Sample employee application form. For different specializations. Where did you work before?

Getting a job has not been easy lately: employers’ requirements for potential employees are constantly growing, and each subsequent step of the applicant usually involves filling out more and more documents. It happens that one interview is not enough; Quite often, a person seeking official employment needs to bring with him. And this is not to mention the medical examination, numerous certificates and instructions. It's different in different institutions, but it's always tiring.

However, the first two stages of the device are always the same: this and, if the manager or HR specialist is interested in it, filling out the questionnaire. And here difficulties often arise: a candidate who has coped well with the first document may not be able to cope with the second: he misunderstood one of the questions or deliberately provided incorrect information about himself. How to cope with filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job will be discussed below.

Why do you need a job application form?

A job application form, despite a common misconception, is not one of the mandatory documents: the need for the applicant to fill it out and further processing HR department employees are determined by the employer; In some cases, he also reviews the document.

Important: for employment in budgetary institutions and departments, filling out the questionnaire in most cases is an indispensable condition for considering the applicant’s candidacy. In this case, the state acts as the employer - it sets the rules. Commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs When hiring, they can use any form of application form - from the simplest to the multi-page one - or completely abandon them, being content with conducting a simple interview and documents and certificates provided by the future employee.

The structure and individual points of the questionnaire can vary greatly even within an organization, depending on what position the applicant is applying for. It is clear that there will be significantly fewer requirements (and, therefore, questions) for a janitor, handyman or manager than for the head of a department or the person responsible for the life and health of other employees. It is also equally obvious that joining an organization whose activities are related to state secrets is more complicated than applying for a position as a salesperson in a grocery store.

Features of filling out an employment application form

There are common points in any questionnaire, regardless of the template specified by the manager. These include:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the candidate. Despite the accepted naming order, specialists drafting or correcting the document form are advised to leave space for national prefixes, endings and other parts of the person’s full name in order to avoid future confusion or the inclusion of the employee in the list under the wrong letter. It is also necessary to note that, due to the same national-cultural or other reasons, the “Patronymic” field is not required to be filled out: a dash in it cannot be a basis for refusing to consider the application form. It is also recommended that applicants leave as much information as possible more space for entering data: it is important to remember that handwritten letters usually take up more space than printed ones.

Advice: the candidate should try to fill out all fields of the application form as legibly as possible when applying for a job. This will make the task of the HR employee easier and, as a result, increase the chances of success: no one will want to deal with an unreadable document, and it will likely simply be left without consideration. The applicant may ask (in case of an error or blot) not one, but two forms; It is also necessary, before getting down to business, to familiarize yourself in detail with a sample of the completed questionnaire and even ask for a copy of it in your hand if you plan to deal with the document at home.

  1. The position for which the person is applying. Recently, this item has increasingly begun to be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire, placing it before the full name. The advantages of this approach are obvious: an employee of the personnel department, and in the future - the archive, where over time the personal files of employees with embedded questionnaires should be submitted, will not have to search for a long time to find out who exactly a person wants to be (or was). This is especially useful if the title is not listed on the cover of the case, a practice that is extremely rare. It must be remembered that changes can be made to an already filed questionnaire only if necessary and in accordance with current standards. For example, if after getting a job in the first specialty a person moved (within the organization) to another position, this is not a basis for correcting the first profile. Depending on the employer’s requirements, two options are possible: either the employee fills out a new form, which is also filed in the file, or a transfer order is simply issued, one of the copies of which, as you might guess, should be in the personal file.

Advice: although a HR specialist is unlikely to confuse the position indicated by the applicant, it is necessary to accurately indicate it on the application form when applying for a job. For greater confidence, this column, like the others, can be filled in by the candidate in block letters, which are easier to understand. At the same time, we must not forget about the alternation of uppercase and lowercase characters: a continuous row of capital letters is difficult to read and does not make it possible to distinguish the name of the institution from general term. For example, in one city the structures “City Hospital No. 1” and “City Hospital LLC” may coexist - and without alternating lowercase and capital letters, it is difficult to understand which of them the applicant previously worked for.

  1. Date of Birth. In most cases, the applicant can indicate it in the way that is more convenient: using Arabic numerals alone (05/28/1963), using Roman numbering for the month (V.28.1963) or writing the month in letters (May 28, 1963). If an employee of the HR department indicates the need for any one option or such requirements are stated in the application form itself when applying for a job, you should adhere to them. In turn, specialists developing the document must foresee each of the options in advance and leave enough space for the applicant to enter the required data.

Important: when filling out an application for employment within the Russian Federation, you should adhere to accepted procedure writing dates: first the day, then the month and finally the year. All values ​​are separated by a dot; The use of slash (diagonal dash) is not recommended. Also, you should not use other formats that complicate the work of a HR specialist: year-month-day or year-day-month. The latter option will most likely mislead the specialist and may cause errors in subsequent documents related to employment. If the applicant is not sure how exactly to write the date, he can always ask for a sample of the completed application form and check with it.

  1. Citizenship. Another mandatory point: the answer to this question will allow the employer or his representative to understand in what direction they should line up legal relations with the candidate and subsequently the employee. If the applicant is a citizen of Russia, it is enough for him to indicate in the appropriate column (or line) of the application form when applying for a job “ Russian Federation"or "Russia". According to the current Constitution of the country, both names are equivalent and can be freely used as synonyms. In this case, the HR specialist does not have the right to force the applicant to change one inscription to another; however, if there was such a request, the candidate may well meet the future colleague halfway and use the necessary word or phrase.
  2. Place of Birth. When filling out this field of the application form when applying for a job, you need to focus on the size of the line: the longer it is, the more detailed information the employer expects from the applicant. If the column is small, it is enough to indicate only the city, town, village or other locality in accordance with the passport. If there is a lot of space, you can enter all the information: zip code, country, region (region, territory, autonomous region, republic), district and so on.

Advice: the applicant needs to try to ensure that the entered data exactly matches the information from the passport - otherwise, later, when checking the questionnaire, questions may arise from the enterprise’s own security service. If a city or other locality has been renamed or included in another territorial entity, it is still necessary to enter its previous name into the application form when applying for a job.

  1. Place of residence and (or) registration. A good trend recently has been to divide this point into two separate ones: this way you can get the maximum about the applicant useful information. However, if there is still only one column in the form, the candidate, before filling out the form, can ask the HR specialist what information is required to be indicated in it, and act in accordance with his advice. Another option is to ask for a sample of a ready-made application form for employment: perhaps the employer means that the person will enter two addresses in one field at once.

Advice: if the applicant is registered in one place and lives without registration in another, it is enough to indicate the registration address. The employer must provide only official information - the future employee can easily keep everything else to himself. If the addresses of registration and residence are the same, in the second field you can put a dash, an identity mark (the letter Z crossed out twice horizontally), or re-enter the previously specified information.

  1. Contact details. This column, depending on the employer’s requirements and availability free space, may contain the following subparagraphs:
    • home (landline) telephone;
    • mobile phone;
    • work phone;
    • E-mail address;
    • Skype account and so on.

Important: the absence of a candidate for the position of city or mobile phone cannot be a basis for refusing to consider his application. If necessary, the employer will always be able to contact him in an official way - by mail (this is why the current address is indicated). However, if for the organization the applicant has the opportunity to use cellular communication vitally important, the HR specialist will always find a reason for refusal. The same applies to other information, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the company’s functioning even before, so as not to waste time filling out a questionnaire that will lead nowhere.

  1. Passport details. The most controversial (and yet usually mandatory) item on the questionnaire. On the one hand, the applicant has every right not to tell anyone the series and number of his passport; on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the employer will certainly have reasons to refuse an applicant who does not want to share information. In such a situation, all that remains is to go to court - but in Russian realities this is unlikely to give the desired result.

Advice: the applicant, even if he has indicated his personal data in the application form, must remember that the employer does not have the right to disclose it or transfer it to third parties. In this case, there will be much more grounds for filing a claim, and the court’s decision will not be in favor of the unscrupulous employer.

  1. Family status. It is surprising why this item is still considered mandatory; It is unlikely that it represents at least some value for the enterprise. However, while the outdated practice is in effect, the applicant needs to enter something in the appropriate column of the application form. There is no need to specify the details: the standard marks “married” or “single” are enough. A larger amount of information will be redundant and will hardly help when applying for a job.
  2. Consent to the processing of personal data and checking the accuracy of the information entered. Here the applicant is not required to write anything: his signature below automatically means that he gives permission for the specified actions.

Important: The candidate (or employee) has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal information at any time. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in the HR department of the enterprise or institution and act in accordance with his recommendations. Formally, such a refusal should not have any impact on the employee’s position in the team; in fact, it is impossible to predict the further development of events: all options are possible - from maintaining the current status to the need to re-initiate legal proceedings.

  1. Date and signature of the applicant. In most cases, the date can be set to any date that lies in the interval from filling out the questionnaire until it is accepted by the HR department employee. Nevertheless, it is better to consult with him in advance on this issue as well - otherwise the candidate will have to correct previously entered information, and in some cases, completely rewrite the document. There are usually no problems with the signature: it must be clear and correspond to the sample in the passport. Most often, the applicant also needs to provide a transcript of the signature: his last name and initials.

Important: Filling out such items in the application form when applying for a job is not particularly difficult, but due to the larger volume of information, it requires special care. It must be remembered: ideally, the completed form should not contain any blots or corrections. The information provided, of course, must be true - this is an indispensable condition for successful employment. It is better to write less, leaving part of your biography outside the document, than to deprive yourself of the chance to get a job through your own negligence.

Optional items on the questionnaire include:

  1. Information about relatives. Depending on the employer's position, the applicant may need to list only immediate relatives (father, mother, brothers and sisters, spouse and children) or distant relatives. The requirements are usually given in the application form itself; if nothing is indicated there, the candidate can ask a HR specialist or ask for a sample of the completed document.

Important: it is necessary to indicate not only blood relatives, but also those who are classified as such by virtue of the law: adoptive parents, adopted children, and so on - it all depends on the family circumstances of the applicant.

  1. Attitude to military service. For women, except in special cases, this item is not mandatory. Men need to indicate their status in accordance with the entry in the military ID and rank.
  2. Education and previous jobs. At these points (usually they are presented in the form of tables), you need to do the opposite chronological order(from last to first) enter names educational institutions, in which the applicant studied and graduated, years of admission and graduation, specialty received and, if desired, special marks (“diploma with honors” and others). The same applies to places of work: the candidate will need to list the full names of organizations and companies in which he was officially employed, the start and end dates of work, his job responsibilities and sometimes achievements in the workplace.

Important: although this is not expressly provided, the applicant can also indicate, with an appropriate note, places of part-time work and informal employment- but only if he believes that the information will be of interest to the employer, that is, directly related to the job responsibilities that the employee will have in the new place. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to official data, without disclosing your entire biography to the HR specialist.

  1. Skills and personal qualities. As just mentioned, it is best to provide only information that is directly relevant to the case: the employer is unlikely to be interested in learning about the applicant’s success in winter fishing or baking - unless, of course, he gets a job in a bakery or a sports (fishing) store. Here it would be useful to mention the presence of a driver’s license, indicating its category: sometimes this can be a significant advantage for the candidate.
  2. Desired level wages . Sometimes the item is divided into two sub-items - up to probationary period and after. Theoretically, the applicant can enter any amounts into these fields, but it is better to focus on averages: the employer may consider himself unsuitable for an overly demanding employee.
  3. Other items. There can be many of them, depending on the working conditions (for example, a criminal record) and the imagination of the manager or specialist who compiled the questionnaire (in particular, hobbies and hobbies), so it makes little sense to discuss all the options. unclear points should be discussed with the HR department employee, and if he does not have time, the candidate can ask to provide him with a sample of the completed form.

Important: Before submitting the form, you should read it carefully again. If errors or inaccuracies are found, you need to contact a HR specialist: he can either advise correcting them directly in the document, or issue new form, which will need to be filled out again, more carefully.

Application for employment - form

It is useful for both the applicant and the HR department to familiarize themselves with a sample application form when applying for a job: this will allow the former to have an approximate idea of ​​what awaits him in the near future, and the latter to gain new ideas or correct shortcomings in the current documentation.

Job applicant application form - sample

Often, it is not enough for a candidate to just skim the application form: for many, visual information is more useful (a fully filled out document, on the basis of which the applicant will be able to enter his data into an empty application form - of course, without copying those given in the “standard”).

Let's sum it up

Hiring is an important and long-term stage in the life of an adult. To prevent it from taking too long, it is recommended to follow the above recommendations and the advice of the HR employee.

The applicant, no matter what position he is applying for, must fill out the application form as carefully as possible: it is better to spend a little time and submit the document to a specialist the first time than to make adjustments in the future or completely rewrite the application form.

Some people believe that a job application form can replace an interview. This is wrong. An interview will not be a complete replacement for a questionnaire. The questionnaire is the first stage of mutual acquaintance between the employer and the future employee. The interview will be the second stage. The answers given in the questionnaire will tell a competent manager in what manner to conduct the interview and whether to conduct it at all.

The goals that the employer must achieve by drawing up the questionnaire:

  • obtain general information determining the legality and feasibility of a further employment agreement;
  • get an adequate initial assessment professional qualities candidate for a job.

The questionnaire is also important for those looking for a job:

  • it may contain questions that you forgot to cover in your resume;
  • you will learn about the future new job– are individuals valued here, or are workers considered a faceless “labor force”.

In accordance with current laws

Of course, There are no legally approved forms for the questionnaire. But this does not mean that the law allows the employer to include arbitrary questions in the application form. The state warns employers about responsibility when compiling questionnaires. Selecting questions requirements must be met, set out in Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”.

Questions relating to religion, nationality, race, origin, financial status may become grounds for going to court after the applicant has been given a job. Such a refusal may be perceived as a violation of the equality of rights and freedoms of a citizen, and the applicant may refer to Article 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employers whose profiles are quite detailed (for example, banking structures) should worry about voluntary nature of providing personal data. To do this, it is important to obtain the written consent of the candidate. The procedure for obtaining such consent is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”, Article 9, paragraph 4.

The law obliges the candidate to be honest in providing personal data, giving the employer the right to terminate employment contract in case of receiving false information (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 81).

If a candidate comes to an interview with a detailed resume, the HR employee has several possible solutions:

  • suggest questions covered in the summary, mark with the link “see. summary";
  • offer to copy the necessary information from the resume into the application form.

The first option is convenient for the applicant. But a personnel employee may be faced with the need to simultaneously study two documents - resumes and applications– which is not always convenient.

The second option may seem uncomfortable to the candidate. If not all information from the resume is reflected in the application form, You can suggest using a marker to highlight in the resume the information that the candidate considers important. If all the data from the resume is copied into the application form, it is logical not to leave the resume to the employer.

Compiling a questionnaire

It is advisable that the survey questions be grouped by topic. This will make the work easier for both the person being surveyed and the person checking the questionnaire.

You can develop a questionnaire in advance in which groups of questions are divided into two parts. General issues in one part of the questionnaire, highly specialized questions in the second part.

This division of questions makes it easier to use a single questionnaire form for a large enterprise. Thus, the first part of the questionnaire will be the same for those wishing to apply for a job in any workshop or department of the enterprise. The second part of the questionnaire for candidates for different professions will be different. What groups of issues are important for an employer?

General information about the employee

This part of the questionnaire contains standard items, such as: date of birth, residential address, contact information, marital status, children, attitude to military service, criminal record.

Work Goals

This section should include questions that will reveal the applicant’s motives and goals. For example:

  • What position would he like to hold now?
  • does he want to make a career?
  • Is there a desire (and/or opportunity) to work overtime and on weekends?
  • attitude towards business trips?

In addition to questions, lists of preferences perfectly reveal the personality of the applicant. For example, a proposal to rank by importance a list of benefits that a candidate would like to have in this job.

An example of such a list:

  • good team;
  • decent salary;
  • growth prospects;
  • job skills training;
  • proximity of work to home;
  • flexible work schedule.

Thus, the applicant will be forced to not simply answer whether it is important or not for him good salary. By putting “flexible work schedule” in first place and “decent salary” in second place, the applicant will show what is more important. It is rational to offer to add your option to the ranked list.

Education information

Not all employers value this information. Most people prefer to test a candidate's skills than to know his theoretical capabilities. However, a theoretical framework can play an important role for many specialties.

Work experience information

The structure of this section should serve two purposes. First goal– inform the employer about the candidate’s working skills. To do this, professions are listed, who he worked for, a list of duties that he performed.

Second goal– get an idea of ​​the candidate’s communication skills and stability. To do this, when listing previous places of work, he must indicate the reason why the employment contract was terminated.

In addition, it is important that the candidate identifies one or two previous employees who can provide character references and recommendations.

Work Skills Information

Here, highly specialized skills are surveyed. For example, an office worker might be asked about their level of proficiency in office equipment. The computer typing operator must indicate what programs he knows how to use, and perhaps indicate the typing speed. The driver must indicate the category and driving experience Vehicle. Furniture master will talk about his experience in designing, assembling or installing furniture (cabinet or upholstered). And so on.

Health information

After weighing the pros and cons, the employer must decide whether information about the future employee’s illnesses is really that important. After all, in fact, such a survey can be equated to an invasion of privacy. However, quite important information that will affect the employer’s obligations towards the employee (providing benefits, etc.) is disability, chronic diseases that require regular hospital treatment.

The following formulations would be tactful: “Do you need special conditions work due to health conditions? Do you need additional days off to care for a relative?”

What else can you consider when compiling a questionnaire?

What questions should not be included in the questionnaire?

As a rule, questions that cause an inadequate reaction from the applicant, relate to his personal qualities. The request to name your main shortcoming makes the majority of people surveyed want to lie or put a dash through. It is naive to hope that with the help of such a question the employer will really be able to find out the character or working qualities of the applicant.

Concerning positive qualities, it is better to offer the applicant a ready-made list with a proposal to rank it than to ask him to name a few of his advantages. But even in this case, the degree of reliability of the information provided is extremely low.

Who should process the applicant’s personal data?

Person who has access to personal data, must be warned about maintaining confidentiality (clause 3, article 6, Federal Law “On Personal Data”). According to the law, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the state for the actions of the processor.

How detailed or lengthy should the questionnaire be?

The employer must be aware that if the job application form is too thorough, the future employee may refuse to fill out some items or even leave. By including too many personal questions in the questionnaire, the employer risks scaring off the most sober and prudent employees. It is precisely such people, faced with the fact that already at an interview they are “getting into their soul”, who will write about the company bad opinion and would prefer to look for work elsewhere.

We must not forget about kindness and tact., both to the one who writes the survey questions and to the one who answers them. Healthy humor, a constructive approach and practicality will help business people find each other and unite into a wonderful work team.

Currently, most employers resort to a preliminary questionnaire before starting an interview with a future employee.

On a note. The questionnaire is a pre-designed form with questions, the main purpose of which is to obtain basic and additional information about the future employee.

Such paper when applying for a job is very simple and effective tool for pre-selection of candidates. When conducting a survey of a future employee, the employer pursues the following goals:

Besides, The questionnaire has certain benefits for the candidate himself, which is expressed in the following:

  1. it becomes possible to reveal issues that were not covered in the resume;
  2. Based on the contents of the questionnaire, one can draw a conclusion about the future employer and his attitude towards his subordinates.

Often, many applicants have a completely reasonable question: why do they need to fill out an application form if there is ready-made resume? However, there is a significant difference between these two papers. As a rule, when writing a resume, a potential employee tries to present his strengths as favorably as possible and at the same time hide all his shortcomings. The main purpose of this paper is to interest the employer and receive an invitation to an interview.

For example, a candidate in his resume may be silent about his marital status, the presence of small children, temporary jobs, etc.

The questionnaire helps the employer obtain a comprehensive and objective assessment potential employee. At the same time, the main goal of questioning applicants is to make information about them consistent, complete and as clear of “water” as possible.

Main sections

It should be noted that Today there is a very wide variety of employer questionnaire samples. Moreover, each organization develops a questionnaire taking into account the specifics of its activities.

IN general view The questionnaire should contain the following main sections:

The total content of the application form, as a rule, ranges from 4-6 pages, depending on the nature of the vacancy.

When developing a questionnaire, the employer should adhere to the standards set out in Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"Violation of privacy." For example, issues related to religion or nationality may become grounds for going to court if the applicant is denied employment.

In addition, a person who has access to personal data must maintain confidentiality when working with completed candidate questionnaires (Clause 3, Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”).

How to fill it out correctly?

The application form is filled out by hand directly by the applicant for a specific position. As a rule, this process is carried out in the HR department. Filling out the questionnaire is not particularly difficult. To do this, you need to gather your thoughts, remember all your advantages and start filling out. When answering the questions asked, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to give answers as completely and comprehensively as possible, even to questions not related to the future position (you can see the list of non-standard questions and learn how to answer them correctly).

    Important! If there are no answers to some of the questions contained in the questionnaire, the employer may conclude that the candidate is unmanageable.

  2. You should write correctly and legibly. Availability grammatical errors can significantly spoil the overall image of a future employee.
  3. You should not leave empty lines, as they immediately catch your eye.

Passing an interview with great competition is not an easy task. However, if the candidate is careful and determined exclusively to win, then luck will definitely smile on him. Read advice from our experts about what happens during a job interview, how to behave at a meeting, even

During the preliminary interview, one of the essential tools selection becomes a questionnaire. It helps to get to know the applicant better.

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How to correctly compose an applicant’s application form when applying for a job in 2019? An employment questionnaire allows the employer to form an initial opinion about the candidate.

But for this you need to choose the right questions. How to write a job applicant application form in 2019?

Important aspects

Large companies conduct surveys of candidates on own rules, dictated by the characteristics of immediate activity.

At the same time, the applicant is rarely informed about the upcoming survey. The emphasis is on surprise; it is believed that in this case the applicant’s answers will be more honest.

Labor legislation does not contain special standards that would regulate the content of such a questionnaire.

The information depends entirely on the employer’s goals. However, there are some generally accepted and mandatory fields.

One of the employer's requirements is to fill it out in your own hand.

Based on the information received from the questionnaire, the employer gets an idea of ​​the applicant’s work experience and his personal characteristics.

Basic Concepts

An applicant's application form for employment is a questionnaire containing questions of interest to the employer. As a rule, such a questionnaire is compiled by the personnel department.

There is no single template for the questionnaire, and there cannot be one, since the specific nature of the activity is of primary importance in this case.

Each organization develops a questionnaire for the applicant based on its own needs, including the truly necessary information.

For example, someone collects information on the basis of which an employee’s personal file is subsequently created. For others, it is more important to find out through a questionnaire whether the applicant has the qualities necessary for the job.

Applicant questionnaire indispensable tool recruiter, since even the most detailed may not display the necessary information.

Typically, an applicant's application form consists of several blocks. The very first contains standard information:

  • Full Name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • registration and residence address, contact details;
  • passport data;
  • educational level;
  • previously held positions, work experience;
  • Family status;
  • hobbies.

This block is present in almost all job application forms, since it allows you to collect factual data about the applicant.

But further content is determined based on the needs of the employer. Depending on what is more important to get in the end, questions are drawn up.

If a company wants to hire a highly qualified specialist, then the questions relate to professional activity and knowledge in a certain area.

When is it more important for an organization to set certain personal qualities, then the survey concerns precisely this area.

For what purpose is it formed?

By correctly questioning potential employees, the recruiter receives Additional information, which is not customary to find out during an interview or you don’t want to spend extra time on it.

Such information includes, for example, marital status and contacts of relatives. Typically, the questionnaire is filled out by the applicant directly during the interview or immediately after it.

The completed application form is stored in the employee’s personal file if it is. The applicant questionnaire allows for a more qualitative analysis of the applicant.

By comparing the answers given during a personal interview and the answers to the questionnaire, you can determine how well a candidate fits a particular role.

But you should know that the questionnaire is an internal document containing the personal data of the citizen. Therefore, this document cannot be provided to third parties.

Only an HR specialist or other authorized person has the right to work with him. When compiling a questionnaire, it is important to clearly indicate the purpose of its use in work.

You need to understand whether the questionnaire is just a formality of office work or additional tool candidate assessments.

The purpose of the applicant questionnaire depends on who is using it:

The HR inspector is interested in the applicant's profile from the point of view of completeness of information about the employee Indicating data from personal documents in the form allows you to use it in the future in your work. In this case, there is no need to “raise” your personal file or look for the necessary information. All necessary information is indicated in the application form
The manager and HR manager can obtain additional information about the candidate from the applicant’s application form In general, this contributes to a more adequate assessment, especially against the backdrop of a large number of applicants, when all applicants “merge” and it is impossible to make a choice
For a job seeker, a job application form is no less important. By answering the questionnaire, you can get to know your future employer. By assessing the content of the questions, you can draw some conclusions about the requirements and characteristics of the company, its corporate culture

Ideally, the applicant's application form should include questions that allow the candidate to be assessed from the standpoint of compliance with his personal and professional specifications.

That is, based on the answers, it should be clear whether the person’s qualities allow him to successfully perform a certain job.

There is no point in compiling a separate applicant profile for each position.

Questioning in personnel records management often involves drawing up three forms of questionnaire:

  • for workers and junior service personnel;
  • for specialists and technical performers;
  • for managers.

But it is more convenient to create one general questionnaire and create several applications, depending on the categories of employees.

Normative base

The labor legislation does not approve a single standard template for a job application form, nor does it regulate the content of such a document.

Therefore, the main points of the questionnaire are developed in accordance with legal norms and practical activities economic entity.

The law does not prohibit an employer from collecting necessary information about employees. The main thing to remember is the provisions.

This contains a ban on the collection and processing of personal data relating to religious, political and other beliefs.

Disclosure of personal data, transfer of such to third parties or public access is already punishable by criminal law.

Employers whose questionnaires are quite detailed need to foresee in advance the voluntary nature of providing personal data.

Moreover, when the applicant agreed to fill out the questionnaire, he is obliged to provide only truthful information.

The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract if the employee provides false information.

How to fill out a standard job seeker application form

Knowing how to correctly fill out a standard application form for an applicant when applying for a job will definitely not be superfluous. The practice of questioning is used by most employers today.

To fill it out correctly, you should know a few rules:

You should not refuse to fill out the form Some applicants refer to the presence of a resume. But often the questionnaire contains questions that are rarely disclosed in a resume. You should notify the employer about the availability of your resume, and he will decide whether the application is needed or not
You must read the entire form before filling it out. Often the same questions are duplicated at the beginning and end of the survey. This is done deliberately in order for the applicant to distort the transmitted information.
The form must be filled out in legible handwriting No one will bother to sort out incomprehensible scribbles, and such a questionnaire will simply be excluded when selecting an employee
You need to be careful when listing your previous places of work. You may need to list your jobs starting with your first or most recent. This is important, confusion in answers will indicate inattention
If the previous employer worked under a well-known brand But first you need to indicate exactly trademark, and only then the legal name
If contact details of previous employers are required Ignoring this point may cause the employer to think that the review will be negative
You must fill out all fields of the form Before adding a dash, it is better to think about how you can fill in the column. An empty questionnaire indicates an attitude towards work in general.
When you need to express your opinion It is better to avoid “water”, to be specific and concise
Questions about hobbies, achievements, failures, etc. must be answered. Lack of answers may indicate that the applicant is closed or limited
The question about the expected salary level is contained in almost every questionnaire. The price should not be too high, but the price should not be too low either. It is better to indicate 10-15% more expectations. In this case, you need to consider how such a position is paid in other companies.

What data is included in the form?

When preparing for an interview, the applicant should be prepared for the possibility of filling out a questionnaire. To do this, you need to know what is most often included in such questionnaires.

All information can be divided into several categories:

general information This includes personal identifying information, marital status, family composition, contact information, residential address, family composition, citizenship, etc.
Data on the company's prospects It contains questions about the desired position and salary level, motivation, convenience, transport accessibility, desired development prospects
Information about educational level The questions in this block concern completed educational institutions, forms of training, additional education, having certain knowledge and skills
Work experience information Standard questions relate to previous places of work and positions held. The employer can evaluate how often the applicant changed jobs, what was the reason for leaving previous jobs, and how responsibilities changed. In general, this block allows you to analyze career development and psychological characteristics applicant
Information regarding professional skills Here you can find out what knowledge you have that may be useful in your work.
Recommendation data The contact details of previous employers are indicated here. If the applicant does not fill out this block, the employer has reason to think about the suitability of the applicant
Health information The questions are designed to determine not only the candidate’s ability to work, but also his addiction to addictions. Based on the answers, the issue of employment in general and an individual work schedule can be decided.
Information about hobbies and interests Questions may sound different, their purpose is to find out how the applicant spends his free time

In addition, the application form may include other data, for example, information about own self-esteem, opinion about the company, list of strong and weaknesses etc.

When filling out the application form, it is advisable for the applicant to answer as honestly as possible, since similar questions may be asked during the interview.

At the same time, if some questions seem too personal or incorrect, the applicant is not required to answer them.

You can write “I consider this information to be purely personal” as an answer. This answer also reflects the personality of the applicant.

What is better not to indicate in the document?

Some questionnaires may contain very tricky questions, and sometimes simply incomprehensible. Before giving an answer, you need to think carefully about what the employer would like to hear.

Before each answer you need to clearly formulate your thought. But main principle This is to answer honestly, without hiding existing shortcomings and without embellishing advantages.

Both will become clear sooner or later. It is not advisable to indicate the following information in the applicant application form:

Sample filling

The applicant's application form when applying for a job can be shortened or expanded. The shortened version contains questions that allow you to evaluate a candidate in cases where there are no special requirements for the position.

If the applicant has many requirements when difficult work, then it is more convenient to use the extended questionnaire.

This contains in addition general information and questions that reveal the candidate’s personality more fully.

The standard questionnaire consists of the following questions:

  1. FULL NAME. applicant.
  2. Date and place of birth.
  3. Family status.
  4. Registration and residence address.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Education.
  7. Experience.
  8. Additional skills and knowledge.
  9. Desired position and salary.

The extended questionnaire additionally includes questions about personal characteristics, work and life goals, life position and other significant moments.

Based on the completed questionnaires, the most suitable candidates are selected, who are then invited for an interview or selected for the position.

As a sample application form for an employee when applying for a job, a template form for a shortened type of applicant when applying for a job and an extended application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

Nuances during employment

The form of the applicant's application form and its content are determined by the specifics of a particular position. When filling out the application form, you need to focus on professional skills and personal qualities.

It would not be superfluous to indicate such qualities as:

  • communication skills;
  • politeness;
  • accuracy;
  • decency.

In the professional and educational sections, you can provide information about your knowledge of the principles of successful activities, communication, and participation in various trainings and seminars.

But basically, the indication of certain information depends on the profession. So, in the driver’s profile, you need to indicate the presence of driving skills, open categories, and the absence of emergency situations.

For a security guard, it is desirable to indicate experience in the army, proficiency in martial arts, and good physical fitness.

For a hairdresser, in addition to experience and work skills, communication skills and cleanliness are important.

The accountant should indicate the absence of a criminal record and knowledge of special software. That is, each profession has its own nuances.

In a restaurant

Working in a restaurant rarely requires higher education As a rule, the educational block is not important at all. Although obtaining special knowledge related to the vacancy is welcome.

But the main attention is paid to attentiveness, politeness, communication skills, good memory, and competent speech.

Restaurant activities require employees to be neat and presentable. appearance. When hiring a restaurant, special attention is paid to the health of the candidate.

Every employee in the catering industry is required to have a health certificate, and without one, employment is simply impossible. Temporary opportunities can also be significant.

Video: how to fill out forms correctly

Working in a restaurant may require overtime. It is advisable for management to know in advance whether the employee will be able to work overtime if necessary.

Sales Manager

The specifics of the position of sales manager require compliance with a number of specific requirements:

  • age – from 18 to 30 years. It is believed that at this age employees are most active and capable of development;
  • marital status - the absence of family ties is desirable, since this profession assumes
  • irregular working hours and frequent absence of days off;
  • presentable appearance;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • negotiation skills.

If the first two points are desirable, then all the rest are required. Typically, a sales manager's questionnaire consists of a standard questionnaire about personal data and a questionnaire with specific questions.

Often the question presents a situation that the candidate must resolve.

Sometimes the questionnaire includes passing various tests. As an example, a sales manager’s application form for employment.

For administrator

When applying for an administrator position, an applicant application form is drawn up to determine the candidate’s suitability.

The administrator is required to:

  • communication skills;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • a certain level of education;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • management skills.

The administrator's questionnaire includes questions such as:

  • level of education (graduated institution, acquired specialty);
  • knowledge of languages ​​(with or without knowledge, spoken, perfect);
  • additional education;
  • knowledge of PC and certain programs;
  • previously held positions;
  • reason for changing jobs;
  • indication of people who can give professional characteristics.

The questionnaire allows the employer to assess the compliance of the candidate applying for the position with the requirements put forward. The document allows you to structure and summarize information about a specialist. With its help, the employer facilitates the process of interviewing and making a decision on employing a new employee.

Document form

Legislative norms do not regulate the form of the document. Subject entrepreneurial activity has the right to independently develop a sample job application form, taking into account the level of information content necessary to evaluate a person as an employee of the company.

The questionnaire allows the employer to objectively assess the qualities of the applicant

Often, enterprises approve several forms of questionnaires intended for different categories of potential employees.

For administrative personnel, a detailed form of the document is usually used, since for this category of workers it is important to timely identify the levels of:

  • attentiveness;
  • literacy;
  • speed of reaction;
  • emotional state;
  • interest in getting a job.

Sample application form for applicants for management positions

For the working and service categories of personnel, a concise form of questionnaire is provided, the purpose of which is to identify professional qualities and compliance with the current vacant position.

Sample questionnaire for potential blue-collar workers

The main purpose of the questionnaire is to disclose professional, psychological and personal information about the candidate applying for the position, so that the employer can select a competent employee.

What should be reflected in the document

After finding the desired position in employment services, the applicant usually has a question about how to fill out a job application form, a sample of which must be completed at the request of the employer.

To reliably assess a person’s characteristics from a professional point of view, the questionnaire should reflect the following data:

  • Full Name;
  • citizenship;
  • profession;
  • graduated from an educational institution;
  • professional status;
  • total work experience with detailed description last place employment;
  • registration address;
  • residential address;
  • Military service;
  • having a criminal record.

The procedure for revealing the personal potential of an employee

Additionally, information about education can be entered:

  • completed advanced training courses;
  • attending seminars, master classes and conferences;
  • level of foreign language proficiency.

For working professions, sections on health status are relevant, implying:

  • disability;
  • restrictions on employment;
  • treatment chronic diseases in stationary mode.

Marital status and the presence of children or elderly relatives may be a reason for frequent registrations sick leave, which is unacceptable for some professions. These factors also affect the ability to travel for work related matters.

The questionnaire may contain specific questions of a psychological nature that help identify behavioral factors

What sections should not be included in the application form?

At the legislative level, there are factors that cannot be the reason for refusal to hire. Therefore, you should not include sections in the questionnaire that may later give rise to legal proceedings:

  • race;
  • Political Views;
  • religious beliefs;
  • property status;
  • trade union membership.

Read also: Is it included maternity leave in length of service when calculating pension

If possession of this information is important for the employer to make a decision about hiring a new employee, then it is advisable to reveal it orally.

Nuances that employers should consider

When drawing up a questionnaire, the employer must take into account that the questions in it should be asked tactfully with a minimum amount of personal information so as not to scare away a potential employee.

It should be noted that if false information is provided or false documents are used, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract.

When processing employment documents, representatives of the employer, reviewing the application form, gain access to personal information future employee. Therefore, all personal information must be kept confidential, and the potential employee must consent to the use of his identification data for office work purposes.

What to pay attention to

Before you start filling out the form, it is recommended that you read it completely, since it is completed by hand and it is important that the document contains no errors or omissions. It is necessary to pay attention to identical questions with the help of which the employer determines the honesty, frankness and correctness of the applicant.

Blank fields in the document can help create the impression that the employer is ignoring questions, which will classify the applicant in his eyes as a non-performing and conflict-ridden person.

When applying for a management position, a potential employee must fill out an extended questionnaire. To speed up the process, with the permission of the company's representative, you can refer to resume items in some sections.

How to fill out a document correctly

To get the desired position, you must first study a sample of filling out a job application form in order to be able to competently prepare the document in accordance with the requirements of your profession.

In this case, you should take into account every nuance of the questionnaire, which can tell a lot about its filler.

Level of culture and education

A quick glance at the completed questionnaire is enough to assess the cultural level and education of a person. When applying for leadership positions, it is important to be able to eliminate spelling errors from the text part of the document and place commas correctly. All phrases must be detailed, logical and understandable.

Applicants for working professions may not demonstrate their skills in calligraphy and knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, since in order for them to perform job responsibilities these criteria are unlikely to be useful.

Character traits

Character traits can be determined by looking at a questionnaire, even without reading it, using the features of a person’s handwriting, which may indicate the degree of categoricalness, criticality and confidence, which may be due to:

  • handwriting style;
  • pressing on the rod;
  • the size of the symbols used to indicate the choice of the correct answer.

Compliance with the vacant position

The nature of the execution of the questionnaire can tell the employer whether the person’s parameters match the vacant position.

The performer is characterized by:

  • accuracy of task completion;
  • number of questions left unanswered;
  • availability of detailed answers to open questions.

More than 80 percent of responses to the questionnaire indicate the diligence of a person who is suitable for the position of a subordinate.
