Absolute Bank mortgage application sample. Absolut Bank mortgage terms: rates, early repayment and application form to fill out. Stages of the transaction

The abundance of various loan programs that allow you to get money to buy real estate forces borrowers to pay especially close attention to the terms of mortgage lending. Interesting offers that allow you to get a profitable loan for the purchase of housing are also available from Absolut Bank. The main thing is to decide in advance on the desired loan parameters (term, amount, rate), and think about it in a timely manner. convenient ways repayment. This will avoid many problems in the future and make the life of debtors much easier.

Mortgage conditions at Absolut Bank

Clients are offered a large number of special programs designed for different categories of borrowers. Absolut Bank also has a mortgage for secondary housing, there are offers for the military, loans are available from state support. The table shows all loans for the purchase of real estate provided by a financial institution in 2019.

Program name Maximum amount (in rubles) Maximum term (in years) Interest rate Down payment (percentage) Borrower age
For Russian Railways employees 20 million 15 8,95 0 Up to 65
Parking space No more than 70% of the cost 10 11,49 20 From 21
Commercial real estate No more than 80% of the cost 30 From 11.49 20 Absent
Primary market from 80% of the cost of the object 30 9,99 20 From 21
With government support 12 million rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg

6 million for regions

30 5.75%, after the end of the grace period, the rate is calculated by adding 2 to the base rate of the Central Bank at the time of conclusion of the agreement 20 From 21
Military 2,190,000 rubles 20 10,9 20 Up to 45
Standard (aftermarket) From 80% of the property price 30 From 9.99 20 From 21
Apartments Up to 80%
from the cost of the apartment
30 9,99 20 From 21
Mortgage with
maternal capital
Check with the manager 30 9,99 20 Absent
For young families Up to 80%
from cost
30 9,99 20 Valid in the following areas:

Tyumen and region,
Krasnodar and Samara region

Mortgage secured by existing real estate interest rate 30 from 11% 20 Absent

The fact that the bank has several proposals to reduce the interest rate deserves additional mention. You can get acquainted with them on the official website of the institution.

Features of refinancing mortgages from other banks

In addition to standard mortgage programs, the lending institution also offers refinancing. It has virtually no features and is extremely similar to similar offers from third-party organizations.

The bank itself allocates several positive aspects refinancing at home:

  • interest rate reduction;
  • reducing the amount of monthly payments to an affordable amount;
  • reduction of debt repayment period;
  • change in the composition of co-borrowers;
  • changes in the currency of the debt.

In addition, the financial institution emphasizes that it is ready to look for solutions to non-standard situations and meet borrowers halfway.

Absolut Bank – mortgage refinancing

But special attention needs to be paid to the most important conditions and provisions for assistance:

  • the amount of refinancing cannot exceed 80% of the value of the property;
  • maximum term – 30 years;
  • interest rate – from 9.99%;
  • minimum amount – 300 thousand rubles;

The requirements for borrowers deserve special mention, without which it will be impossible to obtain approval. The client cannot be currently in arrears on the loan; the total period of arrears over the past six months cannot exceed a month.

Refinancing of loans that have undergone restructuring in the past is not permitted. Other requirements are standard and therefore will be listed below.

Military mortgage at Absolut Bank

The main parameters of military lending have already been indicated above.

Law enforcement officers are encouraged to:

  • amount up to 2,190,000 rubles;
  • it cannot exceed 80% of the cost of the apartment;
  • minimum down payment – ​​20%;
  • repayment period – up to 20 years;
  • rate – 10.9% (new buildings and secondary housing).

Military personnel under 45 years of age and NIS participants serving under a contract can receive the money. To submit an application, the employee will have to prepare a passport, documents confirming his marital status, and a certificate of NIS participant on the right to housing. Additionally, you will need documents for the property being purchased and the spouse’s consent to foreclose on the pledge in the event of the debtor’s failure to fulfill its obligations.

A big advantage of the military program is the opportunity to save on insurance. If certain conditions are met, its cost is reduced by almost half.

Mortgage insurance

To correctly calculate a mortgage, it is necessary to take into account the amount of annual risk insurance. Typically, the cost depends on the rates of insurance companies, but here customers are encouraged to join a group insurance program and reduce costs.

As a result, the purchase of policies amounts to:

  • 0.7% (of the debt amount) for health and life insurance;
  • 0.4% for insurance against the risk of accidental loss or damage to real estate;
  • 0.12% of the risk of loss of property rights to housing.

Required documents

Apply for financial assistance can:

  • capable;
  • citizens of Russia;
  • having a permanent income;
  • and permanent registration in the region where bank branches are present.

The following document requirements are presented on the website:

  • passport;
  • a certified copy of the work record book or contract;
  • income certificate (in a form convenient for the client);
  • Absolut Bank mortgage application form;
  • documents confirming the borrower’s ability to make a down payment.

Later, you will need to additionally provide documents for the purchased property and issue a deposit.

Mortgage calculator at Absolut Bank

Apartment price:

An initial fee:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

An important stage in the mortgage lending process is the moment of filling out an application for loan approval. Each credit institution develops its own application form and Absolut Bank is no exception. To correctly fill out the form, it is worth obtaining information in advance about the existing rules for exclusion unpleasant consequences and refusal to receive a loan due to annoying errors made when preparing the document.

Advantages of lending at Absolut Bank

The bank today offers clients the opportunity to obtain credit funds to purchase their own home. After contacting the bank and submitting the required document, the financial institution makes a decision within a certain period on the possibility of issuing a loan. For the client, a positive verdict means an opportunity to short time solve the housing problem instead of the alternative of having to accumulate savings for a long time.

The advantages of the bank are:

  • short review period, lasting 24 hours;
  • individual consideration of each application;
  • long loan term;
  • availability of a personal manager throughout the duration of the loan agreement.

When contacting Absolut Bank, the client can be confident in open conditions lending, no hidden interest and commissions.

Why does the bank need a questionnaire?

Completing an application is always initial stage the process of formalizing credit relations between the bank and the borrower. For financial organization receipt of such a document means that the client has made a decision about the need to obtain a loan and has assessed his own financial capabilities. This act is perceived by the bank as a conscious step and readiness to accept the terms of the loan.

The application contains several mandatory sections, some of which relate to the client’s identity, others relate to the parameters of the future loan and the loan object. Obtaining information of this kind allows bank employees to assess the client’s reliability and the possibility of issuing the desired amount of loan funds. Today, banks cooperate closely with each other, so credit institutions only need a couple of minutes to assess the quality credit history client.

The application must include contact information. If it is necessary to obtain additional information, bank employees contact the client via call or SMS to mobile phone or letters by email.

Who can qualify for a mortgage?

The first step in the loan process is submitting an application. It is advisable to start processing the document only if the individual in full satisfies the image of the “ideal” bank client. The requirements of a credit institution for a potential borrower are established by internal documents and rules.

To be able to receive a loan, the following requirements must be met:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • reaching the age of 21 years at the time of applying to the bank and no more than 65 years at the date of repayment;
  • having a job or the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • having at least one year of work experience and at least six months in the last job;
  • the presence of a stable source of income in the place where the credit institution operates;
  • absence of mental disorders, drug problems;
  • legal capacity.

The client must confirm the level of income with an official certificate or salary account statement. The availability of funds can be confirmed by documents on ownership of the property, through the sale of which it is planned to pay off loan obligations. 4 co-borrowers can be involved in the lending process, and all of the above requirements apply to them.

A sample application form for a mortgage from Absolut Bank is standard and the rules for filling out apply to all borrowers. The document can be obtained at a bank branch, and if necessary, you can clarify difficult moments from a loan specialist. The document is organized according to the principle of a questionnaire. Filled out by the client independently by entering data in certain fields. Absolut Bank's mortgage application form consists of several sections:

  1. lending and insurance parameters- in this part, the client indicates the status in the lending process, the amount of the loan and the down payment, the type of housing being purchased, the details of the partner for attracting the client are additionally specified, and consent to the conclusion of comprehensive insurance is indicated;
  2. information about the borrower- the full amount of information regarding the main borrower and co-borrowers is indicated, including gender, passport details, place of residence and registration, level of education and contact details;
  3. employment information- information is provided regarding the place of work and type of employment, duration labor activity, work phone numbers, information about managers and monthly income levels;
  4. assets- the entire list of property of an individual is listed;
  5. credit history- the fact of having issued loans in the past is indicated;
  6. Additional Information- the facts of a criminal record, incapacity and the source of obtaining information about the bank are indicated.

All fields must be filled out in clear handwriting without corrections or erasures to avoid misunderstandings. The document is certified by the personal signature of the client and the bank employee indicating the date. By submitting an application for a loan, an individual consents to the bank’s processing of personal information.

You can visit the official website of the organization or our website.

Important points

The bank's list of mortgage programs contains several loan offers, each of which requires certain requirements for borrowers and real estate properties. To avoid unpleasant situations in the form of filling out an application and subsequent refusal by the bank due to non-compliance with the rules for granting a loan, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them in advance.

It is not advisable to apply in the following situations:

  • impossibility of confirming income with a certificate if the client wishes to receive credit according to the standard program and standard registration procedure;
  • inconsistency physical condition building requirements of the bank;
  • lack of the required amount to make a down payment, if such a requirement is made by the terms of the loan offer;
  • if the cost of paying loan obligations exceeds more than 40% of the income received;
  • having a credit history of poor quality with many facts of delinquency.

When filling out an application, you should not resort to distorting data or providing false information in advance. Today, banks have many opportunities to exchange information and it is quite easy to identify lies. You should not exaggerate the level of your own income, since if this fact is revealed, the bank will classify the client as unreliable and will refuse to receive a loan.

When entering contact information, you must indicate real data. Firstly, it is to these email or phone details that a notification will be sent in the future. the decision taken. Secondly, control calls will most likely be made to the specified work telephone numbers to find out that the individual actually has a place of work in this organization.


Filling out the form is the first step to purchasing real estate with borrowed funds and becoming the owner of your own home. The document form is quite simple to fill out and, if necessary, the client can always get help from a credit specialist. The main recommendation when preparing a document is that the data must be filled out correctly without indicating inaccurate or false information.

Absolut Bank is the largest Russian bank, which belongs to the NPF Blagosostoyanie. In terms of assets, the bank is among the first 50 banks in the Russian Federation. Works in all major cities of Russia. Specializes in servicing small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals.


The bank offers mortgages at rates starting from 6% per annum for up to 30 years. Mortgage borrowers are only required to make a down payment of 20% of the value of the property being purchased. Loans are issued for the purchase of housing in apartment building in the secondary market of real estate, apartments ( non-residential premises), as well as apartments in houses under construction.

Part of the funds, for example, for a down payment can be provided in the form of maternity capital(in 2017 the amount was 480 thousand rubles). For a loan amount of 10 million rubles minimum size The down payment is 30% of the cost of the loan object. If the borrower's income is confirmed by personal data, the minimum down payment is 40%.

Important! Preferential programs for young families at a rate of 6% began to operate only in January 2018. A strict casting of applicants is expected, so not everyone will be able to count on receiving a loan.

What preferential and standard programs are offered?

Absolut Bank offers many programs for mortgage borrowers. Among them there are preferential ones, at reduced interest rates, as well as standard ones.

All borrowers are required to provide collateral in the form of real estate (purchased or existing). To ensure the safety of the collateral, a policy is issued to insure the risks of loss and damage to real estate, the life of the borrower and loss of ability to work, as well as the risk of loss of property rights.

Interest rates

Loans for the purchase of real estate are issued at 6-14.25% per annum. The rate depends on the choice of program, the borrowers’ credit history and other factors. Discounts and surcharges on the interest rate can range from 0.25 to 4% per annum.

The bank may increase the rate if the borrower refuses life insurance, title insurance, or does not provide a certificate of income. Higher rates may also be provided for individual entrepreneurs with little work experience.

Minimum and maximum loan amounts and terms

To purchase an apartment or apartment, you can borrow from 300 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles for a period of 3 to 30 years. Maximum size loan for each borrower is determined based on an assessment of his solvency. For borrowers who are business owners, for example, the maximum can be up to 70% of the value of the property.

The maximum loan amount when confirming income with personal data is 60% of the price of the apartment, but not more than 6 million rubles. The maximum loan amount for the purchase of apartments is 80% for a loan amount of up to 10 million rubles and 70% for a loan amount of over 10 million rubles.

Under the Military Mortgage program, the maximum amount cannot exceed 2.3-2.9 million rubles depending on the chosen loan repayment scheme.

Requirements for the borrower and real estate

The basic requirements for borrowers in Absolut Bank are the same as in others. The client must have citizenship in the Russian Federation and work, as well as live in the region where he wants to take out a loan. This must be a capable person over the age of 21 without psychoneurological or drug addiction diseases.

The bank requires:

  • work experience of at least one year;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - work on the market for at least 12 months;
  • the presence of at least 20% of the value of the purchased property;
  • income is at least 1.5-2 times higher than the amount of payments.

Real estate requirements:

  • legal purity of documents for the apartment;
  • liquidity (the ability to quickly sell in case of non-payment of the loan);
  • no problems with major repairs, communications, etc.;
  • no registered minors.

Lender banks do not like to issue loans for “Khrushchev” buildings and other objects that may fall under renovation programs or fall in price. But loans are readily issued for the purchase of housing in new houses, without a history of purchases and sales, and preferably in an already completed form.

Important! A minimum of applicants reach the final stage - the issuance of a loan.

In order not to waste time collecting documents, it is advisable to use loan calculator calculate in advance the amount of loan payments that are coming in the future, and find out whether the family will be able to pay them off over a long period of time (up to 30 years).

What documents are needed?

The bank needs to assess the solvency of the future borrower, so it requests a certificate of income from the main place of work for at least six months or a tax return for Last year. The income certificate must contain the seal of the employing organization.

It is also necessary to prepare:

  1. loan application;
  2. copy of passport;
  3. a copy of the work book;
  4. certificate of income or 3-NDFL;
  5. original and copy of the maternity capital certificate (if any);
  6. additional documents on income (copies of deposit agreements, real estate leases, etc.).

Documents are not required if the amount of the requested loan does not exceed 6 million rubles and the down payment is more than 40%. In this case, it is enough to simply fill out the borrower’s application form and provide your passport and SNILS.

In addition to documents about the borrower, you will also need to provide a package of papers for the property being purchased. A preliminary decision to issue a loan is valid for 4 months, so it is advisable to find an apartment within this period.

You will need to present:

  1. copies of title documents;
  2. copies of the seller's passport;
  3. apartment assessment report;
  4. extended USRN certificate;
  5. permission from the guardianship authorities to sell housing (if there are minor children);
  6. spouse's permission for the transaction;
  7. an extract from the house register about registered persons.

Additionally, the bank and insurer may request other documents. The bank will check the ownership of the seller’s apartment, as well as the condition of the apartment itself. After approval, you can begin to draw up the purchase and sale, loan agreement, mortgage and insurance agreement.

Features of filling out the form

An application form is a document that the creditor bank considers first. It is a form with empty columns where you need to indicate the amount of the required loan, the loan term, the type of program, the type of property being purchased, and also provide all the information about the applicant.

The bank will be interested in:

At Absolut Bank, the questionnaire is very detailed - clients are asked to provide all information about income, expenses, family composition, as well as all information about themselves, including accounts on social networks. The more information the future borrower provides about his income and assets, the higher the chances of receiving a loan.

Why can they refuse?

A loan can be refused for many reasons. The bank may find out that the applicant has been in arrears on other loans in the past, or that his income will not cover all mortgage costs. A negative reaction can also be caused by false information in the application form or the applicant’s lack of decent work experience.

As practice shows, most often mortgages are approved for persons who earn at least 56-60 thousand rubles per month and have an initial payment of at least 30-40% of the cost of the apartment.

Attention! The bank makes a decision on issuing a loan within up to 5 days; for individual entrepreneurs, this period can be extended to 15 days.

Pros and cons of a loan

A mortgage from Absolut Bank can be profitable, especially if you get a loan at a reduced rate of 6%. Military mortgage programs and loans using maternity capital funds have also proven themselves to be excellent.

Advantages of a mortgage:

  1. availability of preferential programs;
  2. possibility of attracting co-borrowers (up to four people);
  3. free letter of credit for settlements under a purchase and sale transaction;
  4. no hidden fees or charges.

Another advantage of a mortgage from Absolut Bank is the ability to pay for the loan directly on the bank’s website through your Personal Area.

Disadvantages of a mortgage:

  • overpayment on a loan;
  • the need for a decent down payment (at least 20% of the property value);
  • costs for assessing the value of housing, insurance, registration.

However, like any mortgage, a loan from Absolut Bank results in large expenses for the borrower in the form of overpayments and the need to pay for unnecessary insurance, as well as the services of an apartment appraiser. These expenses can only be reduced by paying off the loan ahead of schedule.

A mortgage at Absolut Bank costs from 6 to 14.25% per annum. Borrowers receive a response to their applications quite quickly - within 2-5 days. You can also get a loan quite quickly after your application is approved - in less than a week. You can pay loan payments not only through the bank’s cash desk, but also remotely - through your personal account on the website.

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"Absolut Bank" - mortgages at quite affordable and favorable conditions. Today the bank can offer its clients a fairly large range of mortgage loan products for various client needs.

In general, the bank’s requirements for borrower clients and the real estate they purchase are quite liberal, and the rates are quite small and quite acceptable. Loan terms can be said to be standard. The amounts of mortgage loans issued by the bank are quite significant.

Benefits of lending

Advantages of lending at Absolut Bank:

  • The client can always receive a quick decision on a loan application;
  • Flexible terms loan repayment;
  • Bank managers will accept the most optimal solution in individual non-standard cases;
  • Clients are assigned a personal manager who accompanies the mortgage agreement from start to finish;
  • Quick execution and execution of the transaction;
  • The bank does not require the client to permanently register at the place of residence;
  • The bank provides free settlement of mortgage letter of credit transactions.

Step-by-step process for obtaining a mortgage at Absolut Bank

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining a mortgage at Absolut Bank:

  1. First you need to fill out an application online on the bank’s website or at its office;
  2. Obtaining preliminary approval of a loan application by the bank;
  3. Providing everyone necessary documents;
  4. Obtaining approval for the issuance of borrowed funds;
  5. Select mortgage real estate;
  6. Providing all necessary papers for legal examination of real estate;
  7. Get approval for a mortgage loan (valid for up to four months);
  8. Apply for a mortgage loan.

A preliminary loan calculation can be made on the bank’s website, where you can also fill out and submit a loan application for initial consideration by the bank.

  • Mortgage terms up to 30 years;
  • The amount of the mortgage loan issued is 300 thousand - 20 million rubles;
  • The bank's requirements for the age of the borrower client are from 21 years;
  • The bank allows you to attract up to four co-borrowers under one loan agreement;
  • The processing time for client applications is 1-5 business days;
  • The validity period of the credit decision is up to 4 months;
  • Lending is carried out in rubles;
  • To issue a loan, confirmation of current income is required, such confirmation can be: 2-personal income tax, a free-form certificate or a bank form, as well as a salary account statement;
  • Total work experience - at least one year and at the current place of work - at least six months;

The final loan rate depends on the included bank insurance programs, which may vary depending on each individual case. The rate is also affected by the size of the down payment.

Mortgage loan products:

  • “Ready Housing” is a program for purchasing mortgaged housing on the secondary market.

Program conditions:

  1. Contribution - from 15%;
  2. Rate 11 - 15.75%;
  3. Loan size 15 - 85% of the value of the purchased property.
  • “New buildings” is a program for purchasing mortgaged housing on a “primary” basis or acquiring rights to claim housing. One of the advantages of the program is the opportunity to purchase housing in the early stages of its construction, which allows for significant savings.

Program conditions:

  1. Contribution from 20%;
  2. Rate from 10.4%.
  • “Maternity capital” - provides for the purchase of residential real estate on the primary or secondary market using maternity capital to partially pay the down payment for the mortgage (payment from own funds is not less than 10%).

Program conditions:

  1. For the “Standard” subprogram - contribution from 15%, rate from 11%;
  2. For the “Primary Market” subprogram - contribution from 20%, rate from 10.4%.
  • “Commercial Real Estate” is a program for the purchase of non-residential real estate with the use of additional collateral when there are insufficient own funds to purchase real estate.

Program conditions:

  1. The term of the mortgage agreement is 1 - 10 years;
  2. Amount 1 million - 15 million rubles;
  3. Contribution from 20%;
  4. Mortgage rate from 14.25%;
  5. The amount of loan funds issued should not exceed 60% of the value of the mortgaged non-residential property (with collateral - no more than 80%).

“Consumer loan secured by real estate” - the program allows a bank client to receive up to 15 million rubles for any purpose secured by real estate.

Program conditions:

  1. The term of the mortgage agreement is 3 - 15 years;
  2. Mortgage rate from 14.75%;
  3. The amount of loan funds issued should not exceed 70% of the value of the collateral property;
  4. The amount is 500 thousand - 15 million rubles in Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (up to 9 million for other regions).
  • Mortgaged real estate - the "Profitable Mortgage" program allows you to purchase real estate at a reduced price credit rate from property owned by the bank.

Program conditions:

  1. Amount 300 thousand - 20 million rubles;
  2. Reduced interest rate 11 - 14.75%;

The rate is set depending on the share of loan funds in the value of the property. Mortgage rates under the program are 1% lower than under similar conditions under other bank programs.

  • "Apartments" - the program gives attractive conditions for purchasing apartments on the primary/secondary market.

Program conditions:

  1. The amount of loan funds issued should not exceed 70% of the cost of the apartment;
  2. Contribution from 30% of the cost of the apartment;
  3. For the “Standard” subprogram - the rate is from 11%;
  4. For the “Primary Market” subprogram - the rate is from 10.4%.
  • “Refinancing” - the program allows borrowers from other banks to refinance with Absolut Bank on new, more favorable terms for them.

Program conditions:

  1. Mortgage rate from 11%;
  2. The amount of loan funds issued should not exceed 70% of the appraised value of the apartment;
  3. The amount is 300 thousand - 20 million rubles.
  • “Car space” is a program created for the purpose of lending for the purchase of parking spaces on the primary/secondary market.

Program conditions:

  1. The term of the mortgage agreement is from 1 to 10 years;
  2. Mortgage payment from 30%;
  3. Mortgage rate from 14.25%;
  4. The amount of loan funds issued should not exceed 70% of the cost of the parking space;
  5. The amount is 100 thousand - 2 million rubles.


Mortgage documents for bank lending:

  • Application form for obtaining a mortgage loan;
  • Russian passport;
  • Confirmation of current income for the year (2-personal income tax / arbitrary certificate or bank form / salary account statement);
  • A copy of the work book or employment contract (other similar documents);
  • Documents on mortgage/collateral real estate;
  • Certificate form from the bank from the borrower’s place of work;
  • Application form for consultation of an individual at a bank.


In our review, we looked at the bank's mortgage programs this year and briefly covered the main requirements and conditions for providing a mortgage. As you can see, the requirements for borrowers and the real estate they purchase are quite liberal, so almost everyone can choose a mortgage program that suits them.

For many Russians with average incomes who rent housing, live with their parents, or want to improve living conditions, a mortgage is the only real opportunity to purchase own apartment, meeting the needs. Many banks offer favorable conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan, Absolut Bank is one of them.

Conditions of receipt

As an advantage of a mortgage from Absolut Bank, it is worth noting the possibility of remote assessment of a potential borrower’s compliance with current requirements. To do this, just fill out the online application form on the official website and send it.

The application is processed within 24 hours, after which the manager contacts the person who filled it out and informs about the preliminary decision.

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If the answer is positive, you can begin collecting the required documents for registration.

Requirements for the borrower

A mortgage from Absolut Bank can be obtained by:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation in person, aged from 21 years old before 59 years old for men and up 54 years old for women (at the time of full repayment of the loan, the borrower should not be older than 60 And 55 years respectively for men and women).
  • Not a citizen of the Russian Federation with tax resident status (residing in Russia for more than 183 days a year and regularly pays taxes). In this case, the borrower needs to enlist the help of mortgage brokers - bank partners. Independent applications will not be considered.

Work experience must be at least one year, 3 months per last place work, income must be confirmed by the appropriate 2-NDFL certificate or 3-NDFL declaration.

It is possible to obtain a mortgage for owners and co-owners of their own business.

Package of documents

The package of documents required to obtain a mortgage at Absolut Bank can be found by downloading the list on the official page.

Today the following are required:

  • Application form for a mortgage.
  • Certified copies of passports and work records borrower, co-borrower and guarantors.
  • Certificate of income in the established form.

At its discretion, the bank may require:

  • Copies of education documents, marriage contract, tax return for the past year.
  • Certificates confirming additional income(for existing part-time work, bonuses, etc.).
  • Documents on the ownership of any real estate (apartments, rooms, land plot etc.), expensive property (cars, yachts, equipment, etc.), funds in accounts.
  • Other documents.

Credit programs

To obtain a mortgage, we offer a package of carefully designed loan programs that allow the potential borrower to choose the most acceptable conditions.


The “Standard” program is aimed at those wishing to purchase ready-made housing (secondary market).

  • The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles, the maximum is limited by region (for example, for Moscow it is 14 million rubles, for St. Petersburg 10.5 million. rubles).
  • Loan term – up to 25 years.
  • The down payment can range from 15% of the total cost of housing.
  • The presence of insurance directly affects the interest rate (if not, higher).
  • The larger the down payment and the shorter the loan term, the lower the interest rate. So, when entering 40% from the cost of housing as a down payment, the availability of insurance for 5 years a mortgage under this program will be accompanied by a rate of 11,5% per annum.

If the interest rate is not minimum ( 11.5% per annum), you can lower it by enabling the “Absolute rate” option. To do this, the bank proposes to pay at the time of execution of the loan agreement 2% lump sum of the entire loan amount.

According to the Standard program there is additional opportunity owners of a certificate certifying the right to maternity capital, sell it as a down payment.

A young family can either expand the existing living space or purchase their first home.

Primary market

This program is intended for potential borrowers wishing to purchase housing in new buildings, and applies only to accredited properties.

The interest rate, compared to the “Standard” program, is slightly higher, but upon completion of construction and commissioning of the facility, it can be revised and reduced by 1% .

Advantageous mortgage

The Profitable Mortgage program allows borrowers to purchase housing, a plot of land with finished or under construction housing, pledged by the bank.

  • When purchasing a secondary housing market, the interest rate is determined in accordance with the tariffs of the “Standard” program minus 1% from the annual interest rate (in the presence of personal title insurance and its absence, respectively).
  • When purchasing a new building - according to a similar principle in accordance with the “Primary Market” program.


The program allows you to get cash secured by existing real estate, both for the purchase of an apartment, land, etc., and for repairs, recreation, education and other purposes.


  • Amount – from 15% before 70% from the assessed value, from 1 million before 15 million rubles
  • Term – from 3 before 15 years.
  • Interest rate – from 13,5% before 18,5% per annum.

Commercial mortgage

For those wishing to purchase non-residential space as personal property using existing housing as collateral, Absolut Bank has developed the “Commercial Mortgage” program. You can issue it at 5-10 years at an interest rate of 14% per annum.

By analogy with the “Standard” program, there is an offer to connect to the “Absolute Rate”.

In total, it “reduces” the interest rate by 2,5% per annum with a one-time contribution to 1,5% of the total loan amount.


The “Absolute rate” option reduces the interest rate by 0,5% per annum upon payment 2% of the total loan amount upon concluding a loan agreement.

comparison table

If you have insurance Without insurance
Minimum interest rate Maximum interest rate
11.5% – for up to 5 years, down payment from 40% 14% – for up to 25 years, down payment from 15% 15.5% – for up to 5 years, down payment from 40% 18% – for up to 25 years, down payment from 15%
Primary market (at the construction stage)
12.5% ​​– for up to 5 years, down payment from 50% 14.75% – for up to 25 years, down payment from 15% 16.5% – for up to 5 years, down payment from 50% 18.75% – for up to 25 years, down payment from 15%
13.75% – for up to 5 years 14.5% – for up to 15 years 17.75% – for up to 5 years 18.5% – for up to 15 years
Commercial mortgage
16.5% – for up to 5 years 19% – for up to 10 years 10.5% – for up to 5 years 23% – for up to 10 years
11.5% – for up to 5 years, from 60% or less of the property value 13.75% – for up to 25 years, from 80% or less of the value of the property 15.5% – for up to 5 years, from 60% or less of the property value 17.75% – for up to 25 years, from 80% or less of the value of the property