Unlimited Internet Beeline. How to connect unlimited Internet from Beeline. How to find out your rating

At the beginning of 2018, the Beeline Unlimited Internet service appeared. The new package includes 30 GB of traffic, which can be used in all regions of the country. Subscribers who activate the option become participants in the “Pump Up and Pump Up” promotion and begin to accumulate bonus points. Does it make sense to activate an expensive service for the sake of prizes?


The Beeline Unlimited tariff joins for free, but the whole point of the option is the subscription fee. 100 rubles are withdrawn from the account daily. The price is definitely too high, but the operator is trying to bribe customers with gifts that are given for the traffic spent.

After activation, the service works for 60 days and then automatically turns off. If necessary, the option can be disabled manually.

Note: Beeline's unlimited Internet is suitable for people traveling around the country. The option, which works throughout Russia, has no hidden fees or other pitfalls.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

To activate the tariff, you need to send a message with the text “Yes” to the number 0343. If you encounter difficulties, you should contact the support service by calling 0611. Sending an SMS is the only way to activate the tariff.

You can also disable the Beeline Unlimited Internet service via a message. To deactivate, send an SMS with the text “Stop” to number 0343. You can also refuse the option through the support service, by calling 0611, or at the company’s office.

Note: The Unlimited Internet service from Beeline is connected and disconnected for free.

In addition, if more than 30 GB are consumed over the last 4 full calendar weeks, the service is automatically disconnected.

Promotion “Pump up and pump up”

The main feature of the Beeline Unlimited tariff is gifts for collected points. Many subscribers are willing to overpay for the Internet in the hope of receiving “tasty” prizes. Users can receive:

  • Discounts on subscription fees.
  • Funds to the account.
  • Discounts on connected services.
  • Unlimited Internet.
  • Discounts on new phones (in percentage or rubles).

Points are given for replenishing your account, using Internet traffic and changing your SIM card.

Subscribers' opinions about the service

The high subscription fee and low chance of receiving gifts caused confusion among many users. People who connected Beeline Boundless Internet noted in their reviews:

  • Overpriced. It is wiser to use the “Highway” option, which includes 30 GB of traffic with a monthly subscription fee of 1,200 rubles.
  • Low chances of winning. Most interesting gift– a discount on a smartphone in the amount of 99% of its price. But only 5 people who have reached the diamond level receive such a gift.
  • Pitfalls of the “Pump up and pump up” campaign.

The only undeniable advantage of the Boundless Internet from Beeline is the ability to use traffic in roaming.

Beeline's unlimited Internet is a service that makes it possible to use sufficient traffic at an affordable price. On high speed is provided to subscribers of 30 GB, which have proven themselves equally well in 2G, 3G, 4G. The new Beeline option is designed to make using mobile Internet more profitable and cheaper.

Can be used per day unlimited amount gigabytes without overpayments with daily withdrawals. Option The provision of high-speed Internet is of a promotional nature, so its validity will end on 02/03/2019.

Description of the service “Unlimited Internet”

You can connect to “Unlimited Internet” on your number for the established limit fee. The cost for provided traffic per day is 100 rubles, and for a month – 3,000 rubles. For 100 rubles per day, you can use different amounts of gigabytes.

For what purposes will this option be useful? The connection is free, so if you need to take advantage of the bulk of the Internet, you should order it in a convenient way. Autopay will help you renew your fee for a fixed-price service day by day.

You can use traffic in any amount for a couple of days, after which you can deactivate it. Convenient to use when traveling when you have to leave home for a certain time along with high-speed Internet on your PC. In this case, the current promotion of unlimited traffic can help out.

Beeline's terms and conditions do not establish restrictions on the use of such a loyal Internet offer, so the subscriber himself can decide on what day to disconnect from the option. Users can use the service mobile communications servicing on a prepaid payment system. The Internet option is not limited to roaming.

You can test the capabilities of the proposed Beeline high-speed Internet for 60 days with a fee charged daily from 00:00 to 04:00.

Conditions for providing the option from Beeline

The conditions for the Internet provided are intuitive. For 3000 rubles you get 30 GB of traffic, after which access to the network is terminated.

The service is activated for free, and the distribution of traffic volumes is carried out on a daily basis. You can enable the option and then disable it after five days, paying only 500 rubles. You don't have to pay for Mobile Internet for a whole month, but you shouldn’t believe the myths that they give you traffic for free for 60 days.

When connecting to the new unlimited Internet option, the user automatically takes part in the “Pump Up and Upgrade” program, which allows you to accumulate different amounts of points. Received bonuses can be exchanged for gifts or valuable prizes every 14 days.

To make sure that you can activate the unlimited Internet option, you should send a message indicating “TEST” in the letter field (addressee 0343).

The deadline for provision is 60 days. After successful activation, you can use traffic without targeted restrictions, but you will not be able to connect the device as a mobile hotspot - these capabilities are limited.

If during the period of using the connected option there is a change in tariff or a transition to other mobile packages, then unlimited Internet can be automatically deactivated.

How to connect or disconnect “Unlimited Internet” from Beeline?

Connecting to “Unlimited Internet” is not difficult for any Beeline user, regardless of what basic tariff you have. The service with expanded traffic is not provided in the city of Sevastopol and the border regions of Crimea.

How to disable “Unlimited Internet” on Beeline? To do this, it is possible to send an SMS indicating “STOP” in the text field, and type 0343 in the addressee field. Through authorization in your personal account, you can also deactivate on the same day.

Promotion with “limitless” Internet from Beeline

The unlimited Internet promotion from Beeline attracts with the following rewards: which are played periodically:

  • Cash bonuses to your account.
  • Discounts on services used.
  • Unlimited traffic.
  • Discounts on monthly fees according to the tariff.
  • Discounts on smartphones.

Points are accumulated in proportion to account replenishment- respectively for 5 rubles. you can get 5 points. The numbers double if money is deposited into the balance at the official Beeline office. You can get 500 bonus points if you replace your old SIM card with a new one with 4G coverage. The promotion will last exactly one year, just like the “Unlimited Internet” option.

The more points a subscriber collects, the higher his chances of receiving a reward. The first 5 participants in the round, which lasts 2 weeks, receive valuable prizes. The rest of the users who joined the savings promotions receive smaller prizes.

No consent is required to participate, but you need to do all the required steps to connect to the unlimited Internet. To do this, send the word “TEST” to 0343 via regular SMS.

“Unlimited Internet” from Beeline is a paid service from the operator, thanks to which the subscriber can receive 30 gigabytes of additional traffic. By activating the option, the user becomes a participant in the “Pump Up and Upgrade” campaign, which allows you to exchange points earned by going online for various prizes. These proposals will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Description and cost of the service

Terms of service:

  1. By activating the option, the user agrees to daily debits of funds from the personal account in the amount of 100 rubles. The subscription fee does not depend on the number of Internet units consumed per day.
  2. The amount of traffic consumed per day is not limited. The subscriber has the right to spend the provided 30 gigabytes in one day, and then disable the option.
  3. The first subscription fee is charged at the moment the option is activated. Further cash will be withdrawn from the account from 0 to 4 a.m. until the number of package gigabytes is exhausted. If the operator is unable to charge the subscription fee, access to the network is blocked.
  4. Packet gigabytes received as a result of enabling the option can only be spent from one mobile device. The operator blocks the ability to distribute the Internet to other devices via Wi-Fi and USB interfaces.
  5. The resulting additional traffic can be spent in networks of any generation (2G/3G/4G). In some regions Russian Federation the speed of downloading and uploading data is higher in networks of the third rather than fourth generation - the quality of the Internet depends on the number of operator base stations present in the region.
  6. If the user spends less than 30 gigabytes of traffic per month, the service will be deactivated.

When changing the tariff plan or connecting other additional sets, the “Unlimited Internet” may automatically turn off.

Submission rules

You can use the service:

  • individuals using tariffs with a prepaid payment system;
  • during your stay in those constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which the main traffic package is valid;
  • within 60 days - after two months, unused package gigabytes “burn out.”

If the subscriber uses a tariff plan, basic conditions which does not provide for the provision of packet Internet, the service region is the territory of the entire Russian Federation. During your stay individual In the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol, per-megabyte payment for connection is valid.

Option management

To activate the service, the user must send a CMC with the text “YES” to short number 0343. You can check whether the option can be activated on the current tariff plan using the word “TEST” sent to the same phone.

Tariff plans from Beeline are chosen for a simple reason - for a certain monthly payment, the subscriber can enjoy “unlimited” access to the network, unlimited minutes for calls, as well as message packages. Unlimited traffic plays the most important role here main role, because this is the tariff requirement that the lion’s share of consumers makes. But it should be noted that it is not available in all offers.

The Beeline company has currently created several offers that have no restrictions on Internet access - these are the “Everything for 500” postpaid and “Everything is possible” tariffs. We will talk about how to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline in this review.

First of all, the tariff is interesting due to its unlimited access to the network, but now we need to consider all its main properties. It must be emphasized that the review is carried out specifically for the “postpaid” version, because the prepaid option has slightly different terms of use, in particular, access to the Internet is provided there according to a certain MB package.

Important! The presented tariff plan assumes a difference in the cost of options, which depends on the region of its use. In other regions of the country it may be called “All for 300” or “All for 400”. This review examines the proposal for Moscow and the region. The main characteristics for all versions are absolutely identical, the only difference is the name and cost.

Subscribers are provided with:

  • Unlimited minutes for making calls to Beeline users, both in “your” region and throughout the country.
  • 600 bonus minutes for calls with subscribers of other operators.
  • Package of 300 SMS messages to all numbers.
  • Unlimited mobile Internet with unlimited traffic. The only limitation that exists is in this case– this is a ban on using it in a router and distributing traffic to other gadgets.

Internet at tariff

“All for 500” postpaid cannot be called a completely unlimited tariff. When a smartphone with a SIM card is used as a router or access point for Wi-Fi distribution, then access to the network is immediately limited. First of all, the connection speed suffers - the device has great difficulty loading a regular web page. The SIM card refuses to work in the router. Downloading torrent files is also blocked. Unlimited traffic is only available when using the tariff on a smartphone.

To remove such restrictions, the operator suggests activating the “Internet distribution” option. But its cost, to put it mildly, is high - the daily payment is 150 rubles, which is completely unprofitable.


The name of the tariff plan also indicates its cost. For Moscow and the region, the monthly fee for 30 days of use is 500 rubles. Required condition operator - payment by consumers of a guarantee fee, the amount of which is 500 rubles. There is no charge for switching to this tariff.

The postpaid system operates as follows: the subscriber first uses the options cellular communications, and pays for them later. The guarantee fee paid by the consumer is not blocked. It is credited to the cell phone balance and can then be used as a mandatory monthly payment.

How to connect

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to activate using USSD commands or SMS messages. They are simply not provided. And this is not only a flaw in “All for 500” - this is a pattern for any tariff plan that involves a postpaid system.

To activate, the consumer will need to contact the operator’s office. There you can switch to a tariff with your current SIM card or purchase a new one on which it is already preinstalled.

Attention! To activate this tariff on your SIM card, make sure that it is registered with your passport details. If it is registered to another person, then a Beeline employee will refuse to replace it. The fact is that the owner of the SIM card is obliged to personally sign the concluded contract.

Detailed description of the “Everything is Possible” service

Beeline makes sure that consumers feel confident and comfortable. With the “Everything is Possible” tariff plan, the subscriber will no longer have to worry about the balance of the bonus account or allocated Internet traffic package. And all because the operator provides them in unlimited quantities.

As part of the service, the user is provided with:

  • Unlimited network access.
  • Unlimited number of minutes for calls in “your” region and beyond.
  • 250 bonus minutes for calls with users of other operators.
  • Package of 250 SMS messages to all numbers.

To find out the balance of bonus minutes and provided messages, the subscriber needs to make a free request by calling 06745.


Activating a tariff plan is completely free, but only on the condition that 30 days have not passed since replacing the old tariff. When switching to it, an amount of 600 rubles is debited from the consumer’s balance - a subscription fee for 30 days at once. The transition itself will cost the user 100 rubles. The daily subscription fee for use is 20 rubles.

After 250 bonus minutes intended for calls to other operators, each minute of communication will cost the consumer 1.60 rubles. The same applies to the SMS package of 250 pieces - after they are used up, each sent notification will cost 1.60 rubles. A multimedia MMS message will be charged at 7.95 rubles.

Internet on a tariff plan

“Everything is Possible” consumers get unlimited Beeline Internet on their phone. At the same time, unlimited traffic is provided to maximum speed connections on 2G, 3G or 4G networks. You can spend traffic throughout the entire country.

It would seem that everything is extremely beneficial for the subscriber, but even here there are limitations. The proposal in question is designed exclusively for operation on a smartphone. It will not be possible to distribute traffic from it, nor will it be possible to use it as an access point. It is also not intended to function in a router.

To distribute traffic to other gadgets, the operator offers to connect a service called “Internet Distribution”. It can connect with the following commands:

  • * 157 * 1 # – activation of the option for 60 minutes. Cost 50 rubles.
  • * 157 * 24 # – activation of the option for a day. The cost is 150 rubles.

If the network is overloaded, the connection speed may decrease significantly.

Important! Unlimited access to the network does not function in some regions of the country: Chukotka District; city ​​of Norilsk; Taimyr region; Magadan Region; Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in particular the city of Sevastopol, as well as Yakutia.

How to connect

You can use the offer on your subscriber number different ways, namely:

  • Buy a new SIM card from the official communication store, with this tariff plan already preinstalled.
  • Use the user's personal account. In the “Tariffs” tab, you can connect any available one. After ordering a transition to a new tariff, the consumer will receive an SMS with a special code on their cell phone, which must be entered in the “Personal Account”. Only after this the tariff will be activated.
  • Make a free call from your phone to 0781. Next, you need to follow the commands of the automatic assistant.
  • Call the customer support center with a request to activate the tariff plan. You can use the telephone number 0611 or 8 800 700 0611.

How to disable

You can also deactivate using several simple methods:

  • Buy a SIM card with a different tariff plan or simply switch to a new one.
  • Call the support service 0611 with a request for deactivation.
  • Through personal account, where in the “Tariffs” tab the consumer can independently select a new tariff plan and deactivate the old one.
  • Make a call to service number 0781, where the automatic assistant will give detailed instructions by shutdown.

After performing any of the above operations, the tariff plan will be deactivated.
