Biology 7th grade lesson presentation insects. Presentation: "Insects". "Bread barn". This is where ants store grains

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Class insects

The class insects unites the most advanced arthropods. More than 1 million species are known.

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  • Head. The head contains 5-6 segments, usually practically fused with each other. They can be difficult to distinguish from each other, although they sometimes differ in color.
  • The thorax of insects consists of three separate segments, with the exception of representatives of the suborder Stalk-bellied; in them the first two segments can be distinguished, and the third merges with the first segment of the abdomen.
  • Abdomen. The abdomen has 10-11 segments, but there may be fewer visible segments, since sometimes they are transformed into other structures or lost for the second time; the minimum number is 4. Visible segments are usually clearly distinguishable from each other.
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    • The body of insects consists of three sections - head, thorax and abdomen. On the head there are a pair of compound eyes and one pair of antennae, on the chest there are three pairs of legs and (in most) wings; there are no legs on the abdomen. Chitinous covers protect insects' bodies well from water. Insects breathe using tracheas. The circulatory system is not closed, nervous system consists of the peripharyngeal ring and the ventral nerve cord.
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    Lifestyle and external structure

    • The black cockroach (body length up to 4 cm) lives in human dwellings. Here he settles to warm and dark places. Active at night: in the dark it goes in search of food. In many places, the black cockroach has been replaced by the smaller red cockroach, or Prusak.
    • The flat body of the cockroach is covered with a hard chitinous covering - the exoskeleton. The surface layers of this cover consist of special proteins and wax-like substances that increase mechanical strength and impermeable to water.
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    • The body of a cockroach is divided into head, chest and abdomen. On the chest (which has three segments) there are three pairs of legs (Fig.) The legs are used only for walking and running, which is why legs of this type are called running legs.
    • Structure of insects: A - external structure of the body of a black cockroach: 1 - antennae; 2 - leg; 3 — wing; B - limbs of various insects: 1 - cockroach; 2 - mole crickets; 3 - praying mantis; 4 - grasshopper; 5 - swimming beetle
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    Digestive system

    Digestive system consists of the oral opening, the oral cavity (the ducts of the salivary glands flow here), the pharynx, the esophagus, the crop, the chewing stomach (here food is ground by chitinous teeth), the midgut (here food is digested and absorbed), the hindgut and the anus. Between the stomach and midgut there are special, blind outgrowths in which food is absorbed. Cockroaches are omnivores and in human homes they eat a wide variety of food products, leftovers and food waste, Leather Products, book bindings, indoor plants.

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    Internal structure black cockroach: 1 - esophagus; 2 - stomach; 3 - blind processes of the intestine; 4 - malpignan vessels; 5 - ovary; 6 - nerve nodes; 7 - salivary

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    Internal structure

    Butterflies have a perfect nervous system and sensory organs, thanks to which they are perfectly oriented in their surroundings and quickly respond to danger signals. The nervous system, like that of all arthropods, consists of a peripharyngeal ring and a ventral nerve cord. In the head as a result of the merging of clusters nerve cells the brain is formed. This system controls all movements of the butterfly, except for such involuntary functions as blood circulation, digestion, and breathing. Researchers believe that these functions are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.

    1- excretory organs2- mid-intestine3- crop4- heart5- foregut6- large intestine7- genitals8- nerve ganglion9- brain

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    Respiratory system

    The respiratory system is represented by tracheas - thin tubes. They begin with small holes - spiracles, located on the sides of the abdomen. The trachea in the insect's body are highly branched and deliver air oxygen directly to all internal organs and fabrics. Carbon dioxide is removed through the trachea. Cockroaches periodically contract their abdomen and ventilate their trachea.

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    Circulatory system

    • The circulatory system is not closed.
    • The body cavity, as in crustaceans and arachnids, is formed by the fusion of the primary and secondary cavities and is called mixed.
    • Hemolymph flows not only through the vessels, but also in the cavities of the body, washing various organs and transferring nutrients to them, while being saturated with waste products. Hemolymph does not participate in gas exchange - the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide, since this function is performed by the trachea. On the dorsal side of the cockroach is the heart, which looks like a long, muscular tube with holes on the sides. Hemolymph enters the heart through these openings and flows through it from the posterior to the anterior end.
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    Excretory system

    The excretory system, like that of arachnids, is represented by Malpighian vessels - bundles of tubes blindly closed from the side of the body cavity, which open into the intestine. Metabolic products are filtered by the walls of the Malpighian vessels from the body cavity.

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    Nervous system

    • The nervous system is represented by a large suprapharyngeal ganglion (often called the brain), a subpharyngeal ganglion and a ventral nerve cord. Nerves extend from the cephalic ganglion to the eyes and other sensory organs.
    • The sense organs are well developed. The cockroach's organs of vision are two large compound compound eyes and three simple ocelli. The antennae contain the organs of touch and smell. There are also heat-sensitive organs that sense changes in temperature. The taste organs are located on the mouth parts.
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    • Reproduction. Cockroaches, like other insects, are dioecious. Reproductive system females consist of ovaries (here the formation of eggs occurs) and oviducts. The male has two testes, two vas deferens and an unpaired ejaculatory duct. Fertilization is internal. The eggs are packed in special capsules (packages). Female black cockroaches lay capsules in various secluded places, and female red cockroaches carry capsules at the end of their abdomen for up to 40 days - until small cockroaches hatch from the eggs.
    • The body of insects is divided into a head, thorax and abdomen, they have a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings; The circulatory system is not closed. Insects are the most highly organized and numerous arthropods; they have the most advanced nervous system and sensory organs.
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    Sense organs

    Insects, like other multicellular organisms, have many different receptors or sensilla that are sensitive to certain stimuli. Insect receptors are very diverse. Insects have mechanoreceptors ( auditory receptors, proprioceptors), photoreceptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors. With their help, insects capture radiation energy in the form of heat and light, mechanical vibrations, including a wide range of sounds, mechanical pressure, gravity, concentration of water vapor and volatile substances in the air, as well as many other factors. Insects have a developed sense of smell and taste. Mechanoreceptors are trichoid sensilla that perceive tactile stimuli. Some sensilla can detect the slightest vibrations in the air around the insect, while others signal the position of body parts relative to each other. Air receptors perceive the speed and direction of air flows near the insect and regulate flight speed.

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    • Vision plays an important role in the life of some insects, especially diurnal, flying and predatory ones, however, they are also myopic - their area of ​​​​precise vision does not exceed a few centimeters.
    • They cannot focus their eyes to accurately determine the shape of objects, but they perfectly track movement and distinguish colors, and colors that are different from us: they see ultraviolet - its different shades, a whole rainbow inaccessible to us in the invisible spectrum

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    Presentation on the topic: Class insects 7th grade

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    Structure of the Head. The head contains 5-6 segments, usually practically fused with each other. They can be difficult to distinguish from each other, although they sometimes differ in color. The thorax of insects consists of three separate segments, with the exception of representatives of the suborder Stalk-bellied; in them the first two segments can be distinguished, and the third merges with the first segment of the abdomen. Abdomen. The abdomen has 10-11 segments, but there may be fewer visible segments, since sometimes they are transformed into other structures or lost for the second time; the minimum number is 4. Visible segments are usually clearly distinguishable from each other.

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    The body of insects consists of three sections - head, thorax and abdomen. On the head there are a pair of compound eyes and one pair of antennae, on the chest there are three pairs of legs and (in most) wings; there are no legs on the abdomen. Chitinous covers protect insects' bodies well from water. Insects breathe using tracheas. The circulatory system is not closed; the nervous system consists of the peripharyngeal ring and the ventral nerve cord.

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    The black cockroach (body length up to 4 cm) lives in human dwellings. Here he settles in warm and dark places. Active at night: in the dark it goes in search of food. In many places, the black cockroach is replaced by the smaller red cockroach, or Prusak. The flat body of the cockroach is covered with a hard chitinous covering - the exoskeleton. The surface layers of this cover consist of special proteins and wax-like substances that increase mechanical strength and do not allow water to pass through.

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    The body of a cockroach is divided into head, chest and abdomen. On the chest (which has three segments) there are three pairs of legs (Fig.) The legs are used only for walking and running, therefore legs of this type are called running legs. Structure of insects: A - external structure of the body of a black cockroach: 1 - antennae; 2 - leg; 3 - wing; B - limbs of various insects: 1 - cockroach; 2 - mole crickets; 3 - praying mantis; 4 - grasshopper; 5 - swimming beetle

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    The digestive system consists of the mouth opening, the oral cavity (the ducts of the salivary glands enter here), the pharynx, the esophagus, the crop, the chewing stomach (here food is ground by chitinous teeth), the midgut (here food is digested and absorbed), the hindgut and the anus. Between the stomach and midgut there are special, blind outgrowths in which food is absorbed. Cockroaches are omnivores and in human homes they eat a wide variety of food products, leftovers and waste of food, leather goods, book bindings, and indoor plants.

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    Internal structure Butterflies have a perfect nervous system and sensory organs, thanks to which they are perfectly oriented in their surroundings and quickly respond to danger signals. The nervous system, like that of all arthropods, consists of a peripharyngeal ring and a ventral nerve cord. In the head, as a result of the fusion of clusters of nerve cells, the brain is formed. This system controls all movements of the butterfly, except for such involuntary functions as blood circulation, digestion, and breathing. Researchers believe that these functions are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. 1- excretory organs 2- mid-intestine 3- goiter 4- heart 5- foregut 6- large intestine 7- genitals 8- nerve ganglion 9- brain

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    The respiratory system is represented by tracheas - thin tubes. They begin with small holes - spiracles, located on the sides of the abdomen. The trachea in the insect's body are highly branched and deliver air oxygen directly to all internal organs and tissues. Carbon dioxide is removed through the trachea. Cockroaches periodically contract their abdomen and ventilate their trachea.

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    The circulatory system is not closed. The body cavity, like that of crustaceans and arachnids, is formed by the merging of the primary and secondary cavities and is called mixed. Hemolymph flows not only through the vessels, but also in the cavities of the body, washing various organs and transferring nutrients to them, while becoming saturated waste products. Hemolymph does not participate in gas exchange - the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide, since this function is performed by the trachea. On the dorsal side of the cockroach is the heart, which looks like a long, muscular tube with holes on the sides. Hemolymph enters the heart through these openings and flows through it from the posterior to the anterior end.

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    The nervous system is represented by a large suprapharyngeal ganglion (often called the brain), a subpharyngeal ganglion and a ventral nerve cord. Nerves extend from the cephalic ganglion to the eyes and other sense organs. The sense organs are well developed. The cockroach's organs of vision are two large compound compound eyes and three simple ocelli. The antennae contain the organs of touch and smell. There are also heat-sensitive organs that sense changes in temperature. The taste organs are located on the mouth parts.

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    Reproduction. Cockroaches, like other insects, are dioecious. The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries (here the formation of eggs occurs) and oviducts. The male has two testes, two vas deferens and an unpaired ejaculatory duct. Fertilization is internal. The eggs are packed in special capsules (packages). Female black cockroaches lay capsules in various secluded places, and female red cockroaches carry capsules at the end of their abdomen for up to 40 days - until the time when small cockroaches hatch from the eggs. The body of insects is divided into a head, chest and abdomen, they have a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings; The circulatory system is not closed. Insects are the most highly organized and numerous arthropods; they have the most advanced nervous system and sensory organs.

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    Insects, like other multicellular organisms, have many different receptors or sensilla that are sensitive to certain stimuli. Insect receptors are very diverse. Insects have mechanoreceptors (auditory receptors, proprioceptors), photoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and chemoreceptors. With their help, insects capture radiation energy in the form of heat and light, mechanical vibrations, including a wide range of sounds, mechanical pressure, gravity, concentration of water vapor and volatile substances in the air, as well as many other factors. Insects have a developed sense of smell and taste. Mechanoreceptors are trichoid sensilla that perceive tactile stimuli. Some sensilla can detect the slightest vibrations in the air around the insect, while others signal the position of body parts relative to each other. Air receptors perceive the speed and direction of air flows near the insect and regulate flight speed.

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    25 interesting facts! As you know, the vast majority of spiders are hunters, and the total weight of insects eaten by spiders per year is more than the weight of all people on the planet. There are about 35,000 species of spiders and 400,000 beetles in the world, and the largest of the beetles can reach a size of 17 cm (titanium beetle). The fastest insects on the planet are dragonflies, their speed can reach 57 km/h. The most famous “jumpers” these are grasshoppers and fleas. The jump range of a grasshopper reaches 40 body lengths, and fleas 130. House flies usually live where they were born, but there are cases when flies can be blown away by the wind up to 45 kilometers. Attacus Altas is the largest butterfly in the world. Its wingspan reaches 30 cm. Because of this size, the butterfly is sometimes mistaken for a bird. Ordinary bees have 5 eyes, 3 of which are located at the top of the head, and 2 in the front part. The wing flapping speed is more than 11,000 times per minute. Now there are about 20,000 species of bees in the world. There are about 9,000 species of ants in the world (almost like birds) and by the way, ants never sleep. Everyone knows swarms of locusts, so the number of individuals in such a swarm can reach 50 billion and in a day such a swarm can eat 4 times more food than all the residents of New York. A common cockroach can live up to 9 days without a head. The female cockroach has the ability to lay up to 2,000,000 eggs throughout the year. All butterflies “taste” the taste of food with their hind legs. There is a species of wasp (emerald cockroach wasp) that controls cockroaches by injecting their poison into them, after which they lead them by holding their antennae to their nest, where they subsequently lay eggs in this cockroach

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    "Class Insects".

    7th grade.
    Prepared and conducted by: biology teacher at school No. 48 in Oryol
    Reshchikova N.V.

    Suddenly a black cloud appears
    The wind does not blow, but the cloud is volatile;
    Rain will not increase the harvest from it,
    A living downpour will destroy everything around.
    Red, but not a horse,
    Horn, but not a ram,
    They don't like houses
    And they won’t buy it at the market.
    The nose is long, the voice is thin,
    It flies - squeaks, sits - is silent.
    Whoever kills him will shed his blood.
    There's a pot in the forest
    It's boiling, boiling,
    But there is no ukipi.
    Not a bird, but with wings.
    Not a bird, but a flyer
    With a trunk, not an elephant,
    Nobody tame
    And he lands on us.


    The body of insects is divided into head, chest, and abdomen. On the head of insects there are a pair of compound eyes, one pair of antennae; on the chest there are three pairs of legs and (most) have wings. The body is covered with chitinous cover.


    A – running; b – swimming; c – jumping; g – digging.


    Gnawing type; there are carnivores and herbivores

    Sucking type (proboscis); feed on plant nectar; larvae (caterpillars) have a gnawing oral apparatus

    Piercing - sucking type; eat
    blood of humans and animals


    1 – esophagus; 2 – goiter; 3 – muscular stomach; 4 – midgut; 5 – hindgut; 6 – anal opening.

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    Excretory organs of the black cockroach: 1 - Malpighian vessels; 2 and 3 - sections of the foregut; 4 - midgut; 5 - blind appendages of the midgut; 6 and 7 sections of the hindgut.

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    nerve ring

    Thoracic ganglia

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    The circulatory system of insects is not closed. The blood is colorless or yellowish, rarely red, which depends on the hemoglobin dissolved in it (for example, in mosquito larvae).

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    Find the beginning of the puzzle and, clockwise, skipping the same number of syllables, read what is encrypted in it.

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    One of the dung beetles, the sacred scarab, attracted the attention of the ancient Egyptians by making balls of dung. The Egyptians saw in the rolling of the ball a symbol of the movement of the sun across the sky, and in the teeth on the head of the beetle - a similarity sun rays. This was enough for the beetle to be deified and honored. Try to explain the behavior of the beetle based on your knowledge.

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    When trees and bushes are shaken, ladybugs often fall from them. Having fallen, they lie belly up for some time. If you touch them with tweezers, you will notice the appearance of droplets of a bright yellow liquid with toxic properties on their legs. After a minute or two, the ladybug turns over with its back up, begins to crawl slowly and then flies away. What does this behavior mean? ladybug?

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    Homeland of the Colorado potato beetle - North America. Under natural conditions, he lived on the slopes of mountains and ate wild nightshade plants. The beetle was accidentally introduced to Europe during the First World War and became a terrible potato pest here. What caused this?

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    Special attention deserves the largest (up to 40 mm) and most poisonous representative of social wasps - the hornet (Vespa crabro L.). The head of this species is yellow or yellow-red, the chest is black, the abdomen in the rear half is yellow, with black spots.
    Hornets nest in hollows, wooden buildings, sometimes in hives. In deciduous forests they inhabit up to 5% of cavity nests. The nest is first built by the overwintered female. Soon, the larvae fed by her emerge into infertile female workers, who take upon themselves all further concerns about the family. By autumn, young females and males appear in the nest, and the founder of the nest - the queen - and her worker daughters die, the family breaks up, males and females fly away. Males die after fertilizing females, young females climb into secluded places for the winter and fall asleep. In the spring, each of them begins to create their own family.
    Hornets prey on many insects, which they can kill with a sting or simply with their jaws. The prey is immediately chewed to death, for example, the head and abdomen of bees are chewed off, and the chest is thoroughly chewed, and the wasp feeds the larvae with this “gruel.” The hornet itself prefers nectar and other sweet foods. This species can cause serious damage to beekeeping.

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    Ants have important for humans as raw materials for obtaining chemical substances, as well as medications. From ant venoms, new substances previously unknown to science have now been obtained in crystalline form and studied, such as iridomyrmecin, isoiridomyrmecin, iridodial, dendrolysin. Iridomyrmecin and dendrolysin can be used as insecticides.
    Formic alcohol, obtained from red forest ants, has long been used to lubricate sore joints due to rheumatism. In earlier times, formic acid was extracted from ants, but is now obtained chemically.
    Black carpenter ants (genus Camponotus) are dried and the powder is used to make ointments. The Nanais use this ointment for fish oil for lubricating aching areas of the body. In Germany, carpenter ants were eaten by lumberjacks as a remedy for scurvy, and the Prussian Pharmacopoeia recommended an ant tincture for the treatment of neuralgia. Alcohol tincture from the larvae of yellow earth ants (Lasius flavus F.) has a stimulating effect.
    It has been established that the venom of red ants contains an antibiotic that effectively kills fungi and bacteria, including pathogenic streptococci and staphylococci - the causative agents of typhoid, cholera, and tuberculosis.

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    Most people have a wary attitude towards wasps. On own experience or at the instigation of our elders, we remember them from childhood (the contrasting black and yellow drawing helps with this) and are afraid of them all our adult lives. There are stories among people about unfortunate people who were stung to death by wasps. Unfortunately, these stories have a basis in reality.

    It is well known that in the summer, especially in the south, wasps fly to sweet fruits and compote to feast on them. The sting of these insects is very painful and immediately causes swelling. With an injection in the neck, and even more so if a person has inadvertently swallowed a wasp that has fallen into compote, jam or is inside ripe fruit, it is necessary to take the most urgent measures. Delay will lead to death from suffocation due to the spread of swelling to the respiratory tract. There are known cases of death of people who drank water from the “spout” of a teapot in which a wasp was sitting. Fatalities have been recorded due to mass attacks by wasps. In all likelihood, the wasp toxin selectively affects the kidneys. For people with hypersensitivity to wasp venom, injections from these insects can also pose a serious danger.

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    This butterfly needs no introduction. Many have also seen its caterpillars, which are one of the most voracious pests of cabbage. Cabbage caterpillars reach a length of 4 cm, grayish-green with black spots and dots, grouped in more or less regular transverse rows. These creatures have yellow stripes on the sides of the body, the ventral surface is yellow, and the entire body is covered with dense, very short hairs, giving it a velvety appearance. The variegated coloring of the caterpillars is a sign of inedibility.
    In cabbage butterfly caterpillars, the poisonous gland is located on the lower surface of the body, between the head and the first segment. To defend themselves, they regurgitate a green paste from their mouths, which is mixed with secretions from the poisonous gland. These secretions are a caustic bright green liquid with which the caterpillars try to coat the attacking enemy. For small birds, a dose of several individuals of these animals can be fatal. Swallowed cabbage caterpillars cause the death of domestic ducks. The people who collected these creatures with bare hands, it happened that they ended up in the hospital. The skin on my hands became red, inflamed, my hands were swollen and itchy.

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    RIDDLES Suddenly a black cloud appears, The wind does not blow, but the cloud is flying; Rain from it will not increase the harvest, A living downpour will destroy everything around. Red, but not a horse, Horned, but not a ram, They don’t like it at home, And they won’t buy it at the market. The nose is long, the voice is thin, When it flies, it squeaks, when it sits, it is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood. In the forest the pot is boiling and boiling, but there is no boiling water. Not a bird, but with wings. Not a bird, but it flies, With a trunk, not an elephant, Nobody tame, But it lands on us.


    SCARAB BEETLE One of the dung beetles, the sacred scarab, attracted the attention of the ancient Egyptians by making balls from dung. The Egyptians saw in the rolling of the ball a symbol of the movement of the sun across the sky, and in the teeth on the head of the beetle - a semblance of the sun's rays. This was enough for the beetle to be deified and honored. Try to explain the behavior of the beetle based on your knowledge.

    POISON OF LADYBUGS When trees and bushes are shaken, ladybugs often fall from them. Having fallen, they lie belly up for some time. If you touch them with tweezers, you will notice the appearance of droplets of a bright yellow liquid with toxic properties on their legs. After a minute or two, the ladybug turns over with its back up, begins to crawl slowly and then flies away. What does this ladybug behavior mean?

    COLORADO BEETLE The homeland of the Colorado potato beetle is North America. Under natural conditions, it lived on the slopes of mountains and ate wild nightshade plants. The beetle was accidentally introduced to Europe during the First World War and became a terrible potato pest here. What caused this?

    The largest (up to 40 mm) and most poisonous representative of social wasps - the hornet (Vespa crabro L.) deserves special attention. The head of this species is yellow or yellow-red, the chest is black, the abdomen in the rear half is yellow, with black spots. Hornets nest in hollows, wooden buildings, and sometimes in beehives. In deciduous forests they inhabit up to 5% of cavity nests. The nest is first built by the overwintered female. Soon, the larvae fed by her emerge into infertile female workers, who take upon themselves all further concerns about the family. By autumn, young females and males appear in the nest, and the founder of the nest - the queen - and her worker daughters die, the family breaks up, males and females fly away. Males die after fertilizing females, young females climb into secluded places for the winter and fall asleep. In the spring, each of them begins to create their own family. Hornets prey on many insects, which they can kill with a sting or simply with their jaws. The prey is immediately chewed to death, for example, the head and abdomen of bees are chewed off, and the chest is thoroughly chewed, and the wasp feeds the larvae with this “gruel.” The hornet itself prefers nectar and other sweet foods. This species can cause serious damage to beekeeping. HORNET

    Ants are important for humans as raw materials for the production of chemicals and also medicines. From ant venoms, new substances previously unknown to science have now been obtained in crystalline form and studied, such as iridomyrmecin, isoiridomyrmecin, iridodial, dendrolysin. Iridomyrmecin and dendrolysin can be used as insecticides. Formic alcohol, obtained from red forest ants, has long been used to lubricate sore joints due to rheumatism. In earlier times, formic acid was extracted from ants, but is now obtained chemically. Black carpenter ants (genus Camponotus) are dried and the powder is used to make ointments. Nanais use this fish oil ointment to lubricate aching areas of the body. In Germany, carpenter ants were eaten by lumberjacks as a remedy for scurvy, and the Prussian Pharmacopoeia recommended an ant tincture for the treatment of neuralgia. An alcoholic tincture made from the larvae of yellow earth ants (Lasius flavus F.) has a stimulating effect. It has been established that the venom of red ants contains an antibiotic that effectively kills fungi and bacteria, including pathogenic streptococci and staphylococci - the causative agents of typhoid, cholera, and tuberculosis. ANT TINCTURE

    Most people have a wary attitude towards wasps. From our own experience or at the instigation of our elders, we remember them from childhood (the contrasting black and yellow pattern helps with this) and we are afraid of them all our adult lives. There are stories among people about unfortunate people who were stung to death by wasps. Unfortunately, these stories have a basis in reality. It is well known that in the summer, especially in the south, wasps fly to sweet fruits and compote to feast on them. The sting of these insects is very painful and immediately causes swelling. When receiving an injection in the neck, and even more so if a person has inadvertently swallowed a wasp that has fallen into compote, jam, or is inside a ripe fruit, it is necessary to take the most urgent measures. Delay will lead to death from suffocation due to the spread of swelling to the respiratory tract. There are known cases of death of people who drank water from the “spout” of a teapot in which a wasp was sitting. Fatalities have been recorded due to mass attacks by wasps. In all likelihood, the wasp toxin selectively affects the kidneys. For people with hypersensitivity to wasp venom, injections from these insects can also pose a serious danger. THESE SCARY WASPES

    This butterfly needs no introduction. Many have also seen its caterpillars, which are one of the most voracious pests of cabbage. Cabbage caterpillars reach a length of 4 cm, grayish-green with black spots and dots, grouped in more or less regular transverse rows. These creatures have yellow stripes on the sides of the body, the ventral surface is yellow, and the entire body is covered with dense, very short hairs, giving it a velvety appearance. The variegated coloring of the caterpillars is a sign of inedibility. In cabbage butterfly caterpillars, the poisonous gland is located on the lower surface of the body, between the head and the first segment. To defend themselves, they regurgitate a green paste from their mouths, which is mixed with secretions from the poisonous gland. These secretions are a caustic bright green liquid with which the caterpillars try to coat the attacking enemy. For small birds, a dose of several individuals of these animals can be fatal. Swallowed cabbage caterpillars cause the death of domestic ducks. People who collected these creatures with their bare hands sometimes ended up in the hospital. The skin on my hands became red, inflamed, my hands were swollen and itchy. “SIMPLE” CABBAGE WHITE ANSWERS: Puzzle “Signs of insects”: insects have three pairs of legs and most have two or one pair of wings. Puzzle “The role of insects in nature”: insects are the most important link in the food chains of natural communities. Riddles: locust, butterfly, fly, anthill, cockroach, mosquito. Cognitive tasks: 1. If you destroy all insect pests, the food balance will change, food connections will be disrupted, which in turn will lead to a significant change in the animal world. Thus, in places where mosquitoes were temporarily eliminated, the number of birds and fish decreased. Mosquitoes are the main food for many species of birds, and their larvae are food for fish. 2. The butterflies themselves do not cause harm; their numerous voracious caterpillars are the pests. 3. It is best to shake off beetles early in the morning, while it is cool and humid: at this time the insects are little active. 4. The student is right who argued that fly larvae feed on the products of rotting meat, since they have a sucking mouthparts. 5. Insects of predators and insects that parasitize caterpillars are bred in laboratories in order to release them onto farmland for destruction harmful insects. This method is called biologically pest control. 6. The majority of insects, even harmful to the national economy, cannot be completely destroyed, because this will entail a disruption of the necessary food connections between organisms in nature. An exception can be made for “domesticated” harmful insects, such as lice, cockroaches, and moths.
