Sample thank you letter to chefs for their work. Thank you letter to client

A letter of gratitude is an opportunity to express gratitude in writing to a specific person for some merit. In this article we will look at how to write correctly thank you letter. In addition, at the end of the article you can download some sample letters of gratitude: to an employee, teacher, doctor, teacher, student, organization, for cooperation.

The letter of thanks is drawn up in free form. Can be drawn up on a regular sheet of paper or on the organization’s letterhead (if the letter of gratitude is written on behalf of the organization). You can also purchase a special printed form on which to write your text with words of appreciation and gratitude.

Most often, such letters are addressed to employees of various organizations. An organization can also send its partner a letter of gratitude for cooperation, for hosting an event, etc.

A letter of gratitude is one of the types of moral encouragement for an employee. An employee can also be rewarded with a certificate of honor based on.

How to write correctly?

This type of letter refers to business and informational. Despite the free writing style, you still need to remember to write a number of details to give the letter an official style.

First of all, it is mandatory to address the addressee - this can be a specific person or an organization as a whole. If the letter is addressed to a person, then it is reasonable to indicate his name and patronymic. Also, for politeness, you can add words such as “dear”, “respected”.

If a letter of gratitude is addressed to an organization, then, as a rule, an appeal is made to the head of this organization.

The letter of gratitude must be signed by its originator.

As examples, we suggest downloading samples of writing a thank you letter for various occasions and situations.

The successful development of a company largely depends not only on the actions of management, but also on how productive the work of employees is. When there are incentives, people will definitely try. The company can stimulate not only financially, but also morally - to express gratitude for the work.

What is this document and why is it important?

A so-called thank you letter is a non-commercial business letter that expresses gratitude to an employee for certain achievements. For example:

  • execution of an order;
  • plan overfulfilment;
  • successful implementation of the project;
  • initiative, etc.

At first glance, it may seem that gratitude for Good work, many years of work or cooperation are not needed by anyone. But this is a misconception.

Firstly, the employee will be pleased that management appreciated all the efforts. Recognition and respect will appear among others and colleagues. As a result, you will want to do even better.

Secondly, this type of reward encourages colleagues to observe labor discipline and successfully perform their duties.

Thirdly, the fact of reward has a positive effect on the employee’s career.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists different types incentives. Among them is a declaration of gratitude. If you don’t have the opportunity to give a bonus or buy a valuable gift, please your employees with at least a letter of gratitude.

When they make a decision

A prerequisite for the execution of the document in question is the conscientious performance of duties in accordance with:

  • with job description;
  • labor protection requirements;
  • internal regulations;
  • qualification characteristics of the work;
  • other documents.

The main reason for declaring gratitude for an employee’s work may be:

  • improvement of labor indicators;
  • participation in a significant event;
  • proposals for improving the organization's work;
  • significant overfulfillment of the work plan;
  • implementation of a serious project;
  • improvement of enterprise technologies, etc.

Specific merits must be recorded in internal regulatory documents companies.

What formalities need to be completed

When declaring gratitude for work, an employee must comply with some formalities so that no questions arise from regulatory authorities. Remember 3 things:

How to write gratitude: a general approach

Many employers are interested in the question of where to get a sample and how to write a thank you letter for good work. There are no strict rules, but when composing the text, try to adhere to formal business style and use letterhead. The general structure of the document is something like this:

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

A sample text of gratitude for cooperation is presented below. This paper contains the same details as when writing business letters: Full name. person, position. They also put the employer’s signature, his position, initials and surname.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that they express words of gratitude and hope for continuation business relations further.

Moral encouragement for conscientious work

When a person works with great dedication to achieve high economic performance and performs duties efficiently, be sure to reward him with gratitude for his conscientious work. Otherwise, over time, the “spark” may go out. Especially if it is not possible to present the award. Example text:

How to reward employees with many years of experience

Some people have been working in the organization for more than one year. It would be unfair not to pay attention to this. Reward them with gratitude for their many years of work. A sample text is provided below:

Reward for quality work done

If you want to express gratitude to an employee for the work done, the content of the letter could be as follows:

Remember this effective way incentives, like a letter of gratitude. It takes a little time to design and compile, but such awards become the key to fruitful cooperation in the future.

How to thank a person or group of people if the budget is quite limited? A great option would be to write a thank you letter. But how to teach it? Download finished sample or write it yourself? In this article you will find examples of thank you letters, based on which you can create your own unique text.

Letter of thanks for good studies

Most schools in our country are budgetary organizations. As with all structures of this type, their funding is very limited. How can we encourage capable and talented children for participating in school competitions and for academic success? A thank you letter would be a great option. An example of this type of incentive:

Dear student. Thank you very much for helping your school maintain its status as one of the best educational institutions in our area. Thanks to people like you, our country is getting better every year. After all, it is talented children who will occupy leadership positions in the future and develop our economy, culture and politics. Maybe now it seems strange to you that the connection between winning the Social Science Olympiad and the prosperity of our society. But still, know that knowledge of this subject will help you become a successful and respectable citizen of our country.

Sincerely, school director.

We write a letter of thanks for participation

The best way to reward students for being active school activities- this is to write them a letter. Today for admission to prestigious universities As many commendations and various medals as possible are required. Of course, you shouldn’t receive a certificate for participating in a school concert, but you can express gratitude for performing in a city team, for example, KVN. After all, such activities of students maintain prestige educational institution. Example of a thank you letter:

Dear student! Thank you for your active extracurricular activities. It was your participation in the concert that helped make it memorable and interesting. Your enthusiasm will not go unnoticed, remember that. Our entire teaching staff is proud of our talented children, one of whom you are. Keep up the good work and we will always support you.

Classroom teacher.

How to write a thank you letter to a teacher?

It's always nice to hear kind words. But oral phrases will sink into oblivion, but written gratitude will remain. That is why letters of gratitude to teachers from parents are popular today. If you come across an excellent teacher and mentor for your kids, be sure to thank him. After all, there are fewer and fewer talented teachers. And each of them wants to see that his work is not in vain and that his activities resonate in the hearts of both children and their parents. Example of a thank you letter:

Dear teacher! Thank you for being you. Our children are very lucky to see such an attentive, caring and sensitive mentor every day. The boys enjoy going to kindergarten where they gain new knowledge. Thanks to your efforts, all the children in our group have learned to read, draw beautifully and can quickly count to ten. Without your participation, children would not be so friendly, sensitive and well-mannered. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your efforts.

Parents of older children.

Example of a thank you letter to a teacher

There are so many honorable professions in the world. But unfortunately, few people today dream of becoming a teacher or educator. Most young people go to study to become marketers, lawyers or designers. So we should be in awe of those who want to connect their lives with teaching. Worth encouraging talented people both orally and in writing. Text of a letter of gratitude from the school principal to the history teacher:

Dear Lidia Semyonovna! You have been teaching at our school for 5 years and during this time you have found an approach to more than one hundred different students. Thanks to your patience, hard work and non-trivial approach to teaching, all your students show interest in history. I really hope that our cooperation with you will be long and fruitful. I wish you good health and good luck!

Sincerely, school director.

We write a thank you letter to parents

It is customary to congratulate not only graduates on graduating from school. After all, they would not have walked this long path without the help of their parents. It is they who, first of all, should be congratulated on the fact that the children have successfully completed one of the stages of their lives and are now standing on the threshold of another. Text of a letter of gratitude to parents from the school principal:

Dear Sofia Alexandrovna! Thank you for raising a wonderful son. It was thanks to your diligence and hard work that your boy was able to achieve incredible success in his studies. Our teachers made every effort to ensure that Alexander could become one of the best students at the school. But he owes it to you that he became a worthy member of our society. I wish you health and success in all areas of life!

Sincerely, school director.

Letter of gratitude from the team

Employees of an organization can express their gratitude not individually, but collectively. This is especially necessary when one team needs to thank another. In this case, you can write a letter that talks about what success the company was able to achieve thanks to cooperation. Or you can express gratitude for the impression that the team received, for example, during a business trip. To whom should we express gratitude? Yes, at least for hotel workers. Such a noble gesture will not go unnoticed and next time employees will receive an even warmer welcome. Example of a collective thank you letter:

Thank you to the hotel team for organizing such a warm welcome for our company. We literally felt at home. All our demands were satisfied at our first request, and it is worth noting that we had to demand practically nothing. All our wishes were anticipated in advance. Special thanks to the manager Igor, who quickly resolved all issues, helped with organizing the conference and quickly found solutions difficult situations. We look forward to further cooperation.

Alliance company team.

How to write a thank you letter for a good job?

People definitely need to be encouraged. You can come up with different ways to do this: a cash bonus, a trip or a letter of gratitude for good work. A person always wants to hear that his work is not in vain. Both children and adults need to hear that they are simply wonderful, unique and very talented. It’s especially nice when there is a paper at home with the director’s signature, which increases self-esteem. Example of a thank you letter:

Dear Alexey Yakovlevich! I thank you for your hard work and dedication to the company. Your high level of qualifications helped our production enter a new market and increase profits significantly. Thanks to you, our company was able to grow and is now developing successfully. You are respected by both your colleagues and management. We hope that you will continue to find a non-trivial approach to solving problems. I wish you health and longevity.

Sincerely, Director of the Vasilek company.

An analogue of a thank you letter for help in organizing an event

Any activity needs encouragement. After all, expressing gratitude both verbally and in writing is not so difficult, and people will be pleased. Therefore, if your organization was helped to organize a conference or corporate event, then you can write a letter of gratitude for organizing the event. Example:

Thanks to the Astra restaurant for the wonderful holiday that its employees organized for our company. Our team had a wonderful time enjoying an interesting program. Service was on top level, for this I am very grateful to the waiters. And special thanks to the chef, who managed to pleasantly surprise us with culinary masterpieces.

Interstroy company team.

Example of a thank you letter for cooperation

Very often, two firms are forced to cooperate to help each other. And usually such mutually beneficial cooperation gives good results. That is why you should not be afraid to write letters of thanks for the help provided. After all, perhaps in the future you will have to use the services of the organization that helped you out of trouble more than once. Writing a letter of gratitude for fruitful cooperation does not take even ten minutes, but it can bring enormous benefits. Example:

Our team expresses gratitude to your company for your help. We highly value collaboration. Thanks to cooperation, our company has increased its turnover, and this is primarily due to your merit. We hope for a long and fruitful cooperation. Success and prosperity of your company.

Sincerely, Director of the Microblock company.

How to write a thank you letter for help

Very often, budget organizations, such as schools, kindergartens and theaters, need additional funding. This could be one-time financial assistance, or it could be sponsorship of an event. And sometimes there is simply nothing to repay for the good done. Although patrons rarely accept any gifts from recipients, everyone is pleased to receive written confirmation of their generosity. Therefore, an excellent way out of the situation would be to present a letter of gratitude for the assistance provided. Example:

Dear Pyotr Ilyich, thank you very much for financing our performance. Our theater is just getting back on its feet, so we work practically on the same enthusiasm. We are glad that you provided us with all possible assistance in sewing new suits. Thanks to people like you, art will never die and will only flourish every year. I wish you health and longevity.

Sincerely, the team of the Romashka Theater.

Letters of gratitude for assistance provided are one of the types of official letters. Their name speaks for itself; there is no need to explain what it means. But what should the text for assistance provided be? After all, in the end, this is an official document, and not just a message in social network or a nod when meeting in person. In this article we will tell you about the assistance provided and give examples to make it easier to understand the compilation.

Code of Politeness

Business communication has its own characteristics. It does not tolerate familiarity and excessive emotionality. At the same time, special forms are intended to express certain feelings. A letter of gratitude for assistance provided (a sample will be presented below) is a common practice for establishing partnerships, as well as a guarantee of pleasant cooperation.

When should you express gratitude in the form of a letter?

Of course, it’s not worth writing up a whole paper for some minor details. In this case, the text of the thank you letter for the assistance provided will not exceed even a line. But it is still not necessary to wait for something completely large-scale - regular cooperation is more than suitable.

Why give thanks?

Practice shows that in the post-Soviet space they have not yet been popular for assistance provided. Perhaps due to the fact that the mentality is not conducive to this form of expression of one’s feelings. And in vain: it has many advantages.

First of all, this great way stand out, be remembered. Secondly, this is the key to further successful cooperation. And thirdly, it is simply polite and pleasant. It will also be nice to receive it in the form of a letter to the person to whom it is sent.

How and what to write?

Letters of gratitude for assistance provided are written almost in free form. The most important thing about them is to express your appreciation, not make demands.

Depending on the scale of assistance provided and other nuances responsible for how official the letter will be, you will need to follow the following rules:

  • Always write a request first. In a strict, solemn letter of gratitude, this may be the characteristic “dear”, but in a simpler, friendly note, you can completely use a personal address by name and patronymic without any epithets.
  • Regarding personal character, there are two pieces of advice: on the one hand, do not complicate the text of the letter of gratitude to sponsors for the assistance provided (or to anyone else) with turns and pretentiousness, on the other hand, arrange everything almost pompously. Which one should you stick to? The second option is more suitable for a letter from an organization, while a letter of gratitude to the organization for the assistance provided personally from the specified citizen will be much better received if it is drawn up according to the first advice.
  • Typing on a computer is optional. It is quite possible to write for the assistance provided or other kind of support by hand. Even if you choose to type on your PC, it's a good idea to set it to an italic or calligraphic font that conveys a friendly "thank you" rather than a stern notice.
  • Don't be afraid to use epithets anyway and actually write beautiful words. Although letters of gratitude for assistance provided are considered business style communication, there is no place for dry officialdom in them, but sincerity is more important, otherwise they will seem like a forced measure.
  • Share what you are grateful for and how important it is to you. It's not as difficult as it seems.


After the theoretical introduction, we come to much more illustrative examples.

Some people recommend making thank-you note forms in advance. Not a bad idea, but you need to remember that a form means a prepared font, background, frame. You shouldn't make a form like the template for a contract, in which you only need to fill out the recipient's first and last name, this gives the unfavorable impression that the sender is stamping out such “thank you”s without really caring about them. The purpose of the correct form is to think about what kind of letter would be most pleasant to read and perceive.


A letter of gratitude to sponsors for their assistance is presented below as an example.

"Dear Nikita Petrovich!The administration of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents sincerely thanks you for providing sponsorship in organizing the city competition for young directors.

The success of the project would not have been possible without your contribution, and we say thank you very much for helping us implement such a large-scale event, which, without a doubt, raised the cultural level of our society and allowed many children and adolescents to express themselves.

We wish you and your team further success, successful projects, well-being in all activities and assistance of partners.We hope that you will realize all your plans.

Sincerely,Mikhail Sorokin and the team of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents."

Sample No. 2

"Alexander Igorevich!The public program “Well-Being in Every Home” expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your support. We guarantee that all financial aid, provided by you, will be used to put the buildings of nursing homes in order and, in addition, to purchase the required medical supplies in order to improve the condition of people of retirement age.

We admire your mercy, as a result of which the lives of those who need our help will become a little better.

We wish you not only prosperity in business, financial well-being and career growth, but also so that all the good and happiness that you helped bring to the world of the disadvantaged will return to you and your family many times over.

Respectfully,Ivan Surikov."

To the deputy

A letter of gratitude to the deputy for the assistance provided can be sent to the chairman State Duma addressed to the relevant official or be a personal appeal to the person who provided support. Its content is also different: from gratitude for a specifically specified resolved issue to generalized gratitude.


"To the Chairman of the State Duma A.S. Koreshkov

Letter of gratitude for assistance provided.

I would like to express my gratitude to State Duma deputy Andrei Sergeevich Mashkov, who always responds to the requests of citizens, resolves issues in a timely manner and generally contributes in every possible way to the improvement of our city.On my own behalf I would like to wish him all the best and success.

Sincerely,resident of Yekaterinburg Vyacheslav Mironov."

Personal appeal

"Dear Eduard Semenovich!Thank you very much from our entire family for solving our housing issue. We thank you for your responsiveness and wish that your kindness does not go unnoticed, and that you and your loved ones are always happy!

The Mironchuk family."


A letter of gratitude from the organization for the assistance provided can be sent to both the general director of the company and an individual employee. It can also contain an appeal to the entire team that has shown special assistance in a particular matter.

In addition, letters of gratitude for assistance provided from one organization to another have their own characteristics: often, after expressing gratitude for the support, at the end a clarification of agreements, an offer of further cooperation, advertising, etc. are written. Papers of this kind are more related to business communication, since they gratitude is mixed with the business benefit of each party.

Below is an example of such a thank you letter.

"Comrades!Let me express my gratitude to you for the welcome given to a representative of our company in your company. We hope that all the agreements that were reached at this meeting will be implemented.We also look forward to a pleasant cooperation with you!

Sincerely,the team of the organization "Cosmotour".

From an individual

"To the General Director of Darena LLC."

Letter of thanks.

Many thanks to your employee, Mikhail Sergeevich Aravtsov, who quickly and efficiently resolved my issue.I hope you will encourage him for his efforts.

Sincerely, Nikita Skvortsov."

Frequent revolutions

As you can see, some rotations are repeated in all samples. They are typical for all papers of the type under consideration.

  • “I express my gratitude”;
  • “I want to express my gratitude”;
  • “thank you for your assistance/help/support”;
  • “We want to say thank you,” etc.


It would seem, what does the interview and writing thank you letters have to do with it? But the West is already instilling new traditions in us. A thank you letter after an interview is becoming increasingly common.

The fact that many in the post-Soviet space have not even heard of this is even a plus - you can stand out among your competitors in workplace, to be remembered in the eyes of the employer, to show oneself with the best side, which means you are most likely to get a vacant position.


In addition to these properties, a thank you letter after an interview can serve another purpose, namely to help correct mistakes made during the interview. Of course, it will not be possible to smooth out gross mistakes, but it is very possible to finish saying something, send a file that was mentioned during the meeting.

Three cases when you need to write a thank you letter after an interview:

  • if you are truly grateful;
  • if you really want to get a position;
  • if you do not want to get the position, to explain the reason for the refusal.

Differences between Western practice and usual thank-you letters

When a Russian person mentions a letter of gratitude, something similar to a solemn letter appears in his head. Perhaps this is why there are problems with writing it - it seems that there are so many requirements and if you make even one mistake, everything will go wrong.

But that's not true. In most cases, it is enough to actually express your gratitude, write to whom, from whom and why the paper was drawn up. A good example are not framed A4 sheets, but simple notes written by our Western colleagues, they briefly and clearly express the essence and there are no unnecessary elements.


In this article, we tried to talk in as much detail as possible about how to write a thank you letter. It also has enough examples to get you started. They clearly illustrate what this paper should be. There is no need to write according to samples - sincerity in such a matter speaks for itself.

One important advice: if you don’t want to thank, don’t see the need for it and don’t feel grateful, it’s better not to really thank.
