Mysterious ancient deity - Anubis. Egyptian mythology: Anubis

Anubis (Anapa, Anom, Anup) - one of the main gods of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, was depicted as a man with black skin and the head of a jackal, guarding the entrance to the lower kingdom of the dead. The son of Osiris and Nephthys (according to other versions, the mother of Anubis is Hesat or).
The symbolism of the god Anubis emphasized mystical horror ordinary person during jackal raids on cemeteries and burials of ancient Egyptians.

Functions of Anubis

  • He is the patron of the kingdom of the dead - Duat (a guide to the kingdom of the dead);
  • One of the 42 judges in the chamber of Siut, where the gods, after the death of a person, decided to send his soul to the fields of Ialu (fields of Reeds - a place of bliss in Egyptian mythology, fields of grace) or to go back to earth. He presides over the weighing of the deceased's "Eb" heart at trial along with . In accordance with his duties, Anubis was also called Anubis-Sub - the judge of the gods.
  • He patronized magic and had the ability to predict the future.
  • Embalming and subsequent mummification of the body of the deceased. With the help of his power, Anubis transforms or separates the good embodiment of the soul “Ah” in the afterlife.
  • Punishes sinners in the hell of the Afterlife.
  • Responsible for karma, wisdom and rewards (positive and negative). Determines the duration of the soul's stay on Earth.

It was believed that part of the functions, namely primary embalming and mummification with the body of the deceased, was performed by the priest, who wore a jackal mask, thus indicating the influence of the god Anubis in this process.
Currently, Anubis is the patron saint of psychologists, psychotherapists and anesthesiologists. It is believed that he is able to help a person return or correct his past, to expose what has long been lost in him. Helps find a way out of difficult situations.
Of all the gods of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, in addition to Anubis with the head of a jackal, Khontamenti, the god of Abydoss, and Upuaut, the god of Assiut, were also depicted in the guise of a dog.
Anubis is identified with the dog Cerberus from Greek mythology(guard to the kingdom of the dead), as well as Hermes Psychopomp (guide of souls to Hades).

Anubis Titles: Neb-Ta-Djeser - “lord of the sacred land”; Tepi-Ju-Ef - “he who is on his hill”; Khenti-Seh-Necher - “the first of the divine canopy”; the already mentioned Anubis-Sab - “judge of the gods.”
Other titles: "Lord of the Bau"; “who announces the orders of Osiris”; "knower of secrets"

Cult of Anubis

Prayers to Anubis were found on the walls of the tombs of nobles of the Old Kingdom. The god gained particular popularity during the New Kingdom and Late Times; his images appear on tomb paintings and vignettes for the text of the Book of the Dead.
He flourished in the cities of Upper and Lower Egypt, especially in Assiut and Kinopol, where he was identified with Upuat. Belief in a jackal-headed god is also present in Coptic songs, and in the Cairo Museum there is an icon depicting two saints with the heads of jackals.

Channel of God Anubis is a way of spiritual and energetic communication with him. What does the channel of the god Anubis give to the practitioner:
  1. The ability to travel into the past;
  2. Areas of his assistance: business, trade, completion of affairs, love and relationships;
  3. Immerse yourself in your own memory bank, as well as in the layers of the planet’s information memory (a journey into the past);
  4. He is also capable of transporting a person to any place in the present through the astral or mental body;
  5. Helps to enter other energy-informational subtle planes (astral, possibly mental);
  6. Helps to work through a person’s blocks, fears, and karma;
  7. Gives a feeling of calm and balance;
  8. Using its energy, it becomes much easier to carry out tasks and responsibilities, lightness comes.

Energy connection occurs using technology. The channel is given forever.

Real experiences of people with the Anubis channel

Today I saw green and gold colors before my eyes. At the very beginning, something kept repeating to me: “dog, dog” and the red animal before my eyes. Then it was as if I was in an Egyptian palace, surrounded by servants in white and gold robes. And I am of some enormous size in a green robe.
I felt pressure on the top of my head and for some reason in my nose, and in the end my chest was bursting with air. And it even seemed like I was floating in the sky.
At the event level, I really have last days I’m moving, I can easily keep up with what I set out to do, and the most interesting thing is that due to some events that have happened just in the last few days, I am approaching the final decision regarding my personal life. And at the same time I don’t feel anything, with a sober and cold mind.
Once Anubis offered to take me to any place I wanted in the present. I don’t know why, but I wanted to go to the house of a man with whom my personal relationship ended, but he still shows warm and deep feelings towards me. Anubis took me by the hand, although I doubted it, and led me to the door (well conditional door), it seems there was a bright corridor, and together we ended up in the garden of this man’s house (I’ve never been there). And then, to be honest, I don’t remember what happened, but we didn’t get into the house itself, because this man was on the terrace, and the two of us stood and looked at him. Naturally, this man did not see us. So, it was over the past few days that this man again began to actively show his sympathy, although before that we had seen each other periodically and he was restrained. But yesterday we met to talk, he started talking about his feelings again, but I understood that I didn’t want to be as it was before, and he wasn’t going to change anything. And in this regard, I realize that I shouldn’t flatter myself with hopes, even though the relationship ended six months ago, but all this time something still connected me with him, and after yesterday I seem to understand that this is an illusion, this there is no connection and it is not needed, it prevented me from moving on...
In general, in everyday life I noticed activity, a desire to do things, and somehow without stress, as you said, energy is added, there is no particular fatigue.

, son of the vegetation god Osiris and Nephthys, sister of Isis. Nephthys hid the newborn Anubis from her husband Set in the swamps of the Nile Delta. The mother goddess Isis found the young god and raised him.

Egyptian god Anubis

Later, when Set killed Osiris, Anubis, organizing the burial of the deceased god, wrapped his body in fabrics impregnated with a special composition, thus making the first mummy. That's why

Anubis is considered the creator of funeral rites

, patron of necropolises, and is called the god of embalming. Anubis helped preserve the body of Osiris. Anubis also helped judge the dead and accompanied the righteous to the throne of Osiris. Anubis was depicted as a wolf, jackal or wild dog, black in color (or a man with the head of a jackal or dog). Kebkhut was considered the daughter of Anubis, who poured libations in honor of the dead.

Egyptian god Anubis

Mention of Anubis in the Pyramid Texts

The earliest mention of Anubis is found in the Pyramid Texts during the Old Kingdom in the 23rd century BC, where he was associated exclusively with royal burials. Like other gods of antiquity, Anubis served various roles. The animals in which Anubis was depicted are inhabitants of the desert, that is, the lands bordering the land of the dead Duat. Anubis is strongly associated with the color black - the color of death, the underworld and night. In the Book of the Dead, Anubis is usually depicted in the scene of weighing the heart of the deceased.

With the rise of the veneration of Osiris, Anubis moved to a minor position, often associated with Upuat, another god in the form of a wolf.

In the Hellenistic era, Anubis was united by the Greeks with Hermes in the syncretic image of Hermanubis

. This god is mentioned as a magician in Roman literature. There were also references to it in the Hermetic texts until the Renaissance. Some scholars see traits of Anubis in St. Christopher and in medieval stories about cynoscephali (dog-headed people).

The center of the cult of Anubis is the city of the 17th nome of Kas

(Greek Kinopolis - “dog city”).

Everyone knows that the god Anubis has the body of a man with the head of a dog (jackal). This look has always symbolized hunting, protection, loyalty, devotion, as well as connection with those who have gone to another world. Not everyone living in this world could become his priests; only the healthiest and strongest fell into their ranks. The reason for this is that Anubis was responsible not only for death itself, but also for life. Anubis is the god of the dead and the faithful guardian of mummies.

Anubis has a human body behind the head of a dog (jackal) // Photo:

The inhabitants of ancient Egypt did not like jackals because they very often desecrated graves, tearing them apart. Hoping to put an end to this, they deified these animals. It was at that time that Anubis acquired the guise of a jackal. As a result, a belief also developed that dogs that wandered between fresh graves at night guarded the dead.

Wall paintings of Anubis depicted this god as the guardian of mummies in human form and with the head of a dog. Based on this picture, the priests who mummified the bodies put on masks in the shape of a dog’s face. These masks were also painted with red clay, because Anubis was considered a professional in the embalming industry. At the very beginning, this god was considered a guardian of mummies from evil forces. And only then, when the god of the dead named Osiris appeared, Anubis turned into his servant, who weighed the hearts of the deceased at the afterlife court.

Image of Anubis

When a noble person died, his dogs and other animals that he had were also embalmed and then mummified. The hieroglyph that denoted the god Anubis was also translated as “possessor of secrets.” This god at all times appeared in the form of an animal, which was in a mysterious box. It is believed that this box could be a container or a sarcophagus, which was intended to store the entrails of the deceased. Another possibility suggests that the god was the man behind the dog's head. And its hieroglyph could also designate the god Assiut or Abydos.

God at all times appeared in the form of an animal, which was in a mysterious box // Photo:

The god Anubis has always been depicted in paintings with a black body. This shade has never been characteristic of a living creature - a jackal living in the wild. It was characteristic of mummified flesh and was also compared to the color fertile land. Legend has it that the jackal-headed god Anubis was the son of Osiris and Nephthys. Other versions say that he was the offspring of a cat, and even a cow. It is believed that Anubis invented mummification around the time his father died. The son wanted to preserve the body as it was during life, for this purpose he washed it with sacred water, in which the power of his own daughter was concentrated.

Meaning among the people

Anubis always played the role of guard of the necropolis. It was reflected in several main guises. The first of them said that God is the ruler of the sacred lands. Another spoke of a connection with the room in which the mummification process was always carried out, as well as with the burial chamber. Another god was also popular among the population - Tepi Ju Ef. He emphasized as much as possible the importance of Anubis as the guardian of the graves and the one who hunted down intruders, watching from the hills of the desert necropolis.

Prayers were also addressed to God Anubis. Some of them are written on the walls of the tombs of noble persons Ancient Egypt. Another part was found in the pyramid texts. They indicate Anubis as the protector of the dead and the executor of the will of the god Osiris. He also fulfilled the role of the one who announced new orders.” Anubis' cult gained great popularity in the New Kingdom. God was depicted in the form of statues and next to quotes from the “Book of the Dead.” Today, everyone considers Anubis a great guide of souls who went to the kingdom of the dead, and also a god who guides a person to the throne of Osiris himself.

Prayers were addressed to God Anubis // Photo:

The Egyptians believed that Anubis was closely associated with various areas of magical art. Some texts say that he was a "lord of the bau" who could create and command armies of no aggressive or benevolent entities. Very often the name of Anubis was mentioned in protective rituals against magicians and in predictions.

The cult of the god of the world of the dead actively flourished in the cities of Upper and Lower Egypt. It was especially widespread in Assiut and Kinopol. There Anubis was equated with local god Upuatu. Over time, people living in the Mediterranean began to believe in the god Anubis. His image even influenced Coptic culture. Today in Cairo, within the walls of a museum, a certain “wolf’s eye” is kept. It is an icon with a drawing of several saints behind the heads of dogs.

One of the most mysterious ancient Egyptian gods is Anubis. He rules the kingdom of the dead and is one of its judges. When the Egyptian religion was just beginning to exist, God was perceived as a black jackal that devours the dead and guards the entrance to their kingdom.


A little later, not much remained of the original image. Anubis is the god of the kingdom of the dead in the ancient city of Siut; above him in the religion of the Egyptians there is only a god in the guise of a wolf named Upuatu, to whom the deity from the kingdom of the dead obeys. It was believed that it was Anubis who transferred the souls of the dead between worlds.

But where the deceased would end up was decided by Osiris. 42 god-judges gathered in his chamber. It was their decision that depended on whether the soul would end up in the Fields of Iala or be given up to spiritual death forever.

Libra of Anubis

The mention of this god is reflected in the Book of the Dead, compiled for the fifth and sixth dynasties of the pharaohs. One of the priests described his own stay with his wife with Anubis. The book says that he and his wife bowed their knees before the divine judges. In the chamber where the fate of the soul is decided, there are special scales, behind which stands the god of death Anubis. He places the priest's heart on the left bowl, and on the right bowl the feather of Maat - a symbol of truth, reflecting the righteousness and infallibility of human deeds.

Anubis-Sab is another Egyptian name for this god. It means "divine judge." The chronicles contain information that he had magical abilities- he could see the future. It was Anubis who was responsible for preparing the deceased for death. His duties included embalming and mummification of the body. After which he placed children around the body, each of them in their hands holding vessels with the organs of the deceased. This ritual was performed to protect the soul. When worshiping Anubis, while preparing the body, the priests wore a mask with the face of a jackal. The correct conduct of all rituals guaranteed that at night the mystical deity would protect the body of the deceased from the influence of evil spirits.

Greco-Roman faith

When the active development of the cults of Isis and Serapis began in the Roman Empire, the perception of the jackal-headed deity of Ancient Egypt changed a little. The Greeks and Romans began to consider him a servant of the supreme gods, comparing the god of the dead with Hermes. In those days it was believed that he was the patron of anesthesiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. This opinion appeared after attributing additional qualities to Anubis. It was also believed that he was able to show the right path to the lost and lead him out of the labyrinth.

Ancient Egyptian god of death

Anubis was mostly depicted with the body of a man and the head of a jackal. His main mission was to transport the soul to the afterlife. There are records that he appeared to people during the Old Kingdom, taking on the image of the Duat. According to legends, his mother was the goddess Inut.

Anubis was most worshiped in Kinopolis, the capital of the seventeenth Egyptian nome. In one of the cycles of descriptions of the gods, the patron of the dead helped Isis in search of parts of Osiris. But during the times of animistic ideas, Anubis appeared to the inhabitants in the form of a black dog.

Over time, Egyptian religion developed and Anubis changed his image. Now he was depicted as a man with the head of a dog. Kinopol became the center of death. According to Egyptologists, the spread of the cult was extremely rapid for those times. According to the inhabitants of the Ancient Kingdom, this deity was the master of the underworld, and his name was Khentiamentiu. Before the appearance of Osiris, he was the main one in the entire West. Other sources indicate that this is not his name, but the name of the place where the temple of Anubis is located. The literal translation of this word is “the very first Westerner.” But after the Egyptians began to worship Osiris, many of the functions of the Duat were transferred to the new supreme god.

New Kingdom period, XVI-XI centuries BC

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the god of the dead, the son of Osiris and Nephthys, sister of Isis. The mother hid the newborn god from Set, her legal husband, in the swamps of the Nile. He was subsequently found by Isis, the mother goddess, who raised Anubis. After some time, Set, turning into a leopard, killed Osiris, tearing his body into pieces and scattering it throughout the world.

Anubis helped Isis collect the remains of Osiris. He wrapped his father's body in a special cloth, and, according to legend, this is how the first mummy came into being. It was thanks to this myth that Anubis became the patron of necropolises and the god of embalming. Thus, the son wanted to preserve his father's body. According to legend, Anubis had a daughter, Kebkhut, who poured libations in honor of the dead.


During the Old Kingdom period from 2686 to 2181 BC, the name Anubis was written in the form of two hieroglyphs, the literal translation of which sounds like “jackal” and “peace be upon him.” After this, the name of God began to be written as “jackal on a high stand.” This designation is still used today.

History of the cult

In the period from 3100 to 2686 BC, Anubis was represented as a jackal. His images are also on the stone from the era of the reign of the first dynasty of pharaohs. Previously, people were buried in shallow pits, which were often torn apart by jackals, which may be why the Egyptians associated the god of death with this animal.

The most ancient mentions of this god are considered to be in the texts of the pyramids, where Anubis is found in explanations of the rules of burial of the pharaohs. At that time, this god was considered the most significant in the kingdom of the dead. Over time, its influence weakened, and already during the Roman era it was depicted ancient god Anubis together with the dead, whom he led by the hand.

As for the origin of this god, information also changed over time. Looking at early Egyptian mythology, one can find references to the fact that he is the son of the god Ra. The sarcophagus texts found report that Anubis is the son with the head of a cat) or Hesat (cow goddess). After some time, Nephthys began to be considered his mother, who abandoned the baby, after which her sister Isis adopted him. Many researchers believe that such a change in the pedigree of the god is nothing more than an attempt to make him part of the pedigree of the god Osiris.

When the Greeks ascended the throne, the Egyptian Anubis was crossed with Hermes and became the single god of the dead, Hermanubis, due to the similarity of their missions. In Rome this god was worshiped until the second century AD. Then mentions of it could be found in the alchemical and mystical literature of the Middle Ages and even the Renaissance. Despite the opinion of the Romans and Greeks that the Egyptian gods were too primitive and their images were unusual, it was Anubis who became part of their religion. They compared him to Sirius and revered him as a Cerberus living in the kingdom of Hades.

Religious functions

The main function of one of the Anubis was to guard the graves. It was believed that he guards the desert necropolises on the western banks of the Nile. This is evidenced by texts carved on the graves. He also engaged in embalming and mummification of corpses. Rituals were held in the burial chambers of the pharaohs, where the priests, wearing a jackal mask, performed all the necessary procedures so that at night God would protect the body from evil forces. According to legend, Anubis saved the bodies of the dead from angry forces using a red-hot iron rod.

Set, in the form of a leopard, tried to tear apart the body of Osiris, and Anubis saved him by branding the husband of his biological mother. Since then, it is believed that this is how the leopard got its spots, and the priests, when visiting the dead, wore their skins to scare away evil spirits. The Egyptian god Anubis also took the souls of the dead to the judgment of Osiris, just as the Greek Hermes brought the dead to Hades. It was he who decided whose soul was heavier on the scales. And it depended on how he weighed the soul of the deceased whether it would go to heaven or go into the mouth of the terrible monster Amat, who was a hippopotamus with lion paws and the mouth of a crocodile.

Image in art

It was Anubis who was most often depicted in the art of Ancient Egypt. At the very beginning he was presented as a black dog. It is worth noting that the shade was purely symbolic; it reflected the color of the corpse after rubbing it with soda and resin for further mummification. In addition, black reflected the color of silt in the river and was associated with fertility, foreshadowing rebirth in the world of the dead. Later, the images changed; the god of death Anubis began to be represented in the form of a man with the head of a jackal.

There was a ribbon around his body, and he held a chain in his hands. As for funerary art, he was depicted as a participant in mummification or sitting on the grave and guarding it. The most unique and unusual image of Anubis was found in the tomb of Ramesses II in the city of Abydos, where the face of the god was completely human.

Anubis - a mysterious ancient Egyptian god, patron of the kingdom of the dead, was considered one of the judges in the kingdom. In the early period of the formation of religion in Egypt, Anubis was perceived by the Egyptians as a black jackal, devouring the dead and guarding the entrance to their kingdom.

Later, in the minds of the Egyptians, the god Anubis retained only certain features of his jackal origin. As the god of the kingdom of the dead the oldest city Siuta, Anubis obeyed only the main deity of Siuta - Upuatu - a god in the guise of a wolf. Anubis was considered the guide of the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the dead. The newly arrived soul ended up in the chamber of the god Osiris, where it was resolved further fate. In Chamber 42, the god-judges made a decision whether to send the soul to the Fields of Iala or to commit a painful, irrevocable and final spiritual death.

From secret magic spells, compiled by the priests of those times for the pharaohs of the fifth and sixth dynasties, who were later included in the Book of the Dead, is seen as the creator himself of the most full version of this book - the Egyptian Ani and his wife bowed before the divine judges. In the chamber of Siut there are scales, for which Anubis is responsible. In the left pan of the scales is the heart of Ani, in the right bowl is the feather of Maat, which is a symbol of Truth, infallibility and righteousness of human actions.

Another name of the god Anubis in ancient Egyptian mythology is Anubis-Sab, translated as judge of the gods, patron of magic, and had the ability to foresee the future.

Anubis' duties included preparing the body of the deceased for embalming followed by mummification. It was believed that Anubis transformed the deceased into AH with the help of magic. Anubis placed children around the deceased in the funeral tomb, each of whom gave a vessel with internal organs deceased for the purpose of protection. When performing the ritual of embalming a body, the Egyptian priest wore a jackal mask, thereby acting as Anubis. It was believed that at night Anubis guarded the bodies of the embalmed Egyptians from evil forces.

With the development of the Egyptian cults of Serapis and Isis in the Roman Empire, the Greco-Romans began to perceive Anubis as a servant and companion of these gods. The Romans compared Anubis to the god Hermes, whose nickname was Psychopomp.

Anubis is also the patron saint of anesthesiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. It is believed that Anubis can provide assistance to a person in finding something lost or missing. Anubis was called the Opener of the Way; a person who cannot find the right path in some labyrinth can ask him for help.

Ancient Egyptian god Anubis

Anubis- the god of Ancient Egypt, who was depicted with the head of a jackal and a human body, a guide to the afterlife. During the Old Kingdom, he appeared to people in the form of the god Duat. In ancient Egyptian mythology, he is the son of the goddess Nephthys. Spouse Anubis the goddess Inut was considered.

Most widely Anubis revered in the capital of the 17th Egyptian nome - the city of Kinopol. The Osiris Cycle describes how he helped Isis search for the parts of Osiris scattered across the earth.

During the period of animistic ideas Anubis was a black dog. Starting from a certain period of development of the Egyptian religion in Ancient Egypt, Anubis began to be depicted as a man with a dog's head, while all the functions of God were preserved. The city of Kinopol has always been a center of worship to Anubis. Egyptologists claim that in the early period the cult Anubis spread with incredible speed. In the Ancient Kingdom, the god Anubis was the master of the underworld and was called Khentiamentiu. In addition, before the cult of Osiris appeared in Egypt, he was the main god of the entire West. According to some books Khentiamentiu was the name of the location of some temple in which a given god was worshiped.

According to one of the translations, this epithet was “The very first Westerner.” After the heyday of the cult of Osiris as the supreme god, the epithet of the king of the Duat and certain functions Anubis move on to Osiris himself. Myself Anubis became a guide of the dead through the region of the Duat, through which the soul had to pass to the judgment of Osiris.

One of the sections of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is given on the Papyrus of Ani, describes in detail the Egyptians' ideas about the afterlife. This section was written around the time of the 18th Dynasty. One of the chapters gives a description of the Great Judgment of Osiris, at which the god Anubis placed the heart of the deceased on the Weight of Truth. The heart was placed in the left bowl, and the feather of the Egyptian goddess Maat, which was supposed to symbolize truth, was placed in the right bowl.

While researching Egyptian mythology. starting with historians Ancient Greece and ending with modern historians, some ideas about the situation have formed Anubis in the Egyptian pantheon. Anubis was the god of the Duat, and until the very end of the Old Kingdom period he was its king and judge of the dead. Subsequently, his functions pass to Osiris, and he himself becomes the deity of funerary mysteries and necropolises. At the Judgment he helps Osiris judge the dead.

Bronze, New Kingdom period, 16th-11th centuries BC

Anubis, in Egyptian mythology, the god and patron of the dead, the son of the god of vegetation Osiris and Nephthys, sister of Isis. Nephthys hid the newborn Anubis from her husband Set in the swamps of the Nile Delta. The mother goddess Isis found the young god and raised him.

Later, when Set killed Osiris, Anubis, organizing the burial of the deceased god, wrapped his body in fabrics impregnated with a special composition, thus making the first mummy. Therefore, Anubis is considered the creator of funeral rites, the patron of necropolises, and is called the god of embalming. Anubis helped preserve the body of Osiris. Anubis also helped judge the dead and accompanied the righteous to the throne of Osiris. Anubis was depicted as a wolf, jackal or wild dog Sab, black in color. Kebkhut was considered the daughter of Anubis, who poured libations in honor of the dead.

Rite of Anubis. The god Anubis removes the heart of the deceased to weigh it at the court of Osiris. Painting from the tomb of Sennejem, 13th century BC

The earliest mention of Anubis is found in the Pyramid Texts during the Old Kingdom in the 23rd century BC, where he was associated exclusively with royal burials.

In the Hellenistic era, Anubis was united by the Greeks with Hermes in the syncretic image of Hermanubis. This god is mentioned as a magician in Roman literature. There were also references to it in the Hermetic texts until the Renaissance. Some scholars see traits of Anubis in St. Christopher and in medieval stories about Cynoscephali.

Anubis- patron of the dead, in Egyptian mythology the son of the god Osiris and Nephthys. At birth, Nephthys hid Anubis from her husband Seth in the swamps of the Nile Delta. Isis found the young god and raised him as her own. Later, when Set killed the god Osiris, his son Anubis conducted the burial of the deceased god. He wrapped his body in fabrics that were impregnated with a special composition, and that’s how the first mummy appeared. That is why the god Anubis began to be considered the creator of funeral rites and began to be called the god of embalming. Anubis also helped judge the dead, and accompanied the righteous to the throne of Osiris. Anubis was depicted as a wild dog or black jackal.

Illegitimate son of Osiris and god of embalming

According to the myths of Ancient Egypt. recorded by Plutarch, Anubis was born from the connection of the goddess Nephthys with the god Osiris. Nephthys hid the newborn Anubis from her husband Set in the swamps of the Nile Delta. Her sister, the goddess Isis. found the young god and raised him.

Anubis helped Isis collect parts of the body of Osiris, her husband, after the treacherous Set killed Osiris and scattered his body throughout Egypt. Anubis, organizing the burial of the deceased god, wrapped his body in fabrics impregnated with a special composition, thus making the first mummy. Therefore, Anubis is considered the creator of funeral rites and is called the god of embalming. He had the function of preparing the body of the deceased for embalming and turning it into a mummy.

Also, thanks to the magical actions of Anubis, the deceased turned into an ah, coming to life for further life in the afterlife. Anubis is the conductor of the soul of the deceased in the kingdom of the dead, introduces it into the hall of two truths, where it is judged, and as the “Guardian of Divine Justice” weighs the heart of the deceased on the Scales of truth.

Anubis placed around the deceased in the burial chamber of Amset. Hapi, Kebeksenuf and Duamutef and gave each a canopic jar with the entrails of the deceased for their protection.


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