband and I, in principle, are inclined towards everything that brings positive emotions. We placed a juniper bonsai in the house. After just 3 days, it felt like we were on our “honeymoon” :-).

Benefits of trees for us: Emotional and physical attraction has increased significantly. It has become easier to communicate and understand each other. I want to do something nice for each other. But the bonsai tree - spruce, which we had before, clearly did not suit us. After just a week, the relationship became less close and sometimes tense.

Fur tree, pine tree very sociable and generous energetically. These dwarf trees are capable of setting a philosophical mood, removing nervous tension. Such bonsai trees are suitable for those who need to get rid of depression, increase immunity and vitality. A bonsai tree cleanses the aura of the owner or his home so much that it can remove the “alluvial” negative influence (damage, evil eye, etc.). But they are not very good for people with heart disease and blood pressure problems.

Fir bonsai more recommended for home use. Despite the fact that it has energy similar to spruce and pine, bonsai fir has a more gentle and soft energy radiation. This bonsai tree is good for people who often encounter external stimuli. Fir will help restore loss of strength and add inspiration in creativity. This bonsai tree is not suitable for the home of people who have kidney or stomach problems.

Larch bonsai has no less strong energy than pine or spruce, but despite this it differs in the quality of its influence. Useful for people who are tormented by unreasonable doubts and fears. Larch bonsai also relieves severe nervous disorders. There is no need to ask for help or contact in any special way; the larch itself knows how to help. This bonsai tree helps mainly strong people, those who believe that there are higher powers.

Cedar bonsai suitable for those people who are not afraid to live. This is one of the most powerful conductors of cosmic energy for an exhausted, tired person. He is capable of changing negative energy, neutralize its influence. It is better to place such a bonsai tree in the house where you want to improve energy. Of course, this will take more than one month, but the effect will be beneficial. It is good to place this dwarf bonsai tree in the hallway, in the meditation room.

Which deciduous bonsai is best for the home?

Oak bonsai has a light and very strong energy. Helps you become a self-sufficient person, gain strength, achieve success and recognition. Bonsai oak does not have a very good effect on women and their relationships with men. It is better to place an oak bonsai in a study, library, or meditation room.

Maple bonsai It also helps achieve good luck through communication skills. The tree itself is very sociable and, preferably, does not grow alone. Maple bonsai is able to take on all the negativity, balancing and restoring strength and peace. Capable of uniting people and helping to avoid conflicts in the family. It is better to place such a tree in a room where there are the most people. In any case, a room in the house where you hardly go is not suitable for this bonsai tree.

Birch bonsai has a beneficial effect on nervous system, and is able to alleviate and balance any mental anguish, especially those associated with unsuccessful love. You can place this bonsai tree in any room. But the particular benefits of these trees are manifested in the rest room and bedroom, as it is good for getting rid of nightmares.

Linden bonsai gives a feeling of peace and mental balance. Her energy allows you to get more done and relieves fatigue from work. The vigor bestowed by the linden bonsai lasts for long years. It is good to place a linden bonsai in the rest room, and in the bedroom linden will give additional happiness.

Cherry bonsai promotes the development of will and loyalty. This tree is beneficial for relationships and family. If you place a cherry bonsai in the bedroom, it helps strengthen marital relationships and increase sexuality. Helps to become sexually liberated.

Some other bonsai trees also have an energetic effect similar to the cherry: apple tree, plum tree, pear tree.

How to enhance the effects of a bonsai tree

  • You can enhance the effect of a bonsai tree by creating a small garden of trees with similar energy.
  • The quality of energy improves, and the benefits of trees increase, if the water for irrigation is filtered or infused for a while with precious stones placed in it.
  • Bonsai trees have a much stronger effect if you treat them with kindness and communicate frequently with them.
  • As with any plants (and all living organisms) positive influence provide sounds - classical or any gentle and beautiful music.
  • For those who are familiar with energy management practices, it will not be difficult to purposefully support the bonsai tree with energy, thereby significantly increasing the power of the bonsai energy and establishing contact with it.

Where to place a bonsai tree in the house

♦ Corners in the house are always a place of stagnation of energy. It is especially good to place bonsai coniferous trees in dark corners, which perfectly absorb all negativity.

♦ It is beneficial to place a bonsai tree in a house/room with sloping ceilings and walls. Rooms with such unevenness create an energy imbalance and interfere with the development of creative abilities.

♦ One more thing appropriate place for placing bonsai in the house - the space near the doors. In this place, the benefits of trees help to even out the flow of energy in the house.

With the help of a bonsai tree, you can even out any energy flaws from a design with many sharp corners in the house. A bonsai in the house will always bring benefits if it is positioned correctly and selected in accordance with your energy. The benefits of trees are not only aesthetic and energetic: dwarf trees, in addition to their energetic impact, are capable of transforming toxic substances released modern building materials, as well as generally improve the air in the house.

Not everyone can grow bonsai correctly at home, because this is a real art that requires creativity and special skill from a person.

As you know, bonsai is a copy ordinary wood, but only in smaller sizes. Such plants are very often used to create unique and original interior at home or office space. Before growing a bonsai, you will need to spend a lot of time studying special literature on planting techniques and further care.

In order to create such a piece of art at home, you need to take care in advance of having the following tools and working materials:

  • special ceramic bowl for bonsai;
  • cuttings of a future tree;
  • expanded clay;
  • granite chips of different colors;
  • thick soft wire;
  • sharp garden knife;
  • pruner;
  • black soil;
  • elements for decoration (beautiful pebbles, moss, etc.).

Bonsai: cultivation

In order to learn how to grow bonsai yourself, consider detailed instructions, with which you can not only choose the right necessary plant, but also to create a unique work of art that will decorate your home for a long time.

Choosing a cutting

To form a bonsai, it is necessary to purchase a plant so that it has medium-sized but beautiful foliage, a densely woody trunk, and quickly blooming flowers. Some of the cheapest cuttings are from trees such as orange and lemon. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to get fruit from them, but they will turn out to be an ideal bonsai.

Choosing a future style

Decide in advance what you want the bonsai you plan to grow yourself to look like. Draw on a piece of paper approximate form crown and trunk, and also think about its future decoration. It is worth noting that you will have to store this sketch for a long time, since growing a beautiful and stylish tree can take you more than one year.

Buying a ceramic bowl

Choosing a container for bonsai is no less important than buying the cutting itself. After all, this is also part of the composition, which plays a huge role in decorating the room. The bonsai pot must be in harmony with the chosen plant; it is also recommended to give preference to natural materials (clay, ceramics, etc.). In order for the tree to grow quickly and not get sick, you need to choose a bowl with big amount drainage holes.

Proper soil preparation

To avoid accelerated growth Bonsai, when planting it, it is not recommended to use fertile soil. If you live in the city, then such raw materials can be easily found in flower shops. And if you live in rural areas, it is advisable to prepare a suitable soil mixture yourself. For this you will need ordinary garden soil and some coarse river sand. The prepared raw materials should be thoroughly mixed, and only then proceed to planting the plant.

Seedling processing

Before planting the cutting in a ceramic bowl with soil, you will need to grow it in a regular pot for a long time (about two years). In addition, during such preparation, thin branches should be frequently removed, leaving a strong trunk and strong shoots. This procedure is necessary for the plant to acquire a good root system, as well as required thickness and sizes. After the trunk of your tree gets stronger and becomes especially hard, you can safely begin to form the crown.

Crown treatment

To create such a form house plant, which would be no different from a real tree, you need to selectively remove shoots that do not match your old pattern. To give individual branches suitable lines, they should be secured in the desired position using thick but soft wire. This must be done carefully so as not to harm the entire plant. First you need to treat the lower shoots, and only then go up. Do not pull the wire too tightly, as it will easily dig into the trunk and then form unsightly scars on it. It is advisable to leave the fixing elements for several months, because the shaping is considered complete only after you have removed the wire and noted that the necessary lines are intact.

Transplanting bonsai into a ceramic bowl

For such a transplant, you should remove the plant from the container, and then clean the roots from the soil and remove unnecessary elements. Lay a dense mesh at the bottom of the bonsai pot so that during watering the soil does not wash out along with the water. Next, you should pour expanded clay, and then a little prepared soil. After this, you need to place the plant evenly, straightening all its roots, and add soil, securing the trunk well. The soil needs to be thoroughly watered and, if desired, decorated decorative stones, ceramic chips, live moss, etc.


To learn more about the art of growing bonsai at home, watch the following video:

The primary meaning of the word "bonsai" in Japanese is "that which is grown on a tray (platter)" or "on a platter or tray." IN modern realities The word “bonsai” means a miniature tree, an exact copy of an ordinary tree or plant. In the article you will learn what Japanese food is and how to use it at home.

Bonsai art

Usually, when people hear about bonsai, they immediately think of Japan. But this art is rooted in the cultural heritage of a completely different country - China.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, this art was called “pencai” and arose around 231 BC.

Historically, the Japanese were introduced to the art of working with miniature trees by Buddhist monks who spent their entire lives wandering. For them this art was part religious tradition. They called it quite poetically - "The path to Heaven is covered with greenery."

The new art spread throughout Japan like wildfire. The system of canons, decorating rules, the appearance of plants, its compatibility with others decorative elements- all this was developed by the Japanese. They identified and perfected the styles that ultimately formed the basis of modern, classic bonsai. The most famous are the broom, rock tree, cascade, calligraphic tree, twisting trunk, stump, bamboo and stones and many others.

The number of bonsai styles reaches over thirty. First of all, you should consider classic styles, which lie at the heart of art. They focus mainly on the external component in order to bring miniatures as close as possible to their natural counterparts. What bonsai is can best be understood from this photo.

Refers to formal vertical styles. Their features include a straight trunk: wide at the base and tapering closer to the top. The style suits most species and types of trees, because it is classic. Tekkan is a symbol of indestructible vitality and proud loneliness.

Also applies to representatives of the vertical form. It is extremely popular with most bonsai gardeners. Such broad interest is due to the fact that the structure of style is not limited by rules or certain canons. The shape of the branches is not controlled by a clear design. The only condition is the top, which must grow perpendicular to the ground. As a rule, such a bonsai has the shape of the letter S. At each new bend there are many branches. Style is a symbol of refined simplicity, unbending resistance to various circumstances, and also a symbol of freedom.

Refers to the slanted style. Its difference is the trees growing at an angle towards the ground. This style is a good decision for many types. It is a symbol of resistance to the wind or the pull of a tree towards the sun when it grows in the shade.

Did you know? With proper care, a bonsai can grow for centuries, remaining just as tiny.

The name of the style is literally translated from Japanese as “forked trunk.” Already from the name alone it becomes clear what it is. This is done in order to display a similar phenomenon in nature. Then two trunks grow from one root. Considering that one of the branches is much more powerful and thicker than the second, to illustrate the same thing in miniatures they simply use the trunk and the lower branch as the second trunk. There are no special canons of appearance, so the tree can grow at any angle and be expressed in any species convenient for you. The style symbolizes the continuity of traditions from generation to generation. Among gardeners they are also called “twins” or “son and father.”

Refers to cascading styles. Its peculiarity is expressed in creating the illusion of a tree that grows on a steep cliff and resists circumstances with all its might, adapting to the conditions. To do this, choose flexible rocks whose trunk bends well and is easily formed. You can choose between or Is a very simple symbol, demonstrating the plasticity of plants in different conditions

He is a representative of old styles that are incredibly complex. Externally, such a dwarf looks like this: it is devoid of lower branches, and the curved long trunk itself ends at the top with a crown. Its branches are formed in the shape of a calligraphic sign. Symbolizes aerial elevation in the Japanese tradition. For miniatures of this format, coniferous and broad-leaved trees are used.

Are all plants suitable for growing?

Experienced gardeners find ways to adapt and grow successfully various plants V room conditions. Therefore, out of a sense of excitement and interest, they grow bonsai from small seeds. Enthusiasts are not even afraid that this is a long and painstaking process. For beginners, it’s better to take ready-made copies and simply maintain them appearance. This is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to grow a bonsai tree from a seed. However, both of them are faced with the question of choosing a plant.


In the case of leaf trees, gardeners mainly choose beech, sometimes


If you want to grow bonsai using fruit trees, then in this case it will be suitable or


Among coniferous trees you can expect a decent variety. As a rule, the ones chosen are Himalayan cedar, Japanese cryptomeria, common or folded thuja, Japanese and European larches.

Features of seed selection

There are some features when choosing seeds. Firstly, seeds must be fresh, no more than two years old. Ideally, they are about a year old. Secondly, the seeds must have the proper level of germination. At home, you can easily create natural ripening conditions. To do this, you need to freeze the seeds in the refrigerator at winter period time. Then, with the first warming, the seeds need to be immersed in warm water and kept for six hours. Next, they are put into a bag and stored at room temperature for three days.

Suitable soil

For proper cultivation Bonsai use a special - heavy, moisture-retaining substrate. The soil is divided into tiny fractions of only 5 mm. Such soil is perfectly breathable and contains a colossal amount of nutrients that are so necessary for tree growth. This substrate is called akadama. That's just in pure form it is used extremely rarely.

As a rule, a mixture is created on its basis, to which sand, clay are added and the soil is placed in small ceramic containers with a large diameter. This form is well suited for growing miniature plants. This is due to the fact that outside roots thrive in open spaces and easily absorb minerals from the air.

Basic landing rules

After three days of “rest”, by the fourth the seeds will swell. This will prove their viability and readiness for planting. Empty copies must be selected and thrown away.

Sprouted seeds must be placed in special pots. They must be completed as follows:

  • a mixture of sand and humus in a ratio of 1:2;
  • 1 cm akadama.
Another 3 cm to the top edge should be left empty. Then the soil is pressed down with a small piece of wood or a pebble. You need to put two or three seeds on it and cover it a small amount sand. In the future you just need to water.

After all procedures, the seedlings are covered with film, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. Optimal temperature air is about 15 °C.

How to slow down tree growth

Bonsai formation begins approximately in the second or third year from the moment of planting (depending on the circumstances).

However, the question arises - how to slow down the growth process of a new tree.

First of all, the plant needs to be transplanted into a bowl and cut off the roots that grow straight. Priority is given to horizontal roots. Along with straight roots, sick and weak ones are also cut out. In the future, during the next replanting, it will be necessary to trim the roots again.

Another option would be to transplant into soil that is poorly saturated with nutrients. The composition of such soil is quite uniform: loam and rotten leaves. Often coarse sand or small pebbles are added there. Considering that such a substrate provides the minimum needs of the plant, it significantly helps slow growth.

You can also tie the barrel with wire to slow it down and thicken it. They do not wrap the entire length, but only a certain section. Then, when it begins to interfere with the development of your plant, you can remove it and bandage another area. A similar technique can be used when forming side branches. In this case, the wire plays the role of a retainer.

Also, as an option, you can reduce the flow of juices. To do this, you need to cut the wood in different places from time to time. To heal and tighten its wounds, the plant will flood the cuts with juice. As a bonus, beautiful swells may appear on the bark.

The last method is not suitable for everyone. It involves pruning branches. It should be done for the first time immediately after the buds appear. in early spring. Cut at the level of two rosettes from the trunk itself. Branches that interfere with each other are also removed. There should be no flowers on the tree during the pruning period. Otherwise, postpone the procedure until flowering is complete.

Important! Only by using any of these techniques will you be able to achieve the famous miniatureness that is inherent in this art.

When the seeds have already been planted and the first shoots have appeared, they need to be carefully looked after.

Proper care

Bonsai is a tree that needs in care and proper cultivation. First of all, you need to ensure that the soil is moist at all times. Another condition is good air circulation in the soil. This can be achieved in two ways: from time to time, open the film slightly or make holes in it. As soon as the first leaves appear, the young seedlings are immediately opened. Then you need to continue to care for it until the number of leaves increases to four. When they reach this mark, the seedlings can be safely transplanted into a ceramic container.

The next step is to trim the main root - leaving only one third of it. needs to be done regularly. The first time the procedure is carried out a month and a half after the picking. Then you need to feed weekly. On initial stage For this purpose, low nitrogen content is used. Subsequently, its percentage is increased. Closer to the beginning of winter, they usually switch to feeding, which is more balanced.

Important! If the plant is sick, its feeding must be stopped.

One more important point when caring for dwarf tree is lighting. To satisfy his need, you need to keep the blinds or curtains constantly open. But this may not be enough. To increase the amount of light, use a halogen or fluorescent lamp. Under no circumstances use an incandescent fluorescent lamp for this purpose. The lamp should be placed at a height of about half a meter.

Direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. It should also be protected from radiators and drafts. Excess heat or gusts of air can negatively affect it. If you adhere to these rules, then problems and difficulties should not arise.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Bonsai requires enormous efforts and painstaking work. Those who encounter this plant for the first time may encounter some difficulties. The first problem is dehydration. At first it is difficult to adjust how much water your tree needs, but if its leaves suddenly turn yellow and begin to fall off, first of all, water it from above, as usual, and then place it in a small container of water for about ten minutes. The plant itself will make up for the deficiency.

The opposite effect may also occur. With this problem, the soil is oversaturated with moisture and covered with moss. In this case, simply move it to another soil and water more sparingly. If you find dead roots during replanting, be sure to cut them off.

Sometimes the following problem arises: for some reason the tree does not absorb water, and it remains on the surface of the soil. This can happen if you have chosen the wrong substrate or if it has become infested. First of all, you need to remove the plant and change the soil. Be careful: you must not disturb the roots! If the substrate remains on the roots, everything is fine, it’s better than breaking something. Then place the bonsai in a bowl of water that has been treated. After these measures, it should recover. very complex art but it will definitely pay for itself with its beauty. The most important thing is to follow the rules of care.

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The art of bonsai comes from the ancient east. Lovers of indoor plant growing were immediately captivated by this unique opportunity - to place a piece of nature itself in their home. Born in China and perfected in Japan, bonsai has become popular throughout the world.

At home you can grow a delightful, amazingly beautiful miniature tree, which will be an exact copy of carmona (tea tree), pomegranate, myrtle, ficus, azalea or peach growing in natural conditions.

Bonsai at home gives the magnificent colors of spring flowering, the freshness of green foliage in summer time, the golden charm of autumn and the winter intricacies of branches resting and waiting for the arrival of a new spring.

Indoor bonsai requires attention, careful and proper care. After all, the plant is based on a tree growing in a natural subtropical or tropical climate, coniferous forest or other conditions that are not so easy to create at home. Therefore, it is better to choose the species that is closest to the conditions of a particular region. However, when proper care You can also grow beautiful copies of exotic plants.

How to choose a bonsai for your home

Saplings of the cypress family, pine, juniper, maple, and elm will have difficulty growing indoors. They are most comfortable in the garden. In the house it is better to place a tea tree, myrtle, hibiscus, acacia, gardenia, pomegranate, ficus benjamina, citrus fruits, etc.

Flower shops sell plants already planted in pots. However, you can take a seedling from natural soil. At home, the tree will live in a flat container (bowl). To balance the foliage and root system, it is necessary to trim the crown and roots annually. Usually, at the end of winter, bonsai need to be replanted, having prepared for this new ground and the bowl is 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

So, having bought a plant, you need to replant it correctly. To do this, cut the roots by about 1/3 and place them in a bowl with prepared soil. The crown can begin to form after two weeks, when the tree adapts well to new conditions.

Bonsai care at home

The soil

A bonsai container must certainly have a good drainage system. The bottom of the bowl is covered with a layer of small river pebbles or expanded clay. Next, select the soil appropriate this plant. If suddenly this is not available, you can stop at universal soil for indoor plants.

It is advisable to plant a plant cover on top that will protect from excessive evaporation of moisture, for example, moss. Bonsai requires mandatory feeding, for which they are used mineral fertilizers, intended for indoor floriculture. Intensive nutrition is necessary from the beginning of spring until the onset of winter rest, once every 2-3 weeks.
Fertilizing using the immersion method is considered the most effective. To do this, dissolve about 2 g of fertilizer in 1 liter of water, pour the solution into a container, then lower the bowl with the plant into it and leave until the moisture is completely absorbed. For daily watering, melt water (if available) or regular water (preferably settled) is good; in summer, you should not forget about daily spraying.

Temperature for bonsai

During the year, the tree needs to be provided with a temperature as close as possible to that corresponding to natural environment its growth. Subtropical plants adapt quite easily to indoor conditions. In summer, it is advisable to take them out into the front garden, onto the balcony, or simply leave them on an open windowsill. In winter, the temperature should not exceed 15 degrees, for tropical plants- 18. Bonsai should be protected from drafts, not placed on too cold surfaces and not placed near heaters.


Bonsai temperature and lighting are mutually related. The less light, the lower it should be temperature regime. And with intense lighting, the tree will respond better to high temperature. In indoor conditions, bonsai may not be enough sunlight, especially in the autumn-winter period. This disadvantage is compensated by artificial lighting, for which it is best to use a fluorescent lamp.

Carmona parvifolia (tea tree)

An excellent option for both home and office is a carmona bonsai. It can be formed into various very beautiful Japanese styles. It is an evergreen tree with small glossy leaves. Carmona blooms with delicate white five-petaled flowers. Its fruits are bright red-orange berries small size However, they are inedible. We have two common types - small-leaved carmona and large-leaved carmona.

The plant is very thermophilic; in summer it can be outdoors, but not under straight lines sun rays. In winter, carmona should live in a heated room, and it also needs to be provided with good air humidity. To do this, you need to place the container with the plant in another container with water, but the first one should be placed on hydroballs so that there is no contact of water with the ground. Water must be added regularly.

Most of these plants are imported from China. They come to us in soil with a lot of clay. During watering, the substrate becomes significantly compacted and the roots are deprived of a sufficient amount of oxygen. This soil needs to be replaced as quickly as possible. It is best to use clay granules, and optimal time for the procedure - spring. Young trees need to change the substrate every two years. Adults can use it less often, provided that they are watered with settled rainwater.

Moistening the substrate requires constant attention; under no circumstances should the plant be allowed to dry out; then it is very difficult to save it. A special fertilizer should be used as a fertilizer. organic product for bonsai. In summer, the tree needs to be fed once every 2 weeks; in winter, once a month is enough. The plant requires mandatory protection from harmful insects who “love” him very much.

You can form a crown in any Japanese style bonsai. Carmona shoots sometimes reach 10–20 cm. Branches 1.5–2 years old can be easily shaped using wire; thicker ones require the use of tension devices.

The tea tree propagates by cuttings and seeds. With proper care, you can grow a magnificent Carmona bonsai, which will be a real evergreen masterpiece on a tray and reminiscent with its presence of a wonderful artist called nature, whose brushes belong to the most beautiful creations on earth.

Watch a video about a miniature bonsai tree - how to grow it at home:

My dear lovers of the beautiful and unusual, I hasten to please you, following my cunning advice you will be able to grow "bonsai", one of the most expensive and sought-after plants in countries near and far abroad. Recently, this exotic culture has gained the right to life in our country, but prices for bonsai are quite high and not every consumer is willing to pay top dollar for aesthetic pleasure.

The idea of ​​growing this crop has long fascinated many generations of amateur gardeners, and there is no need to be afraid of difficulties. With a little effort and a little patience, you can easily master this tricky technique. Before you get started, I want to warn you that bonsai requires daily attention! 10-15 minutes a day is enough for your child to develop perfectly, please the eye and surprise guests with its beauty.

What may be required. Undoubtedly, you will need a container for growing bonsai, but you can experiment with any other container you have on hand. The main thing to remember is that bonsai literally translates to “tray growing.” Accordingly, the dishes should have fairly low sides, preferably made of frost-resistant materials. We will also need sandy soil, copper wire, a budding knife, bonsai tongs and scissors. Well, perhaps, we have everything we need, we can start sorting the crops for planting.

The types of plants suitable for bonsai can be divided into 2 categories.

The first is coniferous bonsai. Pine, spruce, cedar, juniper are those tree species that are not difficult to find in our forests and nurseries. Juniper tolerates wintering in an apartment best. But any coniferous crop requires low temperatures from -4 to 0 degrees. Here greenhouses, greenhouses, conservatories and even balconies will come to your aid. Special attention I pay attention to the “dacha 2dum” greenhouses because they have the function of additional expansion if necessary. And they performed well when growing seedlings. And if you want to collect early harvest cucumbers or tomatoes, then you certainly can’t do without it.

If it is not possible to provide your pet with desired temperature, remember that you can save the plant at higher temperatures, but not higher than +12-15 degrees. The main condition is frequent spraying, fertilizing 2 times a month, drying out the soil in the container is not acceptable!

The second category is deciduous bonsai. This category is in turn divided into 2 sections: evergreen deciduous bonsai and deciduous deciduous barefoot. There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here! But it is worth considering that if you have chosen an evergreen deciduous plant, then it will survive wintering in an apartment well. Watering should be daily, without drying out the surface even for one day, mandatory spraying 2 times a day, 2-3 fertilizing per month. In the case of the deciduous option, wintering indoors will require coolness and light. Water as needed, no fertilizing during wintering.

For beginners, I advise you to try juniper, linden and beech. The next stage may be oak, and then all the other more fastidious crops.

There are several ways to grow bonsai.

The first and longest-term program is growing from seeds. The activity is not for the impatient; it will take at least 2 years before the sprout can begin to form.

The second method is air layering. It is advisable to carry out the procedure from May to June, when sap fermentation processes are just beginning to wake up in the tree. Find a v-shaped cutting on a tree you like. Using a budding knife, make 2 circular horizontal cuts under the mother plant. Then remove the bark between them and sprinkle the exposed part with growth hormones. Wrap the treated surface with moss or peat and cover everything with film. It will appear in 3-6 months root system and it will be possible to separate the cutting from the mother plant for replanting.

And the third one is the easiest and quick way, for those who don’t like to bother. Buy a 2-3 year old seedling from a nursery and get to work. There is a belief that inexpensive seedlings usually bring the fastest results.

Well, we purchased a suitable plant. We plant a seedling in a well-disinfected container, having previously trimmed the roots to fit the volume of the container. Side shoots should be shortened by a quarter. Wrap the docked branches with wire and give them the desired shape. It is important to know that the plant does not require too fertile soil; the soil should be a mixture of sand, poor soil, peat and compost. All essential microelements should come from bait, this allows you to regulate the growth of your tree yourself.

After planting, the soil around the plant should be squeezed and watered generously. Bonsai requires daily watering; during the growth period, do not forget to add liquid fertilizers to the watering water every 2 weeks.

Well, the planting is finished, the plant has taken root. It's time to think about what you want your tree to look like in the future. I offer you several types of cupping.

1. Formation of an abundant crown (works great with elms - photo 2). To obtain a reliable result, it is necessary to shorten long branches by 1-2 leaves several times a year. There is another option - remove the entire branch; after a couple of months, small branches will completely fill the entire volume formed at the site of the cut. All that remains is to keep an eye on it and trim the branches as they grow, creating the desired appearance.

2. Plant grafting method. It will require some experience in administering vaccinations, but a few training sessions will provide the necessary skill. This operation should be carried out in winter, when the tree is dormant. Let's get acquainted with the necessary terminology. The branch of the plant that they want to grow is called a "scion", into the trunk to which they attach the new kind The plants are called "rootstock".

Cut the scion diagonally and use the sharp end to carefully insert it into the side cutout on the rootstock. In this case, the cut surfaces on the scion and rootstock must coincide in combial layers. Next, coat the joints garden varnish and wrap tightly with dark plaster or plastic tape. Don't be afraid to experiment and success will be guaranteed. The main advantage of grafting is that you get the opportunity to have several trunks on one tree different types trees (the main thing is that the trees belong to the same family).

Let's consider several basic styles used for crown development.

Changing the direction of the barrel does not require much effort. All you need is a coil of wire and your imagination. In some cases, use a weight to bend the branch downward.

Vertical style. To bring this style to life, a trunk is formed that grows straight upward. First, several branches are removed, leaving the strongest lower branch, and the ones following to the top - thinner. Trimming buds and branches helps minimize the size of the plant.

The broom style is the easiest. The branches are removed by half their length. After pruning, intensive nutrition should be carried out to restore the strength of the plant. The crown is shaped like a broom.

The horizontal type of crown formation involves pruning the upper parts of the tree and increasing the growth of side shoots.

As you can see, it's not that difficult! The main thing is your desire and success is guaranteed! In the summer, when nature triumphs, take your plant outside and let it breathe. fresh air! I remember my mother always said: "Bonsai is Small child. If you want a drink, then you need to bring it to him too. If you're hot, then he's not comfortable either." A living mini tree will perfectly complement the interior of your garden. I grow trees right in the apartment, I especially love citrus fruits. The only thing is you need to monitor the temperature; citrus fruits like coolness when flowering. Well, perhaps, We have covered the most basic things you need to know about bonsai, and all that remains is to wish you success in this difficult but exciting task.
