Where was Patriarch Kirill born? Kirill, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich)

Patriarch is the highest title of clergy. Initially, this rank was assigned to six bishops: Alexandria, Rome, Israel, Bulgaria, Constantinople and Antioch. Currently, the Patriarch is elected by a meeting of clergy. He was entrusted with power over all churches, cathedrals and temples in the country. Currently in Russian Federation This position is held by clergyman Kirill. The biography of Patriarch Kirill interests many Orthodox residents of the country.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Job, elected by the Moscow Council in 1589, became the first Patriarch of Russia, and remained in this position until 1607. The second clergyman to take this place was Hermogenes. The next Russian Patriarchs were Filaret, Nikon, Joseph 1, Adrian.

In 1721, the Holy Synod was created, which abolished the Patriarchate. Instead, a new position was introduced - Guardian of the Patriarchal Throne, which existed until 1917.

In 1917, the All-Russian Local Council restored the Patriarchate. The position was taken by the clergyman Tikhon, who died 8 years later. After which the position of Patriarch was vacant for a long time.

In 1943, the Council of 19 hierarchs chose a new Patriarch. This position was taken by Metropolitan Sergius, who was the only candidate. After his death, the Patriarchs of All Rus' were Alexy, Pimen, Alexy 2.

In 2009, this position was taken by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.


Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich was born in the city of Leningrad on November 20, 1946. His father Mikhail Vasilyevich worked as a chief mechanic at a machine-building plant. He later completed courses in liturgy and devoted his life to the church. Despite the fact that Mikhail Vasilyevich was prosecuted, he was able to achieve high achievements in his career as a priest. In 1960, he became rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church. We continue to talk about the biography of Patriarch Kirill.

The patriarch's mother, Raisa Vladimirovna, worked as a German language teacher at school. Currently, the father and mother of Patriarch Kirill have passed away. They are buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. The location of the burials is due to the fact that the father of Patriarch Kirill last years During his life he worked as a priest in the St. Nicholas Church in this cemetery.

The current Patriarch of All Rus' was not the only child of his parents. The family had three children. Nikolai is the eldest son, Vladimir and Elena are the younger sister.

Brother and sister also connected their lives with Orthodoxy. Elena is the director of an Orthodox gymnasium, and her brother is a priest. For some time he taught at the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, and later served as rector.


Many believers are interested in the question, how old is Patriarch Kirill? Everyone knows that the position of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' is occupied by clergy who are of advanced age. A person applying for this rank must be a worthy priest and have certain successes. Achieving high results in a priest's career takes a long time. Therefore, all people who assume the honorary position of Patriarch are of advanced age.

At the time of taking office, Patriarch Kirill was 63 years old. Currently 72 years old. He does not follow fashion and innovations, he looks in accordance with his age. With a height of 178 cm, the weight is 92 kg.


The biography of Patriarch Kirill interests many residents of Russia. This is not surprising, because he is a well-known personality.

Born into an ordinary Soviet family, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev graduated from school (8 classes) in Leningrad and received a secondary education. After this, he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, which he successfully graduated from. The seminary became the main education of Patriarch Kirill. Following in the footsteps of his grandfather and father, he became a priest. In 1969, the future Patriarch took monastic vows, receiving the name Kirill.


Many people are interested not only in the biography of Patriarch Kirill, but also in his family. Due to the fact that in 1969 Vladimir Mikhailovich became a monk, taking a voluntary oath to serve God, he does not have a wife or children. A person who has taken monastic vows cannot tie the knot and have children.

Patriarch Kirill's family is parishioners, and he tries to pay attention to each of them.

Carier start

As is already known, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev devoted almost his entire life to worship. He followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. The beginning of his church career can be dated to April 3, 1969. On this day the clergyman became a monk. Then, on April 7, 1969, Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad awarded him the rank of hierodeacon. And a little later, on July 1, 1969, Kirill received the rank of hieromonk. The priest's career developed rapidly.

In 1970, the hieromonk graduated from the Theological Academy in Leningrad. Having defended his dissertation, he received an academic degree - candidate of theology and was left at the academy as a teacher and assistant inspector.

In 1971, Kirill received a new rank - archimandrite. In the same year, the Geneva World Church Council appointed him as a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 1974, the clergyman became the rector of the Leningrad Theological Seminary. He made a huge contribution to the development educational institution. For the first time, they opened a class in which girls studied. Subsequently they became mothers. Kirill also introduced a new discipline - physical education.

Career stage - bishopric

In 1976, the clergyman was elevated to the rank of bishop by the metropolitans of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. In September of the following year, Kirill becomes archbishop. During this period, he held such high positions as chairman of parishes in Finland and the Department of External Church Relations.

In 1983, the archbishop began teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy. The following year, Kirill becomes Archbishop of Vyazemsk and Smolensk. Not agreeing with the government of the USSR, he had to leave his post as rector of the Leningrad Theological Seminary. The transfer to the province became a kind of demotion. Five years later, the priest received a new appointment. He became Archbishop of Kaliningrad and Smolensk.

In 1990, the archbishop received the post of chairman of the Holy Synod. The following year he received the rank of metropolitan. And since 1994, he became the host of the television program “The Word of the Shepherd,” which can be seen on Channel One.

Under his leadership, many projects related to family problems and church-state issues were developed and introduced.

In 2008, after the death of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', he was elected Patriarchal Locum Tenens.

Position of Patriarchal Locum Tenens

After the death of Patriarch Alexy, Metropolitan Kirill took the position of Patriarchal Locum Tenens. The clergy needed to select worthy candidates for the position of the new Patriarch.

On January 15, 2009, candidates for the position were selected, and on January 27, 2009, the Local Council in Moscow elected the new Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. It was Kirill.

Procedure for election to the Patriarchal throne

There were only three contenders for the Patriarchal throne. Each of them was worthy of this high position.

On January 25, 2009, a meeting of clergy was held, at which Metropolitan Kirill was nominated as a candidate for the post of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. His candidacy received 50% of the votes.

The clergyman became the 16th Russian Patriarch. Upon taking office, he received congratulations from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, as well as from Pope Benedict.

During the enthronement, which took place on February 1, 2009, the Patriarch of Alexandria and representatives of other churches (foreign): Albanian and Polish were present. Also taking part in the ceremony were Vladimir Putin, Dmitry and Svetlana Medvedev, Naina Yeltsina and President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin.


Immediately after taking office, the head of the Russian church attended a gala reception held in the Kremlin. This event was attended by clergy of the highest rank (bishops), as well as the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. At the reception, problems related to the interaction between church and state were discussed. The newly-crowned Patriarch said that these relations should be harmonious.

The assumption of the position of clergy began with visits to dioceses, the first of which was Smolensk. Patriarch Kirill spoke about the need to fill the souls and hearts of parishioners with kindness and enlightenment. That this is what we should strive for, and not for the churches to be filled.

At the end of March 2009, the priest announced his decision to reserve the right to manage the Baltic and Kaliningrad diocese.

The beginning of July 2009 was significant for the Russian Orthodox Church in that relations between the Moscow and Constantinople Patriarchates finally improved. Patriarch Kirill made an official visit to Turkey, where he met with the Ecumenical Patriarch, as well as the Prime Minister of Turkey. At the meeting, the terms of communication and interaction were discussed.

During a meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, the clergyman said that Kyiv is very important for the Russian church. The Patriarch's official visit to this country, which lasted several days, was accompanied not only by public unrest, but also by criticism of the priest. He was accused of possessing too expensive things, which is not consistent with the position of Patriarch. The topic of criticism was the high-priced watch that was noticed on the clergyman’s hand.

Despite all the accusations, the head of the Russian church behaved with dignity, not paying attention to criticism. He visited several monasteries and churches, declaring that he was ready to live in Kyiv for part of the year.

In September 2009, an official visit was made to Belarus. At a meeting with the country's President Alexander Lukashenko, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' announced the need for a religious union between Russia and Belarus.

In 2010, the clergyman worked to improve relations with the Roman Catholic Church. He also took part in the inauguration of the President of Ukraine.

2011 was the year of wanderings. The Patriarch visited 19 dioceses located not only in Russia, but in Moldova and Ukraine.

2012 was a sad year for the Russian Orthodox Church. Everyone remembers the unlawful actions committed by a group of people in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Attacks and criticism from the press against the Patriarch did not stop for a long time, yet, according to a sociological survey, the majority of the country's Orthodox population supported the priest and trusted him. In the same year, Kirill became a Facebook user. From now on, anyone can communicate with the Patriarch.

Patriarch Kirill introduced many innovations. The social activities in which he is still involved are varied.

Creativity and foreign policy activities

In addition to his main Orthodox activities, Patriarch Kirill is actively involved in foreign policy activities. He also became the author of several books written in the religious genre:

  1. "Belief and Unbelief."
  2. "Seven words about the Russian world."
  3. "Thoughts for every day of the year."
  4. "The Mystery of Repentance. Lenten Confessions."
  5. "The Word of the Primate."

In addition to the fact that the Patriarch wrote several books, he became the author of more than 500 religious publications.

The priest takes an active part in various inter-Christian conferences and communicates with representatives of other world religions.

The residence of Patriarch Kirill is located at the address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Khamovniki district, Chisty Lane, building 5. The building is architectural monument federal significance. It has a rich and long history. Until the start of the Second World War, the building was intended to house German ambassadors and diplomats. The Patriarchal residence has been located in the building since 1943. The mansion was provided by Joseph Stalin himself. He informed Metropolitans Sergius, Nicholas and Alexy about this during a personal meeting. In addition to the residence, transportation was also provided.

At the end of the 80s, the Patriarchal residence became unfit for use; the building required overhaul. By this time, a new residence had already been built, which was located on the territory of the Danilovsky Monastery. After the renovation was completed, the mansion in Chisty Lane became only the work place of the Patriarchs, a meeting place with journalists and foreign delegations. After the death of Patriarch Alexy, many rooms here were sealed. Currently, the seals have been removed from all premises.

There is another residence of Patriarch Kirill. It is located in Peredelkino. Here he not only works, but also lives.


His Holiness Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill received many awards during his long period of church activity. These are not only church achievements, but also state ones.

State awards of Patriarch Kirill:

  1. Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation in 1995.
  2. Medal "Anniversary" Russian fleet"(to the 300th anniversary).
  3. Medal in honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.
  4. Order of Friendship.
  5. Order of Merit to the Fatherland.
  6. Order of Friendship of Peoples.
  7. Medal "For Distinction in Service".

Church awards:

  1. Order of Sergius of Radonezh.
  2. Order of St. Daniel of Moscow.
  3. Order of Grand Duke Vladimir.
  4. Medal of the Apostle Peter.
  5. Order of Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow and All Rus'.

Awards of Orthodox churches:

  1. Order of the Church of Jerusalem.
  2. Order of the Georgian Church.
  3. Order of the Bulgarian Church.
  4. Order of the Serbian Church.
  5. Order of the Polish Church.
  6. Order of the Church of Alexandria.

In addition to various awards, Patriarch Kirill is an honorary citizen of many regions of the Russian Federation:

  1. Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region.
  2. Smolensk and Smolensk region.
  3. Cities of Neman.
  4. Obera city in Argentina.

Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' is famous person known to everyone Orthodox person Russian Federation. His services to the state, the church and the Russian Orthodox people are undeniable. Despite how old Patriarch Kirill is, he copes with his duties perfectly. The priest not only helps people, guiding them on the right path, but is also involved in active social and foreign policy activities. He is the owner of many state and church awards. Moreover, Patriarch Kirill is a holder of academic degrees and an honorary citizen of several cities and regions of Russia. Many believers go to Moscow to Patriarch Kirill for help and Blessing.

The Pope has already renounced the cross,
and Patriarch Kirill improved it!

Earlier we already noticed the strange gesture of Pope Francis... who replaced his Cross with Jesus... with a certain shepherd of the Flock (cattle?)

However, an equally “strange” fact from the biography of Patriarch Kirill became known - it turns out that his mother had a maiden name of Vekselman! And this means that our patriarch from the Russian Orthodox Church... is a halakhic Jew (!) Well, this then explains a lot (his servile “meeting” with Pope Francis, in particular!)... as well as the “improved” cross on The head of the patriarch, as well as the disadvantage general education and a MORE THAN STRANGE attraction to ecumenism.

Quote: “... Let us at least remember the speech on September 21, 2010 by Metropolitan Kirill - Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, who publicly called the Slavs beasts. And this becomes understandable and explainable if you know the maiden name of Kirill’s mother – Vekselman. Everything comes primarily from the human gene pool. If a person is half-animal by nature, he will behave accordingly...”

Vladimir Gundyaev - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church (Stages of the Great Path!)

1) BEFORE you start your church activities graduated from eight grades of high school. He also tried himself in geology - from 1962 he worked as a cartographic technician in the Leningrad Geological Expedition. After three years of fruitful work, he entered the theological seminary, and upon graduation, entered the Theological Academy of the city of Leningrad.

In 1969, Vladimir was tonsured a monk and named Kirill. A year later, he graduated from the academy with honors, having a candidate's degree in theology. In 1971, Hieromonk Kirill was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. A great achievement of his path was the appointment of Kirill as the representative of the Moscow Patriarch in Geneva, where the World Council of Churches is taking place. (more than a strange and dizzying career in 2 years from a simple monk to an archimandrite!!!)

One of the first scandals that arose with the mention of the name of Metropolitan Kirill was the case of the use of tax breaks on the import of alcohol and tobacco products in the early 90s. Novaya Gazeta published an article that spoke of the Metropolitan’s personal interest in transactions for the import of excisable goods. However absolute majority religious leaders said that this was nothing more than a provocation; a planned campaign that aims to tarnish the name of an honest man.

Metropolitan Kirill was also accused of having connections with the KGB. In 2003, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin received a letter that directly stated that Kirill was a KGB agent. The author of the letter was a priest of the Moscow Helsinki Group, but his provocation did not bring any results.

In 2012, a new scandal arose with the name of Patriarch Kirill related to the apartment he owned. His second cousin, registered with the Patriarch, sued her neighbor because, according to her, construction dust from his apartment contained harmful substances and was hazardous to health. The total amount of damage was about 20 million rubles. The Patriarch himself, in response to thorny questions about the vow of non-covetousness replied that he personally had nothing to do with his sister’s lawsuit. He considers all the noise raised on this issue aimed at undermining his authority and humiliating the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole.

In the church there are very strict canons and laws, to violate which means to place yourself both outside the church and outside Christ.

However, these canons are very calmly violated by the last two “patriarchs”, both the departed Ridiger and the scandalous and odious Gundyaev.

The Orthodox shrug their shoulders, but..... remain silent.

Only recently did part of the priesthood come out against ecumenism, which has been developing in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 60s.

Few people know that Gundyaev’s spiritual teacher was the blue Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov), ​​who died as an ardent heretic at the feet of the Pope.
This is the same Nicodemus to whom one saint predicted during his lifetime: “You will die like a dog at the feet of the Pope.”
This is what it is now - the “Russian Church”.......

Not long ago, Izhevsk priests spoke out against the ecumenists (only against the ecumenists).

Gundyaev and his clique “excommunicated” them, and just like in the USSR, this entire flock of the false patriarch rallied around their “great master” the heretic Gundyaev and began barking in unison, drooling, red eyes lit up, claws and tails with teeth in their robes vigorously. scratched the ground.
There is a strong smell of sulfur, feces and smoke.
The heirs of communism became enraged en masse.

This whole pack of post-communist dogs felt that their thrones were shaking under them, that they were threatening to lose huge money to rich false bishops and priests in the MP.
The Mercedes and Bentleys in the palaces of these monks lurk in horror.

These are not poor rural priests from some unknown Udmurtia.
The well-fed does not understand the hungry - Moscow has its own problems, jamon, parmesan, moth in fur storage, small pearls, risotto and kohlrabi with Roquefort are not the same.....

Blessed are those who were exiled for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven - so said the Lord Himself.

If we look at other mortal sins of Gundyaev and others like him, then we will see that the Russian Orthodox Church not in the country for a long time.

It’s not a wonder - what kind of Russian church can there be under the foreign regime of Putin’s foreigners in the Kremlin!

Gundyaev accepts a golden apple from the hands of a New York rabbi

Rules of St. Apostle

62. If anyone from the clergy, fearing a man, a Jew, or a Greek, or a heretic, renounces the name of Christ: let him be rejected from the church.

65. If anyone from the clergy or layman enters a Jewish or heretical synagogue to pray: let him be expelled from the sacred rank and excommunicated from church communion.

70. If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, or in general from the list of clergy, fasts with the Jews, or celebrates with them, or accepts from them the gifts of their holidays, such as unleavened bread or something similar: let him be cast out. If he is a layman, let him be excommunicated.

Gundyaev in the Moscow synagogue

Saint Anthony the Great (+358): " The time will come, my children, when the monks leave the deserts and flow instead into rich cities, where instead of these deserted caves and cramped cells, proud buildings will be erected that can compete with the chambers of kings; instead of poverty, the love of collecting wealth will increase; humility will be replaced by pride; many will be proud of knowledge, but naked, alien to good deeds corresponding to knowledge; love will grow cold; instead of abstinence, gluttony will increase, and many of them will care about luxurious dishes no less than the laity themselves, from whom the monks will not differ in anything other than their attire and headpiece, and, despite the fact that they will live among the laity, they will call themselves solitaries . Moreover, they will magnify themselves, saying: I am Pavlov, I am Apollosov, as if the whole strength of their monasticism lies in the dignity of their predecessors; they will be magnified by their fathers, as the Jews were by their father Abraham. But at that time there will also be those who will turn out to be much better and more perfect than us; for more blessed is he who could have transgressed and did not transgress, and did evil and did not do it, than he who was attracted to good by the mass of zealots striving for it.”

Saint Niphon of Constantinople (XV century): “In the last time, those who will truly serve God will safely hide themselves from people and will not perform signs and wonders among them, as at the present time, but will follow the path of work, dissolved in humility, and in the Kingdom There will be more Fathers in heaven, glorified by signs. My son! Until the end of the century the saints will not be destitute! But in recent years they will hide from people and will please God in such humility that they will appear in the Kingdom of Heaven higher than the first miraculous fathers. And such a reward will be for them because in those days there will be no one before their eyes who would work miracles, and people themselves will accept the zeal and fear of God in their hearts, for at that time the rank of bishop will not be skillful and will not become to love wisdom and reason, but will only care about self-interest. Monks will be like them from the possession of large estates; from vain glory their spiritual eyes will be darkened, and they will despise those who love God with all their hearts; the love of money will reign in them with all its strength. But woe to the monks who love gold: they will not see the Face of God! Monks and Belets, who give gold at interest, if they do not quickly stop this evil, will be called covetous here too, and their prayer will not be accepted, and fasting without benefit, and offering sacrifices to God, and alms - everything will be counted against them as abomination and defilement. They will walk along the broad path... But I don’t want to talk much about them. For I myself, from youth to old age, did not care about my salvation. Know then that all evil will increase from ignorance of the Scriptures.”

"The bishop must be blameless, as God's steward, not impudent, not angry, not a drunkard, not a killer, not a covetous man, but hospitable (hospitable), loving goodness, chaste, just, godly, self-controlled, holding the true word according to doctrine, so that he may be strong and instruct in sound doctrine and those who oppose denounce. For there are many who are disobedient, idle talkers and deceivers, especially from circumcised ones, which should stop their mouths: they corrupt entire houses, teaching what should not be done out of shameful self-interest. Among them, one poet said: “The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy bellies.” This testimony is true. For this reason, rebuke them strictly, so that they may be sound in the faith, not heeding Jewish fables and the decrees of people who turn away from the truth. To the pure all things are pure; A For the defiled and unfaithful there is nothing pure, but their mind and conscience are defiled. They say that they know God, but deny by deeds, being vile and disobedient and incapable of any good deed". (Epistle of St. Paul to Titus. 1: 7-16).

This, as you already understand, is a fragment of the BIBLE, where the Apostle Paul, a follower of Jesus Christ, talks about JEWS, speaking of them as "disobedient, idle talkers and deceivers", which "you need to stop your mouth" , because they “they corrupt entire houses, teaching what they should not, out of shameful self-interest.”

Paul admonished all who received the WORD of Christ to be SOUND in the faith without heeding Jewish fables, because for them, Jews, “nothing is pure, but their mind and conscience are defiled.”

If someone doesn't know or doesn't understand who they are JEWS, I explain: Jews(in common parlance - Jews) these are Jews And their leaders, which “they say that they know God, but deny by deeds, being vile and disobedient, and incapable of any good deed..." It was about them that the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah said: “This is because My people are stupid, they do not know Me: they are foolish children, and they have no sense; they are clever in evil, but do not know how to do good.”(Jer. 4:22). Brazenly declaring to everyone that they are “God’s chosen people,” the Jews do everything against God, against Christ and, accordingly, against Christians. That is why Christ the Savior said to them: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44). He also taught people this wisdom: "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:16).

What kind of things do they generate? fruit, should be clear to everyone: Jews they sow death everywhere, gradually incite discord between peoples, organize revolutions, thereby trying to gain at any cost power over the world. They sought in every possible way the death of Christ, of which there is plenty of evidence in the Bible. In the end Jews achieved their goal - Christ was crucified on the cross. And now instrument of death- crucifix - became a symbol modern Christianity.

What if the Jews HANGED Christ, then the symbol of modern Christianity would become GALLOWS? And instead of a cross with the crucified Jesus, would Christians wear something like the one shown in the picture below?

Don't think that I'm blasphemous! At home in Israel Jews They are spreading the rumor that Christ was not crucified, but rather hanged!

I was recently sent a book published in Jerusalem, which is called "The Story of the Hanged Man or the Story of Yeshu of Nazarth".

Its translation from Hebrew was made by P. GIL. Here is the imprint of the book: "PROGRESS Publishing House, JERUSALEM * 5746 (1985), 1985 Copyright by PROGRESS Publishers, PROGRESS Publishers P.O.B. 6608, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, ISBN 965 -293 -007-5.

What struck me most was the preface from the translator. Here it is.

IN "Stories of the Hanged Man" collected legends about Yeshu (Jesus Christ) and the first Christians contained in the Talmud and midrashim. This small book was compiled many centuries ago. Renowned researcher of ancient and medieval Jewish Literature Dr. Shmuel Kraus in his book "Das Leben Jesu" (Berlin, 1902) suggests that "The Story of the Hanged Man" was written in Aramaic, probably as early as the 5th century AD, but in any case no later than the 11th century . Later, obviously, in the 11th-12th centuries, during the time of Rashi and Rambam, when the Aramaic language ceased to be spoken language a significant part of the Jewish people, the book was translated into Hebrew.

At that time, Jews in Spain, France, Italy, and Germany began to be subjected to severe persecution by the Christian rulers of these countries. "The Story of the Hanged Man" enjoyed great popularity among the broadest Jewish masses. There is reason to believe that at this time additional traditions from the Talmud were included in the "Tale of the Hanged Man", as well as individual elements of what can be called Jewish folk art.

Since Yeshu presented in this book in a very unattractive light, it is clear that the scribes and readers of “The Story of the Hanged Man” tried not to give it too much publicity; in any case, they made efforts to so that it does not fall into the hands of Christians. However, in 1681, a German named Wagenseil published a Latin translation of the History, calling it Tela ignae Satanae. Later translations of "The Story of the Hanged Man" were published into many other languages. This translation was made from the Hebrew text published in the book “Otsar Vikuhim” (“Collection of Disputes”), published in the late 20s in New York by I.-D. Eisenstein.

The Jewish sages did not consider The Story of the Hanged Man to be a sufficiently authoritative source. The reason for this attitude was, in particular, that some of the stories given in this book are either completely absent in Talmudic literature or differ significantly from what is said in the Talmud about Yeshu. On the other hand, many of the statements contained in “The Story of the Hanged Man” - and sometimes the most unexpected at first glance - are confirmed by completely authoritative sources. So, for example, Rashi, in his commentary on the Talmud, writes, referring to “The Story of the Hanged Man,” that the apostles were sent by Jewish sages to Christians in order to encourage them to finally separate from the Jews. In general, we can say that despite differences in details, the Talmudic sources and “The Story of the Hanged Man” are united in their attitude towards Yeshu and Christianity.

The Jewish people have always - from the moment of the emergence of Christianity to this day - treated this religion with the deepest contempt, viewing Christian dogma as a heap nonsense And absurdities, and Christian morality - as lying And hypocritical. The Jews tried not to even mention the name of the founder of this religion, except in those cases when Christians forced them to conduct theological disputes with them. The Jews did not see any danger for themselves in Christian ideology. If, for example, in the teaching of the so-called. Tzdukim (Sadducees) Talmud saw a serious threat to the very foundations of Jewish doctrine, then the claims of Yeshu and his followers caused only a contemptuous grin. Illiterate and ridiculously naive interpretations of the Tanakh (Bible) by Christians could not, of course, be taken seriously by Jews familiar with the true meaning of the texts of the holy books. Neither the Christian faith nor the Christian way of life attracted Jews. On the contrary, the unbridled morals of Christian peoples, their cruelty and bloodthirstiness, their attitude towards Jews aroused only disgust and fear in our ancestors. Christianity could not offer any lofty ideas, great thoughts, or anything spiritual to the Jewish people, with whom the Almighty Himself concluded an indissoluble union in Sinai.

However, being for many centuries among the peoples who blasphemously declared Yesha a “god-man” or even simply a “god,” the Jews were still forced to have some idea of ​​both the life and work of this man, and the foundations of Christian doctrine. And we must assume that they had such an idea: they could not help but hear stories about miracles that Yeshu allegedly performed about the persecution to which the Jews subjected him, etc. But they heard all these stories from Christians, whom they had no reason to believe, and, obviously, they had a need to learn about the same events from their own, Jewish sources.

That such a need really existed is eloquently evidenced by the fact that several dozen versions of “The Story of the Hanged Man” have survived to this day.

It should be noted that the life path of Yeshu and the history of the emergence of Christianity in the description of the author (or authors) of “The Story of the Hanged Man” differ significantly from what is stated in the gospels and other Christian literature. This is not surprising: the author of “The Story of the Hanged Man” hardly considered it necessary to study the Gospels.

It is likely that “The Story of the Hanged Man” contains historical inaccuracies, distortions, etc. But we can safely say that this small pamphlet book (occupying, of course, its much more modest place compared to the deep, unshakable faith in the Almighty and His Torah) helped the Jew in Christian Europe to maintain spiritual balance and withstand the onslaught of Christian propaganda, often accompanied by persecution, the cruelty of which exceeded anything that the human imagination can imagine.

This translation of “The Story of the Hanged Man” is intended primarily for those Russian-speaking Jews who, we regret to state this fact, are, as a rule, completely unfamiliar with the great spiritual values ​​of Judaism, with the foundations of the faith and culture of their people, but often They treat Christianity and the European culture closely connected with it with respect (even if unconscious, subconscious). It seems that our readers will be interested to know how their ancestors treated Yeshu and the religion he founded. Pinchas Gil

This book is freely available on the Internet. Anyone can read it.

For me personally, who considers the WORD of Christ and his educational feat to be the ideal of morality, and his philosophy to be the source of the deepest wisdom, reading these words was tantamount to receiving a slap in the face. And when next I saw and heard on TV on the all-Russian channel "TV Center" interview Berl Lazara, Chief Rabbi of Russia, was completely speechless for some time. It turns out that everything is so, Jews consider Christ an impostor who came to them one day as a troublemaker, nothing more.

This is the interview. The conversation with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar was conducted by Russian TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov.

Dibrov: “The main book of Judaism is the Torah. We, for example, in Orthodoxy believe that there is a book in the world, the Bible, and it is equally valid for everyone. And we see in the Bible the Old Testament and “ New Testament"Where is the place of the Torah here?

Lazar: The “Old Testament” is the “Torah”. There is the “Pentateuch of Moses” - this is the “Torah”, then there are 24 more books: “Prophets”, “Scriptures”, “Psalms of David”, “Song of Songs” and so on.

Dibrov: Do you recognize the “New Testament”?

Lazar: No!

Third participant in the discussion: “Hmm! There is an opinion that Jesus took a creative approach, rethinking the Torah, and created a new teaching, developed it, and this, as it were, became a continuation of the Torah. How do you feel about it?

Lazar: There is such an opinion. In fact, it is negative for Jews! Why? Because it is written in the Torah that the Torah will never be changed. And it is impossible to change the word, the law, even for the wisest person in the world! Imagine that all the rabbis got together and decided that something small needs to be changed in the Torah. Just one letter that was probably written incorrectly. Then the whole Torah is already wrong! If the Torah is from God, and we received it as divine knowledge, then man has no right to change anything! Therefore, the “Torah” can only be commented on, but cannot be changed!

A reasonable question arises: What are these Yids doing in Russia, which more than 1000 years ago accepted CHRISTIANITY as the state-forming religion? The second state-forming religion in Russia is ISLAM, which recognizes Christ as a prophet equal to Muhammad. JUDAISM has always been recognized in Russia why in all centuries the Jews were expelled from the Russian Empire according to the decrees of sovereigns.

Another reasonable question arises: why on earth has it been 11 years in a row? JEWS celebrate their religious holiday? And not just any other, but an analogue of our Victory Day - Hanukkah?!

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday founded in honor of military victory of the Jews, committed in 165 BC. over King Antiochus of Greek origin from Syria.. At the same time, Hanukkah is a celebration of the miracle that occurred with the Jewish ritual lamp during this victory. “Hanukkah is a celebration of that [miracle] when the Greeks entered the Sanctuary and desecrated all the oil, and then when the Hasmonean house defeated them, and they were looking for oil to light the Menorah (temple lamp), and they found only one jug, and there was oil in it only for one day, then a miracle happened, and the oil burned for all eight days [needed to prepare a new one]. And the next year they made these days holidays and established reading for them prayers of thanksgiving and Psalms praising God" (Talmud, Shabbat 21a). .

Thus, it turns out that on December 4, the JEWS annually celebrate their VICTORY DAY in the Moscow Kremlin with lit menorah lamps!

They defeated us??? Jews celebrate their victory over Christians and Muslims???

Who then is the Patriarch of All Rus', the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, for all Russian citizens ?

Another Judas?

It turns out, yes, Judas!

I answer: if we talk about symbolism, then a lighted candle best corresponds to the philosophy of Christ. "Light the light - and the darkness itself will recede!" - said the Savior. So let's stop there. The cross can also be left, but without the crucified Jesus on it. For many peoples in the past the cross was a symbol of the Sun and, accordingly, it was symbol of life. With the crucifixion of Christ on it, it began to symbolize DEATH. Who changed the meaning and meaning of the cross as a symbol to the diametrically opposite one? Guess for yourself.

Patriarch Kirill is a well-known personality modern Russia, whose abundant activity commands respect throughout the world. In addition to his main responsibilities, the head of the Orthodox Church contributes to the development of Russia, delves deeply into the country’s foreign policy activities and leads an active charity program.

Patriarch Kirill (in the world Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) was born in the cultural capital of Russia on November 20, 1946 in the family of a priest. The father of the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' was ordained a priest of the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God at the time of his son’s birth, and his mother Raisa Kuchina worked as a German language teacher at a local school. Vladimir Mikhailovich was the middle child in the family; he has an older brother, Nikolai, and a younger sister, Elena, whose activities are also closely related to religion.

Patriarch Kirill's childhood passed like that of ordinary children - he completed eight classes of secondary school, after which he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and upon graduation, the Theological Academy. In 1969, he was tonsured a monk, where he was given the name Kirill.

In 1970, the future head of the Orthodox Church graduated with honors from the Theological Academy and received a candidate's degree in theology. From that moment, the church activity of the priest began, who reached the religious pinnacle and became the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' in history to be born in the Soviet Union.


The religious activity of Patriarch Kirill developed rapidly from its very beginnings. During the first year after graduating from the theological academy and taking monastic vows, the priest was elevated to the highest rank several times, and was also appointed as a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate at the Geneva World Council of Churches. Three years later, he was appointed to the post of rector of the Theological Seminary and Academy of Leningrad and headed the diocesan council of the Leningrad Metropolis.

In March 1976, Father Kirill received ordination to the rank of bishop and became a member of the commission on inter-church relations and Christian unity in the Synod. In 1977, the Bishop of Vyborg was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and a year later he already ruled the patriarchal parishes in Finland. In 1978, Archbishop Kirill became deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations and began teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy.

In 1984, the future head of the Orthodox Church was appointed Archbishop of Vyazemsk and Smolensk, and in 1986 he became the manager of Orthodox parishes in the Kaliningrad region. Having demonstrated remarkable hard work and a desire to serve God, Patriarch Kirill in 1989 was appointed a permanent member of the Synod, where he actively participated in the development of laws on religion and religious freedoms. In February 1991, Archbishop Kirill was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.

During the period of the collapse of the USSR and political upheavals in Russia, he took a clear peacekeeping position, which earned him trust and respect among the population. At the same time, the Metropolitan made a significant contribution to the preservation and strengthening of peace, for which he was awarded the honorary Loviya Prize three times.

In the mid-90s, the Moscow Patriarchate significantly showed its political activity, and the future head of the Orthodox Church became a kind of “prime minister of the Russian church.” Thanks to him, the Russian Orthodox Church was reunited with parishes abroad, and relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican were stabilized.


Metropolitan Kirill came to the patriarchal throne thanks to his active social and political activity. Since 1995, he has carried out fruitful work with the government of the Russian Federation and widely covered spiritual and educational issues on television in the “Word of the Shepherd” program. Then he managed to create the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church in the field of church-state relations, and already in 2000 the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church were adopted.

In 2008, after the death of Alexy II, Metropolitan Kirill became the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, who in 2009 was elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' in a local vote, gaining 507 votes and 677 possible. Metropolitan Kirill's enthronement took place on February 1, 2009. The ceremony was attended by top officials political elite countries, namely the then current President of Russia and his wife, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the wife of the ex-president of the country and the head of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. The Russian leadership then expressed hope for further cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the state.

Patriarch Kirill still bears the patriarchal cross. He regularly makes visits abroad, where he is considered a person of fundamental knowledge, broad erudition and high intelligence. His meetings with Western religious figures significantly strengthened the position of the Russian Orthodox Church and expanded the boundaries of cooperation between Russia and foreign countries.


Despite opinion polls confirming that Patriarch Kirill is supported by about 99% of the population, he has repeatedly become involved in high-profile scandals that are widely discussed in society. He was criticized for his involvement in organizing the import of tobacco and alcoholic products to Russia and illegal use of tax benefits. Then the majority of religious leaders called this action a provocation of the head of the Orthodox Church and an intention to tarnish the name of a religious person.

After this, they tried to convict the clergyman of material weaknesses, to which, according to church laws, he has no right. Foreign media “calculated” that Patriarch Kirill’s fortune reached $4 billion. At the same time, the possessions of the head of the Patriarchate included an expensive penthouse, a gold Breguet watch worth 30 thousand euros, yachts, planes and expensive cars.

Patriarch Kirill made categorical denials of all the scandals associated with his person and stated that the funds of the Moscow Patriarchate are used for the intended purpose and go to the development of churches and charity. The head of the Orthodox Church considers all such statements to be attempts to humiliate and undermine his authority in the Russian Orthodox Church, and calls on people who “criticize the church” to spiritual healing.

Personal life

The personal life of Patriarch Kirill consists of serving people and God. According to church laws, he is not allowed to have a secular family. The children of Patriarch Kirill are his large flock. The head of the Orthodox Church devotes Special attention charity and care for children deprived of parental care.

In addition, he deeply delves into the political processes of Russia, is active in foreign policy and boldly expresses his opinion, even if it runs counter to the ideology of the political elite of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and educational activities occupy a special place in the life of Patriarch Kirill. He is the author of a number of books and articles on history christian church and Orthodox unity. In addition, he is an honorary member of Russian and foreign theological academies and is a member of the Commission for State Prizes in the field of literature.


Paternal line Patriarch Mordvin, (surname Gundyaev from the old Mordovian name Gundyay). Grandfather - Vasily Gundyaev– priest - went through 47 prisons and 7 exiles, spent almost 30 years in prison. He served time, including in Solovki. He went to prison because he fought against the renovationism of the church, which at one time was inspired by the Cheka.

Father is a priest Mikhail Vasilievich Gundyaev(January 18, 1907 – October 13, 1974). Graduated from Higher Theological Courses in Leningrad; Served for two years in the Red Army, graduated from the Mechanical College in 1933, and entered the Leningrad Industrial Institute. But he did not finish it - he was accused of political disloyalty, arrested and sentenced to 3 years. Served time for Kolyma.

After the war, on March 9, 1947, he was ordained a deacon, and on March 16 of the same year - a priest by Metropolitan Grigory (Chukov) of Leningrad, and assigned to the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God on Vasilievsky Island.

In 1951 he was transferred to the Transfiguration Cathedral, where he served as assistant rector. In 1960 he was transferred to the rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church in Krasnoe Selo; then Seraphim Church, in 1972 - became rector of the St. Nicholas Church on Bolshaya Okhta.

Mother - Raisa Vladimirovna Gundyaeva(November 7, 1909 – November 2, 1984); maiden Kuchina, taught German At school.

Elder brother - archpriest Nikolay Gundyaev- worked as rector St. Petersburg Theological Academy, professor, rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

The younger sister Elena works as the director of an Orthodox gymnasium.


Born on November 20, 1946 in Leningrad. While still a schoolboy, he worked in the Leningrad complex geological expedition of the North-Western Geological Directorate, from 1962 to 1965 - as a cartographic technician.

In 1965 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, then the Leningrad Theological Academy.

On April 3, 1969, Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod was tonsured a monk with the name Kirill. That same year, on April 7, he was ordained a hierodeacon, and on June 1, a hieromonk.

In 1970 he graduated with honors Leningrad Theological Academy, received a candidate's degree in theology (dissertation on the topic "Formation and development church hierarchy and the teaching of the Orthodox Church about its gracious character"). He remained at the Academy as a professorial fellow, teacher of dogmatic theology and assistant inspector.

From August 30, 1970, he served as personal secretary to the Metropolitan of Leningrad Nicodemus (Rotova).

On September 12, 1971, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. In the same year he became a representative of the Moscow Patriarchate under World Council of Churches in Geneva.

At the age of 28 (December 26, 1974) he was appointed rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary. He organized a special regency class for girls and introduced physical education lessons into the program.

In December 1975 he became a member of the Central Committee and the Executive Committee World Council of Churches, and since 1975 - a member of the “Faith and Order” commission of the World Council of Churches, and since March 3, 1976, a member of the Synodal Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-Church Relations.

On September 9, 1977, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and on October 12, 1978, he was appointed administrator of the patriarchal parishes in Finland. In the same year he was appointed chairman of the Department of External Church Relations.

Since 1983 - taught in graduate school at Moscow Theological Academy.

Since December 26, 1984 - Archbishop of Smolensk and Vyazemsky. The transfer to a provincial see was due to the refusal to vote in 1980 for the resolution of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, which condemned the introduction Soviet troops to Afghanistan, as well as other anti-religious motives of the USSR authorities.

In April 1989 he became “Archbishop of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.”

On November 14, 1989 he became Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations Moscow Patriarchate, permanent member Holy Synod.

Since 1990 - appointed chairman of the Holy Synod commission for the revival of religious and moral education and charity, member of the Synodal Biblical Commission.

Since 1993 - co-chairman, since 1995 - deputy head of the World Russian People's Council. Since 1994, Honorary President of the World Conference "Religion and Peace". Since February 26, 1994 - member of the Synodal Theological Commission.

Since 1994, he became the host of the spiritual and educational program “The Word of the Shepherd” on Channel One.

In 1995-2000, he headed the Synodal working group to develop the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church on issues of church-state relations and problems of modern society.

On December 6, 2008, the day after the death of Patriarch Alexy II, at a meeting of the Holy Synod, Kirill was elected Patriarchal Locum Tenens by secret ballot.

On December 10, 2008, he became chairman of the commission created by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation Bishop's And Local Councils(scheduled for the end of January 2009) of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On December 29, 2008, he told reporters that he was speaking " categorically against any reforms" in the church.

On December 30, 2008, at a meeting with students of the Sretensky Theological Seminary, he said that, in his opinion, the huge problem of church life before the revolution was that it was not possible to create a strong Orthodox intelligentsia, which he dreamed of Anthony Khrapovitsky(first hierarch of the ROCOR banned by the Moscow Patriarchate).

On January 27, 2009, at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was elected the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', gaining 508 votes out of 677 (75%).

On February 1, 2009, Metropolitan Kirill was enthroned to the patriarchal rank in Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On March 11, 2009, during a trip around the country, he said that the main criterion in assessing the activities of the Church should be the moral state of society, and not the occupancy of churches.

On April 16, 2009, on Maundy Thursday, he committed rite of washing feet- "for the first time in modern history."

April 29, 2009, during a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, said: " For the Russian Orthodox Church, Kyiv is our Constantinople with its Hagia Sophia; it is the spiritual center and southern capital of Russian Orthodoxy".

On July 4-6, 2009, he made his first official foreign visit as Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church - Istanbul (Patriarchate of Constantinople). Based on the results of his negotiations with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, they started talking about the thawing of traditionally tense relations between the two patriarchates. The Patriarch also met with the head of the Office of Religious Affairs under the Turkish government.

In 2011, he made 21 archpastoral visits to 19 dioceses of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

According to the results of a sociological survey conducted at the end of June 2012 by VTsIOM, 46% of respondents treated the Patriarch with respect, 27% aroused hope, trust - 19%, sympathy - 17% of respondents; causes distrust in 4% of respondents, disappointment in 2%, indifference in 13%, antipathy in 1% of survey participants, 1% condemn it or perceive it with skepticism.

In August 2012, information appeared that the Patriarch for the first time in history became a user social network Facebook with the account PatriarhKirill. However, back in May 2012, deacon Alexander Volkov- the deputy head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate noted that “this is not the personal page of Patriarch Kirill, but one of the official information resources of the Moscow Patriarchate,” and clarified that “ the resource will not be a source of direct communication with His Holiness the Patriarch".

In September 2012, at the invitation of the Primate Polish Orthodox Church Archbishop Sava of Warsaw made an official visit to Catholic Poland, where he met with both representatives of the Orthodox churches and the Catholic clergy. This visit was not only ecclesiastical, but also political; this trip was an important step towards improving relations with the Holy See. These actions caused a positive response in Vatican.

From June 1 to June 7, 2013, the Patriarch was on his first official visit to Greece, where he met with the Pontic Greeks. Visited from 8 to 9 September Transnistria.

On November 11, 2014, the XVIII century opened in the Moscow Cathedral World Russian People's Council under the sign "Unity of history, unity of the people, unity of Russia."

Patriarch Kirill, speaking to those gathered, said: " 2014 opened a new chapter in world history- dramatic. Those who consider themselves winners cold war, inspire everyone that the path of development they define is correct and, moreover, the only possible one for humanity. By dominating the information space, they impose their understanding of economics and government structure, tend to suppress the determination to defend values ​​and ideals that are different from their values ​​and ideals associated with the idea of ​​​​a consumer society. The Russian people are the most important subject of national relations in Russia and their national interests should not be ignored, but should be taken into account with maximum attention in order to achieve harmony with the interests of other national communities".

And in conclusion, the Patriarch addressed the elites: " It is necessary for us to realize at all levels that the interests of the Russian people should not be ignored, but taken into account as much as possible. So that the elites understand that genuine Russian self-awareness does not threaten the integrity of Russia and the interethnic world, but, on the contrary, acts as a guarantor of the unity of the country", concluded the Patriarch.

Social activity

Since January 13, 1995 - member of the Public Council under the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of resolving the situation in Chechen Republic.

Since May 24, 1995 - member of the presidium of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

From August 2, 1995 to May 28, 2009 - member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since February 19, 1996, member of the board of the Russian State Maritime Historical and Cultural Center (Maritime Center).

Since December 4, 1998 - member of the Russian organizing committee on preparation for the meeting of the third millennium and the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity.

Since October 10, 2005 - member of the organizing committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the People's Republic of China and Years of the People's Republic of China In Russian federation.

Since September 1, 2007 - member of the organizing committee for the Year of the Russian Federation in the Republic of India and the Year of the Republic India In Russian federation.

Scandals, rumors

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, newspaper journalist "Moscow's comsomolets" Sergei Bychkov accused Metropolitan Kirill of using tax breaks for the import of alcohol (church wine) and tobacco products provided by the government in the early 1990s.

According to the newspaper, the Nika financial and trading group was engaged in the import of tobacco products, the vice-president of which was Archpriest Vladimir Veriga- Commercial Director of the Department of External Church Relations, headed by Kirill. Journalist Sergei Bychkov published a number of articles about this commercial activity.

At that time, Metropolitan Kirill, recognizing the fact of import transactions on behalf of the DECR, repeatedly denied accusations of personal interest; he called such publications “a very specific political order,” and “not newspapers, but one newspaper” wrote about it.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Russia to investigate the causes and circumstances State Emergency Committee from the sources provided to her concluded that the authorities KGB In the USSR, church bodies were used for their own purposes by recruiting and sending KGB agents into them.

That is, some of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church were agents KGB. Based on a comparison of the known foreign trips of agent “Mikhailov” and Vladika Kirill, the commission formed an opinion about the identity of Vladika Kirill and agent “Mikhailov”. In 2003, member Moscow Helsinki Group priest Yuri Edelstein sent a letter to the President of Russia V.V. Putin, where he also accused Metropolitan Kirill of having connections with the KGB.

In 2005, Kirill supported the position of the Moscow mayor on a ban on holding a parade of sexual minorities in the city. In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine in January 2008, he also confirmed his unconditional condemnation of homosexuality, but spoke out against the persecution of persons of homosexual orientation ( they have the right to live the way they think is right).

Patriarch's visit to Ukraine by invitation Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church(July 27 - August 5, 2009) was accompanied by local unrest in Kyiv, as well as protest actions by Ukrainian non-canonical church jurisdictions.

Speaking on July 29 at Kiev-Pechersk Lavra At a meeting with clergy, laity, teachers and students of the Kyiv Theological Academy, the Patriarch criticized " influence on Western Christian theology of the ideas of the Enlightenment and the philosophical ideas of liberalism".

On August 5, the final day of the visit, Kirill said that he was not against spending six months in Moscow, six months in Kyiv, and “would be ready to accept Ukrainian citizenship.” The next day the business manager UOC archbishop Mitrofan(Yurchuk) insisted that the latter statement was a humorous response.

In September of the same year, following the results of the Patriarch’s visit, the Argumenty Nedeli newspaper reported that “a certain circle of so-called security officials” did not like some of the Patriarch’s political actions, in particular, during his visit to Ukraine.

On September 25, 2009, while on a visit to Belarus, during a meeting with the President Alexander Lukashenko, The Patriarch said: " The Church is always ready to support the strengthening and development of the union of fraternal states and to assist in the dialogue between the Belarusian leadership and the Russian authorities".

Addressing the people from the porch of the All Saints Church under construction in Minsk, he said that he recognizes himself " as the Patriarch of the people who emerged from the Kyiv baptismal font"Apparently he meant that the Moscow Patriarchate does not intend to conform the limits of its local church jurisdiction with the new state borders that arose after the collapse of the USSR.

Kirill with this statement questioned the “reality” of the sovereignty of many states: “ there are many countries in the world that consider themselves sovereign, but which are not able to act, including in the international arena, in full accordance with their national interests"This statement had a great negative resonance.

On February 25, 2010, on the day the fourth President of Ukraine took office, together with Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan), he addressed the new head of state - for the first time in the history of Ukraine.

The Patriarch's participation in the event in connection with the inauguration of the president of a foreign state (the first such act in the history of the Moscow Patriarchate) caused criticism from a number of Ukrainian politicians. Portal-Credo.Ru has disseminated officially unconfirmed information that the Moscow Patriarchate is considering the possibility of Patriarch Kirill replacing the Kyiv See along with the Moscow See after the departure of Metropolitan Vladimir.

At Christmas 2012, Patriarch Kirill called on the authorities to listen to popular protests and adjust the political course, emphasizing that in terms of the development of democracy in Russia, almost nothing has changed since Soviet power or has changed only for the worse, since the lower level of power, which is in close contact with the people, causes persistent rejection among the people. But at the same time, he called on people “not to succumb to provocations,” “to be able to express disagreement,” and “not to destroy the country.”

At the beginning of 2012, a loud scandal arose around a court case for compensation for damage to an apartment belonging to the Patriarch, in which the defendant was a resident of the neighborhood Yuri Shevchenko. According to the position of the plaintiff, registered and living in the patriarchal apartment Lidia Leonova and a court decision, based on an examination carried out by experts from the Institute of Social Sciences, dust from renovations in Shevchenko’s apartment contained components hazardous to health, including nanoparticles, and caused damage to the Patriarch’s apartment, furniture and book collection.

The amount of the claim was about 19.7 million rubles. Such large sum The lawsuit and Leonova's unclear status sparked numerous critical articles in the media and discussion in the blogosphere. In a conversation with a journalist, the Patriarch explained that he has nothing to do with the lawsuit filed by his second cousin Leonova, registered in his apartment.

At the same time, Kirill claimed that the money that ex-Minister of Health Shevchenko paid Leonova according to the lawsuit would be used to clean the library and charity.

In 2011 on its pages "New Newspaper" reported that the protection of the Patriarch is carried out by employees Federal service security ( FSO), despite the fact that the Patriarch is not a civil servant. In December 2011, a special amendment was made to the federal law “On Protection”. In accordance with it, taxpayers now pay not only for the security of officials, but also for “other persons.” The state included the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church among these “other persons,” providing him with security due to the allegedly large number of threats received against Kirill from “militant atheists.”

The fact that the Patriarch has state security was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by the head of the Patriarch’s press service, Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky, who emphasized that “this decision was made by President Yeltsin.” However, Patriarch Alexy was guarded much more modestly, according to scheme number three - “just our car plus accompanying employees.” Now the protection of the Patriarch is carried out according to the “presidential scheme”. This scheme includes “work along the route, at the place of stay, at departure. Plus escort. In total, more than 300 employees are involved in the protection of the Patriarch,” a source in the FSO press service clarified.

In 2012, Patriarch Kirill at a meeting with the Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov once again “showed off” his Breguet watch for 20 thousand dollars. Servants of the press service of the Patriarchate erased the clock in Photoshop, but forgot about its reflection on the table. This fact has not escaped the attention of bloggers who as soon as possible made it news #1. Further, at the instigation of Patriarch Kirill himself, the story with the clock received an even more unexpected continuation. First, the Patriarch called the photo with Breguet a photoshop, and then unexpectedly recognized the watch as a “gift.”

In the same year, the Patriarch made an appeal not to ignore the action committed by the punk group Pussy Riot in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Largely thanks to the irreconcilable position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Patriarch personally, on August 17, 2012, 3 members of the group were sentenced under the article of hooliganism, condemning them to 2 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

In response to criticism in connection with this, as well as a number of scandalous cases, the Moscow Patriarchate, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and some politicians announced an organized campaign to discredit the Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church. On June 16, 2012, Patriarch Kirill himself, on the air of the “Word of the Shepherd” program on Channel One, called people “who criticize the church” “demanding spiritual healing.”

year 2014. Another scandal broke out in connection with Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations on his victory in the presidential elections in Ukraine. Moreover, Kirill did this earlier than the President of the Russian Federation.

"Together with many people, I hope that the powers that are in your hands today will serve the good of the east, and the west, and the north, and the south of Ukraine", said Patriarch Kirill.

Many considered Poroshenko’s congratulations on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church as an insult to the residents of eastern Ukraine, against whom the war was waged, as well as an insult to the Russian people, against whom, thanks to the efforts of the new Ukrainian government, a propaganda war is being waged.

At the end of September 2015, the Public Network Movement, funded by Azimut costing about 680 thousand euros.
