Zeer e f psychology of professional development. Book: E. F. Zeer “Psychology of professions. Subject, object and tasks of psychology of vocational education

In recent decades, the problem of changing the educational paradigm has been widely discussed in domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature. The main reason for the need to change the educational paradigm is that social and scientific and technical progress came into conflict with the educational systems that have developed over the last three centuries. There is a need for a fundamentally new approach to defining the goals, objectives and principles of education; it is necessary to reconsider the content of education, which is implemented by academic subjects and academic disciplines; new forms, methods and means of teaching are required.

The book “Professional and educational spatial personality” is the result of research carried out by the author with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (Grant No. 01-06-00030a). The undoubted advantage of this book is that the research presented in it develops the theoretical and methodological foundations of personality-oriented vocational education(its formation and essence, position among other widespread educational paradigms are revealed). Based on a multidimensional approach, the author designed a logical-semantic model of a professionally oriented personality, which allows one to interpret the professional and psychological potential of an individual.

The book consists of three parts: “Professional development”, “Personally oriented professional education”, “Monitoring professional development personality", which are devoted to the theoretical and methodological foundations of personality-oriented professional education: the conceptual apparatus, basic conceptual provisions, and ways of implementation in a professional school are revealed. Moreover, the work reflects the main points of the personality-oriented paradigm of vocational education, which are analyzed in detail in the publications of the author and his graduate students over the past three years.

The first part of the book analyzes the basics of designing a professionally oriented personality space, substantiates the professionally determined structure of a specialist’s personality, and also reveals the dynamics of its change at different stages of professional development. Turning to the process of professional development, E.F. Zeer examines the main approaches to its definition and research, which are reflected in the works of B.G. Ananyeva, N.V. Andreeva, S.G. Vershlovsky, L.A. Golovey, A.A. Derkach, A.B. Kagan6ova, E.A. Klimova, T.V. Kudryavtseva, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, K.K. Platonova, A.R. Fonareva, V.D. Shadrikova and others. One cannot but agree with the author about the main task of most domestic and foreign research in the field of professional development - to transfer it into the process of professional development, to manage it in order to give it a positive direction. His presentation by E.F. Zeer talks about professional and personal development in the form of a multidimensional semantic space using a logical-semantic model. In this case, a method of two-channel (verbal-visual) reflection of information is used, which precisely allowed the author to argue the dynamics of professional development of the individual at different stages of formation, as well as to determine the content and technologies of personality-oriented professional education.

The second part of the book is devoted to personality-oriented education. The author notes that “personally oriented education is based on methodological recognition as a system-forming factor of the student’s personality: his needs, motives, goals, abilities, activity, intelligence and other individual psychological characteristics. This education assumes that in the learning process the gender, age, individual psychological and status characteristics of students are taken into account as much as possible. Accounting is carried out through the content of education, the variability of educational programs, teaching technologies, and the organization of the educational and spatial environment. The interaction between students and teachers is fundamentally changing. They become subjects of the learning process” (p. 42). The author dwells in detail on the disclosure of the conceptual apparatus of personality-oriented education. It is especially noted that in “personally oriented learning the main thing is the development of a personal attitude towards the world, activity, oneself,” which, in turn, “implies not just the activity and independence of the student, but necessarily subjective activity and independence” (p. 45). Further summarizing the basic psychological concepts of learning, E.F. Zeer, identifies the main features of personally oriented learning. At the same time, the emphasis is on the following position: “personally oriented education does not set as its goal the formation of a personality with predetermined properties, qualities, training, and preparedness. It should create conditions for the full development of the potential to become an individual, the realization of the individual’s need for self-change, self-determination, self-realization and self-actualization” (p. 45). It is important to note that person-oriented education includes three interrelated processes: person-oriented learning, education and development, which cannot be implemented in in full at all levels of education, and their ratio is constantly changing.

In the third part of the book, the author quite thoroughly worked on the issues of monitoring the professional educational process and professional development of the individual. The concept of “monitoring” is analyzed in sufficient detail. E.F. Zeer considers psychological monitoring as “the process of tracking the state of an object (system and complex phenomenon) using continuous and periodically repeated collection of data, which is a set of certain key indicators, where various phenomena of psychological reality can act as an object or system” (p. 106). By monitoring professional development, the author understands the process of continuous scientifically based tracking of professionally important characteristics that determine the professional development of an individual, as well as system parameters that allow assessing the level of professional development of students and deviations from the vector of professional development.

At the conclusion of the book, the author expresses his position on the problem of professional and educational space of personality. The heuristic nature of the presented model for designing educational and professional standards is revealed.

Thus, the work under review stands out among recent publications on pedagogy and psychology of vocational education. The author’s undoubted merit is the development and application of a multidimensional approach that combines the most important factors of a person’s professional biography: professional development, professional education and the world of professions - into a single-logical and semantic space. However, the author notes that he “failed to fully disclose the theoretical and practical aspects of the multidimensional representation of the problem of “profession - education - personality,” and the work itself “is undoubtedly debatable and incomplete.”

A branch of psychology that deals with research related to clarifying the essence of a profession, determining the abilities and professional suitability of an employee. Physiology serves as auxiliary sciences or methods of occupational psychology... ... Professional education. Dictionary

WORK PSYCHOLOGY- branch of psychology that studies psychological aspects labor activity. It arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. (see Psychotechnics) in connection with the scientific organization of labor (NOT) and the solution of issues of professional selection, vocational guidance, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Labor psychology- a branch of applied psychology that studies the psychological aspects and patterns of human labor activity. P. t. began to take shape at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. due to the growth of the production sector, the emergence of new types of labor... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

work psychology- a branch of psychology that studies the psychological aspects of work activity. It arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. (see Psychotechnics) in connection with the scientific organization of labor (NOT) and the solution of issues of professional selection, vocational guidance, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

PSYCHOLOGY- (from Greek soul and word, teaching), the science of patterns, mechanisms and facts of the psyche. life of humans and animals. The relationships of living beings with the world are realized through feelings. and intelligence. images, motivations, communication processes,... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

work psychology- a science that studies the psychological patterns of the formation of specific forms of labor activity and a person’s attitude to work. From the perspective of P. t., an individual’s working and free time are closely interconnected, as are the conditions of work and reproduction... ...

PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY- a branch of psychology that deals with scientific research related to the issues of clarifying the essence and development of a profession, with the determination of abilities and selection. Physiology serves as auxiliary sciences or methods of occupational psychology... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PSYCHOLOGY- PSYCHOLOGY, the science of the psyche, personality processes and their specifically human forms: perception and thinking, consciousness and character, speech and behavior. Soviet P. builds a coherent understanding of the subject of P. on the basis of the development of the ideological heritage of Marx... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

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M.: Academy, 2006. - 240 p.
IN textbook the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional development are outlined, its metapsychological categories and features of the formation of the subject are considered professional activity. Developing educational technologies are presented. Psychological barriers to professional development of the individual are analyzed. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the field and specialties of psychology. Contents.
Introduction to the psychology of professional development.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional development.
Meaning-forming concepts.
Methodological foundations of the psychology of professional development.
Prolegomena of the psychology of professional development.
Space for professional personal development.
Metapsychological categories of professional development.
Psychological dimension of man.
Activity is the core of a person’s psychological field.
Man as an individual.
Man as a subject of activity.
Man as a personality.
Psychological foundations of professional development of personality.
Personality formation.
Professional development of personality.
Psychological assistance to professional development of personality.
Initial provisions.
Psychological assistance in specialized training of schoolchildren.
Psychological assistance in choosing a profession.
Psychological assistance to vocational education.
Psychological assistance to professional adaptation.
Psychological assistance to professionalization.
Psychological assistance in ascent to the heights of professionalism: mastery.
Psychology of developing professional.
Professional education as a factor in personal development.
The concept of developing professional education.
Developmental technologies of vocational education.
Developmental psychodiagnostics.
Trainings for the development of metaprofessional education.
Organizational and activity games.
Project method.
Monitoring the professional development of the individual.
Psychological barriers to professional development.
Crises of professional development of personality.
Typology of personality crises.
Factors determining professional crises.
Psychological features of crises of professional development.
Professionally caused personality destruction.
Psychological determination of professional destruction.
Types of professional destruction of personality.
Prevention and correction of professionally conditioned.
Strategies for overcoming psychological barriers to professional development.
Strategies for professional self-preservation of the individual.



Lesson No. 4


1. Zeer E.F. Psychology of vocational education: textbook. allowance / E.F. Zeer.- M.: Publishing house MPSI, Voronezh: MODEK, 2003.- P.81-98.

2. Zeer E.F. Psychology of vocational education: textbook. allowance / E.F. Zeer.- M.: Publishing house MPSI, Voronezh: MODEK, 2003.- P.216-227.

3. Zeer E.F. Fundamentals of career guidance: textbook. manual for universities / E.F. Zeer, A.M. Pavlova, N.O. Sadovnikova.- M.: Higher school, 2005. – P.26-32.

4. Bendyukov M.A. Career steps: ABC of career guidance / M.A. Bendyukov, I.L. Solomin.- St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.- P.48-58.

5. Klimov E.A. Introduction to labor psychology: textbook / E.A. Klimov.- M.: Academy, 2004.- P.155-179.

6. Klimov E.A. Psychology professional self-determination: textbook allowance / E.A. Klimov.- M.: Academy, 2004.- P.239-255.

Topic: Forms of professional experience

1. The role of mental processes and personality traits in professional activity.

2. Psychophysiology of professional selection and professional suitability.

3. Adaptation of personnel to the conditions of professional activity.

4. Psychophysiological determinants of human adaptation to extreme operating conditions.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the role of mental processes and personality traits in professional activity?

2. Why in modern world Is the role of analyzing a person’s suitability for professional activity increasing?

3. How is the process of developing a person’s professional suitability carried out?

4. What is the basis of the psychophysiological system of professional selection?

5. What is the role of professional training and certification in developing the professional suitability of a specialist.

6. What types of labor adaptation do you know?

7. Describe the factors influencing psychophysiological adaptation.

8. What are the conditions for successful labor adaptation?

9. What factors influence a worker’s adaptation in extreme conditions?

10. How do the cognitive, motivational-volitional and activation components of the system of adaptation to professional activity manifest themselves?

11. What “failures” in activity occur during maladjustment?

12. What methods can be used to determine physical workload?

13. What methods for determining mental workload do you know?

Task No. 1. Topic for abstract:

Psychophysiological diagnostics when applying for jobs related to extreme conditions(military personnel, firefighters, air traffic controllers).

Task No. 2. Topic for reflection: professional awareness as a component general culture people (it is important to know about penguins and polar bears, and about many professions, no less).

Task No. 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What guided your choice of profession: its prestige, wages, working conditions, availability of training, advice and example of other people? Why?

2. How would you comment on the statement of business analyst John Naisbitt: “ The best way predict the future - gain a clear understanding of what is happening today."

3. Which of the following obstacles may affect your employment:

lack of a vacancy, insufficient knowledge of the labor market, lack of skill in job search, health problems, lack of your qualifications or work experience, incorrectly formed job search goals or their absence, lack of financial resources, characteristics of your character, errors in assessing your real capabilities, lack of help from loved ones, an incorrectly compiled resume?

The concept of psychology of vocational education

Psychology of vocational education is a fairly new branch in domestic psychology.

Psychology of Vocational Education deals with the study of the phenomenology of the formation of the human personality, psychological patterns in the process of vocational training, development and education, features of the age-related nature of subjects of vocational education.

Definition 1

Professional development– this is the formation of personality and adequate activity. The pace and direction of this process are determined by biological, as well as social factors, the activity of the person himself, important events in life and professional incidents.

Russian scientific school of psychology of vocational education

E. F. Zeer- founder of the Russian scientific school, which studies the process of personality formation in the professional and educational sphere, its psychological and pedagogical components. The uniqueness of these studies lies in the fact that a person’s professional development is considered systematically and continuously from the inception of professional intentions to the completion of professional activities, and at the same time an effective paradigm for personal development education is proposed. The results of Zeer's research became the basis of such academic disciplines as: psychology of vocational education, fundamentals of career guidance, psychology of professions, psychology of professional development.

Problematic educational situations

At different stages of personal development in professional terms, problematic problems arise. educational situations, due to psychological aspects.

Main stages of personality development and problems of professional education:

  1. Option period 14–16 years . During this period, professional intentions are formed, the choice of professional and educational sphere is made, and admission to educational establishments or receiving vocational training. Problematic educational situations that shape professional intentions during this period: psychological and pedagogical methods of professional self-determination; identification of professional interests and abilities; organization of training courses and competitive tests.
  2. The period of vocational education and training is 14–23 years. During this age period, the formation of educational and professional motives, the acquisition of social and professional skills, knowledge and skills, preparation for employment and independent work occur. Educational situations conducive to vocational education and training: psychology of professional motivation; professional education focused on personal development, education and development; monitoring the professional development of the individual; formation of basic competencies among trainees; psychological help in finding your place in the professional world.
  3. The period of professional adaptation is from 18 to 25 years. During this period, experience is gained self-execution professional activity, mastering the socio-professional role and norms of behavior in a professional team. Problematic educational situations that provide professional adaptation: professional socialization, self-determination in the workplace, supervision, professional development.
  4. The period of professionalization is from 25 to 33 years. This period is characterized by highly qualified performance of professional duties and individual work style. Problematic educational situations that help this process: constant professional development, ensuring competitiveness in the professional market through self-education and self-development, development of basic qualifications, professional mobility.
  5. The period of professional excellence is from 33 to 55 years. Achieving peaks in the profession, self-affirmation in one’s professional community, individual creative work style. Problematic educational situations that help the growth of professional skills: maintaining professional and psychological potential up to date, self-actualization, as well as excess professional activity, creation favorable conditions for full realization in professional activities.

Subject, object and tasks of psychology of vocational education

The psychology of vocational education is very closely related to general psychology, as well as with pedagogical and developmental psychology, acmeology, but at the same time it is a separate branch of applied psychology and an academic discipline.

The object of the science of psychology of vocational education is a system of vocational education and advanced training. The object of the discipline - psychology of vocational education - is the individual at various stages of ontogenesis.

The subject of scientific psychology of professional education acts as a professional educational process. Item academic discipline- psychology of vocational education is the professional development of the human personality.

Objectives of psychology of vocational education:

  • creation of a psychological concept of vocational education;
  • disclosure of the basic patterns and mechanisms of professional development of personality;
  • forecasting in the development of vocational education;
  • psychological patterns of professional activity and personality of students.