To prevent dust from flying from the hammer drill. We drill a concrete ceiling without dust. Where does dust come from?

To an inexperienced master, such an assumption seems like a joke; in fact, drilling without inevitable debris is not excluded. They are probably afraid of the upcoming process because of the expected consequences, because later they have to spend a long time cleaning and washing the floors throughout the entire apartment, because the dust spreads quite quickly. We will talk about effective drilling methods that are suitable specifically for apartments and other houses. What is remarkable about these methods is that no annoying debris appears during the work, which means there will be less cleaning work.

Experienced builders are not afraid of work when it is necessary to drill a hole in the wall without dust and carefully. We will share our secrets with you. There are several such methods; unfortunately, the most common are four methods:

  • when using a vacuum cleaner;
  • through an envelope on the wall;
  • if there is a collar on the drill;
  • using a hammer drill with a vacuum dust collector.

The most common method for drilling a hole without dust is using a vacuum cleaner. No matter how strange the method may seem, alas, it actually works perfectly. The success of the process depends on the vacuum cleaner, the hose of which is brought directly to the drill. During operation, the vacuum cleaner that is turned on will pick up small construction waste. The only negative is the contamination of the unit itself.

If you need to make a hole on a vertical wall, then use a special paper device that is fixed masking tape to the wall, just below the intended hole. Construction waste will end up there and will not be sprayed around the apartment.

This option is used only when it is necessary to prepare a hole in the ceiling.

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We drill the ceiling with a hammer drill without dust! Lifehack!

  • You need to make a small collar or funnel from a sheet of paper;
  • Its size must be calculated in such a way that when drilling, the edges of the envelope touch the surface of the ceiling, but do not limit the movement of the drill;
  • Using ordinary tape, you need to secure the paper blank to the drill chuck, but keep in mind that the paper should not interfere with the operation of the drill. You should end up with a cone-shaped collar attached to the drill;
  • It remains to check the effectiveness of this method in reality. When drilling, all debris will fall into the funnel, which will prevent it from spreading throughout the room.

The method is considered the most modern and effective for drilling all surfaces. There is no need to worry about the spread of construction waste, because a vacuum dust collector does this better than other methods.

We hope that we were able to fully outline the methods for effectively drilling walls or ceilings without dust and debris. Naturally, the winner is really with an integrated vacuum dust collector, but in the absence of one, this will be done carefully, using exactly the tips given above.

Drilling concrete or brick is a simple matter. For this purpose, you will only need a drill with pobedit tips. Naturally, you need to be mentally attuned to noise and dust. If you put up with the noise, of course, then stained furniture, home appliances and carpets will not please anyone enough. There are two ways to combat dust: folk and progressive. First, we'll look at folk way, which, in fact, only works when drilling holes in the ceiling. How to drill concrete without dust? An ordinary cardboard funnel secured with it helps to fight it

How to drill a ceiling without dust. Glass for perforator

1. Cut out a blank from paper (see photo). There is no need to measure anything. What remains for our client to do is done without special equipment, using trial and error.

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2.4. Cut several strips of tape and stick one end to the edge of the table.

3. Take a drill, insert the drill into the chuck and wrap the paper around the chuck so that a funnel comes out. The lower part of the funnel will be below the cartridge, so that when it rotates it remains motionless. Tape the edges of the paper together.

4. Tape the funnel to the drill body. It’s easier to do this by using not one long strip of tape, but several small ones. It is necessary to glue the strips of tape overlapping, so that there are no gaps through which dust could spill out.

This ordinary device helps to collect some of the dust when drilling holes in the ceiling.

It is now necessary to consider more progressive method: drilling concrete using a hammer drill equipped with a vacuum dust collector.

It is clear that such a solution will cost more than a cardboard funnel, but in addition the result will be completely different. With such equipment, of course, there is no fear of dust, only in the ceiling, and in the walls, and in the floor.

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Tired of cleaning up dust and dirt after every drilled hole in your apartment? Thanks to our “life hacks” you will be able to drill holes without dust and debris!

In this article, we will offer several options that will help you drill a hole without dust.

It might seem like a simple device, but it really works. The point is simple: while drilling with a drill, you need to keep the vacuum cleaner hose turned on directly next to the hole( It's better to remove the nozzle).

As a result, all soap and debris from the hole will be sucked into the vacuum cleaner without polluting your apartment.

If you are doing a renovation and you need to drill a lot of holes, you can buy a special dust collector attachment for a drill, or make it yourself using improvised materials.

Envelope on the wall

If the hole is being drilled in a vertical wall, a great option would be to tape a paper envelope directly under the hole. In this case, all the dust from the hole will fall not onto the floor, but into this envelope. The envelope is made and attached to the wall using regular tape.

This is the simplest option. Such an envelope will not collect all the dust, but 80-90% will be retained on the envelope.

Envelope on a drill

This option is more suitable if the hole is drilled in the ceiling. It is enough to wrap the base of the drill with paper, thus creating something like a “bag” and secure it with tape.

Drilling concrete or brick is a simple matter. To do this, you only need a good impact drill and a drill bit with pobedit tips. Of course, you need to be mentally attuned to noise and dust. If you can put up with the noise, then dirty furniture, Appliances and carpets will make few people happy. There are two methods in the fight against dust: folk and progressive. Let's look first folk method, which frankly only works when drilling holes in the ceiling. How to drill concrete without dust? An ordinary paper funnel attached to a drill helps to combat it.

How to make a paper dust collector

Materials and tools

  • paper
  • scissors
  • scotch

How to drill concrete without dust using a dust collector

1. Cut out a blank from paper (see photo). There is no need to measure anything. Everything is done by eye, sometimes by trial and error.

2. Cut several strips of tape and stick one end to the edge of the table.

3. Take a drill, insert the drill into the chuck and wrap the paper around the chuck to make a funnel. The bottom of the funnel should be below the cartridge so that it remains stationary when it rotates. Tape the edges of the paper together.

4. Tape the funnel to the drill body. It’s easier to do this by using not one long strip of tape, but several short ones. You need to glue the strips of tape overlapping each other, so that there are no gaps through which dust could spill out.

This simple device will help you collect some of the dust when drilling holes in the ceiling.

Now let's look at a more progressive method: drilling concrete using a hammer drill equipped with a vacuum dust collector.

And if dust gets into the drill chuck, the chuck can jam so much that you can’t even reach the drill. In a good way, after 10-20 holes in the ceiling, which have to be made, for example, when attaching a frame suspended ceiling, the drill chuck should be washed with solvent or white spirit, and the hammer drill chuck should be cleaned of debris and old grease. I’m not a fan of washing or cleaning the chuck, so I always try to use a dust collector when I’m drilling a ceiling.

Unlike some other power tools, such as a sander or electric planer, dust collectors are not included in the kit of drills and rotary hammers, so you have to make a dust collector yourself. For the dust collector of a drill or hammer drill, almost anything in which you can make a hole for a drill is suitable. For example, you can cut a children's rubber ball with a diameter of 4-7 cm in half and get 2 dust collectors. But if children don’t run around with balls, then there must be housewives who always have some in stock plastic lids for mayonnaise jars, and if there is no such good thing, then you can always use the lid from polyurethane foam, during renovations, such covers usually appear in the apartment. And if things are really bad and there is nothing of the above in the apartment, then there will always be a plastic bottle and toilet paper in the house.

Since you don’t have to drill holes in the ceiling every day, sometimes it’s faster to make a new dust collector than to look for old ones in the debris of the tools. As an example, here is a video of drilling a ceiling:

IN in this case a polyurethane foam cover was used. A hole was made in the lid with a diameter 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the drill. The dust collector was then placed on the drill. The polyurethane foam covers have technological holes, and to prevent cement dust from falling through these cracks when drilling the ceiling, the space between the drill and the side walls of the cover is filled with napkins or toilet paper. To prevent dust from flying off the paper, it is advisable to moisten the paper; for this you can use a spray bottle, which the housewife uses to wet the laundry before ironing. If the length of the drill with the cap on is not enough to drill the hole to the required depth, then you can always make a dust collector required height using a stationery knife. How to make a dust collector from plastic bottle, you can find out by watching the following video:

However, not everyone is satisfied with such precautions; I came across customers who were still on duty with a vacuum cleaner, pointing it at the hammer drill, but in my opinion, this is unnecessary, although on the other hand, the customer’s desire is the law. That's basically it. Not all? What, noise? What noise? Ahhh, “no dust and noise”, this is an advertising gimmick, don’t believe it, when you drill reinforced concrete, there will always be noise. Although no, when the wife sees that there is practically no debris on the floor after drilling a hole in the ceiling, then there will be much less noise.

Anyone who has ever drilled holes in hard materials ( concrete slab, foam block, brick), knows that in the process of work, “flour” (and sometimes larger particles) is continuously formed, which sprinkles on surrounding objects, can get on clothes, in the eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, many methods have been invented to allow drilling without dust. Let's compare several of the most common options and decide which one is better.

Where does dust come from?

As a rule, hard materials are drilled with a hammer drill or impact drill. A drill, drill bit or other tool destroys the material and brings small particles to the surface. There is a special impeller inside the power tool. Rotating, it drives cold air towards the cartridge, cooling the engine and preventing the mechanism from clogging. However, the air flow disperses the dust to the sides, lifting it into the air.

Depending on the nature of the material, the dust will be more or less coarse. Homogeneity also differs: particles may have same size or form several factions.

The dust generated during drilling is hazardous to health. It can dust your eyes and get into your lungs when you breathe. To avoid such effects, it is necessary to wear a respirator, safety glasses and a hat when working.

Why fight dust?

Dust is undesirable for many reasons:

  • When dust enters the body, it causes health problems.
  • Particles of cement or brick flour, getting into the gears of mechanisms, can damage them.
  • When mixed with water, cement dust forms dirt that is difficult to wash off.

Therefore, it is customary for everyone to combat dust during repairs. available means. To protect eyes, hair and skin, the construction worker wears special clothing, safety glasses, a hat and respiratory protective equipment (respirator or gauze bandage). Furniture and other things that cannot be removed from the room during repairs are covered with newspapers or polyethylene.

Devices and power tools are produced in dust-proof cases. The index of protection against dust and water ingress (IPxx) will help you find out the degree of protection of the device from dust. If the device has the index IP5x or IP6x, it is not afraid of dust getting inside.

However, all these measures only reduce the damage. Devices that collect dust even as it forms can radically solve the problem.

How do professionals deal with dust?

Professional builders have in their arsenal special remedy to combat the resulting flour: an attachment on a drill or drill, to which a hose from a vacuum cleaner is connected. This addition to the hammer drill helps collect garbage very cleanly, but it has a number of disadvantages:

  • You have to spend money to purchase a nozzle. Such expenses are appropriate if you have to drill constantly. But if you occasionally have to drill one or two holes in the ceiling or wall, it is irrational to buy a special nozzle.
  • As a rule, using the nozzle requires the help of a partner who will hold the vacuum cleaner. In everyday life, improvised do-it-yourself devices are used to solve the same problems.

Homemade dust control devices

Improvised devices sometimes cannot boast as complete dust removal as professional vacuum cleaner attachments. But they are much cheaper and often do not require assistance during use.

Drill attachment from a bottle or cup

If you need to drill a hole in the ceiling, the crumbled concrete will mostly fall down. To collect dust, a combination of a drill or auger and a bottle with a cut off bottom will help. An ordinary one will do a plastic cup, but it will need to be cut so that the part of the drill that will go into the wall protrudes above the walls. As a result, the “flour” falling down will fall into the cup and will be easy to remove.

Moistened sponge

You can make a nozzle from a sponge:

  1. the center is measured on it;
  2. draw a circle with a diameter of about 5 mm in the center;
  3. round stationery knife cut through the foam rubber and remove it to a solid substrate;
  4. a hole is made in the substrate into which a drill is inserted;
  5. Before starting work, moisten the sponge with water.

Like the previous device, this option is more effective if you need to drill the ceiling rather than the wall.

Paper envelope

To the wall under the place where the hole will be drilled, double-sided tape attach an envelope made of thick paper. You can make it yourself by bending the sheet in half and staple it along the edge. The garbage will fall down, collecting in the envelope. Instead of an envelope, you can glue a paper cup.

The main disadvantage of this method is that light dust blown to the sides is not collected.

We use a vacuum cleaner

You can use the vacuum cleaner even without a special attachment.

  • The easiest option is to draw in air with the narrowest slot-shaped nozzle. It creates a very powerful stream that draws in flour particles well. The disadvantage of this method is that you need an assistant.
  • The second option is to build a nozzle from a plank with drilled hole and a collection of cut-off bottles attached to it. Then the drill is inserted through the holes in the bottle and the board, and the vacuum cleaner is connected to the neck.

We hope that the proposed methods will help you complete all work related to drilling as cleanly as possible, without unnecessary dust and labor costs.
