Central ring road, scheme and development of the Central Ring Road. Soon there will be no two eternal "traffic jams" of the Moscow region

In 2019, the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region will continue to allocate funding for the construction of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD), designed to relieve the traffic that connects the capital with nearby areas. What is this project, and what does its detailed map look like?

Basic information about the new canvas

The asphalt concrete road under construction will stretch for a distance of 525 km and will pass through Solnechnogorsk, Pokrovka, Sofrino, Iksha, the M-11 section and the Big and Small Moscow rings, which are also called the Big (A-108) and Small (A-107) concrete road, respectively. In essence, the Central Ring Road, which was divided into 5 start-up complexes for the convenience of construction and gradual commissioning, will become an almost complete backup of the last highway. Both roads will even be located in close proximity to each other, namely at a distance of 500-900 m.

However, the difference, of course, will be - so, unlike the Moscow Small Ring (MMK), which is a free ring highway, the project currently being built, for the most part, will be paid (on average 2.32 r / km). State duty may vary depending on the type of transport and time of day. Without a fee, it will be possible to ride only on the 5th start-up and section 2 of the start-up complexes.

The track will be equipped with 2 lanes in one direction and the other and a rebound dividing fence in the center, making it an exemplary representative category I-A. In some places, the maximum width will reach 8 lanes. It is assumed that it will be possible to race along the new communication routes at speeds up to 150 km / h, because they will be free enough for maneuvering and comfortable driving. The planned daily flow is over 43 thousand cars.

It is known for sure that by 2019 the completion of the construction of the Central Ring Road is not expected. The start of the project, although it was scheduled for 2011, actually started only in 2016. In 2018, developers will have to face the difficulties associated with holding the World Cup in the country, and therefore the deadlines for the completion of work will be pushed back again. The full commissioning of all complexes is timed only for 2022-2025.

Important! At the moment, motorists have the opportunity to ride along a small section of the 5th section of 3.6 km, which allows you to go around Zvenigorod. It opened in November 2017. Here you can move in four lanes at a speed of no more than 60 km / h. State duty is not required (except for heavy vehicles).

More about the first stage

Among latest news On the implementation of the project of the Central Ring Road, the meeting of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with the head of the state company "Avtodor" Sergey Kelbakh, who oversees this work, in 2017 was of particular importance. During the audience, the head of the organization said that the first and longest section of 339 km, which includes 4 sections (1, 3, 4, 5), will not be launched in 2018, as was originally planned, but will be gradually put into operation by December 2019.

These communication routes will cover the Domodedovo urban district of the Moscow Region, the Naro-Fominsk and Podolsk districts, as well as the metropolitan Troitsky Autonomous Okrug. The site will be built taking into account all available in these territories railroad tracks and old highways. Where it is not possible to lay a ground cover without problems, the authorities promise to build multi-level transport interchanges. So, the first section will be equipped with:

  • 14 bridges,
  • 24 viaducts;
  • 4 interchanges;
  • 3 flyovers.


The implementation of the Central Ring Road project into reality was associated with a number of serious difficulties. For example, the contractor LLC Stroygazconsulting, who volunteered to build a new asphalt concrete pavement for Avtodor, first stated that the construction of the first section was late, and then completely refused to work. As a result, the execution was handed over to Crocus International, but the problems did not end there either. At a meeting with Medvedev, Kelbakh admitted that the process of attracting depositors turned out to be much slower than expected.

At the moment, the budget allocated for the implementation of the first phase is the sum of 52% of the funds from the federal treasury and 48% of the funds of private individuals and those interested in the business. According to the assumptions new road will cost the state 350 billion rubles. However, this does not frighten or even limit the authorities - for example, they are ready to spend exactly the same amount to equip the territory adjacent to the highway with the necessary infrastructure, such as gas stations, repair stations, small cafes and restaurants, hotels, small shops and etc. Experts in the field of economics hope that the appearance of the Central Ring Road will contribute to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Moscow Region.

Social support for residents of the Moscow region

The head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Maxim Sokolov, noted that Russians living in the regions near Moscow have every chance of receiving benefits when using the Central Ring Road. Despite the fact that the deputies have yet to discuss this step, the minister is confident that the introduction of reduced tariffs will be the right decision.

In connection with the construction of the highway, the ecology of the entire region has come under the risk of destructive changes, as stated by the international independent organization Greenpeace. In addition, some residents were forced to face the need to relocate, because the buildings of settlements were located right on the site of the road. At the time of the survey in 2012, there were 52% of people dissatisfied with the introduction of a toll highway. In order to reduce this indicator, the Government and State Duma it will be necessary to establish a list of compensation payments and benefits for representatives of the Moscow region.

Video about the Central Ring Road:

The State Company Russian Highways (Avtodor) is designing and constructing the Fourth Start-up Complex (PC No. 4) of the A-113 Central Ring Road (TsKAD) with a length of 96.5 km, passing through the territory of Noginsky, Pavlovo-Posadsky, Voskresensky, Ramensky districts of the Moscow region, as well as Elektrostal and Domodedovo.

Completion of work on the Ramenskoye section of the PK No. 4 route is planned for 2018. The highway presents a diagram of the passage of the Central Ring Road and interchanges at its intersection with roads and railways, settlements, water areas and forests in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region.

Financing of design and construction is carried out at the expense of subsidies from the federal budget, funds from the National Wealth Fund of the Russian Federation and extra-budgetary sources of financing.

All-Russian public organization " Russian Academy natural sciences” (RANS) in 2012, the CONCLUSION of the public environmental review of the project “Construction of the Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region (with subsequent operation on a paid basis)” was presented. Launch Complex No. 4.

The conclusion of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of 2012 of the public environmental review of the project PC No. 4 of the Central Ring Road marked all Negative consequences for the environment, including the construction and subsequent operation of the road facility will significantly worsen the environmental situation in the settlements adjacent to the Central Ring Road:

“Public environmental review of the project “Construction of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) of the Moscow Region (with subsequent operation on a paid basis). Start-up Complex No. 4” is carried out in accordance with the decision of the Committee for Public Environmental Control of the State Company “Russian Highways” (Minutes No. 3 dated March 30, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).

In accordance with this decision, with the involvement of members of the Committee, a public independent environmental review of the project for the construction of sections of the Central Ring Road should be carried out.

This need is dictated by the fact that the system of comprehensive assessment of the impact on environment(EIA), including the procedure for state environmental expertise, has been radically transformed and simplified. For road projects, this circumstance is a very sensitive and significant circumstance with different points viewpoint: ecological (the pressure on the environment is growing due to the growth of motorization), economic (the costs of implementing environmental protection measures become significant), social (the usual way of life, the mentality of the population is changing), because the road during its construction and operation harmoniously (or not very) fits into the natural environment, consumes significant amounts of natural resources, transforms social environment and the quality of life of people.

According to world practice (World Bank, EBRD), the EIA procedure involves consideration of the consequences of the impact of the proposed project road construction to all protected resources, i.e. on the:

exhaustion and fitness natural resources(resource and energy conservation, air, water, soil, biota pollution);

Flora and fauna;

productivity natural environment;

material values ​​and cultural heritage;

the appearance of the landscape, its suitability and functioning as a recreation area.

The main tasks of public environmental expertise are:

Establishing the presence, degree of influence and consequences of the planned road construction project on the above protected resources;

Encouragement of designers, builders, workers of road maintenance services to introduce innovative energy and resource-saving technologies in the road sector, ensuring minimization negative impact road activities on the natural and social environment;

Raise investment attractiveness road activities for development different forms public-private partnerships with domestic and foreign investors.

The projected fourth launch complex crosses the most developed areas of the Moscow Region in close proximity to the following settlements: Subbotino, Kriulino, Fryazevsky, Stepanovo, Fryazevo, Kosherovo, Fenino, Yurovo, Petrovskoye, Fedino, Vokhrinka, Menshovo, Panino, Obraztsovo, Artemyevo. The forest coverage of the route corridor is 70%. The projected road crosses many rivers and small streams. These are the rivers Solonoga, Khodtsa, Vokhonka, Gzhelka, Dorka, Moscow, Otra, Gnilusha and their tributaries. In these sections, the road passes through the floodplains and terraces above the floodplain of the above rivers.

At the investment justification stage, it was assumed that the Central Ring Road would be built, mainly relying on the existing Moscow Small Ring. At the same time, within the limits of PK No. 4, the planned route of the Central Ring Road was supposed to pass through the territory of a number of cities: Bronnitsy, Elektrostal, Noginsk. However, an increase in the number of lanes and traffic intensity would lead to: deterioration of the ecological state of the environment of settlements; drift increase residential buildings, as well as the demolition of houses in cottage settlements and, as a result, an increase in the cost of the project. The most difficult situation in the city of Noginsk would be observed over a distance of 7.8 km, and in the city of Elektrostal - 7.7 km.

In order to minimize the negative impact on the environment and public health, as well as to optimize construction costs, it was decided to build the route bypassing these large cities, a number of settlements and garden associations(options for each section of the route are given in the materials). As a result, the number of settlements falling within the noise impact zone of the route decreased from 74 to 38, and the total length of noise barriers decreased from 70.6 km to 28 km. About 40 settlements will remain in the zone of acoustic influence of the Central Ring Road within PK No. 4, mainly related to summer cottages and cottage settlements in which the population does not live permanently.

The fourth launch complex begins in the Noginsk region, 2 km north of the M-7 Volga highway (Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod). On the territory of the district, the route crosses or passes near the following settlements: Elektrostal (the route crosses the south-eastern outskirts of the city); d. Calm (the route crosses the village); with. Bogoslovo (adjacent to the highway from the east); Elizavetino village (125 m east of the highway); Fryazevo village (adjacent to the highway from the west); v. Vsevolodovo (adjacent to the highway from the east); Stepanovo village (100 m east of the highway).

In the Pavlovo-Posadsky municipal district, there are two rural settlements in the route passage zone: the village of Subbotino (375 m to the west of the highway), the village of Kriulino (500 m to the southeast of the highway).

On the territory of the Voskresensky and Ramensky districts, the route crosses or passes near the following settlements: Bronnitsy (1500 m to the west of the route); Grigorovo village (north of the district - 450 m east of the highway); v. Zakharovo (750 m east of the highway); v. Obukhovo (adjacent to the highway from the east); Fenino village (adjacent to the highway from the east); Plaskinino village (500 m east of the highway); settlement Mashinostroitel (375 m northwest of the highway); v. Petrovskoe (adjacent to the highway from the west and east); the village of Boyarkino (650 m west of the highway); v. Toropovo (adjacent to the highway from the east); the village of Borshcheva (880 m northwest of the highway); v. Kosherovo (adjacent to the highway from the east); with. Gzhel (750 m west of the highway); with. Malyshevo (825 m west of the highway); Morozovo village (175 m southeast of the highway); Ryblovo village (875 m east of the highway); v. Lubninka (700 m northwest of the highway); Grigorovo village (south of the district - adjacent to the highway from the south); v. Zavorovo (adjacent to the highway from the south); with. Tolmachevo (adjacent to the highway from the north); village Korobovo (in southern sector transport corridor); settlement Ganusovo (adjacent to the highway from the north); v. Yurovo (950 m west of the highway); v. Kosyakino (750 m south of the highway); the village of Sokolovo-Khomyanovo (750 m south of the highway); v. Ryleevo (the route crosses the northwestern outskirts of the village).

Start-up complex No. 4 of the Central Ring Road in the Domodedovo City District extends from the borders of the Ramensky District to the M-4 Don highway (Moscow - Kashira). On the territory of the Okrug, the route crosses or passes near the following settlements: Domodedovo (the route crosses the city - 9 km2 is in the zone of influence); Skripino village (175 m north of the highway); Motyakino village (450 m north of the highway); Bazulino village (200 m north of the highway); v. Burkhino (375 m south of the highway); settlement Red path (500 m south of the highway); v. Kutuzovo (1250 m north of the highway); v. Obraztsovo (200 m south of the highway); v. Zhitnevo (200 m south of the highway); e. Seeing off (adjacent to the highway from the north); v. Artemyevo (500 m south of the highway); Mikheevo village (500 m north of the highway); Shubino village (175 m north of the highway).

Since Small Moscow ring The state natural reserve “Broad-leaved and coniferous-broad-leaved forests of the right bank of the Klyazma River” (Noginsk district) passes through the protected area, in the original version the planned route of the Central Ring Road also passed through the above-mentioned protected area, but in March 2010 the territory of the reserve was adjusted and the road route was withdrawn from it.

In total, at the start-up complex No. 4 on the 1st stage of construction, it is planned to build 63 round and rectangular culverts in low relief areas with a total length of 3641.67 linear meters. In order to reduce the number treatment facilities arranged to purify water from the roadway, the project provides for the installation of 67 bypass round pipes with a diameter of 1 m and 1.5 m with a total length of 3222.88 linear meters to pass water under the roadway from ditches located on the other side of the subgrade.

On the section of the road under consideration, it is planned to place 179 local treatment facilities for storm drains: gabion filter facilities, storage and flow types; to protect the nearest residential areas from noise, 80 acoustic screens are installed, with a total length of 28,800 m and a height of 3 to 6 m, the area of ​​which is 115,250 m2.

The prospective traffic volumes on the Central Ring Road are determined on the basis of the indicators of the average annual increase in traffic intensity on the highway network of the Moscow Region (3.5 ... 4.5% of the annual increase in the 50-kilometer zone from the Moscow Ring Road); increase in the rolling stock fleet (9.8% annual growth over the past 10 years); the dynamics of population size and mobility and the forecast of the socio-economic development of the region, taking into account the creation of conditions for the formation of a modern intermodal infrastructure in the Central Ring Road zone.

The average annual increase in traffic intensity in the corridor of the Central Ring Road - MMK / MBC for the period 2009 - 2030 will be 6.9%. By the estimated year 2030, traffic intensity on the toll sections of the Central Ring Road will range from 63.3 thousand vehicles/day to 34.2 thousand vehicles/day. The average intensity of traffic along the Central Ring Road in the reference year will be 49.8 thousand vehicles per day. Average composition of the movement: trucks– 35%; passenger cars - 64-65%; buses - 1%.

The project provides for an automatic traffic control system (ATCS), which performs control, information and support functions.

The necessary solutions have been developed for the transfer and reconstruction of communications (communication lines, power lines, main gas pipelines, gas distribution pipelines, oil product pipelines, product pipelines, external water supply networks, external sewage networks, linear networks and railway facilities) in 262 places.

The construction needs in land resources for the 8th construction site will amount to 924.34 hectares, of which 750.11 hectares are planned to be purchased for permanent use. The land alienated for temporary use will include: 105.66 hectares for communications, 68.14 hectares for construction sites and 0.44 hectares for demolished buildings and structures.

At the same time, 84.51 hectares of forest land, 66.56 hectares of agricultural land and 1.14 hectares of horticultural associations are under temporary construction. For the 9th construction site, the estimated need for land resources will amount to 463.37 hectares, of which it is planned to purchase 399.63 hectares for permanent use, for temporary use: 11.63 hectares of forest land, 34.64 hectares of agricultural land and 0 .08 hectares of horticultural associations. The composition of land alienated for temporary use will include: 44.27 hectares for communications, 19.29 hectares for construction sites and 0.18 hectares for demolished buildings and structures.

In the course of engineering and environmental surveys, the following types of work were performed:

Collection of available literary and stock materials on the ecological state of the natural environment along the route and the adjacent territory, search for objects of analogues.

Reconnaissance survey of the territory along the route.

Drilling exploration wells and geophysical research.

Geoecological testing of OS components (atmospheric air, soils, soils, surface and underground waters).

Assessment of the radiation situation.

Study of harmful physical effects.

Assessment of the state of the animal world and vegetation.

Study of the socio-economic and medical-demographic situation, work with the population.

Research of monuments of history, culture, archeology.

Office processing of materials, drawing up a report, a series of maps of the actual material and component maps (diagrams) of the surveyed area.

The range and volume of engineering and environmental surveys performed in a number of points do not coincide with the approved terms of reference (Program) of engineering and environmental surveys.

However, the Customer, Glavgosexpertiza considered these deviations from the TOR to be acceptable and justified.

In accordance with the terms of reference, the Contractor had to:

Present the acoustic characteristics of traffic flows along the existing A-107 and A-108 highways and the transport highways they intersect;

Give a summary assessment of the existing acoustic state of the environment based on field observations and calculated data;

Determination of the zone of acoustic discomfort in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements from existing traffic flows;

Construct a noise map of the territory of influence of the A-107 and A-108 routes.

Estimated estimates of the noise level were carried out according to well-known simplified methods.

Field measurements (17 points) were carried out in order to determine the level of traffic noise, vibrations, and electromagnetic fields.

The zone of acoustic discomfort created by the movement of vehicles along the existing road network varies from 360 m (sections of the ring road with speed limits) to 595 m (sections of the ring road with a predominance of heavy vehicles in the flow). In 32 settlements located along the MMK route, noise levels exceed the sanitary-permissible standards by 1.0 ... 24.1 dBA . Along the route of the existing MMK, the vibration level measured at the same points varies from 63 dB to 67 dB. The vibration impact zone varies from 10 m to 18 m in each direction from the axis of the outer lane of motor transport.

The zones of electromagnetic influence from high-voltage power lines vary from 20 m to 30 m in each direction from the projection of the outermost wire of the power line to the earth's surface.

Thus, the results of the assessments showed the need to develop a set of noise protection measures during the construction and operation of the road.

Characteristics of vegetation, wildlife, the current state of the ichthyofauna The section is professionally done, in in full according to the TOR and contains the necessary and comprehensive information to justify the measures for the engineering protection of flora and fauna. Strict observance of land allotment boundaries is the main measure that reduces the damage from this type of impact.

At the same time, on the right bank of the river. Klyazma, to the south of the Gorkovskoye Highway, the line of the route passes directly through areas of conditionally native broad-leaved and broad-leaved-spruce forests of a high degree of preservation. These forests are of high conservation value. Destroying them will cause significant damage. vegetation cover region. The conservation of these communities and the populations of rare plant species confined to them is a priority area of ​​the environmental protection program implemented as part of the construction and operation of the Central Ring Road.

During the construction of the Central Ring Road route, the following occurs:

  • complete destruction of plant communities in the ROW, loss of forest and pasture resources;
  • loss of individual specimens of rare and endangered plant species, including those listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the region;
  • resource reduction beneficial species plants;
  • damage to vegetation on the border with construction sites and access roads, a temporary decrease in the productivity of forest and pasture resources;
  • oppression of plants by emissions into the atmosphere building dust and harmful pollutants;
  • change in the hydro regime in the valleys and hollows of watercourses, associated with the damming of the latter, leading to flooding and swamping of the overlying territories;
  • a significant increase in the wind impact on the edges of the forest surrounding the open space of the route, and the activation of windbreak and windfall disturbances associated with it;
  • violations of the vegetation cover as a result of the activation of erosion processes in the highway construction zone;
  • increasing the fire hazard of the territory;
  • transformation of the fauna of the territory, violating normal functioning ecosystems and, consequently, phytocenosis;
  • formation of ruderal plant communities along the roadsides, on technogenic soil outcrops, etc.

During the operation of the Central Ring Road, the following may occur:

  • successional changes in plant communities in case of activation of exogenous geological processes and changes in the hydrological regime of habitats caused by construction;
  • reduction of wind resistance of forest stands along the edges of forest stands adjacent to the ROW;
  • oppression of plants by emissions of construction dust and harmful pollutants into the atmosphere;
  • increased recreational load on vegetation;
  • inevitable littering of roadsides and adjacent territories;
  • increasing the risk of fire in the area.

There are 5 archaeological sites at launch complex No. 4. The total area of ​​identified archaeological heritage sites is 38,000 m2. Construction work on the territory of archaeological heritage objects that completely fall into the planned permanent right of way of the road, in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 2 of Federal Law-73 of June 25, 2002, must be preceded by rescue research archaeological research (excavations).

Such objects of archaeological heritage at the start-up complex No. 4 include “a burial mound of the 11th-13th centuries. Morozovo" (Ramensky district). The area of ​​the identified object of archaeological heritage is 350 m2.

In areas of the territory of archaeological heritage objects that partially fall into the planned permanent right of way of the road, construction work must also be preceded by rescue research archaeological research (excavations). At launch complex No. 4, these are:

- “The settlement of the XIV-XVII centuries. Petrovskoye (Ramensky district). total excavation area 3000 m2;

- "Selishche XII-XVI centuries. Skripino-1" (Ramensky district), the total excavation area is 2500 m2.

The total area of ​​the territory requiring archaeological excavations at the start-up complex No. 4 is 5850 m2.”

"ANTI TSKAD" (According to the CONCLUSION OF THE RANS from 2012)

The decision to build the Central Ring Road was made by the government of the Moscow Region back in December 2003 in order to reduce the workload of the Moscow Ring Road, Betonka (A-107) and Bolshaya Betonka (A-108).

The city authorities plan that after the completion of construction, approximately 34,000 cars will pass through the toll highway every day. The choice of drivers will not be random, because for a small fee they will receive benefits such as:

  • no traffic jams;
  • high-quality modern coating;
  • the ability to reach speeds up to 150 km / h .;

For this purpose, 5 launch complexes with a total length of 525 km will be built. The first two sections are almost completed:

  1. Complex №1 113.45 km long;
  2. Complex №5 over 89.97 km long.

Upcoming launch

On July 26, 2018, Sergei Sobyanin promised that the first two sections of the toll highway would be opened at the end of this year, but the opening of the third and fourth sections would have to wait, because. Vladimir Putin has postponed the deadlines for their delivery to 2019.

Launch Complex No. 1

The road will cover the territory of Podolsky and Naro-Fominsk districts, as well as the urban district of Domodedovo and the Trinity administrative district of the capital. The total length of the commissioned section will be 49.5 kilometers (from 96 to 146 km).

The 1st section of the Central Ring Road will differ from other roads by the presence of:

  • 24 guides;
  • 12 bridges;
  • 6 multi-level interchanges;
  • 3 flyovers;
  • canvases for 4 - 6 lanes in both directions of traffic;
  • the presence of a special barrier between flows.

Important! Each kilometer of driving on the site will cost the owners of vehicles 2.32 rubles. There will be no benefits for Muscovites and other categories of motorists.

Wherein maximum speed cars will be 140 km/h.

Launch Complex No. 5

The 5th launch complex will be laid along the Istra, Naro-Fominsk, Odintsovo, Solnechnogorsk districts and the urban district of Zvenigorod. In the future, the Moscow Ring Road, the Central Ring Road and the restored Kaluga Highway will form transport system"new Moscow".

In 2017, the segment of the fifth complex (3.6 km long) became the first section of the Central Ring Road open to traffic, which paved the road bypassing Zvenigorod. Full completion of construction is expected in December 2018. Although in an interview with the media, Andrei Vorobyov said that 50-90 km would be launched at the end of this year. new ring road, he did not specify which sections he was talking about.

Reasons for creation

In addition to the key technical factors in the construction of the highway, among which experts especially highlight its low congestion and the absence of a large number of exits and intersections, this project also has a whole range of social and urban planning reasons.

So, if the authorities decided to follow the path of reconstruction of Betonok, they would definitely have to face the discontent of people whose houses are located near highways. For example, A-107 passes near major cities such as:

  • Noginsk;
  • Bronnitsy;
  • Elektrostal;
  • Zvenigorod;
  • Domodedovo.

At the same time, the buildings are located at a distance of only 5-30 m from the "Fifty-kilometer". The buildings would inevitably be demolished if the designers started expanding existing routes.

Note that the central ring will be a road of the 1st technical category (I-A). This means that the curvature, width of the shoulders, the degree of longitudinal slopes and other indicators of the highway will meet strictly established standards. Therefore, here even heavy vehicles will be able to move safely at high speeds.

Free A-107 and A-108 can not boast of compliance with accepted standards. In order to fit them under the regulations, both highways would have to be completely redone, incl. destroy many junctions, intersections, displacements and denouements. Such a redrawing of the roadbed would have been much less expedient than the construction of a new closing road near Moscow.

Concept of future development

The authorities are developing plans for the construction of 3 additional transport arteries in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts. Interchanges will appear at the intersection of the Central Ring Road with Kaluzhskoye and Varshavskoye highways and next to picket 26, and their length will be more than 22 km. The Department of Transport decided to limit itself to this in order not to overfill the transit route.

Recall that the implementation of the Central Ring Road scheme in life for the first time began in December 2015. The project, the implementation of which took over 300 billion rubles, was aimed at creating a modern 530-kilometer highway.

Its funding came from 3 sources:

  • investments of investors and concessionaires;
  • funds from the National Wealth Fund of Russia;
  • subsidies from the federal treasury.

Motorists will be able to reach speeds of 140 km/h on the toll roadbeds (eastern, northern and southern alternates of MMK, or A-107), and 80 km/h on the only free section (western). By the final stage, which will fall in 2020-2025, the Central Ring Road will be the largest multifunctional transport and logistics center in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Video about the construction of the Central Ring Road in 2018:

The idea of ​​building the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) has been discussed for a long time. However, only this year, work began on laying a new high-speed highway, which will pass through the territory of the Moscow region and the "new Moscow" 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. According to experts, the Central Ring Road will become an impetus for the economic growth of the entire region. The construction of the road is planned to be completed by 2025.

Prospects for the opening of the Central Ring Road

The new route will form the basis of the network of high-speed roads throughout Central Russia. It will stretch for 529.9 kilometers. The Central Ring Road will unload the city's outbound highways (those that continue in the Moscow region) and the Moscow Ring Road from the transit transportation of goods: heavy vehicles at distant entrances to Moscow can be redirected to their destinations.

The opening of the route will reduce the cost of freight transportation and transport costs. At the same time, thanks to the organization of high-speed transit traffic, the negative impact on the environment will be reduced by unloading existing roads and settlements, through which “caravans” of trucks today follow.

The construction of the Central Ring Road will help form a number of large international transport corridors (ITC) in the Moscow region: London - Nizhny Novgorod, Helsinki - South-Eastern Europe, North - South and Helsinki - Nizhny Novgorod.

In addition, the implementation of the project will improve road safety. Throughout the road will be equipped with modern automatic system management road traffic, meteorological observation stations, helipads, rest stops for drivers and roadside services.

How will the Central Ring Road be built?

It is planned to build the Central Ring Road in five stages (start-up complexes), according to the principle of public-private partnership (PPP)*. This means that both the state, allocating subsidies from the federal budget, and the funds of the National Wealth Fund of the Russian Federation, and private investors participate in the financing of the facility. Each launch complex will be built within the framework of separate project PPP.

The operator who will serve the road after its opening will be determined during a separate tender. This is due to the need to select a single operator for all launch complexes of the Central Ring Road.

Development project documentation The Central Ring Road was carried out for four years - from 2008 to 2011. More than 100 specialized design institutes and organizations participated in the preparation of the project. General design organization JSC "Institute for the design and survey of highways" Soyuzdorproekt ".

In April 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an instruction to start construction of the road. In 2014, the results were summed up open competition to conclude a long-term investment agreement for the construction, maintenance and overhaul the first section (start-up complex) of the highway on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. LLC "Stroygazconsulting" became the winner.

The first section of the Central Ring Road is scheduled to open in 2018. Its length is 49 kilometers, of which 22.4 kilometers will pass through the territory of the "new Moscow" (Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts).

Central Ring Road: start of construction

The construction of the Central Ring Road in the annexed territories began at the end of this summer.

Particular attention in the design of the Central Ring Road was paid to the development of adjacent territories. In the next six months, a single project for planning the territory of the “new Moscow” in the area of ​​the Central Ring Road at a distance of one kilometer in each direction from the highway will be developed. This will determine the development prospects land plots adjacent to the road. Logistic centers may appear on them, engineering infrastructure, roadside service and other facilities where new jobs will be created.

According to experts, no serious technical problems are expected during the construction of the Central Ring Road. The route passes through a free area, where there is no dense urban development and, accordingly, there will be no problems with the release of sites.

Our reference

*Public-private partnership (PPP) is a form of long-term cooperation state structures and business to solve socially significant problems on mutually beneficial terms. The main area of ​​application of PPP in the world is the construction of highways.

According to RIA Novosti. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev instructed to ensure the start of construction in 2014 of the toll section of the Central Ring Road (on the territory of Greater Moscow).
The President instructed the Russian Highways State Company, with the participation of the Government of Moscow and the Government of the Moscow Region, by December 1, 2012, to complete the design of the section of the Central Ring Road, which is planned to be operated on a toll basis, in the territory annexed to Moscow, and by January 1, 2014 - the beginning of the construction of this site.
The route will pass through the territory of the Moscow region, 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. The length of the road will be 521 kilometers; 34 interchanges, 278 bridges, overpasses, overpasses are planned. The number of lanes is 4-8, the estimated speed is 80-140 kilometers per hour.
The highway is divided into five launch complexes:
1. In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the M-4 "Don" highway to the M-1 "Belarus" highway in the area of ​​the Great Moscow Ring;
2. In the area of ​​the Great Moscow Ring from the highway M-1 "Belarus" to the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg;
3. In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway to the M-7 "Volga" highway;
4. In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the M-7 "Volga" highway to the M-4 "Don" highway;
5. In the area of ​​the Small Moscow ring from the highway M-3 "Ukraine" to the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. The length of the first section is 113.45 kilometers, the second section is 117.86 kilometers, the third is 104.65 kilometers, the fourth is 95.7 kilometers, and the fifth is 89.97 kilometers.
The significance of the Central Ring Road as a key element of the logistics system of the Moscow region determines the construction of the largest multifunctional transport and logistics centers. Multifunctional transport and logistics centers near the Central Ring Road are located at the nodes of the transport network at the intersection of main lines of communication. The placement of logistics facilities is linked to the placement of road service facilities.
The infrastructure of road service facilities of the Central Ring Road includes: 32 gas stations with minimarkets and fast food cafes, 18 stations Maintenance for cars and trucks road transport, 18 motels, 22 cafe-restaurants as part of 30 multifunctional gas stations.

Plan for the reconstruction of the Central Ring Road

Cottage village Zhukovka is a real gem among the cottage settlements of the Moscow region.

The main characteristics of the route after the completion of the reconstruction.

Total length

521 km

Number of lanes

4 - 8

Estimated travel speed

80 - 140 km/h

Number of interchanges

Bridges, viaducts, flyovers
